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A single microphone noise reduction algorithm based

on the detection and
reconstruction of
Cite this article: Lee T, Theunissen F. 2015 A
spectro-temporal features
single microphone noise reduction algorithm Tyler Lee1,2 and Frédéric Theunissen1,3
based on the detection and reconstruction of
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spectro-temporal features. Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 1 Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, 2 Redwood Center for

20150309. Theoretical Neuroscience, and 3 Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received: 8 May 2015

Animals throughout the animal kingdom excel
Accepted: 13 November 2015 at extracting individual sounds from competing
background sounds, yet current state-of-the-art signal
processing algorithms struggle to process speech
Subject Areas: in the presence of even modest background noise.
acoustics, computational biology Recent psychophysical experiments in humans and
electrophysiological recordings in animal models
Keywords: suggest that the brain is adapted to process sounds
single microphone noise reduction, speech within the restricted domain of spectro-temporal
enhancement, spectro-temporal features, modulations found in natural sounds. Here, we
describe a novel single microphone noise reduction
signal processing
algorithm called spectro-temporal detection–
reconstruction (STDR) that relies on an artificial neural
Author for correspondence: network trained to detect, extract and reconstruct the
Frédéric Theunissen spectro-temporal features found in speech. STDR
e-mail: can significantly reduce the level of the background
noise while preserving the foreground speech quality
and improving estimates of speech intelligibility.
In addition, by leveraging the strong temporal
correlations present in speech, the STDR algorithm
can also operate on predictions of upcoming speech
features, retaining similar performance levels while
minimizing inherent throughput delays. STDR
performs better than a competing state-of-the-art
algorithm for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios
and has the potential for real-time applications such
as hearing aids and automatic speech recognition.

Electronic supplementary material is available

at or
1. Introduction
via Humans, as social beings, rely heavily on spoken
language for communication. The fluctuations in air

2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
pressure through which speech is transmitted, however, are regularly corrupted by a variety of
sounds from other sources, including the bustling noises of a crowded street, the ambient whoosh
of wind in an open field or the speech babbles of other individuals at a social gathering. Human Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

brains, and, indeed, the brains of many other species [1], are adept at extracting an individual
sound source from these complex mixtures. How the brain performs this task remains poorly
understood, yet a solution to this problem is critical to many important applications. Individuals
with hearing aids struggle to understand speech in crowded spaces [2]; the optimal amplification
and processing in quiet environments are often detrimental to the listening experience in
noisy environments [3]. Similarly, artificial speech recognition systems, such as those used in
smartphones, often fail in relatively low levels of background noise [4]. These difficulties have led
to great interest in the field of noise reduction from auditory scientists and engineers. Although
spatial cues can be used to facilitate the separation of speech in noise [5], we will be focusing
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on algorithms that record sound from a single location: single microphone noise reduction
(SMNR) algorithms.
Recent work in auditory neurophysiology has shed light on how the brain parses sounds in
noise. To parse the auditory scene, the brain must analyse incoming sounds in a feature space
that reliably separates the particular sound of interest from the current background noise. One
way that this is performed is by preferentially encoding behaviourally relevant sounds. This class
of sounds, often broadly declared ‘natural sounds’, lies in a particular subspace of all possible
sounds [6]. Indeed, there is a good deal of evidence showing that natural sounds activate neurons
most strongly, especially in higher regions of the auditory system (reviewed in [7]). In an attempt
to understand the relevant feature space for these higher-level neurons, many researchers have
looked to reverse correlation and other methods to build encoding models capable of predicting
a neuron’s response from an incoming sound [8–11]. Studies using these models have shown that
the spectro-temporal modulations can account for large fractions of the sound-induced responses
of neurons in many regions of the auditory system [9] (reviewed in [7]). This body of work
has demonstrated that the set of spectro-temporal modulations that neurons detect is also not
uniformly distributed throughout the entire space but instead lies in a subspace that lends an
efficient encoding of behaviourally relevant sounds [12–14].
Extrapolating these results to the problem of analysing sound in noise leads to the postulate
that when the brain is presented with a behaviourally relevant sound (e.g. a communication
signal) in background noise, the preferential encoding of the behaviourally relevant sound leads
to an underrepresentation of noise: a noise reduction. There is some evidence to believe this is
the case. For example, a study by Moore et al. [15] showed that neurons sensitive to fast spectral
modulations and slow temporal modulations responded to bird song presented in noise with
greater levels of noise robustness. Other work builds on this preferential encoding hypothesis, but
prescribes more important roles for nonlinear processing (e.g. neural adaptation) and attentional
feedback [16–20].
Parallel work studying the relevant feature space to predict speech intelligibility has
shown the importance of both temporal and spectro-temporal modulations. Degradation of
the slow temporal modulations present in speech is known to correlate with a loss in speech
intelligibility [21,22]. Other studies indicate that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the spectro-
temporal modulation domain correlates strongly with the intelligibility of speech in a wide
range of situations [23]. More specifically, the low-pass region of spectro-temporal modulations
below 7.75 Hz (temporal) and 3.75 cycles per kHz (spectral) seems particularly important for
speech intelligibility [24]. While some research has called into question the role of cross-frequency
integration, or the ‘spectro’ of spectro-temporal modulations, it seems clear that the modulation
space is a good candidate for the analysis of noisy and corrupted speech [25].
In addition, neural sensory systems are affected by top-down processes either in the form
of attentive mechanisms or expectations. For example, neural processing of speech in auditory
cortical areas has been shown to be selective for the attended speech stream [17]. Expecting
linguistic information also changes the properties of neural responses to degraded speech in
lower cortical areas [26,27]. Both attention and expectation rely on high-order statistical structure
in the speech stream that can be used to make predictions about future sounds and in this manner
facilitate the computations needed for detection and interpretation.
Here, we introduce an algorithm that performs SMNR, extracting speech from background Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

noise by simultaneously learning a spectro-temporal feature space in which to project noisy
speech, applying a static nonlinearity, and then decoding jointly time-frequency gains that modify
the noisy speech to produce a clean speech estimate. This algorithm outperforms a standard
optimal noise reduction scheme, the Ephraim–Malah (EM) algorithm [28] with a minimum
statistics noise estimator [29,30], across multiple measures of sound quality and intelligibility.
Furthermore, we explore the role that predicting upcoming spectro-temporal features can play in
producing a system with strong noise reduction and minimal throughput delay.
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2. Methods
(a) Stimuli
We trained our algorithm on clean speech recordings of the hearing-in-noise test (HINT) sentence
corpus embedded in multiple noise types [31,32]. All stimuli were single channel, sampled at
16 kHz and band-limited between 25 Hz and 7.5 kHz, with durations averaging 1.9 s, ranging
from 0.8 to 7.3 s. The algorithm was trained in multiple noise conditions. We first describe results
on training sets with 100 stimuli from a single noise type: speech-shaped noise and babble noise.
We then describe results on a training set with 280 stimuli from seven different noise types:
speech-shaped noise, babble noise and all five noise types from the QUT database [33]. Testing
was done either on held-out stimuli from the same noise types used in training, or on a separate
dataset using 12 noise types: 10 gathered from, along with white noise and
pink noise. Training was done using sentences from either one speaker or 16 speakers at 0 dB SNR.
A detailed description of each stimulus set is provided in the electronic supplementary material,

(b) Spectro-temporal detection–reconstruction noise reduction algorithm

The goal of any noise reduction scheme is to take a noisy signal, x(t) = s(t) + n(t) (e.g. an individual
speaker in a crowded room) and isolate, as well as possible, the sound components corresponding
to the clean signal, s(t) (e.g. the individual speaker) from the noise, n(t). This is commonly done by
first applying a collection of bandpass filters to the noisy signal to produce a set of narrowband
channels, y(f , t). Then, each narrowband signal is scaled by an estimated gain factor, ĝ(f , t) that is
proportional to the SNR of the channel. Finally, these scaled signals are summed to produce an
estimate of the clean signal, ŝ(t), 
ŝ(t) y(f , t)ĝ(f , t).

This scheme is often called an analysis–synthesis design and has been used successfully for
decades in many SMNR algorithms [34–36]. Where these algorithms differ is in the method
of estimating signal-to-noise and the functional form of the gains. Here, we use an artificial
neural network that attempts to analyse the spectro-temporal modulations present in the
noisy signal (detection stage) to estimate the optimal time-varying gains (reconstruction stage;
figure 1). Both detection and reconstruction stages are inspired by auditory, and more generally
sensory, computations performed by the brain. This novel network architecture provides explicit
representation of the joint spectro-temporal structure present in both the noisy signal and the
time-varying gains.

(i) Analysis and spectrogram computation

To compute the narrowband signals, y(f , t), we created a filterbank with 223 bandpass Gaussian-
shaped filters with centre frequencies linearly spaced between 25 Hz and 7.5 kHz and bandwidths

frequency filtering

time-varying gain Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309


log spectrogram artificial neurons gains

detection reconstruction
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Figure 1. The spectro-temporal detection–reconstruction (STDR) algorithm is composed of two chains: the analysis–synthesis
chain and the gain estimation chain (see Methods). Top row: a noisy signal waveform is first bandpass filtered into a set of
narrowband channels. Each narrowband channel is then scaled by a time-varying gain, found in the gain estimation chain. The
scaled channels are then summed to create an estimate of the original clean signal. Bottom row: the gains are produced using
an artificial neural network. Each unit in the network is characterized by a spectro-temporal detection kernel (i.e. its receptive
field) that determines its output given the spectrogram of a segment of noisy signal, and a gain reconstruction kernel that it
uses to generate time-varying gains for estimating the denoised signal.

of 32 Hz each, corresponding to a time-domain Gaussian window with a 5 ms bandwidth.

We computed the analytic signal from each narrowband signal and extracted the envelope.
A Gaussian-shaped frequency filter with standard deviation of 32 Hz effectively limits the
bandwidth of each channel’s amplitude envelope below 192 Hz (6 × 32 Hz, because 6 standard
deviations accounts for approx. 99.8% of the density of the window) [37]. Each channel’s envelope
was then extracted by computing the analytic signal and then downsampled to 1 kHz, producing
a spectrogram Xlin (f , t). The spectrogram was then log transformed with a floor value set at
−80 or −50 dB from the maximum power. Results were very similar for both floor values
except for the babble noise where performance was slightly but consistently better at −50 dB.
Finally, we subtracted the mean log spectrogram value for each frequency band before all later
processing stages. This time-frequency analysis is qualitatively similar to the analysis performed
by the cochlea, which is often modelled using a set of bandpass filters, followed by a half-wave
rectification, low-pass filtering and adaptive gain control [38]. This complete preprocessing was
applied to each individual sound before being fed into the network as X(f , t).

(ii) Artificial neural network

The artificial neural network was structured as a three-layer autoencoder [39]. The input to
the network was the processed spectrogram, X(f , t). Each first layer unit operated on this
time-frequency representation using a spectro-temporal filter

 D −1
am (t) = X(f , t − τ )φm (f , τ ),
f =1 τ =0

where am (t) is the response of input unit m, φm (f , τ ) is its spectro-temporal filter and LD is its filter
duration. The activation of each input unit was scaled to have unit standard deviation to help with
optimization. This was done for each individual sentence, though the rescaling could instead be
done on the next layer’s input weight matrix, if desired. The number of units in the first layer was
detection reconstruction detection reconstruction- 5 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

past t0 future past t0 future
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Figure 2. The reconstruction kernels can be used to apply gains completely in the past, overlapping the window used in
detection (causal detection combined with acausal reconstruction), completely in a predictive mode where the detection
window is in the past and the reconstruction kernel window is in the future (causal detection followed by causal reconstruction)
or anywhere in between. This is done by shifting the delays of the reconstruction kernel window while maintaining a fixed
window duration. For acausal reconstruction, the real-time algorithm would have a minimum delay given by the extent of the
reconstruction window in the past.

chosen to be 100 and τ ranged from 0 to 99 ms, yielding a completely causal filter with 100 ms
duration. The middle layer performed a weighted linear combination of the first layer responses
followed by a pointwise threshold nonlinearity

ri (t) = max(wi · a(t) + βi , 0).

Here, ri (t) is the response unit i, wi is the ith row of the weight matrix W, a(t) is the vector of first
layer unit responses, and βi is the unit’s threshold. The number of units in the middle layer was
set to 80. The final layer performed a simple weighted linear combination of the middle layer’s
on (t) = vn · r(t),

where, again, on (t) is the unit response and vn is the nth row of the weight matrix V. The
time-varying gains were then reconstructed from the final layer activities by convolving with
a spectro-temporal gain reconstruction kernel and summing across all units. Lastly, we applied a
sigmoid function to the gain, bounding it between 0 and 1.
⎛ ⎞
 τ0 +L
 R −1

ĝ(f , t) = σ ⎝γf + on (t − τ )ψn (f , τ )⎠

n τ =τ0

Here, σ is a sigmoid function (here the logistic function), γf is a bias term for frequency band f ,
ψn (f , τ ) is the spectro-temporal gain reconstruction filter for unit n, and LR is the duration of the
reconstruction filters. Although it is not required, the parameters of the final layer were taken
to be the same as those chosen for the first layer: the number of units was set to 100, and the
duration of the filters was 100 ms. In contrast to the first layer, however, we explored several
different ranges for τ , beginning with the completely acausal regime of −99 to 0 ms where the
reconstructed gains are entirely in the past, and sliding the window to the completely predictive
regime of 0–99 ms where the reconstructed gains are entirely in the future (figure 2). Also note that
it is a common practice to set the minimum asymptotic value of the sigmoid to some small, non-
zero value: g = gmin + (1 − gmin ) · ĝ. While we found that this subjectively offers some benefits,
we have kept this value at zero for sake of clarity. The number of units in each layer was chosen
such that an increase provided no further qualitative benefit. The duration of the filters was varied
symmetrically from 10 to 200 ms, and 100 ms was chosen as the value that provided the best
overall performance for all noise types, though the differences were small.
To understand how the network processed the signals, we found it helpful to break down the
computations into two functional phases: a detection phase, corresponding to the first and second
layers, and a gain reconstruction phase, corresponding to the second and third layers (figure 1). In Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

this view, each unit in the middle layer can be said to perform a spectro-temporal feature detection
on the input using it ‘spectro-temporal detection kernel’, defined as

Di (f , τ ) = Wi,m φm (f , τ ).

These filters are commonly called spectro-temporal receptive fields (STRFs) by auditory
neurophysiologists and have been shown to effectively represent speech [40]. We will use this
nomenclature here when appropriate. Similarly, each unit in the middle layer makes its own
contribution to the estimated gains using its ‘gain reconstruction kernel’, defined as
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Ri (f , τ ) = Vn,i ψn (f , τ ).

For this reason, we call our algorithm the spectro-temporal detection–reconstruction (STDR)

(iii) Optimization
The spectro-temporal filters of the first and third layers were learned using principal components
analysis (PCA) on separate examples of clean speech and noise. PCA was performed on sections
of spectrogram taken by sliding a 100 ms rectangular window with a stride of 50% of the window
duration. We used a total of 100 principal components, 50 from clean speech and 50 from noise.
Optimizations were performed on a training set of 100 examples, for speech-shaped noise and
babble noise, or 280 examples, for seven noise type training, of signal in background noise, each
less than 5 s in duration and where ground truth signal and noise were known. All performance
metrics, described in the next section, were computed on a held-out set of noisy stimuli not seen
during training. The weight matrices, W and V, unit biases, βi , and frequency band biases, γf ,
were all updated in order to minimize the mean squared error between the estimated gains, ĝ and
the optimal gains, g̃ computed as

E= (g̃(f , t) − ĝ(f , t))2
t=1 f =1

|Slin (f , t)|
g̃(f , t) = .
|Xlin (f , t)|
Here, g̃ is the optimal time-frequency gain that maps the linear noisy spectrogram Xlin (i.e. pre-
logarithm) to the linear clean spectrogram Slin . T is the total number of time points. Parameters
were updated using gradient descent and optimization ceased when the error had increased for
five consecutive iterations on a held-out portion of 10% of the training data. All filter weights were
initialized to small, uniform random values centred on zero. The range for the weights was
chosen using the ‘normalized initialization’ heuristic from [41], which has been shown to alleviate
discrepancies in learning between layers and to perform well in simulations with deep networks.
The biases were all initialized to zero. Only one random initialization was done, as multiple
randomizations produced qualitatively similar results.

(c) Performance metrics

We assessed the performance of our algorithm using objective measures of sound quality and
speech intelligibility. Sound quality was quantified using three composite ratings as proposed
by Hu & Loizou [42]. These three ratings predict the subjective evaluations of normal hearing
listeners for the speech distortion, background noise intrusiveness and overall quality of a
processed sound. These three ratings are obtained, in turn, from linear combinations of four other
objective measures: the segmental SNR [43], the weighted spectral slope [44], the log likelihood
ratio [45] and the perceptual estimate of sound quality [46]. The three ratings showed correlations
of 0.73, 0.64 and 0.73 between objective and subjective quality judgements along each of the Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

corresponding three dimensions (speech, background and overall). Code for the algorithms was
downloaded from
To gauge speech intelligibility, we used the short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) rating,
which measures the similarity between time-frequency representations of the clean speech and
the processed noisy speech [47]. This measure was shown to significantly correlate with subjective
reports of speech intelligibility, with a correlation coefficient of 0.92 for speech processed using
SMNR techniques. Code for STOI was downloaded from
To determine if the performance of our STDR algorithm was significantly better than either the
unfiltered noisy signal or a comparison algorithm (the EM algorithm), we used a linear mixed-
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effects model. Both the comparison algorithm and the mixed-effects model are described in more
detail in the electronic supplementary material, Methods.

(d) Normalized performance

Normalized performance values shown in figures 5 and 7 were computed as
Palg − Punfilt
NPalg = 100 × .
Popt − Punfilt
Here, Palg is the performance of a particular algorithm, Punfilt is the metric computed on the
noisy speech signal and Popt is the optimal performance using time-frequency gains, g̃(f , t) Thus,
the normalized performance of the unfiltered noisy speech is set to 0, the optimal performance
is set to 100 and a specific algorithm’s performance is the percentage of improvement over the
unfiltered noisy speech on any particular metric that the algorithm could hope to achieve.

3. Results
As described in the Methods, we developed a novel algorithm for SMNR called STDR. STDR
relies on the detection of spectro-temporal features that are useful for separating signal from noise
and uses those detections to adjust time-varying gains on each frequency band in a predictive
manner. In the Results section, we further describe how the algorithm works by examining the
role of its components in specific speech-in-noise situations and compare its performance to the
EM algorithm.

(a) Role of individual detection and gain reconstruction filters

As we will further describe below, our algorithm showed improvements on most of the metrics
we tested across a wide range of input SNR when compared with both the unfiltered sound and
the sound processed by the EM algorithm. STDR achieves this feat by detecting characteristic
structure in both the signal and the noise and attempting to maintain high gains in signal-heavy
regions of the time-frequency plane and to decrease the gains in noise-heavy regions. This ‘push–
pull’ action manifests in learned detection and reconstruction gain filters that can clearly be
interpreted as signal-selective and noise-suppressive units. Figure 3 shows four example units
trained on speech from a single speaker embedded in babble noise. The first unit (figure 3c)
functions primarily to suppress noise. The detection filter is strongly inhibited by the broadband
onsets and more sustained energy in high frequencies that are characteristic of isolated speech.
When the unit is not inhibited, it yields a broadband negative gain suppressing sound. The
other three units select for specific speech features, with sparse activations that are non-zero only
when their particular feature is present in the stimulus. The filter of the second unit (figure 3d)
detects short bursts of high-frequency power often associated with fricatives in speech. The
reconstruction gain is almost a perfect match to the detection filter boosting those specific sections
(a) 0

freq. (kHz)
2 −33 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309


1 2
(b) 0

freq. (kHz)
2 −33
1 2


freq. (kHz)

−99 0 1 2

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freq. (kHz)

6 6
4 4 0.5
2 2
−99 0 1 2
time (ms)

freq. (kHz)


−99 0 1 2

freq. (kHz)

6 6
4 4 0.5
2 2
−99 0 1 2
time (ms)

freq. (kHz)


−99 0 1 2

freq. (kHz)

6 6
4 4 0.5
2 2
−99 0 1 2
time (ms)
freq. (kHz)


−99 0 1 2

freq. (kHz)

6 6
4 4 0.5
2 2
−99 0 1 2
time (ms) time (s)

Figure 3. Individual units in the network detect and reconstruct different types of spectro-temporal features. (a) A spectrogram
of the sentence ‘The teapot was very hot’. (b) A spectrogram of the sentence from (a) added to babble noise at 0 dB SNR.
(c–f ) Example responses from four individual units showing, for each, its detection filter (top left), its thresholded activation in
response to the spectrogram in (b) (top right), its gain reconstruction filter (bottom left), and the resulting reconstructed gains
(bottom right). For the filters and reconstructed gains, blue represents a decrease in gain value, whereas orange represents an
increase in gain value. (c) This unit predominately lowers the gain on noisy periods and is strongly inhibited by the broadband
onsets of speech. (d) This unit detects power and reconstructs gains in the mid-range frequencies with additional selectivity for
specific harmonic structure. (e) This unit detects sharp onsets in the high frequencies, a feature present only in the consonants
of the foreground speech. (f ) This unit shows strong selectivity for the specific harmonics of the trained speaker.

of the speech signal. The filter of the third unit (figure 3e) detects coarse power in the mid-
frequencies with some harmonic structure. The filter of the fourth unit (figure 3f ) is highly specific,
responding selectively to the harmonic structure of the trained speaker’s voice. The detection
filters and reconstruction gain filters for all units are shown in the electronic supplementary
material, figure S1. In general, there was a consistent dichotomy between noise-suppressive and
signal-selective units with a continuum of filter types within each category. Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

(b) Performance on speech in speech-shaped noise
By using an array of individual units with different feature selectivity learned from a
representative dataset, the algorithm is able to produce accurate reconstructions to novel noisy
stimuli. We tested the performance of our algorithm using sentences from the HINT embedded in
two types of background noise: speech-shaped noise and babble noise. The STDR algorithm was
trained on a set of 100 sentences from either one or 16 individuals, chosen randomly from a large
database of speakers, at 0 dB SNR (see electronic supplementary material, Methods). Figure 4
shows the performance of the STDR algorithm on a novel sentence from speaker 1 when trained
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on speech from one speaker (figure 4c,e) and 16 speakers (figure 4d,f ). A few features stand out
when looking at the time-frequency gains. First, it captures precisely the low-frequency harmonics
corresponding to the speaker’s pitch. This effect is much stronger when the algorithm was trained
only on the speaker shown, but is still also present when trained on 16 speakers (figure 4c,d,
inset). Second, the STDR algorithm reconstructs the slowly changing spectro-temporal contours of
stimulus power in the formants. This is evident in the dark regions in the low-to-mid frequencies.
Third, it precisely amplifies the high-frequency power found in many consonants. Because this
level of high-frequency power is transient and only present in the speech itself, it represents a very
specific cue for clean speech and is robustly detected. Lastly, the temporal structure, in general,
of the voice is very reliably detected, demonstrated by the strong onsets and offsets in gains.
Sound files for both the noisy speech and the denoised estimates can be found in the electronic
supplementary material.
To quantify the performance, we processed 15 novel sentences from each trained speaker at
seven different SNRs and then computed several objective measures of performance that have
been used in the field (see Methods). Note that the algorithm was only trained at 0 dB SNR
and that our performance quantification not only uses novel sentences, but also a range of SNR
around 0. To assess the intelligibility of the processed speech, we computed the STOI measure [47].
Our STDR algorithm showed slight but significant improvements on this measure over the
unfiltered noisy speech (0.03 (p < 10−4 ), d.f. = 207, linear mixed-effects model, see electronic
supplementary material, Method; figure 5a,b, left column). It also significantly outperformed
a standard noise reduction algorithm that uses minimum statistics noise estimation and log
minimum mean squared error optimal frequency filtering, the EM algorithm (0.05 (p < 10−4 ), see
electronic supplementary material, Methods) [28]. These benefits were seen on a large majority of
individual sentences (figure 5b, left column).
To assess the resulting quality of the processed stimulus, we computed a set of three composite
measures [42]. These measures combine multiple pre-existing objective measures to best estimate
the subjective sound quality ratings of human listeners along three axes, namely speech quality,
background noise intrusiveness and overall quality (see also Methods). The STDR algorithm
performed well, significantly improving each rating over the unfiltered stimulus (estimated
improvement of 0.54 (p < 10−4 ), 0.30 (p < 10−4 ) and 0.44 (p < 10−4 ) for signal, background and
overall, respectively). It also provided significant improvements over the EM algorithm on
all three measures (0.32 (p = 6 × 10−4 ), 0.07 (p < 10−4 ), 0.15 (p < 10−4 ); figure 5a,b, centre and
right columns show background noise intrusiveness and overall quality, respectively). The
performance increases were not just in aggregate, but were found for the vast majority of the
sentences (figure 5b, centre and right columns). The mean performance for each processing on the
complete set of eight metrics computed (STOI, three composite measures and the four component
measures they comprise) is shown in electronic supplementary material, table S1.
Performance remained high when the model was trained on 16 speakers and tested on 15
held-out sentences from each of those same 16 speakers (figure 5c,d). For the STOI ratings, the
STDR algorithm showed slight, but significant improvements over both the unfiltered speech
(0.01 (p < 10−4 ), d.f. = 3357) and the EM algorithm (0.04 (p < 10−4 )). Similarly, STDR improved
(a) clean speech (b) noisy speech
0 0 10
frequency (kHz)

frequency (kHz)
6 6

power (dB)

power (dB)
−17 −17 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

4 4

2 −33 2 −33

−50 −50

trained on 1 speaker trained on 16 speakers

(c) time-frequency gains (d) time-frequency gains
1.0 1.0
frequency (kHz)

frequency (kHz)
6 6


4 0.5 4 0.5
2 2
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0 0
(e) denoised speech (f) denoised speech
0 0
frequency (kHz)

frequency (kHz)
6 power (dB) 6

power (dB)
−17 −17
4 4

2 −33 2 −33

−50 −50
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
time (s) time (s)

Figure 4. An example of filtering by the STDR algorithm when trained on one or 16 speakers in stationary speech-shaped
noise. (a) A spectrogram of the sentence ‘School got out early today’. (b) A spectrogram of the same sentence after the addition
of speech-shaped noise at 0 dB SNR. (c) The predicted time-frequency gains generated by a model trained only on the speaker
of the sentence. (d) The predicted time-frequency gains generated by a model trained on 16 different speakers, including the
speaker of the sentence. The resulting gains in (c,d) are similar with similar coarse spectral and temporal structure. Differences
between the two are found in their finer spectral structure: the model trained with only a single speaker shows more finely
resolved harmonic structure (inset), indicating that the model is more finely tuned to the speaker’s characteristic pitches and
pitch transitions. (e,f ) The resulting estimated clean speech spectrogram obtained by applying the gains from (c) and (d),
respectively, to (b).

the composite ratings of quality over unfiltered speech (0.38 (p < 10−4 ), 0.11 (p < 10−4 ), 0.26
(p < 10−4 ), for signal, noise and overall quality, respectively) and the EM algorithm for all three
metrics (0.27 (p < 10−4 ), 0.02 (p = 5 × 10−4 ), 0.12 (p < 10−4 ), for signal, noise and overall quality,

(c) Performance on speech in babble noise

A more challenging stimulus set is shown in figure 6. Here, the sentences from the same database
were added to babble noise from the NOISEX corpus. Babble noise, being roughly equivalent to
the summation of many individual speakers, has the same long-term spectrum as clean speech,
but with spectral and temporal modulations somewhere in between individual speakers and
speech-shaped noise. Here again, the STDR algorithm extracted complex joint spectro-temporal
structure, with better resolution of individual harmonics when trained on a single speaker than
trained on 16 speakers (figure 6c,d, inset). The model trained on a single speaker also showed
greater overall levels of contrast, indicating more specificity its ability to detect the target speech.
Sound files for both the noisy speech and the denoised estimate can be found in the electronic
supplementary material.
Looking again at the entire set of 15 sentences per speaker, composite quality ratings were
significantly increased over unfiltered speech (0.61 (p < 10−4 ), 0.66 (p < 10−4 ), 0.60 (p < 10−4 ),
speech distortion, noise intrusiveness and overall quality, respectively; figure 7a,b, composite
rating of noise intrusiveness in centre column) and over the EM algorithm (0.16 (p < 10−4 ),
(a) STDR EM 11
1.0 4
4 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309



0.8 3

2 2
1 1
0.4 0 0
–9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9
input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB)

be r
R te

D bet
be er

be r

R te

R tt


D bet
D be




% improvement EM
Downloaded from on 15 March 2023

–60 50 –70 50 –80 50

–70 –80
% improvement STDR % improvement STDR % improvement STDR
1.0 4

0.8 3


2 2
1 1
0.4 0 0
–9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9
input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB)
be er

be r
R tt

R te


D be

D bet
100 100
be r

R te

D bet

% improvement EM


–100 50 –100 100 –100 100

–100 –100

% improvement STDR % improvement STDR % improvement STDR

Figure 5. The performance of the algorithm on speech in speech-shaped noise was measured using four different objective
measures (three shown). Stimuli consisted of a holdout set of 15 sentences from each speaker processed at seven different SNRs,
ranging from −9 to +9 dB SNR. Results shown in rows (a) and (b) were obtained from the algorithm trained on a single
speaker, whereas results in rows (c,d) were obtained from the algorithm trained on 16 speakers. The measures shown here are
the STOI rating, the composite rating of background intrusiveness, and the composite rating of overall quality (see Methods). (a)
Summary plots of the results obtained on each rating were obtained by averaging over all 15 sentences per SNR. In these plots,
the lower bound of the shaded region shows the rating of the unfiltered, noisy speech and the upper bound depicts performance
using the optimal time-frequency mask (the ideal gains used as the objective during training). The two lines represent the
performance of our algorithm (marked by circles) and the EM algorithm (squares). (b) Scatter plots of the normalized ratings
(improvement in performance) obtained for each individual sentence (see Methods): the x-value corresponds to the sentence
processed by STDR, the y-value corresponds to the sentence processed by EM, and the shade corresponds to the input SNR for that
sentence. Values to the right of the y-axis indicate that processing with our algorithm improves the rating over unfiltered. Values
above the x-axis indicate that processing with EM improves the rating over unfiltered. Values to the right of y = x represent
sentences where our algorithm is superior to the EM algorithm. For each metric, the STDR algorithm performed significantly
better than both the unfiltered stimulus and the EM algorithm. (c, d) Same plots as in (a, b) but for 240 sentences from 16
speakers. The STDR algorithm improved both composite metrics over unfiltered, outperforming the EM algorithm on background
intrusiveness. The mean performance for each processing on the complete set of eight metrics computed (STOI, three composite
measures and the four component measures they comprise) is shown in electronic supplementary material, tables S1 and S2.
(Online version in colour.)
(a) clean speech (b) noisy speech
0 0
6 6

power (dB)

power (dB)
freq. (kHz)

freq. (kHz)
−17 −17 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

4 4

2 −33 2 −33

−50 −50

trained on 1 speaker trained on 16 speakers

(c) time-frequency gains (d) time-frequency gains
1.0 1.0
6 6
freq. (kHz)

freq. (kHz)

4 0.5 4 0.5
2 2
Downloaded from on 15 March 2023

0 0
(e) denoised speech (f) denoised speech
0 0
6 6
power (dB)

power (dB)
freq. (kHz)

freq. (kHz)
−17 −17
4 4

2 −33 2 −33

−50 −50
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
time (s) time (s)

Figure 6. An example of filtering by the STDR algorithm when trained on one or 16 speakers in non-stationary babble noise. The
figure layout is identical to figure 4. (a) The clean speech spectrogram for the sentence ‘The teapot was very hot’. (b) Spectrogram
for the sentence from (a) added to babble noise at 0 dB SNR. (c,d) Again, the resulting gains in both the one and eight speaker
case are very similar but the one speaker model is able to capture more precise harmonic structure (inset). (e,f ) The resulting
estimated clean speech spectrogram obtained by applying the gains from (c) and (d), respectively, to (b).

0.45 (p < 10−4 ), 0.23 (p < 10−4 )). For the composite ratings, the STDR algorithm showed larger
benefits over the EM algorithm when processing babble noise instead of speech-shaped noise.
This is due primarily to the EM algorithm showing smaller, though still significant, benefits
from processing, likely to be because of the temporal non-stationarity of the noise. Performance
gains on the STOI measure were lessened, though still significant, for the STDR algorithm (0.02
(p < 10−4 )) over both unfiltered and EM processed speech.
Performance of STDR trained on 16 speakers was generally similar (figure 7c,d), so we will
focus on the differences. In total, composite ratings of quality were elevated for all processing
types, with EM processing improving most for signal and overall quality and STDR improving
most for noise intrusiveness (−0.17 (p < 10−4 ), 0.14 (p < 10−4 ), −0.08 (p < 10−4 ), for signal, noise
and overall quality, respectively). Both processing types improved quality above unfiltered
speech, however. STOI ratings for STDR were insignificantly different than unfiltered speech
(p = 0.98), whereas the EM algorithm was significantly worse (−0.01 (p < 10−4 )).

(d) Testing performance generalization

To gauge the flexibility and generalization ability of the STDR algorithm, we trained the algorithm
on a total of 280 sentences from 16 speakers embedded in seven different noise types (five
QUT noises (see electronic supplementary material, Methods), NOISEX babble noise and speech-
shaped noise). The algorithm was then tested on novel sentences from each speaker and noise
type, as well as from 114 untrained speakers embedded in 12 different untrained noise types
gathered from (see electronic supplementary material, Methods). The STDR
algorithm, as presented here, has too few parameters to effectively handle such diverse and large
datasets. In these situations, filtering shows little improvement over unfiltered, though rarely
acts as a detriment (electronic supplementary material, figures S2 and S3). In general, STOI was
(a) 13
1.0 4
3 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309




0.6 1 1

0.4 0 0
–9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9
input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB)

be er
be r

R tte


R tt

D be
be r

D be
R tte



D be
50 ST M 50
% improvement EM
Downloaded from on 15 March 2023

–60 50 –70 70 –70 50

–60 –70
% improvement STDR % improvement STDR % improvement STDR


1.0 4
0.8 3


2 2
1 1

0.4 0 0
–9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9
input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB) input SNR (dB)

be ter

R et
D b
be r

be r
R tte


R te


D bet
D be



% improvement EM

–100 60 –100 50 –100 80

% improvement STDR % improvement STDR % improvement STDR

Figure 7. (a–d) The performance of the algorithm on speech in non-stationary babble noise was measured using four different
objective measures (three shown). The figure layout is identical to figure 5. The mean performance for each processing on the
complete set of eight metrics are shown in electronic supplementary material, tables 3 and 4. (Online version in colour.)

unaffected or slightly decreased, whereas composite measures were unaffected or significantly

improved. Specifically, six of seven noise types (all but babble noise) showed improvement on
multiple composite measures. Generalization to novel noise types and speakers was best for
stationary noises (white noise and pink noise), as well as backgrounds of birds and rainforest
sounds. Again, improvements were primarily seen for composite measures, with STOI showing
either no difference or small detriments. These findings are consistent with the differences seen
above when training on a single speaker versus 16 speakers. For single speaker instances, the
detection and reconstruction kernels can be tuned to very precise structure. Increasing the number
of speakers loses some of this precise structure but maintains much of the coarse spectro-temporal
structure characteristic of speech. By increasing the diversity of the dataset under investigation,
the set of features that can reliably distinguish speech from noise decreases. As discussed below, Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

one could increase the sensitivity to these diminishing discriminating features by increasing the
number of units (PCs) or adding intermediate layers in our network.

(e) Performance for different reconstruction delays

Speech contains strong correlations at the timescale of tens to hundreds of milliseconds. These
correlations imply that one could build an effective noise reduction algorithm with minimal
throughput delay by using mostly predictive gains. As the time-frequency gains produced by
our algorithm result from the convolution of gain reconstruction kernels with artificial unit
Downloaded from on 15 March 2023

activations, we need only adjust the time delays used for the reconstruction window. All previous
results displayed an algorithm that was entirely acausal in its reconstruction—that is the model-
detected features in the past and then attempted to produce gains for those same past time
points. The application of such an algorithm would result in a minimum time delay that would
correspond to the duration of the gain reconstruction kernel (here 100 ms). We also explored
the ability of our algorithm to function using prediction by varying the delay window. For
reconstruction kernels of 100 ms duration, entirely acausal delays correspond to a central delay
of −50 ms, whereas entirely predictive delays correspond to a central delay of +50 ms. We tested
three additional delays in the middle of these two extremes. Figure 8 shows the results of these
experiments using the same performance metrics as before. Here, we have plotted the average
performance across 15 novel sentences from a single speaker in both speech-shaped noise and
babble noise. All ratings are plotted for sentences at 0 dB SNR. The schematic labels graphically
depict the purview of the detection filters and reconstruction gain filters for each condition.
Generally, performance was best for entirely acausal delays, with gradually decreasing, though
still significantly positive, performance with more predictive delays. For both background noises,
the STOI was the measure most affected by shifting to predictive delays. For both, the two most
predictive algorithms no longer showed a benefit, with the most predictive algorithm decreasing
the rating. Conversely, STDR showed significant improvements over unprocessed stimuli for all
of the composite ratings at each set of delays used (p < 10−4 for all ratings).

4. Discussion
We developed a novel algorithm for single-microphone noise reduction that performs well on
several objective measures, across two noise types, and several SNRs and speaker counts. The
STDR algorithm functions by detecting joint spectro-temporal features present in either the
speech or the noise and using that information to selectively enhance the spectro-temporal
features of speech and reduce the spectro-temporal features of noise. The STDR algorithm can be
used acausally, providing its best noise reduction at the cost of an inherent time delay. It can also
be used predictively, preserving significant noise reduction and with minimal inherent time delay.
This work builds on a large body of research in auditory science that has demonstrated
the importance of spectro-temporal modulations in the processing of speech and other natural
sounds [7]. All natural sounds reside in a restricted subspace of possible spectro-temporal
modulations [6]. The STDR algorithm operates within this subspace, finding the features that
allow it to best discriminate between the trained speech and the trained noise. These features,
not surprisingly, fall into a few well-known categories. Harmonic stacks are robust indicators
of the presence of speech and have been found by many studies to be key sparse features of
speech [48,49]. They also provide a basis for noise robust coding in higher auditory brain regions,
where selectivity for fast spectral modulations and slow temporal modulations correlates with a
neuron’s invariance to noise [15]. The slower spectro-temporal modulations present in formants
are important features for vowel discrimination [50]. They are modified during clear speech to
increase speech intelligibility [51] and are an interesting target for modern speech enhancement
(a) speech-shaped noise babble noise

0.9 0.8 Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

0.8 0.7

0.7 0.6

0.6 0.5


Downloaded from on 15 March 2023

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

4 3.5



1 1.0
−50 −30 0 30 50 −50 −30 0 30 50
reconstruction delay (ms) reconstruction delay (ms)

Figure 8. The algorithm performed well using time-frequency gains produced from reconstruction kernels with windows
ranging from entirely acausal to entirely predictive. (a) Performance using the objective measure for speech intelligibility
(STOI). Values on the x-axis correspond to the centre time delay of the reconstruction kernel window, characterizing kernels
that are entirely acausal (left), equally acausal and predictive (middle), and entirely predictive (right). Performance values
used were from stimuli processed at 0 dB SNR from the speech in speech-shaped noise dataset (left column) and the speech
in babble noise dataset (right column). As in figures 5 and 7, the baseline of the shaded region represents the rating of the
unfiltered noisy stimulus and the top edge represents the optimal performance obtained using ideal gains. (b) Same as in (a)
but for the composite noise metric. (c) Same as in (a) but for the composite overall metric. Our algorithm produced significant
improvements for all but four cases: STOI using the two most predictive sets of delays in either column. The mean performance
for each delay on the complete set of eight metrics is shown in electronic supplementary material, tables S8 and S9.

algorithms [52]. Lastly, the sharp, broadband onsets and offsets of voiceless consonants is a robust
feature. Speech-shaped noise and speech averaged across many speakers has a general dearth
of high-frequency power [53], a part of the spectrum dominated by voiceless consonants [54].
These slow spectral modulations and fast temporal modulations can be used to discriminate
speech or other animal communication signals from environmental sounds [6,12]. STRFs found
in both the avian and mammalian auditory cortex have also been shown to cluster, specializing
in the detection of slower but more harmonic sound features and faster but spectrally coarse Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

features [55–57] providing a filter bank tuned for extracting the characteristic slow and fast speech
features also found in our STDR algorithm. It has also been suggested that the frequency filters
in the mammalian auditory periphery are already optimized in this dual task of representing
the slower harmonic and more broadband transient sounds of speech [58]. Thus, the detection
filters in our STDR algorithm whose structure were originally inspired by research in auditory
neuroscience also exhibit, after learning, a distribution of modulation tuning that is akin to what
is found in the auditory system.
Our biologically inspired STDR algorithm performs better than a standard model for speech
enhancement, the EM algorithm [28], across a wide range of SNRs for each metric tested. The
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EM algorithm is one of many methods for unsupervised speech enhancement. We have chosen it
here because it is a useful and standard benchmark given its simplicity and generality. The EM
algorithm is based on reasonable assumptions about the properties of speech and noise. More
precisely, it assumes that noise is relatively stationary compared with speech. These assumptions
can be modified using carefully designed heuristics, such as automatic voice activity detection
or running noise spectrum estimates. While these methods can be quite effective given their
simplicity, they are rooted in objectives that treat each time frame as an independent sample,
omitting any explicit reference to the joint spectro-temporal structures of sound, which are known
to be important both physiologically and psychophysically, as described above. To address this
shortcoming, some unsupervised algorithms have worked in the domain of spectro-temporal
modulations, with moderate success [59,60]. However, all these approaches remain limited,
because, being unsupervised, they necessarily rely on stationary properties of relatively low-level
features of the signal and noise: a single estimate of the speech and noise in a particular feature
space (e.g. the power spectrum) is assumed to hold across time.
Many studies, including this one, have instead opted to perform supervised learning-based
speech enhancement using artificial neural networks [61–64]. Artificial neural networks are a
general class of function approximators that make very few assumptions on the nature of the
relevant statistics characterizing speech or noise. Moreover, artificial neural networks with proper
regularization to prevent over-fitting can work in a large variety of feature spaces. Recently, many
algorithms have been proposed that use neural networks to map a time-frequency representation
of noisy speech to either a representation of clean speech or a set of time-frequency gains,
as performed here. The relative merits of predicting clean speech versus time-frequency gains
remain unclear in the literature. In some studies, reconstructing the clean speech spectrogram
performed better than attempting to reconstruct the ideal ratio mask, a closely related metric to
the optimal gains used in our study [64]. However, other studies have found the opposite [65].
The argument for reconstructing a mask comes from the fact that noise reduction is an inherently
discriminative process and thus including a term representing the reconstruction of both the
noise and the speech (as is the case when computing a gain) should improve performance [66].
Independent of the type of output reconstructed (i.e. the nature of the objective function), multiple
network architectures have been proposed, with autoencoders [67], stacked autoencoders [68],
deep neural networks [62–64] and deep recurrent neural networks [69] as the most common.
Our STDR algorithm can best be described as a shallow neural network that operates on high-
level and time-dependent input and output features: our algorithm is the first to explore the role
of spectro-temporal reconstruction in producing optimal gains. Moving to the spectro-temporal
domain allows our algorithm to naturally and explicitly capture spectral changes over time, as can
be seen in figures 4 and 6 where the time-frequency gains follow the complex spectro-temporal
structure of the formants. As far as we know, this is also the first algorithm where the output units
operate explicitly on many timeframes. In contrast, existing algorithms commonly reconstruct
a single frame or time-frequency point using sound from either past frames or several frames
centred on the output. These approaches, unfortunately, leave any coding of the joint spectro-
temporal structure of the output embedded implicitly within the network; not only is such
implicit coding difficult to visualize or understand, but it will also necessarily lead to more
difficult training. It is true that with the advent of recent and more capable training algorithms,
the learning the parameters of a many-layered neural network has become possible [70]. These Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

deep networks show significant promise because of their impressive flexibility. Given a large
enough training dataset, they can be trained to generalize effectively to a large number of
untrained speakers and noise classes [64]. The STDR algorithm, as currently implemented,
showed limited generalizability and performed much better on specific tasks. However, given
the similarity between STDR and more traditional autoencoders, our algorithm can easily be
expanded to include more layers and, in doing so, could further its generalizable performance.
Deeper networks greatly expand the feature space where a model can distinguish speech from
noise by producing increasingly abstract, combination-sensitive units. In this manner, one could
combine the power of deep networks with the biologically inspired architecture of our STDR
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algorithm that relies on mid-level acoustical features known to be behaviourally relevant and
used by the brain.
Finally and importantly, our explicit representation with time extending causally (i.e. in the
future) enables us to directly explore the role that spectro-temporal predictions might play in
real-time speech enhancement. One of the challenges in constructing a real-time algorithm for
filtering based on spectro-temporal modulations is that detecting slower temporal features takes
time. To adequately detect, a 100 ms vowel from an individual speaker should conceivably
require the algorithm to buffer at least 100 ms of sound before applying gains. Yet, because
we are using spectro-temporal reconstruction kernels, we can detect predictable features and
extrapolate gains into the future. As shown in figure 8, this can be done with little degradation in
performance. This strategy is also related to many phenomena observed throughout the auditory
system. Most directly, recent work on how humans process speech from multiple simultaneous
speakers suggests that cortical oscillations entrain auditory neurons to the attended speaker.
This entrainment occurs primarily in the phase of low-frequency (less than or equal to 8 Hz)
oscillations and power of high gamma oscillations [17,71–73] and can result in the selective
representation of the attended speaker at higher levels and decreased gain on the representation
of the unattended speaker at lower levels [72]. These oscillations may represent the alignment
of high-excitability periods with predictions of upcoming auditory events [74], synchronizing
the neural response to the event. Synchronicity of neural responses is thought to be a critical
mechanism by which components of a sound are grouped into coherent auditory objects [75].
At a higher level, prediction is known to play a strong role in the intelligibility of noisy and
degraded speech. Reported levels of intelligibility for speech vary wildly depending on the size
of the potential response set (e.g. individual phonemes, digits or open-ended words) as well as
the amount of context in which a target word is embedded [76–79]. For example, increasing the
amount of context in a sentence can increase the intelligibility of the final word in the sentence by
nearly 50% [77]. More generally, predictive coding has been shown to play an essential role for
perceptual computations in many sensory modalities [80,81].
Because prediction could be a key player in real-time processing of auditory scenes, one could
also imagine further improvements to our STDR algorithm. Currently, the predictions are used
strictly to generate gains in a feedforward fashion; they provide no feedback and do not modify
the activations of the detection filters in any way. The brain, however, appears to use these
temporal predictions to modulate the activity to ongoing stimuli. This could be implemented
by applying the predicted gains immediately to the incoming stimulus and detecting features on
the modified spectrogram. Also, our algorithm relies on prediction only at the level of spectro-
temporal modulations. Owing to the modular design of the algorithm, including additional
layers of detection and prediction on more abstract features such as phoneme transitions or
even words is an intriguing possibility. Additionally, further layers would enable interactions
among the detection filters. One current drawback to the algorithm is that, when trained on a
sufficiently diverse set of voices, it will readily detect voice features in the background babble
noise, despite the intermittent nature of the background voices. A higher layer that aggregates
information across units will generally find more evidence for the foreground speaker in the
synchronized activity of the detection filters and could weed out the sporadic activation of
isolated voice features.
An additional advantage to using an algorithm optimized to the task at hand, such as the Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20150309

STDR, is that it makes no assumptions on the properties of the foreground and background.
Because many noise reduction algorithms assume that the background noise is both more
stationary and less modulated than the foreground speech, they cannot be flexibly applied to
other standard sound source separation problems. The STDR algorithm retains the potential to
be applied to situations where the intuitions about foreground and background no longer apply,
such as the separation of two competing speakers or of voice from music.
In summary, we have shown that a biologically inspired noise reduction algorithm based
on two properties found in the auditory system, the use of spectro-temporal modulation filter
banks and adaptive and predictive gains, is capable of outperforming a benchmark noise
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reduction algorithm. Moreover, it can operate with minimal delay, making it an attractive
solution for clinical or engineering applications requiring real-time processing, such as hearing
aids and automatic speech recognition. Finally, its modular structure allows for flexibility in
its use for signals and noise of different natures and its hierarchical structure will facilitate the
implementation of more abstract rules for detection and prediction.
Data accessibility. The datasets supporting this article have been uploaded to the dryad repository with
Authors’ contributions. T.L. wrote the code and performed all analyses. T.L. and F.E.T. wrote the manuscript.
Competing interests. We have no competing interests.
Funding. This work was supported by funds from the UC Discovery grant no. 13-PC-268969 and the NIDCD
grant no. DC007293.
Acknowledgements. We thank Sridhar Kalluri and Bill Woods of the Starkey Hearing Research Center for their
collaboration and many thoughtful exchanges in developing this algorithm. We also thank R. Channing
Moore, William Vinje and Akshay Rao for their work on this algorithm at various stages. Lastly, we thank
the rest of the members of our laboratory and Bruno Olshausen for many discussions over the years.

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