When You Want To Achieve An Objective
When You Want To Achieve An Objective
When You Want To Achieve An Objective
achieve it. When the WBS is not well defined, what causes it is the delay in the fulfilment
of the actions that would achieve the fulfilment of the objective. The activities are linked
to each other, and if one is not ready, the others cannot continue. They are dependent on
each other, so if they are not ready, the completion of the project will not take place,
because the entire team working on it would fall behind. If the WBS is not well defined, it
would also cause problems in the communication of the team and possibly the progress
that was made up to that moment, would be bad for not having a good organization in the
project that later they would have to change.
With the help of the WBS, identify the essential actions that can be carried out as soon as
possible. Investigate, and talk with suppliers and collaborators to offer an effective deal
for all parties where everyone commits to the new time frame. Make a new schedule with
the new periods in which the necessary actions are needed to fulfil the project objective.
If necessary, ask for help from more collaborators who can support in optimizing time in
activities that may take longer or be difficult to complete in a shorter time than planned.
You would have to talk with the client to determine a better time frame if possible.
Techniques or tools that could have been put into practice for this case is the
implementation of some clauses in the contract at the time of signing the project. This is
so that in case what is mentioned in the case happens, the team would accept the
"challenge" of doing it in less time, but the client should give an extra amount of money
that allows us to work more efficiently in less time. weather. That amount could already
be stipulated from the beginning or could be agreed upon at the time the client makes a
change in the time frame for the project. This would have worked in some way, since the
client could feel the commitment that the team has with his project and that he must
fulfill his part of respecting the agreed times to understand that it is not easy to make
changes in the planning of a team.
An analysis of the project would be done to determine the quality management of the project.
This is so that from the beginning the standards and requirements of the project are investigated
to see how compliance with them would be achieved. Specific activities that help quality control
and compliance with customer requirements, such as negative social impact or acceleration of
global warming, would be determined. Throughout the project, the progress of the project should
be monitored to record the results and keep the client informed that what he needs is being
carried out. the best possible way. To ensure the positive performance of the project and
compliance with the expectations given above
From the beginning of the project, a planning of possible risks that may occur during its
completion must be planned. Risks and response planning for these risks must be
identified so that when this occurs, the actions previously agreed by the team can be put
into practice. After this, the risks and the progress of this must be monitored so that in the
end the effectiveness that was had can be evaluated. All this so that the team is prepared
and knows how to act in the face of the uncertainty that is sometimes very common when
it comes to carrying out projects. You should talk to the provider to reach an agreement,
because as already mentioned, it is one of the main providers and a change in the price of
the services could be made so that both parties do not lose out.
Risk management in the project could have been very important to avoid this situation.
Since the work team would be better prepared and would know how to react to the
situation. Well, by having a list of possible risks, measures would be taken to support the
more careful development of the project's objectives. It could also have helped if there
was a clause in the contract specifying the final amount that would be had with all the
suppliers so that there were no changes in the middle of the project that could affect the
client's final product. This would also generate more trust with suppliers and the
possibility of working with them in the future.
One of the most notable differences between these two processes is that for the selection
of new suppliers, references must be considered that validate the trust that would be
given to the suppliers. In order to know if they would be willing to work more in the future
and to generate ties with them. In the case of the launch of a new product, market
analysis, product segmentation, marketing, among other analyzes must be carried out.
The risks that both can have is that when entering something "new" there is not
something that guarantees us 100% that it will work. It may be that something goes wrong
that has not been considered in the risk analysis, or that the budget time limit is not quite
right, etc.
These differences arise because they are two different processes, which may be related to
the final delivery of the project, but it is different. But during the process of this, strategic
decisions must be considered for the correct fulfillment of each one. Both go through
different selection processes because the time they are made does not match. Each one
requires strategic and specific analyzes that help the culmination of their processes. This
to guarantee that the final objective that you have can be fulfilled in an optimal way. In
addition to the fact that each one has a specific team to help them complete the actions
selected for each one.