Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash Items
Unrestricted and
For use other than for
immediately available for
current operations
use in the current
-For payment of operating expense
-For payment of current liabilities
-For acquisition of current assets
Cash includes money and other negotiable instrument that is payable in money and acceptable by
the bank for the deposit and immediate credit. It includes cash on hand, demand deposits and other
items that are unrestricted for use in the current operations.
1. Cash on Hand (CUTCMoBa)
2. Cash in Bank
C Change Fund
P Payroll Fund
Purchasing Fund (for purchasing of inventories)
R Revolving Fund (fund that is used for limited or specific purpose set by management)
Int Interest Fund
Pe Petty Cash Fund
Di Dividend Fund
T Travel Fund
Tax Fund
Items Remarks
Cash Measured at face value
Cash in foreign currency Should be translated to Philippine Peso using the closing
rate or sport rate at the reporting date.
Deposit in foreign bank a. Unrestricted – included as cash
b. Restricted – if material, classified separately among
noncurrent assets as receivables
Cash in closed bank / Banks in Measured at estimated realizable value and be included
bankruptcy among noncurrent assets if the among recoverable is lower
than face value.
Bank overdraft Definition: Negative balance in the cash in bank account.
Treatment: If the company is maintaining two accounts in
a. Different banks – current liabilities or may be netted
against other bank if immaterial.
b. Same bank – maybe netted against the account with
positive amount but cannot be offset against restricted
Note: An overdraft may also be netted against other account
with positive balance if it is part of cash management. [PAS
Compensating balance Definition: Compensating balance is minimum is minimum
checking or demand deposit account balance that must be
maintained in connection with a borrowing agreement
with a bank
a. Not legally restricted – part of cash
b. Legally restricted – if the account is legally restricted as
to withdrawal, check the related loan:
1) Short-term – presented as “cash held as a
compensating balance” (current receivable)
2) Long-term – presented as “cash held as a
compensating balance” (noncurrent receivable)
Note: if the problem is silent with regard to compensating
balance, it is assumed not legally restricted.