Encl 4737 22 4 09
Encl 4737 22 4 09
Encl 4737 22 4 09
S.N. Item Ist Year IInd Year IIIrd Year IVth Year Vth Year
Patch & Pot holes Rs. 38600 Rs. 38600X0.8=Rs.30880 Rs. 38600X0.6= Rs. 23160 Rs. 38600X0.4=Rs.15440 Rs. 38600X0.2=Rs. 7720
1 (Measurable) ( Repair for 1 Km.) (Repair for 0.8 Km.) ( Repair for 0.6 Km) (Repair for 0.4 Km.) (Repair for 0.2Km.)
Renewal Rs. 107325 Rs. 107325 Rs. 107325 Rs. 107325 Rs. 107325
2 (P.R. Cost for 0.2 Km.) (P.R. Cost for 0.2 Km.) (P.R. Cost for 0.2 Km.) (P.R. Cost for 0.2 Km.) (P.R. Cost for 0.2 Km.)
Total cost for Five year maintenance programe per Km. = Rs.712425
Note :
1. Assumed that the renewed asphalted length is maintained by contractor on their own cost including pot holes/patch repairs.
2. The Quantity for item of patch repair, pot holes and renewal is only for estimation purpose. Execution of those item will be done
as per site condition and direction of GM and the payment for those items will be made as per the work done actually and quantity
of patch repairs and pot holes should not be exceed to 4% per year of length of road except renewed length.
3. The estimate for filling the pot holes and patch will be patched with BUSG or MPM or WBM based on site conditions.
izi= c&I
Estimate of Periodical Renewal for PMGSY Road
(For Km. Per Year)
Periodical Renewal :-
Rate Amount
Sr. Item Description Unit Qty. (In
(In Rupees)
No. No. Rupees)
1 5.2 Tack Coat
Providing and Applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion
distributor at the rate of 0.225 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface
cleaned with Hydraulic Broom as per techinal specification Clause 503. Sqm 750.00 8.00 6000.00
1000X3.75X20%= 750 sqm
izi= c&II
Estimate of Ordinary Repair for PMGSY Road
(For Km. Per Year)
(Non Measurable)
(b) Extra rate for each row when culvert is having more than one row of pipe.
4 15.1 Restoration of Rain Cuts
(i) Restoration of rain cuts with soil, moorum gravel or a mixture of these clearing the
loose soil, benching for 300mm width laying fresh material in layers not exceeding
250mm and compaction with plate compactor or power rammer to restore the cum 20.00 117.00 2340.00
original alignment, level and slope as per drawing and technical specification
Clause 1902
Restoration of rain cuts @ 117 /- per cum (Assumption of 20 cum for Km.)
7 15.2 (A) Maintenance of Hard Shoulder (filling with fresh hard shoulder material)
Making up loss of material / irregularities on shoulders to the design level by
adding fresh approved hard shoulders material having CBR>12 and compacting it
with appropriate equimpent at OMC upto a lead of 1000m as per technical
specification Clause 1903
Assuming Maintenance of Hard Shoulder
(A) 15 cm deep depression = 5% of Surface area
2X1000X1.875x.05 = 187.5 sqm
(B) 7.5 cm deep depression = 5% of Surface area 187.5 sqm
per site
2X1000=2000m (once in a year) Rm requirme 1.05/m, 1225.00
nt L.S.
Total of Part-II (B) Non Measurable Per Km., Per Year 12000.00
izi= c&III
Estimate of Ordinary Repair for PMGSY Road
(For Km. Per Year)
(A) 50 mm thick
(i) Bitumen (S-90)
1000X3.75X1%=37.5sqm sqm 37.50 98.00 3675.00
(B) 75 mm thick
(ii) Bitumen (S-65)
1000X3.75X1%=37.5sqm sqm 37.50 116.00 4350.00
2 15.3 (iii) Maintenace ot bituminous surface road .
Repair to pot holes and removal of loose material, trimming of sides,cleaning of
surface by providing Primer coat, lack coat, 20 mm thick premix carpet material
having binder content 3.65% and seal coat type B specification Clause 1904.2 sqm 150.00 200.00 30000.00
Say 38600.00/km
Total Ordinary repair Part II (A) + Part II (B) =12000.00+38600.00 = 50600.00/ Km.