Argumentative Essay Jan Probosz
Argumentative Essay Jan Probosz
Argumentative Essay Jan Probosz
Firstly, the most convincing reason for supporting the legalization of the death
penalty is that the fear of such punishment may keep criminals away from
committing further crimes. This way we could limit the number of serious crimes.
Felonies are aware that this punishment is their very last one. It disenables them to
do a breakout or to get somebody’s back for something. Also, if somebody is
sentenced to life imprisonment, any further crimes that he is able to commit, cannot
be punished because he already has got the worse decree.
Secondly, the thing that may appear pretty logical when it comes to supporting the
death penalty is that this is the most accurate punishment for somebody, who killed
someone. If a killer takes away someone’s most precious gift, which is life, why
should he still be alive? Why shouldn’t he be punished the same way? The majority
of people agree that this is the fairest punishment, especially when it comes to serial
killers. The death penalty would place both the victim and the murderer in equal
On the other hand, we are all humans, and judges also make mistakes. If someone
that wasn’t really guilty of committing a particular crime was sentenced to death,
there would be no way to take back such a decision. Also, a situation such as judicial
murder can happen on a daily basis. Judicial murder is when a judge unfairly
sentences someone on purpose in a lawsuit. Usually, it happens in totalist countries
where the government or some higher hierarchy authority wants to get rid of
somebody who is uncomfortable.