Martinietal 2011 JGeol
Martinietal 2011 JGeol
Martinietal 2011 JGeol
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Sandstone Provenance of the Arperos Basin (Sierra de Guanajuato,
Central Mexico): Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Back-Arc
Spreading as the Foundation of the Guerrero Terrane
1. Instituto de Geologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico DF 04510, Mexico; 2. Centro de
Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro 76230, Mexico
Three paleogeographic scenarios have been proposed for the Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary successions that compose
the Guerrero terrane, western Mexico. In the type 1 scenario, the Guerrero terrane is an exotic Pacific arc accreted
to nuclear Mexico by the consumption of a pre-Cretaceous oceanic basin, named Arperos Basin. The type 2 scenario
considers the Guerrero terrane as a fringing multiarc system, accreted by the closure of pre-Cretaceous oceanic basin
substrates at multiple subduction zones with varying polarities. In the type 3 scenario, the Guerrero terrane is
interpreted as a North American west-facing para-autochthonous arc, which was drifted in the paleo-Pacific domain
by the opening of the Cretaceous back-arc oceanic Arperos Basin. To test these reconstructions, we present here a
combined study that includes geologic mapping, stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and sandstone provenance data
from the Arperos Basin in the Sierra de Guanajuato, central Mexico. Our data document that the Arperos Basin
developed in a back-arc setting and evolved from continental to open oceanic conditions from the Late Jurassic to
the Early Cretaceous. Sandstone provenance analysis shows an asymmetric distribution of the infill sources for the
Arperos Basin: continent-recycled sedimentary rocks were deposited along its northeastern side, whereas magmatic
arc-recycled clastic rocks developed at its southwestern side. Such asymmetric distribution closely fits with sedi-
mentological models proposed for present-day continent-influenced back-arc basins. On the basis of this evidence,
we favor a type 3 scenario for the Guerrero terrane, which is then considered to represent a detached slice of the
Mexican leading edge that drifted in the paleo-Pacific domain during back-arc extension and subsequently accreted
back to the Mexican craton.
The Mesozoic paleogeography and tectonic evolu- more extensive juvenile terranes of the North
tion of the western Mexican margin has been a American Cordillera.
matter of debate since the earliest reconstructions Different origins have been proposed for the
of Pangea (Bullard et al. 1965). The apparent overlap Guerrero terrane, which can be summarized in the
of the northern edge of South America with most following groups of paleogeographic reconstruc-
of southwestern Mexico encouraged many to sup- tions. Group 1 includes the allochthonous models,
port an allochthonous origin for the Jurassic-Cre- in which the Guerrero terrane is considered an ex-
taceous volcano-sedimentary successions adjacent otic intraoceanic arc proceeding from the paleo-
to the present-day Pacific Mexican margin (Campa Pacific domain (Lapierre et al. 1992; Tardy et al.
and Coney 1983; Tardy et al. 1994; Dickinson and 1994; Dickinson and Lawton 2001; fig. 1a). Here
Lawton 2001; Keppie 2004). According to Campa the accretion of the Guerrero terrane to the Mex-
and Coney (1983), these volcano-sedimentary suc- ican mainland was triggered by the subduction and
cessions compose the Guerrero terrane, one of the consumption of the oceanic Mezcalera plate (Dick-
inson and Lawton 2001), which represented the
Manuscript received December 15, 2010; accepted May 13,
basement of an extensive pre–Late Upper Creta-
* Author for correspondence; e-mail: mmartini@geologia ceous basin, named Arperos Basin by Tardy et al. (1994). In such allochthonous models, the vergence
[The Journal of Geology, 2011, volume 119, p. 597–617] 䉷 2011 by The University of Chicago.
All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2011/11906-0003$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/661989
Figure 1. Mesozoic paleogeographic reconstructions of previous authors for the Guerrero terrane (GT) and the Mex-
ican Pacific margin. In allochtonous scenarios of group 1 (a), the Guerrero terrane is an exotic intraoceanic arc
proceeding from the paleo-Pacific domain. According to these models, arc magmatism was triggered by the westward
subduction of the lithospheric substrate of a wide oceanic basin, the Arperos Basin (ApB), which was closed subse-
quently during the upper Early Cretaceous, producing the terrane accretion (b). Alternatively, in a doubly vergent
model, the substrate of the Arperos Basin was also consumed partly to the east, beneath the Mexican Pacific margin
(c). Group 2 authors inferred that the Guerrero terrane was an intraoceanic fringing multiarc system (d) developed
independently from the continental margin of North America, partly on top of the Late Triassic Potosı́ Fan. In this
case, the Arperos Basin oceanic substrate was consumed along multiple subduction boundaries, producing a complex
system of east- and west-facing arcs (Teloloapan, Arcelia, and Zihuatanejo arcs), which were subsequently accreted
to the Mexican mainland in the Late Cretaceous. Finally, group 3 authors proposed a para-autochthonous scenario
(e), in which the Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks of the Guerrero terrane developed directly on top of the Pacific leading
edge of North America. In this model, the rollback of the subducting Farallon plate produced the trenchward migration
of the magmatic front and the development of the Arperos back-arc basin. Ch p Chorti Blocks.
of the subduction of the Mezcalera plate is contro- beneath the Mexican Pacific margin (fig. 1c). In
versial: Tardy et al. (1994) originally inferred a west- spite of these differences, authors of group 1 first
ward subduction beneath the Guerrero terrane (fig. recognized the vestiges of the Arperos Basin to rep-
1b), whereas Dickinson and Lawton (2001) pro- resent the suture boundary between the Guerrero
posed a doubly vergent model, where the oceanic terrane and the Mexican craton.
lithosphere was also consumed partly to the east, Group 2 considers the Guerrero terrane as an al-
Figure 2. a, Schematic geologic map illustrating the terrane subdivision of Campa and Coney (1983), the location
of the Late Triassic Potosı́ Fan exposures, and the vestiges of the Arperos Basin across the suture between the Guerrero
terrane and the Mexican craton. G, Guerrero terrane; X, Xolapa terrane; M, Mixteco terrane; O, Oaxaca terrane; J,
Juarez terrane; SM, Sierra Madre terrane; SdG, Sierra de Guanajuato. b, Schematic geologic map of the Sierra de
Guanajuato (modified by Martı́nez-Reyes 1992), which shows the distribution of the main lithologies exposed in this
region. A and B are the mapped areas presented in detail in figure 3.
lochthonous intraoceanic multiarc system, devel- Laramide shortening (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008;
oped in the paleo-Pacific realm along distinct sub- Martini et al. 2009).
duction boundaries, fringing the Mexican craton Key to reconstructing the Mesozoic paleogeog-
(Talavera-Mendoza et al. 2007; fig. 1d). Here the raphy of western Mexico are the Late Triassic base-
intraoceanic arcs were separated from the conti- ment rocks of the Guerrero terrane, known as the
nental margin by small oceanic basins that closed Arteaga Complex (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 1993,
progressively as the oceanic lithosphere was sub- 2008; figs. 1d, 1e, 2a), that were part of a huge tur-
ducted, producing the accretion of the arcs to nu- biditic fan called the Potosı́ Fan, which crops out
clear Mexico. discontinuously from the present-day Pacific coast
Group 3 includes para-autochthonous models to Matehuala (fig. 2a). Evidence suggests that the
that interpreted the volcano-sedimentary succes- Potosı́ Fan developed at the Pacific edge of the Mex-
sions of the Guerrero terrane as a west-facing North ican craton as the result of the river valley draining
American continental arc, which experienced a an extensive portion of western equatorial Pangea
great amount of extension, resulting in trenchward during the Late Triassic (Silva-Romo et al. 2000;
arc migration during the Early Cretaceous (Lang et Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2010).
al. 1996; Cabral-Cano et al. 2000; Elı́as-Herrera et Scattered outcrops of basaltic pillow lavas and
al. 2000; Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; Martini et al. volcaniclastic turbidites are exposed at Porohui, Si-
2009). Such migration was probably controlled by erra de Guanajuato, Valle de Bravo, and Arcelia
the rollback of the eastward subducting Farallon (Tardy et al. 1994; fig. 2a). These rocks have been
plate, which triggered extension in the arc and interpreted as remnants of the Arperos Basin and
back-arc areas and the formation of an oceanic ba- thus should mark the suture boundary between the
sin (fig. 1e) that was subsequently closed during Guerrero terrane and the Mexican mainland. Con-
sidering that the Arperos Basin would play a dif- Geologic Setting of the Sierra de Guanajuato
ferent role in each paleogeographic scenario, the
study of these rocks is crucial to reconstructing the The Sierra de Guanajuato is located in central Mex-
Mesozoic tectonic evolution of western Mexico. ico, amid the cities of León, Guanajuato, and Lagos
In this article, we present a combined study that de Moreno (fig. 2). It is made up of a pile of tectonic
includes detailed mapping, stratigraphy, U-Pb geo- slivers, characterized by distinct lithostratigraphic
chronology, and sandstone provenance data from successions. On the basis of geochemical data, Lap-
the Arperos and the Esperanza areas (figs. 2b, 3) of ierre et al. (1992) and Ortı́z-Hernández et al. (1992)
the Sierra de Guanajuato Mesozoic successions, in recognized two major petrotectonic assemblages.
order to understand the tectonic settings in which The uppermost structural levels consist of an arc
these successions were deposited. With our new assemblage made up of an intrusive complex and
results, we test and discuss the available paleogeo- a cogenetic eruptive succession. The intrusive
graphic scenarios and propose an alternative recon- complex is made up of gabbro, diorite, and tonalite,
struction for the Mesozoic evolution of the Pacific locally intruded by basaltic and doleritic dike
Mexican margin. swarms, scarce wehrlite, and olivine clinopyrox-
Figure 3. Detailed geologic maps of the Arperos (a) and Esperanza (b) areas, showing the distribution of the Mesozoic
and Cenozoic stratigraphic units. Cartography was carried out through several months of fieldwork, collecting data
along all existing roads, paths, and river beds. Geologic mapping was integrated with the interpretation of Landsat
thematic mapper images and 1 : 40,000 scale aerial photos. Sample locations are shown in the maps.
enite, grading transitionally into layered clinopy- out ∼70 km to the east, in the Toliman area (Dávila-
roxene metagabbro (Lapierre et al. 1992; Ortı́z-Her- Alcocer et al. 2009), and ∼100 km to the north,
nández et al. 1992). The eruptive succession is between San Luis Potosı́ and Matehuala (Barboza-
composed of massive to pillow basalt and hyalo- Gudiño et al. 2010). These rocks are key to recon-
clastite, interbedded with volcanic breccia, radio- structing Mesozoic paleogeography of the Mexican
larian chert, arkose, arkosic graywacke, and scarce Pacific margin. Therefore, we present here a syn-
rhyo-dacitic tuff at the top of the sequence (Lapierre thesis of the available data for the Potosı́ Fan tur-
et al. 1992; Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 1992). Several bidites, since they will be used in the discussion
lines of evidence indicate that the intrusive com- to test the allochthonous versus para-autochtho-
plex and the eruptive succession are cogenetic (Lap- nous origin of the Guerrero terrane. The Potosı́ Fan
ierre et al. 1992). The Guanajuato arc assemblage is composed of low- to supra-fan turbiditic deposits
has been interpreted as an intraoceanic arc, built made up of alternating thin beds of sandstone, silt-
on oceanic crust (Lapierre et al. 1992; Tardy et al. stone, claystone, and scarce lens-shaped conglom-
1994). Scattered whole rock K-Ar ages for pillow erate strata (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2003; Barboza-
basalts range from 108 to 66 Ma, whereas gabbro, Gudiño et al. 2010). Sandstones vary from arkose
diorite, and tonalite yielded whole rock and horn- to litharenite and sublitharenite (Talavera-Men-
blende K-Ar ages that vary from 157 to 120 Ma doza et al. 2007; Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2010), as a
(Lapierre et al. 1992). result of the sedimentary fractionation. Detrital zir-
Rocks of the arc assemblage overthrust the Arp- cons from sandstones of the western Potosı́ Fan
eros Basin assemblage, which consists of the Es- yielded a distinctive signature, showing Permo-Tri-
peranza and Arperos formations. The Esperanza assic, Pan-African, and Grenvillian main age peaks
Formation was described as polydeformed meta- and subordinate Silurian-Ordovician zircon popu-
volcaniclastic rocks and limestone (Echegoyén- lations (Martini et al. 2009; Barboza-Gudiño et al.
Sánchez 1978), but no detailed stratigraphic and 2010). Fossil fauna constrain the deposition of the
petrographic description has been available. Fur- Potosı́ Fan in the Carnian-Norian time interval
thermore, its age and relation with the Arperos For- (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; Barboza-Gudiño et al.
mation were not constrained in previous works. 2010 and references therein). Rocks of the eastern
The Arperos Formation consists of pillow basalt Potosı́ Fan were folded and thrusted during the lat-
and hyaloclastite, conformably overlain by at least est Triassic–earliest Jurassic and unconformably
700 m of volcanic sandstone, shale, radiolarian overlain by Lower Jurassic continental volcano-sed-
chert, scarce conglomerate, and micritic limestone imentary rocks of the Nazas Formation (Barboza-
(Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 2003). Whole rock K-Ar Gudiño et al. 2008, 2010).
ages from pillow basalts span between 93 and 85
Ma (Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 2003). In contrast, Val-
Stratigraphy of the Arperos and Esperanza Areas
anginian-Turonian radiolaria (Dávila-Alcocer and
Martı́nez-Reyes 1987) and Tithonian-Valanginian We studied in detail the stratigraphy of two areas
nannofossils (Corona-Chávez 1988) have been re- of the southeastern Sierra de Guanajuato, the Arp-
ported from the sedimentary rocks overlying the eros and the Esperanza areas (figs. 2b, 3), in order
pillow basalts. On the basis of a geochemical com- to understand the tectonic setting in which these
parative analysis of the volcanic rocks, the Arperos successions were deposited.
Formation has been interpreted by Tardy et al. Arperos Area. The Arperos area is located in the
(1994) as the upper levels of an ophiolitic succes- southwestern Sierra de Guanajuato, between the
sion. Other authors suggested an intraoceanic hot towns of Arperos and Chichimequillas (figs. 2b, 3a).
spot origin for these rocks (fig. 1c), on the basis of Two main petrotectonic assemblages are exposed
tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams (Frey- in this area: the Arperos and El Paxtle assemblages.
dier et al. 1996; Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 2003). The Arperos assemblage and part of the El Paxtle
Rocks of the arc and Arperos Basin assemblages assemblage were previously grouped in a single un-
were folded and thrusted, partially metamorphosed differentiated Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary unit
under low-grade greenschist conditions, and un- by Martı́nez-Reyes (1992; fig. 2b). The Arperos as-
conformably covered by Aptian-Albian neritic semblage consists of the Arperos Formation (figs.
limestone of the La Perlita Formation (Chiodi et al. 3a, 4), at least 120 m of pillow basalt, hyaloclastite,
1988; Quintero-Legorreta 1992). radiolarian chert, and cherty shale overlain by
Rocks of the Potosı́ Fan are not exposed in the finely bedded and laminated turbidites. Rocks of
Sierra de Guanajuato region. However, they crop the Arperos Formation are presently arranged in a
Figure 4. Schematic columns of the petrotectonic assemblages in the studied areas, showing the contact relations,
and stratigraphic location of the samples cited in the text.
pile of imbricated kilometric-scale nappes bounded covite schist, quartz-rich arenite and wacke, to-
by mylonitic shear zones (figs. 3a, 4). Deformation nalite (some with granophyric texture), phyllite,
is locally accompanied by pervasive metamor- and mafic hypabyssal rocks (modal proportions are
phism under low-grade greenschist conditions. Less given in tables A1, A2 [available in the online edi-
deformed parts of the Arperos Formation are com- tion or from the Journal of Geology office]). Normal
posed of rhythmically alternating fine to coarse grading, ripple marks, channelized base of the
sandstone, gray to black siltstone, claystone, and strata, intraclasts, and scarce slump structures are
scarce cherty and calcareous shale. Sandstones are common in the less deformed parts of the succes-
moderately to poorly sorted arkose, lithic arkose, sion, suggesting that deposition took place as sub-
and arkosic litharenite that plot in the magmatic marine turbidites.
arc field in the QmFL, QtFL, and QLvmLsm com- The Arperos assemblage is overthrust by the El
positional diagrams (fig. 5). Sandstones are mostly Paxtle petrotectonic assemblage (figs. 3a, 4). The El
composed of subangular to subrounded clasts of Paxtle assemblage is comparable to the arc assem-
plagioclase, mono- and polycrystalline quartz, de- blage described by Lapierre et al. (1992) and consists
trital muscovite, zircon, and lithics. In order of of the El Paxtle Formation and the Tuna Manza
abundance, lithics are mafic plagioclase-phyric and intrusive complex (figs. 3a, 4). The El Paxtle For-
microlitic lava, plagioclase- and quartz-phyric to mation was previously included in the undiffer-
subaphyric felsic lava, felsite, chert, quartz-mus- entiated Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary unit by
Figure 5. QmFL (a), QtFL (b), and QpLvmLsm (c) diagrams showing the distinct composition of sandstones from
the Esperanza, Arperos, and El Paxtle assemblages. Composition and provenance of the analyzed sandstone are dis-
cussed in the text. Provenance fields are from Dickinson (1985) for a and b. Dashed-line fields in c are from Dickinson
and Suczek (1979), while solid lines are from Ingersoll and Suczek (1979). The Potosı́ Fan field is after Talavera-
Mendoza et al. (2007).
Martı́nez-Reyes (1992; fig. 2b). It is composed of at the surroundings of the Tuna Manza-El Jitomatal
least 1200 m of pillow and massive basalts, hyalo- area (fig. 3a).
clastite, basaltic tuff, fine-grained chert, volcanic Esperanza Area. The Esperanza area is located in
sandstone, and shale, which are sheared and meta- the southeasternmost part of the Sierra de Guana-
morphosed under low-grade greenschist conditions. juato, in the surroundings of the Esperanza Dam
Less deformed parts of the sedimentary rocks show (figs. 2b, 3b). In this area, we recognized two main
relics of the primary texture and composition. petrotectonic assemblages: the Esperanza and El
Sandstones are very coarse- to medium-grained, Paxtle assemblages (figs. 3b, 4). The Esperanza as-
poorly sorted lithic arkose, arkosic litharenite, and semblage consists of a volcano-sedimentary suc-
lithic wacke. In the QmFL, QtFL, and QLvmLsm cession, which we divided into two units: the Es-
diagrams, they plot in the magmatic arc field (fig. peranza and Valenciana formations (figs. 3b, 4). The
5). They differ from sandstones of the Arperos For- contact between these rocks and the Arperos as-
mation, however, in the lower content of mono- semblage is not exposed in the study areas. How-
and polycrystalline quartz. Lithics are angular frag- ever, similar to the Arperos assemblage, the Esper-
ments of mafic plagioclase-phyric and microlitic anza and Valenciana formations were affected by
lavas and chert (modal proportions are given in ta- major thrusts that produced the imbrication of kil-
bles A1, A2). Rocks of the El Paxtle Formation are ometric-scale nappes (figs. 3b, 4). The Esperanza
overthrust by the Tuna Manza intrusive complex Formation is part of the undifferentiated Mesozoic
(figs. 3a, 4). This latter is made up of diorite, com- volcano-sedimentary unit previously defined by
posed of plagioclase with normal oscillatory zoning Martı́nez-Reyes (1992; fig. 2b). It is made up of al-
⫹ green hornblende Ⳳ potassium feldspar Ⳳ quartz ternating thin beds of very fine- to coarse-grained
and accessory magnetite, pyrite, epidote, apatite, sandstone, thin-bedded siltstone, claystone, and
and zircon. The Tuna Manza intrusive complex is scarce lens-shaped conglomerate strata. Sandstones
cut by intergranular to plagioclase- and clinopy- are well-sorted quartz-rich sublitharenite, lithar-
roxene-phyric basalt and doleritic dikes. In some enite, and lithic wacke and plot in the recycled
cases, dikes present necking along their length and orogen field in the QmFL, QtFL, and QLvmLsm
lobate contacts with the host rocks, suggesting that composition diagrams (fig. 5). Sandstones are
they were partly contemporaneous. mainly composed of subrounded clasts of mono-
The Arperos and El Paxtle assemblages were in- and polycrystalline quartz. Lesser abundances of
truded by the Paleocene granitic batholith of Com- detrital muscovite, zircon, and lithics grains of
anja de Corona (Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 1992) and chert, quartzarenite, felsic intrusive rocks, felsite,
cut by a Cenozoic NE-SW normal fault, exposed in well-foliated quartzite, quartz-muscovite schist,
and phyllite were also observed (see tables A1, A2). sheared, as a result of the subsequent shortening
A 6-m-thick massive, clast-supported, poorly deformation.
sorted conglomerate interbedded in the middle part The Valenciana Formation conformably overlies
of the succession is composed of subangular clasts rhyo-dacitic lavas of the Esperanza Formation (figs.
of quartzite, finely laminated red shale, minor phyl- 3b, 4). This unit consists of finely bedded and lam-
lite, and chert. Sedimentary structures in these inated micritic limestone and shale, highly short-
rocks are obliterated by intense deformation, lo- ened and sheared. Channel-fill structures, cross-
cally accompanied by low-grade greenschist facies bedding, and lamination are locally preserved with
metamorphism. The Esperanza formation is cut by mild deformation and recrystallization. Those pri-
a swarm of felsic dikes. Peperites are common at mary structures suggest that Valenciana Formation
the margins of the dikes, suggesting that volcanism rocks were deposited as alternating calcareous and
was contemporaneous with the sedimentation of mud debris flows.
the Esperanza Formation (e.g., Skilling et al. 2002). The Esperanza and Valenciana formations are
Peperite domains are broadly parallel to the con- overthrust by the El Paxtle petrotectonic assem-
tacts of the parent intrusions. They are closed blage (figs. 3b, 4). In the Esperanza area, the El Pax-
packed (Skilling et al. 2002) at the boundaries of tle assemblage consists only of the Tuna Manza
the dikes (fig. 6) and grade to dispersal 3–4 m far intrusive complex, made up of diorite that grades
from the igneous contacts. Juvenile clasts are dom- locally into tonalite. Diorite is coarse grained, holo-
inantly blocky (Skilling et al. 2002), in some cases crystalline, and is composed of normally zoning
displaying jigsaw-fit textures (fig. 6). Bedding and plagioclase ⫹ green hornblende Ⳳ potassium feld-
lamination in the host rocks are destroyed close to spar Ⳳ quartz and accessory magnetite, pyrite, ep-
the contact with the intrusions, and millimeter- idote, apatite, and zircon. Tonalite is medium to
scale mutual injection of magma into sediment and coarse grained, locally granophyric, and is com-
vice versa is observed. posed of quartz ⫹ plagioclase ⫹ clinopyroxene and
The upper part of the Esperanza Formation con- accessory spinel, zircon, and apatite. Intrusive
sists of 250 m of plagioclase-phyric rhyolite and rocks are cut by a swarms of basaltic and doleritic
dacite lava flows interbedded with scarce volcani- dikes, which have the same composition and re-
clastic sandstone (figs. 3b, 4). Rhyolite contains lations described for the Tuna Manza intrusive
abundant xenocrysts of milky quartz and xenoliths complex in the Arperos area.
of quartzite, shale, and phyllite. The contact with The Esperanza and El Paxtle assemblages are cut
the underlying metasedimentary rocks was slightly by NW-SE and NE-SW Cenozoic normal faults that
Figure 6. Details of the peperite domains developed at the boundaries of felsic dikes intruding the Esperanza For-
mation clastic rocks.
produce a horst and graben structural pattern (fig. between 1.15 and 1.24 point to the peraluminous
3b). character of these rocks (fig. 7d), as supported by
the presence of normative corundum (2.7%–3.2%)
and by the formation of metamorphic white mica.
Trace element patterns exhibit LILE and Pb en-
In order to recognize the main compositional fea- richments over the HFSEs and fractionated REE
tures of the volcanic rocks of the study area, we patterns showing higher LREE abundances relative
carried out major and trace element analyses of two to the HREEs (fig. 7d).
samples from the El Paxtle Formation, two pillow
basalts from the Arperos Formation, and four sam-
U-Pb Geochronology
ples from the felsic dikes and lavas of the Esperanza
Formation. Sample locations are reported in figure Zircons separated from three igneous and four sed-
3; geochemical data and methodology are listed in imentary rock samples were dated by the single-
table A3, available in the online edition or from the zircon laser ablation U-Pb method, to constrain the
Journal of Geology office. age of magmatism and identify the provenance of
Samples from the El Paxtle Formation are sub- clastic rocks in the study area. Sample locations
alkaline basalts that display enrichments of large and age diagrams are shown in figures 3, 8, and 9.
ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to the high Details of the analytical data and methodology are
field strength elements (HFSEs; fig. 7a–7c). They given in table A4, available in the online edition
exhibit lower HFSE and light rare earth element or from the Journal of Geology office.
(LREE) abundance than normal mid-ocean ridge ba- Esperanza Formation. Sample GTO56, a quartz-
salts (N-MORBs; Sun and McDonough 1989) and rich litharenite from the Esperanza Formation (figs.
fractionated LREE patterns showing La depletion 3b, 4), yielded abundant colorless, amber, and pink
relative to Sm (LaN/SmN ∼ 0.54). Yet Nb/LREE ra- prismatic zircons ranging from 30 to 190 mm. The
tios in these rocks are lower than in N-MORBs great majority are subrounded to well rounded, sug-
(NbN/LaN ∼ 0.70), as is generally observed in arc gesting extensive transport. They are stubby to mod-
magmas (fig. 7a–7c). These geochemical features erately elongated, with a width : length ratio that
support derivation from a depleted MORB-like varies from 1 : 1 to 1 : 2.5. Minor subhedral elon-
mantle source that has been metasomatized by slab gated crystals are also present, with a width : length
fluids (e.g., McCulloch and Gamble 1991). ratio of 1 : 2 to 1 : 3.5. Cathodoluminescence im-
Pillow lavas of the Arperos Formation are low- ages show the predominance of concentric oscil-
Ti subalkaline basalts. Their incompatible trace el- latory zoning, in some cases developed around xe-
ement abundances resemble those of N-MORBs, nocrystic cores. Thorium/uranium ratios are higher
with the exception of the LILEs and other soluble than 0.01 for all crystals (see table A4), indicating
elements, such as U and Pb, that are extremely a magmatic origin (Rubatto 2002). We performed
enriched (CsN/NbN ∼ 1830; fig. 7a–7c), probably as 94 point ablation analyses, 85 of which produced
a result of selective addition of fluid-mobile ele- acceptable ages. Analyzed grains yielded concor-
ments during ocean floor hydrothermal alteration dant to slightly discordant ages that range from 184
or metamorphism (Jochum and Verma 1996). In- to 1557 Ma, with latest Triassic, Middle Triassic,
terestingly, geochemical data for the pillow basalts Middle Permian, and Grenvillian major peaks and
of the Arperos Formation in the area of Comanja subordinate Ordovicic-Silurian and Pan-African
de Corona, 20 km northwest of the study area (fig. zircon populations (fig. 8a).
2b), reveal completely different compositions, re- Sample E16 is a dacite from a felsic dike intruding
sembling those of intraplate oceanic island basalts the sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of the
(Freydier et al. 1996; Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 2003); Esperanza Formation (figs. 3b, 4). This sample
indeed, these rocks are high-Ti sodic trachybasalts, yielded few colorless and amber prismatic zircons,
characterized by marked enrichments in incom- which vary from 50 to 150 mm. They are euhedral,
patible trace elements including Nb, low LILE/ well to moderately elongated, with a width : length
HFSE ratios, and fractionated REE patterns show- ratio that varies from 1 : 2 to 1 : 4. Cathodolumi-
ing LREE enrichments over the heavy REEs nescence images show a concentric oscillatory zon-
(HREEs; fig. 7a–7c). ing for all crystals (fig. 8c). Thorium/uranium ratios
The felsic dikes and lava flows of the Esperanza are higher than 0.01, indicating a magmatic origin
Formation are calc-alkaline dacite and low-silica (Rubatto 2002). We performed 27 point ablation
rhyolitic lavas (fig. 7a). Alumina saturation indexes analyses on 27 zircon grains; 17 of them give con-
Figure 7. Major and trace element features of the studied suites. Total alkali versus SiO2 diagram (a; Le Bas et al.
1986; alkaline-subalkaline division from Irvine and Baragar 1971) and TiO2 versus SiO2 variation diagram (b) show
that the samples from the volcanic arc assemblage and from the Arperos Formation are low-Ti subalkaline basalts,
whereas the felsic suite has dacitic-rhyolitic compositions. Abundances of oxides are normalized to 100% volatile
free. Also shown is the data field of intraplate-like basalts of the Arperos Basin of the Comanja de Corona area (Freydier
et al. 1996; Ortiz-Hernández et al. 2003). c, Normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) normalized trace element
patterns of the mafic rock suites (normalization values after Sun and McDonough 1989). d, N-MORB normalized
trace element patterns of the felsic suite. The classification diagram in the inset (Maniar and Piccoli 1989) indicates
that the silicic rocks from the study area have a peraluminous character, as supported by the presence of normative
Corundum (Crn). The alumina saturation index (Al2O3/(CaO ⫹ Na2O ⫹ K2O)) and Al2O3/(Na2O ⫹ K2O) ratios are
expressed in moles.
Figure 8. a, Tera-Wasserburg and relative probability diagrams for detrital zircon from an Esperanza Formation
sandstone (sample GTO 56). b, Weighted mean and Tera-Wasserburg diagrams for dated volcanic rocks from the
Esperanza Formation (E 16 and GTO 51) and tonalite from the Tuna Manza intrusive complex (GTO 57). Crystallization
ages of igneous sample are determined from the weighted mean of the 206Pb/238U ages of the concordant and overlapping
analyses. Ages with discordance higher than 10% and less than ⫺5% are not considered in the age calculation.
Analytical data and sample coordinates are in table A4, available in the online edition or from the Journal of Geology
office. Sample locations are shown in figure 3. MSWD, mean square of weighted deviates. c, Zircon cathodolumi-
nescence images showing details of some dated grains. Filled circles are analyzed points, which have a spot diameter
of 34 mm.
Figure 9. Tera-Wasserburg and relative probability diagrams for detrital zircons from the Arperos Formation (SL 45,
SL 67, SL 70). The plots were constructed using the 206Pb/238U age for young (less than 1.0 Ga) zircons and the 206Pb/
Pb age for older (higher than 1.0 Ga) zircons. In old grains, ages with discordance higher than 20% or reverse
discordance higher than 10% are considered unreliable and were not used. Sample coordinates and analytical data
are in table A4, available in the online edition or from the Journal of Geology office. Location of the sample is shown
in figure 3.
cordant to slightly discordant ages that define a alyzing both the rims and the cores, to obtain pos-
Pb/238U weighted average age of 150.7 Ⳳ 0.8 Ma sibly inherited components. Thirteen grains
(fig. 8b), which we consider the age of intrusion of yielded concordant to slightly discordant ages, with
the dike. Additionally, two grains yielded discor- a 206Pb/238U weighted average age of 145.4 Ⳳ 1.1 Ma
dant ages at 235.0 Ⳳ 1.0 and 156.0 Ⳳ 2.0 Ma (see (fig. 8b), considered the crystallization age of the
table A4), which we interpret as the evidence for volcanic rock. Nine grains yielded concordant to
xenocrystic zircons in the magma derived from an slightly discordant ages from 151 to 663 Ma, which
older source. define a discordia with a late Neoproterozoic upper
Sample GTO51, a plagioclase-phyric rhyolite intercept (fig. 8b), which we interpret as repre-
lava flow from the uppermost structural levels of senting zircon inheritance from an older basement.
the Esperanza Formation (figs. 3b, 4), yielded col- Arperos Formation. Samples SL 45, SL 67, and SL
orless prismatic zircons that vary from 50 to 220 70 are medium- to coarse-grained arkosic lithar-
mm. They are euhedral, well to moderately elon- enites from different stratigraphic levels of the Arp-
gated, with a width : length ratio that varies from eros Formation (figs. 3a, 4). These samples yielded
1 : 1.5 to 1 : 3.5. All grains show a concentric os- abundant colorless, amber, and minor pink zircons,
cillatory zoning, in some cases developed around which vary in size from 30 to 165 mm. Most grains
xenocrystic cores (fig. 8c). Thorium/uranium ratios are euhedral to subhedral, well to moderately elon-
are higher than 0.01 for all crystals, indicating a gated, with a width : length ratio from 1 : 1.5 to
magmatic origin (Rubatto 2002). A total of 27 point 1 : 4. A few are elongated to stubby, well-rounded
analyses were undertaken on 20 zircon grains, an- to subrounded, suggesting extensive transport. Ca-
thodoluminescence images show the predomi- sandstone, shale, and scarce conglomerate, which
nance of concentric oscillatory zoning, in some are cut by synsedimentary felsic dikes and con-
cases developed around xenocrystic cores. Tho- formably overlain by rhyo-dacitic lava flows. Zir-
rium/uranium ratios (see table A4) indicate a mag- cons from a felsic dike and a rhyolitic lava flow
matic origin for these grains (Rubatto 2002). A total yielded U-Pb ages of ∼151 and ∼145 Ma, respec-
of 89, 87, and 92 laser ablation analyses were un- tively, and constrain the deposition of the Esper-
dertaken on zircon grains of samples SL 45, SL 67, anza Formation clastic rocks in the Tithonian (fig.
and SL 70, respectively. About 70% of the analyses 10). Sandstones from this unit are compositionally
produced acceptable ages. Similar zircon popula- comparable to the Upper Triassic turbidites of the
tions are present in the three samples (fig. 9). Eu- Potosı́ Fan (fig. 5a), suggesting that this latter may
hedral zircons yielded concordant to slightly dis- be a plausible source for the Esperanza Formation.
cordant ages between 118 and 158 Ma, with the Detrital zircons from the Esperanza Formation
main peaks at 131 Ma (SL 45), 132 Ma (SL 67), and sandstones produced Middle Triassic, Late–Middle
133 Ma (SL 70; fig. 9). A small population of sub- Permian, Grenvillian, and minor Ordovician-Silu-
hedral to rounded grains yielded ages between 162 rian and Pan-African ages, which are typical of the
and 203 Ma. Finally, a consistent group of well- Potosı́ Fan (Martini et al. 2009; Barboza-Gudiño et
rounded zircons yielded ages that span from 213 to al. 2010). On the basis of these data—and consid-
2222 Ma, producing subordinate peaks between the ering that exposures of the Upper Triassic turbid-
Late Triassic and Mesoproterozoic. ites close to the study area have been reported east
El Paxtle Assemblage. Four volcanic and sedi- and northeast of Guanajuato, in the Toliman area
mentary rocks from the El Paxtle Formation and (Dávila-Alcocer et al. 2009), and between Zacatecas
one granophyric tonalite from the Tuna Manza in- and Matehuala (Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2008; fig. 2a,
trusive complex were processed to obtain zircon 11)—we conclude that the clastic rocks of the Es-
concentrates. No zircons were obtained from the peranza Formation resulted from the erosion of the
volcanic samples. However, the Tuna Manza to- Potosı́ Fan or sources that fed the Potosı́ Fan and
nalite (sample GTO57; figs. 3a, 4) yielded a few remained available during the Late Jurassic. In ad-
colorless and amber prismatic zircons that varied dition to the Triassic to Grenvillian zircon popu-
from 45 to 270 mm. They were euhedral, well to lations, a few of the analyzed grains yielded Early
moderately elongated, with a width : length ratio Jurassic to latest Triassic ages (fig. 8a; table A4).
from 1 : 1.5 to 1 : 3. All crystals showed a concen- Early Jurassic ages have been reported from felsic
tric oscillatory zoning (fig. 8c) and yielded thorium/ volcanic rocks of the Nazas Formation, which un-
uranium ratios (table A4) that indicate a magmatic conformably overlie the turbidites of the Potosı́ Fan
origin (Rubatto 2002). We performed 37 point ab- between San Luis Potosı́ and Aramberry, northeast
lation analyses on 33 zircon grains. Fourteen grains of the study area (López-Infanzón 1986; Bartolini
yielded concordant to slightly discordant ages, with and Spell 1997; Barbosa-Gudiño et al. 2008; fig. 11).
a 206Pb/238U weighted average age of 144.0 Ⳳ 1.4 Ma Therefore, the occurrence of Early Jurassic zircons
(fig. 8b), which we consider the tonalite emplace- clearly remarks that the sedimentary rocks of the
ment age. Three grains produced concordant ages Esperanza Formation cannot be part of the Potosı́
of 246, 337, and 946 Ma. Additionally, 12 grains Fan, although they share an identical composition.
yielded discordant to slightly discordant ages from In summary, we conclude from these data that the
149 to 341 Ma, which define a discordia with an clastic rocks of the Esperanza Formation were de-
early Neoproterozoic upper intercept (fig. 8b). We posited during the Tithonian and were fed princi-
interpret all these older ages as inheritance from pally by sources located within the Mexican main-
an older basement. land. It is worth noticing that the younger detrital
zircons in sandstones of the Esperanza Formation
are Early Jurassic, while their deposition occurred
during the Tithonian. This indicates that during the
Zircon Provenance and Tectono-Stratigraphic Middle and Late Jurassic, no igneous source was
Correlations. Field observations, supported by U- able to supply detritus to the clastic rocks of the
Pb geochronology, permit the chronostratigraphic Esperanza Formation. This is also confirmed by the
reconstruction of the Sierra de Guanajuato petro- lack of plagioclase and the abundance of quartz in
tectonic assemblages, which is synthesized in fig- the Esperanza sandstones, which suggest that sed-
ure 10. Our data show that the Esperanza Forma- iments were derived from an uplifted basement and
tion contains the oldest rocks in the study areas. its sedimentary cover. Considering that U-Pb ages
This unit is composed of submarine quartz-rich between 163 and 154 Ma have been reported for
Figure 10. Synthetic chronostratigraphic columns for each petrotectonic assemblage in the Sierra de Guanajuato (a),
showing their possible location within the Arperos Basin (b).
the oldest arc magmatic rocks in the Guerrero ter- ship between the El Paxtle Formation and the Tuna
rane (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; Mortensen et al. Manza intrusive complex (Lapierre et al. 1992). As
2008), the clastic rocks of the Esperanza Formation a result, the ∼144-Ma U-Pb age yielded by the Tuna
document a clear sedimentologic disconnection Manza tonalite is inferred to be the best approxi-
from such a terrane. Therefore, the Esperanza For- mation of the age of the El Paxtle arc assemblage
mation must have been deposited at or close to the (fig. 10). A lower Early Cretaceous dominantly
mainland side of the Arperos Basin, far from the mafic arc, with a stratigraphy comparable with the
influence of the Guerrero terrane arcs (fig. 11). El Paxtle Formation, has been described ∼200 km
Sandstones of the El Paxtle Formation are poorly south of the Sierra de Guanajuato, in the Teloloa-
sorted lithic arkose, arkosic litharenite, and wacke pan area, southeastern Guerrero terrane (Talavera-
that plot in the magmatic arc field in the QmFL, Mendoza and Guerrero-Suástegui 2000; fig. 11). On
QtFL, and QpLvmLsm diagrams (fig. 5). The limited the basis of the chronologic and stratigraphic cor-
amount of quartz clasts and the abundance of de- respondence, we propose that rocks of the Teloloa-
trital plagioclase and angular fragments of mafic pan and El Paxtle assemblages may represent the
volcanic rocks suggest a proximal mafic volcanic vestiges of a single N-S to NNW-SSE magmatic arc
source for El Paxtle sandstones. Considering that belonging to the Guerrero terrane (fig. 11). It is
these rocks are interbedded with pillow and mas- worth noticing that tonalite of the Tuna Manza
sive basaltic lava flows that show a subduction- intrusive complex contains Precambrian and Pa-
related affinity (Lapierre et al. 1992; this study), we leozoic inherited zircon grains, which discard an
suggest that El Paxtle sandstones may be epiclastic intraoceanic setting for the El Paxtle-Teloloapan
or pyroclastic rocks related to an arc massif. Thus, arc, as inferred by previous allochthonous paleo-
the lack of zircons in these sandstones is reasonable geographic reconstructions (figs. 1a, 1d).
if one consider that zircons are typically absent or The turbiditic sandstones from the Arperos For-
in low concentrations in mafic volcanic rocks. Sev- mation show similar zircon populations and an
eral lines of evidence document a genetic relation- overall arc affinity in the QmFL, QtFL, and Qp-
the late Early Cretaceous accretion of the Guerrero by different extents of mantle melting at spreading
terrane, a reconstruction that strongly contrasts centers. Since Nb is more incompatible than Zr and
with the occurrence of widespread silicic volcanic La is more incompatible than Sm during peridotite
rocks of the Esperanza Formation. In this way, our melting, low degrees of fusion produce magmas
data rule out the traditional allochthonous scenario with high Nb/Zr and La/Sm ratios, whereas higher
of Tardy et al. (1994) and call for a review of the extents of melting drive Nb/Zr and La/Sm ratios
tectonic setting of the Arperos Basin. toward lower values. The Arperos Basin basalts de-
Considering that during the Jurassic the Pacific fine two major clusters at both sides of the East
leading edge of North America was represented by Pacific Rise MORB trend (fig. 13a, 13b). Intraplate-
the Potosı́ Fan, which was deposited and deformed like basalts of the Comanja de Corona area (Frey-
along the Mexican Pacific margin (Centeno-Garcı́a dier et al. 1996; Ortı́z-Hernández et al. 2003) show
et al. 2008), and that Middle and Late Jurassic arcs the highest Nb/Zr and La/Sm ratios, which indicate
of the Guerrero terrane developed directly on top that they may have formed by low degrees of de-
of the Potosı́ Fan (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; Mor- compression melting of fertile upper mantle during
tensen et al. 2008), we favor the idea that the Es- the first stage of oceanic spreading (i.e., the conti-
peranza Formation was deposited at the mainland nent-oceanic transitional stage). In contrast,
side of a back-arc basin (fig. 12a, 12b). The asym- MORB-like basalts of the study area display low
metric distribution of the supplying sources doc- Nb/Zr and La/Sm ratios, suggesting derivation from
umented for the Arperos Basin closely fits with sed- higher degrees of melting during a mature stage of
imentological models proposed for present-day oceanic spreading. This scenario thus offers a con-
continent-influenced back-arc basins (Harrold and sistent explanation for the generation of intraplate
Moore 1975; Packer and Ingersoll 1986), and it is magmas in the Arperos Basin without requiring the
considered a discriminatory feature for the identi- involvement of a mantle plume, as proposed by oth-
fication of back-arc settings in old and tectonized ers (Freydier et al. 1996; Ortı́z-Hernández et al.
petrotectonic assemblages. In this context, the fel- 2003).
sic volcanic rocks of the Esperanza Formation can The back-arc model can also account for the
be interpreted in terms of crustal melts, related to strongly depleted nature of the mantle source that
the continental stage of back-arc extension. This is produced the arc assemblage; indeed, corner-flow
supported by the peraluminous character of these convection active in the subduction zone may have
rocks, the ubiquitous presence of Paleozoic to Pro- transported to the site of arc magma generation por-
terozoic inherited zircons, quartz xenocrysts, and tions of mantle that already underwent profuse
xenoliths of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, melting in the back-arc region and which could
which remark the significant contribution of con- only experience further melt extraction by fluid-
tinent-recycled sediments such as the Potosı́ Fan fluxed melting in the subduction zone (see, e.g.,
and/or the Esperanza Formation in the genesis of Stolper and Newman 1994; fig. 13c).
these magmas. In a subsequent stage, the infilling The Foundation of the Guerrero Terrane. The rec-
of the basin and the persistence of extension pro- ognition of a back-arc setting for the Arperos Basin
duced subsidence and the generation of an oceanic greatly improves the paleogeographic reconstruc-
crust covered by deep marine turbidites, which rep- tion of the Mexican Pacific margin and provides
resent the Arperos Formation. Sandstone prove- new insights into the origin and geodynamic evo-
nance analysis indicates that turbidites of the Arp- lution of the Guerrero terrane. The marginal origin
eros Formation were deposited at the southwestern of the Potosı́ Fan relative to the Mexican craton
side of the back-arc basin, closer to the influx of (Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; Barboza-Gudiño et al.
the Guerrero terrane arcs (fig. 12c). In contrast, at 2010) definitively rules out an exotic paleo-Pacific
the northeastern side of the basin, the calcareous provenance of the Guerrero terrane. Moreover, sce-
debris of the Valenciana Formation document the narios that consider the Guerrero terrane as an in-
erosion of carbonate platform, which developed traoceanic multiarc system fringing the Mexican
widespread on the Mexican mainland during the craton (e.g., Talavera-Mendoza et al. 2007; fig. 1d)
Early Cretaceous (Carrillo-Bravo 1971; fig. 12c). require a Jurassic rift or back-arc spreading that
Geochemical data are also consistent with our drifted part of the Potosı́ Fan into the paleo-Pacific
interpretation of the Arperos Basin. Figure 13a and domain and formed a significant amount of oceanic
13b shows that typical MORB magmas (such as the crust to be subsequently subducted, producing a
East Pacific Rise MORB; Lehnert et al. 2000) de- multiple arc-trench system. Considering that the
scribe positive trends in Nb/Zr versus Nb and La/ El Paxtle-Teloloapan arc was already established
Sm versus La diagrams, consistent with an origin across the eastern boundary of the Guerrero terrane
Figure 12. Three-step schematic evolution of the Pacific margin of Mexico from the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous.
a, Between the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic, the turbidites of the Potosı́ Fan deposited, deformed, and partly
metamorphosed along the western margin of the Mexican craton. b, During the Late Jurassic, the eastward subduction
of the Farallon plate beneath North America produced the arc magmatism in the Guerrero terrane, which represented
the leading edge of the Mexican Pacific margin. At the same time, the Esperanza Formation was deposited at the
northeastern side of the Arperos back-arc basin, recycling the Triassic rocks of the Potosı́ Fan and other mainland
sources. Sedimentary rocks formed at the southwestern side of the basin are not exposed in the Sierra de Guanajuato
and are indicated with a question mark. This stage of continental extension was accompanied by crustal melting,
which produced the emplacement of peraluminous silicic magmas. c, During the Early Cretaceous, the infilling of
the Arperos Basin and the persistence of extension produced subsidence and the inception of the back-arc oceanic
spreading, which progressively detached the Mexican Pacific leading edge, establishing the Guerrero terrane as definite
block. During this stage, the southwestern side of the basin was dominated by Guerrero terrane arcs–recycled sedi-
ments, represented by the Arperos Formation. In contrast, the erosion of Early Cretaceous widespread carbonate
platform built on the Mexico mainland produced the deposition of the calcareous turbidites of the Valenciana For-
mation at the eastern side of the basin.
by at least 144 Ma (this study), the subduction of terrane was still in close proximity to the Mexican
the Arperos oceanic plate must have occurred be- mainland and oceanic crust was not yet formed in
fore the Early Cretaceous in order to account for the Arperos Basin. Consequently, the El Paxtle and
such volcanism. However, we document here that Teloloapan arc magmatic rocks must be related to
felsic magmatism related to the earliest continental the eastward subduction of the Farallon plate be-
stage of back-arc extension protracted in the Arp- neath North America (fig. 12). In agreement with
eros Basin at least until 145 Ma. In this case, the para-autochthonous models (Elı́as-Herrera and Or-
El Paxtle-Teloloapan arc formed when the Guerrero tega-Gutiérrez 1998; Cabral-Cano et al. 2000; Elı́as-
Figure 13. Nb/Zr versus Nb (a) and La/Sm versus La (b) diagrams, showing that intraplate-like basalts from the
Comanja de Corona area (Freydier et al. 1996) formed by low degrees of decompression melting of fertile upper mantle
during the first stage of the oceanic spreading. In contrast, mid-ocean ridge basalt–like basalts of the study area suggest
a derivation from higher degrees of melting during a mature stage of the oceanic spreading or a mantle source that
has been previously depleted by abundant melt extraction. c, Schematic NE-SW section representing the Early Cre-
taceous paleogeography proposed in this article for the Mexican Pacific margin. In this reconstruction, the Guerrero
terrane represents a detached slice of the continental margin of North America, which was drifted in the paleo-Pacific
domain during back-arc extension and subsequently accreted back to the Mexican craton. In this scenario, the different
characteristics of the Arperos Formation basalts may be likely attributed to different degrees of mantle melting. The
strongly depleted nature of the arc assemblage mantle source may be produced by the corner-flow convection, which
transported to the site of arc magma generation portions of mantle that already underwent profuse melting in the
back-arc region and which could only experience further melt extraction by fluid-fluxed melting in the subduction
Herrera et al. 2000; Centeno-Garcı́a et al. 2008; document here that continental back-arc extension
Martini et al. 2009), we favor the idea that the Guer- started at least at 150 Ma in the study area. In view
rero terrane represents a detached slice of the con- of these data, and taking into account that present-
tinental margin of North America, which was day back-arc spreading rates range from 95 (e.g., Lau
drifted in the paleo-Pacific domain during back-arc Basin; Taylor and Martinez 2003) to 11 mm/yr
extension (fig. 12) and subsequently accreted back (Mariana basin; Deschamps and Fujiwara 2003), the
to the Mexican mainland. Considering that the amount of oceanic crust formed in the Arperos Ba-
younger zircon grains from the infill of the Arperos sin could have ranged from ∼2300 to ∼270 km. As
Basin produced main peaks between 133 and 131 a consequence, the closure of this basin may re-
Ma (samples SL45, SL67, and SL70 of this study) quire the consumption of the newly formed Lower
and that the Aptian-Albian neritic limestone of the Cretaceous oceanic crust along a subduction
La Perlita Formation predates the closure of this boundary. In this view, the Arperos Formation ba-
basin (Chiodi et al. 1988; Quintero-Legorreta 1992), salts represent the only remnants of the oceanic
we suggest that the accretion of the Guerrero ter- crust accreted to the Mexican mainland.
rane should have occurred, at least in the Guana- It is worthy to note that pillow basalts of the
juato area, during the Barremian. Furthermore, we Arperos Basin in the Arcelia region, ∼250 km south
of Guanajuato (fig. 2a), yielded two 40Ar/39Ar ages Mexican mainland-recycled sediments were depos-
of 103 and 93 Ma (Elı́as-Herrera et al. 2000). Ac- ited at the northeastern side, whereas Guerrero ter-
cording to our data from the Sierra de Guanajuato, rane arcs–derived terrigenous dominated the south-
these ages can be interpreted in terms of Ar loss western side. The early stage of continental
during a Late Cretaceous thermal event or may sug- extension was accompanied by crustal melting,
gest that the accretion of the Guerrero terrane oc- which produced peraluminous silicic magmas dur-
curred diachronically along the Mexican mainland. ing the Upper Jurassic. The persistence of extension
In summary, we document that the eastern in the Early Cretaceous activated the back-arc oce-
boundary of the Guerrero terrane established in the anic spreading, which progressively detached the
Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous during the back-arc Mexican Pacific leading edge, establishing the
spreading along the Pacific continental margin of Guerrero terrane as definite block. Thus, our data
Mexico. In this context, the Guerrero terrane highlight a North American origin for the Guerrero
should no longer be considered a block completely terrane and support a group 3–type paleogeography
independent from the North American plate, since for western Mexico during the Mesozoic.
we provide evidence that its origin is closely related
to the tectonic evolution of the Mexican Pacific
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