Wide Band Emp
Wide Band Emp
Wide Band Emp
1. Introduction
With the continuous progress of research on high power electromagnetic pulse radiation sources and
their effects mechanism on electronic devices, more and more new applications have been required in
recent years. Such as key target protection, vehicle stopping, countermeasure of improvised explosive
device, mine detection and studies of electromagnetic compatibility. A kind of electromagnetic pulse,
called wideband high power microwave, have been paid more and more attentions due to its special
spectral characteristics [1-2].
Bandwidth is defined as the frequency interval between the low frequency and the high frequency
corresponds to the half power of the peak. If the frequency interval is f , f is the center frequency,
the specific bandwidth is commonly expressed as f f , or expressed as a percentage bandwidth
pbw f f 100% . Depend on the percentage bandwidth, traditional high power microwave can be
divided into narrowband (NB, pbw 1% ), wideband (WB, 1% pbw 25% ) and ultra wideband (UWB,
pbw 25% ) [3-4] .This paper studies wideband electromagnetic pulse (WB EMP). This electromagnetic
pulse between NB and UWB has relatively wide spectral distribution and relatively high spectral power
density [5]. This has great significance for the practical application of high power electromagnetic pulse.
Previous devices have electromagnetic pulse sources and radiation antennas, independent of each
other, transmission line, oscillator and other transformations, and connection mechanism need to be
configured between the source and antenna, which will increase the volume, weight and complexity,
reduce the use flexibility and environmental adaptability of the equipment, and affect the efficiency of
the system [6-7].
In this paper, high voltage energy storage mechanism is adopted, and the electromagnetic pulse
source and antenna is integrated into a radiation system. So the complex transition section is avoided.
This is an effective way to obtain compact broadband high efficiency electromagnetic pulse radiation
system. The radiation system integrates energy storage lines for storing high voltage pulse energy and
spark gap switch for generating broadband electromagnetic pulse signals.
Through fast breakdown of the spark gap and the effective radiation of the antenna, the radiation
field of the high power broadband electromagnetic pulse can be directly obtained. So the radiator is
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IMMAEE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 677 (2019) 052081 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/677/5/052081
compact, small and high efficiency. The circuit structure, numerical simulation and test results will be
introduced in detail.
2. Fundamentals
Vm =nV0 Cm i CL Ra
IMMAEE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 677 (2019) 052081 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/677/5/052081
The equivalent circuit can be divided into charging circuit and discharge (radiation) circuit. The basic
Marx discharge circuit is simplified to obtain the charging circuit of the WB EMP radiation system as
shown in fig.3.
Lm Sm
Vm=nV0 Cm i CL VL (t)
The voltage on the load capacitance is oscillated with a cosine law, the oscillation decays over time,
at the first oscillation half period (T 2) , tm , the voltage reach its maximum, VL .
Cm C L
The discharge circuit of the WB EMP radiation system is shown in fig.4.
By reasonable choosing the values of CL and La , the center frequency of radiation pulse can be
selected in a certain range.
Less capacitance and insufficient energy storage will seriously affect the radiation efficiency. With
integrated a quarter-wavelength transmission line into the antenna, the energy storage capacitance can
be increased without changing the antenna size, and the self-oscillation circuit will be changed into a
quarter-wavelength transmission line switching oscillation device, as shown in the fig.5.
IMMAEE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 677 (2019) 052081 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/677/5/052081
Transmission line
Charging Ra
loop Zc
Transmission line
oscillated cavity
Sealing medium
Radiated body
Transmission line
oscillated cavity
The input voltage and the far-field probe of the antenna are set, and the calculated far-field radiated
waveform and power spectrum distribution are shown in fig.8~fig.9.
IMMAEE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 677 (2019) 052081 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/677/5/052081
4. Experimental
According to the simulation results, the parameters of the design are optimized, the measured far-field
radiated waveform is shown in fig.10.
Figure 10. Comparison of measured far field waveform and simulation results
The analysis and comparison results show that the measured pulse waveform is in good agreement
with the simulation one. Under the condition of 350kV input voltage, the radiation device obtains 153kV
omnidirectional far-field radiation voltage, and the EVRE is almost 43.7%, the radiated energy is mainly
concentrated in 230MHz~420MHz.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, a novel method of electromagnetic pulse oscillation and radiation is presented, can greatly
reduce the complexity and implementation difficulty of the system, and improve the reliability and
IMMAEE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 677 (2019) 052081 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/677/5/052081
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