The UKI 4-135 packaging container consists of a shielding container surrounded by a transport container in one of two variants. The shielding container protects radionuclide sources from radiation using depleted uranium shielding material and secures individual source holders. Transport container variant I wraps tightly around the shielding container while variant II contains a grate to centrally hold the shielding container and provide additional radiation protection. Both transport container variants are secured with bolts that can be sealed to lock the container.
The UKI 4-135 packaging container consists of a shielding container surrounded by a transport container in one of two variants. The shielding container protects radionuclide sources from radiation using depleted uranium shielding material and secures individual source holders. Transport container variant I wraps tightly around the shielding container while variant II contains a grate to centrally hold the shielding container and provide additional radiation protection. Both transport container variants are secured with bolts that can be sealed to lock the container.
The UKI 4-135 packaging container consists of a shielding container surrounded by a transport container in one of two variants. The shielding container protects radionuclide sources from radiation using depleted uranium shielding material and secures individual source holders. Transport container variant I wraps tightly around the shielding container while variant II contains a grate to centrally hold the shielding container and provide additional radiation protection. Both transport container variants are secured with bolts that can be sealed to lock the container.
The UKI 4-135 packaging container consists of a shielding container surrounded by a transport container in one of two variants. The shielding container protects radionuclide sources from radiation using depleted uranium shielding material and secures individual source holders. Transport container variant I wraps tightly around the shielding container while variant II contains a grate to centrally hold the shielding container and provide additional radiation protection. Both transport container variants are secured with bolts that can be sealed to lock the container.
The UKI 4-135 packaging container (hereinafter PC ) consists of shielding container and transport container in two structural variants. The shielding container serves to protect against the effects of ionizing radiation of the transported radionuclide sources. The shielding container consists of cylindrical body containing vers, handle, a suspension bolt, and a lock. The shielding material used is depleted uranium hermetically sealed in facing made of corrosion-resistant steel. The individual defectoscopic holders of the radionuclide sources are secured in the channels against unwanted axial movement by a catch composed of a control ring, two ball bearings, and a spring. Removing and inserting the holder of the radionuclide source to and from the nesting channel is possible by pressing the control ring all the way approx. 4 mm to the stopping position. The shape of the ends enables quick-action couplings to be connected for remote control. The cover caps, which contain uranium shielding material, are screwed into the holders, on which the identification numbers of the channels are embossed, which must be the same as the numbers on the cover caps. The lid is fastened to the body by four M10 bolts and are secured with an inserted lock. There is a handle and ultimately a suspension bolt for lifting and transporting the shielding container. The weight of the shielding container including its contents is max. 41 kg. The shielding container may be used separately for transportation or can be placed in the transport container. The two-piece metal transport container weighing a maximum of 9 kg, in two structural variants (I and II), serving as protection of the shielding container against mechanical damage and is not an integral part of the PC (packaging container). Transport container variant I: The bottom and top parts of the cylindrical transport container wrap relatively tightly around the shielding container. The handle of the shielding container penetrates the walls of the bottom section of the transport container so the manipulation function of the handle is retained. The bottom piece of the transport container is firmly connected by two M8 bolts to the bottom of the shielding container body and does not catch during ordinary manipulation. The upper piece of the transport container (lid) is placed into the bottom piece and secured with four M8 bolts. The heads of the bolts have an attachment for sealing. Transport container variant II: In the interior space there is a grate into which the shielding container is centrally placed. A sufficient distance between the surface of the shielding container and the wall of the transport container provides additional protection against radiation. The transport container is equipped with two handles for manipulation. The upper piece of the transport container (lid) is connected to the bottom piece (casing) with six M8 bolted joints. In this flange joint there is the option to lock the transport container with a pendant lock or fix it with a seal. The packaging container is manufactured by the applicant, UJP PRAHA a. s.