PowerFactorCapacitors PDF
PowerFactorCapacitors PDF
PowerFactorCapacitors PDF
Low Voltage
Fixed Capacity
Transient Free
Power Factor Solutions from Arteche
Fixed Capacitor Banks (non-automatic)
Benefits of Improving Power Factor
Arteche PF Capacitor Systems Offer Rapid ROI
Adding up the Benefits
Saving Energy and Energy Costs
⎛ ⎞
kVA = kVA original ⎜ 1 − PF new ⎟
released ⎜ PF orig ⎟
⎝ ⎠
In electrical equipment, such as transformers or cables,
capacitors can release capacity and thus allow a greater
payload. By furnishing the necessary magnetizing current
for induction motors and transformers, capacitors reduce
the current drawn from the power supply. Less current
means less loading on transformers and feeder circuits. If
a system has an existing overload, the capacitor may
eliminate it. If the system is not overloaded, capacitors
can release capacity and postpone or avoid an
investment in more expensive transformers, switchgear
and cable, otherwise required to serve additional loads.
kVAR capacitor
V Rise = • Z p .u .( transforme rr))
kVAR transforme r
Excessive voltage sags can make your motors sluggish,
and cause them to overheat. Low voltage also interferes
with lighting, the proper operation of motor controls and
electrical and electronics instruments. Capacitors will
raise your plant voltage level, and can maintain it all
along your feeders, right out to the furthest motors.
Switching Fixed Capacitors with Motors
Between Motor Starter & Motor
Non-Fused Power Factor Capacitor
• No extra switch or fuses required.
Understand Power Factor & Determine Capacitor Requirements
Power Factor Tutorial
Electrical systems perform with some degree of efficiency Induction motors, transformers and many other electrical
ranging from poor to excellent. One measure of efficiency loads require working power (kW) as well as magnetizing
compares the work produced (kW) with the apparent power (kVAR). Considering kW and kVAR as the
power (kVA) that is demanded from the power source, sides of a right triangle, we can determine the
for the purpose of performing that work. The kW/kVA is apparent power (kVA) based on the right triangle rule.
a measure of electrical efficiency and is known as
Power Factor (PF).
Motors need kVARs—Capacitors supply kVARs
kVA 2 = kW 2
+ kVAR 2
Motors and other inductive equipment in a plant require To reduce the kVA required for any given load, you must
two kinds of electric power. One type is working power, reduce the line that represents the kVAR. This is precisely
measured by the kilowatt (kW). This is what powers the what capacitors do-.
equipment and performs useful work. Secondly, inductive kW
equipment needs magnetizing power to produce the flux
necessary for the operation of inductive devices. The unit ϕ1 ϕ2 k
of measure of magnetizing or reactive power is the kilovar V
(kVAR). The working power (kW) and reactive power R
(kVAR) together make up the apparent power which is kV
measured in kilovolt-amperes (kVA). Thus eliminating these kVA By supplying this
from the kVA demand charge kilovars with capcitors
Capacitors most effective at the Load
Most AC power systems require both kW (kilowatts) and
kVAR (kilovars). Capacitors installed near the inductive
loads in a facility are the most effective way of supplying
By supplying kVAR directly at the load, the motor receives
these kilovars, and can provide the greatest reduction of
the reactive power that it needs and the capacitor relieves
branch circuit power losses. If not supplied by local
the utility of the burden of carrying the extra kVAR.
capacitors, then these kilovars will need to be provided by
This reduces both current and kVA in the branch circuit
the electric utility. Arteche low voltage capacitors are a low
conductors and in the upstream power system. This makes
cost, high reliability and maintenance free means of
the utility transmission and distribution systems more
providing the needed kilovars.
efficient, reducing cost for the utility and their customers.
Capacitors Relieve Power System of Reactive Current The ratio of actual power and apparent power is usually
If magnetizing current for inductive loads is provided by expressed in percentage and is called power factor.
capacitors, then those kilovars do not have to be sent all
the way from the utility to the inductive loads. This relieves kW
both your electrical system and your utility of the cost of PF = = cos ϕ
carrying these extra kilovars. The utility typically charges kVA
for this reactive power through either a direct or indirect
power factor penalty charge. Capacitors can reduce your In the illustration below, addition of capacitors improved
electricity demand and can reduce your utility bill, gain power factor and subtracted the non-working current from
system capacity, improve voltage and reduce power the upstream conductors. This reactive current is now
losses. supplied by the capacitor rather than the utility.
Determining your capacitor kVAR requirement
Find the kVARs you need in 3 easy steps.
Select Proper Capacitor (kVAR) in 3 easy steps: Example:
1) Find your Desired Power Factor at top of chart. If Load is 720kW, 0.75 PF and Desired PF = 0.95 (95%)
2) Slide down to the row corresponding to your 1) Find 95% in top row.
Original Power Factor 2) Slide down that column to the row beginning with 75%.
3) Multiply your KW by this factor to determine the Find factor = 0.553.
required capacitor kVARs. 3) Multiply 720kW by 0.553.
Capacitor needed is 398.16kVAR (use 400kVAR).
Product Specifications
Type CFB Capacitor Banks utilize Arteche
Capacitors that are constructed using metallized
polypropylene elements which are encased
in aluminum canisters and filled with high
performance, biodegradable dielectric fluid
(free of PCBs) for superior heat transfer.
Arteche capacitors are harmonic rated and suitable for use
in applications where harmonics are present.
Selection Tables for 480 Volts, 60Hz [1.5 to 125 KVAR]
Type CFB Fixed Capacitor Banks 480V, 60Hz, Nema 1
Basic Fixed PFC PFC w/ Fuse & Indicators PFC w/ Circuit Breaker Rated Current Wire Size Fuse Rating Switch Rating
kVAR Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. (Amperes) (AWG-90C) (Amperes) (Amperes)
1.5 CFB 001.5 480 N1 CFB 001.5 480 F N1 CFB 001.5 480 ITM N1 1.8 14 3 30
2 CFB 0002 480 N1 CFB 0002 480 F N1 CFB 0002 480 ITM N1 2.4 14 6 30
2.5 CFB 002.5 480 N1 CFB 002.5 480 F N1 CFB 002.5 480 ITM N1 3 14 6 30
3 CFB 0003 480 N1 CFB 0003 480 F N1 CFB 0003 480 ITM N1 3.6 14 6 30
4 CFB 0004 480 N1 CFB 0004 480 F N1 CFB 0004 480 ITM N1 4.8 14 10 30
5 CFB 0005 480 N1 CFB 0005 480 F N1 CFB 0005 480 ITM N1 6 14 10 30
6 CFB 0006 480 N1 CFB 0006 480 F N1 CFB 0006 480 ITM N1 7.2 14 15 30
7.5 CFB 007.5 480 N1 CFB 007.5 480 F N1 CFB 007.5 480 ITM N1 9 14 15 30
8 CFB 0008 480 N1 CFB 0008 480 F N1 CFB 0008 480 ITM N1 9.6 14 20 30
9 CFB 0009 480 N1 CFB 0009 480 F N1 CFB 0009 480 ITM N1 10.8 14 20 30
10 CFB 0010 480 N1 CFB 0010 480 F N1 CFB 0010 480 ITM N1 12 14 20 30
12.5 CFB 012.5 480 N1 CFB 0012 480 F N1 CFB 0012 480 ITM N1 15 14 25 30
15 CFB 0015 480 N1 CFB 0015 480 F N1 CFB 0015 480 ITM N1 18 12 30 30
17.5 CFB 017.5 480 N1 CFB 017.5 480 F N1 CFB 017.5 480 ITM N1 21 10 40 60
20 CFB 0020 480 N1 CFB 0020 480 F N1 CFB 0020 480 ITM N1 24 10 40 60
22.5 CFB 022.5 480 N1 CFB 022.5 480 F N1 CFB 022.5 480 ITM N1 27 10 50 60
25 CFB 0025 480 N1 CFB 0025 480 F N1 CFB 0025 480 ITM N1 30 8 50 60
27.5 CFB 027.5 480 N1 CFB 027.5 480 F N1 CFB 027.5 480 ITM N1 33 8 60 60
30 CFB 0030 480 N1 CFB 0030 480 F N1 CFB 0030 480 ITM N1 36 8 60 60
32.5 CFB 032.5 480 N1 CFB 032.5 480 F N1 CFB 032.5 480 ITM N1 39 8 80 100
35 CFB 0035 480 N1 CFB 0035 480 F N1 CFB 0035 480 ITM N1 42 6 80 100
37.5 CFB 037.5 480 N1 CFB 037.5 480 F N1 CFB 037.5 480 ITM N1 45 6 80 100
40 CFB 0040 480 N1 CFB 0040 480 F N1 CFB 0040 480 ITM N1 48 6 80 100
42.5 CFB 042.5 480 N1 CFB 042.5 480 F N1 CFB 042.5 480 ITM N1 51 6 100 100
45 CFB 0045 480 N1 CFB 0045 480 F N1 CFB 0045 480 ITM N1 54 4 100 100
50 CFB 0050 480 N1 CFB 0050 480 F N1 CFB 0050 480 ITM N1 60 4 100 100
55 CFB 0055 480 N1 CFB 0055 480 F N1 CFB 0055 480 ITM N1 66 2 125 200
60 CFB 0060 480 N1 CFB 0060 480 F N1 CFB 0060 480 ITM N1 72 2 125 200
65 CFB 0065 480 N1 CFB 0065 480 F N1 CFB 0065 480 ITM N1 78 1/0 150 200
70 CFB 0070 480 N1 CFB 0070 480 F N1 CFB 0070 480 ITM N1 84 1/0 150 200
75 CFB 0075 480 N1 CFB 0075 480 F N1 CFB 0075 480 ITM N1 90 1/0 150 200
80 CFB 0080 480 N1 CFB 0080 480 F N1 CFB 0080 480 ITM N1 96 1/0 175 200
85 CFB 0085 480 N1 CFB 0085 480 F N1 CFB 0085 480 ITM N1 102 1/0 175 200
90 CFB 0090 480 N1 CFB 0090 480 F N1 CFB 0090 480 ITM N1 108 1/0 200 200
100 CFB 0100 480 N1 CFB 0100 480 F N1 CFB 0100 480 ITM N1 120 2/0 200 200
120 CFB 0120 480 N1 CFB 0120 480 F N1 CFB 0120 480 ITM N1 144 3/0 200 200
125 CFB 0125 480 N1 CFB 0125 480 F N1 CFB 0125 480 ITM N1 150 3/0 250 400
Useful Formulae
Three Phase Capacitors
1+ ⎢
⎣ 100 % ⎥⎦
Voltage Sag due to Locked Rotor Amps: V (L − L )∗ kVA
+ kVA
kVA LR sc
Contact ARTECHE PQ for solutions to
Harmonic Distortion and Low Power Factor
Low Voltage, Medium Voltage and High Voltage Solutions