Corrections by Theogene-2
Corrections by Theogene-2
Corrections by Theogene-2
1. Cover page: Adjust the cover page. Organize it according to utb’s recommended format
use utb format for cover page
2. Preliminary pages: use Roman page numbering for preliminary pages such as i, ii, etc
2. Abstract: remove the paragraph mentining the RAM and processor capacity, write the
abstract in one paragraph and use justify-alignment style.
3. Introduction: Cite some the content of the introduction, for example [8] or John et al.
4. Background of the study: the background is too short. Increase its size at least 7
pararagraph and cite each paragraph.
5. Specific objectives: Use an action verb for the second objective. Replace to act by an action
6. Time scope: Use at least 6 months from October 2022 till the time you will submit it.
7. Data collection technique: Mention which technique you used and why.
8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT: you forgot to put mention the significance to
the UTB, its students (researchers)
9. Limitations of the project: you also have to mention also what is not included in your project
but you thing it should be. Explain clearly the limitation of your study. Use good English
You have cite the content of each key term using APA citation. You provide the in-text citation to
related studies too. Add more key term as your literature review is too short.
11. Non-function requirement:
Python and Django Framework have to be included in front-end too. Backend consists of database
13. Methodological Approach: Mention which methodology you used and explain why.
15. Login interface: adjust the image and put it inside its border
16. Database interface: Remove this, no need to include database interface as we see it in data
17. conclusion: put a real conclusion and talk about the results you obtained in summary and
explain how its successful. This is not an introduction talk about the results and remove I user
researcher instead
18. references: put the whole reference is APA format for each and every reference. Remove the
online links in references
19: APPENDICES: Adjust very well the sample codes with adjust-alignment style. Add more code
at least 1 more page. Ziconge neza uziryoshye
20. Working plain and budget: include this section too.
21. Remove the blank page on 54
Very Important!