Performance Index of Growing Chickens
Performance Index of Growing Chickens
Performance Index of Growing Chickens
cated that the gain per pound of feed had Poultry Sci. 34: 234-235.
a little more effect on net return than did McAllister, W. T., and R. 0 . Bausman, 1950. In-
fluence of management practices on cost of
gain per week, but the difference was producing broilers in Delaware. Delaware Agr.
small. Exp. Sta. Bui. 282.
Wilder,O.H.M.,P.C.OstbyandB. R.Gregory, 1955.
REFERENCES The nutritive value of meatscrap and tankage.
Lanson, R. K., and J. R. Smyth, 1955. Pellets vs. Progress Report No. 20, American Meat Institute
mash plus pellets vs. mash for broiler feeding. Foundation, Chicago.
The development, through research, of days after drug feeding ended, was re-
new growth stimulants and drugs for corded as to color grades according to a
disease and parasite preventives and color standard supplied by Kosin (1954).
treatments in poultry might be expected Grade 1 was assigned to white eggs, grade
to result in some "accidental" discoveries 2 light cream, with each successive grade
of fundamental value in research. One increasing in brown color intensity up to
such discovery has resulted from the use a medium dark brown egg at grade 6.
of a new coccidiostat recommended for Because of the many shades of brown
chickens under 12 weeks of age. The drug color among eggs, all colors more intense
which is known by the trade name than medium brown were also included in
Nicarbazin (Merck) has the formula grade 6. Color grades for each hen's eggs
4,4' dinitrocarbanilide, 2 hydroxy-4,6- by dates are listed in Table 1.
dimethylpyrimidine. Some indication of It may be noted from Table 1 that some
peculiar results of feeding this drug to color change in egg shells was apparent
certain breeds of laying hens prompted within two days after the start of nicar-
the work herein reported. bazin feeding. After three to four days on
In a preliminary test on the effect of the drug, the egg shells had lost all of their
nicarbazin on egg shell color, three White brown surface color. One hen's eggs (hen
Rock hens were selected and initial indi- #2890) were chalk white and the other two
vidual egg shell color established. They laid pink-white eggs that change to white
were then moved to a small pen and with a green hue after long exposure to
changed from the conventional breeder light. All eggs laid between the fourth
ration to a ration containing .0125 percent
TABLE 1.—Effect of Nicarbazin in diet on egg shell
nicarbazin. The hens were trapnested color of Single Comb White Plymouth Rock hens
daily for seven days and the eggs were
Days on drug Days off drug
saved. The hens were then placed back Hen 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
on the coventional breeder ration and No.
Egg shell color score
trapnesting was continued for four more
2737 6 5 1 1 — 1 1 2 — 5 6
days. The color of each egg laid from one 2857 6 6 3 1 1 1 1 — 6 6 6
2890 6 6 3 1 — 1 1 1
day before drug feeding began until four — — 6 6