Chapter 16 - Logical Database Design

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Methodology – Logical
Database Design for the
Relational Model

Chapter Objectives
In this chapter you will learn:
n How to derive a set of relations from a conceptual data model.
n How to validate these relations using the technique of normalization.
n How to validate a logical data model to ensure it supports the required
n How to merge local logical data models based on one or more user views into a
global logical data model that represents all user views.
n How to ensure that the final logical data model is a true and accurate
representation of the data requirements of the enterprise.

In Chapter 9, we described the main stages of the database system development lifecycle,
one of which is database design. This stage is made up of three phases, namely conceptual,
logical, and physical database design. In the previous chapter we introduced a method-
ology that describes the steps that make up the three phases of database design and then
presented Step 1 of this methodology for conceptual database design.
In this chapter we describe Step 2 of the methodology, which translates the conceptual
model produced in Step 1 into a logical data model.
The methodology for logical database design described in this book also includes an
optional Step 2.6, which is required when the database has multiple user views that are
managed using the view integration approach (see Section 9.5). In this case, we repeat
Step 1 through Step 2.5 as necessary to create the required number of local logical data
models, which are then finally merged in Step 2.6 to form a global logical data model.
A local logical data model represents the data requirements of one or more but not all user
views of a database and a global logical data model represents the data requirements for
all user views (see Section 9.5). However, on concluding Step 2.6 we cease to use the
term ‘global logical data model’ and simply refer to the final model as being a ‘logical
data model’. The final step of the logical database design phase is to consider how well
the model is able to support possible future developments for the database system.
It is the logical data model created in Step 2 that forms the starting point for physical
database design, which is described as Steps 3 to 8 in Chapters 17 and 18. Throughout
the methodology the terms ‘entity’ and ‘relationship’ are used in place of ‘entity type’ and
462 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

‘relationship type’ where the meaning is obvious; ‘type’ is generally only added to avoid

16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology

for the Relational Model
This section describes the steps of the logical database design methodology for the rela-
tional model.

Step 2 Build and Validate Logical Data Model

Objective To translate the conceptual data model into a logical data model and then
to validate this model to check that it is structurally correct and able to
support the required transactions.

In this step, the main objective is to translate the conceptual data model created in Step 1
into a logical data model of the data requirements of the enterprise. This objective is
achieved by following the activities listed below:
Step 2.1 Derive relations for logical data model
Step 2.2 Validate relations using normalization
Step 2.3 Validate relations against user transactions
Step 2.4 Check integrity constraints
Step 2.5 Review logical data model with user
Step 2.6 Merge logical data models into global model (optional step)
Step 2.7 Check for future growth
We begin by deriving a set of relations (relational schema) from the conceptual data
model created in Step 1. The structure of the relational schema is validated using normal-
ization and then checked to ensure that the relations are capable of supporting the trans-
actions given in the users’ requirements specification. We next check that all important
integrity constraints are represented by the logical data model. At this stage the logical
data model is validated by the users to ensure that they consider the model to be a true
representation of the data requirements of the enterprise.
The methodology for Step 2 is presented so that it is applicable for the design of simple
to complex database systems. For example, to create a database with a single user view or
with multiple user views that are managed using the centralized approach (see Section 9.5)
then Step 2.6 is omitted. If, however, the database has multiple user views that are being
managed using the view integration approach (see Section 9.5) then Steps 2.1 to 2.5 are
repeated for the required number of data models, each of which represents different user
views of the database system. In Step 2.6 these data models are merged.
Step 2 concludes with an assessment of the logical data model, which may or may not
have involved Step 2.6, to ensure that the final model is able to support possible future
developments. On completion of Step 2 we should have a single logical data model that
is a correct, comprehensive, and unambiguous representation of the data requirements of
the enterprise.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 463

We demonstrate Step 2 using the conceptual data model created in the previous chapter
for the Staff user views of the DreamHome case study and represented in Figure 16.1 as
an ER diagram. We also use the Branch user views of DreamHome, which is represented
in Figure 12.8 as an ER diagram to illustrate some concepts that are not present in the Staff
user views and to demonstrate the merging of data models in Step 2.6.

Step 2.1 Derive relations for logical data model

Objective To create relations for the logical data model to represent the entities,
relationships, and attributes that have been identified.

In this step, we derive relations for the logical data model to represent the entities, rela-
tionships, and attributes. We describe the composition of each relation using a Database
Definition Language (DBDL) for relational databases. Using the DBDL, we first specify
the name of the relation followed by a list of the relation’s simple attributes enclosed in
brackets. We then identify the primary key and any alternate and/or foreign key(s) of the
relation. Following the identification of a foreign key, the relation containing the refer-
enced primary key is given. Any derived attributes are also listed together with how each
one is calculated.
The relationship that an entity has with another entity is represented by the primary key/
foreign key mechanism. In deciding where to post (or place) the foreign key attribute(s),
we must first identify the ‘parent’ and ‘child’ entities involved in the relationship. The
parent entity refers to the entity that posts a copy of its primary key into the relation that
represents the child entity, to act as the foreign key.
We describe how relations are derived for the following structures that may occur in a
conceptual data model:
(1) strong entity types;
(2) weak entity types;
(3) one-to-many (1:*) binary relationship types;
(4) one-to-one (1:1) binary relationship types;
(5) one-to-one (1:1) recursive relationship types;
(6) superclass/subclass relationship types;
(7) many-to-many (*:*) binary relationship types;
(8) complex relationship types;
(9) multi-valued attributes.
For most of the examples discussed below we use the conceptual data model for the
Staff user views of DreamHome, which is represented as an ER diagram in Figure 16.1.

(1) Strong entity types

For each strong entity in the data model, create a relation that includes all the simple
attributes of that entity. For composite attributes, such as name, include only the constituent
464 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model


Figure 16.1 Conceptual data model for the Staff user views showing all attributes.

simple attributes, namely, fName and lName in the relation. For example, the composition
of the Staff relation shown in Figure 16.1 is:
Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, position, sex, DOB)
Primary Key staffNo
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 465

(2) Weak entity types

For each weak entity in the data model, create a relation that includes all the simple
attributes of that entity. The primary key of a weak entity is partially or fully derived from
each owner entity and so the identification of the primary key of a weak entity cannot be
made until after all the relationships with the owner entities have been mapped. For example,
the weak entity Preference in Figure 16.1 is initially mapped to the following relation:
Preference (prefType, maxRent)
Primary Key None (at present)

In this situation, the primary key for the Preference relation cannot be identified until after
the States relationship has been appropriately mapped.

(3) One-to-many (1:*) binary relationship types

For each 1:* binary relationship, the entity on the ‘one side’ of the relationship is desig-
nated as the parent entity and the entity on the ‘many side’ is designated as the child entity.
To represent this relationship, we post a copy of the primary key attribute(s) of the parent
entity into the relation representing the child entity, to act as a foreign key.
For example, the Staff Registers Client relationship shown in Figure 16.1 is a 1:* rela-
tionship, as a single member of staff can register many clients. In this example Staff is on
the ‘one side’ and represents the parent entity, and Client is on the ‘many side’ and represents
the child entity. The relationship between these entities is established by placing a copy
of the primary key of the Staff (parent) entity, staffNo, into the Client (child) relation. The
composition of the Staff and Client relations is:

In the case where a 1:* relationship has one or more attributes, these attributes should
follow the posting of the primary key to the child relation. For example, if the Staff Registers
Client relationship had an attribute called dateRegister representing when a member of staff
registered the client, this attribute should also be posted to the Client relation along with the
copy of the primary key of the Staff relation, namely staffNo.

(4) One-to-one (1:1) binary relationship types

Creating relations to represent a 1:1 relationship is slightly more complex as the cardinality
cannot be used to help identify the parent and child entities in a relationship. Instead, the
participation constraints (see Section 11.6.5) are used to help decide whether it is best to
represent the relationship by combining the entities involved into one relation or by creating
two relations and posting a copy of the primary key from one relation to the other. We con-
sider how to create relations to represent the following participation constraints:
466 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

(a) mandatory participation on both sides of 1:1 relationship;

(b) mandatory participation on one side of 1:1 relationship;
(c) optional participation on both sides of 1:1 relationship.

(a) Mandatory participation on both sides of 1:1 relationship

In this case we should combine the entities involved into one relation and choose one of
the primary keys of the original entities to be the primary key of the new relation, while
the other (if one exists) is used as an alternate key.
The Client States Preference relationship is an example of a 1:1 relationship with mandatory
participation on both sides. In this case, we choose to merge the two relations together to
give the following Client relation:
Client (clientNo, fName, lName, telNo, prefType, maxRent, staffNo)
Primary Key clientNo
Foreign Key staffNo references Staff(staffNo)

In the case where a 1:1 relationship with mandatory participation on both sides has one or
more attributes, these attributes should also be included in the merged relation. For example,
if the States relationship had an attribute called dateStated recording the date the preferences
were stated, this attribute would also appear as an attribute in the merged Client relation.
Note that it is only possible to merge two entities into one relation when there are no
other direct relationships between these two entities that would prevent this, such as a 1:*
relationship. If this were the case, we would need to represent the States relationship using
the primary key/foreign key mechanism. We discuss how to designate the parent and child
entities in this type of situation in part (c) shortly.

(b) Mandatory participation on one side of a 1:1 relationship

In this case we are able to identify the parent and child entities for the 1:1 relationship
using the participation constraints. The entity that has optional participation in the rela-
tionship is designated as the parent entity, and the entity that has mandatory participation
in the relationship is designated as the child entity. As described above, a copy of the
primary key of the parent entity is placed in the relation representing the child entity. If
the relationship has one or more attributes, these attributes should follow the posting of
the primary key to the child relation.
For example, if the 1:1 Client States Preference relationship had partial participation on
the Client side (in other words, not every client specifies preferences), then the Client entity
would be designated as the parent entity and the Preference entity would be designated as
the child entity. Therefore, a copy of the primary key of the Client (parent) entity, clientNo,
would be placed in the Preference (child) relation, giving:
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 467

Note that the foreign key attribute of the Preference relation also forms the relation’s
primary key. In this situation, the primary key for the Preference relation could not have
been identified until after the foreign key had been posted from the Client relation to the
Preference relation. Therefore, at the end of this step we should identify any new primary
key or candidate keys that have been formed in the process, and update the data dictionary

(c) Optional participation on both sides of a 1:1 relationship

In this case the designation of the parent and child entities is arbitrary unless we can find
out more about the relationship that can help a decision to be made one way or the other.
For example, consider how to represent a 1:1 Staff Uses Car relationship with optional
participation on both sides of the relationship. (Note that the discussion that follows is
also relevant for 1:1 relationships with mandatory participation for both entities where
we cannot select the option to combine the entities into a single relation.) If there is no
additional information to help select the parent and child entities, the choice is arbitrary.
In other words, we have the choice to post a copy of the primary key of the Staff entity to
the Car entity, or vice versa.
However, assume that the majority of cars, but not all, are used by staff and only a minority
of staff use cars. The Car entity, although optional, is closer to being mandatory than the
Staff entity. We therefore designate Staff as the parent entity and Car as the child entity, and
post a copy of the primary key of the Staff entity (staffNo) into the Car relation.

(5) One-to-one (1:1) recursive relationships

For a 1:1 recursive relationship, follow the rules for participation as described above for
a 1:1 relationship. However, in this special case of a 1:1 relationship, the entity on both
sides of the relationship is the same. For a 1:1 recursive relationship with mandatory par-
ticipation on both sides, represent the recursive relationship as a single relation with two
copies of the primary key. As before, one copy of the primary key represents a foreign key
and should be renamed to indicate the relationship it represents.
For a 1:1 recursive relationship with mandatory participation on only one side, we have the
option to create a single relation with two copies of the primary key as described above,
or to create a new relation to represent the relationship. The new relation would only have
two attributes, both copies of the primary key. As before, the copies of the primary keys
act as foreign keys and have to be renamed to indicate the purpose of each in the relation.
For a 1:1 recursive relationship with optional participation on both sides, again create a
new relation as described above.

(6) Superclass/subclass relationship types

For each superclass/subclass relationship in the conceptual data model, we identify the
superclass entity as the parent entity and the subclass entity as the child entity. There
are various options on how to represent such a relationship as one or more relations. The
selection of the most appropriate option is dependent on a number of factors such as
the disjointness and participation constraints on the superclass/subclass relationship (see
Section 12.1.6), whether the subclasses are involved in distinct relationships, and the
468 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

Table 16.1 Guidelines for the representation of a superclass/subclass relationship based on the
participation and disjoint constraints.

Participation constraint Disjoint constraint Relations required

Mandatory Nondisjoint {And} Single relation (with one or more

discriminators to distinguish the type of
each tuple)
Optional Nondisjoint {And} Two relations: one relation for superclass
and one relation for all subclasses (with one
or more discriminators to distinguish the
type of each tuple)
Mandatory Disjoint {Or} Many relations: one relation for each
combined superclass/subclass
Optional Disjoint {Or} Many relations: one relation for superclass
and one for each subclass

number of participants in the superclass/subclass relationship. Guidelines for the repres-

entation of a superclass/subclass relationship based only on the participation and disjoint
constraints are shown in Table 16.1.
For example, consider the Owner superclass/subclass relationship shown in Figure 16.1.
From Table 16.1 there are various ways to represent this relationship as one or more
relations, as shown in Figure 16.2. The options range from placing all the attributes into
one relation with two discriminators pOwnerFlag and bOwnerFlag indicating whether a tuple
belongs to a particular subclass (Option 1), to dividing the attributes into three relations
(Option 4). In this case the most appropriate representation of the superclass/subclass rela-
tionship is determined by the constraints on this relationship. From Figure 16.1 the rela-
tionship that the Owner superclass has with its subclasses is mandatory and disjoint, as each
member of the Owner superclass must be a member of one of the subclasses (PrivateOwner
or BusinessOwner) but cannot belong to both. We therefore select Option 3 as the best
representation of this relationship and create a separate relation to represent each subclass,
and include a copy of the primary key attribute(s) of the superclass in each.
It must be stressed that Table 16.1 is for guidance only and there may be other factors
that influence the final choice. For example, with Option 1 (mandatory, nondisjoint) we
have chosen to use two discriminators to distinguish whether the tuple is a member of
a particular subclass. An equally valid way to represent this would be to have one dis-
criminator that distinguishes whether the tuple is a member of PrivateOwner, BusinessOwner,
or both. Alternatively, we could dispense with discriminators all together and simply test
whether one of the attributes unique to a particular subclass has a value present to deter-
mine whether the tuple is a member of that subclass. In this case, we would have to ensure
that the attribute examined was a required attribute (and so must not allow nulls).
In Figure 16.1 there is another superclass/subclass relationship between Staff and
Supervisor with optional participation. However, as the Staff superclass only has one
subclass (Supervisor) there is no disjoint constraint. In this case, as there are many more
‘supervised staff’ than supervisors, we choose to represent this relationship as a single
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 469

Figure 16.2
of the Owner
relationship based
on the participation
and disjointness
constraints shown
in Table 16.1.

Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, position, sex, DOB, supervisorStaffNo)

Primary Key staffNo
Foreign Key supervisorStaffNo references Staff(staffNo)

If we had left the superclass/subclass relationship as a 1:* recursive relationship as we

had it originally in Figure 15.5 with optional participation on both sides this would have
resulted in the same representation as above.

(7) Many-to-many (*:*) binary relationship types

For each *:* binary relationship create a relation to represent the relationship and
include any attributes that are part of the relationship. We post a copy of the primary key
attribute(s) of the entities that participate in the relationship into the new relation, to act as
foreign keys. One or both of these foreign keys will also form the primary key of the new
relation, possibly in combination with one or more of the attributes of the relationship.
(If one or more of the attributes that form the relationship provide uniqueness, then an
entity has been omitted from the conceptual data model, although this mapping process
resolves this.)
470 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

For example, consider the *:* relationship Client Views PropertyForRent shown in
Figure 16.1. In this example, the Views relationship has two attributes called dateView
and comments. To represent this, we create relations for the strong entities Client and
PropertyForRent and we create a relation Viewing to represent the relationship Views, to give:

(8) Complex relationship types

For each complex relationship, create a relation to represent the relationship and include
any attributes that are part of the relationship. We post a copy of the primary key
attribute(s) of the entities that participate in the complex relationship into the new relation,
to act as foreign keys. Any foreign keys that represent a ‘many’ relationship (for example,
1..*, 0..*) generally will also form the primary key of this new relation, possibly in com-
bination with some of the attributes of the relationship.
For example, the ternary Registers relationship in the Branch user views represents the
association between the member of staff who registers a new client at a branch, as shown
in Figure 12.8. To represent this, we create relations for the strong entities Branch, Staff, and
Client, and we create a relation Registration to represent the relationship Registers, to give:

Note that the Registers relationship is shown as a binary relationship in Figure 16.1 and this
is consistent with its composition in Figure 16.3. The discrepancy between how Registers
is modeled in the Staff and Branch user views of DreamHome is discussed and resolved
in Step 2.6.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 471

Figure 16.3 Relations for the Staff user views of DreamHome.

(9) Multi-valued attributes

For each multi-valued attribute in an entity, create a new relation to represent the multi-
valued attribute and include the primary key of the entity in the new relation, to act as a
foreign key. Unless the multi-valued attribute is itself an alternate key of the entity, the
primary key of the new relation is the combination of the multi-valued attribute and the
primary key of the entity.
For example, in the Branch user views to represent the situation where a single branch
has up to three telephone numbers, the telNo attribute of the Branch entity has been defined
as being a multi-valued attribute, as shown in Figure 12.8. To represent this, we create a
relation for the Branch entity and we create a new relation called Telephone to represent the
multi-valued attribute telNo, to give:

Table 16.2 summarizes how to map entities and relationships to relations.

472 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

Table 16.2 Summary of how to map entities and relationships to relations.

Entity/Relationship Mapping

Strong entity Create relation that includes all simple

Weak entity Create relation that includes all simple
attributes (primary key still has to be identified
after the relationship with each owner entity
has been mapped).
1:* binary relationship Post primary key of entity on ‘one’ side to act
as foreign key in relation representing entity on
‘many’ side. Any attributes of relationship are
also posted to ‘many’ side.

1:1 binary relationship:

(a) Mandatory participation on both sides Combine entities into one relation.
(b) Mandatory participation on one side Post primary key of entity on ‘optional’ side to
act as foreign key in relation representing entity
on ‘mandatory’ side.
(c) Optional participation on both sides Arbitrary without further information.
Superclass/subclass relationship See Table 16.1.
*:* binary relationship, complex relationship Create a relation to represent the relationship
and include any attributes of the relationship.
Post a copy of the primary keys from each of
the owner entities into the new relation to act
as foreign keys.
Multi-valued attribute Create a relation to represent the multi-valued
attribute and post a copy of the primary key of
the owner entity into the new relation to act as
a foreign key.

Document relations and foreign key attributes

At the end of Step 2.1, document the composition of the relations derived for the logical
data model using the DBDL. The relations for the Staff user views of DreamHome are
shown in Figure 16.3.
Now that each relation has its full set of attributes, we are in a position to identify any
new primary and/or alternate keys. This is particularly important for weak entities that rely
on the posting of the primary key from the parent entity (or entities) to form a primary key
of their own. For example, the weak entity Viewing now has a composite primary key made
up of a copy of the primary key of the PropertyForRent entity (propertyNo) and a copy of the
primary key of the Client entity (clientNo).
The DBDL syntax can be extended to show integrity constraints on the foreign keys
(Step 2.5). The data dictionary should also be updated to reflect any new primary and
alternate keys identified in this step. For example, following the posting of primary keys,
the Lease relation has gained new alternate keys formed from the attributes (propertyNo,
rentStart) and (clientNo, rentStart).
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 473

Step 2.2 Validate relations using normalization

Objective To validate the relations in the logical data model using normalization.

In the previous step we derived a set of relations to represent the conceptual data model
created in Step 1. In this step we validate the groupings of attributes in each relation using
the rules of normalization. The purpose of normalization is to ensure that the set of rela-
tions has a minimal and yet sufficient number of attributes necessary to support the data
requirements of the enterprise. Also, the relations should have minimal data redundancy
to avoid the problems of update anomalies discussed in Section 13.3. However, some
redundancy is essential to allow the joining of related relations.
The use of normalization requires that we first identify the functional dependencies that
hold between the attributes in each relation. The characteristics of functional dependencies
that are used for normalization were discussed in Section 13.4 and can only be identified
if the meaning of each attribute is well understood. The functional dependencies indicate
important relationships between the attributes of a relation. It is those functional depen-
dencies and the primary key for each relation that are used in the process of normalization.
The process of normalization takes a relation through a series of steps to check whether
or not the composition of attributes in a relation conforms or otherwise with the rules for
a given normal form such as First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF),
and Third Normal Form (3NF). The rules for each normal form were discussed in detail
in Sections 13.6 to 13.8. To avoid the problems associated with data redundancy, it is
recommended that each relation be in at least 3NF.
The process of deriving relations from a conceptual data model should produce relations
that are already in 3NF. If, however, we identify relations that are not in 3NF, this may
indicate that part of the logical data model and/or conceptual data model is incorrect, or
that we have introduced an error when deriving the relations from the conceptual data
model. If necessary, we must restructure the problem relation(s) and/or data model(s) to
ensure a true representation of the data requirements of the enterprise.
It is sometimes argued that a normalized database design does not provide maximum
processing efficiency. However, the following points can be argued:
n A normalized design organizes the data according to its functional dependencies.
Consequently, the process lies somewhere between conceptual and physical design.
n The logical design may not be the final design. It should represent the database desig-
ner’s best understanding of the nature and meaning of the data required by the enter-
prise. If there are specific performance criteria, the physical design may be different.
One possibility is that some normalized relations are denormalized, and this approach
is discussed in detail in Step 7 of the physical database design methodology (see
Chapter 18).
n A normalized design is robust and free of the update anomalies discussed in Sec-
tion 13.3.
n Modern computers are much more powerful than those that were available a few years
ago. It is sometimes reasonable to implement a design that gains ease of use at the
expense of additional processing.
474 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

n To use normalization a database designer must understand completely each attribute

that is to be represented in the database. This benefit may be the most important.
n Normalization produces a flexible database design that can be extended easily.

Step 2.3 Validate relations against user transactions

Objective To ensure that the relations in the logical data model support the required

The objective of this step is to validate the logical data model to ensure that the model
supports the required transactions, as detailed in the users’ requirements specification.
This type of check was carried out in Step 1.8 to ensure that the conceptual data model
supported the required transactions. In this step, we check that the relations created in the
previous step also support these transactions, and thereby ensure that no error has been
introduced while creating relations.
Using the relations, the primary key/foreign key links shown in the relations, the ER
diagram, and the data dictionary, we attempt to perform the operations manually. If we
can resolve all transactions in this way, we have validated the logical data model against
the transactions. However, if we are unable to perform a transaction manually, there must
be a problem with the data model, which has to be resolved. In this case, it is likely that
an error has been introduced while creating the relations, and we should go back and check
the areas of the data model that the transaction is accessing to identify and resolve the

Step 2.4 Check integrity constraints

Objective To check integrity constraints are represented in the logical data model.

Integrity constraints are the constraints that we wish to impose in order to protect the
database from becoming incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent. Although DBMS controls
for integrity constraints may or may not exist, this is not the question here. At this stage
we are concerned only with high-level design, that is, specifying what integrity constraints
are required, irrespective of how this might be achieved. A logical data model that includes
all important integrity constraints is a ‘true’ representation of the data requirements for the
enterprise. We consider the following types of integrity constraint:
n required data;
n attribute domain constraints;
n multiplicity;
n entity integrity;
n referential integrity;
n general constraints.
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Required data
Some attributes must always contain a valid value; in other words, they are not allowed
to hold nulls. For example, every member of staff must have an associated job position
(such as Supervisor or Assistant). These constraints should have been identified when we
documented the attributes in the data dictionary (Step 1.3).

Attribute domain constraints

Every attribute has a domain, that is, a set of values that are legal. For example, the sex
of a member of staff is either ‘M’ or ‘F’, so the domain of the sex attribute is a single
character string consisting of ‘M’ or ‘F’. These constraints should have been identified
when we chose the attribute domains for the data model (Step 1.4).

Multiplicity represents the constraints that are placed on relationships between data in
the database. Examples of such constraints include the requirements that a branch has
many staff and a member of staff works at a single branch. Ensuring that all appropriate
integrity constraints are identified and represented is an important part of modeling the
data requirements of an enterprise. In Step 1.2 we defined the relationships between
entities, and all integrity constraints that can be represented in this way were defined and
documented in this step.

Entity integrity
The primary key of an entity cannot hold nulls. For example, each tuple of the Staff
relation must have a value for the primary key attribute, staffNo. These constraints should
have been considered when we identified the primary keys for each entity type (Step 1.5).

Referential integrity
A foreign key links each tuple in the child relation to the tuple in the parent relation
containing the matching candidate key value. Referential integrity means that if the
foreign key contains a value, that value must refer to an existing tuple in the parent
relation. For example, consider the Staff Manages PropertyForRent relationship. The staffNo
attribute in the PropertyForRent relation links the property for rent to the tuple in the Staff
relation containing the member of staff who manages that property. If staffNo is not null,
it must contain a valid value that exists in the staffNo attribute of the Staff relation, or the
property will be assigned to a non-existent member of staff.
There are two issues regarding foreign keys that must be addressed. The first considers
whether nulls are allowed for the foreign key. For example, can we store the details of a
property for rent without having a member of staff specified to manage it (that is, can we
specify a null staffNo)? The issue is not whether the staff number exists, but whether a staff
number must be specified. In general, if the participation of the child relation in the
relationship is:
476 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

n mandatory, then nulls are not allowed;

n optional, then nulls are allowed.
The second issue we must address is how to ensure referential integrity. To do this, we
specify existence constraints that define conditions under which a candidate key or for-
eign key may be inserted, updated, or deleted. For the 1:* Staff Manages PropertyForRent
relationship consider the following cases.

Case 1: Insert tuple into child relation (PropertyForRent)

To ensure referential integrity, check that the foreign key attribute, staffNo, of the new
PropertyForRent tuple is set to null or to a value of an existing Staff tuple.

Case 2: Delete tuple from child relation (PropertyForRent)

If a tuple of a child relation is deleted referential integrity is unaffected.

Case 3: Update foreign key of child tuple (PropertyForRent)

This is similar to Case 1. To ensure referential integrity, check that the staffNo of the
updated PropertyForRent tuple is set to null or to a value of an existing Staff tuple.

Case 4: Insert tuple into parent relation (Staff)

Inserting a tuple into the parent relation (Staff) does not affect referential integrity; it
simply becomes a parent without any children: in other words, a member of staff without
properties to manage.

Case 5: Delete tuple from parent relation (Staff)

If a tuple of a parent relation is deleted, referential integrity is lost if there exists a child
tuple referencing the deleted parent tuple, in other words if the deleted member of staff
currently manages one or more properties. There are several strategies we can consider:
n NO ACTION Prevent a deletion from the parent relation if there are any referenced
child tuples. In our example, ‘You cannot delete a member of staff if he or she currently
manages any properties’.
n CASCADE When the parent tuple is deleted automatically delete any referenced child
tuples. If any deleted child tuple acts as the parent in another relationship then the delete
operation should be applied to the tuples in this child relation and so on in a cascading
manner. In other words, deletions from the parent relation cascade to the child relation.
In our example, ‘Deleting a member of staff automatically deletes all properties he or
she manages’. Clearly, in this situation, this strategy would not be wise. If we have used
the advanced modeling technique of composition to relate the parent and child entities,
CASCADE should be specified (see Section 12.3).
n SET NULL When a parent tuple is deleted, the foreign key values in all correspond-
ing child tuples are automatically set to null. In our example, ‘If a member of staff is
deleted, indicate that the current assignment of those properties previously managed
by that employee is unknown’. We can only consider this strategy if the attributes
comprising the foreign key are able to accept nulls.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 477

n SET DEFAULT When a parent tuple is deleted, the foreign key values in all cor-
responding child tuples should automatically be set to their default values. In our
example, ‘If a member of staff is deleted, indicate that the current assignment of some
properties is being handled by another (default) member of staff such as the Manager’.
We can only consider this strategy if the attributes comprising the foreign key have
default values defined.
n NO CHECK When a parent tuple is deleted, do nothing to ensure that referential
integrity is maintained.

Case 6: Update primary key of parent tuple (Staff)

If the primary key value of a parent relation tuple is updated, referential integrity is lost
if there exists a child tuple referencing the old primary key value; that is, if the updated
member of staff currently manages one or more properties. To ensure referential integrity,
the strategies described above can be used. In the case of CASCADE, the updates to the
primary key of the parent tuple are reflected in any referencing child tuples, and if a
referencing child tuple is itself a primary key of a parent tuple, this update will also
cascade to its referencing child tuples, and so on in a cascading manner. It is normal for
updates to be specified as CASCADE.
The referential integrity constraints for the relations that have been created for the Staff
user views of DreamHome are shown in Figure 16.4.

Figure 16.4
Referential integrity
constraints for the
relations in the Staff
user views of
478 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

General constraints
Finally, we consider constraints known as general constraints. Updates to entities may be
controlled by constraints governing the ‘real world’ transactions that are represented by
the updates. For example, DreamHome has a rule that prevents a member of staff from
managing more than 100 properties at the same time.

Document all integrity constraints

Document all integrity constraints in the data dictionary for consideration during physical

Step 2.5 Review logical data model with user

Objective To review the logical data model with the users to ensure that they con-
sider the model to be a true representation of the data requirements of the

The logical data model should now be complete and fully documented. However, to
confirm this is the case, users are requested to review the logical data model to ensure that
they consider the model to be a true representation of the data requirements of the enter-
prise. If the users are dissatisfied with the model then some repetition of earlier steps in the
methodology may be required.
If the users are satisfied with the model then the next step taken depends on the number
of user views associated with the database and, more importantly, how they are being
managed. If the database system has a single user view or multiple user views that are
being managed using the centralization approach (see Section 9.5) then we proceed
directly to the final step of Step 2, namely Step 2.7. If the database has multiple user
views that are being managed using the view integration approach (see Section 9.5) then
we proceed to Step 2.6. The view integration approach results in the creation of several
logical data models each of which represents one or more, but not all, user views of a
database. The purpose of Step 2.6 is to merge these data models to create a single logical
data model that represents all user views of a database. However, before we consider
this step we discuss briefly the relationship between logical data models and data flow

Relationship between logical data model and data flow diagrams

A logical data model reflects the structure of stored data for an enterprise. A Data Flow
Diagram (DFD) shows data moving about the enterprise and being stored in datastores.
All attributes should appear within an entity type if they are held within the enterprise,
and will probably be seen flowing around the enterprise as a data flow. When these two
techniques are being used to model the users’ requirements specification, we can use each
one to check the consistency and completeness of the other. The rules that control the
relationship between the two techniques are:
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 479

n each datastore should represent a whole number of entity types;

n attributes on data flows should belong to entity types.

Step 2.6 Merge logical data models into global model (optional step)

Objective To merge local logical data models into a single global logical data model
that represents all user views of a database.

This step is only necessary for the design of a database with multiple user views that are
being managed using the view integration approach. To facilitate the description of the
merging process we use the terms ‘local logical data model’ and ‘global logical data
model’. A local logical data model represents one or more but not all user views of a
database whereas global logical data model represents all user views of a database. In this
step we merge two or more local logical data models into a single global logical data model.
The source of information for this step is the local data models created through Step 1
and Steps 2.1 to 2.5 of the methodology. Although each local logical data model should
be correct, comprehensive, and unambiguous, each model is only a representation of one
or more but not all user views of a database. In other words, each model represents only
part of the complete database. This may mean that there are inconsistencies as well as
overlaps when we look at the complete set of user views. Thus, when we merge the local
logical data models into a single global model, we must endeavor to resolve conflicts
between the views and any overlaps that exist.
Therefore, on completion of the merging process, the resulting global logical data
model is subjected to validations similar to those performed on the local data models. The
validations are particularly necessary and should be focused on areas of the model which
are subjected to most change during the merging process.
The activities in this step include:
n Step 2.6.1 Merge local logical data models into global model
n Step 2.6.2 Validate global logical data model
n Step 2.6.3 Review global logical data model with users
We demonstrate this step using the local logical data model developed above for the Staff
user views of the DreamHome case study and using the model developed in Chapters 11
and 12 for the Branch user views of DreamHome. Figure 16.5 shows the relations created
from the ER model for the Branch user views given in Figure 12.8. We leave it as an
exercise for the reader to show that this mapping is correct (see Exercise 16.6).

Step 2.6.1 Merge logical data models into global model

Objective To merge local logical data models into a single global logical data model.

Up to this point, for each local logical data model we have produced an ER diagram,
a relational schema, a data dictionary, and supporting documentation that describes the
480 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

Figure 16.5 Relations for the Branch user views of DreamHome.

constraints on the data. In this step, we use these components to identify the similarities
and differences between the models and thereby help merge the models together.
For a simple database system with a small number of user views each with a small
number of entity and relationship types, it is a relatively easy task to compare the
local models, merge them together, and resolve any differences that exist. However, in a
large system, a more systematic approach must be taken. We present one approach that
may be used to merge the local models together and resolve any inconsistencies found.
For a discussion on other approaches, the interested reader is referred to the papers by
Batini and Lanzerini (1986), Biskup and Convent (1986), Spaccapietra et al. (1992) and
Bouguettaya et al. (1998).
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 481

Some typical tasks in this approach are as follows:

(1) Review the names and contents of entities/relations and their candidate keys.
(2) Review the names and contents of relationships/foreign keys.
(3) Merge entities/relations from the local data models.
(4) Include (without merging) entities/relations unique to each local data model.
(5) Merge relationships/foreign keys from the local data models.
(6) Include (without merging) relationships/foreign keys unique to each local data model.
(7) Check for missing entities/relations and relationships/foreign keys.
(8) Check foreign keys.
(9) Check integrity constraints.
(10) Draw the global ER/relation diagram.
(11) Update the documentation.
In some of the above tasks, we have used the term ‘entities/relations’ and ‘relationships/
foreign keys’. This allows the designer to choose whether to examine the ER models
or the relations that have been derived from the ER models in conjunction with their
supporting documentation, or even to use a combination of both approaches. It may be
easier to base the examination on the composition of relations as this removes many
syntactic and semantic differences that may exist between different ER models possibly
produced by different designers.
Perhaps the easiest way to merge several local data models together is first to merge two
of the data models to produce a new model, and then successively to merge the remaining
local data models until all the local models are represented in the final global data model.
This may prove a simpler approach than trying to merge all the local data models at the
same time.

(1) Review the names and contents of entities/relations and their

candidate keys
It may be worthwhile reviewing the names and descriptions of entities/relations that
appear in the local data models by inspecting the data dictionary. Problems can arise when
two or more entities/relations:
n have the same name but are, in fact, different (homonyms);
n are the same but have different names (synonyms).
It may be necessary to compare the data content of each entity/relation to resolve these
problems. In particular, use the candidate keys to help identify equivalent entities/relations
that may be named differently across views. A comparison of the relations in the Branch
and Staff user views of DreamHome is shown in Table 16.3. The relations that are com-
mon to each user views are highlighted.

(2) Review the names and contents of relationships/foreign keys

This activity is the same as described for entities/relations. A comparison of the for-
eign keys in the Branch and Staff user views of DreamHome is shown in Table 16.4. The
482 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

Table 16.3 A comparison of the names of entities/relations and their candidate keys in the
Branch and Staff user views.

Branch user views Staff user views

Entity/Relation Candidate keys Entity/Relation Candidate keys

Branch branchNo
Telephone telNo
Staff staffNo Staff staffNo
Manager staffNo
PrivateOwner ownerNo PrivateOwner ownerNo
BusinessOwner bName BusinessOwner bName
telNo telNo
Client clientNo Client clientNo
PropertyForRent propertyNo PropertyForRent propertyNo
Viewing clientNo, propertyNo
Lease leaseNo Lease leaseNo
propertyNo, propertyNo,
rentStart rentStart
clientNo, rentStart clientNo, rentStart
Registration clientNo
Newspaper newpaperName
Advert (propertyNo,

foreign keys that are common to each view are highlighted. Note, in particular, that of the
relations that are common to both views, the Staff and PropertyForRent relations have an
extra foreign key, branchNo.
This initial comparison of the relationship names/foreign keys in each view again gives
some indication of the extent to which the views overlap. However, it is important to
recognize that we should not rely too heavily on the fact that entities or relationships with
the same name play the same role in both views. However, comparing the names of
entities/relations and relationships/foreign keys is a good starting point when searching
for overlap between the views, as long as we are aware of the pitfalls.
We must be careful of entities or relationships that have the same name but in fact
represent different concepts (also called homonyms). An example of this occurrence
is the Staff Manages PropertyForRent (Staff view) and Manager Manages Branch (Branch
view). Obviously, the Manages relationship in this case means something different in
each view.
Table 16.4 A comparison of the foreign keys in the Branch and Staff user views.

Branch user views Staff user views

Child relation Foreign keys Parent relation Child relation Foreign keys Parent relation

Branch mgrStaffNo → Manager(staffNo)

Telephonea branchNo → Branch(branchNo)
Staff supervisorStaffNo → Staff(staffNo) Staff supervisorStaffNo → Staff(staffNo)
branchNo → Branch(branchNo)
Manager staffNo → Staff(staffNo)
PrivateOwner PrivateOwner
BusinessOwner BusinessOwner
Client Client staffNo → Staff(staffNo)
PropertyForRent ownerNo → PrivateOwner(ownerNo) PropertyForRent ownerNo → PrivateOwner(ownerNo)
bName → BusinessOwner(bName) ownerNo → BusinessOwner(ownerNo)
staffNo → Staff(staffNo) staffNo → Staff(staffNo)
branchNo → Branch(branchNo)
Viewing clientNo → Client(clientNo)
propertyNo → PropertyForRent(propertyNo)
Lease clientNo → Client(clientNo) Lease clientNo → Client(clientNo)
propertyNo → PropertyForRent(propertyNo) propertyNo → PropertyForRent(propertyNo)
Registrationb clientNo → Client(clientNo)
branchNo → Branch(branchNo)
staffNo → Staff(staffNo)
Advertc propertyNo → PropertyForRent(propertyNo)
newspaperName → Newspaper(newspaperName)
The Telephone relation is created from the multi-valued attribute telNo
The Registration relation is created from the ternary relationship Registers
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model

The Advert relation is created from the many-to-many (*;*) relationship Advertises
484 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

We must therefore ensure that entities or relationships that have the same name rep-
resent the same concept in the ‘real world’, and that the names that differ in each view
represent different concepts. To achieve this, we compare the attributes (and, in particular,
the keys) associated with each entity and also their associated relationships with other
entities. We should also be aware that entities or relationships in one view may be repres-
ented simply as attributes in another view. For example, consider the scenario where the
Branch entity has an attribute called managerName in one view, which is represented as an
entity called Manager in another view.

(3) Merge entities/relations from the local data models

Examine the name and content of each entity/relation in the models to be merged to deter-
mine whether entities/relations represent the same thing and can therefore be merged.
Typical activities involved in this task include:

n merging entities/relations with the same name and the same primary key;
n merging entities/relations with the same name but different primary keys;
n merging entities/relations with different names using the same or different primary

Merging entities/relations with the same name and the same primary key
Generally, entities/relations with the same primary key represent the same ‘real world’
object and should be merged. The merged entity/relation includes the attributes from the
original entities/relations with duplicates removed. For example, Figure 16.6 lists the
attributes associated with the relation PrivateOwner defined in the Branch and Staff user
views. The primary key of both relations is ownerNo. We merge these two relations
together by combining their attributes, so that the merged PrivateOwner relation now has all
the original attributes associated with both PrivateOwner relations. Note that there is conflict
between the views on how we should represent the name of an owner. In this situation, we
should (if possible) consult the users of each view to determine the final representation.
Note, in this example, we use the decomposed version of the owner’s name, represented
by the fName and lName attributes, in the merged global view.

Figure 16.6
Merging the
relations from the
Branch and Staff
user views.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 485

In a similar way, from Table 16.2 the Staff, Client, PropertyForRent, and Lease relations
have the same primary keys in both views and the relations can be merged as discussed

Merging entities/relations with the same name but different primary keys
In some situations, we may find two entities/relations with the same name and similar
candidate keys, but with different primary keys. In this case, the entities/relations should
be merged together as described above. However, it is necessary to choose one key to be
the primary key, the others becoming alternate keys. For example, Figure 16.7 lists the
attributes associated with the two relations BusinessOwner defined in the two views. The
primary key of the BusinessOwner relation in the Branch user views is bName and the pri-
mary key of the BusinessOwner relation in the Staff user views is ownerNo. However, the
alternate key for BusinessOwner in the Staff user views is bName. Although the primary
keys are different, the primary key of BusinessOwner in the Branch user views is the
alternate key of BusinessOwner in the Staff user views. We merge these two relations
together as shown in Figure 16.7 and include bName as an alternate key.

Merging entities/relations with different names using the same or different

primary keys
In some cases, we may identify entities/relations that have different names but appear to
have the same purpose. These equivalent entities/relations may be recognized simply by:

n their name, which indicates their similar purpose;

n their content and, in particular, their primary key;
n their association with particular relationships.

An obvious example of this occurrence would be entities called Staff and Employee, which
if found to be equivalent should be merged.

Figure 16.7
Merging the
relations with
different primary
486 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

(4) Include (without merging) entities/relations unique to each

local data model
The previous tasks should identify all entities/relations that are the same. All remaining
entities/relations are included in the global model without change. From Table 16.2, the
Branch, Telephone, Manager, Registration, Newspaper, and Advert relations are unique to the
Branch user views, and the Viewing relation is unique to the Staff user views.

(5) Merge relationships/foreign keys from the local data models

In this step we examine the name and purpose of each relationship/foreign key in the data
models. Before merging relationships/foreign keys, it is important to resolve any conflicts
between the relationships such as differences in multiplicity constraints. The activities in
this step include:
n merging relationships/foreign keys with the same name and the same purpose;
n merging relationships/foreign keys with different names but the same purpose.
Using Table 16.3 and the data dictionary, we can identify foreign keys with the same name
and the same purpose which can be merged into the global model.
Note that the Registers relationship in the two views essentially represents the same
‘event’: in the Staff user views, the Registers relationship models a member of staff regis-
tering a client; in the Branch user views, the situation is slightly more complex due to the
additional modeling of branches, but the introduction of the Registration relation models a
member of staff registering a client at a branch. In this case, we ignore the Registers rela-
tionship in the Staff user views and include the equivalent relationships/foreign keys from
the Branch user views in the next step.

(6) Include (without merging) relationships/foreign keys unique to

each local data model
Again, the previous task should identify relationships/foreign keys that are the same (by
definition, they must be between the same entities/relations, which would have been
merged together earlier). All remaining relationships/foreign keys are included in the
global model without change.

(7) Check for missing entities/relations and relationships/foreign keys

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in producing the global model is identifying missing
entities/relations and relationships/foreign keys between different local data models. If a
corporate data model exists for the enterprise, this may reveal entities and relationships
that do not appear in any local data model. Alternatively, as a preventative measure, when
interviewing the users of a specific user views, ask them to pay particular attention to the
entities and relationships that exist in other user views. Otherwise, examine the attributes
of each entity/relation and look for references to entities/relations in other local data
models. We may find that we have an attribute associated with an entity/relation in one
local data model that corresponds to a primary key, alternate key, or even a non-key
attribute of an entity/relation in another local data model.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 487

(8) Check foreign keys

During this step, entities/relations and relationships/foreign keys may have been merged,
primary keys changed, and new relationships identified. Check that the foreign keys in
child relations are still correct, and make any necessary modifications. The relations that
represent the global logical data model for DreamHome are shown in Figure 16.8.

Figure 16.8 Relations that represent the global logical data model for DreamHome.
488 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

(9) Check integrity constraints

Check that the integrity constraints for the global logical data model do not conflict with
those originally specified for each view. For example, if any new relationships have been
identified and new foreign keys have been created, ensure that appropriate referential
integrity constraints are specified. Any conflicts must be resolved in consultation with the

(10) Draw the global ER/relation diagram

We now draw a final diagram that represents all the merged local logical data models. If
relations have been used as the basis for merging, we call the resulting diagram a global
relation diagram, which shows primary keys and foreign keys. If local ER diagrams have
been used, the resulting diagram is simply a global ER diagram. The global relation diagram
for DreamHome is shown in Figure 16.9.

(11) Update the documentation

Update the documentation to reflect any changes made during the development of the
global data model. It is very important that the documentation is up to date and reflects the
current data model. If changes are made to the model subsequently, either during database
implementation or during maintenance, then the documentation should be updated at the
same time. Out-of-date information will cause considerable confusion at a later time.

Step 2.6.2 Validate global logical data model

Objective To validate the relations created from the global logical data model using
the technique of normalization and to ensure they support the required
transactions, if necessary.

This step is equivalent to Steps 2.2 and 2.3, where we validated each local logical data
model. However, it is only necessary to check those areas of the model that resulted in any
change during the merging process. In a large system, this will significantly reduce the
amount of rechecking that needs to be performed.

Step 2.6.3 Review global logical data model with users

Objective To review the global logical data model with the users to ensure that they
consider the model to be a true representation of the data requirements of
an enterprise.

The global logical data model for the enterprise should now be complete and accurate. The
model and the documentation that describes the model should be reviewed with the users
to ensure that it is a true representation of the enterprise.
16.1 Logical Database Design Methodology for the Relational Model | 489

Figure 16.9 Global relation diagram for DreamHome.

490 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

To facilitate the description of the tasks associated with Step 2.6 it is necessary to use the
terms ‘local logical data model’ and ‘global logical data model’. However, at the end of
this step when the local data models have been merged into a single global data model, the
distinction between the data models that refer to some or all user views of a database is
no longer necessary. Therefore on completion of this step we refer to the single global
data model using the simpler term of ‘logical data model’ for the remaining steps of the

Step 2.7 Check for future growth

Objective To determine whether there are any significant changes likely in the fore-
seeable future and to assess whether the logical data model can accom-
modate these changes.

Logical database design concludes by considering whether the logical data model (which
may or may not have been developed using Step 2.6) is capable of being extended to sup-
port possible future developments. If the model can sustain current requirements only, then
the life of the model may be relatively short and significant reworking may be necessary
to accommodate new requirements. It is important to develop a model that is extensible and
has the ability to evolve to support new requirements with minimal effect on existing users.
Of course, this may be very difficult to achieve, as the enterprise may not know what it
wants to do in the future. Even if it does, it may be prohibitively expensive both in time
and money to accommodate possible future enhancements now. Therefore, it may be
necessary to be selective in what is accommodated. Consequently, it is worth examining
the model to check its ability to be extended with minimal impact. However, it is not
necessary to incorporate any changes into the data model unless requested by the user.
At the end of Step 2 the logical data model is used as the source of information for
physical database design, which is described in the following two chapters as Steps 3 to 8
of the methodology.
For readers familiar with database design, a summary of the steps of the methodology
is presented in Appendix G.

Chapter Summary
n The database design methodology includes three main phases: conceptual, logical, and physical database
n Logical database design is the process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise based on a
specific data model but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations.
n A logical data model includes ER diagram(s), relational schema, and supporting documentation such as the
data dictionary, which is produced throughout the development of the model.
Review Questions | 491

n The purpose of Step 2.1 of the methodology for logical database design is to derive a relational schema from
the conceptual data model created in Step 1.
n In Step 2.2 the relational schema is validated using the rules of normalization to ensure that each relation is
structurally correct. Normalization is used to improve the model so that it satisfies various constraints that
avoids unnecessary duplication of data. In Step 2.3 the relational schema is also validated to ensure it supports
the transactions given in the users’ requirements specification.
n In Step 2.4 the integrity constraints of the logical data model are checked. Integrity constraints are the con-
straints that are to be imposed on the database to protect the database from becoming incomplete, inaccurate,
or inconsistent. The main types of integrity constraints include: required data, attribute domain constraints,
multiplicity, entity integrity, referential integrity, and general constraints.
n In Step 2.5 the logical data model is validated by the users.
n Step 2.6 of logical database design is an optional step and is only required if the database has multiple user
views that are being managed using the view integration approach (see Section 9.5), which results in the cre-
ation of two or more local logical data models. A local logical data model represents the data requirements
of one or more, but not all, user views of a database. In Step 2.6 these data models are merged into a global
logical data model which represents the requirements of all user views. This logical data model is again
validated using normalization, against the required transaction, and by users.
n Logical database design concludes with Step 2.7, which considers whether the model is capable of being
extended to support possible future developments. At the end of Step 2, the logical data model, which may or
may not have been developed using Step 2.6, is the source of information for physical database design
described as Steps 3 to 8 in Chapters 17 and 18.

Review Questions
16.1 Discuss the purpose of logical database 16.3 Discuss how the technique of normalization can
design. be used to validate the relations derived from the
16.2 Describe the rules for deriving relations that conceptual data model.
represent: 16.4 Discuss two approaches that can be used to
(a) strong entity types; validate that the relational schema is capable of
(b) weak entity types; supporting the required transactions.
(c) one-to-many (1:*) binary relationship types; 16.5 Describe the purpose of integrity constraints and
(d) one-to-one (1:1) binary relationship types; identify the main types of integrity constraints on a
(e) one-to-one (1:1) recursive relationship types; logical data model.
(f) superclass/subclass relationship types; 16.6 Describe the alternative strategies that can be
(g) many-to-many (*:*) binary relationship applied if there exists a child tuple referencing a
types; parent tuple that we wish to delete.
(h) complex relationship types; 16.7 Identify the tasks typically associated with
(i) multi-valued attributes. merging local logical data models into a global
Give examples to illustrate your answers. logical model.
492 | Chapter 16 z Methodology – Logical Database Design for the Relational Model

16.8 Derive relations from the following conceptual data model:

The DreamHome case study

16.9 Create a relational schema for the Branch user view of DreamHome based on the conceptual data model
produced in Exercise 15.13 and compare your schema with the relations listed in Figure 16.5. Justify any
differences found.

The University Accommodation Office case study

16.10 Create and validate a logical data model from the conceptual data model for the University Accommodation
Office case study created in Exercise 15.16.

The EasyDrive School of Motoring case study

16.11 Create and validate a logical data model from the conceptual data model for the EasyDrive School of
Motoring case study created in Exercise 15.18.
Exercises | 493

The Wellmeadows Hospital case study

16.12 Create and validate the local logical data models for each of the local conceptual data models of the
Wellmeadows Hospital case study identified in Exercise 15.21.
16.13 Merge the local data models to create a global logical data model of the Wellmeadows Hospital case study.
State any assumptions necessary to support your design.

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