Policy Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Network, The Case of Inter Island Freight Transportation in Indonesia
Policy Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Network, The Case of Inter Island Freight Transportation in Indonesia
Policy Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Network, The Case of Inter Island Freight Transportation in Indonesia
7, 2009
Abstract: This paper outlines a research on the development of an analytical model of multi-
mode multi-commodity freight transportation in Indonesia. The model is intended to evaluate
strategic planning of inter island freight transportation. The demand for inter island freight
transportation is estimated by econometric demand models taking into account socio-
economic characteristics of the regions and commodity types. The supply side concerns with
the inter island transportation network, including land access network connecting to transfer
points, especially with respect to modelling links, transfer points, and generalized cost
function. System optimization is obtained by minimizing the total generalized transport cost
consisting of cost on links and transfers. The model is applied to evaluate impacts of several
policy scenarios which contribute to the improvement of inter island freight transportation
network and has shown its capability of estimating system costs of transportation network that
can be utilized to assess the policy implications.
Sea freight transportation network plays a vital role in Indonesian economy since the country
covers over 5 millions km2 area with over 17,000 islands. Since 1980s the annual growth of
freight transportation reached 10-20% by railways, 5-10% by air, 10-15% by sea.
Connectivity and efficiency of the existing inter island transportation network, however,
especially of freight transportation, have been felt to face serious problems. This leads to the
high cost of transportation that in turn affects the competitiveness of the economy.
With respect to inter island freight transportation network, the situation is more problematic
as transportation of commodities normally involves two or more different modes. At the
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009
This research deals with demand and supply side. The demand side is related to socio-
economic characteristics of the regions in question. The supply side is related to the
performance of the system, especially with respect to links, transfer points, mode attributes,
and generalized cost function.
Figure 1 describes the general outline of the steps and aspects of the research.
Condition Freight Transport
Freight Transport
Demand Model Alternative
Policy Scenario
Evaluation of
Network Performance
Figure 1 Research outline
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009
The demand for freight transport is considered to be mostly of economic motivation. The use
of econometric approach to explain the relationship between the demand for freight transport
and other economic variables forms the basic method of analysis.
The total amount of commodity movement between a pair of cities is assumed to be a function
of certain social economic characteristics of these cities. The general form of the demand model
is specified as follows:
Model 1: Tijk = α ( Xi. Xj) β (Yi.Yj) γ (1)
Model 2: Tijk = α ( Xi. Xj ) β (2)
Model 3: Tijk = α (Yi.Yj) (3)
Tijk = volume of commodity k produced in zone i and transported to zone j, in
Xi, Xj = number of population of zone i and zone j, in 1,000 people;
Yi, Yj = GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product), total or industrial sector, of
zone i and zone j, in 109 Rupiah ;
α , β , γ = model parameters.
Zone Centroid
Node Platoon Product
Unit cost function
Considering that the industrial sector induces a very significant impact to the flow of
commodities from and to a region, GRDP of industrial sector was also utilized as an
alternative variable in spite of total GRDP. The usefulness of this model, which is an
aggregate model and utilizes aggregated data, is considered rather to be the tool to evaluate
impacts of policy changes to the existing system than to generate absolute estimates of freight
Link Vehicle
Standard Attribute Standard Attribute
Additional Attribute Additional Attribute
Results :
Unit cost
Marginal cost
Function Set
Link set function
Transfer set function
Standard Attribute
Additional Attribute
Results :
Unit cost
Marginal cost
The simulated network consists of a number of elements. Details of the elements are shown
in Figure 3. The main elements consist of mode, node and link, vehicle, transfer, and
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009
function that follow a particular structure and are defined hierarchically. Every element is
specified by certain attributes that determine how they interact to each other.
A simple illustration of a network is shown in Figure 4. In this figure two modes are
indicated, namely road and rail. City A to B is served by all modes, whilst A to C and B to C
are served by road only. In the simplified representation all cities are connected each other by
direct links and modes are allocated as attributes of links.
B Rail
Real Network
A A Rail
(a) (b)
Simplified Network
Figure 4 Real and simplified network representation
(a) Combined representation
(b) Parallel representation
The transfer deserves special attention. Transfers are defined as a process from a node and
mode where interchanges begin, through transfer points, and move to the node and mode of
destination. Figure 5 shows a mode interchange and its development at the node.
1 3
1 3
2 4
The link (transfer) unit cost for a given product is a user-defined combination of up to three
function :
The total cost of the flow on arc a, a Є A (a set of arcs), for the product p, p Є P (a set of all
products considered), is the product spa(v) vpa , while the total cost of the flow on transfer t, t
Є T (a set of transfers), is spt(v) vpt . We then have :
s a (v ) = ∑ s ap (v)v ap (8)
st ( v ) = ∑ stp (v)vtp (9)
p∈ P
The the link (transfer ) function set indicates the functions associated with each product on
each link (transfer), where :
sa(v) : total cost of the flow on the link
st(v) : total cost of the flow on the transfer point
spa(v) : unit cost of product p on the link
spt(v) : unit cost of product p on the transfer point
p p
v a,vt : the flow of product p on the link, or on the transfer point
The total generalized system cost, that is the total cost of the flows of all products over the
multi-modal network, is the function F that is to minimize :
F= ∑ ∑ sap (v )vap + ∑ stp (v )vtp (10)
p∈ P a∈ A t ∈T
and the multiproduct, multimode assignment model is carried out by minimizing equation
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009
4.1 Data
Data of inter island commodity flows through ports were obtained from a domestic sea
transportation study (JICA, 2003). The JICA study specifies the commodities into 13
categories (Petroleum, CPO, Other Liquid, Coal, Other Mines, Rice, Agri Grains, Fertilizer,
Cement, Other Grains, Fresh Products, Forestry Products, and Others (General Cargo) with
four packaging types, namely container, break bulk, dry bulk, and liquid bulk. The JICA
study estimates the annual origin-destination of commodity flows by ports.
Data on existing transportation networks were obtained from Ministry of Communication and
various transport operators. The data include networks condition, services attributes, and
fares. These data were used to derive parameters for the cost functions and variables of the
link and transfer services of the networks under consideration.
Indications of potential policies for transportation network development were obtained from
varying previous studies and plans. These include development plans of port system,
highway, toll roads, and railways in the relevant areas under study.
By assuming that a node/transfer point can be considered as a link (transfer link), the cost
function at a transfer link can be specified as follows:
cap = αp la + βp ta (12)
cap : generalized cost (Rp/ton) at link a
αp : fare (Rp/ton/km) at a transfer link
βp : value of time (Rp/ton/hr)
ta : travel time at link (hr)
la : length of link a (km), la = 1 for transfer link
Based on the data obtained from transport operators, Frazila (2005) derived following cost
parameters for the link cost function (which were used in this study) :
1. Link parameters of roads: αp = 0, βp = Rp 7 /hr/ton;
2. Link parameters of toll roads: αp = Rp 200/ton/km, βp = Rp 8 /hr/ton;
3. Link parameters of sea : αp = Rp 43.9 /ton/km,
βp = Rp 5/hr/ton for container cargo,
βp = Rp 5/hr/ton for dry bulk cargo,
βp = Rp 6/hr/ton for break bulk / general cargo,
βp = Rp 5 hr/ton for liquid bulk;
Transfers identified in this study are transfer:
• between land transportation and sea transportation; and
• between ferry and sea transportation.
Value of time at transfer points is assumed equal to link value of time for all packaging. Cost
parameters for transfer points at ports are obtained based on the available data as presented in
Table 2.
Simulations are carried to test the effect of a number of strategic transportation policy
scenarios on the total transportation cost and the simulated time is the year of 2006. The
focus is on the simulation of inter island commodity movement in Indonesia utilizing ports as
the inter island transfer points. Roads and railways are treated as access means of
transportation to ports. Policy scenarios include:
a. development of land transportation consisting of roads and railways, especially in
Java and Sumatera Islands, that will improve the access networks to ports ; and
b. development of the inter island port system to improve the performance of commodity
movement in general.
B2. Improvement of Trans Sumatera Highway Network especially in the west, east, and
middle routes.
B3. Development of Fully Connected Trans Sumatera Railways (Figure 7), consisting of
improvement and building new links, to fully connect all provinces in Sumatera and
improvement of services as to meet the demand. The existing railways in Sumatera are
situated at 3 areas and unconnected each other; and this development adds 13 new links
of railways.
0 50km
Besitang Belawan
P.Siantar Tjg.Balai
Pdg. Panjang Muaralembu
Pariaman Telukkuantan Kuala Enok
Lbk.Linggau Blimbing
Ibukota Propinsi Tebingtinggi
Kota-kota lainnya Muaraenim
Jalan kereta api yang ada (eksisting) Tanjungenim
Koridor jalan kereta api baru skema awal Baturaja
assign a number of ports as hub that services longer distance inter island movement and
every hub connects to several spokes as feeder.
C3. Implementation of Hub-Spoke Ports with 9 hubs (part of Figure 8), namely Medan,
Batam, Palembang, Jakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Ambon, and Sorong.
C4. Development of Trans Java Toll Roads as in A2.
C5. Development of Fully Connected Trans Sumatera Railways as in B3.
Figure 9 shows that the development of double tracks of the Java Railway Network reduces
significantly the system cost and this is much more superior to the development of Trans Java
Toll Roads. This is mainly induced by the more cost efficiency of the railways. As the
double-track railways are available most bottlenecks of inland transportation as access to
ports in Java will be relieved and a substantial portion of existing road freight traffic divert to
railways. The railway network is also covering most area of production centers in Java and
the railway development will certainly provide better direct access to inter island ports. And,
the railway benefit will increase on the longer travel distance. The Trans Java Toll Roads
development will also improve the inland transportation network, but its impact is not as
substantial as the railways development since the toll roads are less cost effective than
railways and mainly improve capacity in the northern area.
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009
As seen in Figure 10 the Trans Sumatera Railway development will reduce substantially the
total system cost of inland freight transportation. This is mainly due to the highly cost
efficiency of railways and the policy will divert a substantial portion of inter island road
freight traffic to railways especially for the longer distance traffic. The system improvement
is also obtained from the better intermodal transfer as the simulated railway network provides
direct access to inter island ports from main production centers in Sumatera.
The performance of inter island network will be improved by the implementation of hub ports
together with designated spokes as feeder to the hubs. The implementation of 9-hub system
as seen in Figure 11 induces lower system costs than 15-hub system does which suggests that
more hubs do not necessarily mean more efficient inter island port system. The
implementation of hub-spoke ports represents an improvement to the system hierarchy of
inter island port system and this increases the efficiency of freight transportation system by
better inter-modal or intra-modal transfer at ports. This policy also reduces inefficient direct
links between inter island ports which therefore affects better economy of scale of services in
both main and feeder links. The improvement of inland transportation network simulated
here, both Trans Java Toll Roads and Trans Sumatera Railways Development, will also
induce some benefit to the inter island transportation as these provide better accesses to the
This research was supported by the Competitive Research Grant Program (Hibah Bersaing)
Batch XIV 2007 of the Directorate of Research and Community Services, Directorate
General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education
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