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ScienceDirect Environmental analysis of different end of life scenarios of tires

textile fibers

Article  in  Procedia CIRP · May 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.03.141


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3 authors, including:

Daniele Landi Michele Germani

University of Bergamo Università Politecnica delle Marche


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Procedia CIRP 00 (2016) 000–000

23rd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Environmental analysis of different end of life scenarios of tires textile

Daniele Landia*, Samuele Vitalia , Michele Germania
Università Politecnica delle Marche, via Brecce Bianche, Ancona 60012, Italy

* Daniele Landi. Tel: +39 071 2204797; E-mail address:


End-of-Life Tires (ELT) are one of the main source of waste in End of Life Vehicles (ELVs). Textile fibers represent about 10% in weight of
the ELT and every year, in Europe, about 320,000 tons of dirty fibrous material must be disposed as special waste. Studies show that the
fibrous material can be used in second life applications, reducing the environmental impacts of tires disposal, but none of these researches
quantitatively evaluate the achievable benefits. This study presents a comparative evaluation of the environmental impacts of the tires
considering different scenarios for the end of life of the textile fibers material.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the scientific committee of the 23rd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle

Keywords: " End of life tires; environmental impact; second application."

1. Introduction which may go for recovery of reusable material (39%) or

energy recovery (37%) [2,3,4]
About 9 million end-of-life vehicles (ELV) for year are In Italy every year about 35 million tires (400,000 tons)
recycled in the EU countries, and even if this value has from cars, two-wheelers, trucks, industrial agricultural
strongly increased after 2000, yet approximately 15% of ELV vehicles, arrive at the end of their life; around 20,000 tons still
materials are still considered waste and generally goes to finish to landfill [5].
landfills. Currently only thirteen Member States over 27 met Over the last 20 years recovery rates for ELT have
the 85% target of ELV materials re-use/recovery while the dramatically increased in Europe mainly thanks to Extended
European environmental legislation on this matter [1] requires Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes that are one of the
the reduction of this waste to a maximum of 5% by January main economic instruments to implement the waste hierarchy
2015. To reach this ambitious goal, all the sector operators (COM(2011) 571). At the same time the cost of recycling to
(producers, distributors, dismantlers, etc.) must be committed the consumer has decreased due to advent of better recovery
and are encouraged to improve: a) the treatment of end-of-life approaches and technologies.
vehicles, b) the development of methods for re-using, ELT may be source of several valuable secondary raw
recycling and recovering end-of-life vehicles and their materials. The output of the treatment process of ELT is
components, c) sustainable circular economic models for shredded material of various sizes and types, depending on
recovery and recycling of ELV waste. the intended uses: rubber chips or granules (70%), steel fibres
End-of-Life Tires (ELT) are one of the main source of (5-30%) and textile fiber (up to 15%). Unlike rubber and steel
waste in ELVs. The global tire output is estimated in 1.5 that are currently being reused in various application fields,
billion units/year and subsequently just as many will fall into textiles represent a special waste (CER code 19.12.08) to be
the category of ELTs. In Europe, today the amount of ELT disposed. In 2013, approximately 60% of dirty fibrous
that needs to be processed is 2.6 million tons/year, 95% of material collected by Ecopneus was sent to energy recovery in

2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 23rd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
2 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2016) 000–000

furnaces for the production of cement, 25% was used as fuel mortars [8, 9]. The fibers, mainly consisting of a blend of
for electricity production while the remaining 15% is destined polyester, rayon and nylon fibers, have yielded positive
for disposal in landfills [3]. results by improving the mechanical properties of the mortar,
Textile fibers represent about 10% by weight of the end-of- but the solution did not achieve market success due to
life tires (ELT) and every year, in Europe, about 320,000 tons economic reasons. Czvikovszky [10] investigated the use of
of dirty fibrous material must be disposed as special waste. waste textile fibers as reinforcing material for polypropylene
This results in negative impacts on the environment, in terms (PP) used in the production of car bumpers. Even in this case
of GHG emissions and pollution, economic losses and public the fibers have given positive results giving the modified PP a
costs. greater resistance to bending, increasing the modulus of
This study presents a comparative evaluation of the elasticity and acceptable impact strength compared to
environmental impacts of the tires considering different conventional PP. Those works are the basis of further R&D
scenarios for the end of life of the textile fiber material. In activities that have been carried out by Steca and his
particular it has been demonstrated that it’s possible use the coworkers in the past few years. The evolution of processing
fibrous material and the related changes in the disposing technologies, know-how and innovative ideas allowed to
process of tires. overcome all the major drawbacks and to pave the way for
ELT fibers recycling.
2. Context of research Fiber modified compounds can create a huge added-value
for plastic producers. The mixing of ELT fibers may require
In Italy the law defines the legal framework and assigns the only partial modifications to existing extruders and so minor
responsibility to the producers (tire manufacturers and investments that will be soon recovered by higher
importers) to organize the management chain of ELT. The profitability; in fact, the value of items can be higher because
crucial steps are collection, sorting, transformation and of their greater mechanical strength and durability. This
recovery in authorized treatment companies. The treatment makes the modified compound of considerable technical-
and the recovery process of ELT is primarily aimed at economical interest for manufacturing of a wide range of
recovering of triturated rubber in various sizes and types, plastic products, such as: carters, automotive components,
which represents the main portion of the ELT material. containers, pallets and so on.
During the treatment of tires, other two sub-products are The value of roads and infrastructures realized with the
generated in significant quantities, namely steel and textile new modified asphalts will be much higher because of longer
fibers. lifetime (we can estimate a life time of the pavement of about
In recent years, progresses in the recovery of ELT have 6-7 years compared to 5-6 current). Besides, the better
been done; currently the main markets for recycling are performance makes the new conglomerates applicable to very
energy recovery (as fuel in the cement kiln) and the recovery different climatic conditions and therefore ensures a wider
of as secondary raw material. One of the sectors in which market and replication across the EU. The new asphalt will be
recycled rubber is mostly exploited is civil engineering [6]: extremely appealing for construction companies for their
modified asphalt mixtures; additives for concrete; lightweight mechanical properties and will tremendously reduce the
fillers in infrastructure; safety barriers, bumpers, artificial public procurement costs of roads and infrastructures
reefs, etc. Currently steel fibers from waste tires are sent to rehabilitation and maintenance.
electric arc furnaces where it is used as secondary raw
material by melting or to replace anthracite and coke as 3. Used tires characteristics and valorization
reducing elements of metal oxides. However, growing the
interest towards sustainable building in smart cities, some The article shows how reducing the landfill material is
studies have shown affordable use of steel fibers from waste possible to reduce the impacts of the end of life tire (ELT). It
tires as reinforcement in concrete [7]. is therefore necessary to define how to use the waste material
As regards the recovery of textile fibers, the main problem in the second raw material, demonstrating the sustainable
for recycling is the contamination of rubber that does not reuse of recycled fibers in two promising applications:
allow to obtain a pure product, economically and qualitatively reinforced plastic compounds and bituminous mix for new
usable. This cleaning practice is not usually adopted because asphalts. In both cases the use of recycled ELT fibres will
there is not yet a market that justifies the effort and resources reduce the pressure on primary raw materials and enhance the
required for that. Moreover, there is a lack of available use of alternative compounds. This will reduce the overall
information on the characteristics of the textile fiber that GHG emissions, pollutants and environmental pressure due to
composes the ELT that does not allow to identify suitable land occupation and extraction of non-renewable raw
sectors for reuse. The main consequence is that both ELT materials. Enhancing ELT materials recycling and promoting
treatment companies and end-users are discouraged to invest economically affordable models will also help to stimulate the
in fibers recycling; thus, the dirty fiber is landfilled or goes ongoing ELT recovery market, will prevent further illegal
for thermal utilization (waste incineration plants or cement dumping and will encourage the reclamation of existing
production furnaces). Even in the scientific literature, it is stocks. Through the use of Life Cycle Assessment,
hard to find information about the possible reuse of ELT methodology it is possible assess the impacts of a product (in
fibers. In 2000-2001, Bignozzi and co-workers published this case of ELT) during the entire the life cycle, from cradle
some research papers on the use of ELT fibers for modified to grave[11]. Results of recently conducted LCA studies
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2014) 000–000 3

demonstrate that under present conditions, the substitution of a. when it is neither reusable nor reconstructable;
traditional materials by ELT derived materials (rubber and b. when it is abandoned or is sent for recovery or disposal;
steel) proved to be environmentally positive in most of the ELTs are a special kind of waste. The main producers of
scenarios considered. It is expected that, through the LCA ELTs are mechanical workshops where clients buy new tires
analysis, will be possible to demonstrate that the second use and leave the old ones. When it is decided that the used tire is
of the fibers coming from the disposal of ELT will reduce the neither reusable nor reconstructable, it is discarded and the
negative impact on the environment and human health. recovery process is started through industry consortiums.
Other manufacturers of ELTs are vehicle breakers who take
the vehicle for demolition, together with its tires. Here the
3.1. Properties of tire waste and reuse quality of the used tires is assessed, which may in turn be
considered suitable for recovery, as in the previous case, as a
Tires have a mixed composition of carbon black, elastomer special waste to be crafted or for commercial activities.
compounds, steel cord, fibers, in addition to several other In practice, in compliance with the regulations, the used
organic and inorganic components. Table 1 shows a view of tire should be managed as special waste. However, in recent
this composition [12]. years, and until the collection and recycling of ELTs became
more common, many tires were accumulated in various forms
Table 1. Average composition of a tyre. and in particular in and around urban areas. The reasons are
varied and currently it is estimated that in EU about two
Ingredient Passenger Lorry Off The
Car Road
million tons of ELTs yearly are stored more or less
legitimately or even abandoned [12]. Those that have been
Rubber/Elastomers 47% 45% 47%
abandoned on public land fall between the need for
Carbon Black 21.5% 22% 22% ‘‘municipal waste’’. Thus it is still widely regarded that ELTs
Metal 16.5% 23% 12% belong to both categories (special and municipal waste).
Textile 5.5% 3% 10%

Zinc Oxide 1% 2% 2% 3.2. Fiber tires applications

Other 8.5% 5% 7%
Part of the research was responsible for analyzing the
possible scenarios application of the fiber coming from the
Tires are made up of four main parts as follows: the tread – ELT disposal. The mechanical characteristics of the fiber
designed for contact with the ground and to ensure the proper materials have been studied in order to understand its
friction; the carcass – the structural part of the tire on which properties and define the possible for reuse. The analyses
the tread is vulcanized; the shoulder – minimizes the effects showed that the fiber mainly consists of polyamide 6,6. Then,
of irregularities of the terrain and transfers the load due to for its use as reinforcement, it will be necessary to use a
braking and oversteering under acceleration; the heels – to fit matrix having a process temperature lower than melting
the casing to the rim. temperature 259°C.
Each compound contributes to the particular characteristics Various scenarios for fiber reutilization have been
of the tire, so as to promote longer life and a particular level investigated. Some preliminary experimental tests were
of friction [13, 14]. An untreated gum is relatively weak and carried out in order to evaluate the response of materials
soft. To give the crude rubber robustness and elasticity, it has reinforced or modified with ELT fibers. The results revealed
to be vulcanized in order to create bonds between the that the most promising applications for the transfer of
molecules. The rubber thus becomes resistant to abrasion and technology in the industrial sector are the compound in plastic
water, as well as unresponsive to exposure to chemicals, heat and modified asphalts. These two sectors have given very
and electricity. Another consequence of these treatments is the interesting results not only in terms of mechanical properties
high resistance to the action of microorganisms, which take improvement but also in terms of cost efficiency. Concerning
more than 100 years before being able to destroy the tires, the use of recycled fiber in plastic compounds, the tests
thus making it unreasonable to dispose of tires in landfills. carried out during the research phase showed a significant
An ‘‘end-of life tire’’, ELT, means that the tire has ceased increase of molded plastic materials in impact strength and
to perform its original function, that is, to complete the wheel higher deformation resistance (Table 2). The table shows that
of a vehicle to enable mobility in a safe condition. This does the PP compound loaded by 20% of fiber has lower elastic
not mean that the material the tire is made from can be module and the maximum deformation is 12% compared to
immediately recycled and be reinserted into industrial 700% of the neat (conventional) compound. Remarkably, the
production to produce other useful products. 20% load with fiber is rather low.
The word ‘‘used tire’’ is more generic. In fact it indicates
that the tire is not new and has been used. There are two Table 2. Results of mechanical deformation tests on PP compounds
cases: the used tire is not a form of waste reinforced with the ELT recycled fibre
a. when it is re-used as it is;
b. when it can be reconstructed and is not abandoned or Maximum stress Maximum Young module
[MPa] deformation [%] [MPa]
sent for recovery or disposal; the used tire is form of a waste
4 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2016) 000–000

Ave SD Ave SD Ave SD environmental burdens during the lifetime of the product or
Neat 28.72 1.2 712 111 1465 54 process are collected and quantified, followed by an
assessment of impacts that are presented in order to allow its
20% 23.92 1.91 12.22 2.1 1305 64
comparison or further analysis. The Life Cycle Inventory
(LCI) includes different sub-steps such as raw materials
In the field of bituminous conglomerates, the use of extraction, transportation, production, consumption and waste
recycled textile fibers as an additive showed a significant disposal.
increase of the values of tensile modulus and of fatigue The impact assessment phase, defined as a technical
strength (6-7 times higher than the standard conglomerates) process, quantitative and/or qualitative, to characterize and
and therefore of the useful lifetime of the pavement. evaluate the effects of the flows identified in the previous
phase, consists of the systematic evaluation of impacts,
namely the determination of the potential contribution of the
product for the categories of environmental impact, such as
global warming, acidification, among others. The life cycle of
a pavement is divided into five phases: (1) raw materials and
production, (2) construction, (3) use, (4) maintenance, (5) end
of life.

4. Choosing between alternatives: use of LCA

The use of the fibrous material obtained by the disposal of

ELT, causes different impacts on both the life and disposal
process of the tire. The choice of the different recovery
Figure 1. Results of mechanical deformation tests on conventional bituminous
technologies is based on various criteria. Life Cycle
conglomerates. Assessment (LCA) in recent years has had most of the
applications [19, 20]. The boundary conditions need to be
The Figure 1 show the tremendous increase of deformation clearly defined, taking into account that they vary
strength and of number of fracture cycles achievable by significantly depending on the particular economic and social
loading the conglomerate with only 0,3% in weight of fibers. contexts. This definition is an necessary for the technique to
The suitable combination of fibers and filler, which helps the be efficient and provide reliable results. In a LCA application,
dispersion of the fibers, further contributes to the fatigue the usual approach is to consider the daily load of ELTs from
resistance. a collection point as a functional unit. Then, once the
boundary conditions and the alternative solutions for the
3.3. Environmental analysis: the LCA methodology recovery have been defined, the tool is developed considering
various aspects, such as the total primary energy
In addition to the definition of sustainable development, consumption, the consumption of non-renewable resources,
given from the Brundtland report, other definitions could be the water consumption, the contribution to eutrophication, the
highlighted. For example, in 1991, the International Union for emission of greenhouse gases of fossil origin, the emission of
Conservation of Nature has defined sustainable development acidifying gases, the creation of a tropospheric ozone, and the
as that ‘‘improving the quality of human life while living production of non-dangerous waste [21]. The environmental
within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems’’[15]. impacts of the solution should be evaluated considering both
In 1996, the American Society of Civil Engineers has defined the results of the LCA and the costs of the different operating
it as ‘‘the challenge of meeting human needs for natural scenarios.
resources, industrial products, energy, food, transportation, The analysis of the scenarios has seen, among the various
shelter, and effective waste management while conserving activities, related to the collection of data / information to
and protecting environmental quality and the natural resource achieve the LCA, both of the current process (AS-IS) that the
base essential for future development’’ [16]. new process (TO-BE) by inserting a new machinery to
As a way to address these concerns, the Life Cycle accomplish the cleaning and compaction of the textile fibers.
Assessment (LCA) methodologies have been proposed. The The activity was carried out in collaboration with the STECA
primary goal is to evaluate a product or service throughout its company and were identified the main constraints and system
life, considering the direct and indirect impacts. The ISO boundaries. The plant AS-IS consists of three main steps of
14040 [17] Standard divides the process of Life Cycle processing which results in the complete grinding of the tires.
Assessment in four phases: (1) The goal and scope definition; The first step is the production of ground particles about 7–10
(2) Inventory analysis; (3) Impact assessment; (4) cm accompanied by the removal of the metallic fraction. The
Interpretation. After the definition of the aim and scope of the equipment is a double shaft grinder based on single knife
study that ‘‘shall be clearly defined and shall be consistent elements. Other inputs to the sub-system are electricity, water
with the intended application’’[18], the main work is the and oil. The second step is the further grinding to a size of
development of an inventory in which all significant about 2 cm. The equipment is made of a fixed external
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2014) 000–000 5

cylinder equipped with blades and a rotating internal cylinder which will be destined to the raw material production inside
also with blades, that fit the ones on the external cylinder, thus the production cycle (Figure 3). In this case through the new
crunching the inlet material. Electrical power is required to process it is possible to clean 6000 kg/day of landfill material,
drive the equipment. A suction system equipped with fabric recovering 3000 kg/day of rubber powder, and producing
filters is also present, to remove the dust, produced during the 3000 kg/day of textile fibers clean. In addition, once treated
grinding phases. In order to move the material from one step the textile fiber is compacted automatically in the cleaning
to the other conveyer belts are present, and magnetic belts are circuit and made excellently suitable for use as a second raw
used for iron scrap separation. The last step is the material (compound plastic and / or asphalt), thus excluding
pulverization and separation of the tire material to a size the landfill. Using the centrifugal force principle, the new
lower than 1 mm, and takes place in a machinery based on a machine is able to ensure a good cleaning of the canvas
fixed and a rotating disk, equipped with blades and between without having to use additional chemicals that should be
which a pneumatic transport system is used, equipped with a worsen the environmental emission. The Table 4 - Input –
fan and a cyclone. Figure 2 shows the current process of Output ELT to-be processshows the daily input and output for
STECA disposing. the TO-BE process.

Figure 3 – Disposal process TO-BE

Figure 2 - Disposal process AS-IS

Table 4 - Input –Output ELT to-be process

The company operates in 2 working shifts, reaching about
29,000 kg of disposal ELT for daily. The Table 3 shows the Input Output
daily input and output of the analyzed system.
ELT (kg/day) 29140
Table 3- Input –Output ELT as-is process Energy (kW/day) 1190
Granule (kg) 19790
Input Output
Rubber powder (kg) 4000
ELT (kg/day) 29140
Energy (kW/day) 800 Steel wires (kg) 2350

Granule (kg) 19790 Clean Textile Fibers (kg) 3000

Rubber powder (kg) 1000

Steel wires (kg) 2350

The main objective of this LCA analysis is the evaluation
of the environmental impact of the different scenario of textile
Not clean Textile Fibers (kg) 6000 fibers of the ELT, by comparing the different plants
manufacturing described above. The following assumptions
The textile fiber commonly extracted, extracted from the have been considered:
As-Is (Not clean Textile Fibers) process has variable • The amount of ELT processed is the same both for
percentages of 40-60% in weight of rubber residuals. the process that AS-IS - TO-BE;
Given that the product has like present outlet the dump, it • In the impacts assessment of the TO-BE process has
needs to consider that a processing of tires of 9.000 t/year been analyzing the life cycle of the process whit the
(annual production of Steca ), involves an extraction of textile machine necessary to clean the fiber;
fiber of 5% of the volume, increased further of 5% of rubber • The life time considered for the entire system is 15
from the residual. In essence it's necessary pay the double to years in the Country Italy, and the energy demand in
dispose of the waste material with several problems; this lifetime for the user considered, is indicate in
economic and environmental. The use of a new machine table 3 and 4;
allows to completely clean, any residual of rubber component • As a model for the impact evaluation, the Recipe End
on the fiber, reducing the contamination of rubber to below point (H) methodology was applied.
1%. As previously underlined, on the working of 9.000 t/year The environmental impact evaluation of the two different
one will obtain a separation of textile fiber not treated of 900 plants manufacturing have been calculated by the support of
t/year, where it will be recovered about 450 t/year of rubber,
6 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2016) 000–000

the SimaPro 8 LCA tool and Ecoinvent 3.0 as database. The the fibrous material. The analysis considers various end of life
results are shown in the following Figure 4. scenarios; landfill, incineration and reuse, showing the
different impacts. It has also demonstrated the technical
feasibility of reusing the textile fiber as secondary raw
material in asphalt and plastic compounds. However, such
applications provide a degree of cleaning of the fiber higher
than that destined for landfill or incineration. It was therefore
analyzed the new process of disposal of the tires considering
the level of cleanliness required of the fiber (TO-BE process).
The analyzes show a global reduction of impacts in the case
of re-use of the fibrous material. Subsequent analysis will
consider the cost benefit analysis, and the evaluation to insert
the canvas resulting from the disposal of ELT on the market.


The present study is part of the activities carried out by the

Authors within the “REFIBRE” Project (LIFE14
Figure 4- Normalization impact of the different plant configurations. ENV/IT/000160) funded by the European Union within the
Life Framework Programme. A acknowledgment goes to
The use of the new machine added into the TO-BE STECA S.P.A. for the precious contribution.
production cycle, increases of the environmental impacts due
to higher consumption of energy and the impact of the life References
cycle of the machine to clean the fiber.
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impacts of ELT considering different end of life scenarios of

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