Records Management 1
Records Management 1
Records Management 1
Retention schedule – which indicates how long to keep the records and
what to do with them once the retention period has expired.
1. Create clear, simple and logical categories that are appropriate for the subject matter.
2. Establish a system that allows you to find any document in 20 seconds or less.
3. Keep the most frequently used files closest to you (A or B zone); store inactive files in a
separate, less accessible location (C zone).
4. Design your system so that it is easy to add new documents to the appropriate file.
5. Develop a procedure for defining and destroying obsolete and/or unnecessary
documents and files.
6. Ensure that access to files is controlled.
When to create new files…
• a new function, subject, activity or project is
commenced or an existing subject, activity or
project is further developed and needs to be split
across several files
• an existing file becomes too large and a new part
is required
• no existing file is appropriate for the document(s)
Methods of Storing Records
1. Paper
2. Microfilm
3. Digital
Files Equipment
• made of steel
• compact and space-efficient
• allowance for easy extraction & replacement
of files
• proximity to Records retention
Basic Manual Filing Supplies and Equipment