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Song et al.

BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328

DOI 10.1186/s12864-015-1534-0


Genome-wide identification of SSR and SNP

markers from the non-heading Chinese cabbage
for comparative genomic analyses
Xiaoming Song, Tingting Ge, Ying Li and Xilin Hou*

Background: Non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC), belonging to Brassica, is an important leaf vegetable in
Asia. Although genetic analyses have been performed through conventional selection and breeding efforts, the
domestication history of NHCC and the genetics underlying its morphological diversity remain unclear. Thus, the
reliable molecular markers representative of the whole genome are required for molecular-assisted selection in
Results: A total of 20,836 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were detected in NHCC, containing repeat types from
mononucleotide to nonanucleotide. The average density was 62.93 SSRs/Mb. In gene regions, 5,435 SSRs were
identified in 4,569 genes. A total of 5,008 primer pairs were designed, and 74 were randomly selected for validation.
Among these, 60 (81.08%) were polymorphic in 18 Cruciferae. The number of polymorphic bands ranged from two to
five, with an average of 2.70 for each primer. The average values of the polymorphism information content, observed
heterozygosity, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and Shannon’s information index were 0.2970, 0.4136, 0.5706, and 0.5885,
respectively. Four clusters were classified according to the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average
cluster analysis of 18 genotypes. In addition, a total of 1,228,979 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified
in the NHCC through a comparison with the genome of Chinese cabbage, and the average SNP density in the whole
genome was 4.33/Kb. The number of SNPs ranged from 341,939 to 591,586 in the 10 accessions, and the average
heterozygous SNPs ratio was ~42.53%. All analyses showed these markers were high quality and reliable. Therefore, they
could be used in the construction of a linkage map and for genetic diversity studies for NHCC in future.
Conclusions: This is the first systematic and comprehensive analysis and identification of SSRs in NHCC and 17 species.
The development of a large number of SNP and SSR markers was successfully achieved for NHCC. These novel markers
are valuable for constructing genetic linkage maps, comparative genome analysis, quantitative trait locus (QTL)
mapping, genome-wide association studies, and marker-assisted selection in NHCC breeding system research.
Keywords: Non-heading Chinese cabbage, Comparative genomic analysis, SSR, SNP

Background six widely cultivated Brassica are described by the clas-

Non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. chinen- sical and famous “U’s triangle”, which includes three
sis, 2n = 2x = 20) is a species belonging to the Brassica diploid species, B. rapa (A genome, 2n = 20), Brassica
genus of Cruciferae family, which contains 338 genera and nigra (B genome, 2n = 16), Brassica oleracea (C genome,
over 3,700 species, including the model plant Arabidopsis 2n = 18), and three allopolyploid species, Brassica juncea
[1]. In 2012, the production of Brassica vegetables reached (AB genome, 2n = 36), Brassica napus (AC genome, 2n =
70.10 million tons worldwide (http://faostat.fao.org). The 38) and Brassica carinata (BC genome, 2n = 34) [2,3].
Brassica rapa contains several subspecies such as Chinese
* Correspondence: hxl@njau.edu.cn cabbage (B. rapa ssp. pekinensis), NHCC and turnip (B.
State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement/Key rapa ssp. rapa) [4]. According to the main cultivation
Laboratory of Biology and Germplasm Enhancement of Horticultural Crops in
East China, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing
specialties, biological properties, and morphological
210095, China characteristics, NHCC are classified into five varieties,
© 2015 Song et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 2 of 18

including Pak-choi, Wutatsai, Flowering Chinese cab- whole genome sequences to develop a large number of
bage, Taitsai, and Tillering cabbage [5]. NHCC is widely SSR and SSR markers. These markers enhance the
used as a vegetable crop because of the strong adapt- density of the existing genetic NHCC maps, which
ability, short growth period, good quality, unique flavor, could also be a useful source for high-throughput QTL
and rich nutrition. Thus, it is widely cultivated in mapping and marker-assisted NHCC improvement.
Southeast Asia, Japan, USA, and Europe, and is grad- Furthermore, breeders could introduce beneficial genes,
ually becoming an important vegetable worldwide. improving genetic diversity, using these markers for
The development of molecular markers for the detec- marker-assisted selection.
tion and exploitation of DNA polymorphisms is a signifi-
cant application in the field of molecular genetics. The Results
detection and analysis of genetic variation can help us to The development of SSRs in NHCC and a comparative
understand the molecular basis of various biological phe- analysis with 17 species
nomena [6,7]. Since the advent of restriction fragment We analyzed the distribution of perfect microsatellites
length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, a range of other with ≥ 3 repeat units, and a minimum total length of
markers, such as random amplified polymorphism DNA 18 bp in ~331.1 Mb of the NHCC genome. All SSRs
(RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), identified in this study have been submitted to the
sequence tag sites (STSs), SNPs, and SSRs, have been nhccdata website (http://nhccdata.njau.edu.cn/). The
introduced during the 20th century to fulfill various de- content of perfect microsatellites in the genomic se-
mands of breeders [8,9]. quences of NHCC and 17 other species were identified.
Assigning molecular markers to linkage groups and A total of 20,836 SSRs with repeats were detected in
constructing genetic maps is an important step for ana- the NHCC genome, which translated to an overall
lyzing the genome of species. These linkage maps have density across the genome of 62.93 SSRs/Mb. Surpris-
been used for marker-assisted breeding, map-based clon- ingly, NHCC had a higher microsatellite density than
ing strategies, genome organization and comparative sorghum (56.00 SSR/Mb), potato (55.78 SSR/Mb), and
genomics of important species, and the dissection of maize (24.85 SSR/Mb). However, its microsatellite
quantitative traits [10-12]. Polymerase chain reaction- density was far less than watermelon (217.96 SSR/Mb),
based markers have been widely used in the construction moss (241.08 SSR/Mb), and volvox (377.15 SSR/Mb)
of genetic linkage maps for B. oleracea [13,14], B. nigra (Table 1, Additional file 1: Table S1).
[15], B. juncea [16], and B. napus [17,18]. A number of Dinucleotides were the most common SSR type in
genetic linkage maps based on a range of markers, includ- NHCC genomic sequences, representing 39.82% of all
ing RFLP, RAPD, SSR, and AFLP, have been constructed SSRs, followed by mono- (23.88%) and trinucleotides
for Chinese cabbage [3,19,20]. However, there are few (18.22%). Octa- and nonanucleotides were the least fre-
linkage maps for NHCC [21]. quent repeat types, together representing less than 2% of
SSR and SNP markers are distributed throughout the the total SSRs (Table 2). The distribution of SSR types in
genome, and they gradually became preferred markers NHCC was most similar to those of Chinese cabbage
for many applications in genetics and genomics [22-24]. and Arabidopsis, which had comparable relative and
They are suitable for the fine mapping of genes and associ- absolute frequencies for each SSR type, and it was at
ation studies, which aim at identifying alleles potentially least similar to the distribution in volvox and water-
affecting important agronomic traits [25,26]. However, melon, for which trinucleotides were by far the most
without large numbers of SSR and SNP markers, such frequent repeat type. There were many more dinucleo-
studies have not been available in most crop species. tides and trinucleotides than that in moss and volvox,
Currently, with the development of next-generation se- respectively (Additional file 2: Figure S1, Additional file 1:
quencing, it is feasible to develop a large number of Table S2).
SSR and SNP markers. Developing a large set of SSR We examined the distribution of NHCC microsatel-
and SNP markers will facilitate the fine mapping of lites with regard to the number of repeat units (Figure 1,
QTLs, improve the identification and exploitation of Additional file 1: Table S3). For all SSR classes, the
genes affecting important traits, and enable selective microsatellite frequency decreased as the number of re-
breeding through genomic selection [27,28]. peat units increased. However, the rate of this change
NHCC, with rich diverse germplasms, originated from was more gradual for mononucleotides and dinucleotide
China. Given its important economic value and its close than for longer repeat types, with pentanucleotide (from
relationship to A. thaliana and Chinese cabbage, 10 919 to 154) to nonanucleotide (from 104 to 10) showing
NHCC accessions were re-sequenced. Additionally, the the most dramatic frequency reduction. Moreover, the
representative accession, NHCC001, has been assembled total length of dinucleotide sequences was much larger
recently. Here, we report, for the first time, a survey of than the other repetitive sequences, with a total length
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 3 of 18

Table 1 Summary of different SSR repeats in genomic sequences of non-heading Chinese cabbage and selected plant
Species Repeat type Mono- Di- Tri- Tetra- Penta- Hexa- Hepta- Octa- Nona- Total Genome (Mb)
B. rapa.ssp.chinensis Count 4,975 8,296 3,797 754 1,125 589 982 197 121 20,836 331.09
Density (SSR/Mb) 15.03 25.06 11.47 2.28 3.40 1.78 2.97 0.60 0.37 62.93
Arabidopsis thaliana Count 2,430 3,383 2,350 169 351 178 691 82 39 9,673 119.67
Density (SSR/Mb) 20.31 28.27 19.64 1.41 2.93 1.49 5.77 0.69 0.33 80.83
B. rapa.ssp.pekinensis Count 4,665 11,431 3,873 962 1,085 607 1,080 256 136 24,095 283.84
Density (SSR/Mb) 16.44 40.27 13.65 3.39 3.82 2.14 3.80 0.90 0.48 84.89
Cucumis sativus Count 1,415 11,305 5,573 1,521 1,758 1,148 2,337 764 265 26,086 203.06
Density (SSR/Mb) 6.97 55.67 27.45 7.49 8.66 5.65 11.51 3.76 1.31 128.46
Glycine max Count 8,247 59,923 19,053 3,954 4,686 1,649 6,482 562 297 104,853 973.34
Density (SSR/Mb) 8.47 61.56 19.57 4.06 4.81 1.69 6.66 0.58 0.31 107.72
Medicago truncatula Count 11,367 13,030 5,701 1,442 1,882 958 1,121 235 67 35,803 418.58
Density (SSR/Mb) 27.16 31.13 13.62 3.44 4.50 2.29 2.68 0.56 0.16 85.53
Oryza sativa Count 1,671 13,818 11,948 2,579 2,963 1,398 968 321 91 35,757 374.47
Density (SSR/Mb) 4.46 36.90 31.91 6.89 7.91 3.73 2.58 0.86 0.24 95.49
Physcomitrella patens Count 19,402 60,933 8,940 9,365 6,910 1,822 5,653 2,027 664 115,716 479.99
Density (SSR/Mb) 40.42 126.95 18.63 19.51 14.40 3.80 11.78 4.22 1.38 241.08
Populus trichocarpa Count 3,170 18,071 9,127 2,048 2,562 1,553 1,845 277 91 38,744 265.70
Density (SSR/Mb) 11.93 68.01 34.35 7.71 9.64 5.84 6.94 1.04 0.34 145.82
Sorghum bicolor Count 2,251 14,331 11,895 5,368 3,162 2,648 1,397 170 134 41,356 738.54
Density (SSR/Mb) 3.05 19.40 16.11 7.27 4.28 3.59 1.89 0.23 0.18 56.00
Solanum lycopersicum Count 904 32,484 18,053 3,272 1,761 1,581 1,919 319 231 60,524 781.67
Density (SSR/Mb) 1.16 41.56 23.10 4.19 2.25 2.02 2.46 0.41 0.30 77.43
Solanum tuberosum Count 4,575 14,709 9,962 1,514 2,700 1,705 3,352 566 293 39,376 705.88
Density (SSR/Mb) 6.48 20.84 14.11 2.14 3.83 2.42 4.75 0.80 0.42 55.78
Volvox carteri Count 58 6,899 19,469 10,016 3,394 3,550 1,509 2,652 1,920 49,467 131.16
Density (SSR/Mb) 0.44 52.60 148.44 76.36 25.88 27.07 11.51 20.22 14.64 377.15
Vitis vinifera Count 17,217 27,418 16,025 6,435 4,863 2,076 6,032 1,378 312 81,756 486.20
Density (SSR/Mb) 35.41 56.39 32.96 13.24 10.00 4.27 12.41 2.83 0.64 168.15
Zea mays Count 4,443 17,959 15,080 3,316 4,861 2,682 2,153 429 424 51,347 2,066.43
Density (SSR/Mb) 2.15 8.69 7.30 1.60 2.35 1.30 1.04 0.21 0.21 24.85
Citrus sinensis Count 5,996 11,723 9,759 2,769 2,823 1,152 2,095 671 179 37,167 327.94
Density (SSR/Mb) 18.28 35.75 29.76 8.44 8.61 3.51 6.39 2.05 0.55 113.33
Musa acuminata Count 1,599 35,516 10,781 2,214 1,490 1,169 960 487 60 54,276 437.28
Density (SSR/Mb) 3.66 81.22 24.65 5.06 3.41 2.67 2.20 1.11 0.14 124.12
Citrullus lanatus Count 32,837 13,474 13,646 5,465 4,205 2,082 4,059 1,291 373 77,432 355.25
Density (SSR/Mb) 92.43 37.93 38.41 15.38 11.84 5.86 11.43 3.63 1.05 217.96

of 288.42 Kb. On the one hand, the mean number of re- contribution to the genome fraction occupied by SSRs
peat units in the dinucleotides (17.38) was over twice as than other dinucleotide (Table 1).
high as the number of repeat units in the trinucleotides Of the 20,836 identified SSR markers, 822 were not
(7.10), and it was four times higher than in penta- to anchored on chromosomes. In addition, the number of
nonanucleotides (4.04–2.96) (Table 2). On the other SSR markers was different on each chromosome. The
hand, the dinucleotide repeats (25.06 SSR/Mb) occurred density of SSRs ranged from 67.25 to 73.53 across the
more frequently than other dinucleotides in the NHCC. chromosomes. The most SSR markers (2,996, 14.38%)
Therefore, the dinucleotide repeats had a greater occurred on chromosome 9, while the least were on
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 4 of 18

Table 2 Summary of different SSR repeats in genomic and gene sequences of non-heading Chinese cabbage
Repeat type Genome SSR Percentage (%) Gene SSR Percentage (%) SSR length Average repeat times
(SSR/Total genome) (SSR/Total gene)
Mononucleotide 4,975 23.88 904 16.63 101,382 20.38
Dinucleotide 8,296 39.82 1,532 28.19 288,420 17.38
Trinucleotide 3,797 18.22 2,091 38.47 80,829 7.10
Tetranucleotide 754 3.62 233 4.29 19,772 6.56
Pentanucleotide 1,125 5.40 267 4.91 22,745 4.04
Hexanucleotide 589 2.83 210 3.86 17,214 4.87
Heptanucleotide 982 4.71 147 2.70 22,988 3.34
Octanucleotide 197 0.95 26 0.48 4,408 2.80
Nonanucleotide 121 0.58 25 0.46 3,222 2.96

chromosome 4 (1,337, 6.42%) (Additional file 1: Table The characteristics of SSR markers in NHCC genes and a
S4). A total of 1,685 types of repeat motifs were detected functional analysis
in NHCC genomic SSR. The most type was the A/T A total of 5,435 SSRs were identified in NHCC genes,
(4,185, accounting for 20.09%), followed by AG/CT accounting for 26.08% of the total genomic SSRs. Trinu-
(4,107, 19.71%), AT/TA (3,700, 17.76%), and AAG/CTT cleotides were the most common SSR type, representing
(1,281, 6.15%), which was similar to other Cruciferous 38.47% (2,091) of all genic SSRs. Even though dinucleo-
species. The remaining types had repeat ratios of less tides are the most common type in the genome, trinu-
than 4%, and the CG/GC repeat motif was not found cleotides may be more common in the gene regions
among the NHCC genomic SSRs (Additional file 1: because they do not cause gene translational changes.
Table S5). They are followed by dinucleotide (1,532, 28.19%) and

Figure 1 Relative frequency of SSR types, characterized by the number of repeats in the non-heading Chinese cabbage. The graph was based on
a total of 20,836 SSRs detected in a 331-Mb, non-redundant genomic DNA sequence of the NHCC genome.
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 5 of 18

mononucleotides (904, 16.63%) (Table 2). In total, 611 they were also the most frequent motif in the entire gen-
repeat motifs were identified in NHCC genes, and the ome, accounting for 20.09% of the total SSRs, followed by
most type was AG/CT (783, 14.41%), followed by A/T AG/CT (19.71%) and AT/AT (17.76%) repeats. These three
(763, 14.13%), AAG/CTT (631, 11.61%), and AT/TA repeat types were more than half of the total SSRs in
(582, 10.71%). The other repeat motifs occurred at rates NHCC genomic sequences (Additional file 1: Table S5). In
of less than 10.00%, which was similar to their rates in addition, the motif density was also calculated in the other
the genome (Additional file 1: Table S6). 17 species for a comparative analysis. The results showed
These SSR markers were located in 4,569 genes, ac- that the density of A/T repeats was higher than C/G re-
counting for 10.97% of the total number of genes, and peats in most examined species (14/18). For dinucleotides,
708 genes contained several SSR markers. The functions all species had a relative low density (0–0.17) of CG/CG re-
of 3,141 genes containing SSRs were divided into three peats. The number of AT/AT repeats was higher than
classes, cellular location, molecular function, and bio- other dinucleotides in 17 species. However, AG/CT repeats
logical process. They were further subdivided into 38 (12.40) were slightly more abundant than AT/AT repeats
functional subsets. The greatest number of genes was as- (11.18) in NHCC. Surprisingly, the density of AC/GT re-
sociated with the binding factors (2,245, 71.47%), peats (44.64) was far greater than of other dinucleotides in
followed by the genes involved in metabolic processes, volvox. The density of AAG/CTT repeats was greater than
catalytic activities, and cellular processes. This was simi- other trinucleotide in Cruciferous (Arabidopsis, Chinese
lar to the classification of the 3,036 genes containing cabbage and NHCC), which was different from the other
non-synonymous SNPs (Additional file 3: Figure S2). examined species. Most species had a higher density of
SSRs located near important functional genes, such as AAT/ATT repeats than other trinucleotide repeats. How-
flower genes and glucosinolate genes, were also identified. ever, the density of CCG/CGG repeats was higher than
Most plants undergo a major physiological change from other trinucleotides in rice and volvox. In NHCC, as well
vegetative to reproductive development before flowering. as in most of other species examined, the frequencies of
The formation of flowers is a prerequisite for successful different tetranucleotides revealed that repeats of AAAT/
sexual reproduction, and fruits of angiosperm flowers are ATTT were most common, whereas ACAT/ATGT (36.96)
a staple of human and livestock diets [29]. Glucosinolates and AGAT/ATCT (1.64) repeats predominated in volvox
are a category of amino acid-derived secondary metabo- and rice, respectively. Conversely, the GC-rich motifs were
lites found in the Cruciferae family. Glucosinolates and of relatively lower densities in most species analyzed, such
their degradation products play important roles in patho- as CCCG/CGGG and CCGG/CCGG. However, the oppos-
gen and insect interactions, especially in human health ite distribution was observed in volvox (Additional file 1:
[30]. Based on their importance, we identified these genes Table S2, Additional file 4: Figure S3a–c).
and their related SSR markers in NHCC. In our analysis,
110 and 93 genes showed high homology (>90%) to the The polymorphism analysis of SSR markers among 18
Chinese cabbage flower genes and glucosinolate genes, re- Cruciferae accessions
spectively. Finally, 180 and 136 SSRs were found in the A total of 5,008 (92.14%) SSR primer pairs were designed
vicinity of (<40 Kb) 86 flower genes and 62 glucosinolate from the 5,435 SSRs in the gene sequences. Of these,
genes, respectively. Interestingly, the number of these 74 primer pairs were selected for validation by SSR loci
genes and related SSRs on chromosome 9 was more than amplification, and 63 produced a reproducible and
on each of the other nine chromosomes. These markers clear amplicon of the expected size. The product sizes
will be useful for marker-assisted selection breeding in the ranged from 101 to 280 bp. A total of 60 (81.08%) were
future (Figure 2, Additional file 1: Table S7). polymorphic among the 18 analyzed species of Cruciferae,
including one Arabidopsis, two broccoli, one Chinese
The abundance and length frequency analyses of SSR cabbage, and 14 NHCC accessions (Additional file 1:
repeat motifs Table S8, Table S9).
We conducted a detailed analysis of individual repeat mo- A total of 162 polymorphic bands were produced by
tifs for each type of SSR found in the genomic sequences 60 primer pairs in the 18 accessions. The number of
of NHCC and the other 17 species. The results showed polymorphic bands ranged from two to five, with an
that A/T (84.12%), AG/CT (49.51%), AAG/CTT (33.74%), average of 2.70 for each primer. The major allele fre-
AAAT/ATTT (27.06%), AAAAT/ATTTT (20.62%), AAAA quency at each locus ranged from 0.4667 to 0.9722. The
AT/ATTTTT (9.51%), AAACCCT/AGGGTTT (12.73%), polymorphism information content (PIC) at each locus
AAAAAAAT/ATTTTTTT (10.66%), and AAAATAAAT/ ranged from 0.0526 to 0.5802, with an average of 0.2970/
ATTTATTTT (8.26%) were the most frequent motifs from loci. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0556 to
mono- to nonanucleotides in the NHCC genome. A/T re- 0.6506, and the observed heterozygosity ranged from
peats were not only the predominant mononucleotide, but 0.0000 to 1.0000. Although a limited number of SSR
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 6 of 18

Figure 2 Chromosomal locations of non-heading Chinese cabbage flower (FL) and glucosinolate (GS) genes with related SSR markers (<40 Kb).
In total, 180 (FL-SSR) and 136 (GS-SSR) SSRs were depicted on the 10 NHCC chromosomes. Scale is in megabases (Mb).

primers were used in this experiment, they produced rich 1.2203, with an average of 0.5885 (Table 3, Additional
polymorphic bands in the 18 Cruciferae accessions. The file 1: Table S10). These results indicated that a large
gene flow estimated from F-statistics was from 0.0000 to amount of genetic diversity in the 18 Cruciferae had
4.5000. A total of 13 SSR primers showed significant devi- been assessed. The dendrogram showed that they fell
ations from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (PHW < into four distinct clusters. Cluster 1 was comprised of
0.05). Nei’s genetic identity ranged from 0.5165 to 0.8799, 14 NHCC accessions, including five varieties of NHCC.
and the genetic distance ranged from 0.1280 to 0.6439. Chinese cabbage belonged to Cluster 2, which had a
Shannon’s information index ranged from 0.1269 to close relationship with the Taitsai variety of NHCC.
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Table 3 Information of SSR loci following amplification from 18 Cruciferae accessions

Locus MAF Gn Na Ne I Ho He Fst Nm Gd PIC PHW
BrcSSR01 0.5357 3 2 1.9898 0.6906 0.0714 0.5159 0.9601 0.0104 0.4974 0.3737 0.0030
BrcSSR02 0.9375 3 3 1.1353 0.2771 0.1250 0.1230 0.8173 0.0559 0.1191 0.1157 1.0000
BrcSSR03 0.7000 2 2 1.7241 0.6109 0.6000 0.4345 0.5814 0.1800 0.4200 0.3318 0.2230
BrcSSR04 0.7308 2 2 1.6488 0.5825 0.5385 0.4092 0.7156 0.0994 0.3935 0.3161 0.4870
BrcSSR05 0.8235 3 3 1.4378 0.5783 0.3529 0.3137 0.5610 0.1957 0.3045 0.2809 1.0000
BrcSSR06 0.9063 2 2 1.2047 0.3111 0.1875 0.1754 0.7578 0.0799 0.1699 0.1555 1.0000
BrcSSR07 0.6111 3 3 1.9817 0.7683 0.7778 0.5095 0.2150 0.9130 0.4954 0.3972 0.0210
BrcSSR08 0.8750 2 2 1.2800 0.3768 0.2500 0.2258 0.7097 0.1023 0.2188 0.1948 1.0000
BrcSSR09 0.6875 2 2 1.7534 0.6211 0.6250 0.4435 0.4944 0.2557 0.4297 0.3374 0.2530
BrcSSR10 0.8214 3 3 1.4465 0.5894 0.3571 0.3201 0.7613 0.0784 0.3087 0.2862 1.0000
BrcSSR11 0.8125 2 2 1.4382 0.4826 0.3750 0.3145 0.6301 0.1467 0.3047 0.2583 1.0000
BrcSSR12 0.8611 3 3 1.3252 0.4724 0.2778 0.2524 0.4340 0.3261 0.2454 0.2259 1.0000
BrcSSR13 0.8824 3 3 1.2731 0.4438 0.2353 0.2210 0.6289 0.1475 0.2145 0.2037 1.0000
BrcSSR14 0.9063 3 3 1.2104 0.3708 0.1875 0.1794 0.7600 0.0789 0.1738 0.1658 1.0000
BrcSSR15 0.5909 3 3 2.1802 0.8932 0.8182 0.5671 0.6983 0.1080 0.5413 0.4632 0.2370
BrcSSR16 0.5667 3 2 1.9651 0.6842 0.3333 0.5080 0.7852 0.0684 0.4911 0.3705 0.2940
BrcSSR17 0.8889 2 2 1.2462 0.3488 0.2222 0.2032 0.4375 0.3214 0.1975 0.1780 1.0000
BrcSSR18 0.8667 3 3 1.3120 0.4677 0.2667 0.2460 0.7639 0.0773 0.2378 0.2211 1.0000
BrcSSR19 0.6944 3 3 1.8567 0.7945 0.6111 0.4746 0.3378 0.4901 0.4614 0.4064 0.4530
BrcSSR20 0.8571 2 2 1.3243 0.4101 0.2857 0.2540 0.7955 0.0643 0.2449 0.2149 1.0000
BrcSSR21 0.5000 2 3 2.2192 0.8676 1.0000 0.5651 0.0899 2.5312 0.5494 0.4479 0.0000
BrcSSR22 0.5278 2 2 1.9938 0.6916 0.9444 0.5127 0.0526 4.5000 0.4985 0.3742 0.0010
BrcSSR23 0.5556 3 3 2.3143 0.9369 0.8889 0.6013 0.7509 0.0829 0.5679 0.4889 0.2350
BrcSSR24 0.8125 2 2 1.4382 0.4826 0.3750 0.3145 0.6301 0.1467 0.3047 0.2583 1.0000
BrcSSR25 0.9167 2 2 1.1803 0.2868 0.1667 0.1594 0.9109 0.0245 0.1528 0.1411 1.0000
BrcSSR26 0.8056 3 3 1.4761 0.5723 0.3889 0.3317 0.3971 0.3795 0.3225 0.2854 1.0000
BrcSSR27 0.8889 4 4 1.2583 0.4644 0.2222 0.2111 0.4586 0.2951 0.2052 0.1979 1.0000
BrcSSR28 0.6667 2 2 1.8000 0.6365 0.6667 0.4598 0.5477 0.2064 0.4444 0.3457 0.1120
BrcSSR29 0.5625 3 2 1.9692 0.6853 0.7500 0.5081 0.4433 0.3140 0.4922 0.3711 0.1300
BrcSSR30 0.5882 4 3 2.2403 0.9238 0.7059 0.5704 0.4462 0.3103 0.5536 0.4818 0.0440
BrcSSR31 0.5000 5 4 2.5424 1.0755 0.4667 0.6276 0.7325 0.0913 0.6067 0.5326 0.0720
BrcSSR32 0.5000 2 3 2.3226 0.9184 1.0000 0.5857 0.1220 1.8000 0.5694 0.4768 0.0000
BrcSSR33 0.9167 3 3 1.1846 0.3399 0.1667 0.1603 0.4653 0.2872 0.1559 0.1494 1.0000
BrcSSR34 0.9706 2 2 1.0606 0.1327 0.0588 0.0588 0.8252 0.0529 0.0571 0.0555 1.0000
BrcSSR35 0.9118 2 2 1.1918 0.2984 0.1765 0.1658 0.6687 0.1239 0.1609 0.1480 1.0000
BrcSSR36 0.9000 2 2 1.2195 0.3251 0.2000 0.1862 0.8065 0.0600 0.1800 0.1638 1.0000
BrcSSR37 0.9412 2 2 1.1245 0.2237 0.1176 0.1141 0.7313 0.0918 0.1107 0.1046 1.0000
BrcSSR38 0.6667 3 3 1.9059 0.7867 0.6667 0.4889 0.2987 0.5870 0.4753 0.4035 0.2370
BrcSSR39 0.9167 3 3 1.1846 0.3399 0.1667 0.1603 0.4653 0.2872 0.1559 0.1494 1.0000
BrcSSR40 0.7778 3 3 1.5844 0.6767 0.4444 0.3794 0.3975 0.3789 0.3688 0.3368 1.0000
BrcSSR41 0.9444 2 2 1.1172 0.2146 0.0000 0.1079 1.0000 0.0000 0.1049 0.0994 0.0290
BrcSSR42 0.5588 7 5 2.6514 1.2203 0.3529 0.6417 0.7488 0.0839 0.6228 0.5802 0.0020
BrcSSR43 0.8235 4 3 1.4378 0.5783 0.2941 0.3137 0.6341 0.1442 0.3045 0.2809 0.3940
BrcSSR44 0.7222 5 4 1.7753 0.8136 0.3333 0.4492 0.6184 0.1543 0.4367 0.3930 0.0420
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 8 of 18

Table 3 Information of SSR loci following amplification from 18 Cruciferae accessions (Continued)
BrcSSR45 0.6250 4 4 2.1603 0.9705 0.7500 0.5544 0.4745 0.2769 0.5371 0.4794 0.3320
BrcSSR46 0.8438 2 2 1.3581 0.4334 0.3125 0.2722 0.6679 0.1243 0.2637 0.2289 1.0000
BrcSSR47 0.4667 5 4 2.6946 1.1056 0.3333 0.6506 0.8129 0.0575 0.6289 0.5570 0.0010
BrcSSR48 0.6389 4 4 2.0903 0.9394 0.5556 0.5365 0.4675 0.2848 0.5216 0.4633 0.0510
BrcSSR49 0.9722 2 2 1.0571 0.1269 0.0556 0.0556 0.4857 0.2647 0.0540 0.0526 1.0000
BrcSSR50 0.8333 4 4 1.4179 0.6191 0.3333 0.3032 0.4346 0.3253 0.2948 0.2797 1.0000
BrcSSR51 0.7188 4 3 1.7840 0.7731 0.3125 0.4536 0.7507 0.0830 0.4395 0.3934 0.1350
BrcSSR52 0.6765 5 4 1.9727 0.9231 0.4118 0.5080 0.6451 0.1376 0.4931 0.4473 0.3640
BrcSSR53 0.5385 2 2 1.9882 0.6902 0.9231 0.5169 0.5481 0.2061 0.4970 0.3735 0.0060
BrcSSR54 0.9722 2 2 1.0571 0.1269 0.0556 0.0556 0.4857 0.2647 0.0540 0.0526 1.0000
BrcSSR55 0.8889 2 2 1.2462 0.3488 0.2222 0.2032 0.4375 0.3214 0.1975 0.1780 1.0000
BrcSSR56 0.5625 3 3 2.2555 0.9126 0.8750 0.5746 0.4014 0.3728 0.5566 0.4742 0.0110
BrcSSR57 0.8889 3 3 1.2558 0.4258 0.1111 0.2095 0.7273 0.0937 0.2037 0.1939 0.0580
BrcSSR58 0.6154 3 2 1.8989 0.6663 0.4615 0.4923 0.7702 0.0746 0.4734 0.3613 1.0000
BrcSSR59 0.5625 2 2 1.9692 0.6853 0.8750 0.5081 0.3505 0.4632 0.4922 0.3711 0.0080
BrcSSR60 0.9118 2 2 1.1918 0.2984 0.1765 0.1658 0.6687 0.1239 0.1609 0.1480 1.0000
Mean 0.7524 3 2.7 1.6387 0.5885 0.4136 0.3571 0.5581 0.1980 0.3456 0.2970 0.5706
Note: The above shown for each SSR were the major allele frequency (MAF), genotype number (Gn), number of alleles detected (Na), effective number of alleles
(Ne), Shannon’s Information index (I), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), F-Statistics (Fst), Gene flow estimated from Fst = 0.25(1 - Fst)/Fst
(Nm), gene diversity (Gd), polymorphism information content (PIC) and Chi-square test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (PHW).

Clusters 3 and 4 contained broccoli and Arabidopsis, Generally, the higher transition/transversion ratio, the
respectively. The principal component analysis (PCA) lower genetic divergence between two species. The high
and population structure analysis corroborated this ratio of 1.32 between the NHCC and Chinese cabbage re-
classification (Figure 3). vealed the relatively low level of polymorphisms between
them. A relatively high frequency of C/T alleles was identi-
The identification and characteristic of SNPs in 10 NHCC fied, which was also observed in citrus, eggplant, and
accessions bean (Figure 4, Additional file 1: Table S11) [31-33].
A comparison of 10 NHCC accessions of five varieties
with the Chinese cabbage genome was used to develop The excavation of unique SNPs and genes from five NHCC
SNPs. To increase accuracy and minimize false-positive varieties
SNPs, we eliminated SNP sites that had missing data in The five varieties of NHCC have their own morpho-
any one of the 10 NHCC accessions. Finally, 1,228,979 logical characteristics. The variety-related SNPs and
SNP loci were identified, and the average SNP density in genes were quickly and accurately identified using the
the whole genome was 4.33/Kb. This was greater than in varieties genomic information. Based on the genotypes
tomato (0.6/Kb) and rice (1.7/Kb), but lower than in citrus and phenotypes of the five varieties, the genes associated
(6.1/Kb) and potato (11.5/Kb) [31]. All SNPs identified in with variety-related traits were uncovered. For example,
this study have been submitted to the nhccdata website by comparing the Tillering cabbage and other four var-
(http://nhccdata.njau.edu.cn/). ieties, genes associated with tillering were identified.
The number of SNPs for each accession ranged from Similarly, the flowering and early bolting genes were
341,939 to 591,586. The average heterozygous ratio of the identified by comparing the flowering Chinese cabbage
SNPs was ~42.53%, and the heterozygous ratio ranged variety and other varieties. Additionally, we have de-
from 18.92% to 65.07% among 10 NHCC accessions. An tected the expression of variety-specific genes at the
average of 189,666 SNPs was identified in coding domain transcriptome level. The functional annotation and the
sequences. The number of non-synonymous SNPs ranged metabolic networks were also conducted for differen-
from 47,178 to 85,510, with an average of 66,965 (Table 4). tially expressed genes (DEGs).
Of the identified SNPs, excluding those that were hetero- At the genomic level, we identified variety-specific
zygous, an average ~56.88% of SNPs belonged to the tran- SNPs. The non-synonymous SNPs could directly change
sition type in the 10 NHCC. The transition/transversion the encoded amino acid, which could change the func-
ratio can be used to measure the genetic distances. tion of the protein. Therefore, we surveyed the non-
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 9 of 18

Figure 3 (See legend on next page.)

Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 10 of 18

(See figure on previous page.)

Figure 3 A cluster analyses of 18 Cruciferae accessions. (a) Plot of the three principal components from a principal components analysis of SSR
variation among 18 genotypes of Cruciferae. Green circles represent non-heading Chinese cabbage accessions; pink pentagrams represent Chinese
cabbage; blue triangles represent broccoli accessions; and red squares represent Arabidopsis. (b) Dendrogram for 18 Cruciferae accessions derived
from a UPGMA cluster analysis based on 60 SSR markers. Four clusters were obtained according to the genetic identity (~75%). Cluster 1 indicated
NHCC accessions; Cluster 2 indicated Chinese cabbage; Cluster 3 indicated broccoli accessions; and Cluster 4 indicated Arabidopsis. The numbers
were bootstrap values based on 1,000 iterations. Only bootstrap values larger than 50 were indicated. (c) Bayesian clustering (STRUCTURE, K = 4)
of 18 Cruciferae accessions.

synonymous SNPs in each accession. To better analyze gene was identified in NHCC006, so it was not involved in
the point mutations, which ranged from 1,133 to 2,104 the network (Figure 6). The relationships among low ex-
in the five varieties, we exploited the variety-specific pressing genes were complex, with 221 negative- and 373
non-synonymous SNPs. These SNPs were located in 710 positive-related gene pairs (Additional file 6: Figure S5). In
to 1,107 genes of the five varieties. Transcriptome data addition, 673 negative- and 3,377 positive-related gene
were used to identify 897, 651, 970, 1,247, and 699 genes pairs existed in the high and low expressing genes, respect-
in NHCC001, NHCC006, NHCC008, NHCC009, and ively (Additional file 7: Figure S6).
NHCC010, respectively (Additional file 1: Table S12). Using strict standards, which defined the expression
Then, the variety-specific DEGs were identified, whose level of the gene as 0.2 or 5 times the lowest or highest ex-
expression levels were 0.5 or 2 times expression level pression, respectively, of the other varieties, 33 variety-
than each of other varieties. A total of 189 variety- specific DEGs were identified. Of which, 15, 9, 8, and 1
specific DEGs were discovered, consisting of 28, 1, 45, genes were found in NHCC001, NHCC009, NHCC008,
26, and 2 low expressing genes and 34, 5, 24, 11, and 13 and NHCC010, respectively, while none was identified in
high expressing genes in the five varieties, respectively. NHCC006. The analysis of Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
To obtain a more intuitive understanding of the relation- cients showed that 15 negative- and 94 positive-related
ship among these DEGs, clustering analyses were carried gene pairs were present in these genes, and the Cabbage-
out based on the expression level. The high expressing G_a_f_g013270 gene existed in more negative gene pairs
DEGs could be divided into five groups, corresponding to than any other genes (Additional file 8: Figure S7).
the five varieties (Figure 5), while low expressing DEGs did For a more intuitive presentation of these non-
not completely cluster based on variety (Additional file 5: synonymous SNPs, we plotted their distribution on the
Figure S4). Furthermore, the relationships among these chromosomes (Figure 7), revealing that their distributions
genes was studied using Cytoscape software. Finally, the were different in each accession. This may be because of
absolute Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the 1,662 gene differential selection during the breeding process. In gen-
pairs were greater than 0.8 in the high expressing DEGs. eral, regions with more non-synonymous mutations were
Most genes had positive relationships, except the Cabbage- often the subject of selection. In 10 NHCC accessions,
G_a_f_g047569, CabbageG_a_f_g033595, and Cabbage- 3,228 regions with a total length of 20 Kb were identified.
G_a_f_g009143 genes. These genes could be divided into The number of non-synonymous SNPs was greater than
four groups, corresponding to the four varieties. Only one 20 in these regions. The number of these regions was

Table 4 Summary of SNPs in genomic and gene sequences of 10 non-heading Chinese cabbage accessions
Accession SNP number Het SNPs Het ratio Cds-SNP Non-syn SNP
NHCC001 591,586 242,686 41.02 242,590 85,346
NHCC026 406,117 76,831 18.92 171,343 59,793
NHCC006 505,378 240,376 47.56 195,893 69,939
NHCC007 519,509 219,735 42.30 200,549 71,400
NHCC008 497,659 244,327 49.10 190,314 67,839
NHCC013 348,319 96,220 27.62 138,324 48,357
NHCC009 591,404 384,799 65.07 243,708 85,510
NHCC015 341,939 140,946 41.22 134,752 47,178
NHCC010 551,325 285,881 51.85 218,500 77,623
NHCC029 349,403 141,990 40.64 160,691 56,663
Average 470,263.90 207,379.10 42.53 189,666.40 66,964.80
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 11 of 18

Figure 4 The average transitions and transversions of 10 non-heading Chinese cabbage accessions occurring within a set of 262,885 SNPs.

different on each chromosome, ranging from 21 (A10) Discussion

to 720 (A03). In addition, we mapped the density of Efficient and strict flow chart for identification of SSR and
non-synonymous SNPs on the chromosomes for each SNP markers
accession (Additional file 9: Figure S8). In this study, our major aims were to find a large set of ac-
curate SSR and SNP markers in the NHCC, and to gain
The evolutionary relationship of 10 NHCC accessions by further insight into the genetic diversity and relationships
SNP markers among representative cultivars and related species. We an-
To understand the phylogenetic relationships causing alyzed the distribution and frequency of microsatellites
morphological diversity in NHCC, a neighbor-joining with mono- to nonanucleotide motifs. To find more ac-
phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA5 using 10 curate SSRs, we used the strict standard that the total SSR
NHCC accessions and Chinese cabbage Chiifu-401-42 length is not less than 18 bp. Thus, the results of this
[34]. The SNPs located in the coding domain sequences, study may differ from previous studies. When compared
excluding the missing site, were used to construct the with previous research, the results obtained could differ
phylogenic tree (Figure 8). In the phylogenetic tree, two because of the following aspects: (1) different search pa-
accessions of Pak-choi, NHCC001 and NHCC026, and rameters, including the different minimum length (no less
flowering Chinese cabbage, NHCC008 and NHCC013, than 18 bp versus 12 bp), and different repeat types
clustered together. The Taitsai (NHCC015) had a close (mono- to nonanucleotide versus di- to octanucleotide or
relationship with Chinese cabbage. Although NHCC010 another range); (2) different software and algorithms used
and NHCC029 belonged to the Tillering cabbage, they for the SSR search (MISA versus SSRtool); (3) the data
did not cluster together. The previous classification used for SSR detection was of a different size and version;
might be only based on the tiller, which affected by only and (4) the different analytical methods and manifesta-
a few genes. Thus, they did not cluster together in this tions used (count/Mb versus length/Mb). These seemingly
tree whose construction was based on genome-wide minor differences in procedure could strongly influence
SNPs. The NHCC010 and NHCC006, which share land microsatellite distributions and comparisons among
collapse and short plant height characteristics, clustered studies. For the development of SNP markers, errors in
together. Additionally, NHCC029, which shares similar sequencing or assembling of the NHCC genome also
traits with NHCC015, clustered together. These phenom- might lead to false SNPs. Therefore, it is important to
ena indicated that the morphological classification might consider the above-mentioned points when we compared
be based on one or several distinct external plant charac- the SSR or SNP frequency and density generated by differ-
teristics. However, classification should be determined by ent genome datasets or research groups.
the internal genes, coupled with complex environmental
interactions. Therefore, the traditional morphological clas- Genetic relationship analysis of 18 Cruciferae species
sification might be erroneous. Currently, we can correct The 14 NHCC accessions and four other Cruciferae spe-
traditional morphological classifications through whole- cies were analyzed using SSR markers. The analyses of a
genome sequencing and re-sequencing, furthering the un- dendrogram and population structure, as well as PCA,
derstanding of the NHCC. revealed four clusters. Although the research did not
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 12 of 18

Figure 5 Expression profile of variety-specific, high-level, differentially expressed non-heading Chinese cabbage genes. The expression levels of all
genes identified in this study were measured by transcriptome data from the five NHCC varieties. Hierarchical clustering was used to represent
the gene expression for each variety.
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 13 of 18

Figure 6 The interaction network of variety-specific, high-level, differentially expressed non-heading Chinese cabbage genes. The Pearson’s correlation
coefficients were calculated according to the transcriptome data of the five NHCC varieties.

Figure 7 The density of non-synonymous SNPs in 10 non-heading Chinese cabbage accessions on chromosomes. The number of non-synonymous
SNPs was calculated for each dot using 20-Kb windows. The figure shows a fragment of chromosome 1(A01: 0–2 Mb) as an example.
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 14 of 18

Figure 8 Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of 10 non-heading Chinese cabbage accessions (five varieties) and Chinese cabbage constructed by
MEGA5 using SNPs in the coding domain sequences. The numbers are bootstrap values based on 1,000 iterations. Only bootstrap values larger
than 50 are indicated.

completely distinguish the five NHCC varieties, which these markers developed in our study can be useful for
may have been because of the limited number of SSR population structure analyses of NHCC and other related
markers used for the genetic analyses, it accurately sepa- species in the future.
rated NHCC, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, and Arabidop-
sis. Thus, a larger number of SNP markers were used to Use of new SSR and SNP markers for NHCC and
construct the phylogenic tree. Both of the SSR and SNP Cruciferous species research
marker analyses revealed that the Taitsai variety It was important to develop molecular markers to inves-
(NHCC015 and NHCC009) had a close relationship with tigate genetic variability and explore genome evolution-
Chinese cabbage. It was also consistent with the theory ary. Until now, only a few low-density genetic maps have
that Chinese cabbage was derived from a hybrid of Taitsai been constructed owing to lack of highly polymorphic
and turnip [35]. The Pak-choi, flowering Chinese cabbage, and reliable molecular markers in NHCC. In addition,
and Taitsai varieties could be distinguished using the SNP most linkage maps with important agronomic trait loci
markers. The classification of Tillering cabbage and have been developed with primarily low-throughput
Wutatsai might be only based on one or several distinct markers, such as AFLP, RFLP, and RAPD or a few SSR
phenotypic plant characteristics; thus, we attempted to markers. The development of these markers is time con-
distinguish them using whole genome SNPs. Classification suming, labor intensive, and expensive. Thus, only a few
only based on morphology may be problematic, and a true economically important genes had been identified using
classification should be determined using the internal a map-based cloning strategy in NHCC [36], suggesting
genes of the whole genome, coupled with the complex that marker-assisted selection breeding was still not well
environmental factors. Currently, it is possible for us to developed compared with in other horticultural species,
adjust traditional morphological classifications using such as cucumber [37]. SSR or SNP markers have
the SSRs and SNPs of the whole genome. Furthermore, proven to be useful markers in the population genetic
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 15 of 18

studies of species [25,38,39]. Currently, with the devel- the validation of polymorphic SSR markers used 18 acces-
opment of bioinformatics and the next-generation se- sions, which were from 14 NHCC, 1 Chinese cabbage, 2
quencing technology, it is very convenient and feasible broccoli, and 1 Arabidopsis.
to obtain a large number of SSR and SNP markers by
genome sequencing. In this study, we developed a large The identification and characterization of SSR and SNP
number of SSR and SNP markers, and obtained their markers
exact physical positions in the NHCC genome. We de- The Microsatellite identification software MISA was used
signed primer pairs for NHCC SSRs, and verified the to identify SSRs in NHCC genome sequences (MISA,
polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and http://pgrc.ipk-gatersleben.de/misa/). The parameters were
gel electrophoresis in some important Cruciferous spe- set as follows: monomers (×18), 2-mers (×9), 3-mers (×6),
cies. NHCC had a relatively large level of morphological 4-mers (×5), 5-mers (×4), 6-mers (×4), 7-mers (×3), 8-mers
and genetic polymorphisms, and SNPs were identified in (×3), and 9-mers (×3). This tool allowed for the identifica-
different varieties. In our study, the SNPs were classified tion and localization of perfect microsatellites as well as
according to the five varieties. Variety-specific genes compound microsatellites. The maximum size of interrup-
were also identified and verified using the transcriptome. tion allowed between two different SSRs in a compound
These genes might be useful for distinguishing the five sequence is 100 bp.
varieties of NHCC. The identification of SNPs between the 10 accessions
and the reference genome (Chiifu-401-42) was per-
Conclusions formed using the SOAPsnp software as previously re-
NHCC is an ecologically important vegetable crop in ported [40]. In SNP calling, the quality threshold was set
Southeast Asia, Japan, USA, and Europe. However, the to 20, which corresponded to an error rate of less than
insufficient genomic and transcriptome data in public 1%. The variety-specific SNPs were identified using a
databases have limited our understanding of the molecu- perl script. The distribution of different types of SSRs
lar mechanisms underlying the adaptation of NHCC. and SNPs on chromosomes was plotted using the SVG
With the development of high-throughput genome se- program written by a perl script. All SNP and SSR
quencing technology, it is now possible to uncover large markers identified in this study have been submitted to
numbers of DNA markers. This work contributed to a the nhccdata website (http://nhccdata.njau.edu.cn/).
detailed characterization of 20,836 SSRs and 1,228,979
SNPs in NHCC and compared them with markers in Primer design for SSR markers
other representative species. For the SSR markers, di- The SSRs of the gene sequences were used for primer
nucleotide repeats were the most frequent SSRs in the design by Primer3 program [41]. The parameters of Pri-
genome. While the frequency of trinucleotide repeats mer3 were set as follows: (a) Primer length from 18 to
were much higher than dinucleotides in gene sequences. 27 bases, with an optimum size of 20 nt. (b) The melting
Primers for the SSRs in the gene sequences of NHCC temperature (Tm) ranged from 55°C to 65°C with an
were designed, and the SSR polymorphisms were verified optimum temperature of 60°C. (c) The predicted target
using PCR. The results showed that the SSR markers PCR products ranged from 100 to 280 bp, with an
were highly polymorphic among the 18 Cruciferous spe- optimum product size of 150 bp, and all other parameters
cies. By comparing NHCC with Chinese cabbage, a large were set to the default values. Subsequently, the results
number of SNP markers were identified in the five from Primer3 were further filtered to minimize the chance
NHCC varieties. The potential variety-specific related of encompassing tandem repeats, and self- or pair comple-
genes identified lay a solid foundation for further investi- mentation in the experiment.
gations into comparative genome analyses among the
five varieties. Furthermore, they will be useful for further The assessment of SSR polymorphisms
functional genomic studies in the Brassica genus. These A total of 74 primers were selected from the newly de-
SNP and SSR markers will be valuable genomic re- signed primers of the gene SSR markers and used to de-
sources for future Cruciferous research and breeding tect SSR polymorphisms among the 18 species. Their
applications. sequences were listed in Additional file 1. The selected
primers were synthesized by Invitrogen Biotech (Shanghai,
Methods China). All PCRs were conducted in 20-μL reaction mix-
Plant materials and DNA preparation tures containing 50 ng of genomic DNA, 0.5 U of Taq
Genomic DNA for SNP and SSR analysis was extracted DNA polymerase (TaKaRa, Dalian, China), 0.4 μM primer,
from leaves of 5-week-old seedlings using a Plant DNA ex- 1× PCR Buffer, 25 μM of dNTPs, and 1.5 mM MgCl2. SSR
traction kit (Qiagen, Beijing, China). Ten NHCC acces- loci were amplified using Thermal Cycler (Eppendorf,
sions were used for the development of SNP markers, and Shanghai, China), and the following program was used:
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 16 of 18

5 min initial denaturation at 95°C; 35 cycles of 30s at 95°C, than 0.01 was a DEG criterion. In this study, to avoid
30s at the appropriate annealing temperature, 45 s of the potential noise signal from high-throughput sequen-
extension at 72°C, and 10 min at 72°C for final elongation. cing, an absolute fold change of no less than 2.0 was
Finally, the PCR products were initially assessed for size used to define DEGs, including up-regulated and down-
polymorphisms on 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gels and regulated genes. Furthermore, the expression patterns of
then visualized by silver nitrate staining. DEGs were displayed using the heat-map function in the
The genotyping data were subsequently used to deter- Cluster program, and the results were exhibited using
mine genetic relationships among the 18 accessions Tree View [47].
assessed. The genetic distance were calculated according
to Nei’s unbiased measures using the POPGEN1.32 soft- The annotation, biological process, pathway, and network
ware (http://www.ualberta.ca/~fyeh/popgene_download. analyses
html). The PCA and the dendrogram construction were The annotation of DEGs in NHCC was obtained by
performed based on the unweighted pair-group method searching the protein databases Iprscan (http://www.ebi.
with arithmetic average using the NTSYS software [42]. ac.uk/Tools/pfa/iprscan/), UniProtKB (http://www.ebi.
The confidence of branch support was then evaluated ac.uk/uniprot/), TrEMBL (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/uniprot/
by a bootstrap analysis with 1,000 replicates using Free TrEMBLstats/), GO (http://www.geneontology.org/), and
Tree [43]. KEGG (http://www.genome.jp/kegg/). The annotations
The number of alleles, observed heterozygosity, ex- obtained from these five protein databases was inte-
pected heterozygosity, gene flow, and Shannon’s Informa- grated using perl script. In addition, the biological
tion index were calculated using POPGEN1.32. The major process and functions of the DEGs were also analyzed
allele frequency, chi-square test for Hardy–Weinberg using the Gene Ontology database. The metabolomics,
equilibrium allele frequencies, genetic diversity, and PIC biological interpretation, and functional pathways of
were calculated using PowerMarker3.25 [44]. The Struc- these DEGs were constructed by KEGG and STRING
ture2.3.4 software was used to investigate the population [48]. The interaction network of the DEGs was con-
structure with the number of populations ranging from 2 structed using Cytoscape software according to the level
to 9. Both the length of the burn-in period and the num- of the genes [49]. The flower and glucosinolate genes of
ber of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo reps after burn-in Chinese cabbage were downloaded from the Brassica
were set to 100,000 [45]. database (http://brassicadb.org/) [2]. The distribution of
flower, glucosinolate genes, and related SSR markers on
DEGs identified by RNA-sequencing chromosomes were plotted using a perl script.
The transcriptome data of five varieties was obtained
from our laboratory (http://nhccdata.njau.edu.cn/). Leaf Availability of supporting data
tissues of B. rapa accessions were collected from 7- All the supporting datasets have been submitted to the
week-old plants, which were grown under greenhouse NHCC Data Center (http://nhccdata.njau.edu.cn/), includ-
conditions at 25°C. mRNA was prepared, and an individ- ing SNP (All_SNPs.data.tgz), SSR (All_SSRs.data.tgz), and
ual cDNA library with insert sizes of 200 bp was con- transcriptome (Five_transcriptome.data.tgz) datasets.
structed for each sample. The libraries were sequenced
for paired-end reads of 90 bp on the Illumina Hiseq Additional files
2000 platform. FastQC was used to check and visualize
the quality of the RNA-seq reads (http://www.bioinfor Additional file 1: Table S1. Distribution of SSR repeats in genomic
matics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/). The NGS QC sequences of non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC) and selected plant
species. Table S2. Distribution of SSR repeats in genomic sequences of
Toolkit was used to remove the pair-end reads contain- non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC) and selected plant species (considering
ing Ns or those where the number of bases whose sequence complementary). Table S3. Frequency of mono- to nonanucleotide
PHRED-like score was less than 20 exceeded 10%. If the SSR repeat motifs in non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC) genome. Table
S4. Summary of the SSRs distribution on chromosomes in the non-heading
first 9 bp of filtered reads showed unstable base compos- Chinese cabbage (NHCC) genome. Table S5. Distribution of mono- to
ition based on the percentages of the four different nu- nonanucleotide repeats in genomic sequences of non-heading Chinese
cleotides, then they were trimmed before read mapping cabbage (NHCC). Table S6. Distribution of mono- to nonanucleotide
repeats in gene sequences of non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC).
using TopHat. The uniquely mapped reads were used Table S7 The summary of flower, glucosinolate genes, and related SSR
for subsequent analyses. The transcripts were con- markers on chromosomes in the non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC)
structed and the expression as fragments per kilobase of genome. Table S8. Informativeness of 18 Cruciferae accessions used
for assessing SSR polymorphisms. Table S9. Characteristics of 60
transcript sequence per millions base pairs (FPKM) polymorphic SSR markers developed in non-heading Chinese cabbage
values of transcripts were quantified in each sample (NHCC) (Chr =chromosome, Ta = annealing temperature, Size = size of
using Cufflinks. The significance of DEGs was calculated cloned allele). Table S10. Nei’s unbiased measurements of genetic
identity and genetic distance among 18 Cruciferae accessions. Table S11.
using the software of IDEG6 [46], and a p-value of less
Song et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:328 Page 17 of 18

Summary of transitions and transversions for SNPs between non-heading Acknowledgements

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genome). Table S12. The summary of variety-specific genes and SNPs Projects (The 973 Program: 2012CB113900), National Natural Science
in the five varieties of non-heading Chinese cabbage (NHCC). Foundation of China (Key Program, No.31330067), and National High
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sequences of non-heading Chinese cabbage and other selected plant
species. Frequency values are expressed as number of repeats per million Received: 25 August 2014 Accepted: 13 April 2015
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