The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: (ACT NO. V OF 1908)
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: (ACT NO. V OF 1908)
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: (ACT NO. V OF 1908)
♣An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the Procedure of the
Courts of Civil Judicature.
Short 1.(1) This Act may be cited as the Code of Civil Procedure,
and (2) It shall come into force on the first day of January, 1909.
(3) It extends to the whole of Bangladesh.
or context,-
been made:
been made:
or convenience;
section 9,
(ii) injunctions,
Stay of 10. No Court shall proceed with the trial of any suit in which the
matter in issue is also directly and substantially in issue in a
previously instituted suit between the same parties, or between
parties under whom they or any of them claim litigating under
the same title where such suit is pending in the same or any
other Court in Bangladesh having jurisdiction to grant the relief
claimed, or in any Court beyond the limits of Bangladesh
established or continued by the Government and having like
jurisdiction, or before the Supreme Court.
Res 11. No Court shall try any suit or issue in which the matter
directly and substantially in issue has been directly and
substantially in issue in a former suit between the same parties,
or between parties under whom they or any of them claim,
litigating under the same title, in a court competent to try such
subsequent suit or the suit in which such issue has been
subsequently raised, and has been heard and finally decided
by such Court.
(b) where it has not been given on the merits of the case;
Presumption 14. The Court shall presume, upon the production of any
as to
foreign document purporting to be a certified copy of a foreign
judgments. judgment, that such judgment was pronounced by a Court of
Place of Suing
Court in 15. Every suit shall be instituted in the Court of the lowest
suits to grade competent to try it.
or attachment,
Provided that the suit is one with respect to which the Court is
competent as regards the nature and value of the suit to
exercise jurisdiction.
allow the objection unless in its opinion there was, at the time
Suits for 19. Where a suit is for compensation for wrong done to the
for person or to movable property, if the wrong was done within the
wrongs local limits of the jurisdiction of one Court and the defendant
to person
resides, or carries on business, or personally works for gain,
movables. within the local limits of the jurisdiction of another Court, the
(a) A, residing in 9[Chittagong] beats B in Dhaka.
(b) A, residing in 11
[Chittagong] publishes in Dhaka statements
defamatory of B. B may sue A either in Dhaka, or in
(b) any of the defendants, where there are more than one, at
the time of the commencement of the suit, actually or
in such institution; or
(b) A resides at 16
[Cox's Bazar], B at Dhaka and C at
17 [Chittagong]. A, B and C being together at 18[Khulna], B and C
resides, or at 20
[Chittagong], where C resides; but in each of
these cases, if the non-resident defendant objects, the suit
Power to 22. Where a suit may be instituted in any one of two or 22.
suits Where a suit may be instituted in any one of two or more
may be Courts and is instituted in one of such Courts, any defendant,
in more after notice to the other parties, may, at the earliest possible
than one opportunity and in all cases where issues are settled at or
before such settlement, apply to have the suit transferred to
Courts 21[* * *], the application shall be made to the 22[* * *] High
Court Division.
General 24.(1) On the application of any of the parties and after notice
power of
transfer to the parties and after hearing such of them as desire to be
and heard, or of its own motion without such notice, the High Court
Division or the District Court may at any stage-
(iii) retransfer the same for trial or disposal to the Court from
District Court.
(4) The Court trying any suit transferred or withdrawn under this
Institution of Suits
Summons 27. Where a suit has been duly instituted, a summons may be
defendants. issued to the defendant to appear and answer the claim and
may be served in manner prescribed.
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973), section 3 and 2nd
to such Courts.
objects as aforesaid;
material objects.
Penalty 32. The Court may compel the attendance of any person to
default. whom a summons has been issued under section 30 and for
that purpose may-
(c) impose a fine upon him not exceeding five hundred Taka;
(d) order him to furnish security for his appearance and in
default commit him to the civil prison.
Judgment 33. The Court, after the case has been heard, shall pronounce
decree. judgment, and on such judgment a decree shall follow.
prescribed, and to the provisions of any law for the time being
in force, the costs of and incident to all suits shall be in the
discretion of the Court, and the Court shall have full power to
determine by whom or out of what property and to what extent
(2) Where the Court directs that any costs shall not follow the
event, the Court shall state its reasons in writing.
(3) The Court may give interest on costs at any rate not
exceeding six per cent. per annum, and such interest shall be
deemed to include,-
works for gain, within the local limits of the jurisdiction of such
other Court, or
(b) if such person has not property within the local limits of the
jurisdiction of the Court which passed the decree sufficient to
satisfy such decree and has property within the local limits of
the jurisdiction of such other Court, or
(d) if the Court which passed the decree considers for any
(2) The Court which passed a decree may of its own motion
send it for execution to any subordinate Court of competent
Result of 41. The Court to which a decree is sent for execution shall
proceedings certify to the Court which passed it the fact of such execution,
to be or where the former Court fails to execute the same the
circumstances attending such failure.
Powers 42.(1) The Court executing a decree sent to it shall have the
of Court
in same powers in executing such decree as if it had been
executing passed by itself. All persons disobeying or obstructing the
execution of the decree shall be punishable by such Court in
the same manner as if it had passed the decree. And its order
deceased judgment-debtor;
assignment of a decree;
Execution 43. Any decree passed by a Civil Court established in any area
decrees in Bangladesh to which the provisions relating to execution do
passed not extend, 27 [* * *] may, if it cannot be executed within the
by British
jurisdiction of the Court by which it was passed, be executed in
Courts in
places to manner herein provided within the jurisdiction of any Court in
this Part
does not
extend or
in foreign
decrees superior Courts of 29[* * *] any reciprocating territory has been
passed filed in a District Court, the decree may be executed in
by Courts
Bangladesh as if it had been passed by the District Court.
in the
United (2) Together with the certified copy of the decree shall be filed a
and other certificate from such superior Court stating the extent, if any, to
reciprocating which the decree has been satisfied or adjusted and such
certificate shall, for the purposes of proceedings under this
section 13.]
30 [* * *]
been made and the decree-holder has applied for an order for
the sale of such property.
application; or
Transferee 49. Every transferee of a decree shall hold the same subject to
property of the deceased which has come to his hands and has
not been duly disposed of; and, for the purpose of ascertaining
such liability, the Court executing the decree may, of its own
Procedure in Execution
any property;
(e) in such other manner as the nature of the relief granted may
of the Court, or
(ii) has, after the institution of the suit in which the decree was
(b) that the judgment-debtor has, or has had since the date of
(c) that the decree is for a sum for which the judgment-debtor
having the force of law for the time being in force, is exempt
Liability 53. For the purposes of section 50 and section 52, property in
ancestral the hands of a son or other descendant which is liable under
property. Hindu law for the payment of the debt of a deceased ancestor,
Partition 54. Where the decree is for the partition of an undivided estate
of estate
or assessed to the payment of revenue to the Government, or for
separation the separate possession of a share of such an estate, the
of share.
partition of the estate or the separation of the share shall be
law (if any) for the time being in force relating to the partition, or
the detention is situate, or, where such civil prison does not
and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such
officer shall at once release him.
decree for the payment of money and brought before the Court,
he was arrested, the Court may release him from arrest, and, if
Prohibition 56. Notwithstanding anything in this Part, the Court shall not
of arrest
or order the arrest or detention in the civil prison of a woman in
detention execution of a decree for the payment of money.
of women
of decree
the Court.
Release 59.(1) At any time after a warrant for the arrest of a judgment-
ground of debtor has been issued the Court may cancel it on the ground
illness. of his serious illness.
arrested, but the period of his detention in the civil prison shall
(c) houses and other buildings (with the materials and the sites
occupied by him;
(i) salary to the extent of the first hundred Taka and one-half
the remainder:
and the whole or any part of the portion of such salary liable to
has been made in execution of one and the same decree, shall
(j) the pay and allowances of persons to whom the 35[Army Act,
being applies in so far as they are declared by the said Act not
to be liable to attachment;
servant of the 36
[Republic] or of any servant of 37
[the Railway]
or local authority which the Government may by notification in
decree; and,
any law for the time being applicable to him, is exempt from
(j), (l) and (o) are exempt from attachment or sale whether
before or after they are actually payable, and in the case of
Explanation 2.-In clauses (h) and (i), "salary" means the total
on leave.
40 [* * *]
thereto, but when the person executing any such process has
duly gained access to any dwelling-house, he may break open
may enter such room for the purpose of seizing the property,
Property 63.(1) Where property not in the custody of any Court is under
in attachment in execution of decrees of more Courts than one,
execution the Court which shall receive or realize such property and shall
determine any claim thereto and any objection to the
of several attachment thereof shall be the Court of highest grade, or,
where there is no difference in grade between such Courts, the
Private 64. Where an attachment has been made, any private transfer
of or delivery of the property attached or of any interest therein
property and any payment to the judgment-debtor of any debt, dividend
or other monies contrary to such attachment, shall be void as
to be against all claims enforceable under the attachment.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, claims
enforceable under an attachment include claims for the
the property is sold and not from the time when the sale
becomes absolute.
continued or modified.
Provisions 69. The provisions set forth in the Third Schedule shall apply to
of Third
Schedule all cases in which the execution of a decree has been
to apply. transferred under the last preceding section.
Rules of 70.(1) The Government may make rules consistent with the
aforesaid provisions-
(a) for the transmission of the decree from the Court to the
of the Collector all or any of the powers which the Court might
other law for the time being in force if the decree had not been
Distribution of Assets
Proceeds 73.(1) Where assets are held by a Court and more persons
execution- than one have, before the receipt of such assets, made
sale to be application to the Court for the execution of decrees for the
payment of money passed against the same judgment-debtor
among and have not obtained satisfaction thereof, the assets, after
deducting the costs of realization, shall be rateably distributed
among all such persons:
Provided as follows:-
Resistance to Execution
Resistance 74. Where the Court is satisfied that the holder of a decree for
execution. the possession of immovable property or that the purchaser of
in the civil prison for a term which may extend to thirty days and
may further direct that the decree-holder or purchaser be put
Letter of 77. In lieu of issuing a commission the Court may issue a letter
of request to examine a witness residing at any place not within
and the plaint shall contain a statement that such notice has
within the period of two months from the date of the institution
of the suit:
specified, the Court shall report the case for the orders of the
foreign country.
(2) Every Court shall take judicial notice of the fact that a
Suits 52
[86.(1) Any Ruler of foreign State may, with the consent of the
Rulers. Government, certified by the signature of a Secretary to that
competent Court.
suit or class of suits, the Court in which the Ruler may be sued;
(a) has instituted a suit in the Court against the person desiring
to sue him, or
of his residence.
section (2) may be waived by the sending State; and any such
Style of 87. The Ruler of a foreign State may sue, and shall be sued, in
Rulers as
parties to the name of his State:
suits. Provided that in giving the consent referred to in the foregoing
87A. [Omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act
Where 88. Where two or more persons claim adversely to one another
suit may the same debt, sum of money or other property, movable or
be immovable, from another person, who claims no interest
therein other than for charges or costs and who is ready to pay
for himself:
shall be instituted.
Mediation 53
[89A.(1) Except in a suit under the 54
[Artha Rin Adalat Ain,
2003 (Act No. 8 of 2003)], after filing of written statement, if all
Aid Act, 2000 (Act No. 6 of 2000), or] to the engaged pleaders
as mediator:
58 [(3) While referring a dispute or disputes in the suit for
the procedure to be followed, and shall not charge any fee for
mediator fail to determine the fees, the Court shall fix the fees
section (1), the parties shall inform the Court in writing whom
appoint the mediator during this time, the Court shall, within
as the case may be, unless the Court of its own motion or upon
and the 64 [ Legal Aid Officer or mediator, as the case may be,]
section (5).
with hearing of the suit from the stage at which the suit stood
(10) For the purposes of this section, the District Judge shall, in
consultation with the President of the District Bar Association,
settlement, the Court shall allow the application and permit the
decree under Order XLI, and is between the same parties who
Special 70
[89D. The Contesting parties to a suit or of an appeal,
for pending in any Court before the commencement of the Code of
mediation Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2012, may by filing an
Application 89E. (1) The provision of section 89A or 89C shall be, applied
commencementto such area, and commenced on such date, as the
of the government may, by notification in the official Gazette, fix.
of (2) Where any mediation process for settlement of dispute in
sections respect of any suit or appeal is pending under section 89A or
89A and
89C 89C before the commencement of the Code of Civil Procedure
Special Case
Power to 90. Where any persons agree in writing to state a case for the
case for opinion of the Court, then the Court shall try and determine the
opinion same in the manner prescribed.
of Court.
of the 72
[Attorney General], may institute a suit, though no
within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the whole or any part
of that sub-section.
(a) issue a warrant to arrest the defendant and bring him before
the Court to show cause why he should not give security for his
commit the person guilty thereof to the civil prison and order
the defendant may apply to the Court, and the Court may, upon
(2) An order determining any such application shall bar any suit
(3) No appeal shall lie from a decree passed by the Court with
law upon which they differ and the appeal shall then be heard
upon that point only by one or more of the other Judges, and
Orders 104.(1) An appeal shall lie from the following orders, and save
which as otherwise expressly provided in the body of this Code or by
appeal any law for the time being in force, from no other orders:
lies. 76
[* * *]
[(ff) an order under section 35A;]
execution of a decree;
clause (ff) save on the ground that no order, or an order for the
(2) No appeal shall lie from any order passed in appeal under
this section.
What 106. Where an appeal from any order is allowed it shall lie to
Courts to the Court to which an appeal would lie from the decree in the
appeals. suit in which such order was made, or where such order is
be taken.
Procedure 108. The provisions of this Part relating to appeals from original
appeals decrees shall, so far as may be, apply to appeals-
from (a) from appellate decrees, and
decrees (b) from orders made under this Code or under any special 78
* *] law in which a different procedure is not provided.
When 109. Subject to such rules as may, from time to time, be made
appeals by the Supreme Court regarding appeals from the Courts of
lie to the
Supreme Bangladesh, and to the provisions hereinafter contained, an
Court. appeal shall lie to the 79[Appellate Division]
appellate jurisdiction;
(c) from any Judgment, decree or final order, when the case, as
Value of 110. In each of the cases mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of
matter. section 109, the amount or value of the subject-matter of the
(a) from the decree or order of one Judge of the High Court
111A 111A. [Omitted by section 2 of the Federal Court Act, 1941 (Act
No. XXI of 1941).]
(b) to interfere with any rules made by the Supreme Court, and
of High
Court 113. Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be
Division. prescribed, any Court may state a case and refer the same for
the opinion of the High Court Division, and the High Court
this Code, or
the decree or made the order, and the Court may make such
Revision 87
[115.(1) The High Court Division may, on the application of
revise such decree or order and, make such order in the suit or
case may be, made under sub-section (2) or (3) shall lie, where
the District Judge or, Additional District Judge, as the case may
be, made under sub-section (2) or (3) shall lie, where the High
Execution 118. Where any High Court Division considers it necessary that
of decree
before a decree passed in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction
ascertainmentshould be executed before the amount of the costs incurred in
of costs.
the suit can be ascertained by taxation, the Court may order
Effect of 121. The rules in the First Schedule shall have effect as if
rules in
First enacted in the body of this Code until annulled or altered in
Schedule. accordance with the provisions of this Part.
Power of 89
[122. The Supreme Court may, from time to time after
Court to previous publication, make rules regulating the procedure of
make each Division of the Supreme Court and the procedure of Civil
Courts subject to its Superintendence and may by such rules
[(2) Such Committee shall consist of the following persons,
number to be president:
member of 93
[the Committee], the number of other Judges
Committee 124. 97
[The] Rule Committee shall make a report to the
to report
[Supreme Court] 99[* **] on any proposal to annul, alter or add
Supreme to the rules in the First Schedule or to make new rules, and
before making any rules under section 122 the [Supreme
Rules to 100
[126. Rules made under the foregoing provisions shall be
subject subject to the previous approval of the President.].
such other date as may be specified have the same force and
effect 101
[* * *] as if they had been contained in the First
Matters 128.(1) Such rules shall be not inconsistent with the provisions
for which
rules may in the body of this Code, but, subject thereto, may provide for
provide. any matters relating to the procedure of Civil Courts.
penalty; or
on a trust; or
such tenant;
(j) all forms, registers, books, entries and accounts which may
Civil Courts.
such Court, and a list of such persons as reside within the local
for the purpose of such matter, and while returning from such
(3) Nothing in sub-section (2) shall enable a judgment-debtor to
of a decree.
Exemption 103
[135A.(1) No person shall be liable to arrest or detention in
members prison under civil process-
of (a) if he is a member of 104
[Parliament] during the continuance
bodies of any meeting of 105[Parliament];
(b) if he is a member of any committee of 106 [Parliament],
and during the continuance of any meeting of such committee;
and during the fourteen days before and after such meeting or
civil sitting.
(2) A person released from detention under sub-section (1)
sub-section (1).]
or attachment.
(3) The Court making an arrest under this section shall send
before the latter Court or for satisfying any decree that may be
(3) Where this Code requires or allows anything other than the
(2) Every such assessor shall receive such fees for his
Orders 142. All orders and notices served on or given to any person
notices under the provisions of this Code shall be in writing.
to be in
letter issued under this Code and forwarded by post, and the
lieu thereof.
parties in the position which they would have occupied but for
orders, including orders for the refund of costs and for the
decree, or
(c) for the payment of any money, or for the fulfilment of any
Proceedings 146. Save as otherwise provided by this Code or by any law for
by or
against the time being in force, where any proceeding may be taken or
application made by or against any person, then the
Consent 147. In all suits to which any person under disability is a party,
agreement any consent or agreement, as to any proceeding shall, if given
by or made with the express leave of the Court by the next friend
or guardian for the suit, have the same force and effect as if
disability. such person, were under no disability and had given such
Enlargement 148. Where any period is fixed or granted by the Court for the
of time.
doing of any act prescribed or allowed by this Code, the Court
Power to 149. Where the whole or any part of any fee prescribed for any
make up
deficiency document by the law for the time being in force relating to
of court- court-fees has not been paid, the Court may, in its discretion, at
any stage, allow the person, by whom such fee is payable, to
pay the whole or part, as the case may be, of such court-fee;
such fee is payable, shall have the same force and effect as if
and imposed by or under this Code upon the Court from which
the business was so transferred.
General 153. The Court may at any time, and on such terms as to costs
power to
amend. or otherwise as it thinks fit, amend any defect or error in any
Saving of 154. Nothing in this Code shall affect any present right of
right of appeal which shall have accrued to any party at its
appeal. commencement.
1The words and figure "section 47 or" were omitted by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. XLVIII of 1983)
2 The commas and words ", and includes an advocate, a vakil and an attorney of a High Court" were
omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973
(Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "The Republic" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
4The word "Republic" was substituted, for the word "State" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
5The word "Republic" was substituted, for the word "Government" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
The words "or local" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "local" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Provincial" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
14 The words "Bangladesh Biman" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan International Airways" by
section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII
of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Cox's Bazar" were substituted, for the word "Muree" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Khulna" was substituted, for the word "Bahawalpur" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "at Khulna" was substituted, for the word "Bahawalpur" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Chittagong" was substituted, for the word "Karachi" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "but to the same High Court" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "said" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
23 Section 24A was inserted by section 7 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 1962
(Ordinance No. XLIV of 1962)
24The word "Government" was substituted, for the words "Courts issuing such summons of processes
have been established or continued by the authority of the Central Government or that the Provincial
Government of the Province in which such summonses or processes are to be served" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Section 35A was substituted, by section 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act,
2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
Section 35B was inserted by section 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act, 2003
(Act No. XL of 2003)
The words and comma "or by any Court established or continued by the authority of the Central
Government in any Acceding State," were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh
Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Section 44A was inserted by section 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1937 (Act
No. VIII of 1937)
The words "the United Kingdom or" were omitted by section 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third
Amendment), 2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
Explanation 1 was omitted by section 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act, 2003
(Act No. XL of 2003)
The word "any" was substituted, for the words "the United Kingdom and such other" by section 4 of
the Code of Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act, 2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
Clause (a) of explanation 3 was omitted by section 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third
Amendment) Act, 2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
The word "Republic" was substituted, for the word "State" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Railway" were substituted, for the words "a railway" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words, commas and figures "Army Act, 1952, Navy Ordinance, 1961, or the Air Force Act, 1953,"
were substituted, for the words, commas, figures and brackets "Pakistan Army Act, 1952, applies, or of
persons other than commissioned officers to whom the Naval Discipline Act as modified by the Pakistan
Navy (Discipline) Act, 1934," by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Republic" was substituted, for the word "State" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Railway" were substituted, for the words "a railway" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
The word "Republic" was substituted, for the word "State" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
39 The words "the Railway" were substituted, for the words "a railway" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
40Explanation 3 was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Clause (b) was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "shall be Bangladesh" were substituted, for the words "shall be" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Clause (a) and (b) were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Clauses (a) was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Railway" were substituted, for the words "a railway" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
The words "the Government" were substituted, for the words "that Government" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Railway" were substituted, for the words "a railway" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of
the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "concerned" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Bangladesh" was substituted, for the words "the Provinces" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Bangladesh" was substituted, for the words "the Provinces" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "Bangladesh" was substituted, for the words "the Provinces" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Sections 86 and 86A were substituted, for the original section 86 by section 2 of the Code of Civil
Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Ordinance No. VI of 1970)
53Sections 89A and 89B were inserted by section 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2003 (Act No. IV of 2003)
54 The words, comma, figures and bracket “Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 (Act No. 8 of 2003)” were
substituted for the words, comma, figures and bracket “Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 1990 (Act No. 4 of 1990)”
by section 2(a)(i) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
The words “the Court shall” were substituted for the words “the Court may” by section 2(a)(ii) of the
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
56 The words, commas, figures and breakets “to the concerned Legal Aid Officer appointed under the
Legal Aid Act, 2000 (Act No. 6 of 2000), or” were inserted after the words “or refer the dispute or
disputes in the suit” by section 2(a) of Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
The full-stop (.) was substituted for the colon (:) and thereafter the proviso was omitted by section
2(a)(iii) of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
Sub-section (3) was substituted by section 2(b) of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
59The words “or Legal Aid Officer” were inserted after the words “when the court” by section 2(b) of
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
60Sub-section (4) was substituted by section 2(c) of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
61 The words and comma “or the dispute or disputes are referred to Legal Aid Officer, or a mediator is
appointed by the Court” were substituted for the words “or a mediator is appointed by the Court” by
section 2(c) of Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
Sub-section (5) was substituted by section 2(d) of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
63The words and commas “Legal Aid Officer or mediator, as the case may be,” were substituted for the
word “mediator” by section 2(d) of Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
The words and commas “Legal Aid Officer or mediator, as the case may be,” were substituted for the
word “mediator” by section 2(d) of Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
The words “prepare a report and pass an order in the manner” were substituted for the words “make
a report and passed order in a manner similar” by section 2(e) of The Code of Civil Procedure
(Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
The comma and words “, Legal Aid Officer” were inserted after the word “representatives” by section
2(e) of Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2017.
Section 89C was inserted by section 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2006 (Act
No. VIII of 2006)
The word “shall” was substituted for the word “may” by section 3(a) of The Code of Civil Procedure
(Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
Sub-section (2) was substituted by section 3(b) of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
Section 89D and 89E were inserted by section 4 of The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
2012 (Act No. XXXVI of 2012).
The words "Attorney General" were substituted, for the words "Advocate General" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
72The words "Attorney General" were substituted, for the words "Advocate General" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
73The words "Attorney General" were substituted, for the words "Advocate General" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Attorney General" were substituted, for the words "Advocate General" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "ten thousand" were substituted, for the words "one thousand" by section 5 of the Code of
Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act, 2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
Clause (a) to (f) were omitted by section 49 and 3rd Schedule of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (Act No. X
of 1940)
Clause (ff) was inserted by section 3 of the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1922 (Act No. IX of
The words "or local" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Appellate Division" were substituted, for the words "Supreme Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Appellate Division" were substituted, for the words "Supreme Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Appellate Division" were substituted, for the words "Supreme Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Appellate Division" were substituted, for the words "Supreme Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Clause (b) was omitted by the Schedule of the Law Reforms Ordinance, 1978 (Ordinance No. XLIX of
The words and figure "Appellate Division under article 103 of the Constitution of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh" were substituted, for the words and figure "Supreme Court under Article 158 of
the Constitution" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration)
Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "to the Appellate Division" were substituted, for the words "to that Court" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "before that Division" were substituted, for the words "before that Court" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
Section 115 was substituted, by section 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Third Amendment) Act,
2003 (Act No. XL of 2003)
The comma and words ", vakils and attorneys" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Section 122 was substituted, for the original section 122 by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "for the purpose" were substituted, for the words "at the town which is the usual place of
siting of each of the High Courts" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Sub-section (2) was substituted, by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision
And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "each" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Committee" were substituted, for the words "a Committee" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
The words "such Committee" were substituted, for the words "any such Committee" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words and comma "or ceases to reside in the Province in which the Committee was constituted,"
were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act,
1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "each" was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And
Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The word "The" was substituted, for the word "Every" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the
Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Supreme Court" were substituted, for the words "High Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "established at the town at which it is constituted" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "Supreme Court" were substituted, for the words "High Court" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The commas and words ", within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the High Court which made
them," were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration)
Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Government" were substituted, for the words "such Government" by section 3 and
2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
Section 135A was inserted by section 3 of the Legislative Members Exemption Act, 1925 (Act No.
XXIII of 1925)
The word "Parliament" was substituted, for the letter and word "a Legislature" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
105The word "Parliament" was substituted, for the words "such Legislature" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
106The word "Parliament" was substituted, for the words "such Legislature" by section 3 and 2nd
Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
The words "the Supreme Court" were substituted, for the letter and word "a High Court" by section 3
and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)