Numerical Simulations Ofdynamic Fracture
Numerical Simulations Ofdynamic Fracture
Numerical Simulations Ofdynamic Fracture
269-292, 2008
1 Introduction
The numerical simulation of thin shell structures has been a challenge in applied
mechanics and in many engineering branches for many years. Its engineering sig-
nificance as well as technical difficulties can be best measured by the seemingly
ever-lasting ’new formulations’ or ’new contributions’ in the literature in the past
decades. Its applications cover e.g. sheet metal forming, crash-worthiness test,
civil structure design, pressure vessel liability, shipbuilding, defense technology,
just to name a few. Regarding the strategy of numerical simulations of thin shell
structures, there are three major approaches:
Among these three approaches, 3-D continuum direct approach is the simplest;
nonetheless it is the least popular one in practice. The major drawback, or dilemma
that prevents using 3-D direct simulation is that it is often required to deploy mul-
tiple elements in the thickness direction of the thin shell to acquire reasonable gra-
dient fields, which, on the other hand, leads to degrading the conditioning of the
discrete system and then the accuracy of the numerical solution; moreover, the di-
rect continuum approach is very expensive, which usually requires more elements
in the same simulation than shell theory approach, or degenerated approach does.
Most meshfree methods proposed so far have focused on a continuum-based ap-
proach or simply modeled the shell or plate as a standard continuum. A meshfree
thin shell formulation based on Kirchhoff-love theory and element-free Galerkin
(EFG) method Belytschko, Lu, and Gu (1994) has been developed by Krysl and Be-
lytschko (1996) in the context of small strain, linear elastic framework. Rabczuk,
Areias, and Belytschko (2007) extended this work with the consideration of finite
strain, non-linear elastic material and focused on fracture. In the following work,
Rabczuk and Areias (2006) have simplified the treatment of cracks in thin shell by
using an extrinsic basis. Donning and Liu (1998) noted the advantage of meshfree
approximations in addressing shear locking in Mindlin type of beams and plates and
have developed a meshfree formulation based on the reproducing kernel particle
method (RKPM) Liu, Jun, and Zhang (1995). This methodology is further extended
by Kanok-Nukulchai, Barry, Saran-Yasoontorn, and Bouillards (2001) with the use
of EFG. EFG has been employed by Noguchi, Kawashima, and Miyamura (2000)
for shell and membrane structures in which bi-cubic and quartic basis functions are
introduced in order to avoid shear and membrane locking. Leitao (2001) developed
a meshfree method based on radial basis functions (RBF) for modeling a Kirchhoff
type of plate. Extension of RBF approach to the Mindlin type of plate was presented
in Liew and Chen (2004b,a). The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin was proposed by
Atluri and Zhu (1998, 2000); Atluri and Shen (2002); Atluri (2002); Han and Atluri
(2003); Tang, Shen, and Atluri (2003); Liu, Han, Rajendran, and Atluri (2006) for
solving beam problems and application of this meshfree approach to plates and
shells can be found in Long and Atluri (2002); Atluri, Cho, and Kim (1999); Soric,
Li, Jarak, and Atluri (2004); Sladek, Sladek, Wen, and Aliabadi (2006); Jarak,
Soric, and Hostler (2007); Li, Soric, Jarak, and Atluri (2005); Andreaus, Batra,
and Porfiri (2005); Sladek, Sladek, and Solek (2008); Jiawei, Xuefeng, and Lianfa
(2008). Wang and Chen (2006) showed that the Kirchhoff mode in the Mindlin
plate can be reproduced using EFG or RKPM if second-order polynomial basis
is used in the moving least-squares approximation. By implementing this with a
nodal integration and stabilization scheme, they have shown that the formulation is
stable and free of shear locking. Yagawa and Miyamura (2005) developed a free
Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Fracture in Thin Shell Structures 271
mesh method in which the discrete Kirchhoff theory is combined with the mixed
approach. In the case of 3D continuum models, Li, Hao, and Liu (2000) have
presented a formulation based on RKPM and have studied non-linear large defor-
mation of thin shells. Other relevant literature related to fracture or shell theory are
given e.g. in Hao and Liu (1999); Hao, Liu, and Chang (2000); Guz, Menshykov,
and Zozulya (2007); Ju and Liu (2007); Rabczuk and Belytschko (2006); Hagi-
hara, Tsunori, and Ikeda (2007); Nishioka, Kobayashi, and Fujimoto (2007); Hao,
Liu, and Weertman (2004); Liu, Liu, and Mahadevan (2007); Hao, Liu, Moran,
Vernerey, and Olson (2004); Guo and Nairn (2006); Zhao, Liu, and Wu (2008);
Rabczuk and Zi (2007); Ma, Lu, and Wang (2006); Gao, Liu, and Liu (2006); Hao,
Liu, Moran, and Olson (2003); Hao, Liu, Klein, and Rosakis (2004); Rong, Huang,
Liu, Song, and Wang (2008); Hao, Liu, and Belytschko (2004); Rabczuk, PMA,
and Belytschko (2007); Fujimoto and Nishioka (2006); Nishioka (2005); Hao and
Liu (2006); Nguyen-Van, N, and Tran-Cong (2008); Le, Mai-Duy, and Tran-Cong
In this paper, we use meshfree 3-D continuum approach based on simple fracture
criterion. Once fracture criterion is met, connectivity between meshfree nodes are
removed. The advantage of this 3-D meshfree approach is its simplicity over more
complex methods.
The paper is structured as follows: We first describe the meshfree approximation
and the discrete equations. Then, we elaborate the fracture criterion. Two problems
involving large deformation dynamic fracture of thin shell structures are studied. At
the end, we conclude our paper and give future research directions.
2 General formulation
∇X · P + ρ0 b = ρ0 ü, X ∈ Ω0 (1)
δ Wint = ∇X δ u : P dΩ0
δ Wext = δ u · t̄0 dΓ0 + ρ0 δ u · b dΩ0
Γ0t Ω0
δ Wkin = ρ0 δ u · ü dΩ0 (3)
with the approximation spaces U and U0 for the trial and test functions, respec-
U = u|u ∈ H 1 , u = ū on Γu
U0 = δ u|δ u ∈ H 1 , δ u = 0 on Γu (4)
The linear momentum equation is complemented with Dirichlet and von Neumann
boundary conditions:
where the index t refers to traction boundaries, the index u refers to displacement
boundaries; n is the normal to the traction boundary and the subscript 0 refers to
quantities in the reference configuration; t is the traction.
3 Meshfree approximation
We use the elementfree Galerkin (EFG) method Belytschko, Lu, and Gu (1994)
that is based on moving least squares (MLS) Lancaster and Salkauskas (1981) ap-
proximation. The EFG approximation uh (X) of a given function u(X) can be posed
in terms of the shape functions and certain particle or nodal parameters uJ as
uh (X) = ∑ NJ (X)uJ = N u (7)
with s = X−X 2h for circular support size. The size of the domain of influence is
support size
Figure 1: Radial support size
274 Copyright © 2008 Tech Science Press CMES, vol.33, no.3, pp.269-292, 2008
The test and trial functions have the structure of equation (7). Introducing them
into the weak formulation with a Bubnov Galerkin method yields
n n
∑ δ uI ∑− Ω0
∇X NI (X)P dΩ0 +
NI (X)b dΩ0
I=1 J=1
+ NI (X)t̄0 dΓ0 + ρ0 NI (X)NJ (X)u dΩ0 =0 (12)
Γ0t Ω0
MIJ = ρ NI (X) NTJ (X) dΩ0
I = NTI (X) t̄0 dΓ0 + NTI (X) bdΩ0 (15)
Γ0t Ω0
I = ∇X NTI X) PdΩ0 (16)
The domain is subdivided into integration domains over which Gaussian quadrature
is performed. Background mesh is constructed such that nodes and integration
cell vertices coincide, see figure 2 for a two-dimensional description. We note
that the background mesh does not necessarily have to be conforming and hanging
nodes may easily be employed. Using Gaussian quadrature, the internal forces for
examples are given by Rabczuk, Belytschko, and Xiao (2004)
I =
fint ∑ n∇X N(X(ξJ ) − XI ) P(X(ξJ )) wQJ |J| (17)
where ξ are local coordinates of the background mesh, |J| is the determinant of the
Jacobian and wQJ are the quadrature weights.
Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Fracture in Thin Shell Structures 275
Figure 2: EFG nodes plotted as circular black dots with background mesh; left side:
unstructured mesh and right side: structured mesh
where a is the back stress, set to zero in our studies. The thermo viscoplastic flow
is governed by the following power law
¯ε̇ = ε̇0 σ̄
g(ε̄ , T )
ε̄ T − T0
g(ε̄ , T ) = σ̄ 1 + 1 − δ exp −1 (24)
ε0 κ
In Equations (23) and (24), ε̇0 is a reference strain rate, m is the rate sensitivity
parameter, σ0 is the yield stress, ε0 = σ0 /E is the corresponding reference strain
and E is Young’s modulus, n is the strain hardening exponent, T0 is a reference
temperature and δ and κ are thermal softening parameters. The function g(ε̄ , T ) is
the stress-strain relation measured at quasi-static strain rate of ε̇ at temperature T .
The equivalent plastic strain ε̄ is defined as
t t
2 vp vp
ε̄ = ε̄ dt =
˙ D : D dt (25)
0 0 3
where E and ν are Young’s modulus and the Poisson ratio at temperature T . Fur-
thermore, for steel: E0 = 200GPa, ν0 =0.3 and σ0 =2.0GPa. The constitutive update
scheme for the thermo-elasto-viscoplastic model largely follows the rate tangent
modulus approach developed by Peirce, Shih, and Needleman (1984). The essence
of the rate tangent modulus method is to approximate any function of time in the
interval tn+θ ∈ [tn ,tn+1 ], θ ∈ [0, 1] as
f θ = (1 − θ ) fn + θ fn+1 (27)
Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Fracture in Thin Shell Structures 277
vθ = (1 − θ ) vn + θ vtrial
n+1 = vn + θ Δt an (28)
uθ = (1 − θ ) un + θ un+1 = un + θ Δt vn + θ 2 Δt 2 an (29)
Lθ = ∇X vθ · F−1
n+1 (30)
τn+1 = τn + τ̇ Δt (31)
τ̇ ≈ τ ∇ + Wθ · τn + τn · WTθ (32)
Assume that the temperature update proceeds first, and Ṫθ comes in handy; based
on plastic consistency condition and constitutive relations, on may find that
ε̄˙n ζθ ∂ ε̄˙ /∂ T
ε̄˙θ ≈ + Pθ : Dθ + Ṫθ (35)
1 + ζθ Hθ (1 + ζθ ) ∂ ε̄˙ /∂ σ̄ n
Pθ = C : pn (36)
pn = (37)
∂ ε̄˙ /∂ ε̄
Hθ ≈ |n + (p : L : p)n (38)
∂ ε̄˙ /∂ σ̄
∂ ε̄˙
ζθ ≈ θ Δt Hθ (39)
∂ σ̄ n
∂ ε̄˙ mε̄˙
= (40)
∂ σ̄ σ̄
∂ ε̄˙ /∂ T σ̄ ∂g
|n = − (41)
∂ ε̄˙ /∂ σ̄ g(ε̄ , T ) ∂ T
278 Copyright © 2008 Tech Science Press CMES, vol.33, no.3, pp.269-292, 2008
Following the rate tangent modulus approach Peirce, Shih, and Needleman (1984),
the objective rate of the Kirchhoff stress can be given as
τ ∇ = Ctan
θ : Dθ − Pθ −
1 + ζθ
ζθ ∂ ε̄˙ /∂ T
|n Ṫθ Pθ − α Ṫθ C : I (42)
(1 + ζθ )Hθ ∂ ε̄˙ /∂ σ̄
θ = C− Pθ : Pθ (43)
(1 + ζ )H θ
Once the objective rate is obtained, the Kirchhoff stress can then be updated ac-
cording to Equation(31). The corresponding first Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor is
then given as P = F−1 · τ .
For stress-based fracture criterion, fracture is introduced once the maximum prin-
cipal tensile stress exceed 3 times the tensile strength σ0 of the material.
For strain-based fracture criterion, fracture is introduced once the effective plastic
strain rate exceeds a given threshold. This threshold is 0.2 in our studies.
Both criteria required a non-local averaging of stress and strain field.
Fracture is modeled in a very simple manner. We broke the link between neigh-
boring particles once fracture criterion is met. More sophisticated models will be
studied in the future.
5 Results
5.1 Pinched cylinder
We first show the efficiency and accuracy of the method with simple example: Lin-
ear elastic pinched cylinder with rigid end diaphragm. This problem resembles one
of bench mark problems in the so-called standard problem set testing finite ele-
ment accuracy and was tested for example by Sze, Lo, and Yao (2002); Weissmann
Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Fracture in Thin Shell Structures 279
Normalized displacement
our method
0.5 Sze 2002
Simo 1989
0.4 Weissmann 1996
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of elements (background cells for EFG) in each side
Figure 3: Normalized displacement versus number of elements in each side,
pinched cylinder example
(1996); Bucalem and Bathe (1993); Parish (1991); Simo, Fox, and Rifai (1989).
Only one eights of the cylinder is usually modeled. We model the entire cylinder
since we cannot take advantage of symmetry in the following examples. In order
to compare results with the literature, we have scaled the number of background
cells to the number of elements of the 1/8 cylinder. This normalized displacement
plot is depicted in figure 3. The results are of similar accuracy as results with finite
elements that use the same number of elements though this method is much simpler
and better suited for modeling fracture.
thickness 1.5mm
For slow loading rate, we perform quasi static analysis and the loading rate is
15.2Pa/s. For fast loading rate, the maximum load of 15.2MPA is reached after
1ms leading to loading rate of 15.2kPa/s.
(c) Slow load rate; temperautre (d) Slow load rate; temperautre
The displaced cylinder for slow loading rate is illustrated in figure 6. The crack
propagates straight. For fast loading rate, the crack propagates first straight but
then branches. This was also observed by other authors Zhou, Ravichandran,
and Rosakis (1996); Ravi-Chandar (1998); Sharon, Gross, and Fineberg (1995);
282 Copyright © 2008 Tech Science Press CMES, vol.33, no.3, pp.269-292, 2008
30,000 nodes
60 100,000 nodes
120,000 nodes
150,000 nodes
Expansion [mm]
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Time [ms]
Rabczuk and Belytschko (2004, 2007). The maximum radial displacements mea-
sured from the simulation data for different meshes are shown in figure 7. The
results are almost indistinguishable after exceeding 100,000 nodes. This indicates
mesh independent results. The displaced cylinder and the crack patterns are also
indistinguishable and therefore we presented only the displaced cylinder for the
simulation with 100,000 nodes in figure 6.
Pressure [MPa]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time [ms]
Figure 8: Pressure over the time of a particle close to the notch from a pure fluid
simulation of gas-detonation in rigid specimen
2719kg/m3, ν = 0.33, σ0 = 275GPa, ε0p = 0.001, 1/n = 0.07, 1/m = 0.01. Since
it is complicated to model the gas explosion and fracture of the cylinder at the same
time, we proceed as follows:
The gas explosion simulation was done by using equation of state model. The
pressure time-history at the notch location of one particle is shown in figure 8. We
now focus on the fracture of the shell. More details on the gas explosion simulation
is given in Gato (2007).
The cylindrical shells are modeled with up to 280,000 nodes. Using half the number
of nodes resulted in similar numerical data. We considered 2 notch lengths.
For notch length of 1”, the results are shown in figure 9. Cracks propagate shortly
from the crack tips and then bifurcate in circumferential direction. Similar obser-
vations were made in the experiment. The cracks are arrested after propagating
approximately 3/4 of the circumference. In the experiment, the side opposed to
the source of explosions failed around the entire circumference while the other side
did not. The simulation cannot capture this behavior due to the relatively regularly
applied pressure load. A coupled simulation might resolve this issue.
For notch length of 2”, result is shown in figure 10. Since pressure differences
284 Copyright © 2008 Tech Science Press CMES, vol.33, no.3, pp.269-292, 2008
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Displaced configuration and effective stress of the detonation-driven frac-
ture of cylinder at different times; notch length is 1”
Figure 10: Displaced configuration and effective stress of the detonation-driven
fracture of cylinder; notch length is 2”
Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Fracture in Thin Shell Structures 285
around and ahead of the crack tips were more pronounced from the gas explosion
simulations, we captured the basic behavior of the experiment. While crack prop-
agates straight on the RHS, crack curves in 45 degree angle before propagating in
circumferential direction and getting arrested. This behavior was also seen in the
6 Conclusions
With the developments of a non-linear meshfree method and a thermo-visco-plastic
material model, we studied the failure of cylinders. The advantages of using a
meshfree method over finite element method are:
• Meshfree method can deal with large deformations more accurately than fi-
nite element method.
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