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Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus

Conference Paper  in  Materials Today: Proceedings · September 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.609


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3 authors, including:

Thirunavukkarasu Indiran Eadala Sarath Yadav

Manipal Academy of Higher Education Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus

Eadala Sarath Yadav a, Thirunavukkarasu Indiran b,⇑, Dayananda Nayak b, CHVB Aditya Kumar a,
M. Selvakumar c
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad 508284, India
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal 576104, India
Department of Chemistry, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal 576104, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the study of binary component analysis subjected to distillation process using Aspen
Received 7 June 2020 Plus. Binary components namely Isopropyle alcohol and water were considered for the study and their
Received in revised form 21 July 2020 characteristics are analyzed at certain temperature and pressure. Aspen Plus provides virtual exposure
Accepted 24 July 2020
of physical process, gives quantitative measure of mole fraction of liquid phase, vapor phase with changes
Available online xxxx
in temperature, pressure and activity coefficients. Steady state and dynamic simulation results depicts
the behavior of the system and enables the user to understand how the system reacts in virtual environ-
ment, to realize the system behavior in real-time environment.
Distillation process
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aspen Plus Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
Component analysis ence On Impact Of Innovations In Science And Technology For Societal Development: Materials Science.
Temperature control

1. Introduction Aspen simulation package has large number of databanks to

solve thermodynamic problem which occurs in real time industrial
Distillation column is one of the key applications in the process implementation. Chang et al [3] studied the direct contact mem-
industry used in separating the liquid mixture into two or more brane distillation (DCMD) and air gap membrane distillation
components through the phenomena of evaporation and conden- (AGMD) for desalination using Aspen Plus. More et al, [4] has pre-
sation by means of relative volatility difference [1]. There exist dif- sented the effect of binary feed selection on grass-root design via
ferent aspects of study on distillation process in the literature [2]. Aspen dynamics. There were also few studies carried out in steady
Practical analysis of chemical components subjected to distillation state and dynamic application using Aspen [5,6,7,8]. Processes like
process may involve physical uncertainties and cost effective. petrochemical, refinery, polymerization, pharma, etc. can be simu-
Therefore, it is important to carry out the chemical analysis in sim- lated using different packages in ApsenTech [9]. Packages includes
ulation environment. Advanced System for Process Engineering Aspen Plus, Aspen dynamics, Aspen chromatography, Aspen batch
(ASPEN) is one of the virtual simulation software used to simulate modeler, Aspen Absorption, Aspen custom modeler, Aspen energy
the chemical processes. This is the joint project of Massachusetts analyzer, Aspen HYSYS, Aspen utilities planner, Aspen plus based
Institute of Technology (MIT) and US Department of Energy refinery reactor. User must have enough knowledge on the process
founded in 1981. The key application of Aspen Plus is process sim- before implementing any real time problem in Aspen [10].
ulation and optimization with high degree of accuracy. It consists In this work Aspen Plus and Aspen dynamics are used to ana-
of model library which includes virtual units different chemical lyze steady state and transient behavior of distillation process.
process. Different models like mixers, pressure changers, phase The paper starts with introduction and literature survey in section.
separators, splitters, distillation columns, reactors, manipulators, I. The glimpse of degree of freedom and variable relationship is
heat exchangers, etc. Process flow diagram can be developed by presented in section. II, followed by Aspen working environment
using different existing units from the library based on the user in section. III. Result analysis of steady state and dynamic opera-
requirement and it is also possible to develop user defined models. tions are presented in section. IV followed by conclusion in section.

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Indiran).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference On Impact Of Innovations In Science And Technology For Societal
Development: Materials Science.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
2 E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

If Ndof  Nwork = 0, the design problem is determined or solv-

able. If the system has linearly independent equations, then system
has uniquely definite solution and for nonlinear independent equa-
tions the system has set of solutions.
If Ndof  Nwork > 0, the design problem is underspecified, since
number of process variables are larger in number than indepen-
dent equations determining them, and system has infinitely many
If Ndof  Nwork < 0, the design problem is over specified, which
depicts number of process variables are less than number of work-
ing variables and system has no solutions.
Degrees of freedom can be calculated based on process require-
ment as individual set of process or by considering whole unit
itself. Fig. 1 shows the different parameters influencing the process
at different stages, m2 is the mass fraction entering the condenser,
m4 is mass flow rate leaving the condenser and going towards
accumulator, m6 is reflux flow going back to the column. Similarly,
Y2A, Y4A and X6A are vapor entering condenser, vapor leaving con-
denser and liquid entering the column, respectively. Suffix ’A’ rep-
resents product composition ’A’.

3. Aspen plus working environment

Aspen is server-based tool which is more into chemical engi-

Fig. 1. Variable representation to calculate DOF for distillation column. neering prospective; it offers decent steady state approach for
chemical processes and vigorous dynamic study of process in lim-
ited bound. Systematic diagram of usage of Aspen Plus working
2. Degree of freedom
environment shown in Fig. 2
Before opening the Aspen Plus make sure that server is turned
Degree of freedom provides knowledge on how different vari-
on. Select new file (Ctrl + N) popup enables with different options;
ables affect each other as well as the process. DOF has broad signif-
user can select blank simulator or templates as shown in Fig. 3.
icance in design of distillation plant which includes modeling,
In the next window component specification should be given to
renovation, optimization etc. There is a relation between number
which simulation is performed. If user does not have knowledge on
of working variables (Nwork) and number of degrees of freedom
component details like component type, ID and name, one can
(Ndof). Simple way of representing degrees of freedom is by sub-
make use of find option and search for the required component.
tracting total number of variables of variables of the system (Nvar)
In this work, Isopropyle alcohol and water are consider as feed
and number of independent equations (Neq) that governing those
components to the distillation column. Fig. 4 depicts the selection
variables and form mathematical model [1112].
of components from the ‘find component’ window.
Once components are selected, click on next option which is on
the header side of the page or press F4 for next input sheet. Here
Ndof ¼ Nv ar  Neq ð1Þ
user must select the method based on component type or process
Working parameters are the variables whose values are fixed type. If one does not have an idea of selecting appropriate method,
based on design problem. Number of free variables are given by there is an option called method assistant on the page. Method
the difference between number of degrees of freedom and number assistant gives the suitable method based on the component prop-
of working variables. Working variables are those parameters erties or specific area of application. In this example, chemical is
given the information of number of equations (species balances) selected for method filter and UNIFAC is selected as base method.
and extra information. Double click on the simulation option appears on the main window

Fig. 2. Systematic diagram of Aspen Plus working environment.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 3. Startup page of aspen plus.

where main flow sheet will be opened. On the footer side of the is selected, insert mode should be disabled using ‘cancel insert
page there appears model palette which consists of mixers/split- mode’ which is represented as arrow on the model palette. Now
ters, separators, exchangers, columns, reactors, pressure changers, material should be enabled by clicking on material block on the
manipulators, solids, solid separators and user models. User can model palette. Red and blue arrow marks are enabled on the block
choose any type of the column based on requirement. Once block which characterizes mandatory and options connections, respec-

Fig. 4. Find component window.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
4 E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. RadFrac distillation column with I/O connections.

Fig. 6. Feed specifications.

Fig. 7. Block Specification.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

4. Result analysis

4.1. Steady state analysis

Steady state is an equilibrium point where the system inputs

and outputs are equal. Equilibrium diagram gives the relationship
between temperature, pressure, and composition (mole fraction) in
the system. The temperature and mole fraction relationship is
given by using T-xy plot, system’s Pressure and mole fraction is
given by P-xy plot and relationship between vapor and liquid mole
fraction is given by x-y plot.
Control problem considered in this study is to separate iso-
propyle alcohol and water with maximum purity using RadFrac
distillation column as shown in the Fig. 7 for steady state operation
of binary products, where isopropyle alcohol and water are in the
ratio of 30% and 70% with feed temperature 27 °C at 1 bar of pres-
sure respectively. Condenser type is specified as equilibrium, num-
ber of stages as ‘8’ and reboiler type as partial vapor.
In steady state operation, it is important to know the reflux
ratio and distillate rate. In this case reflux ratio is selected as 2
and distillate rate is specified as 5 lbmol/hr. It is also important
to mention the geometry of column i.e., width, height etc. Once
all the required specifications are assigned, it is time to run the
simulation. Fig. 8 depicts the pressure, temperature and vapor frac-
tion for feed, top and bottom products and Fig. 9 shows the result
Fig. 8. Steady state simulation block of RadFrac distillation column. analysis and purity obtained.
The relation between temperature and liquid/vapor mole frac-
tion for isopropyle alcohol and water is given by T-xy plot, where
tively. Fig. 5 shows the selection of block with input and output
pressure of the column is kept constant and temperature and mole
fraction is varied. From Fig. 10 at 80°c both liquid and vapor phase
It is necessary that user should be aware of feed operation con-
are equal to produce 0.65 mol fraction of isopropyle alcohol and
dition like feed flow rate, feed temperature, pressure etc., block
0.35 mol fraction of water. P-xy plot gives the relation between
specifications like height, width circumference of column etc.,
pressure and mole fraction with constant temperature. Therefore,
and block operating conditions like temperature, pressure of col-
from Fig. 11 it can be seen that at pressure 0.93 psi, both liquid
umn. Fig. 6 represents feed specifications of the block. Similarly,
and vapor pressure reach same point with 0.55 mol fraction of
Fig. 7 depicts block operating conditions and specifications like
iso propyle alcohol and 0.45 mol fraction of water.
condenser type, number of stages, reflux ratio and distillate rate
of the column.

Fig. 9. Simulated result with stream table.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
6 E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 10. Equilibrium diagram of Txy plot for isopropyle and water.

Fig. 11. Equilibrium diagram of P-xy plot for isopropyle and water.

Fig. 12. Dynamic Simulation block of RadFrac distillation column.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 13. Response of the reflux drum liquid level control.

Fig. 14. Response of condenser pressure control.

Fig. 15. Response of sump level control.

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
8 E. Sarath Yadav et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

4.2. Aspen dynamic analysis phase, vapor phase with changes in temperature, pressure, activity
coefficients, respectively. Dynamic simulation involves the closed
Isopropyle alcohol and water as feed components the steady loop study of the process using certain PID control methods.
state analysis is extended to Aspen dynamics to study transient Results depicts the behavior of the system and effect conventional
response. Fig. 12 shows the dynamic simulation of Radfrac distilla- control over different variables.
tion column with three variable control. Loop1 is reflux drum con-
trol where manipulated variable is distillate flow rate controller is Declaration of Competing Interest
Fig. 13 shows the response of liquid level control of reflux drum The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
where distillate flow rate is manipulated variable. Servo operation cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
has been applied at different step changes. Fig. 14 shows the to influence the work reported in this paper.
response of the condenser pressure with closed loop control.
Fig. 15 depicts the sump level control. Acknowledgements

4.3. Review of Aspen (Pros and Cons) Authors would like to thank Department of Chemical Engineer-
ing, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher
a) Since there are no measurement tools in the library of Aspen Education, Manipal for providing simulation lab facility.
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5. Conclusion
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They provide the relationship between mole fraction of liquid

Please cite this article as: E. Sarath Yadav, T. Indiran, D. Nayak et al., Simulation study of distillation column using Aspen plus, Materials Today: Proceed-
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