Schulze RDP Declarations PDF
Schulze RDP Declarations PDF
Schulze RDP Declarations PDF
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FI36 (01/16)
New Declaration
Dwelling Fire Policy
Members Home & Auto Issue Date: 12/09/2022
2855 Coolidge Hwy Ste 204
Troy, MI 48084-3216
Policy Period begins and ends at 12:01 a.m. standard time at the residence premises.
Insured Location:
Your Coverages
Property Coverages Limit Premium
Coverage at the above described location is provided only where a limit of liability or a premium is stated.
Fair Rental and Additional Living Expense 20% of Coverage A limit, as additional insurance
Glass or Safety Glazing Material Included in A Dwelling and C.Personal Property limits.
Policy Period begins and ends at 12:01 a.m. standard time at the residence premises.
Your Deductibles
Deductibles Amount
All-Peril $1,000
Policy Period begins and ends at 12:01 a.m. standard time at the residence premises.
• DL2473 (05/04) Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria Coverage - Michigan
• DL2489 (07/21) Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism, Disclosure Pursuant To Terrorism
Risk Insurance Act
• DL2521 (11/14) Special Provisions - Michigan
Visit us at
or call (800) 288-4425 • DP0422 (07/14) Limited Fungi Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria Coverage
customer service.
• DP0470 (12/02) Premises Alarm or Fire Protection System
Contact your independent
agent at (248) 619-3400. • DP0538 (07/21) Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism, Disclosure Pursuant To Terrorism
Risk Insurance Act
• FI36 (01/16) Dwelling Policy Cover Page
Policy Period begins and ends at 12:01 a.m. standard time at the residence premises.
This declarations page with policy forms and endorsements completes the Policy. This Policy will
continue in force for the period indicated upon valid payment of the premium, when due.
Visit us at
or call (800) 288-4425
customer service.
Thank you for your business! Of all the options available to you, we appreciate the fact that you chose
State Auto to provide your insurance protection.
We strive to provide quality coverage and service at a fair price. It is important to note that many factors
are used to develop insurance premiums. Among those items is an insurance bureau score based on
credit information. Your policy may be receiving a discounted rate and is the best rate available to you at
this time.
Changes may occur to an insurance bureau score over time. As we are made aware of changes to the
insurance bureau score, that information will be applied to your policy.
If there are items that are adversely impacting the insurance bureau score currently being applied to your
policy, we will list the top four factors impacting your score below.
You have right to request a free copy of your report by contacting the organization that provided it within 60
days at the following address:
You will need to provide your report reference number with all correspondence.
It is important to note that, while the above organization provided the information, it did not make the
decision regarding its use and, therefore, cannot answer any questions regarding your insurance premium.
However, if there is information on the report that you feel is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to
dispute this information with the above-mentioned company.
Thank you for your business! Of all the options available to you, we appreciate the fact that you chose State Auto to provide your
insurance protection.
We strive to provide quality coverage and service at a fair price. It is important to note that many factors are used
to develop insurance premiums. Those items include information regarding prior insurance coverage. We use a
Current Carrier report from LexisNexis to verify this information.
Information shown in the Current Carrier report is adversely impacting the premium for this policy. Specifically,
the report shows:
Tenure with prior carrier is less than 73 months. (Auto)
Thank you for your business! Of all the options available to you, we appreciate the fact that you chose
State Auto to provide your insurance protection.
We strive to provide quality coverage and service at a fair price. It is important to note that many factors
are used to develop insurance premiums. Those items include information regarding motor vehicle
records, loss history information, property characteristic and geographic information. The Fair Credit
Reporting Act requires us to notify you that your policy premium may be adversely affected as a result of
information from a consumer report.
The following incidents were listed on a consumer report, but not all of the reasons listed below may have
had an impact on your premium.
You will need to provide your report reference number with all correspondence.
It is important to note that, while the above organization provided the information, they did not make the
decision that affected the premium on your policy; nor would they be able to tell you the reasons why this
decision was made. Nevertheless, if you would like to obtain a copy of the report to confirm its accuracy or
completeness, please call or write them directly at the above number or address within the next 60 days. If
there is information on the report that you feel is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to dispute the
information with the above-mentioned company.
IL N 001 09 03
Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly pre-
sents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and con-
finement in prison.
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POLICY NUMBER 1001562443 EFFECTIVE DATE CARRIER State Auto Property and Casualty NAIC CODE
12/12/2022 Insurance Company 25127
5. Identity theft.
6. Temporary loss of employment for a period of three months or more, if such loss
results from involuntary termination of employment.
7. Military deployment overseas.
If a consumer submits a request for an exception as set forth above, an insurer may, in its
sole discretion, but is not required to, do any of the following:
on the damaged building bears to 2. Pay the difference between “actual cash
80% of the replacement cost of the value” of the property before and after
building. the loss.
c. To determine the amount of insurance All other provisions of this Policy apply.
required to equal 80% of the full
replacement cost of the building
immediately before the loss, do not
include the value of:
(1) Excavations, footings, foundations,
piers, or any other structures or
devices that support all or part of the
building, which are below the
undersurface of the lowest
basement floor;
(2) Those supports described in (1)
above which are below the surface
of the ground inside the foundation
walls, if there is no basement; and
(3) Underground flues, pipes, wiring,
and drains.
d. We will pay no more than the “actual
cash value” of the damage until actual
repair or replacement is complete.
Once actual repair or replacement is
complete, we will settle the loss as
noted in 2.a. and 2.b. above.
However, if the cost to repair or replace
the damage is both:
(1) Less than 5% of the amount of
insurance in this policy on the
building; and
(2) Less than $2,500;
we will settle the loss as noted in 2.a.
and b. above whether or not actual
repair or replacement is complete.
e. You may disregard the replacement cost
loss settlement provisions and make
claim under this policy for loss to
buildings on an “actual cash value”
basis. You may then make claim for
any additional liability according to the
provisions of this Condition E. Loss
Settlement, provided you notify us,
within 180 days after the date of loss, of
your intent to repair or replace the
damaged building.
F. Loss To A Pair Or Set
In case of loss to a pair or set we may elect
1. Repair or replace any part to restore the
pair or set to its value before the loss;
Privacy Statement
Continued on back
AU303 (08/16) Page 1 of 2
Policy Number: 1001562443
Accessing your personal information Our Privacy Statement applies to current and
You can always ask us or your independent agent for a copy former customers of the State Automobile
of your personal information. To correct personal information Mutual Insurance Company and the affiliates
provided by another company, like a credit agency, you must and subsidiaries that offer personal insurance.
contact those companies directly. To correct personal information These include:
on your policy, you may contact your independent insurance n State Auto Property and Casualty
agent or State Auto. When requesting a correction please include Insurance Company
your name, address and policy number. Mail the inquiry to:
n Meridian Security Insurance Company
Personal Underwriting Support Dept.
n Milbank Insurance Company
State Auto Insurance Companies
P.O. Box 182822 n Patrons Mutual Insurance Company
Columbus, Ohio 43218-2822 of Connecticut
n Rockhill Insurance Company
n Plaza Insurance Company
I prefer that State Auto not share my personal information with its affiliates.
State Auto does not share your information with other nonaffiliated companies so they can
market their own products to you, unless you give us your permission. There is no need to opt
out of sharing with nonaffiliated companies.
(Beginning on)
DP 0001 DP 0002 DP 0003
(07/14) (07/14) (07/14)
Agreement 1 1 1
Definitions 1 1 1
Coverage A - Dwelling 1 1 1
Coverage B - Other Structures 1 1 1
Coverage C - Personal Property 1 1 1
Coverage D - Fair Rental Value 2 2 2
Additional Living Expenses NA 2 2
Other Coverages 2 2 2
General Exclusions 4 7 8
Conditions 5 8 9
Insurable Interest And Limit of Liability 5 8 9
Deductible 5 8 9
Duties After Loss 6 8 10
Loss Settlement 6 9 10
Mortgage Clause 7 10 12
Cancellation 7 11 12
Nonrenewal 8 11 13
Policy Period 9 12 13
Endorsements apply if number and edition date are shown on the Declarations
DP 00 03 07 14
This includes their equipment and parts D. Coverage D – Fair Rental Value
while such property is in or upon the vehicle 1. If a loss to property described in Coverage A,
or conveyance. B or C by a Peril Insured Against under this
However, this Paragraph 2.e. does not Policy makes that part of the Described
apply to: Location rented to others or held for rental by
(1) Portable electronic equipment that: you unfit for its normal use, we cover the fair
rental value of that part of the Described
(a) Reproduces, receives or transmits Location rented to others or held for rental by
audio, visual or data signals; and you less any expenses that do not continue
(b) Is designed so that it may be while that part of the Described Location rented
operated from a power source other or held for rental is not fit to live in.
than the electrical system of motor Payment will be for the shortest time required
vehicles and all other motorized land to repair or replace that part of the Described
conveyances. Location rented or held for rental.
(2) Motor vehicles or other motorized land 2. If a civil authority prohibits you from use of the
conveyances not required to be Described Location as a result of direct
registered for use on public roads or damage to a neighboring location by a Peril
property which are: Insured Against in this Policy, we cover the
(a) Used solely to service a residence; Fair Rental Value loss for no more than two
or weeks.
(b) Designed to assist the handicapped; 3. The periods of time referenced above are not
limited by the expiration of this Policy.
f. Watercraft of all types, other than rowboats
and canoes; 4. We do not cover loss or expense due to
cancellation of a lease or agreement.
g. Data, including data stored in:
(1) Books of account, drawings or other E. Coverage E – Additional Living Expense
paper records; or 1. If a loss to property described in Coverage A,
(2) Computers and related equipment. B or C by a Peril Insured Against under this
Policy makes the Described Location unfit for
We do cover the cost of blank recording or its normal use, we cover any necessary
storage media and of prerecorded increase in living expenses incurred by you so
computer programs available on the retail that your household can maintain its normal
market; standard of living.
h. Credit cards, electronic fund transfer cards Payment will be for the shortest time required
or access devices used solely for deposit, to repair or replace the Described Location or,
withdrawal or transfer of funds; if you permanently relocate, the shortest time
i. Water or steam; or required for your household to settle
j. Gravemarkers, including mausoleums.
2. If a civil authority prohibits you from use of the
3. Property Removed To A Newly Acquired Described Location as a result of direct
Principal Residence damage to a neighboring location by a Peril
If you remove personal property from the Insured Against in this Policy, we cover the
Described Location to a newly acquired Additional Living Expense loss for no more
principal residence, the Coverage C limit of than two weeks.
liability will apply at each residence for the 30
3. The periods of time referenced above are not
days immediately after you begin to move the
limited by the expiration of this Policy.
property there. This time period will not extend
beyond the termination of this Policy. Our 4. We do not cover loss or expense due to
liability is limited to the proportion of the limit of cancellation of a lease or agreement.
liability that the value at each residence bears F. Other Coverages
to the total value of all personal property
covered by this Policy. 1. Other Structures
You may use up to 10% of the Coverage A
limit of liability for loss by a Peril Insured
Against to other structures described in
Coverage B.
c. This Other Coverage – Collapse does not (2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing
apply to: material which is part of a covered
(1) A building or any part of a building that building, storm door or storm window
is in danger of falling down or caving in; when caused directly by earth
movement; and
(2) A part of a building that is standing,
even if it has separated from another (3) The direct physical loss to covered
part of the building; or property caused solely by the pieces,
fragments or splinters of broken glass or
(3) A building or any part of a building that safety glazing material which is part of a
is standing, even if it shows evidence of building, storm door or storm window.
cracking, bulging, sagging, bending,
leaning, settling, shrinkage or b. This coverage does not include loss:
expansion. (1) To covered property which results
d. We insure for direct physical loss to because the glass or safety glazing
covered property involving abrupt collapse material has been broken, except as
of a building or any part of a building if such provided in a.(3) above; or
collapse was caused by one or more of the (2) On the Described Location if the
following: dwelling has been vacant for more than
(1) The Perils Insured Against named under 60 consecutive days immediately before
Coverage C; the loss, except when the breakage
results directly from earth movement as
(2) Decay, of a building or any part of a provided for in a.(2) above. A dwelling
building, that is hidden from view, unless being constructed is not considered
the presence of such decay is known to vacant.
you prior to collapse;
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of
(3) Insect or vermin damage, to a building liability that applies to the damaged
or any part of a building, that is hidden property.
from view, unless the presence of such
damage is known to you prior to 12. Ordinance Or Law
collapse; a. The Ordinance Or Law limit of liability
(4) Weight of contents, equipment, animals determined in b. or c. below will apply with
or people; respect to the increased costs you incur
due to the enforcement of any ordinance or
(5) Weight of rain which collects on a roof; law which requires or regulates:
(1) The construction, demolition,
(6) Use of defective material or methods in remodeling, renovation or repair of that
construction, remodeling or renovation if part of a covered building or other
the collapse occurs during the course of structure damaged by a Peril Insured
the construction, remodeling or Against;
(2) The demolition and reconstruction of the
e. Loss to an awning, fence, patio, deck, undamaged part of a covered building or
pavement, swimming pool, underground other structure, when that building or
pipe, flue, drain, cesspool, septic tank, other structure must be totally
foundation, retaining wall, bulkhead, pier, demolished because of damage by a
wharf or dock is not included under d.(2) Peril Insured Against to another part of
through (6) above, unless the loss is a that covered building or other structure;
direct result of the collapse of a building or or
any part of a building.
(3) The remodeling, removal or
f. This coverage does not increase the limit of replacement of the portion of the
liability that applies to the damaged covered undamaged part of a covered building or
property. other structure necessary to complete
11. Glass Or Safety Glazing Material the remodeling, repair or replacement of
a. We cover: that part of the covered building or other
structure damaged by a Peril Insured
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing Against.
material which is part of a covered
building, storm door or storm window;
b. If you are an owner of a Described Location b. Involving collapse, including any of the
and that location: following conditions of property or any part
(1) Is insured for Coverage A or Unit- of the property:
owners Building Items, you may use up (1) An abrupt falling down or caving in;
to 10% of the limit of liability that applies (2) Loss of structural integrity, including
to Coverage A or Unit-owners Building separation of parts of the property or
Items at each Described Location; or property in danger of falling down or
(2) Is not insured for Coverage A or Unit- caving in; or
owners Building Items, you may use up (3) Any cracking, bulging, sagging, bending,
to 10% of the total limit of liability that leaning, settling, shrinkage or expansion
applies to Coverage B at each as such condition relates to (1) or (2)
Described Location. above;
c. If you are a tenant of a Described Location, except as provided in Other Coverage 10.
you may use up to 10% of the limit of Collapse; or
liability that applies to Improvements,
Alterations And Additions at each c. Caused by:
Described Location. Also, the words (1) Freezing of a plumbing, heating, air
"covered building" used throughout this conditioning or automatic fire protective
Other Coverage 12. Ordinance Or Law sprinkler system or of a household
refer to property at such a Described appliance, or by discharge, leakage or
Location covered under Other Coverage 3. overflow from within the system or
Improvements, Alterations And Additions. appliance caused by freezing. This
d. You may use all or part of this ordinance or provision does not apply if you have
law coverage to pay for the increased costs used reasonable care to:
you incur to remove debris resulting from (a) Maintain heat in the building; or
the construction, demolition, remodeling,
(b) Shut off the water supply and drain
renovation, repair or replacement of all systems and appliances of water.
property as stated in a. above.
However, if the building is protected by
e. We do not cover: an automatic fire protective sprinkler
(1) The loss in value to any covered system, you must use reasonable care
building or other structure due to the to continue the water supply and
requirements of any ordinance or law; or maintain heat in the building for
(2) The costs to comply with any ordinance coverage to apply.
or law which requires you or others to For purposes of this provision, a
test for, monitor, clean up, remove, plumbing system or household
contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or appliance does not include a sump,
in any way respond to, or assess the sump pump or related equipment or a
effects of, pollutants in or on any roof drain, gutter, downspout or similar
covered building or other structure. fixtures or equipment.
Pollutants means any solid, liquid, (2) Freezing, thawing, pressure or weight of
gaseous or thermal irritant or water or ice, whether driven by wind or
contaminant, including smoke, vapor, not, to a:
soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals (a) Fence, pavement, patio or swimming
and waste. Waste includes materials to pool;
be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
(b) Footing, foundation, bulkhead, wall,
This coverage is additional insurance. or any other structure or device that
PERILS INSURED AGAINST supports all or part of a building or
A. Coverage A – Dwelling And Coverage B – other structure;
Other Structures (c) Retaining wall or bulkhead that does
1. We insure against direct physical loss to not support all or part of a building or
property described in Coverages A and B. other structure; or
2. We do not insure, however, for loss: (d) Pier, wharf or dock;
a. Excluded under General Exclusions; (3) Theft of property not part of a covered
building or structure;
Under 2.b. and c. above, any ensuing loss to 10. Falling Objects
property described in Coverages A and B not This peril does not include loss to property
excluded or excepted in this Policy is covered. contained in the building unless the roof or an
B. Coverage C – Personal Property outside wall of the building is first damaged by
We insure for direct physical loss to the property a falling object. Damage to the falling object
described in Coverage C caused by a peril listed itself is not covered.
below unless the loss is excluded in the General 11. Weight Of Ice, Snow Or Sleet
Exclusions. This peril means weight of ice, snow or sleet
1. Fire Or Lightning which causes damage to property contained in
2. Windstorm Or Hail the building.
This peril does not include loss to: 12. Accidental Discharge Or Overflow Of Water
Or Steam
a. Property contained in a building caused by
rain, snow, sleet, sand or dust unless the a. This peril means accidental discharge or
direct force of wind or hail damages the overflow of water or steam from within a
building causing an opening in a roof or wall plumbing, heating, air conditioning or
and the rain, snow, sleet, sand or dust automatic fire protective sprinkler system or
enters through this opening; from within a household appliance.
b. The following property when outside of the b. This peril does not include loss:
building: (1) To the system or appliance from which
(1) Canoes and rowboats; or the water or steam escaped;
(2) Trees, shrubs, plants or lawns. (2) Caused by or resulting from freezing
except as provided in Peril Insured
3. Explosion Against 14. Freezing; or
4. Riot Or Civil Commotion (3) On the Described Location caused by
5. Aircraft accidental discharge or overflow which
This peril includes self-propelled missiles and occurs off the Described Location.
spacecraft. c. In this peril, a plumbing system or
household appliance does not include a
6. Vehicles
sump, sump pump or related equipment; or
7. Smoke a roof drain, gutter, downspout or similar
This peril means sudden and accidental fixtures or equipment.
damage from smoke, including the emission or d. General Exclusion A.3. Water, Paragraphs
puffback of smoke, soot, fumes or vapors from a. and c. that apply to surface water and
a boiler, furnace or related equipment. water below the surface of the ground do
This peril does not include loss caused by not apply to loss by water covered under
smoke from agricultural smudging or industrial this peril.
operations. 13. Sudden And Accidental Tearing Apart,
8. Vandalism Or Malicious Mischief Cracking, Burning Or Bulging
This peril does not include loss by pilferage, This peril means sudden and accidental tearing
theft, burglary or larceny. apart, cracking, burning or bulging of a steam
or hot water heating system, an air conditioning
9. Damage By Burglars or automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or
a. This peril means damage to covered an appliance for heating water.
property caused by burglars. We do not cover loss caused by or resulting
b. This peril does not include: from freezing except as provided in the peril of
(1) Theft of property; or freezing below.
(2) Damage caused by burglars to property 14. Freezing
on the Described Location if the dwelling a. This peril means freezing of a plumbing,
has been vacant for more than 60 heating, air conditioning or automatic fire
consecutive days immediately before protective sprinkler system or of a
the damage occurs. A dwelling being household appliance, but only if you have
constructed is not considered vacant. used reasonable care to:
(1) Maintain heat in the building; or
(2) Shut off the water supply and drain all This Exclusion A.1. applies whether or not the
systems and appliances of water. property has been physically damaged.
However, if the building is protected by an 2. Earth Movement
automatic fire protective sprinkler system, Earth Movement means:
you must use reasonable care to continue
the water supply and maintain heat in the a. Earthquake, including land shock waves or
building for coverage to apply. tremors before, during or after a volcanic
b. In this peril, a plumbing system or
household appliance does not include a b. Landslide, mudslide or mudflow;
sump, sump pump or related equipment; or c. Subsidence or sinkhole; or
a roof drain, gutter, downspout or similar
d. Any other earth movement including earth
fixtures or equipment.
sinking, rising or shifting.
15. Sudden And Accidental Damage From This Exclusion A.2. applies regardless of
Artificially Generated Electrical Current whether any of the above, in A.2.a. through
This peril does not include loss to tubes, A.2.d., is caused by an act of nature or is
transistors, electronic components or circuitry otherwise caused.
that is a part of appliances, fixtures, computers,
However, direct loss by fire or explosion
home entertainment units or other types of resulting from any of the above, in A.2.a.
electronic apparatus. through A.2.d., is covered.
16. Volcanic Eruption
3. Water
This peril does not include loss caused by
This means:
earthquake, land shock waves or tremors.
a. Flood, surface water, waves, including tidal
GENERAL EXCLUSIONS wave and tsunami, tides, tidal water,
A. We do not insure for loss caused directly or overflow of any body of water or spray from
indirectly by any of the following. Such loss is any of these, all whether or not driven by
excluded regardless of any other cause or event wind, including storm surge;
contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the
b. Water which:
loss. These exclusions apply whether or not the
loss event results in widespread damage or affects (1) Backs up through sewers or drains; or
a substantial area. (2) Overflows or is otherwise discharged
1. Ordinance Or Law from a sump, sump pump or related
Ordinance Or Law means any ordinance or
law: c. Water below the surface of the ground,
including water which exerts pressure on,
a. Requiring or regulating the construction, or seeps, leaks or flows through a building,
demolition, remodeling, renovation or repair sidewalk, driveway, patio, foundation,
of property, including removal of any
swimming pool or other structure; or
resulting debris. This Exclusion A.1.a. does
not apply to the amount of coverage that d. Waterborne material carried or otherwise
may be provided under Other Coverage 12. moved by any of the water referred to in
Ordinance Or Law; A.3.a. through A.3.c. of this exclusion.
b. The requirements of which result in a loss This Exclusion A.3. applies regardless of
in value to property; or whether any of the above, in A.3.a. through
A.3.d., is caused by an act of nature or is
c. Requiring you or others to test for, monitor, otherwise caused.
clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or
neutralize, or in any way respond to, or This Exclusion A.3. applies to, but is not limited
assess the effects of, pollutants. to, escape, overflow or discharge, for any
reason, of water or waterborne material from a
Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gaseous dam, levee, seawall or any other boundary or
or thermal irritant or contaminant, including
containment system.
smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis,
chemicals and waste. Waste includes However, direct loss by fire or explosion
materials to be recycled, reconditioned or resulting from any of the above, in A.3.a.
reclaimed. through A.3.d., is covered.
4. If the return premium is not refunded with the 2. With respect to your property, the person
notice of cancellation or when this Policy is having proper temporary custody of the
returned to us, we will refund it within a property until appointment and qualification of
reasonable time after the date cancellation a legal representative.
takes effect. V. Nuclear Hazard Clause
Q. Nonrenewal 1. "Nuclear hazard" means any nuclear reaction,
We may elect not to renew this Policy. We may do radiation or radioactive contamination, all
so by delivering to you, or mailing to you at your whether controlled or uncontrolled or however
mailing address shown in the Declarations, written caused, or any consequence of any of these.
notice at least 30 days before the expiration date 2. Loss caused by the nuclear hazard will not be
of this Policy. Proof of mailing will be sufficient considered loss caused by fire, explosion or
proof of notice. smoke, whether these perils are specifically
R. Liberalization Clause named in or otherwise included within the
If we make a change which broadens coverage Perils Insured Against.
under this edition of our Policy without additional 3. This Policy does not apply to loss caused
premium charge, that change will automatically directly or indirectly by nuclear hazard, except
apply to your insurance as of the date we that direct loss by fire resulting from the
implement the change in your state, provided that nuclear hazard is covered.
this implementation date falls within 60 days prior W. Recovered Property
to or during the policy period stated in the
Declarations. If you or we recover any property for which we
have made payment under this Policy, you or we
This Liberalization Clause does not apply to will notify the other of the recovery. At your option,
changes implemented with a general program the property will be returned to or retained by you
revision that includes both broadenings and or it will become our property. If the recovered
restrictions in coverage, whether that general property is returned to or retained by you, the loss
program revision is implemented through payment will be adjusted based on the amount
introduction of: you received for the recovered property.
1. A subsequent edition of this Policy; or X. Volcanic Eruption Period
2. An amendatory endorsement. One or more volcanic eruptions that occur within a
S. Waiver Or Change Of Policy Provisions 72-hour period will be considered as one volcanic
A waiver or change of a provision of this Policy eruption.
must be in writing by us to be valid. Our request Y. Loss Payable Clause
for an appraisal or examination will not waive any If the Declarations shows a loss payee for certain
of our rights. listed insured personal property, that person is
T. Assignment considered an insured in this Policy with respect to
Assignment of this Policy will not be valid unless that property.
we give our written consent. If we decide to cancel or not renew this Policy, that
U. Death loss payee will be notified in writing.
If you die, we insure: Z. Policy Period
1. Your legal representatives but only with This Policy applies only to loss which occurs
respect to the property of the deceased during the policy period.
covered under the Policy at the time of death;
Item 1. of Provision D. Duties After Loss is
replaced as follows:
DF3006 (11/21)
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Ind., with its permission.
Policy Number: 1001562443
All companies offering homeowner insurance in Michigan must comply with the Essential Insurance Act, Public
Act 145, of 1979. The intent of this law is to assure that affordable homeowner insurance is available to all eligible
Michigan residents.
In keeping with the requirements of the law, we base the determination of premiums and underwriting rules based
on the requirements of Michigan laws. The use and effect of rating factors can vary among insurers and, to some
extent, could affect premiums. Likewise, expenses and losses may vary among companies and any differences
are reflected in the premiums a company charges.
As part of the requirements of the Michigan law, the following information is available and can be provided to you
upon your request:
* A description of the specific rating classifications by which the rates and premiums for the policy have
been determined:
* A description of all of the insurer's underwriting rules and
* A general explanation of the extent to which rates or premiums vary among policyholders.
If you would like to obtain any additional information about the rating of your premium or any information required
to calculate and confirm the accuracy of your specific premium, you can contact your agent as listed on the
Declarations Page or send a written request to State Auto Insurance Group, PO Box 182822, Columbus, Ohio
43218-2822. The written request should specify an address for returning the information to you. You may want to
contact your agent to determine if you are eligible for insurance from an affiliate of the insurer or under a different
rating plan that may provide to you insurance at a more favorable premium.
You have the right to appeal when you have reason to believe that the Company has improperly denied you
homeowners insurance or charged you an incorrect premium. To initiate the appeal procedure, contact your
State Auto Insurance Companies Agent for an explanation.
If further clarification is needed after talking to your agent, contact State Auto Insurance Companies, c/o Personal
Lines Underwriting, PO Box 182822, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2822; Telephone Number 800-444-9950. State Auto
Insurance Companies may also be contacted on the web at
If your complaint cannot be resolved through the mail or by telephone, you may request a private, informal
conference with managerial-level Company personnel.
At your request, for a minimal charge, you will receive copies of information relating to the denial of coverage or
the premium charged.
If resolution of your complaint is not completed within thirty (30) days or if you are not satisfied with the
Company's decision, you may appeal the matter to the Michigan Commissioner of Insurance within 120 days
after we have delivered our decision.
The contact information to submit a complaint for review is as follows: Department of Insurance and Financial
Services. Street address: 530 W Allegan Street, 7th Floor Lansing MI 48993. Post Office Box: PO Box 30220
Lansing, MI 48909-7720. Phone: 517-284-8800 or 877-999-6442 (toll free).
FI658A (06/21)
Policy Number: 1001562443
DF3010 (11/21)
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Ind., with its permission.
Policy Number: 1001562443
Personal Liability
PERSONAL LIABILITY ADDITIONAL POLICY 3. When this Policy is cancelled, the premium for
CONDITIONS the period from the date of cancellation to the
Under E. Cancellation, Paragraph 1., the first expiration date will be refunded pro rata,
paragraph of Paragraph 2., and Paragraph 3. are subject to Paragraph 5. below.
replaced by the following: The following paragraph is added:
1. You may cancel this Policy at any time by 5. The minimum earned premium will not be less
letting us know of the date cancellation is to than the pro rata premium for the expired time
take effect. or $25, whichever is greater.
2. We may cancel this Policy by letting you know All other provisions of this Policy apply.
in writing of the date cancellation takes effect.
This cancellation notice may be mailed to you
at your address last known to us or our
authorized agent.
Dwelling Liability
These Limits Of Liability apply to the total of all loss or costs payable under this endorsement, regardless of the
number of "occurrences", the number of claims made, or the number of locations insured under this endorse-
ment and listed in this Schedule.
Coverage L – Aggregate Sublimit Of Liability For "Fungi", Wet Or Dry Rot, Or Bacteria $ 50,000
Entries may be left blank if shown elsewhere in this policy for this coverage.
Dwelling Liability
With respect to damages arising out of "fungi", wet or
dry rot, or bacteria described in 1. Limit Of Liability
of this endorsement, Condition 2. Severability Of
Insurance is deleted and replaced by the following:
2. Severability Of Insurance
This insurance applies separately to each "in-
sured" except with respect to the Aggregate Sub-
limit of Liability described in this endorsement un-
der Condition 1. Limit Of Liability. This condition
will not increase the limit of liability for this cover-
All other provisions of the policy apply.
Dwelling Liability
Dwelling Liability
2. No one will have the right to join us as a party Paragraph H. Other Insurance is replaced by the
to any action against an "insured". following:
3. Also, no action with respect to Coverage L can H. Other Insurance
be brought against us until the obligation of If there is other applicable liability insurance, we
such "insured" has been determined by final will pay only our share of the loss. Our share is the
judgment or agreement signed by us. proportion that our limit of liability bears to the total
This paragraph (F.3.) does not apply if we fail of all applicable limits. However, any insurance we
to respond within a reasonable time after a provide for a vehicle or watercraft is excess over
written request as to whether we agree that the any other valid and collectible insurance except
"insured" has an obligation to pay. insurance written specifically to cover as excess
over the limits of liability that apply in this Policy.
All other provisions of this Policy apply.
# # H{ippmrk#Jmvi#
The following paragraph is added: If you and we fail to agree on the amount of loss,
If the spouse ceases to be a resident of the same either may demand an appraisal of the loss. In this
household during the policy period, the spouse will be event, each party will choose a competent and
considered "you" and "your" under this Policy but independent appraiser within 20 days after receiving
only until the earlier of: a written request from the other. The two appraisers
1. The effective date of another policy listing the will choose a competent and impartial umpire. If they
spouse as a named insured; or cannot agree upon an umpire within 15 days, you or
we may request that the choice be made by a judge
2. The end of the policy period. of the circuit court for the county in which the loss
GENERAL EXCLUSIONS occurred or where the Described Location is located.
The appraisers will separately set the amount of loss.
The following paragraphs are added to 8. Intentional
If the appraisers submit a written report of an
agreement to us, the amount agreed upon will be the
This exclusion does not apply, with respect to loss to amount of loss. If they fail to agree, they will submit
covered property, to you or any person or their differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to
organization named as an additional insured who by any two will set the amount of loss.
does not commit or conspire to commit any act that
Each party will:
results in loss caused by a covered peril. We cover
such person or organization only to the extent of that 1. Pay its own appraiser; and
person's or organization's legal interest, but not 2. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and
exceeding the applicable limit of liability. umpire equally.
We may apply reasonable standards of proof to (This is Condition H. in Form DP0001.)
claims for such loss.
The following paragraph is added to I. Subrogation:
(This is Exclusion A.8. in Forms DP0001 and
DP0003, and Exclusion 8. In Form DP0002.) If we pay an insured for a loss caused by another
insured who commits, or directs another to commit,
CONDITIONS any act that results in a loss, the rights of the
Paragraph C. Concealment Or Fraud is replaced by the insured to recover damages from the insured who
following: committed, or directed another to commit, such an
act are transferred to us to the extent of our
C. Concealment Or Fraud
payment. The insured may not waive such rights.
1. With respect to loss caused by fire, we provide no (This is Condition J. in Form DP0001.)
coverage for loss to a person insured under this
Paragraph J. Suit Against Us is replaced by the
Policy who has:
a. Intentionally concealed or misrepresented any
J. Suit Against Us
material fact or circumstance;
No action can be brought against us unless there has
b. Engaged in fraudulent conduct; or
been full compliance with all of the terms under this
c. Made false statements; Policy and the action is started within two years after
relating to this insurance. the date of loss. The time for commencing an action
2. With respect to loss caused by a peril other than is tolled from the time the insured notifies the insurer
fire, we provide coverage to no persons insured of the loss until the insurer formally denies liability.
under this Policy for loss if, whether before or (This is Condition K. in Form DP0001.)
after a loss, one or more persons insured under
Paragraph L. Loss Payment is replaced by the
this Policy have:
a. Intentionally concealed or misrepresented any
L. Loss Payment
material fact or circumstance;
We will adjust all losses with you. We will pay you
b. Engaged in fraudulent conduct; or
unless some other person is named in the Policy or is
c. Made false statements; legally entitled to receive payment. Loss will be
relating to this insurance. payable 30 days after we receive your proof of loss
Paragraph G. Appraisal is replaced by the following:
# # #
Policy Number: 1001562443
# # H{ippmrk#Jmvi#
1. Reach an agreement with you; b. When this Policy has been in effect for less
2. There is an entry of a final judgment; or than 55 days and is not a renewal with us, we
may cancel by letting you know at least 30
3. There is a filing of an appraisal award with us. days before the date cancellation takes effect.
If a municipality has elected to apply the provisions c. When this Policy has been in effect for 55
of Michigan Public Act 217, a part of our payment for days or more, or at any time if it is a renewal
loss to insured real property in that municipality due with us, we may cancel:
to fire, explosion, windstorm or hail, vandalism or
malicious mischief or riot or civil commotion will be (1) If there has been a material
withheld in the event that the loss is subject to the misrepresentation of fact which if known
provisions of the Act. We will pay the withheld to us would have caused us not to issue
amount either to the municipality, a licensed the Policy; or
contractor performing services on the insured (2) If the risk has changed substantially
property or to you and the mortgagee, if any, since the Policy was issued.
according to the provisions of Public Act 217. We will This can be done by letting you know at least 30
notify you, any mortgagee and the municipality of days before the date cancellation takes effect.
any loss subject to the provisions of Public Act 217. The following paragraph is added:
If a municipality has elected to apply the provisions of 5. The minimum earned premium will not be less than
MICH. COMP. LAWS § 500.3011, any further the pro rata premium for the expired time or $25,
payment for claims for loss or damage to your whichever is greater.
covered property caused by fire or explosion of
$2,000 or more will be withheld if you have failed to (This is Condition Q. in Form DP0001.)
submit a required report to the fire or law Paragraph Q. Nonrenewal is replaced by the following:
enforcement authority designated by the municipality. Q. Nonrenewal
(This is Condition M. in Form DP0001.)
We may elect not to renew this Policy. We may do so
The following paragraph is added to N. Mortgage by mailing to you, at your address last known to us or
Clause: our authorized agent, written notice at least 30 days
If a municipality has elected to apply the provisions before the expiration date of this Policy. Proof of
of Michigan Public Act 217, a part of our payment for mailing will be sufficient proof of notice.
loss to insured real property in that municipality due (This is Condition R. in Form DP0001.) All
to fire, explosion, windstorm or hail, vandalism or
malicious mischief or riot or civil commotion will be
withheld in the event that the loss is subject to the All other provisions of this Policy apply.#
provisions of the Act. We will pay the withheld
amount either to the municipality, a licensed
contractor performing services on the insured
property or to you and the mortgagee, if any,
according to the provisions of Public Act 217. We will
notify you, any mortgagee and the municipality of
any loss subject to the provisions of Public Act 217.
If a municipality has elected to apply the provisions of
MICH. COMP. LAWS § 500.3011, any further
payment for claims for loss or damage to your
covered property caused by fire or explosion of
$2,000 or more will be withheld if you have failed to
submit a required report to the fire or law
enforcement authority designated by the municipality.
(This is Condition O. in Form DP0001.)
Under P. Cancellation, Paragraph 1., the first paragraph
of Paragraph 2., and Paragraphs 2.b. and 2.c. are
replaced by the following:
1. You may cancel this Policy at any time by letting
us know of the date cancellation is to take effect.
2. We may cancel this Policy by letting you know in
writing of the date cancellation takes effect. This
cancellation notice may be mailed to you at your
address last known to us or our authorized agent.
# # #
Policy Number: 1001562443
The following exclusions are added to the Personal Liability policy exclusions.
1. Actual or alleged "bodily injury," that would not have occurred in whole or in part but for the direct or
indirect ingestion, inhalation or absorption of lead, or lead compounds, in any form.
2. Actual or alleged "property damage" or "personal injury," which would not have occurred in whole or part
but results directly or indirectly from lead, or lead compounds, in any form.
3. "Bodily injury," "personal injury" or "property damage" which would not have occurred in whole or part, but
for the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape of
pollutants at any time.
a. Governmental direction or request, or that of any and all other entities, demand, order or statutory or
regulatory requirements that any insured or others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,
detoxify or neutralize, or in any way respond to, or assess the effects of lead, lead compounds or
b. Claim or suit by or on behalf of a governmental authority for damages because of testing for,
monitory, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or in any way
responding to, or assessing the effects of lead, lead compounds, or pollutants.
Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant including smoke, vapor, soot,
fumes, acid, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste includes material to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
Exclusion 3 above, does not apply to "bodily injury," "personal injury" or "property damage" arising out of heat,
smoke or fumes from a hostile fire at the "insured location." As used here, a hostile fire means one which
becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was contained or was intended to be.
DF179 (07/14)
Policy Number: 1001562443
Policy Number: 1001562443
1. Any "named insured" may cancel this policy at any time by returning it to us or by letting us know in
writing of the date cancellation is to take effect.
DF2073 (09/07)
Policy Number: 1001562443
Policy Number: 1001562443
! FR!15!33!18!25
Rtqrgtv{!Eqxgtcig!Nkokv!Qh!Nkcdknkv{!Hqt!Vjg!Qvjgt!Eqxgtcig!#Hwpik#-!Ygv!Qt! %!10,000
! !
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gpfqtugogpv-! #Hwpik#! ogcpu! cp{! v{rg! qt! hqto! qh! eqphkto! vjg! cdugpeg-! rtgugpeg! qt! ngxgn!
hwpiwu-! kpenwfkpi! oqnf! qt! oknfgy-! cpf! cp{! qh! #hwpik#-! ygv! qt! ft{! tqv-! qt! dcevgtkc!
o{eqvqzkpu-! urqtgu-! uegpvu! qt! d{.rtqfwevu! rtqfwegf! yjgvjgt! rgthqtogf! rtkqt! vq-! fwtkpi! qt!
qt!tgngcugf!d{!hwpik/! chvgt! tgoqxcn-! tgrckt-! tguvqtcvkqp! qt!
EQXGTCIGU! tgrncegogpv/! Vjg! equv! qh! uwej! vguvkpi!
yknn! dg! rtqxkfgf! qpn{! vq! vjg! gzvgpv! vjcv!
Vjg! hqnnqykpi! eqxgtcig! ku! cffgf! vq! Rctcitcrj! H/! vjgtg!ku!tgcuqp!vq!dgnkgxg!vjcv!vjgtg!ku!c!
Qvjgt!Eqxgtcig!)Rctcitcrj!G/!kp!FR!11!12*<! rtgugpeg! qh! #hwpik#-! ygv! qt! ft{! tqv-! qt!
! 24/! #Hwpik#-!Ygv!Qt!Ft{!Tqv-!Qt!Dcevgtkc! dcevgtkc/!
! c/! Vjg! coqwpv! ujqyp! kp! vjg! Uejgfwng! cdqxg! ! d/! Vjg! eqxgtcig! fguetkdgf! kp! 24/c/! qpn{!
ku!vjg!oquv!yg!yknn!rc{!hqt<! crrnkgu!yjgp!uwej!nquu!qt!equvu!ctg!c!tguwnv!
! )2*! Vjg! vqvcn! qh! cnn! nquu! rc{cdng! ecwugf! d{!
#hwpik#-!ygv!qt!ft{!tqv-!qt!dcevgtkc=! vjg! rqnke{! rgtkqf! cpf! qpn{! kh! cnn! tgcuqpcdng!
! )3*! Vjg! equv! vq! tgoqxg! #hwpik#-! ygv! qt! ft{! rtqrgtv{! htqo! hwtvjgt! fcocig! cv! cpf! chvgt!
tqv-!qt!dcevgtkc!htqo!eqxgtgf!rtqrgtv{=! vjg!vkog!vjg!Rgtkn!Kpuwtgf!Cickpuv!qeewttgf/!
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rctv! qh! vjg! dwknfkpi! qt! qvjgt! eqxgtgf! eqxgtcig! ku! vjg! oquv! yg! yknn! rc{! hqt! vjg!
rtqrgtv{! cu! pggfgf! vq! ickp! ceeguu! vq! vqvcn! qh! cnn! nquu! qt! equvu! rc{cdng! wpfgt! vjku!
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! )2*! Pwodgt! qh! nqecvkqpu! kpuwtgf! wpfgt! vjku!
! )3*! Pwodgt!qh!enckou!ocfg/!
! f/! Kh! vjgtg! ku! eqxgtgf! nquu! qt! fcocig! vq! Vjku!gzenwukqp!fqgu!pqv!crrn{<!
eqxgtgf!rtqrgtv{-!pqv!ecwugf-!kp!yjqng!qt!kp! ! c/! Yjgp! #hwpik#-! ygv! qt! ft{! tqv-! qt! dcevgtkc!
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nquu! rc{ogpv! yknn! pqv! dg! nkokvgf! d{! vjg!
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gzvgpv!vjcv!#hwpik#-!ygv!qt!ft{!tqv-!qt!dcevgtkc! Qvjgt!Eqxgtcigu-!#Hwpik#-!Ygv!Qt!Ft{!Tqv-!
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vgtou!qh!vjku!Qvjgt!Eqxgtcig/!! nkijvpkpi/!
Vjku! eqxgtcig! fqgu! pqv! kpetgcug! vjg! nkokv! qh! Fktgev!nquu!d{!c!Rgtkn!Kpuwtgf!Cickpuv!tguwnvkpi!
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crrnkgu! qpn{! vq! nquu! qt! equvu! yjkej! qeewt! fwtkpi!
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vjg! rtgugpeg-! itqyvj-! rtqnkhgtcvkqp-! urtgcf! qt!
cp{! cevkxkv{! qh! #hwpik#-! ygv! qt! ft{! tqv-! qt!
Terrorism Premium (Certified Acts):
Federal share of terrorism losses 80 %
(Refer to Paragraph C. in this endorsement.)
Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.
A. Cap On Losses From Certified Acts Of "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is
Terrorism certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in
If: accordance with the provisions of the federal
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, to be an act of
1. Aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorism pursuant to such Act. The federal
terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Terrorism Risk Insurance Act includes the
Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a calendar following criteria in a "certified act of terrorism":
year; and
1. The act resulted in insured losses in excess of
2. We have met our insurer deductible under the $5 million in the aggregate, attributable to all
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; types of insurance subject to the Terrorism
we shall not be liable for the payment of any Risk Insurance Act; and
portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds 2. The act:
$100 billion, and in such case insured losses up to
that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in a. Is violent or dangerous to:
accordance with procedures established by the (1) Human life;
Secretary of the Treasury.
DP 04 70 12 02
DL 24 01 07 14
AGREEMENT 2. "Bodily injury" means bodily harm, sickness or
We will provide the insurance described in this Policy disease, including required care, loss of
in return for the premium and compliance with all services and death that results.
applicable provisions of this Policy. 3. "Business" means:
DEFINITIONS a. A trade, profession or occupation engaged
A. In this Policy, "you" and "your" refer to the "named in on a full-time, part-time or occasional
insured" shown in the Declarations and the spouse basis; or
if a resident of the same household. "We", "us" b. Any other activity engaged in for money or
and "our" refer to the company providing this other compensation, except the following:
insurance. (1) One or more activities, not described in
B. In addition, certain words and phrases are defined (2) through (4) below, for which no
as follows: "insured" receives more than $2,000 in
1. "Aircraft liability", "hovercraft liability", "motor total compensation for the 12 months
vehicle liability" and "watercraft liability", before the beginning of the policy
subject to the provisions in b. below, mean the period;
following: (2) Volunteer activities for which no money
a. Liability for "bodily injury" or "property is received other than payment for
damage" arising out of the: expenses incurred to perform the
(1) Ownership of such vehicle or craft by an
"insured"; (3) Providing home day care services for
which no compensation is received,
(2) Maintenance, occupancy, operation, other than the mutual exchange of such
use, loading or unloading of such services; or
vehicle or craft by any person;
(4) The rendering of home day care
(3) Entrustment of such vehicle or craft by services to a relative of an "insured".
an "insured" to any person;
4. "Employee" means an employee of an
(4) Failure to supervise or negligent "insured", or an employee leased to an
supervision of any person involving such "insured" by a labor leasing firm under an
vehicle or craft by an "insured"; or agreement between an "insured" and the labor
(5) Vicarious liability, whether or not leasing firm, whose duties are other than those
imposed by law, for the actions of a performed by a "residence employee".
child or minor involving such vehicle or 5. "Insured" means:
a. You and residents of your household who
b. For the purpose of this definition: are:
(1) Aircraft means any contrivance used or (1) Your relatives; or
designed for flight except model or
hobby aircraft not used or designed to (2) Other persons under the age of 21 and
carry people or cargo; in your care or the care of a resident of
your household who is your relative;
(2) Hovercraft means a self-propelled
motorized ground effect vehicle and b. A student enrolled in school full time, as
includes, but is not limited to, flarecraft defined by the school, who was a resident
and air cushion vehicles; of your household before moving out to
attend school, provided the student is under
(3) Watercraft means a craft principally the age of:
designed to be propelled on or in water
by wind, engine power or electric motor; (1) 24 and your relative; or
and (2) 21 and in your care or the care of a
(4) Motor vehicle means a "motor vehicle" resident of your household who is your
as defined in 7. below. relative;
e. A motorized golf cart that is owned by an (b) More than 50 horsepower and not
"insured", designed to carry up to four owned by or rented to an "insured";
persons, not built or modified after or
manufacture to exceed a speed of 25 miles (2) One or more outboard engines or
per hour on level ground and, at the time of motors with:
an "occurrence", is within the legal
boundaries of: (a) 25 total horsepower or less;
(1) A golfing facility and is parked or stored (b) More than 25 horsepower if the
there, or being used by an "insured" to: outboard engine or motor is not
owned by an "insured";
(a) Play the game of golf or for other
recreational or leisure activity (c) More than 25 horsepower if the
allowed by the facility; outboard engine or motor is owned
by an "insured" who acquired it
(b) Travel to or from an area where during the policy period; or
"motor vehicles" or golf carts are
parked or stored; or (d) More than 25 horsepower if the
outboard engine or motor is owned
(c) Cross public roads at designated by an "insured" who acquired it
points to access other parts of the before the policy period, but only if:
golfing facility; or
(i) You declare them at policy
(2) A private residential community, inception; or
including its public roads upon which a
motorized golf cart can legally travel, (ii) Your intent to insure them is
which is subject to the authority of a reported to us in writing within 45
property owners association and days after you acquire them.
contains an "insured's" residence. The coverages in (c) and (d) above
B. "Watercraft Liability" apply for the policy period.
1. Coverages L and M do not apply to any Horsepower means the maximum power
"watercraft liability" if, at the time of an rating assigned to the engine or motor by
"occurrence", the involved watercraft is being: the manufacturer.
a. Operated in, or practicing for, any C. "Aircraft Liability"
prearranged or organized race, speed This Policy does not cover "aircraft liability".
contest or other competition. This exclusion D. "Hovercraft Liability"
does not apply to a sailing vessel or a
predicted log cruise; This Policy does not cover "hovercraft liability".
b. Rented to others; E. Coverage L – Personal Liability And Coverage
M – Medical Payments To Others
c. Used to carry persons or cargo for a
charge; or Coverages L and M do not apply to the following:
d. Used for any "business" purpose. 1. Expected Or Intended Injury
2. If Exclusion B.1. does not apply, there is still no "Bodily injury" or "property damage" which is
coverage for "watercraft liability" unless, at the expected or intended by an "insured", even if
time of the "occurrence", the watercraft: the resulting "bodily injury" or "property
a. Is stored;
a. Is of a different kind, quality or degree than
b. Is a sailing vessel, with or without auxiliary initially expected or intended; or
power, that is:
b. Is sustained by a different person, entity or
(1) Less than 26 feet in overall length; or property than initially expected or intended.
(2) 26 feet or more in overall length and not However, this Exclusion E.1. does not apply to
owned by or rented to an "insured"; or "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting
c. Is not a sailing vessel and is powered by: from the use of reasonable force by an
(1) An inboard or inboard-outdrive engine or "insured" to protect persons or property;
motor, including those that power a
water jet pump, of:
(a) 50 horsepower or less and not
owned by an "insured"; or
Terrorism Premium (Certified Acts):
Federal share of terrorism losses 80 %
(Refer to Paragraph C. in this endorsement.)
Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.
A. Cap On Losses From Certified Acts Of "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is
Terrorism certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in
If: accordance with the provisions of the federal
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, to be an act of
1. Aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorism pursuant to such Act. The federal
terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Terrorism Risk Insurance Act includes the
Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a calendar following criteria in a "certified act of terrorism":
year; and
1. The act resulted in insured losses in excess of
2. We have met our insurer deductible under the $5 million in the aggregate, attributable to all
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; types of insurance subject to the Terrorism
we shall not be liable for the payment of any Risk Insurance Act; and
portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds 2. The act:
$100 billion, and in such case insured losses up to
that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in a. Is violent or dangerous to:
accordance with procedures established by the (1) Human life;
Secretary of the Treasury.
(Non-owner Occupied Dwelling)
Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.
Definition 6. "insured location" is extended to include Exclusion E.2. "business" does not apply to the rental
the premises shown in the Schedule above. or holding for rental of the premises shown in the
Coverage L – Personal Liability and Coverage M – All other provisions of this Policy apply.
Medical Payments To Others are restricted to apply
only with respect to "bodily injury" and "property
damage" arising out of the:
1. Ownership;
2. Maintenance;
3. Occupancy; or
4. Use;
of the premises shown in the Schedule.