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Investigation on precision of determination of SARA analysis of vacuum residual

oils from different origin

Article · January 2016


25 2,822

6 authors, including:

Dicho Stratiev Ivelina Shishkova

Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas, Bulgaria LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas, Bulgaria


Radoslava Nikolova Tanya Tsaneva

Bourgas "Prof. Assen Zlatarov" University Bourgas "Prof. Assen Zlatarov" University


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Petroleum and Coal
Article Open Access



Dicho Stratiev1, Ivelina Shishkova1, Radoslava Nikolova2, Tania Tsaneva2, Magdalena

Mitkova2, Dobromir Yordanov2
1 LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas, Bulgaria
2 University Assen Zlatarov, Burgas, Bulgaria

Received January 28, 2016; Accepted May 6, 2016

This study examines the repeatability of SARA analysis performed in LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas
Research Laboratory of straight run and H-Oil unconverted vacuum residual oils (VROs), which
have hydrogen content between 10.5 and 12.8%, and saturate content between 26.5 and 62.9%.
The repeatability was found to be 1.8% for saturates; 2.4% for aromatics; 1.2% for resins; and
0.7% for asphaltenes. Hydrogen content was found to correlate with the VRO saturates content
and this correlation could be used for assessment of the correctness of the performed SARA
analysis. SARA separation of the VROs showed to be a useful technique for further more detailed
analysis of the VRO SARA fractions that may help unveil the ultra-complex chemical nature of the
vacuum residual oils.
Keywords: ?????.

1. Introduction
The characterization of residual oils by their separation into the fractions: saturates, aromatics,
resins (polars) and asphaltenes (SARA) has been widely used in residue process studies [1].
The vacuum residual oil SARA analysis data has been reported by Xu et al. to correlate with
the yields of the residue fluid catalytic cracking (RFCC) [2]. The vacuum residual oil SARA
analysis data have been also reported to correlate with the thermal cracking conversion and
the thermal condensation conversion [3]. The SARA analysis data of oils have been used by
Watkinson et al. [4] to introduce the colloidal instability index CII [4] that was found to be a
useful empirical parameter for correlating fouling and precipitation results [5-7]. Therefore
SARA analysis could be considered as an important method for characterization of residual
oils. There are numerous variations of this type of analysis [8]. However little is published
about the precision of the SARA analysis method applied to vacuum residual oils from different
origin. The LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas (LNB) Research laboratory adapted a group hydrocarbon
method, originally developed for analysis of heavy distillate, for SARA analysis of residual oils
. This method has been employed in several resid process studies of the LNB Chief Process
Engineer department [10-13]. It has been used in this study to define the precision of the SARA
analysis method by multiple analyses of three straight run vacuum residual oils (VROs) from
the crude oils Vald’Agri (Italy), Kazakh heavy (Kazakhstan), and Caspian heavy (Azerbaidjan),
and of one H-Oil unconverted vacuum residual oil. This study also includes data for SARA
analysis of 20 vacuum residual oils – feeds and unconverted products from the LNB ebullated
bed residue hydrocracking H-Oil unit. The aim of this paper is to determine the precision
(repeatability) of the SARA analysis method applied to the vacuum residual oils mentioned
above and specify the indicators for evaluation of the correctness of the performed SARA
composition measurements.

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

2. Experimental
2.1 Deasphaltization of the vacuum residual oils under study
Before the liquid chromatography separation of the VROs in saturates, aromatics and resins
they were deasphalted. The deasphaltization was carried out by the following procedure: 35
grams of vacuum residue are put in a flask of 1 liter inserted in a heater and equipped with a
reflux condenser. 700 ml of n-heptane is added to the residue in the flask. The obtained
mixture is homogenized by the use of a mechanical mixer and when the temperature of the
blend reaches 98°C (the boiling point of n-heptane) it remains at that temperature for an
hour. Then the heater is switched off and the mixture stays in a dark place for 12 hours at
ambient temperature to settle down the asphaltene fraction. Afterwards the mixture is filtrated
to remove asphaltenes after their washing with n-heptane till the solution becomes colorless.
The mixture of deasphalted oil with n-heptane is separated by distilling the lower boiling n-
heptane. The asphaltene yield is calculated by the equation:

M1  M0 (1)
Asphalteneyield  .100
where: asphalteneyield = the yield of asphaltenes in wt.%; M1 = the weight of the filter with
asphaltenes on the filter, g; M0 = the weight of the empty filter, g.
2.2. Determination of the content of saturates, aromatics, and resins in the de-
asphalted vacuum residual oils
The hydrocarbon group composition of the deasphalted vacuum residual oils was determined
by the use of liquid adsorption chromatography on silica gel following the procedure: The sample
oil in amount of about 6g is diluted in n-hexane in ratio 1:3 and charged to a glass percolation
column containing 80-85 g silica gel (silica gel 60 Fluka, particle size 35-70 mesh ASTM). After
the whole sample quantity soaks the silica gel 350-450 ml of n-hexane (99% Fluka) is charged
to the column for desorption of saturates, 200 ml of toluene (98.5-99.9%) for desorption of
aromatics, and 200 ml ethanol (99.7%)-toluene mixture 50 to 50 by volume for desorption of
resins. Then 100 ml ethanol is charged to the column for final washing. The effluent is collected
in glass bottles (20 – 25 pieces). The solvents are completely removed from the recovered n-
hexane, toluene, ethanol-toluene (50/50 vol./vol.) fractions by distillation and residues are
weighed. The eluted compounds with the n-hexane could be considered as saturates. Those
eluted with toluene could be considered as aromatics, and the compounds eluted with the
ethanol-toluene (50/50 vol./vol.) blend are classified as resins. More precise determination of
the content of saturates and aromatics can be made by the use of refraction. Saturates are these
fractions that have nd20 ≤ 1.49. Light aromatics are the fractions that have nd20 between 1.49
and 1.53. Middle aromatics are the fractions that have nd 20 between 1.53 and 1.59. Heavy
aromatics are the fractions that have nd20 ˃ 1.59. Resins fraction follows the heavy aromatics
fraction and its refraction cannot be determined because of the dark colour. That is why the
resins content is determined on the base of the balance. The total weight of all the recovered
fractions must be between 97 and 103% of the sample charged. If this recovery is not
obtained, the test is repeated.
The experimental method of HTSD (ASTM D 7169) applied in this work is described in detail
in [20]. The element composition of the VROs and their fractions studied in this work was
measured in accordance with ASTM D 5291 (hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen content), and
ASTM D 1552 (sulphur content).
3. Results and discussion
There are two ASTM standards (ASTM D 2007, and ASTM D 2549) which employ clay-silica gel
chromatography to separate and determine hydrocarbon group fractions in heavy oils [14-15]. The
ASTM D 2007 is used to classify oil samples of initial boiling point of at least 260°C (500°F)
into the hydrocarbon types of polar compounds, aromatics, saturates, and asphaltenes [14].The

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

ASTM D 2549 covers the separation and determination of representative aroma-tics and non
aromatics fractions from hydrocarbon mixtures that boil between 232 and 538°C [15]. From
these two methods only ASTM D-2007 is applicable for SARA analysis of residual oils, since
typically the residual oils contain considerable amount of components boiling above 538°C.
Unfortunately the ASTM D 2007 standard does not provide data for the precision in
determination of the different SARA fractions in asphaltene containing heavy oils. For that
reason we measured four times the SARA composition of the four vacuum residual oils
mentioned in Introduction section by the silica-gel chromatographic method described in
Experimental section. The results of the measured SARA compositions of the four studied
VROs are presented in Table 1. By the use of equations 2, 3, and 4 and the data from Table
1the statistic parameters standard deviation (SD) and confidence limits (CL) were estimated.
( xi  xmean ) 2
SD   i df

where, SD=standard deviation; xi =ith measurement of saturates, aromatics, resins, and

asphaltenes, wt.%; df = degree of freedom.
df  n  a (3)

n = number of measurements (in our case n = 16)

a = number of estimated parameters (in our case the estimated parameters were four =
arithmetic means of the four SARA compositions of the four studied VROs.)
SD  t
CL  (4)
t = t-value from t-distribution at probability of 95%.
Table 1 Data for SARA analysis of four different VROs measured four times each

SARA, wt., %
VRO Exp., № Saturates Aromatics Resins Asphaltenes
1 25.1 61 8.8 5.2
2 26.7 59.7 8.7 4.9
Val'd Agri
3 27.1 58.8 9 5.1
4 27.2 59.5 8.3 4.9
Average for
26.5 59.7 8.7 5
Val'd Agri
5 48.6 40.9 8 2.6
6 47.1 40 10 2.9
7 49.3 38 10.1 2.7
8 48.9 38.3 9.8 3
Average for
48.5 39.3 9.5 2.8
9 32 50 9.6 8.5
10 32 49.8 9.7 8.6
Caspian Heavy
11 32.6 49 9.9 8.5
12 32.1 48.5 10.3 9.1
Average for
32.2 49.3 9.9 8.7
Caspian Heavy
13 62.5 31.6 3.7 2.3
14 62.3 30.6 3.7 3.4
15 62.9 30.5 3.5 3.1
16 64 28.8 3.9 3.4
Average for H-
62.9 30.4 3.7 3

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

Table 2 summarizes the estimated by eqs. 2-4 statistical parameters SD, 2SD, and CL. The
parameter CL can be considered as an indicator for the repeatability of the studied in this work
SARA analysis method. In some cases 2SD has been used as an indicator for the repeatability
. In fact 2SD equals to CL when the number of measurements is not lower than 60.
However as evident from the data in Table 2 the ratio between CL and 2SD is very close to
unity = 1.1. Therefore the assumption that 2SD ≈ repeatability could be considered correct.
Table 2 also contains data of repeatability of the ASTM D 2007 method, applied to oil samples
which do not contain asphaltenes. These data indicate that both methods ASTM D 2007 and
that investigated in this work have almost the same repeatability. However the question about
the proper separation between the fractions in the SARA analysis still remains open. In order to
assess the precision of the separation between the saturate and the aromatic fractions in the
studied method we used refraction (nd20) of the fractions as a criterion. For most samples it
was impossible to measure the refraction of the fractions. That is why we use the methodology
described in ref.9, where the fractions were blended with hydrotreated VGO (HTVGO) and
their nd20 was estimated from the refraction of the blend and that of the HTVGO as described
in [9]. It should be noted here that the use of the refraction elongated the time for performance
of the SARA analysis from four to five days. Data for SARA composition of the four studied VROs
by the use of the refraction are presented in Table 3.
Table 2 Standard deviation (SD), double standard deviation (2SD), and confidence limits (CL)
estimated by eqs. 1-3 for the method studied in this work, and repeatability of ASTM D 2007

Repeatability according
Hydrocarbon group SD 2 SD CL
to ASTM D-2007

Saturates, wt.% 0.8 1.6 1.8 2.1

Aromatics, wt.% 1.1 2.1 2.4 2.3
Resins, wt.% 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.2
Asphaltenes, wt.% 0.3 0.6 0.7 -

Table 3 SARA composition of the four studied VROs with the use of refraction for defining the
separation between saturates and aromatics.

Saturates, Middle + Heavy Resins, Asphaltenes,
VRO Aromatics,
wt.% Aromatics, wt.% wt.% wt.%
Val'd Agri 10.0 6.8 69.9 8.3 4.9
Kazakh 25.7 17.4 44.0 9.8 3.0
Caspian Heavy 16.8 9.8 55.0 9.9 8.5
H-Oil VTB 40.1 16.7 36.6 3.5 3.1

It is evident from these data that without use of the refraction the saturate content of the
VROs gets overestimated by the applied SARA method. Light aromatics and minor amount of
middle aromatics can be eluted with the saturate fraction, if no refraction is applied to define
the separation. Figure 1 presents a graph of the dependence of the difference between saturate
content measured without refraction and with refraction on the saturate content of the VRO
measured without using the refraction. Seven VRO SARA analyses were used to make this
graph. The regression line from Figure 1 could be applied to correct the saturate content if no
refraction is employed.
A sample of VRO from Urals crude was analyzed in three laboratories applying the SARA
procedure described in this work (LNB Research laboratory (RL)), ASTM D 2007 (Laboratory
Nr.2) and the SARA procedure exploited in ref. 17 (Laboratory Nr.3). The results from the
SARA analyses performed in the three laboratories are given in Table 4. It is evident from

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

these data that LNB RL (the studied procedure with application of refraction) and Laboratory
Nr.3 obtained practically the same saturate content (the difference of 0.7% is within uncertainty
of the measurement) and the same asphaltene content. However a difference exists between
determination of aromatics and resins between LNB RL and Laboratory Nr.3.

Figure 1 Dependence of the difference between VRO saturate content without and with the use of
refraction on the VRO saturate content measured without using refraction.
Table 4 Results from SARA analysis of Urals VRO performed in three different laboratories

Laboratory Nr.2 Laboratory

Hydrocarbon LNB RL ASTM D 2007 Nr.3
group without with
refraction refraction
Saturates, wt.% 29.8 13.1 17.1 12.4
Aromatics, wt.% 52.9 69.6 44.6 45.1
Resins, wt.% 12.3 12.3 20.0 (30.0*) 35.9
Asphaltenes,wt.% 5.01 5.01 18.32 (8.3*) 4.71
1C7 asphaltenes; 2 C5 asphaltenes
* Note: The asphaltene fraction content was corrected to account that asphaltenes in ASTM D 2007 are
C5 asphaltenes. The resin fraction content was corrected with addition of the difference between C 5 and
C7 asphaltenes
The aromatics content measured in accordance with ASTM D 2007 (Laboratory Nr.2) and
that measured in Laboratory Nr.3 is practically the same. However, the difference in the asphalt-
tene content measured in Laboratory Nr.2 and that measured in Laboratory Nr.3 is more than
three times as high as that in in Laboratory Nr.3. It should be noted here that asphaltenes
according to ASTM D 2007 procedure are C5 asphaltenes while those measured in Laboratory
Nr.3 and in LNB RL are C7 asphaltenes. If a ratio of 2.2 as determined in ref. 13 between C 5
and C7 asphaltenes for Urals VRO is assumed then asphaltenes in the sample analyzed in
Laboratory Nr.2 would become 8.3% and the difference between C5 and C7 asphaltenes would be
added to the resin (polar) fraction. Then the difference between the content of resin fraction from
Laboratory Nr.3 and from Laboratory Nr.2 would become 5.9% which is again higher than the
reproducibility of the ASTM D 2007 method (polars reproducibility = 1.8%). Obviously the
separation between aromatics and resins is different in the three compared methods (the one
studied in this work, the ASTM D 2007 and that used in Laboratory Nr.3). ASTM D-2007 uses
the attapulgus clay and eluting solvent for oils, but a mixture of toluene and acetone 50/50
vol/vol to desorb resins. The Laboratory Nr.3 method uses activated alumina and silica gel
and n-heptane to elute the saturates fraction, a blend of 2/1; vol./vol.; n-heptane/ toluene to
elute aromatics fraction, and a blend of 1/1/1 ; vol./vol./vol. toluene/methylene

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

chloride/methanol to desorb resins. The method studied in this work (LNB RL) most probably
underestimates the content of resins since toluene is used to elute aromatics. Goual and
Firoozabadi [18] have shown in their work that toluene elutes not only aromatics but also some
resins. This can explain the big difference between resins content in the LNB RL method and
that of the other two methods: ASTM D 2007 and that of Laboratory Nr.3. The repeatability of
the method used by Laboratory Nr.3 is 1.5% for the three fractions: saturates, aromatics, and
resins [19], and 1% for asphaltenes [21], which is close to the SARA method studied in this
work and ASTM D 2007. This suggests that regardless of the difference in the procedures to
perform SARA analysis the precision of the measurements is almost the same. As far as resins
content measurement is concerned it is difficult to assess which method provides more correct
values – ASTM D 2007 or that of Laboratory Nr.3.
Based on the results from LNB RL SARA analysis (without refraction) of 22 vacuum residual
oils obtained from individual crude oils, or their blends in different ratio – feeds for the LNB
EBR H-Oil hydrocracking unit and unconverted vacuum tower bottom product a graph was
made that relates the VRO saturate content with the VRO hydrogen content (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Relation between VRO hydrogen content and VRO saturates content (without using refraction)
The regression line from Figure 2 was used as a tool to assess the correctness of the
performed SARA analysis. The H-Oil VTB sample from Table 1 was analyzed for SARA compo-
sition by a new operator and the result of this measurement was following:

Saturates, % Aromatics, % Resins, % Asphaltenes, %

70.6 24.1 3.2 1.7

A comparison between these data and those in Table 1 for the H-Oil VTB shows that the
difference between saturates, aromatics, and asphaltenes is bigger than the confidence limits
from Table 2. The saturate content versus the hydrogen content of this sample apparently
deviates from the regression line as shown in Figure 2. A repeating of the SARA analysis of
the sample from the same operator gave results similar to those shown in Table 1, which were
within the confidence limits. Therefore it could be concluded that a relation like this shown in
Figure 2 can be used as an indicator for the assessment of the correctness of the performed
SARA analysis. It deserves mentioning here that the vacuum residual oils are the most difficult
part of the crude oils for characterization. As shown in an earlier study even simple properties
like density and viscosity require special attention when VROs are analyzed [13]. Therefore
besides SARA analysis, properties like hydrogen content, density, and Conradson carbon
content are recommended to measure and all these properties should exhibit consistency

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

between each other [13]. In this way error in measurement of SARA analysis or in any of the
properties mentioned above could be detected.
Although SARA analysis of VROs is a long analysis – four (without using refraction) or five
(with the use of refraction) days are needed to accomplish one SARA analysis, it is a useful
means to further investigate the different SARA fractions. In our study one individual straight run
VRO (Vald’Agri) and another blended straight run VRO (H-Oil feed) and an unconverted H-Oil
VRO product (H-Oil VTB) were separated in saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes and
these fractions were analyzed for their element composition (Table 5) and high temperature
simulated distillation (HTSD). Figures 3, 4 and 5 present high temperature simulation
distillation curves of the fractions saturates, aromatics and resins of the three VROs mentioned

Boiling point, °C

Saturates Aromatics Resins
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Evaporate, wt. %

Figure 3 HTSD of Vald’Agri VRO saturates, aromatics, and resins fractions



Boiling point, °C




Saturates Aromatics Resins
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Evaporate, wt.%

Figure 4 HTSD of H-Oil VRO feedstock saturates, aromatics, and resins fractions

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

Boiling point, °C

350 Saturates Aromatics Resins
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Evaporate, wt.%

Figure 5 HTSD of H-Oil unconverted VRO (VTB) saturates, aromatics, and resins fractions
Unfortunately with the applied procedure for measurement of HTSD the asphaltene fraction
distillation curve was not possible to determine. The data in Figures 3-5 indicate that satura-
tes are the lowest boiling point group hydrocarbon fraction. The aromatics have higher than
saturates boiling points and lower or equal to the boiling points of the resins. The difference
between boiling point of resins and aromatics can be distinct as is the case with the H-Oil
unconverted VRO (Figure 5) or slightly perceivable like that in Vald’Agri VRO (Figure 3). If a
graph is made on the base of the data for hydrogen content in the SAR fractions and their
HTSD T50 one can see that there is a relationship between the difference of hydrogen content of
the SAR fractions and the difference between HTSD T 50 of the SAR fractions (Figure 6).
Table 5 SARA composition and element composition of SARA fractions of the three studied VROs

C, H, N, S, HTSD
VROs SARA, wt.%
%m/m %m/m %m/m %m/m T50, °C
Sat. 26.5 85.13 13.20 < 0.01 - 600
Aro. 59.7 82.72 9.49 0.02 7.96 640
Val'd Agri
Res. 8.7 82.81 9.49 0.70 - 645
Asp. 5.0 82.90 7.05 0.50 9.31 -

Sat. 36.4 87.73 13.39 < 0.01 1.02 580

Aro. 47.9 87.46 10.56 0.38 3.71 635
H-Oil Feed
Res. 7.4 84.01 10.14 1.34 3.36 647
Asp. 8.5 86.10 7.50 1.20 4.30 -

Sat. 52.6 88.01 13.68 0.01 0.33 589

Aro. 37.5 89.40 11.83 0.47 1.26 618
Res. 4.1 85.71 9.80 1.45 1.34 638
Asp. 5.7 90.10 6.44 1.24 2.30 -

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal


70 y = 12,163x + 6,4792
R² = 0,7181
Delta T50, °C 50





0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5
Delta H content (between Saturates, Aromatics and Resins), wt.%

Figure 6 Dependence of the difference between hydrogen content of the SAR fractions on the
difference between HTSD T50 of the SAR fractions

The data in Figure 6 indicate that the bigger the difference in the hydrogen content of the
SAR fractions the bigger is the difference in their HTSD T50. The difference between hydrogen
content in resins and in aromatics of the H-Oil VTB sample is the biggest among the three
studied VROs and as evident from Figure 5 the difference in the boiling points between resins and
aromatics fractions is the most discernible. The data in Table 5 show that asphaltenes have
the lowest hydrogen content of all SARA fractions. Therefore a conclusion could be made that
asphaltenes should have the highest HTSD T 50. These data may illustrate the usefulness of
the SARA separation for unveiling of the ultra-complex chemical nature of the vacuum residual
oils. Moreover as was shown in this work it is characterized with a good repeatability.
4. Conclusions
Sixteen measurements of SARA composition of four vacuum residual oils from different
origin which have hydrogen content between 10.5 and 12.8% were performed to assess the
precision of the SARA analysis of vacuum residua. The estimated repeatability was almost the
same as that of the ASTM D 2007 method for oils not containing asphaltenes. A comparison
between SARA analysis of Urals VRO performed in three laboratories which employ different
procedures indicated that the difference in the saturates content between the three laboratories
was within uncertainty of the measurement (reproducibility), but the difference between the
resins content was much higher than the precision of the measurements. Regardless of the
significant difference in the resins content measured in the three laboratories the precision of
the SARA methods applied in the three laboratories was almost the same.
Hydrogen content was found to correlate with the VRO saturates content and this correlation
proved to be a useful tool for assessment of the correctness of the performed SARA analysis.
SARA separation of the VROs showed to be useful for further more detailed analysis of the
VRO fractions. It was found that boiling points of the fractions saturates, aromatics, and resins
increases in the order: saturates ˂ aromatics ≤ resins. The higher the aromaticity (the lower
hydrogen content) the higher the VRO fraction boiling point is. Based on these findings it could
be concluded that asphaltenes, which are the most aromatic part of the VRO should have the
highest boiling point among all other hydrocarbon group fractions.

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

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Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal
Petroleum and Coal

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* To whom correspondence should be addressed: prof. Dicho Stratiev, Chief Process Engineer
LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas, Bulgaria,

Pet Coal (2016); 58 (1): 109-119

ISSN 1337-7027 an open access journal

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