Polyurethane Foam As Aggregate For Thermal Insulating Mortars and Lightweight Concrete

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V. Václavík et al.

Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton

ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 678.664.016:[691.55+691.322]



Vojtěch Václavík, Tomáš Dvorský, Vojtech Dirner, Jaromír Daxner, Martin Šťastný
Preliminary notes
The contribution describes the use of polyurethane foam after the end of its life cycle as an aggregate both for thermal insulating mortars for various wall
surfaces and for lightweight concrete. The structure and the physical and mechanical properties of thermal insulating mortar are described here. The
verification of application of thermal insulating polyurethane mortar in the thickness of 50 ÷ 70 mm to a reference building, where external walls were
insulated, is provided further. The second important area dealt with in this contribution is that of lightweight concrete, for which polyurethane foam of
grain size of 0,125 ÷ 6 mm is used as an aggregate. The physical and mechanical properties of polyurethane concrete of various densities and an example
of its prefabrication are presented.

Keywords: aggregate, lightweight concrete, mechanical properties, physical properties, polyurethane foam, thermal insulating mortar

Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton

Prethodno priopćenje
Prilog opisuje uporabu poliuretanske pjene nakon završetka njezinog životnog ciklusa kao agregata i za toplinske izolacije žbuke za različite zidne površine i za
laki beton. Ovdje su opisane struktura i fizikalno-mehanička svojstva toplinske izolacijske žbuke. Nadalje se daje provjera primjene toplinske izolacijske
poliuretanske žbuke u debljini 50 do 70 mm na referentnoj zgradi, kod koje su vanjski zidovi izolirani. Drugo važno područje kojim se bavi ovaj prilog je da se
poliuretanska pjena veličine zrna od 0,125 do 6 mm koristi kao agregat kod lakog betona. Prikazana su fizikalna i mehanička svojstava betona od poliuretana
različitih gustoća i primjer njegove prerade.

Ključne riječi: agregat, fizikalna svojstva, laki beton, mehanička svojstva, poliuretanska pjena, toplinsko izolacijska žbuka

1 polyurethane substance being formed is foamed and

Introduction creates a microscopic closed cell structure (see Fig. 1),
thanks to which final polyurethane foam has excellent
At present, lightweight aggregate building materials thermal and water insulating properties. The physical and
are applied increasingly to construction practice in mechanical properties and the use of polyurethane foam
association with thermal and acoustic requirements and in the area of construction depend on its density. For
simultaneous reduction in building construction weight. instance, the polyurethane foam having a density of 30
As aggregates for lightweight aggregate concrete, kg/m3 can be used by spraying in the interiors for ceiling
crushed or crumbled polystyrene, expanded clay and and wall insulation. The polyurethane foam of a density
expanded volcanic glass, e.g. perlite are used most of 40 kg/m3 can be applied in the exterior by spraying
commonly [1, 2, 3]. A new aggregate being increasingly onto vertical surfaces for the purpose of insulation, and
applied to the lightening of concrete mixes is crushed the polyurethane foam of a density of 60 kg/m3 is used for
polyurethane foam of density less than 60 kg/m3, which spray roof insulation. In Tab. 1 the mechanical and
can be added to the mix both individually and in thermo-technical properties of polyurethane foam
combination with other lightweight aggregates or fine- depending on density are presented.
grained aggregates [4, 5]. A similar situation is in the area
of mortars for rendering and plastering, where besides
classical thermal insulating aggregates, i.e. perlite and
polystyrene, crushed polyurethane foams of the same
densities as with lightweight concrete mixes can be used
as well.
An important parameter, on which the service life and
the functionality of the above-mentioned types of renders
and plasters depend, is a masonry surface treatment
before application.

Polyurethane foam – description and properties

Polyurethane foam is a macromolecular structural Figure 1 Cell structure of polyurethane foam at 25× magnification
material (thermoset), prevailingly on an organic basis. It
is produced by an exothermic reaction – polyaddition of 3
diphenyl diisocyanate with mixes of polyhydric Polyurethane foam after the end of life cycle
polyethers and polyester alcohols, activators, accelerators,
stabilizers, flame retardants, water and auxiliary blowing As aggregates for insulating mortars and lightweight
agents [6]. Due to the temperature of the chemical concrete, crumbs of hard polyurethane foam with a
reaction and due to the carbon dioxide CO2 produced, the maximum grain size of 6 mm are used. The proper

Tehnički vjesnik 19, 3(2012), 665-672 665 

Polyurethane foam as aggregate for thermal insulating mortars and lightweight concrete V. Václavík et al. 

process of treatment of polyurethane foam for its screen shape must be adjusted specifically for
utilization as aggregate for thermal insulating renders and polyurethane crushing.
plasters and lightweight concrete can be described in the  To avoid the crushing of the treated hard
following three points: polyurethane foam after the end of its life cycle, with
 Disintegration of polyurethane using a hammer regard to its susceptibility to breaking, to a powder
crusher to a grain size of 12 mm as a maximum. with a grain size < 1 mm. Sorting of the polyurethane
 Grain size reduction using high-speed knife mills to a crumb using vibrating or rotary screens, and storage
polyurethane grain size of 6 mm as a maximum. of the crumb in large capacity textile bags – so-called
Knife adjustment, position, grinding and knife mill big bags.

Table 1 Mechanical and thermo-technical properties of polyurethane foam

                   Property  Unit
Density kg/m3 30 40 60
Compressive strength MPa 0,20 0,25 0,40
Tensile strength MPa 0,35 0,60 0,8
Bending strength MPa 0,30 0,45 0,7
Shear strength MPa 0,15 0,20 0,30
Young’s modulus MPa 5 7 12
Thermal conductivity
W/(m·K) 0,025
Linear expansion coefficient (for density of 30 to 100 kg/m )
1/K (5 ÷ 8)×10-5
Water vapour diffusion resistance factor (for density of 30 to 100 kg/m3)
µ 30 to 100
After 24 hours % by volume to 2 max 5
After 28 days % by volume to 2 max 5
% by volume 0 ÷ 0,2
Temperature range °C –200 to +140
For a short time °C +250
                                     DIN 4102 
By the amount of flame retardant, the flammability grade and properties, i.e. self-extinguishibility, resistance to
flying flames and resistance to radiant heat, can be influenced.
Specific heat capacity kJ/(kg·K) 1,382

4 4.1
Structure of materials containing polyurethane aggregates Characteristics of feed materials classified as grains

Structure as well as texture describe and quantify the A polyurethane aggregate for insulating mortars and
character of individual material particles, their lightweight concrete was observed using both a stereo
arrangement and relations at various scales of magnifier and a microscope (observations in VIS/UV
observation. As far as polyurethane mixes are concerned, mode). As the feed material, the 0/1 mm and 0/4 mm
they have very non-ordered structures, and thus the use of polyurethane fractions were used (see Figs. 2 and 3).  For
devices with different levels of magnification is necessary the better imaging of polyurethane crumb, observation of
for studying their modes of arrangement. The study of UV radiation inducing fluorescence in certain substances,
microstructure of these polyurethane materials provides a such as organic resins, was used. The fluorescent light
possibility of explaining the principle of process of generated like that can be then observed. Images obtained
structure formation, hardening and bonding between the are, in comparison with observation in normal light, with
binder and the aggregate and their interaction, which may more contrast, and thanks to brilliant colours of
help in foreseeing the long-term behaviour of the mix. fluorescent light, polyurethane grains are unambiguously
differentiable from the surrounding material.

666 Technical Gazette 19, 3(2012), 665-672 

V. Václavík et al. Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton

fluorescent light, it is evident that not only polyurethanes

but also other organic materials, such as fibres, fragments
of polyethylene and other materials occurring in the
crumb, have fluorescent properties.
In a mix, these fluorescent grains can be thus
differentiated well from the inorganic binder that has not
the ability to fluoresce.

Characteristics of prepared mixes

Two mixes differing in the granularity of used

Figure 2 Photograph of polyurethane crumb, 0/1 mm fraction, polyurethane crumb were observed, namely the mix 1
magnification 7× having the maximum polyurethane grain size of 1 mm
and the mix 2 having the maximum polyurethane grain
size of 4 mm. To represent clearly the distribution of
pores and particles in the hardened mix and the relation
between the binder and the polyurethane grains,
observation using the stereo magnifier was carried out,
see Fig. 6 and 7. However, in this manner of imaging,
polyurethane grains are not sufficiently clearly
distinguishable from the surrounding binder that has
almost the same colour in white reflected light. For this
reason, observation in incident white light using the
microscope BX 60 with significant colour correction in
image analysis and further observation in fluorescent light
using two filters (WB and WU) were performed.
Figure 3 Photograph of polyurethane crumb, 1/4 mm fraction,  
magnification 7×

Figure 6 Photograph of building mixes containing polyurethane crumb
– mix containing the 0/1 mm polyurethane fraction, magnification 40×
Figure 4 Photograph of fluorescent polyurethane crumb, 0/1 mm
fraction, WB filter, magnified 40×

Figure 7 Photograph of building mixes containing polyurethane crumb

– mix containing the 1/4 mm polyurethane fraction, magnification 40×
Figure 5 Photograph of fluorescent polyurethane crumb, 0/1 mm
fraction, WU filter, magnified 40× Microphotographs given in Figs. 8 ÷ 13 document
  well the fact that each of individual types of imaging has
Depending on the used filter, polyurethane materials relatively little explanatory power, and required
are yellow-green (WU filter) or have various shades of information about the type of material, arrangement and
blue according to composition (WB filter). In Figs. 4 and surface of voids will be obtained only by combining all
5 there is the 0/1 mm fraction of polyurethane foam after the types. The microphotographs taken in UV light and
crushing with the WU and the WB filter, respectively. In with the WB filter show very well polyurethane grains

Tehnički vjesnik 19, 3(2012), 665-672 667 

Polyurethane foam as aggregate for thermal insulating mortars and lightweight concrete V. Václavík et al. 

without making difference in composition; in those taken

in UV light and with the WU filter, various types of
fluorescent materials can be distinguished. To be
comparable, microphotographs are always taken at the
same magnification and place. Photographs taken by the
stereo magnifier cover the larger fields of view and are
not wholly compatible with the microphotographs. By
simple comparison of the photographs taken by the stereo
magnifier on the same scale, it is apparent at first glance
that the mix containing the coarser crumb is characterised,
in contrary to the other mix, by the presence of pores in
the larger size range, in which in addition to pores of size
of the order of tenths of millimetres, pores of size of Figure 11 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 1/4
millimetres are also included. The shape of pores is mm fraction, incident white light, magnified 40×
prevailingly spherical, only exceptionally pores are
slightly elongated. In the material, they are distributed On the basis of observation in UV light, it can be
evenly. To determine the quantitative and qualitative stated that polyurethane crumbs are distributed more or
properties of pores more accurately, an image analysis less evenly in the solidified mix, any clusters occur
will be used in the following stage. neither in mixes containing fine-grained crumb, nor in
  mixes with coarse-grained crumb.

Insulating mortars

Insulating mortars based on polyurethane foam were

developed thanks to subsidies from the state budget in a
form of research and development project in the
programme IMPULS, reg. number FI-IM5/015.
Polyurethane (polyurethane foam) as an aggregate for
thermal insulating mortars for rendering and plastering is
a secondary raw material, i.e. recycled product. It has the
suitable density, excellent thermal insulating properties,
  and is chemically and volumetrically stable. After
Figure 8 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 0/1
mm fraction, incident white light, magnified 40× polyurethane waste disintegration and subsequent sorting,
thermal insulating mortars for rendering and plastering
could be or were designed with reference to the optimum
grain size of thermal insulating renders and plasters. With
regard to the fact that individual polyurethane grains are
open, in thermal insulating mortars the grains are
incorporated optimally from the point of view of
segregation of ingredients differing in volume in render
and plaster mixes. Furthermore, the open grain of
polyurethane is partially water absorbing, so that thermal
insulating mortars when being applied do not require
using the exact amount of mixing water. Why choose
thermal insulating mortars based on polyurethane for
   They enable moisture to be drained naturally away
Figure 9 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 0/1
mm fraction, UV light with WB filter, magnified 40× from the interior of buildings; implementation of
thermal insulation is less labour intensive;
 Renders and plasters can be applied manually or
 In the case of refurbishment and additional thermal
insulation, a polyurethane render can be applied
directly to coarse-grained renders of the type of
Brizolit (Czech patented artificial stone exterior finish
with sparkling flecks of mica);
 They increase the total thermal resistance of the
building while allowing water vapour to pass freely
through the wall.
 The physical and mechanical properties of thermal
insulating mortar stated in Tab. 2 were tested
  according to the requirements of Czech standard ČSN
Figure 10 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 0/1
mm fraction, UV light with WU filter, magnified 40× EN 998-1 [7].

668 Technical Gazette 19, 3(2012), 665-672 

V. Václavík et al. Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton

Table 2 Physical and mechanical properties of thermal insulating mortar 5.1

on the basis of polyurethane, 1/4 mm fraction An example of application of polyurethane-based insulating
Parameter Measured value mortar
Density of hardened mortar 350 kg/m3
Grain size 1÷4 mm Polyurethane-based insulating mortar was applied for
thermal insulating the external walls of a selected
Compressive strength of building. The thickness of external masonry walls of the
1 MPa
thermal insulating mortar given building is 600 ÷ 900 mm, and the composition of
Mortar cohesion 0,05 MPa the external wall masonry is heterogeneous. It includes
Mortar adhesive strength 0,05 MPa above all stonework, laid in lime plaster; this is interlaid
Water vapour diffusion diversely and irregularly with burnt and in places with
5,5 unburnt bricks. An extension to the north side of the given
coefficient μ
Mixing water consumption 0,5÷0,8 l/kg of dry mix building, which was implemented in the year 1990, is
Thermal conductivity constructed on a concrete foundation and is built of gas-
0,06 W/(m·K) silicate blocks stuck together with lime mortar. The whole
coefficient λ
building is basementless.
Spreading rate of thermal 5 kg/m2 at 10 mm
insulating mortar thickness
Pot life 120 min
Max. thickness of one layer
40 mm
Determined maximum
80 mm
thickness of render/plaster
Reaction to fire class B, s2, d0
Porosity 65÷70 %
Capillary water absorption in
1,5 kg/m2· min
non-hydrophobized mortar
Capillary water absorption in
0,40 kg/m2· min
hydrophobized mortar  
Figure 14 A view of reference building from the west before insulation
by means of thermal insulating polyurethane mortar for rendering

Figure 12 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 1/4
mm fraction, UV light with WB filter, magnified 40×  
Figure 15 A view of final façade from the west, insulated by means of
thermal insulating polyurethane mortar for rendering

Figure 13 Photograph of solidified polyurethane mix containing the 1/4
mm fraction, UV light with WU filter, magnified 40×  
Figure 16 A view of interior arch and masonry without original plaster
inside the building

In Fig. 14, there is a view of the building before

thermal insulating the external walls using thermal
insulating mortar for rendering; in Fig. 15, the same

Tehnički vjesnik 19, 3(2012), 665-672 669 

Polyurethane foam as aggregate for thermal insulating mortars and lightweight concrete V. Václavík et al. 

building after thermal insulating can be seen. In Fig. 16 Polyurethane foam-based lightweight concrete is a
there is a view of interior thermal insulation before the new building material that is able to replace the present-
application of thermal insulating mortar for plastering; in day lightweight concrete. It is characterised especially as
Fig. 17 there is a view of the same interior after the follows:
application.  In crushed polyurethane in concrete, air is entrained.
Air entrained like that keeps a rather large amount of
heat in the material and thus decreases thermal
conductivity of the material and also causes a low
density. By coating the polyurethane grains with the
binder, this material, which is otherwise flammable,
becomes flame resistant in this combination.
 It is possible to dose polyurethane of various grain
size compositions, through which the structure of
concrete can be determined in advance and the
concrete mix can be mixed with reproducible values
in any ratio. A range of possibilities, interesting from
the point of view of construction, moves from
extremely lightweight (floating) concrete to structural
Figure 17 A view of interior arch after application of thermal insulating lightweight concrete.
polyurethane mortar for plastering and after finishing (pargeting and  Any segregation of individual ingredients in the mix
does not occur up to the cement-water ratio of 1,2.
 To achieve suitable strength parameters of concrete
Lightweight concrete based on polyurethane foam mix based on this material, a corresponding grain size
curve of polyurethane should be determined, because
It is the concrete containing the crushed polyurethane it holds true that, at a certain density of polyurethane-
foam of the density of 30 ÷ 60 kg/m3 that can occupy a based lightweight concrete, the higher the number of
very special position among the types of lightweight fractions of polyurethane as an aggregate, the higher
concrete. This entirely new material fulfils all the strength.
requirements put on modern building materials. The
physical and mechanical properties of concrete containing 6.1
a polyurethane foam-based aggregate are provided in Tab. Concrete mix composition
In the course of the preparation of a polyurethane
Table 3 Physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete concrete mix, it is necessary to realize that lightweight
based on polyurethane foam
concrete the density of which ranges from 400 to 1200
Lightweight concrete 400 kg/m3 is to be produced, individual ingredients being
Density 400 ÷ 600 kg/m3 markedly different either in density or in character. To
Compressive strength min 0,6 MPa get a homogeneous mix in this case, particles of
Thermal conductivity polyurethane are to be covered with an adhesive layer
0,10 W/(m·K)
coefficient λ acting as a binder between individual particles of
Application ceilings, roofs polyurethane and the other hydraulic mineral binders.
Lightweight concrete 600
Density 600 ÷ 800 kg/m3 6.2
Compressive strength min 0,9 MPa Examples of applications of concrete with waste
Thermal conductivity polyurethane foam
0,12 W/(m·K)
coefficient λ 6.2.1
Application ceilings, roofs, floors Prefabrication
Lightweight concrete 800
Density 800 ÷ 1000 kg/m3 Prefabricated construction represents an important
Compressive strength min 1,5 ÷ 1,9 MPa segment of building industry [8, 9].
Thermal conductivity In cooperation with Prefa Brno, j.s.c., plant Kuřim,
0,15 ÷ 0,18 W/(m·K) the application of prefabrication to concrete with waste
coefficient λ
Application floors polyurethane foam of the density of fresh concrete mix of
Lightweight concrete 1000 1100 kg/m3 was tested. The mixed concrete mix having
Density 1000 ÷ 1200 kg/m3 slump consistency S3 (100 ÷ 150 mm) was transported to
Compressive strength min 3,5 ÷ 5,1 MPa a mould of size 3000×2000×150 mm by means of an
Thermal conductivity overhead monorail distribution system. In the prepared
0,18 ÷ 0,20 W/(m·K) mould, reinforcement was placed earlier; cover to the
coefficient λ
reinforcement being 30 mm, see Figs. 18 and 19.
floors, terraces, sound
After filling the mould with concrete with waste
Application insulation panels,
polyurethane foam, compaction by an immersion vibrator
prefabricated products
was performed, see Fig. 20, and the top layer of the mould
was smoothed with a bar.

670 Technical Gazette 19, 3(2012), 665-672 

V. Václavík et al. Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton

After 24 hours, a panel was lifted from the mould for 6.2.2
verification of manipulability, see Fig. 21. The 24-hour Concrete with waste polyurethane foam preparation,
compressive strength of concrete with waste polyurethane transport
foam amounted to 2,9 MPa and after 28 days, in which
the test specimens were stored in the aquatic environment, Prepared concrete with waste polyurethane foam,
the compressive strength was 5,1 MPa. which has a density of 500 ÷ 600 kg/m3, can be supplied
to customers to form a thermal and sound insulating layer
below anhydrite, i.e. self-levelling poured floors. A
typical design of construction is given in Fig. 22.

Figure 18 A view into the mould with reinforcement

Figure 4 Diagram of application of transport concrete with waste
polyurethane foam below anhydrite, i.e. self-levelling poured floors

The proper mix of concrete with waste polyurethane

foam is carried out in a classical manner in a concrete
mixing plant; the mix is subsequently transported to the
place of delivery by a lorry-mounted mixer.
The consistency of concrete with waste polyurethane
foam, from the point of view of deposition by simple
discharging, falls within the slump classes S1 to S2. For
  pumping-grade concrete with waste polyurethane foam,
Figure 19 A detail of consistency and deposition of concrete with waste the consistency falls within the slump class S3 (100 ÷ 150
polyurethane foam with reinforcement in the mould mm).
The rheology of concrete with waste polyurethane
foam mix can be controlled by a specially developed
powdered plasticiser DAXNER®.

Concrete with waste polyurethane foam supplied as dry
ready mix

Concrete with waste polyurethane foam can be

supplied as a dry ready mix in bags, intended for blending
in a classical free-fall concrete mixer.
With reference to the properties of polyurethane
  aggregate, in the concrete with waste polyurethane foam
Figure 20 Compaction of concrete with waste polyurethane foam in the neither shaking off nor fragmentation of individual
mould by an immersion vibrator
ingredients of dry concrete mix occurs.
Concrete with waste polyurethane foam designed for
application using standard rendering and plastering
machines, where a dry concrete mix is supplied in bags
and dosed into the rendering or plastering machine with
an integrated mixing zone, is gradually introduced on the


It follows from the above-presented results of applied

research that polyurethane foam after the end of its life
cycle is a full-value alternative to expanded volcanic glass
Figure 21 Remoulding a precast concrete with waste polyurethane foam
unit after 24 hours
and polystyrene crumb used at present as aggregates in
thermal insulating renders and plasters. In the area of

Tehnički vjesnik 19, 3(2012), 665-672 671 

Polyurethane foam as aggregate for thermal insulating mortars and lightweight concrete V. Václavík et al. 

lightweight concrete mix technologies, it is a case of Jaromír Daxner

replacement of polystyrene concrete and foam light D&Daxner Technology, Ltd.,
Těšínská 42/96, 710 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic,
concrete. As follows from physical and mechanical Tel. +420 775 155 401, e-mail: daxner@daxner.cz
testing, it is not the case of structural concrete, but it is the
case of concrete filling. Martin Šťastný
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mining and
Geology, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu, 708 33, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Acknowledgements Tel. +420 597 321 241, e-mail: martin.stastny@vsb.cz

Thanks belong to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of

the Czech Republic. This specialized paper was prepared
in the framework of programme IMPULS: Fi-IM5/015.


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Authors’ addresses

Vojtěch Václavík
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mining and
Geology, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu, 708 33, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 597 323 377, e-mail: vojtech.vaclavik@vsb.cz

Tomáš Dvorský
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mining and
Geology, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu, 708 33, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 597 329 382, e-mail: tomas.dvorsky@vsb.cz

Vojtech Dirner
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mining and
Geology, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu, 708 33, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 597 324 168, e-mail: vojtech.dirner@vsb.cz

672 Technical Gazette 19, 3(2012), 665-672 

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