The Quantitative Qualitative Distinction
The Quantitative Qualitative Distinction
The Quantitative Qualitative Distinction
4, 2006
1. There are many textbooks providing introductions to research methods for students of education
and the social sciences. Burns (2000) is typical of the genre and is widely used. We have focused
our remarks on it for the sake of definiteness.
2. This form is recognisable as the argument schema known in the traditional formal logic of the
Middle Ages as Barbara with singular minor. An argument is deductively valid just in case it is
logically impossible for all the premisses to be true and the conclusion false. Traditional
syllogistic can represent some, but not all, valid deductive arguments.
3. Since Burns will later cite Popper with approval for endorsement of the scientific approach, it may
be worth noting Popper’s own account of this ‘firm basis’, which differs starkly from Burns’s:
‘The empirical basis of objective science has thus nothing ‘‘absolute’’ about it. Science does not
rest upon solid bedrock. The bold structure of its theories rises, as it were, above a swamp. It is
like a building erected on piles. The piles are driven down from above into the swamp, but not
down to any natural or ‘‘given’’ base; and if we stop driving the piles deeper, it is not because we
have reached firm ground. We simply stop when we are satisfied that the piles are firm enough to
carry the structure, at least for the time being’ (Popper, 1959, §30, p. 111). Burns does not cite this
work, though it is of course the central text for Popper’s views on scientific method.
4. Mathematical research is certainly not quantitative in the sense defined.
5. And even when they seem to, this may be a misleading appearance of the conventions for writing
up research insisted upon by editors of scientific journals. ‘[T]he scientific paper is a fraud in the
sense that it does give a totally misleading narrative of the processes of thought that go into the
making of scientific discoveries’ (Medawar, 1963, p. 38).
6. One recalls the boast by a rural radio station that it plays both kinds of music, Country and
7. Burns defines: ‘power is the ability of a statistic to correctly reject the null hypothesis when it is
false’ (2000, p. 160).
8. The N-P [Neyman-Pearson] theory refers to the theory developed by Jerzy Neyman and Egon
Pearson. The N-P theory departs from Fisher’s idea of hypothesis testing (of considering the
probabilistic behaviour of just one hypothesis), in that it also recognises the need to include the
alternative hypothesis together with the possibility of the errors of wrong decisions about which of
the hypotheses could be true. Under the N-P theory the error of rejecting a true null hypothesis is
called an error of the first kind (type I error), while the error of accepting or failing to reject a false
null hypothesis is called an error of the second kind (type II error). The N-P theory uses the
criterion of what it calls the critical region. If the value of the test statistic, as calculated from the
sample, falls into that region then the null hypothesis, according to which such an event is deemed
improbable or infrequent, is regarded as rejectable—albeit with the possibility of a type I error. In
addition the N-P theory also discusses the idea of the power of a test, which is the probability or
(limiting relative) frequency with which a test would correctly reject a false null hypothesis.
9. Work for this paper was hindered by the inadequate funding of Australian academic libraries.
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