Technical View 2.0 - 7 February 2023
Technical View 2.0 - 7 February 2023
Technical View 2.0 - 7 February 2023
Bursa,banking,maybank,malaysia bank,bank negara,cimb,public bank, interest rates hike, OPR, Bursa Malaysia Finance
Indexrakutentrade,kenanga,RakutenTrade,banking sector ,tradeonBursa, onlinestock,onlinefinance,Rakuten Trade,trade on
Bursa,banking,maybank,malaysia bank,bank negara,cimb,public bank, interest rates hike, OPR, Bursa Malaysia Finance
Support is a price level where a downtrend can be expected to pause, due to a concentration of
Support demand. As the price of a security drops, demand for the shares increases, thus forming the
support line.
Pivot Point is the average of the high, low and closing prices from the previous trading day. On
Pivot Point the subsequent day, trading above the pivot point is thought to indicate ongoing bullish
sentiment, while trading below the pivot point indicates bearish sentiment.
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• read and understand the contents of the disclosure document or any relevant agreement or contract before investing;
• understand the risks involved in relation to the product or service;
• compare and consider the fees, charges and costs involved; and
• make your own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary.
This document has been prepared for general circulation based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable but we do
not make any representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Any recommendation contained within does not have regard to the
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