Magicbricks Legal Title Search Comprehensive Report
Magicbricks Legal Title Search Comprehensive Report
Magicbricks Legal Title Search Comprehensive Report
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
This Title Search Report (hereinafter referred to as “Report”) in relation to the title of the Flat No.
ABCD, X Floor, ABC Towers, Ulwe, Sector 18, Navi Mumbai situated within the limits of Taluka
Panvel, District- Raigarh to be investigated for the purpose of acquisition by you,
i.e. (Customer Name), a resident of XYZ, DEF Towers, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (hereinafter
referred to as “You”) is prepared by Advocate (Advocate Name) (X/ABCD/2020), having his/her
registered office at X-YZ, ABC Colony, New Delhi (hereinafter referred to as “Advocate/ I”).
The following report has been prepared by (Advocate Name), New Delhi. You may contact the
following associates of the firm for any clarifications pertaining to the legal due diligence and / or
the legalities involved in the documentation of the Property:
2. Description of Property:
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
All that piece and parcel of property is a builder provided residential flat i.e. Flat no. ABCD
in X floor of the ABC Towers i.e. residential group housing complex provided by M/s.
(Builder Name) and in Sector 18, Plot-96, Ulwe XY% scheme on a built-up area
admeasuring (property size) sq. mtrs approximately in boundaries specified as follows:
▪ Towards north by – XY meters wide road
▪ Towards south by – Plot No. 97
▪ Towards east by – AB meters wide road
▪ Towards west by – Plot no. 95
(Hereinafter referred to as “the Property/ Premise”).
1. I have been provided with the photocopies of the following documents with respect to the
said Property mentioned herein under for the purpose of legal scrutiny and due diligence.
2. My report is subject to the presumption that the photocopies provided to us, are the same
as the originally executed documents.
3. During the course of legal due diligence by us, the following documents were provided to
us by You for the review:
2 22nd July, 2008 Agreement to Lease between Duly stamped and signed before
CIDCO and (name hidden) and Sub-Registrar Panvel -3 No.
(name hidden) ABCDE/ MMMM
3 22nd July, 2009 Agreement to Transfer & Duly stamped and registered no.
Assign ABCDE between (name hidden)
Builders and the partners of (name
4 13th August, Tripartite Agreement between Duly stamped and signed between
2008 CIDCO, (name hidden) the parties at Sub-Registrar, Panvel -
Builders and 2 other parties 3 no. ABCDE/MMMM
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
5 24th Sept, 2009 Tripartite Agreement between Duly stamped and registered no.
CIDCO, (name hidden) and ABCD/XYZ at Sub-Registrar,
(name hidden) Panvel
6 30th Sept, 2009 Allotment order by CIDCO Duly signed and issued by City and
Industrial Development Corporation
to SND Enterprises with No.
7 16th July, 2009 Board Resolution by For appointing authorized person for
(name hidden) the purpose of transfer of property
to (name hidden)
8 26th July, 2013 Assessment Order and No. ABC/XXXX-14 as per
Commencement Certificate by applicable laws and CIDCO/BP-
Present Whether present owner has a Whether You can enter into contract
Owner valid and marketable title with Owner of the Property
Since copy of original Registered Sale Deed is not provided or any encumbrance
certificate, possibility of loan on the property is unverified. It is advisable to obtain
an undertaking from owner on a stamp paper of Rs. 150 that no loan/encumbrance
is there against the said property.
• The said Property was acquired by the Govt of Maharashtra and vested the same
with the City and Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (hereinafter
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
We have perused the document as stated above forwarded to us. We are of the
opinion that (Owner Name) has a valid, clear and marketable title of the immovable
property as stated above. Subject to the additional documents mentioned herein
below Part IX and after due confirmation of the loan from the owner on the
Property, You may enter into contract with the above said Owner.
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
1. Non-Encumbrance report
2. Original 7/12 report.
3. Recent payment receipt of other Public charges/Taxes
4. Recent Bills of electricity/water of property on question.
Legal Checklist
Sr. Provisions Yes/No Remarks, If
No. necessary
1. Whether property to be entered into contract is subject to No
anyone’s share
2. Whether the title documents are registered. Yes
3. Whether the Property is free from encumbrances/ charges. N.A To be
confirmed by
4. Whether the documents provided by the You are original. No
5. Whether property is affected by any tenancy obligations. N.A. No rent
6. Whether up-to-date Tax/Land Revenue has been paid N.A.
7. Whether required documents are available are sufficient to Yes As given in
enter into contract with the Owner Part IX
8. If the property is a flat/apartment, how far independent title Yes As per the
is ensured search
conducted at
of Revenue,
no record of
Flat 1101 was
found from
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
the year
9. Whether the property is lease land, If yes what is the tenure N/A
of the lease and what is the residual period left
10. Whether the property/land is joint family property N.A.
11. Is the land/property/flat subject to any N.A.
reservations/acquisitions/ requisitions
Hence, it can be concluded that the current title owner of the property received the
marketable title and complete ownership free of all encumbrances and specifically without
any loan, charge, lease, lien or any other lis pending on the said property as per the given
documents. It is advisable that the Buyer or the lessor in this case shall exercise full
discretion and due diligence in order to verify the dimensions, details and permissions
pertaining to the said Property and register his ownership in 7/12 records or any other
original documents related to the said Property.
Accordingly, review of the aforesaid documents implies that (Owner Name) is the owner of
said Property (Flat No. 1101) with the Good and Marketable title of the said Property.
Note/ Disclaimer:
1. The report does not comment on: The technical regularity (Adherence to Bye
Laws/Approvals) or otherwise of the said property, whether the said property is a subject
matter of any pending litigation, authenticity of the documents/examined. All the above
said is outside the scope of the working reference to this report.’
2. The scope of this report is limited to the documents shared by the client. This report in no
way authorizes, legalizes or proves the ownership or claims to be the final authority in any
X-YZ, X floor, ABC Colony, New Delhi – 110017
3. It is advised to ensure that the said property is in possession of the Owner by getting
original possession/ commencement/ occupancy certificate.
4. Original Proof of possession in the form of latest registered Sale Deed, Approval from
Town Planning or Municipal Authority, Electricity/Water Bills, Notices, Assessments,
Challans and Receipts etc. should be made available and deposited with the You.
(advocate signature)