Program Representation For General Intelligence: Moshe Looks Ben Goertzel
Program Representation For General Intelligence: Moshe Looks Ben Goertzel
Program Representation For General Intelligence: Moshe Looks Ben Goertzel
Lacking prior knowledge, many algorithms will ineffi- In the case of a deterministic, side-effect-free program,
ciently sample semantically identical programs repeat- execution maps from programs in S to points in B, which
edly (GBK04; Loo07b). will have separate dimensions for function outputs across
various inputs of interest, as well as dimensions correspond-
• Chaotic Execution – programs that are very similar,
ing to the time and space costs of executing the program.
syntactically, may be very different, semantically. This
In the case of a program that interacts with an external
presents difficulties for many heuristic search algorithms,
environment, or is intrinsically nondeterministic, execution
which require syntactic and semantic distance to be cor-
will map from S to probability distributions over points in
related (TVCC05; Loo07c).
B, which will contain additional dimensions for any side-
• High resource-variance – programs in the same space effects of interest that programs in S might have. Note
vary greatly in the space and time they require to execute. the distinction between syntactic distance, measured as e.g.
tree-edit distance between programs in S, and semantic dis-
Based on these concerns, it is no surprise that search over
tance, measured between programs’ corresponding points in
program spaces quickly succumbs to combinatorial explo-
or probability distributions over B. We assume that seman-
sion, and that heuristic search methods are sometimes no
tic distance accurately quantifies our preferences in terms of
better than random sampling (LP02). Regarding the dif-
a weighting on the dimensions of B; i.e., if variation along
ficulties caused by over-representation and high resource-
some axis is of great interest, our metric for semantic dis-
variance, one may of course object that determinations of
tance should reflect this.
e.g. programmatic equivalence for the former, and e.g. halt-
Let P be a probability distribution over B that describes
ing behavior for the latter, are uncomputable. Given the
our knowledge of what sorts of problems we expect to en-
assumption of insufficient knowledge and resources, how-
counter, and let R(n) ⊆ S be the set of all of the programs
ever, these concerns dissolve into the larger issue of com-
in our representation with (syntactic) size no greater than
putational intractability and the need for efficient heuristics.
n. We will say that “R(n) d-covers the pair (B, P) to ex-
Determining the equivalence of two Boolean formulae over
tent p” if p is the probability that, for a random behavior
500 variables by computing and comparing their truth ta-
b ∈ B chosen according to P, there is some program in R
bles is trivial from a computability standpoint, but, in the
whose behavior is within semantic distance d of b. Then,
words of Leonid Levin, “only math nerds would call 2500
some among the various properties of tractability that seem
finite” (Lev94). Similarly, a program that never terminates
important based on the above discussion are as follows:
is a special case of a program that runs too slowly to be of
interest to us. • for fixed d, p quickly goes to 1 as n increases,
In advocating that these challenges be addressed through • for fixed p, d quickly goes to 0 as n increases,
“better representations”, we do not mean merely trading one
Turing-complete programming language for another; in the • for fixed d and p, the minimal n needed for R(n) to d-
end it will all come to the same. Rather, we claim that cover (B, P) to extent p should be as small as possible,
to tractably learn and reason about programs requires us to • ceteris paribus, syntactic and semantic distance (measured
have prior knowledge of programming language semantics. according to P) are highly correlated.
The mechanism whereby programs are executed is known
a priori, and remains constant across many problems. We Since execution time and memory usage measures may be
have proposed, by means of exploiting this knowledge, that incorporated into the definition of program behavior, mini-
programs be represented in normal forms that preserve their mizing chaotic execution and managing resource variance
hierarchical structure, and heuristically simplified based on emerges conceptually here as a subcase of maximizing cor-
reduction rules. Accordingly, one formally equivalent pro- relation between syntactic and semantic distance. Minimiz-
gramming language may be preferred over another by virtue ing over-representation follows from the desire for small n:
of making these reductions and transformations more ex- roughly speaking the less over-representation there is, the
plicit and concise to describe and to implement. smaller average program size can be achieved.
In some cases one can empirically demonstrate the
tractability of representations without any special assump-
What Makes a Representation Tractable? tions about P: for example in prior work we have shown
Creating a comprehensive formalization of the notion of a that adoption of an appropriate hierarchical normal form can
tractable program representation would constitute a signifi- generically increase correlation between syntactic and se-
cant achievement; and we will not fulfill that summons here. mantic distance in the space of Boolean functions (Loo06;
We will, however, take a step in that direction by enunciating Loo07c). In this case we may say that we have a generically
a set of positive principles for tractable program representa- tractable representation. However, to achieve tractable rep-
tions, corresponding closely to the list of representational resentation of more complex programs, some fairly strong
challenges above. While the discussion in this section is es- assumptions about P will be necessary. This should not be
sentially conceptual rather than formal, we will use a bit of philosophically disturbing, since it’s clear that human intelli-
notation to ensure clarity of expression; S to denote a space gence has evolved in a manner strongly conditioned by cer-
of programmatic functions of the same type (e.g. all pure tain classes of environments; and similarly, what we need
Lisp λ-expressions mapping from lists to numbers), and B to do to create a viable program representation system for
to denote a metric space of behaviors. pragmatic AGI usage is to achieve tractability relative to the
AGI-2009 - Published by Atlantis Press, © the authors
distribution P corresponding to the actual problems the AGI the grammar are elementary functions, and leaves are either
is going to need to solve. Formalizing the distributions P of Uvar or Uconstant , where U is some type (often U = T ).
real-world interest is a difficult problem, and one we will not Sentences in a normal form grammar may be transformed
address here. However, we hypothesize that the representa- into normal form expressions as follows. The set of expres-
tions presented in the following section may be tractable to sions that may be generated is a function of a set of bound
a significant extent irrespective3 of P, and even more pow- variables and a set of external functions (both bound vari-
erfully tractable with respect to this as-yet unformalized dis- ables and external functions are typed):
tribution. As weak evidence in favor of this hypothesis, we
note that many of the representations presented have proved • Tconstant leaves are replaced with constants of type T ,
useful so far in various narrow problem-solving situations. • Tvar leaves are replaced with either bound vari-
ables matching type T , or expressions of the form
(Postulated) Tractable Representations f (expr1 , expr2 , . . . exprM ), where f is an external func-
We use a simple type system to distinguish between the var- tion of type T1 , T2 , . . . TM → T , and each expri is a nor-
ious normal forms introduced below. This is necessary to mal form expression of type Ti (given the available bound
convey the minimal information needed to correctly apply variables and external functions).
the basic functions in our canonical forms. Various systems Boolean Normal Form The elementary functions are
and applications may of course augment these with addi- and, or, and not. The constants are {true, f alse}. The
tional type information, up to and including the satisfaction grammar is:
of arbitrary predicates (e.g. a type for prime numbers). This
can be overlaid on top of our minimalist system to convey bool_root = or_form | and_form
| literal | bool_constant
additional bias in selecting which transformations to apply, literal = bool_var | not( bool_var )
and introducing constraints as necessary. For instance, a call or_form = or( {and_form | literal}{2,} )
to a function expecting a prime number, called with a poten- and_form = and( {or_form | literal}{2,} ) .
tially composite argument, may be wrapped in a conditional
testing the argument’s primality. A similar technique is used The construct foo{x,} refers to x or more matches of foo
in the normal form for functions to deal with list arguments (e.g. {x | y}{2,} is two or more items in sequences
that may be empty. where each item is either an x or a y).
Number Normal Form The elementary functions are
Normal Forms times and plus. The constants are some subset of the ra-
Normal forms are provided for Boolean and number prim- tionals (e.g. those with IEEE single-precision floating-point
itive types, and the following parametrized types: representations). The grammar is:
• list types, listT , where T is any type, num_root = times_form | plus_form
| num_constant | num_var
• tuple types, tupleT1 ,T2 ,...TN , where all Ti are types, and times_form = times( {num_constant |
N is a positive natural number, plus_form}
• enum types, {s1 , s2 , . . . sN }, where N is a positive num- plus_form{1,} )
ber and all si are unique identifiers, | num_var
plus_form = plus( {num_constant |
• function types T1 , T2 , . . . TN → O, where O and all Ti times_form}
are types, times_form{1,} )
• action result types. | num_var .
A list of type listT is an ordered sequence of any num- List Normal Form For list types listT , the elementary
ber of elements, all of which must have type T . A tuple of functions are list (an n-ary list constructor) and append.
The only constant is the empty list (nil). The grammar is:
type tupleT1 ,T2 ,...TN is an ordered sequence of exactly N
elements, where every ith element is of type Ti . An enum list_T_root = append_form | list_form
of type {s1 , s2 , . . . sN } is some element si from the set. | list_T_var | list_T_constant
Action result types concern side-effectful interaction with append_form = append( {list_form |
some world external to the system (but perhaps simulated, list_T_var}{2,} )
of course), and will be described in detail in their subsection list_form = list( T_root{1,} ) .
below. Other types may certainly be added at a later date, Tuple Normal Form For tuple types tupleT1 ,T2 ,...TN , the
but we believe that those listed above provide sufficient ex- only elementary function is the tuple constructor (tuple).
pressive power to conveniently encompass a wide range of The constants are T1 _constant×T2 _constant× · · · ×
programs, and serve as a compelling proof of concept. TN _constant. The normal form is either a constant, a
The normal form for a type T is a set of elementary func- var, or tuple( T1 _root T2 _root . . . TN _root ).
tions with codomain T , a set of constants of type T , and a
tree grammar. Internal nodes for expressions described by Enum Normal Form Enums are atomic tokens with no
internal structure - accordingly, there are no elementary
Technically, with only weak biases that prefer smaller and functions. The constants for the enum {s1 , s2 , . . . sN } are
faster programs with hierarchical decompositions. the si s. The normal form is either a constant or a var.
AGI-2009 - Published by Atlantis Press, © the authors
Function Normal Form For T1 , T2 , . . . TN → O, the nor- The constants may vary from type to type but must at
mal form is a lambda-expression of arity N whose body is of least contain success and f ailure, indicating absolute suc-
type O. The list of variable names for the lambda-expression cess/failure in execution.4 The normal form is as follows:
is not a “proper” argument - it does not have a normal form act_root =
orseq_form | andseq_form
of its own. Assuming that none of the Ti s is a list type, the seqlit |
body of the lambda-expression is simply in the normal form seqlit =
act | fails( act )
for type O (with the possibility of the lambda-expressions act =
act_constant | act_var
arguments appearing with their appropriate types). If one or orseq_form =
orseq( {andseq_form |
more Ti s are list types, then the body is a call to the split seqlit}{2,} )
function, with all arguments in normal form. andseq_form = andseq( {orseq_form
| seqlit}{2,} ) .
Split is a family of functions with type signatures
(T1 , listT1 , T2 , listT2 , . . . Tk , listTk → O), Program Transformations
tuplelistT1 ,O , tuplelistT2 ,O , . . . tuplelistTk ,O → O . A program transformation is any type-preserving mapping
from expressions to expressions. Transformations may be
To evaluate split(f, tuple(l1 , o1 ), tuple(l2 , o2 ), . . . guaranteed to preserve semantics. When doing program
tuple(lk , ok )), the list arguments l1 , l2 , . . . lk are examined evolution there is an intermediate category of fitness pre-
sequentially. If some li is found that is empty, then the re- serving transformations that may alter semantics. In general,
sult is the corresponding value oi . If all li are nonempty, the only way that fitness preserving transformations will be
we deconstruct each of them into xi : xsi , where xi is uncovered is by scoring programs that have had their seman-
the first element of the list and xsi is the rest. The result tics potentially transformed to determine their fitness.
is then f (x1 , xs1 , x2 , xs2 , . . . xk , xsk ). The split function
Reductions These are semantics preserving transforma-
thus acts as an implicit case statement to deconstruct lists
tions that do not increase some size measure (typically
only if they are nonempty.
number of symbols), and are idempotent. For example,
Action Result Normal Form An action result type act and(x, x, y) → and(x, y) is a reduction for the Boolean
corresponds to the result of taking an action in some world. type. A set of canonical reductions is defined for every type
Every action result type has a corresponding world type, with a normal form. For the number type, the simplifier in
world. Associated with action results and worlds are two a computer algebra system may be used. The full list of re-
special sorts of functions. ductions is omitted in this paper for brevity. An expression
• Perceptions - functions that take a world as their first is reduced if it maps to itself under all canonical reductions
argument and regular (non-world and non-action-result) for its type, and all of its subexpressions are reduced.
Another important set of reductions are the compressive
types as their remaining arguments, and return regular abstractions, which reduce or keep constant the size of ex-
types. Unlike other function types, the result of evalu- pressions by introducing new functions. Consider
ating a perception call may be different at different times.
list( times( plus( a, p, q ) r ),
• Actions - functions that take a world as their first argu- times( plus( b, p, q ) r ),
ment and regular types as their remaining arguments, and times( plus( c, p, q ) r ) ) ,
return action results (of the type associated with the type which contains 19 symbols. Transforming this to
of their world argument). As with perceptions, the result
f( x ) = times( plus( x, p, q ) r )
of evaluating an action call may be different at different list( f( a ), f( b ), f( c ) )
times. Furthermore, actions may have side-effects in the
associated world that they are called in. Thus, unlike any reduces the total number of symbols to 15. One can general-
other sort of function, actions must be evaluated, even if ize this notion to consider compressive abstractions across
their return values are ignored. a set of programs. Compressive abstractions appear to
be rather expensive to uncover, although perhaps not pro-
Other sorts of functions acting on worlds (e.g. ones that take hibitively so (the computation is easily parallelized).
multiple worlds as arguments) are disallowed.
Note that an action result expression cannot appear nested Neutral Transformations Semantics preserving transfor-
inside an expression of any other type. Consequently, there mations that are not reductions are not useful on their own
is no way to convert e.g. an action result to a Boolean, - they can only have value when followed by transforma-
although conversion in the opposite direction is permitted. tions from some other class. This class of transformations
This is required because mathematical operations in our lan- is thus more speculative than reductions, and more costly to
guage have classical mathematical semantics; x and y must consider - cf. (Ols95).
equal y and x, which will not generally be the case if x or • Abstraction - given an expression E containing non-
y can have side-effects. Instead, there are special sequential overlapping subexpressions E1 , E2 , . . . EN , let E 0 be E
versions of logical functions which may be used instead.
The elementary functions for action result types are 4
A do(arg1 , arg2 , . . . argN ) statement (known as progn in
andseq (sequential and, equivalent to C’s short-circuiting Lisp), which evaluates its arguments sequentially regardless of
&&), orseq (sequential or, equivalent to C’s short-circuiting success or failure, is equivalent to andseq (orseq (arg1 , success),
||), and f ails (negates success to failure and vice versa). orseq (arg2 , success), . . . orseq (argN , success)).
AGI-2009 - Published by Atlantis Press, © the authors
with all Ei replaced by the unbound variables vi . Define be duplicated or halved) in the new expression, or affect
the function f (v1 , v2 , . . . v3 ) = E 0 , and replace E with the nested computation (e.g. change the result of a condi-
f (E1 , E2 , . . . EN ). Abstraction is distinct from compres- tional). Another way to think about this issue is to consider
sive abstraction because only a single call to the new func- the action result type as a lazy domain-specific language em-
tion f is introduced.5 bedded within a pure functional language (where evaluation
• Inverse abstraction - replace a call to a user-defined order is unspecified). Spector has performed an empirical
function with the body of the function, with arguments study of the tradeoffs in lazy vs. eager function abstraction
instantiated (note that this can also be used to partially for program evolution (Spe96).
invert a compressive abstraction). The number of neutral transformation applicable to any
given program grows quickly with program size.7 Further-
• Distribution - let E be a call to some function f , and let more, synthesis of complex programs and abstractions does
E 0 be a subexpression of E’s ith argument that is a call
to some function g, such that f is distributive over g’s ar- not seem to be possible without them. Thus, a key hypoth-
guments, or a subset thereof. We shall refer to the actual esis of any approach to AGI requiring significant program
arguments to g in these positions in E 0 as x1 , x2 , . . . xn . synthesis, without assuming the currently infeasible com-
Now, let D(F ) by the function that is obtained by eval- putational capacities required to brute-force the problem, is
uating E with its ith argument (the one containing E 0 ) that the inductive bias to select promising neutral transfor-
replaced with the expression F . Distribution is replacing mations can be learned and/or programmed. Referring back
E with E 0 , and then replacing each xj (1 ≤ j ≤ n) with to the initial discussion of what constitutes a tractable rep-
D(xj ). For example, consider resentation, we speculate that perhaps, whereas well-chosen
reductions are valuable for generically increasing program
plus( x, times( y, ifThenElse( cond,
a, b ) ) ) . representation tractability, well-chosen neutral transforma-
tions will be valuable for increasing program representation
Since both plus and times are distributive over the result tractability relative to distributions P to which the transfor-
branches of if T henElse, there are two possible distribu- mations have some (possibly subtle) relationship.
tion transformations, giving the expressions
Non-Neutral Transformations Non-neutral transforma-
ifThenElse( cond,
plus( x, times( y, a ) ),
tions may encompass the general class defined by removal,
plus( x, times( y, b ) ) ), replacement, and insertion of subexpressions, acting on ex-
plus( x ( ifThenElse( cond, pressions in normal form, and preserving the normal form
times( y, a ), property. Clearly these transformations are sufficient to con-
times( y, b ) ) ) ) . vert any normal form expression into any other. What is
desired is a subset of these transformations that is combi-
• Inverse distribution - the opposite of distribution. This natorially complete, where each individual transformation is
is nearly a reduction; the exceptions are expressions such nonetheless a semantically small step.
as f (g(x)), where f and g are mutually distributive. The full set of transformations for Boolean expressions
• Arity broadening - given a function f , modify it to take is given in (Loo06). For numerical expressions, the tran-
an additional argument of some type. All calls to f must scendental functions sin, log, and ex are used to construct
be correspondingly broadened to pass it an additional ar- transformations. These obviate the need for division (a/b =
gument of the appropriate type. elog(a)−log(b) ), and subtraction (a − b = a + −1 ∗ b). For
• List broadening6 - given a function f with some ith ar- lists, transformations are based on insertion of new leaves
gument x of type T , modify f to instead take an argument (e.g. to append function calls), and “deepening” of the nor-
y of type listT , which gets split into x : xs. All calls to f mal form by insertion of subclauses; see (Loo06) for de-
with ith argument x0 must be replaced by corresponding tails. For tuples, we take the union of the transformations of
calls with ith argument list(x0 ). all the subtypes. For other mixed-type expressions the union
of the non-neutral transformations for all types must be con-
• Conditional insertion - an expression x is replaced by sidered as well. For enum types the only transformation is
ifThenElse(true, x, y), where y is some expression of the replacing one symbol with another. For function types, the
same type of x. transformations are based on function composition. For ac-
As a technical note, action result expressions (which tion result types, actions are inserted/removed/altered, akin
may cause side-effects) complicate neutral transformations. to the treatment of Boolean literals for the Boolean type.
Specifically, abstractions and compressive abstractions must We propose an additional set of non-neutral transforma-
take their arguments lazily (i.e. not evaluate them before tions based on the marvelous fold function:
the function call itself is evaluated), in order to be neutral.
Furthermore, distribution and inverse distribution may only fold(f, v, l) =
be applied when f has no side-effects that will vary (e.g. if T henElse(empty(l), v,
5 f (first(l), fold(f, v, rest(l)))) .
In compressive abstraction there must be at least two calls in
order to avoid increasing the number of symbols. With fold we can express a wide variety of iterative con-
Analogous tuple-broadening transformations may be defined
as well, but are omitted for brevity. Exact calculations are given by Olsson (Ols95).
AGI-2009 - Published by Atlantis Press, © the authors
structs, with guaranteed termination and a bias towards low environments and task spaces are imposed. Finally, we in-
computational complexity. In fact, fold allows us to repre- tend to incorporate these normal forms and transformations
sent exactly the primitive recursive functions (Hut99). into a program evolution system, such as meta-optimizing
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transformations, in many cases there are still too many pos- constraints on probabilistic inference on programs.
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