EH - StudentJournal - PeterNelsonSubrata - 2502023562
EH - StudentJournal - PeterNelsonSubrata - 2502023562
EH - StudentJournal - PeterNelsonSubrata - 2502023562
<<Peter Nelson Subrata>> 2502023562
Entrepreneurship Hatchery
Week ___1______
Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.
Today was an introduction to the class and we mostly were given the task of forming a group and thinking of an idea that
should become the main idea for our group’s product.
Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
I felt excited to start a new project with a new set of faces in the class.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Today we learned about generating a good idea and how to monetize it in the future.
Provide action plan for your next meeting
Next week we are expected to have a base prototype of our product and in our case we had to make the prototype for an
application software that is to be presented next week.
Week ___2______
Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.
We were asked to make a user journey map by sir hari after he had taught us about it during today’s lesson.
Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
It was really interesting having to put myself in the customer’s point of view for a minute. I could understand the emotions
that would be felt when using our app and the feeling I would have if I didn’t have the app. This really helped me in
figuring out what details I can put into my user journey map.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Today I felt very accomplished as me and my team were able to completely figure out our user and pinpoint what exactly
would our user want from using our app. Provide action plan for your next meeting provide finishing touches to user
journey map and prepare for presentation.
Week _____3____
Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.
The task we were given in this week was a self learning subject on a business model canvas. We were asked to make a
BMC for our own product.
Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
Since it was forum week I had the pleasure of doing all the work from home and all the materials had to be found by
myself. I felt very adventurous in my learning and I scoured the internet to learn more about the BMC and I prepared to
implement it for our product.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today the learning journey today was good as it was at my own pace
and I didnt feel constrained at all in what I can look for.