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Small Scale Bakery Units



- Introduction to Food Safety
- Factors Affecting Food Safety
- Food Spoilage
- Food Poisoning


- Location & Surroundings
- Layout & Design
- Equipments
- Facilities


- Procurement of Raw Material
- Storage
- Food Processing & Control

PART - 4 : PERSONAL HYGIENE …………………….. 43

- Health status
- Behavioural & personal cleanliness
- Visitors

PART - 5 : SUPPORT SERVICES …………………….. 53

- Management & Supervision
- Food testing facilities
- Pest control
- Cleaning & maintenance
- Waste handling
- Training
- Record keeping
- Consumer awareness

Introduction to Food Safety
Factors Affecting Food Safety
Food Spoilage
Food Poisoning

*Food Safety can be defined as the assurance that food will not cause harm to the
consumer when it is prepared or eaten according to its intended use.

*Food Safety Programs are procedural measures that help in ensuring safe food handling

Why Food safety is Important?

 Social and Statutory Responsibility of Food business operator.

 Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
 Loss of Customer & Sale
 Loss of prestige & reputation
 Financial Loss to the Organisation
 Legal Action by Regulatory Authorities

Factors Affecting Food Safety

Food hazards are the factors, which are the biggest threat to food safety. A hazard is
defined as: a biological, chemical, or physical agent in a food, or condition of a food, with
the potential to cause an adverse health effect.

Food adulteration are not only the intentional addition or substitution or abstraction of
substances which adversely affect the nature, substances and quality of foods, but also their
incidental contamination during the period of growth, harvesting, storage, processing,
transport and distribution.

Food contaminant has been defined as any substance not intentionally added to food,
which is present in food as a result of the production, manufacture, processing, preparation,
treatment, packing, transport or storage of such food as a result of environmental




Chemical Biological


1. Physical Contaminants
Any foreign object (inanimate) found in the food or a naturally occurring object (bone in
fillet), that poses a hazard is called a ‘Physical Contamination or Hazard’.

2. Chemical Contaminants
Chemical hazards are in two categories: naturally occurring poisons and chemicals or
deleterious substances. The first group covers natural constituents of foods that are not the
result of environmental, agricultural, industrial or other contamination. Examples are
aflatoxins and shellfish poisons. The second group covers poisonous chemicals or
deleterious substances which are intentionally or unintentionally added to foods at some
point in the food chain. This group of chemicals can include pesticides and fungicides and
well as lubricants and cleaners.

3. Biological Contaminants
Biological contaminants are the living organisms, or substances produced by organisms, that
pose a threat to human health. They are a major concern in food processing because they
cause most food borne illness outbreaks.

Contaminants associated with Food

Biological Chemical Physical

 Macro biological  Veterinary residues,  Glass , Hair

Pest, Birds antibiotics  Metal
 Microbiological  Non permitted Food  Stones
 Pathogenic Bacteria Additives such as Food  Wood Plastic
(e.g.) Colors, Flavours, etc.  Parts of pests
Salmonella spp  Plasticisers and packaging  Insulation
Bacillus cereus migration material
Staphlococcus aureus  Chemical residues,  Bone
pesticides, cleaning fluids  Fruit pits
 Parasites and protozoa  Toxic metals; Lead and
 Viruses cadmium
 Mycotoxins  Food chemicals;
preservatives, processing
aids, polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), printing
inks, Prohibited substances

(Informative purpose)

An allergen is normally, any harmless substance that causes an immediate allergic reaction
in a susceptible person. Food allergens are almost always proteins although other food
constituents, such as certain additives, are known to have allergenic (allergy-causing)

Food allergy is a potentially serious immune response to eating or otherwise coming into
contact with certain foods or food additives.

A food allergy occurs when the immune system:

- Identifies a particular food protein as dangerous and creates antibodies against it
- The next time the individual eats that food, immune system tries to protect the body
against the danger by releasing massive amount of chemicals including Histamine
- Histamine is a powerful chemical that can cause a reaction in the respiratory system,
gastrointestinal tract, skin or cardiovascular system.

- In the most extreme cases, food allergies can be fatal. Although any food can
provoke an immune response in allergic individuals, a few foods are responsible for
the majority of food allergies.

The following foods and ingredients are known to cause hypersensitivity and shall always
be declared:
1. Cereals containing gluten; i.e., wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt or their hybridized
strains and products of these;
2. Crustacean and products of these;
3. Eggs and egg products;
4. Fish and fish products;
5. Peanuts, soybeans and products of these;
6. Milk and milk products (lactose included);
7. Tree nuts and nut products; and
8. Sulphite in concentrations of 10 mg/kg or more.”

While the Codex list contains the major allergens on a world-wide basis, the foods, which
are common causes of allergic reactions, differ between geographical areas, as a result of
dietary preferences, for instance. Some countries have chosen to include additional foods
on their national list of foods and ingredients that must be declared on food labels

Handling Allergens
1. Raw Material –
a. Review the labels of incoming raw materials for the appropriate allergen information
or any changes.
b. Tag each case/pallet/bag, etc. as appropriate of raw materials to ensure the allergen
is clearly called out as the materials are stored and used in your facility.
c. Handle appropriately any damaged containers of allergens to minimize cross-
contamination at receipt.

2. Store –
a. Store allergenic ingredients or products separately to prevent minimize cross-
b. Using clean and closed containers.
c. Designating separate storage areas for allergenic and non-allergenic ingredients
and/or products. When segregated storage is not possible, use other methods such
as not storing allergens over non-allergens, storing like allergens (milk and whey)
together, etc.
d. Using and documenting clean up procedures for spills or damaged containers of
e. Using dedicated pallets and bins.

3. During Production –
a. Ensure the traffic patterns of raw materials, packaging supplies, and employees are
limited during the production of allergen containing products and do not lead to
b. If possible, have dedicated processing equipment and containers to prevent allergen
c. Minimize the reuse of processing and/or cooking media such as water or oil.
d. Declare allergens when serving or on labels.

 Sanitation –
a. Have standardized procedures for sanitation operations (SSOP's) and ensure they are
b. Use appropriate cleaning methods (wipe/scrape, vacuum, soap and water wash,
proper chemicals).
c. Ensure adequate lighting in the proper locations (including flashlights to check inside
Specify employee practices - hand washing at appropriate times (for example after
handling a product that contains allergen)

Food Spoilage means that the original nutritional value, texture, flavour of the food are
damaged, the food becomes harmful to people and unsuitable to eat.

Signs of Food Spoilage

• Off odours
• Discoloration
• Slime / Stickiness
• Mould and Bacterial growth
• Changes in texture –e.g. dry or spongy
• Unusual taste
• Staling

Major reasons for food spoilage are -

1. Foreign matter: Human hair, stapler pins, metal particles, fabric, plastic, alkali etc. are
big threats to food safety and can cause food spoilage. Anything that is not considered
as food or food substance is considered as foreign matter.
2. Lack of proper drainage: A drain in a food processing area must be flowing with no back
flow and should be highly cleanable preventing re-entry of pest from a common drain.
3. Non- food grade equipment: There are many equipment that are used in modern
bakery practices, but very few materials like ceramic or high quality Stainless Steel etc
are allowed as food contact materials. So food grade equipment is essential for
ensuring shelf life for product, reducing metal contamination and ensuring food safety.
4. Improper handling: With unclean hands and wrong selection of equipment and packing
it in unsuitable material will result in food safety issues.
5. Improper processing: Wrong process method can lead to major changes in end
product. Right temperature, right time, proper additives and understanding process
steps is essential to ensure food safety.
6. Residues of chemicals: Chemicals come into contact in food as crop contaminants then
later in the process of sanitizing voluntarily by our process. The next involuntary entry
of chemicals into food can be through residues of equipment or utensil sanitation
operations. It is important to ensure thorough washing is done before equipment is
taken into production.
7. Non-standard sanitation: Sanitation must be based on strict guidelines of either
historical data or validation. If chemicals are used in less or more quantity or in an
unverified process or method, sanitation will fail to achieve proper results giving way
for food to become unsafe.
8. Poor raw materials: Raw material selection must be based on strict scientific reference
and frequent sampling.
9. Additive: Additives of any nature like essence, flavors etc can spoil food if not used in
the right quantity. Unauthorized additive also must not be used.
10. Non potable water: Water is involved in food process in various stages from washing to
soaking then involved in either directly food production as an ingredient or in some in
direct manner to mix or bake or steam. It is also important for washing and sanitation
operations. Water in food industry must conform to IS 3025 and IS 10500 standards.
11. Improper storage: Storage must not only be done by FIFO method but also properly
segregated and with required ventilation. Right combination of duration, temperature
ventilation and segregation defines a good storage. Any deviation in one of these will
result in food becoming unsafe.
12. Not following FIFO: FIFO is first in first out; sometime FEFO is followed which is first
expiry first out. But FIFO is the most adopted method because in food industry, expiry
date is not waited for. Process should begin much before, the best before date or use
by date to give the guest safe food.

13. Illness/Injury to staff: Food safety is much dependent on the food handler’s personal
behavior and health status. A person with cough, cold, open wound, itching and any
illness which is of an irritable nature tends to make him handle things without washing
his hands after touching the body. The most common danger to food safety is from
cough and cold and open wounds for food handlers.
14. Improper segregation: Improper segregation of materials and utensils can cause cross
15. Humidity: Humidity is a major cause for enabling micro organism multiplication. Food
zones must have lesser than 65 % humidity to ensure food safety.
16. Temperature: Temperature of holding, proofing, baking, storing, Serving, transporting,
each one of this is an important factor in food being safe.
17. Time: Display time, holding time and discard time for already stored items is crucial for
food safety.
18. Non-food grade packing: Food has to be packed only in acceptable packing material to
ensure food safety.
19. Pest: Food invites pests and the movement of pest towards food is natural. Enough care
must be taken to plan pest control devices and other forms of controls to ensure that
they are highly restricted from either getting into food or contaminating food resulting
in food safety issues.
20. Body fluids of rodents/pests: Many invisible things in food chain happen due to the
contamination caused by rodents, reptiles, pests, nocturnal animals and birds present in
the storage yard, marketing yard, transportation etc. If attention is not given it can also
happen inside the store . The body fluids like urine, fecal matter etc., get into the food
process and make the food very unsafe for consumption.
21. Improper waste disposal: Waste is an outcome of process but often present very close
to the process region. If it is not disposed in a scientific manner it can breed pest and
micro organisms which are a threat to food safety.

Cross contamination is one of the most common causes of food poisoning. It happens when
harmful germs are spread onto food from other food, surfaces, hands or equipment.

Cross contamination may occur from –

1. Food to food –
Food can become contaminated by bacteria from other foods. This type of cross-
contamination is especially dangerous if raw foods come into contact with cooked foods.
Here are some examples of food-to-food cross-contamination:

I. In a refrigerator, meat drippings from raw meat stored on a top shelf might
drip onto baked products placed on lower shelf.

2. Hand to food –
People can also be a source of cross-contamination to foods. Some examples are:

I. Handling foods after using the toilet without first properly washing hands.

II. Touching egg and then preparing eggless products without washing hands
between tasks.

III. Using an apron to wipe hands between handling different foods, or wiping a
counter with a towel and then using it to dry hands.

3. Equipment to food
Contamination can also be passed from kitchen equipment and utensils to food. This type of
contamination occurs because the equipment or utensils were not properly cleaned and
sanitized between each use. Some examples are:

I. Using unclean equipment, such as slicers, can openers, and utensils, to

prepare food.

II. Using a cutting board and the same knife when cutting different types of
foods, such as breads, vegetables, cakes etc.

Following should be done to avoid cross – contamination -

- Raw materials and ready-to-eat foods should be kept separate at all times.

- Hands should be thoroughly washed before switching from preparing non vegetarian
products to any other activity.

- Work surfaces, chopping boards and equipment should be thoroughly cleaned

(intend clean and sanitize) before the preparing of food starts and after it has been

- Staff should be made aware how to avoid cross-contamination.

Stop Cross Contamination

Food poisoning is an acute illness, which usually occurs within 1 to 36 hours of eating
contaminated or poisonous food.

Symptoms normally last from 1 to 7 days and include one or more of the following :
 Abdominal pain
 Diarrhea
 Vomiting
 Fever
 Nausea

PART - 2
Location & Surroundings
Layout & Design


 Location of Bakery Establishment shall be located away from environmentally

polluted areas and industrial activities which produce disagreeable or obnoxious
odour, fumes, excessive soot, dust, smoke, chemical or biological emissions and
pollutants, and which pose a serious threat of contaminating food; areas subject to
flooding; areas prone to infestations by pests; and areas where wastes, either solid
or liquid, cannot be removed effectively.


 Building and surrounding area shall be designed, constructed and maintained in a
manner to prevent conditions which may result in contamination of food. The
material movement should be done in one direction only (no backward flow), to
prevent cross contamination.

 The floor of food processing / food service area shall be made of impervious, non-
absorbent, washable and non-toxic materials. Floor surfaces should remain dry and
shall be maintained in a sound condition. The wall-floor juncture should be rounded
or coved to facilitate easy cleaning.

 The drainage system shall be properly maintained to avoid any stagnation of water
and therefore do not provide any chance for pest harbourage. Floors shall be sloped
appropriately to facilitate adequate drainage. The drainage shall flow in a direction
opposite to the direction of food preparation / manufacturing process flow. The

openings of the drains shall be thoroughly covered with wire mesh to prevent insects
and rodents from entering the processing area.

 The walls shall be made of impervious, non-absorbent, washable and non-toxic

materials and require a smooth surface easy to clean up to a height appropriate for
the operations and wherever necessary, disinfect.

 Ceilings and overhead fixtures shall be designed, constructed, finished and

maintained so as to minimize the accumulation of dirt, condensation and growth of
moulds and shedding of paint or plaster particles. Sufficient number of windows and
exhaust openings shall be provided to minimize accumulation of dirt.

 Windows, roof vents, doors & all other openings to outside environment shall be
well screened with wire-mesh or insect-proof screen as applicable to protect the
premise from fly and other insects / pests / animals & the doors be fitted with
automatic closing springs. The mesh or the screen should be of a type which can be
easily removed for cleaning.

 Doors shall be made of smooth and non-absorbent surfaces so that they are easy to
clean and wherever necessary, disinfect. Regular maintenance of door shall be
conducted to prevent any mould growth or termites with ageing.

 The exhaust fans shall be provided with flaps on outer side and the other openings
shall be adequately covered with screens to avoid entry of birds and pests and the
same shall be maintained.
 Light fittings, just above the process area, shall have shatter-proof protective covers
to avoid the glass, dust or insects from contaminating the food.

 The equipments shall be such located, designed and fabricated so that they permits
necessary maintenance and cleaning functions as per its intended use and facilitates
good hygiene practices inside the premise including monitoring and audit.
 Equipment and containers that come in contact with food and used for food
handling, storage, preparation, processing, packaging and serving shall be made of
corrosion free materials, which do not impart any toxicity to the food material.
 Equipment and utensils used in the preparation of food shall be appropriately
labelled, kept at all times in good order and repair and in a clean and sanitary
condition, and shall not be used for any other purpose.
 Proper Procedures should be available for handling each equipment like Ovens,
Mixers, Proofers etc.
 Equipment shall be such located, designed and fabricated so that it permits
necessary maintenance and cleaning functions as per its intended use and facilitates
good hygiene practices inside the premise including monitoring and audit.
 Appropriate facilities for the cleaning and disinfecting of equipments and
instruments especially cleaning in place (CIP) system to be adopted.
 Food Safety equipments in bakery industry are required for keeping food products
safe from foreign particles and ensuring hygienic environment all around production
area. Main equipments for food safety are :

 Metal Detectors: These are installed to detect metal contamination. Metal

particles as small as 0.75 mm can be detected.

 Sieves: They are required to sift foreign matters in flour, sugar and other

 Magnets: They are installed in various places to ensure that raw material are
free from metallic properties.

 Filters: Filters for liquid ingredients as well as water are installed in various
places. They prevent liquid ingredients from being contaminated.

 Ozoniser: Keep the environment free from microbes and other germs.

 Air curtains: Provides barrier to insects and dust.

 Other instruments like thermometer, Pressure guage, Hygrometer are
required to monitor product and raw material quality.

Keep Bakery Equipment Clean

Equipments should be properly arranged and well labelled

 Water Supply - Only potable water in processing and cooking, food handling,
washing shall be used and it shall be tested according to IS:10500 requirements. The
storage tanks shall be cleaned periodically & records shall be maintained. The non
potable water can be used for cleaning of equipment not coming in contact with
food, food steam production, fire fighting & refrigeration equipment. The non
potable water pipes shall prevent the use of this water for contamination of food
material and shall be clearly distinguished from those in use for potable water by
using color coding systems.

 For Cleaning Utensils / Equipment adequate facilities for cleaning, disinfecting shall
be provided with hot and cold water facility, if required. As a good industry practice,
there shall be three compartment sink for wash, rinse and sanitize the equipment &
containers. The equipment & containers after sanitizing shall be allowed to air dry
for effective drying. The procedure for cleaning has been shown in poster below –

 For washing of raw materials, sinks with a draining board, detergent and hot water shall
be provided and these facilities must be kept clean and, where necessary, disinfected.

Also ensure that separate sinks shall be used for washing raw foods & washing utensils
or for any other purposes.

 Ice and Steam for use in production of food shall be made of potable water. They should
be handled hygienically to avoid cross contamination. The ice shall be handled using
food grade plastic scoop and the ice machine shall be kept clean at all times.

 Personnel facilities and toilets are of major importance as the personnels are
constantly in touch with the food. Proper hand washing facilities shall be provided. The
requirements of a Hand washing and drying system include –
 Porcelain/Stainless Steel Wash-hand basins, preferably knee operated
 Germicidal liquid Soap
 Sanitizer
 Supply of hot and /or cold water
 Wet hands drying system
 Clean and dry towels, preferably paper towel/rolls
 Covered Trash Bin, preferably pedal operated with plastic lining

Also, separate adequate number of hygienic lavatories and changing facilities shall be
provided for the personnel. The restroom and refreshments rooms shall be separate
from food process and service areas to avoid personnel from having their food in
restroom. The bakery establishmnent shall display hygiene requirements for the
workers at a prominent place in English or in local language to help them in
understanding and implementing personal hygiene.

 Air quality and ventilation system shall be designed and constructed so that air does
not flow from contaminated areas to clean areas. The suggested air changes/hour in
seprate section of the bakery establishment are as follows -

S. No. Types of premises/work room Air changes/hour

1 Bar, public room, cafe 8-10
2 Cellars 3-5
3 Kitchen 20
4 Toilet 6-10
5 Store room 3-6
6 Office 6-10
7 Bake houses 20-30

 Lighting Adequate natural or artificial lighting should be provided to carry out operations in
a hygienic manner. Lighting fixtures should be covered to prevent breakages of electrical
fittings to contaminate food.

 Safety lighting is required for the bakery and the escape routes. Storage areas and social
areas should be equipped with escape route orientation lighting.

The suggested level of luminance in seprate section of the bakery establishment are as
follows -

S. No. Area Level of luminance (lux)

1 Food storage area 220 approx
2 Inspection area 540 approx
3 General Area 220 approx
4 At food preparation surface 500 approx
5 Retail, dishwashing, hand washing, toilet 300 approx

6 For reading, inspection, and monitoring 600- 1200 approx
7 If the mixing space, baking room and Mixing space: at least 300
the workplace for decorating baked Lux
goods are separate Baking room: at least 200
Work area for decoration:
at least 500 Lux.

 Electrical Panel
 In new plants, all socket circuits for hand-held machines must be equipped with
additional protection in the form of an FI safety switch with a tripping current of 30
 The electrical panels should have rubber mats/shockproof paint flooring below to
prevent from any electric shock to any employee working at the station.

Electric panel and board should be covered

PART - 3
Food Operation and Controls
Procurement of Raw Material
Food Processing & Control

FOOD OPERATIONS AND CONTROLS: Procurement of Raw Materials, Precautions on
Food Ingredients, Storage of Raw Materials and Food, Food Processing (Time and Temp
Control, Preparation), Food Packaging, Food Distribution/ Service


While procuring and receiving the raw material, the food handler shall ensure that -

1. All raw materials and food ingredients should be procured from approved suppliers
and must conform to FSSA Regulations. As per Condition of license, Every
manufacturer, distributor or dealer selling an article of food to a vendor shall give
either separately or in the bill, cash memo or label a warranty in Form E i.e. Form of
Guarantee and COA/COC should accompany each received consignment.
2. All raw materials, food additives and ingredients, wherever applicable, shall conform
to the Regulations and regulations laid down under the Act.
3. Records of raw materials & source of procurement shall be maintained in a register
for inspection.
4. All raw materials should be checked for visible deterioration & off- odour and
cleaned physically thoroughly.
5. No raw material or ingredient thereof shall be accepted if it is known to contain
parasites, undesirable micro-organisms, pesticides, veterinary drugs or toxic items or
decomposed or extraneous substances, which would not be reduced to an
acceptable level by normal sorting and/or processing.
6. Raw materials should be purchased in quantities that correspond to
storage/preservation capacity of the bakery establishment.
7. Packaged raw material must be checked for 'expiry date'/ 'best before'/ 'use by‘
date, packaging integrity and storage conditions.
8. Receiving temperature of potentially high risk food should be at or below 5⁰ C.
9. Receiving temperature of frozen food should be -18⁰ C or below.
10. All material should be examined at point of receiving for Labeling, giving Product
name, Manufacturers name and address, date of manufacturing and expiry and
code, and all information required by packaging Rules. Material should be easily
traceable to its source.


 After receiving and accepting the raw material, there comes the need of storage. The
storage facilities shall be designed and constructed to avoid cross - contamination
during storage, permit adequate maintenance and cleaning and shall avoid pest
access and accumulation. Cold Storage facility shall be provided for food that
requires being stored below 5°C.
 While designing the storage room, segregation shall be there for raw, processed,
packaging, rejected, returned or recalled food items, allergen material &
distinguishably marked and secured products (hardware & cleaning chemicals). The
storage area for raw food shall be separate from the area of work-in-progress,
processed, baked and packaged products. Also, the containers made of non-toxic
materials shall be provided for storage of raw materials, work-in-progress and
finished / ready to serve products.
 All raw materials, food ingredients, food additives and packaging materials to be
kept 6” off the floor and 18”off the wall; to enhance easy and adequate maintenance
and cleaning and also to avoid any pest harbourage.

Raw materials should be properly

stored with appropriate labelling

 Pallets to be cleaned at regular intervals to keep them free of cobweb, dust, dirt etc.
and also to be inspected regular any repair/ replacement, if required.
 Best Practice is to avoid wooden pallets and to use plastic pallets. In case wooden
Pallets are used, care should be taken to a) Carry fumigation every 6 months; b)
Periodic cleaning, inspection and maintenance c) Record keeping
 Wrappers & Trays, before going to Production, are to be kept under fumigation and
 All wrapper rolls to be shrink-wrapped.
 Proper segregation shall be provided for storage of non-food chemicals, raw,
processed, rejected, recalled, returned and re-cycled materials in a separate
designated area to avoid any possibility of cross contamination.
 All materials to be appropriately labeled for proper identification.
 Adopt a First-Expired First-Out (FEFO)/ First - In First-Out (FIFO) approach for all raw
materials, ingredients, work-in—progress, processed/ cooked and packaged food
 Do not use materials beyond their expiry date.
 Store materials at appropriate temperatures. Monitor and record temperatures of
the chiller and freezer daily.
 As far as possible, store raw materials away from ready-to eat ingredients; in a
separate chiller.
 Always store ready-to-eat materials/ ingredients in covered containers above raw
materials/ ingredients.
 All raw materials, food additives and ingredients shall be stored in separate areas
from printed packaging materials, stationary, hardware and cleaning materials/

Food Processing and Preparation

 Temperature control: All microorganisms have a defined temperature range in

which they grow, with a minimum, maximum, and optimum. An understanding of
the interplay between time, temperature, and other intrinsic and extrinsic factors is
crucial to selecting the proper storage conditions for a food product.

 Time control: When considering growth rates of microbial pathogens, in addition to
temperature, time is a critical consideration. Food producers or manufacturers
address the concept of time as it relates to microbial growth when a product's shelf
life is determined.
 The Food Business shall develop and maintain the systems to ensure that time and
temperature is controlled effectively where it is critical to the safety and suitability
of food. Such control shall include time and temperature of receiving, processing,
cooking, cooling, storage, packaging, distribution and food service up to the
consumer, as applicable.
 Whenever frozen food / raw materials are being used / handled / transported,
proper care should be taken so that defrosted / thawed material shall not be stored
back and after opening for future use.
 Such systems shall also specify tolerance limits for time and temperature variations
and the records thereof shall be maintained in a register for inspection.
 Wherever cooking is done on open fire, proper outlets for smoke/steam etc. like
chimney, exhaust fan etc. shall be provided.
 Steam should be clean, dry and free from boiler carryover; which depends on boiler
operations pressure and loading, water treatment management and efficient
distribution; which influence the quality of steam.

Manufacturing Process and Controls in Bakery

Bakery businesses are food processors of largely wheat based products cooked in insulated
heated space, the bakery ovens. These can be of vastly different sizes, and be suitable for
baking a variety of products. Bread, Cakes, Biscuits follow different processes. Artisan and
craft bakeries make a variety of hand crafted delicacies.

Broadly, all units will follow similar system flow of material through processing,
and control points for food safety is equally important for all units.


i) Flour should be sieved through minimum 32u mesh
and the sieve should be cleaned regularly
ii) If weevils are found, such consignments should be
iii) There should be a periodic cleaning mechanism to
prevent cross-contamination and dust generation and
to ensure safe collection of unwanted materials like
dust, dirt, foreign objects if any.
iv) Good Practices; such as vacuum cleaning, collection of
debris through hypochlorite can be used)
v) Sugar to be passed through magnetic grill before use
and periodic cleaning of magnetic grill to be ensured.
vi) Sugar bags to be free from any external contamination
like dust, dirt, rice bran, etc.
vii) Egg trays to should be free from dirt or pests
viii) Broken egg- shells to be stored in plastic bags and
disposed off at regular intervals.
ix) Fruit cuts to be washed with ozonized water before
x) Potassium sorbate to be dissolved thoroughly in water
before use. Only freshly prepared sorbate solution to
be used.

i) Mixing room should be clean & dry without any spillage
ii) All mixing utensils should be free from grease and old batter. This is ensured by using
washing before use.
iii) Mixing bowls, beaters and scrappers to be washed with hot water at least once in 24
iv) Egg whisk to be added in mixing through strainer only. The strainer to be cleaned with
hot water at least once in each shift followed by swabbing with hypochlorite solution.
The strainer is to be dipped in 500ppm Sodium Hypochlorite solution, when not in use.
v) Mixing room floor to be cleaned with hot water followed by mopping with hypochlorite


 From bulk dough, unit dough piece or batter is separated for processing before
 High speed machines, Semi-automatic equipment, and hand work are required.
 Food should be prepared at steady pace and not allowed to stand more than
necessary for process.
 Temperature control should be maintained as needed by process.

 Dough bits, dusting flour, and oil if left on worktable for long, will go rancid and
will allow bacterial and fungal growth.

Work table should not be left dirty Work table should be immediately clean


 Oven area should be segregated, to avoid cross contamination with fumes

and smoke.
 Baking room should be clean & dry. This room is to be mopped with 500ppm
Sodium Hypochlorite solution, at least once in each shift
 Controls should be maintained on temperatures, humidity, and timing of

 Baked goods are free from micro organisms, but as they cool, they provide
excellent medium for mold growth. Cooling should be done in as clean an
environment as possible.
 Finishing, cutting, and decorating should be done with all precautions of
Good Manufacturing Practices, and Personal hygiene.


 Only food grade packaging material (printed/unprinted) should be used for
wrapping and packaging of food items. The food grade certificate/ declaration
should be checked in the COA during receiving of the materials.
 Packaging material should also be kept and stored under hygienic conditions in
a room intended for the purpose.
 All the products should be labeled according to the Food Labeling Act.
 Immediately after packaging and proper labeling, the products should be placed
in the rooms provided for storage under required temperature and humidity
 Temperature and relative humidity of the storage area should be maintained to
optimum required level.
 FIFO system should be applied for dispatch of all products.
 Temperature of cake slabs at the time of packing out from the Slab cooling room
should be within the range of 14 – 190C
 Packing room temperature is to be maintained at 22-24 deg Centigrade
 Packers handling naked cakes to use sterilized gloves. Disinfectant solutions to
be used by all packers as and when required
 Slicer blades & conveyor belts to be sterilized with isopropyl alcohol at least 3
times in each shift or as & when required
 Contact parts of packing machines to be cleaned with 500 ppm hypochlorite
 Exposure of UV light on PVC trays, cakes & wrappers to be done during packing
 Metal Detectors to be checked with probes before every start of the packing
 Uniform sorbate spray to be done on the top surface of the naked bar cakes
before packing.
 Air of sorbate spray line is filtered through the Ultra filter unit, which is checked
by the Supplier and changed, if required.


 Cool baked products on clean racks and trays. As far as possible, the baked
products should be covered during cooling.
 Clear crumbles that are left after slicing the products.
 Use clean packaging to pack the products.
 Control samples must be kept in a separate designated place for each batch of
production; required to recheck on the samples during any special situations like
customer complaints.
 Finished products must confirm to FSSAI Regulations.

 Ensure that products are stored in clean display cases which are covered at all
 Ensure products are stored at appropriate temperatures (e.g. cakes with fresh
cream should be stored in chiller display units at 4ºC and below).
 Do not display products with perishable fillings beyond 4 hours at room
temperature. Adopt first in-first-serve approach in the display of products for
 A time stamp is to be used for the products to inform consumers on the
“consume-by” date.


What is the distinction between Packaging and Packing?

Packaging encompasses ‘packing’ and takes and integrated view of the Product
requirement, Production needs, Marketing needs, Distribution Hazards and Customer

Packing simply involves stuffing or filling in the material and is one of the many aspects
of Packaging.

No Packing Packing


What are the functions of packaging????

Protection – Packaging material shall provide adequate protection for all baked products to
prevent contamination and damage.

Preservation – Food products can be stored and prevented from microbial deterioration
with efficient packaging. Packaging also facilitates in shelf life enhancement of food

Presentability - Attractive colors, logos, symbols and proper packaging makes it more
appealing to the customers and can affect customer purchase decision.

Communication - The packaging conveys necessary information to the consumers. It

includes general features of the product, ingredients, net weight of the contents, name and
address of manufactures, maximum retail price.

Convenience: Packed Items can be moved, stored and stacked easily.

The packaging material may be contaminated from physical hazard (such as dirt, hair etc),
chemical hazard (such as process ink, adhesive etc) & biological hazard (such as bacterial or

fungal contamination). The food packaging material shall conform to all the Regulations and
standards laid down under the Food Safety & Standard Act, 2006. For primary packaging,
only Food grade packaging materials are to be used. The packaging materials or gases where
used, shall be non-toxic and it shall not pose a threat to the safety and suitability of food.
The packaging material should be free from contamination from physical, chemical &
biological hazard.

The food contact material includes, all material which directly comes in contact with food
like –
1. Primary Food Packaging Material.
2. Utensils, spoons, scoop etc.
3. Equipments & containers.
4. Chopping boards.
5. Cutting tools
6. Cling films used to cover foods.
7. Conveyor belts, others.

 Processed / packaged and / or ready-to-eat food shall be adequately protected
during transportation and / or service.
 The conveyances and /or containers shall be designed, constructed and
maintained in such that they can effectively maintain the requisite temperature,
humidity, atmosphere and other conditions necessary to protect food.

 Conveyances and / or containers used for transporting / serving foodstuffs shall
be non toxic, kept clean and maintained in good condition in order to protect
foodstuffs from any contamination.
 Receptacles in vehicles and / or containers shall not be used preferably for
transporting anything other than foodstuffs where this may result in
contamination of foodstuffs.

Manufacturing and Processing

Biscuit Manufacturing Process

Procurement and Quality

Inspection of Raw Materials

Storage of Raw Materials

Weighing and Premixing of Raw


Fat, Breakfast Sugar, Eggs, Flour,

Baking Soda, Flavour

Mixing Ingredients as per

Standardised Recipe

Biscuit Piece Formation

Baking & Cooling

Packaging & Labelling

Storage of Finished Products

Bread Manufacturing Process

Procurement and Quality

Inspection of Raw Materials

Storage of Raw Materials

Weighing and Pre-Preparation of Raw

Materials as per Standardised Recipe

(Flour, Sugar, Salt, Yeast, Oil and



Scaling, Dividing and Rounding

Inter proofing


Final Proofing

Baking & Cooling

Slicing and Packaging

Storage of Finished Products

Loading and Dispatch of Finished

products (Bread)

Cake Manufacturing Process

Procurement and Quality

Inspection of Raw Materials

Storage of Raw Materials

Weighing and Pre-Preparation of

Raw Materials as per Standardised
Equal quantity of Fat & Sugar, Eggs,
Flour, Essence, Dry Fruits, etc.

Batter making

Batter Scaling Deposition and

into Moulds


Cool at Ambient Temperature and

Forced Cooling of Cake

Slicing and Packing


Loading and Dispatch of Finished

Products (Cake)

Control Points in Bakery with respect to Food Safety
1. Weighing on ingredients
Lack of use of standard weights and scales causes a lot of problems in bakeries. As
bakeries use a lot of ingredients and additives essential for the process example baking
soda, artificial colour and flavour. Use of ingredients should be within the prescribed
limits of standards set by the FSSAI. If ingredients are not in permissible limits, the
products will be termed as adulterated or misbranded. Formulating standard recipes
and training the staff the importance of correct usage of weights and scales is important.
The ingredients and additives used in the recipes have to be approved by the FSSAI.

2. Mixing
Mixing step where all the ingredients are mixed to form a dough. Often special mixers
like spiral or rotator mixers are used for this purpose. Care should be taken that these
are always maintained in the best of condition. Any loose parts should be repaired
immediately to avoid physical contamination. Blades os stainless steel should be
preferred over plastic ones.
Often this might be semi automated activity, so the personal hygiene of the person
handling the mixing shoule be tended to as contamination can occur at this point.

3. Kneading
Kneading is often a step facilitating better gluten formation resulting in a soft fermented
product. Care of the personal hygiene should be taken if the process is manual and loose
parts or blades should be checked if its an automated process.

4. Fermentation
Fermentation is step followed in a few baked products like bread. It’s typically a
leavening process where in yeast breaks down the carbohydrates and results in
formation of gas and dough rising. The yeast used to leaven the bread should be of good
quality and strains are not contaminated with other microbes causing undesirable
effects in the fermentation process. This process should be the time bound to avoid
excessive fermentation.

5. Panning/ Moulding
This step consists of addition of dough into moulds or pans for further baking step.
These should be preferably made with stainless steel of food grade material and use of
plastic should be avoided.

6. Baking
The time and temperature relationship is very important for the product to bake as well
as eliminate the microbes. This relation needs to be studied carefully. It is a CCP in the

bakery process. Use of temperature display, recording devices are necessary and helpful
for ovens.

Yeast dissipation of the oven is important, insulated in case of wood fired oven or diesel
fired so that smoke can be let out directly and the temperature in the manufacturing
premises does not rise.

7. Cooling
Proper cooling is essential after baking. The product should come to room temperature
naturally before packaging. Improper cooling will lead to condensation in product after
packaging and early spoilage due to microbial growth. Cooling should also be done in
clean and cool air so as to avoid contamination of product.

8. Packaging/ Wrapping
 Packaging is done as a medium to safeguard the food from external spoilage as
well as means to provide product information to the consumer. Most of the
small bakery units refer doing manual packaging rather than installing automated
packaging. Or it is a semi-automated activity example; biscuits are first manually
packed in trays and then sent on conveyors for packaging.
 Use of clean baskets and trays should be done to hold the finished product
before packaging.
 Often a metal detector step should ideally be incorporated during packaging to
rule out possible metal contamination. This metal detection is considered as CCP
so that metal contamination if caused while processing and packaging can be

9. Product Storage
 Product Storage is temperature sensitive , can be classified into:
o Ambient storage for dry products like Khari, toast , bread, biscuit.
o Cold storage- Chocolate and fresh cream cakes, pies, pastries.
 Product storage should be away and separate from Raw material storage to avoid
cross contamination.
 Product should be stored on pallets and away from the wall and not the floor, near
the wall.
 Product stacking should be appropriate so that the lower boxes or wholesale
packages maintain their integrity and do not get crushed under pressure.
 Product storage should be labeled and classified according according to the product
for easy product flow and dispatch.
 Products should bestored facilitating First- Expiring- First- Out (FEFO) to maintain
stock rotation.

 Use of temperature and humidity recording devices are helpful to maintain the
 Product recalled or withdrawn from the market should have segregated storage.

10. Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene is an important and key aspect to bakery in relation to food safety.
Being labour oriented process it is of utmost importance to maintain personal hygiene.
Even a healthy person harbours and is a carrier of host of micro-organisms. To eliminate
and reduce the possibility of contamination the following steps need to be taked:
o Wearing clean clothing or a uniform preferably cotton.
o Hair restrictions like beard net or a hair cap, scarf to restrict contamination due
to hairfall.
o Strategic placing of hand washing stations and foot dips to reduce microbial load.
o Restriction on use of rings, bracelets and necklaces to avoid contamination.
Implementation of jewellery policy will help.
o Food handlers suffering from infectious diseases discouraged in production
o Visitors should be discouraged in production area.
o Personal habits like chewing or eating food in production, scratching nose, hair
should be avoided.

In general the bakery units tend to hot leading to a lot of sweating and microbial growth ,
FBO should take care to provide enough ventilation for the same.

11. Cleaning and Sanitation

 Use of cleaning and sanitation program will be helpful to maintain the cleanliness
and hygiene in the bakery. This program can indicate the areas, and equipment to be
cleaned at set frequencies and the method of cleaning and sanitizing. This is helpful
from the point of Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP). Formulation of Standard
Sanitary Operating Procedures(SSOP) for the areas and equipment will provide
standardisation to the bakery unit.
 Dusting and mixing operations in a bakery tend to create a thin mist or dust of flour
all over the manufacturing premises, this leads to build up and microbial
 Also proper sanitation of fermentation chamber or premise will help to eliminate
bad microbes and undesirable growth in the product.
 Cleaning of burnt product, soot from the oven is equally important to prevent
contamination in the product.
 Blow drying to remove crumbs and burnt product is a suitable process.

12. Waste disposal
 The main waste in the bakery unit is of unused dough, fondant, burnt product.
These need to be removed in a timely manner. Dough and fondant may may lead
to fungal growth in the manufacturing premises, whereas burnt product will
contaminate the finished product.

 Waste should be disposed immediately in covered bins to avoid contamination.

13. Pest control

 Bakery ingredients like flour and sugar are prone to rodent attacks. The entry for
these should be avoided in a bakery by sealing or fitting wire meshes to points where
access can be gained. The most prevalent pest in a bakery rodents, cockroaches and
flies. Use of trap, insecticutors, air curtains and PVC curtains can help to avoid entry
and elimination.
 Potential breeding sites should be identified example; near mixers where there is left
over dough.
 Food or product shall be contained in pest proof containers example; display
counters in cake shop. Bulk packages of wholesale shall be stacked on pallets away
from the floor and roof.
 Pest infestations should be dealt with immediately without affecting the product and
chemical if used should be food grade with Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
 Record maintenance of pest control activities and pest activity if any needs to be
done FSMS.

14. Water
Whenever water is used as a raw material, potable water only should be used of
standards as laid down by the FSSAI and other international standards. Water pipelines
of potable water and sewage should be separate and maintained for leakages to avoid

Food intolerance is a negative reaction often delayed to a food, beverage, food additive
or compound found in foods that produce symptoms in one more body organs or
systems. The main food intolerance that affect the bakery industry are intolerances to
gluten or an allergy to milk/eggs.

1. Gluten intolerance or celiac disease is a lifelong illness that is caused by sensitivity to

gluten. Millions of people who cannot properly digest gluten must choose alternative
grains for bakery products. Gluten free baking is presented with the challenge of
replicating the functionality of gluten in the absence of wheat flour. Gluten free
breadscan is produced by replacing wheat flour with a mixture of fine rice flour,
potato starch and tapioca fiber. Xantham gum is added to provide the structure and
prevent crumbiness of the product.

2. Lactose intolerance is the inability of adults and children to disgest lactose found in
milk and to a lesser extent dairy products, causing side effects. Lactose found in milk
can be replaced by using soy milk. Whipped dairy products can be replaced by
vegetable based ‘cream filling’. Soft or silken soybean curd can be successfully used
to replace cream in cheese cake.

3. Egg allergy is a hypersensitivity to dietary substance from the yolk or whites of eggs,
causing an overreaction of the immune system which may lead to physical
symptoms. Most breads, pastries and biscuits or cookies can be made egg free by
replacing the moisture content that is contributed by eggs with milk or other liquids.
Cakes and sponge making is heavily reliant on the functional characterstics of eggs as
an aerating medium. Commercial egg replacers are made up of potato starch,
tapioca fiber, chemical leavener and carbohydrate gum. Addition of lecithine into the
products improves overall volume, texture and eating quality.

PART – 4
Health Status
Behavioural & Personal Cleanliness

No personnel suffering from a disease shall be allowed to enter into any food handling area.
Any person suffering from a disease shall immediately report illness or to the management
and medical examination of a food handler shall be carried out immediately.

All personnel shall be made medically examined once in a year and a record signed by a
registered medical practitioner shall be maintained. All the personnel shall be compulsorily
inoculated against the enteric group of diseases and a record shall be maintained. In case of
an epidemic, all workers are to be vaccinated irrespective of the scheduled vaccination.
Medical examination to be concluded –

1. Physical examination

2. Eye Test

3. Skin examination

4. *Compliance with schedule of vaccine to be inoculated against enteric group of


5. Any test required to confirm any communicable or infectious disease which the
person suspected to be suffering from on clinical examination

Note - * Vaccine to be inoculated against enteric group of diseases, shall be decided by the
medical practitioners according to the list as declared by the municipal corporation of that

An illustrative performa is shown below and it can be downloaded from www.fssai.gov.in


Personal cleanliness of food handlers is the most important link in preventing foodborne
illness. These personal hygiene habits shall become a part of their behaviour.

1. All food handlers shall wear suitable clean protective clothing, head covering, face
mask, gloves and footwear.

2. Food handlers shall always wash their hands with soap and clean potable water,
disinfect their hands and then dry with hand drier or clean cloth towel or disposable

3. Food handlers shall always wash their hands at the beginning of food handling activities
immediately after handling raw food or any contaminated material, tools, equipment or
work surface, where this could result in contamination of other food items or after
using the toilet.

4. No Food handlers shall be engaged in smoking, spitting, chewing, sneezing or coughing

over any food and eating in food preparation and food service areas.

5. The food handlers should trim their nails and hair periodically.

6. Food Handlers shall avoid certain hand habits such as scratching nose, running finger
through hair, rubbing eyes, ears and mouth, scratching beard, scratching parts of bodies
etc. When unavoidable, hands should be effectively washed before resuming work after
such actions.

7. Street shoes inside the food preparation area should not be worn while handling &
preparing food.

Food handlers should not handle soiled currency notes/cards to avoid cross contamination.

Basic requirements for personal hygiene -

Here’s procedure for how to properly wash hands and when to wash hands.

Hands should be sanitized with isopropyl alchol.

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Encourage wearing of foot cover

before entering the food area.

1. Generally visitors should be discouraged from going inside the food handling areas.
2. Visitors when entering food manufacturing, cooking, preparation and storage or
handling areas shall wear protective clothing, footwear.
3. Visitors shall adhere to the personal hygiene provisions as mandate for food

PART - 5
Management & Supervision
Food testing facilities
Pest control
Cleaning & maintenance
Waste handling
Record keeping
Consumer awareness

A detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the processing of food as well as its
packing, despatch and storage will be developed. A standard operating procedure, or SOP, is
a living document showing technical instructions of how to perform a routine or repetitive
task. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while
reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with establishment requirements. The
SOP should be based on 5W’s & 1H (i.e. why, when, what, where, who & how)

A good standard operating procedure –

 Should provide all information necessary to perform a atask

 It is usually specific to the equipment used for the procedure
 Should be detailed
 Should be standalone
 Should provide quality information
 Should provide references

The technical managers and supervisors shall have appropriate qualifications, knowledge
and skills on food hygiene principles and practices. As per the condition of FSSAI license –
The Food Business Operator shall employ at least one technical person to supervise the
production process. The person supervising the production process shall possess at least a
degree in science with Chemistry/ Bio-chemistry/ Food and nutrition/ Microbiology or a
degree or diploma in Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Dairy Microbiology/ Dairy
chemistry/ Dairy engineering/ Oil technology/ Veterinary science / Hotel management &
Catering technology or any degree or diploma in any other discipline related to the specific
requirement of the business from a recognized university or institute or equivalent.

A well equipped laboratory for physical, microbiological and chemical analysis shall be in
place inside the premise of catering establishment. In case of any suspicion or possible
contamination, food materials shall be tested before dispatch by the Food Business

If there is no in house laboratory facility, then regular testing shall be done through an
accredited lab notified by FSSAI. In case of complaints received and if so required, the
company shall voluntarily do the testing either in the inhouse laboratory or an accredited
lab or lab notified by FSSAI. As per the condition of FSSAI license – Food Business Operator
shall ensure testing of relevant chemical and/or microbiological contaminants in food
products in accordance with these regulations as frequently as required on the basis of
historical data and risk assessment to ensure production and delivery of safe food through
own or NABL accredited /FSSA notified labs at least once in six months.

A pest is any living organism that causes damages or discomfort, or transmits or produces

The Major Pest includes –

1. Cockroaches
2. Rodents (mice, rats, squirrels etc.)
3. Flies
4. Stored product pests (Flour beetle, sawtooth grain beetle, cigarette beetle,
indianmeal moth etc.)

15. Cockroaches
Cockroaches are the most common pests in food service facilities. They are active
mostly at night. They prefer places that are warm (26 oC or higher) and moist (55%
humidity or higher, which is another reason to keep relative humidity at or below 50%).
Cockroaches like to hide in cracks and crevices and they frequently take advantage of
“free rides” in delivery boxes, bags and personal items. Cockroaches leave coarse
pepper-like fecal droppings, as well as fecal smears that dry on surfaces. Other signs of
cockroach activity are the presence of egg cases under and inside drawers, cabinets,
equipment and other hiding areas.

Critical areas for Cockroaches

Cockroaches are attracted to spilled food and water or beverages. Equipment, such as
microwave ovens and electric grills need to be checked carefully. Inspect and clean all
food preparation equipment and surfaces (such as the area above the refrigerator
shown in the upper right picture). Remove food scraps from drains.

Chemical Control of Cockroaches

Crack and crevice treatment and spot treatment

• Target use of insecticides to reduce amount used

• Avoid contaminating food, preparation surfaces and equipment
• Apply insecticides after business hours

16. Rodents

Rodents mainly include rats and mice (usually mice are the more common problem).
They damage/contaminate food and property. The rodents can spread diseases through
their feces and urine or by contact with surfaces. Rodents nest outdoors in areas hidden
by tall grass, landscaping, “clutter” or down in sewers.

Control of Rodents

i. Rodents Traps

Mechanical traps are the best choice for indoor rodent control. Lethal traps include
sticky traps and regular snap traps. Mechanical rodent traps include “live traps”. Traps
must be checked daily and rodents or their carcasses removed as soon as possible.

ii. Rodent Baiting

Poison baits can be used outdoors and indoors. However, if baits are used indoors,
rodents may die in a wall void, under appliances or in some other inaccessible place.
Keep track of rodent feeding activity on these baits. Placement is critical. Rodents
prefer to travel along walls, so place the stations where rodents are likely to find them.
One important point to remember: if you bait in public areas (i.e., accessible to people
or animals), then you must place the baits in a secure bait station

If indoors bait used, NEVER use pellet baits (as shown on the left). Mice may carry the
bait away and drop it somewhere else (“bait translocation”) where it could contaminate
food or water.

Always use the paraffin (“wax”) “bait blocks” as shown on the right. The bait are more
difficult for the mouse to remove from a bait station.

17. Flies

“Filth flies” are the most common fly problems associated with food-handling facilities.
They include house flies and the green, blue or coppery colored blow flies commonly
seen around garbage cans.

Fruit flies are found near damaged or discarded fruits and vegetables. Drain flies breed
in floor/sink drain, as well as the drip lines for air conditioners, freezers and ice-makers.
Fungus gnats can also be found where indoor plants are overwatered.

Sanitation is very important to fly control and prevention. Keep food prep areas clean
and dry.

Clean up spills around beverage dispensing stations. Routine drain cleaning prevents
debris from building up and reduces the likelihood of problems with drain flies or fruit

Check your refrigeration and icemaker drip lines several times each year and clean them
when necessary.

Control of Flies

i. Light Traps

Lights traps are helpful indoors and outdoors to trap flies. They should be mounted
preferably 4-6 feet off the ground, but out of the way of employee activities. Indoors,
place these traps where they will not be visible from outside. Otherwise, they might
attract flies to the building. Bulbs should be replaced yearly and the replacement date
noted on the trap.

18. Stored product pest

Important pests in food service are those that attack store foods. The Indian meal moth
(a small moth with coppery-colored wings) is probably the most common stored
products pest.

Flour and grain beetles are other important stored product pests. All of these insects
attack a wide variety of foods.

Items such as flour, spices, pasta and cereals are particular favorite foods of these
beetles and moths. However, you also need to think about “non-food” items that may
be in or near your building.

Birdseed is often infested with beetles and moths. Rodent baits use grain as an

Insects can feed readily on these baits without being harmed by the chemicals in the
bait. This is not usually a problem unless the bait is placed in storage areas and left
unchecked for months

Procedure to control pests

1. Food establishment, including equipment shall be kept in good repair to prevent
pest access and to eliminate potential breeding sites.
2. Animals, birds and pets shall not be allowed to enter into the food establishment
areas/ premises.
3. Food materials shall be stored in pest-proof containers stacked above the ground
and away from walls.
4. Pest infestations shall be dealt with immediately and without adversely affecting the
food safety or suitability.
5. Treatment with permissible chemical, physical or biological agents, within the
appropriate limits, shall be carried out without posing a threat to the safety or
suitability of food. Records of pesticides / insecticides used along with dates and
frequency shall be maintained.
6. In order to control the settlement of pests in the surroundings (i.e. not to provide
them place of refuge and feed resources) it is necessary to maintain a non attractive
environment which includes:

I. Isolated storage of unutilised materials, pallets and machines, without contact with
the walls and buildings.

II. Design and maintenance of external spaces, including:

a. Elimination of holes and spaces in waste land with high vegetation.

b. Regular cutting of grass lawns
c. The elimination of stagnant water.
d. The absence of rags, papers, plastic films and other detritus abandoned on the

III. Keeping of interior surfaces (racks, tops of pieces or furniture) clean sa as not to
leave feed sources for rodents and insects.

IV. Tidying and cleaning of technical buildings (machine shop, boiler room, refrigeration
rooms, electrical cabinets) to avoid rodent settlement.

V. Mosquito nets at window and suitable screens on access doors.

VI. Rigorous management of waste containers, which include:

a. Frequent cleaning so as not to attract insects.

b. Storage in a clean and easily available washing area equipped with a source of
water and floor drainage system for waste water.
c. Keeping them closed (to prevent use as a feed source by all types of pests).
d. Not filling them in to excess to avoid overflowing and dropping of food waste on
the ground.
e. A waterproof design and easy to clean and disinfect.
f. Frequent removal of waste from production area.

The image part with relationship ID rId111 was not found in the file.

Microorganisms can be passed from person to person by both dishes and utensils,
therefore proper cleaning and sanitation is important in preventing the spread of

Cleaning –
It is the process of removal of visible dirt, oil, grease and organic matter from an object
using detergent, warm water and scrubbing. Effective cleaning must occur before
sanitising, as sanitizers may not work as well if the food contact surface or utensil has not
had all visible contamination removed. Detergents are chemicals that remove dirt and
grease, however detergents do not kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
Microorganisms may be removed during the cleaning process. However, cleaning is not
intended to destroy microorganisms, sanitising is required for this purpose.

Sanitizing –
A process that reduce pathogenic organisms to acceptable level using either hot water
(77⁰ C) or chemical agents or a combination. It is applicable for decontaminating
utensils, cutlery and food contact surfaces. Sanitizers are substances capable of
destroying microorganisms including those bacteria that cause food poisoning and other
diseases. When used properly, they can reduce surface contamination by bacteria to a
safe level. It is important to read and follow the directions on sanitizers carefully.

Types of sanitizers

There are two type of chemical sanitizer preferred by food industry as well as
international standard) for sanitizing the perishable and food contact surfaces.

i) Chlorine sanitizer is generally preferred for sanitizing the perishable because chlorine
sanitizer concentration require continuously monitored because of its evaporation.

1. Residual Chlorine in water - 0.2 ppm (parts per million)

2. Chlorine for overhead water tank sanitization - 0.5 to 1 ppm

Process of sanitization of perishable

I. Wash with clean water

II. Sanitize with 100 –200 ppm of chlorine for minimum 30 sec

III. Rinse (wash again) with tap water containing 0.2 ppm of chlorine

ii) QMBA Sanitizer used for food contact surfaces because its concentration not vary
with time.

Process of sanitization of Food Contact surface

I. Wash with clean water and detergent

II. Sanitize with 100 –200 ppm of QMBA sanitizer for minimum 3 minutes

III. Removed and dry before using

Points to remember about sanitising

1. Some sanitizers are toxic and residue must be rinsed off. Toxic sanitisers include:

I. QACs (quaternary ammonium compounds)

II. chlorine release agents (hypochlorites)

2. Some sanitizers, such as chlorine dioxide, are food-safe and do not require rinsing.

3. Sanitizers all work best at the correct dilution. If they are too weak, they do not work
effectively, if they are too strong you are wasting your money.

4. Sanitizers need time to work. The contact time varies and may be seconds or
minutes depending on the job.

5. Sanitising solution can be made up as needed and put into labelled spray bottles for
use on bench tops, fridges, door handles and other surfaces.

6. Check the dilution, contact time, safety precautions, shelf life and storage of all
chemicals before use.

7. For effective use of a sanitizer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions provided on

the label.

A cleaning and sanitation programme shall be maintained in catering establishment,

indicating specific areas to be cleaned, cleaning frequency, cleaning procedure & equipment
and materials to be used for cleaning. Cleaning chemicals shall be handled and used
carefully in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Cleaning chemicals shall
be stored separately away from food materials, in clearly identified containers.

Food areas and equipment between different tasks, especially after handling raw food shall
be cleaned. The cleaning and sanitizing schedule should include what needs to be cleaned,

how often it needs to be cleaned & how the cleaning should be done. The surface shall be
thoroughly cleaned in case if somebody spills food/water/drink.

Cleaning instructions should indicate what cleaning products should be used, how the
products should be stored, how much they should be used or diluted & how long that
should be left in contact with the surface

Proper Cleaning Chemical Storage and Safety

1. Never store chemicals near food, food storage areas or any tools or equipment that
will touch food. Keep them under lock in a designated area only for cleaning tools
and chemicals.

2. Never leave chemicals on or near a food preparation area. That includes on top of
counters, stoves, etc.

3. Do not store chemicals above food prep areas, kitchen sinks or drain boards.

4. Store chemicals in their originally labelled containers and make sure they are closed

5. Never use beverage cups, pitchers, drinking, beverage or food storage containers to
store, transport or mix chemicals.

6. Always read the instructions on the label before use, even if it’s a product you use
regularly. You don’t want to accidentally use the product in the wrong area or use it

7. Use safety posters or graphics to warn employees about chemical safety

precautions. In businesses where language barriers could be a problem, create
materials that are either bilingual or use pictures that don’t require further

8. Always spray chemicals holding the spray nozzle away from you.

9. Never mix two different chemicals together.

10. Always wear protective gloves and goggles when recommended.

Food waste and other waste materials shall be removed periodically. A refuse bin of
adequate size with a proper cover shall be provided. It shall be emptied and washed daily
with a disinfectant and dried before next use.

The disposal of sewage and effluents (solid, liquid and gas) shall be in conformity with
requirements of Factory / Environment Pollution Control Board. Adequate drainage, waste
disposal systems and facilities shall be provided to eliminate risk of contaminating food or
portable water.

Waste storage shall be kept in covered containers. It shall be removed at regular intervals as
per local rules and regulations. It shall be located away to avoid contamination

1. All food handlers shall be aware of their role and responsibility in protecting food
from contamination.

2. Food handlers shall have the necessary knowledge and skills which are relevant to
food processing / manufacturing, packing, storing and serving.

3. All food handlers shall be trained in food hygiene and food safety aspects along with
personal hygiene requirements.

4. Periodic assessments of the effectiveness of training, awareness of safety

requirements and competency level shall be made.

5. Training programmes shall be routinely reviewed and updated wherever necessary.

Training of Food Handlers and Support Staff


1. A periodic audit of the whole system according to the SOP shall be done.
2. Appropriate records of food processing / preparation, production / cooking, storage,
distribution, service, food quality, laboratory test results, cleaning and sanitation, pest
control and product recall shall be kept.
3. The records shall be retained for a period of one year or the shelf-life of the product,
whichever is more.

List of records as mandated under Part 2 & Part 5 of Schedule 4 of Food Safety &
Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011

S. Section Section Clause Requirement

No. Name
1 Part 2 Facilities 4.1.3 Water storage tanks shall be cleaned
Section 4 periodically and records of the same shall
be maintained in a
2 Part 2 Food 5.1.3 Records of raw materials, food additives
Section 5 operations and and ingredients as well as their source of
controls procurement shall be maintained in a
register for inspection.
3 Part 2 Audit, 8.2 Appropriate records of food processing /
Section 8 documentation preparation, production / cooking, storage,

and records distribution, service, food quality,
laboratory test results, cleaning and
sanitation, pest control and product recall
shall be kept and retained for a period of
one year or the shelf-life of the product,
whichever is more.
4 Part 2 Sanitation and 9.1.1 A cleaning and sanitation programme shall
Section 9 maintenance be drawn up and observed and the record
of thereof shall be properly maintained,
establishment which shall indicate specific areas to be
premises cleaned, cleaning frequency and cleaning
procedure to be followed, including
equipment and materials to be used for
cleaning. Equipment used in manufacturing
will be cleaned and sterilized at set
5 Part 2 Sanitation and 9.2.3 Pest infestations shall be dealt with
Section 9 maintenance immediately and without adversely
of affecting the food safety or suitability.
establishment Treatment with permissible chemical,
premises physical or biological agents, within the
appropriate limits, shall be carried out
without posing a threat to the safety or
suitability of food. Records of pesticides /
insecticides used along with dates and
frequency shall be maintained.
6 Part 2 Personal 10.1.2 Arrangements shall be made to get the
Section 10 hygiene food handlers / employees of the
establishment medically examined once in
a year to ensure that they are free from
any infectious, contagious and other
diseases. A record of these examinations
signed by a registered medical practitioner
shall be maintained for inspection purpose.
7 Part 2 Personal 10.1.3 The factory staff shall be compulsorily
Section 10 hygiene inoculated against the enteric group of
diseases as per recommended schedule of
the vaccine and a record shall be kept for
8 FSS Condition of 8 Maintain daily records of production, raw
Regulation license materials utilization and sales separately
9 FSS Condition of 14 The manufacturer/importer/distributor
Regulation license shall buy and sell food products only from,
or to, licensed/registered vendors and
maintain record thereof.

1. All packaged food products shall carry a label and requisite information as per
provisions of FSS Act, 2006 and Regulations made there under. (Please refer

2. The label shall provide information to enable the food handler to store, process,
prepare and display the food products safely.

3. The label shall enable easy traceability and recall if necessary.

As per the Condition of FSSAI license,

1. Proprietors of hotels, restaurants and other food stalls who sell or expose for sale
savouries, sweets or other articles of food shall put up a notice board containing
separate lists of the articles which have been cooked in ghee, edible oil, vanaspati
and other fats for the information of the intending purchasers.

2. Food Business Operator selling cooked or prepared food shall display a notice board
containing the nature of articles being exposed for sale

Labelling of pre-packaged food shall include –

1. The name of food

2. List of ingredients
3. Nutritional information
4. Declaration regarding veg or non-veg
5. Declaration regarding food additives
6. Name and complete address of manufacturer
7. Net Quantity
8. Lot/Code/Batch Identification
9. Date of manufacture or packing
10. Best before or use by date
11. Country of origin for imported food
12. Instruction for use


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