Tech Gr9 Eng TG 2017ED Lowres PDF
Tech Gr9 Eng TG 2017ED Lowres PDF
Tech Gr9 Eng TG 2017ED Lowres PDF
Teacher Guide
Teacher Guide
Teacher Guide
Teacher Guide
Teacher Guide
Grade 9
Teacher Guide
2017 Edition
Thanks for free sharing of ideas, and free access to photographs, to:
Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association, National Sea Rescue Institute,
The Transitions Collective (
Thanks to people or institutions who placed photographs in the public
domain on, with no attribution required.
Thanks to Frank Murmann, 2008, whose photo appears on page 132, for sharing that photo on under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Printed by [printer name and address]
Table of contents
Term 3
Chapter 11:
Term 1 Component symbols and simple circuits ........................................... 174
Chapter 1: Chapter 12:
Orthographic drawing ......................................................................... 2 Resistors and Ohm’s Law .................................................................... 194
Chapter 2: Chapter 13:
Provide for wheelchairs ...................................................................... 14 Electronic components 1 ..................................................................... 206
Chapter 14:
Chapter 3:
Electronic components 2 .................................................................... 220
Structures, forces and materials .......................................................... 26
Chapter 15:
Chapter 4 Mini-PAT:
Build and draw electronic circuits ..................................................... 232
A bridge to help the community ........................................................ 46
Chapter 16 Mini-PAT:
Term 2 Electronic systems and control .......................................................... 246
Chapter 5: Term 4
Hydraulics and pneumatics ................................................................ 70
Chapter 17:
Chapter 6:
Preserving metals ................................................................................. 274
Hydraulic machines ............................................................................. 84
Chapter 18:
Chapter 7:
Extending the shelf life of food .......................................................... 290
Pulleys and controllers ........................................................................ 102
Chapter 19:
Chapter 8:
Plastics .................................................................................................. 306
Gears ..................................................................................................... 122
Chapter 20:
Chapter 9:
Recycling and manufacturing with recycled plastic ......................... 318
Mechanisms at home .......................................................................... 144
Chapter 21 Mini-PAT:
Chapter 10 Mini-PAT:
Reduce, re-use and recycle: Working with plastics ........................... 328
Mechanical systems and control ........................................................ 156
Minimum materials and tools needed for technology activities Materials to be bought by schools
Learners need to bring their own basic writing and drawing tools to class, as well as some waste
materials that will be reused. But the school should provide all the other materials and tools listed below.
Not all the materials and tools will be used in every chapter. At the start of each chapter there is a list
of the specific tools and materials required for that chapter.
Important: The teacher should read about the required materials and tools for a chapter
at least one week before that chapter starts. This will ensure that there is enough time for the
✔ ✘
teacher to put the necessary materials and tools together, and time for the learners to gather the
materials they have to bring to school.
Tools to be bought by learners Big, strong scissors/ kitchen snips (buy in bulk at about R15 New 180 gsm cardboard in
(Necessary for all Technology classes) each). DO NOT USE SMALL CHEAP SCISSORS! different colours (much thinner
than cereal box cardboard, and
easier the cut and fold)
Masking tape Wood glue (glue stick like Prestik (masking tape can be used
'Pritt' is optional) instead if this is not available)
String (cotton, 2-3 mm) Copper wire, 1 mm (this bends Galvanised steel, wire 1 mm
easily by hand and can be (optional: if pliers or other tools
cut with scissors; buy from for cutting and bending wire are
hardware store) available)
Left: New 180 gsm cardboard in different colours Cardboard tubes from rolls
(optional, only if learners can afford it). Middle: Reused of toilet paper, foil, etc.
Cardboard (thick cardboard like that used for cereal
boxes). Right: Corrugated cardboard (single layer)
Electric and electronic equipment and materials to be supplied by
schools (in addition to the equipment and materials also needed in
Grades 7 and 8)
Nails (1 mm, 2 mm, 4 Syringes (buy from a pharmacy, Paper clips Diodes
mm, and 6 mm diameters; different diameters)
minimum lengths between Pipe to use with syringes (buy
3 cm and 8 cm) from a pet shop, for fish tanks)
Paper fasteners (split pins, Tooth picks (buy in bulk) Drinking straws (buy in bulk)
optional, may need to go to
specialist stationary or art
shop to buy)
Capacitors Light dependent
resistors (LDR's)
Chapter 1 eraser
coloured pencils for shading
Figure 1
simple sketch
This is the piano from the picture.
Figure 2
Figure 4
You will now learn how to make The front view, top view and one side view of a small house are shown below. A set
orthographic drawings. This means of drawings like this is called first-angle orthographic projection.
you will look at an object from
different sides and make separate
drawings of what you see.
Look at this isometric drawing of a
rectangular box. Only three faces of
the box are visible.
1. How many faces of the box are not
shown on this drawing?
Figure 7
Three faces are not shown
If you look straight down from above at the box, you will see only a blue rectangle.
Figure 8 Figure 9
If you look at the box from a certain position on the left, you will see a yellow rectangle.
Figure 14
First angle orthographic projections are normally drawn in blocks as shown here.
This is called a side view.
The front view is drawn first, in the upper left block. Construction lines are then
drawn from the front view to make it easier to draw the top view and a side view.
A side view can also be called an end view.
Figure 10 Figure 11
If you look at the box from a certain position on the right, you will see a red Front view Side view
This is also called a side view.
It can also be called the front view.
Top view
Figure 12 Figure 13
in Figure 15. The staircase is 900 mm wide. The other
dimensions are shown on the side view in Figure 17
Look at this side view of the staircase. You can see the measurements between the
on the next page. sid
e arrows.
1. Figure 16 in the Learner Book shows a front view of
the staircase. Divide a sheet of grid paper into four
blocks. Copy the front view onto the top left block
of your sheet of paper. Now use construction lines
to draw a top view and side view in the bottom left
and top right blocks.
The completed drawing in Figure 16 must fron
look like this:
Figure 15
Figure 16
Have a look at the drawings below and on the next page. An architect made these
while he designed a house.
Scale 1:100
Different kinds of lines in drawings Make a free-hand copy of the drawing in Figure 20. Use all of the different types of
Different kinds of lines are used in the following drawing:
width = 600
centre-to-top = 456
Next week
In the next chapter you will further develop your drawing skills. You will have to
height = 820
Figure 20
pencil sharpener
Nelson Mandela High School has a new community If you look at the picture on
hall. A staircase and wheelchair ramp is needed for the previous page, you will see
the stage in the hall. The principal made a list of what a ramp is.
things that should be kept in mind when designing the
staircase and wheelchair ramp.
These are called specifications.
The specifications for the staircase and wheelchair ramp are:
• The stairs and ramp must be made in one unit so that it can be moved.
• The unit should fit in front of the stage so that people can walk onto the stage
and wheelchairs can go up and down.
• The stage is 400 mm high.
• The stairs should be wide enough for two people, about 1 200 mm.
• There should be three steps of the same size.
• The flat part of each step is 800 mm long.
• The ramp should be wide enough for one wheelchair – 1 000 mm.
stai • The slope of the ramp should be 2 433 mm long.
• The ramp is at a 10˚ slope.
• The base of the ramp should be 2 400 mm long.
Figure 1 • The ramp should have a handrail to prevent wheelchairs from falling off.
To help you imagine what the combined staircase and ramp will look like, you can
make a few drawings.
1. Make a rough drawing to show what you think the combined staircase and
ramp should look like. Make your drawing on a clean page, and make it big
enough to fill the page.
2. Dimensions are given in the above specifications. Write the dimensions in the
correct places on your drawing.
Figure 2
Isometric drawings LB page 17 2.2 Isometric drawing LB page 18
An isometric drawing can help you to see more clearly what your idea would look There is an isometric drawing of a staircase in Chapter 1. What do you think an
like when it is built. To make an isometric drawing, draw all the vertical lines of isometric drawing of the ramp would look like? It might look a bit like a slice of
the object at 90˚ to the base, and all the horizontal lines at 30˚ to the base. You can birthday cake!
use isometric grid paper to help you do this.
Look at the orange lines on the grid paper below. Do you see how the vertical line
goes up through the middle of the diamond shapes? And how the horizontal line
goes across the middle of the diamond shapes? The other lines are at 30° to the
horizontal line.
Copy the drawing of the cube onto a sheet of isometric grid paper.
Check the learners’ homework. Make sure the cube they have completed is correct.
Figure 4
Figure 3
Check that the learners’ sketches compare to this example. 2.3 The plan in orthographic drawings
Check that the learners’ sketches compare to the example shown on the next page.
3. If you are not satisfied with your drawing, now is the time to make changes and
do it again, because it will be assessed by your teacher.
Look back at the specifications for the ramp and the staircase given on Learner
Book page 16. Another student designed the ramp and staircase shown in Figure 6
below. But this learner didn’t follow the specifications correctly.
Homework LB p. 19 1. Compare the drawing in Figure 6 with the specifications for the ramp, given at
the beginning of this chapter. Write notes to indicate any specifications that are
1. You already have a drawing of the staircase and a drawing of the wheelchair not met.
ramp. Sketch them together as one structure on the isometric grid below. There should be three steps instead of two. The (horizontal) length of the base
You must assess these drawings. The learners should have done a combination of should be 2 400 mm instead of 2 433 mm. The width of the stairs should be
the two previous drawings. Make sure that all unseen edges are in dashed lines.
The drawing must resemble the example on page 22, but that drawing does not 1 200 mm instead of 1 000 mm. There should be a handrail.
precisely adhere to the specifications (see the answer to question 1 on page 22).
The learners’ drawing, however, should precisely adhere to the specifications,
except that the handrail does not need to be shown.
materials looking closely at objects, pictures and diagrams is a very important foundational habit and skill
for technological activity.
3. In Figure 7 above, the truck and the car exert forces on the bridge. Can these
forces also be called static? Explain why you say so.
No, because the vehicles are moving. The forces are not static.
2. (a) Is the load on the roof in Figure 5 always in the same place? Static, because the pot is not moving
Why do you say so?
(b) A cat walking on the table.
No, because the man is moving around
Dynamic, because the cat is moving
(b) Is the load on the roof in Figure 6 always in the same place? Why do you say
(c) A boy rolling a soccer ball over the table.
Dynamic, because the ball is moving
Yes, because the solar heater is fixed or static
(d) A man scrubbing the table.
(c) Are the loads on the bridge in Figure 7 always in the same place? Why do
you say so? Dynamic, because the man’s hand is moving
No, because the vehicles are moving
6. Think of a house with a zinc roof and the forces that the sheets exert on the
roof structure.
(a) Is the load even or uneven? Why do you say so?
The load is even because it is spread out all over the roof.
The load is static because the sheets of zinc do not move around.
8. You have to design two wooden tables, and you are requested to use as little
wood as possible. For the one table, the design brief states that the load on
the table will always be static and even. The design brief for the other table
states that it has to carry the same weight as the first table, but the load will
sometimes be dynamic and uneven. Describe how your designs for the two
tables will differ, and explain why.
The table with a dynamic load needs to be stronger than the table with a static
load, because the force of a dynamic load is greater than the force of a static load.
The same table has to support an uneven load. This means that the load may
sometimes be close to the edge of the table, and the table could topple over. To
stop the table from toppling over, the legs need to be as far apart as possible.
Or the legs can be built at an angle so that they point away from the table.
Make six paper tubes by rolling sheets of used writing paper. Use glue or tape to
prevent the tubes from unrolling.
Figure 14
Figure 11
1. Put your hands on both ends of a tube and push them towards each other. Fold it again:
When you do this, you exert compression forces on the tube.
2. Grab a tube at both ends and try to pull it apart. When you do this, you exert
tensile forces on the tube. You put the tube under tension.
3. Put the ends of the tube on two books and press downwards on the middle of
the tube. What happens, and what kind of force did you apply to the tube?
Figure 15
4. Grab a tube at both ends and twist it as
shown in this picture. When you do this, Fold it a third time, so that you have a
you apply torsion. flat strip that is eight layers thick.
Figure 12
Make two more folded strips like this.
Figure 16
Figure 17
3. Now fold your paper strip half-open again, and fold it in a new way so that you
get a triangular tube as shown below.
6. Open your triangular tube and fold it again to have
First fold like this: Then fold like this: a T-profile as shown on the right.
Figure 22
Figure 18 Figure 19
Figure 23
to make this triangular tube:
Figure 21
Figure 26
Metal sections that are used to build frame
structures are made in a variety of profiles. Some
popular profiles are shown below.
Now imagine that you twist this
frame structure like the person in the
photograph is twisting the towel.
H-profile. This profile is often used as upright
supports or columns, for example in buildings.
It resists compression very well, and it does not
bend easily. Figure 27
2. Put a sheet of paper flat on your desk. Pick it up with both hands and bend it.
Now put it back on the desk. Is it flat again? A brick is much heavier than a piece of foam plastic of the same size.
One difference between baked clay and foam plastic is that when you
Yes, it is flat again, unless it was folded. take pieces of equal size, the baked clay will be heavier than the foam
plastic. It will require more effort to pick it up or to carry it.
Material that bends easily, but returns to its original
The difference between baked clay and foam plastic can be described
shape when you let go of it, is called flexible material.
as follows: Baked clay has a higher density than the foam plastic.
Material that is not flexible is called stiff material.
3. (a) Is wet clay flexible or stiff? flexible, but does not return to its original shape LB page 34
(b) Is the leg of a chair flexible or stiff? stiff 7. (a) What material has the higher density, wood or rock?
(c) Is a piece of wire flexible or stiff? flexible Rock
(d) Is your shoe flexible or stiff? flexible
(b) What material has the higher density, glass or plastic?
4. Press your finger against your desk. Now press your finger against your arm. Glass
What was different when you pressed your finger against your desk from when
you pressed your finger against your arm?
Pieces of metal that lie around outside sometimes
The skin of the arm is soft. It sinks in and then pops out again. But the desk is Corroded rock can have
look brown. This is called rust or corrosion. Rust is
different colours, like those
hard and does not give way. formed by chemical reactions between the metal in the coloured strip at the
and oxygen in the air or water. Wood and glass do bottom of this page. In the
5. When you press your finger against a bag of sand, will it be the same as against not corrode. Rock that contains iron does corrode. past, colouring for paint was
your desk or arm? When you walk in the veld, you can sometimes see obtained from corroded rock.
pieces of rock that have the same shade of brown.
Same as the arm, but it may not pop out again.
Some materials are hard, and 8. Iron is used in the construction of towers, roofs, cars and trucks and sometimes
Bricks are made by baking clay until it is hard.
some materials are soft. even furniture. What can you do to prevent iron from corroding?
6. (a) Think of a brick and a piece of foam plastic that is the same size as the brick Paint it so that air and water cannot reach the metal.
(like the foam used in mattresses). Which is easier to pick up?
The foam
LB page 36
2. Copy the table below. Fill in which materials are used for the different parts of
the house in the middle column. Then fill in the reasons why you think that
material is used for that part of the house in the column on the right.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of zinc roofs? Write your answers
in table form.
They are cheaper to buy and fit. They do not last as long as tiles.
They are lightweight, so you can use They are lightweight so the wind can
a cheaper roof structure. damage them.
They do not crack if a stone falls on them. They get very hot in summer and
They are coated with zinc so that they cold in winter.
will not rust for many years.
community cardboard of old cereal boxes (learners should bring this to school)
scrap paper for building parts of models
LB page 37 extra paper to draw on (the larger the paper the better)
masking tape
Over the next six weeks, you will design and build a model of a bridge. To do this, you will work
through the different stages of the design process and arrange yourselves into teams. nails of different sizes to make holes, 1 mm thick and 30-40 mm long
Week 1
masking tape
Investigate Granny Margaret Thabang’s problem .......................................................... 50
clay or stiff porridge to use as a model for concrete anchors
Week 2 wood glue (optional)
Develop rough sketches of ideas ................................................................................ 55 plastic straws (optional)
Week 3 pieces of wood (optional)
Make working drawings ............................................................................................. 61
Week 4 Week 1
Discuss and practise making your model .................................................................... 66 Learners investigate the problem that people at a village have with crossing a river. They
Week 5 paraphrase (say in their own words) what the problem is and suggest different solutions.
Design an evaluation instrument ................................................................................. 67 They then identify and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of bridges.
Week 6
Present your tender to the class ................................................................................. 68 Week 2
Assessment Learners work individually to write the design brief, specifications and constraints for the bridge.
Design: They then make rough sketches for a possible bridge design to solve the problem. They write
Sketch your ideas.............................................................................................. [10] notes on the sketches to help explain their ideas.
Design brief with specifications and constraints ................................................... [10] They team up with three or four members to start the process of preparing a tender. First, they
Make: evaluate their own and each other’s rough design sketches to try to see where and how they
can improve their designs. Then they make rough sketches of their improved design.
First-angle orthographic drawing ......................................................................... [10]
Finally, the team plans the different steps from thinking of building a bridge to finally building
Budget ............................................................................................................. [10]
a bridge. These steps show the lifetime of a project from being just an idea to being the real
Completed model .............................................................................................. [20] product that people benefit from. They have to think carefully about the steps of building the
Communicate: bridge (planning to make), but there are also many other important steps before that, such
Present the tender ............................................................................................ [10] as consulting with the community and obtaining funding. They make a flow chart to show the
[Total: 70] different steps.
Week 4
Learners work as a team to plan to make their models. They first individually practise making
parts of the bridge out of paper. Then they build one final model of the bridge together, using
cardboard, string and other materials.
Week 5
Learners work as a team to make a checklist with which they can evaluate their own model.
They interact with other teams to get the best ideas for criteria to put on the checklist. Then
each team evaluates their model with the help of the checklist. Figure 1
Week 6
Each team prepares for and gives a 5-minute presentation of their tender for the project to build
a bridge. Their tender presentation includes most of their previous work.
Figure 2
Build a bridge to cross the river, or use boat/ferry that is connected to a cable
that spans the width of the river. The bridge is a better idea, as it would be
very dangerous to cross the river on a boat when it is in flood.
A tender is a bid
for work from
a company. It
gives details
of how much
the company
would charge
to complete a
Figure 3
Rivers provide much-needed water for communities, but sometimes they can
also make life difficult for people. For example, during the rainy season, people Figure 4: The tender request placed in a local newspaper.
from villages on one side of a river struggle to get to the other side of the river,
if there is no bridge.
The uThukela Municipality placed a tender request in the newspaper asking
Many of the people in the KwaNogawu village next to the uThukela River in contractors to submit tenders for a structure to help people safely cross the river
KwaZulu-Natal work on the other side of the river. The doctors, banks and at KwaNogawu village.
shops that they need to visit are also on the other side.
Municipalities are not allowed to choose a contractor without giving as many
School children cross this river to get to their schools, and the elderly have to contractors as possible a chance to apply. This is to stop anyone from being
walk through it once a month to collect their government grants from the offices favoured over others, and to prevent corruption. Each contractor writes a tender
on the other side. document, which is a description of their plan for the project and shows how
Usually, the villagers cross the river on foot, because the nearest bridge is very much they will charge to complete the work. The job is given to the contractor who
far away. But during the rainy season, when the river is in flood, it becomes presents the best plan at the lowest price.
very dangerous. The water levels are so high that it is difficult to get through it You are going to build a structure to help the community. Read the story again
safely, and the villagers have also seen crocodiles in the river. Everyone is scared and then investigate the different bridges below to decide which structure will be
of drowning or getting attacked by the crocodiles, but they don’t have a choice the best solution for the problem.
and have to go through the river to get to the other side.
2. Write a few sentences to explain the problem the villagers have.
E: A cantilever bridge
B: An arch bridge
• The pillars are placed far away from the water, so that they cannot be damaged by flood waters.
Checklist for investigating bridges Yes No
• Two thick I-beams are used to support the walking surface so that it remains flat and does not
Is the bridge for cars? sag in the middle.
Is the bridge for people?
• These I-beams are connected by angle irons to triangulate the structure of the walkway, to pre-
Is the bridge too expensive for the tender? vent the bridge from swaying sideways.
Can the bridge be built strong and high enough so that it is not • Thinner I-beams are strong enough to support the ramps, because the ramps span much shorter
washed away by floods? distances than the bridge itself.
• The ramps have a very gentle slope, so that a person in a wheelchair can get up them easily.
Can the bridge be built so that it is stable and does not sway?
• The walking surfaces are made of steel plates with a rough surface (these plates are commonly
Can the bridge be built long enough so that it can reach or span used in factories for walkways), so that it will not be slippery even when it is raining hard.
across the river?
• The walking surface is wide enough for two people or two wheelchairs to pass each other. If it
Is the bridge strong enough so that the villagers can walk safely was narrower, people on the one side of the river would have to wait for people on the other side
across? to walk over. Because the bridge is so long, they would have to wait very long.
• The bridge is made of steel, cables and concrete. The steel can be welded or bolted together.
The cables can be connected with U-bolts.
• Concrete blocks are used to anchor the pillars and the end of the cables deep into the ground.
The concrete blocks in which the pillars are planted lowers the centre of gravity of the pillars.
• The pillars will be moulded from concrete on the construction site, with steel reinforcement in-
side. This will be cheaper than transporting long steel pillars with a very long truck from a steel
factory. It will also create work for people on the site.
• All the parts of the bridge can be put together on the site, so a lot of work opportunities will be
Note: There is something missing in this design, namely handrails.
Your team will now prepare a tender. To start, choose the best design in your team.
This means you need to choose one sketch from all the rough sketches. To help FONT VIEW OF BRIDGE
you choose, copy the table below and answer the following questions:
U-bolts to
Learner’s answers will depend on their designs. correct cables
Questions Yes No
Does the structure allow people to move across the river ramp
Does the structure protect people from crocodiles? vertical cables (reinforced
Does the structure allow a group to cross safely? (thinner) concrete)
Will the structure be safe when the river floods? concrete
Is the structure durable, and will it last a long time without block for
breaking? CROSS-SECTION OF anchor
Is the structure made from the right materials? Remember that WALK-WAY
the bridge could be in constant contact with water and should wide enough for 2 people UNDER-
not rust. or wheelchairs angle SIDE OF
Will the structure withstand both static and dynamic forces? rough steel plate for
Will the structure be very expensive to build? Remember that
walking surface
you are building it for people, not cars.
Will the structure be expensive to maintain?
Does the structure damage the environment? angle iron
If the sketches do not meet these requirements, adapt them until they do. These I-beams
sketches represent your final solution and they will form the basis of your working DETAIL OF
drawing. RAMP AND nc
When you build the bridge, think about the things that will cost money.
For example:
• materials,
• labour,
• designers and engineers,
• equipment that you hire or buy, and
• transport.
Look at this example of a cost table for another bridge. You can use some of the Machinery/Equipment
material costs shown in this table when making your own cost table for your
Bulldozer and operator 1 2 000 per day
bridge design.
Your own list will be different, because it will depend on the materials you Road grader and operator 1 2 500 per day
choose to use to build your bridge. If you are not certain of amounts or lengths, Shovels and other equipment 25 10 per day
add on a little extra to your final figure. It is better to have a little left over than to
run short.
To help you work out your costs, speak to a hardware shop owner, a building
contractor, or a family member who is knowledgeable in these things. You can also Other staff costs
look in the Yellow Pages for suppliers. They will give you information if you tell them Engineer
about your project. Don’t just make up the costs. You need your budget to be accurate.
Apart from the items on the above list, you also have to account for VAT and
insurance. Work manager
LB page 49
[Total: 10]
Example: An example of a budget calculation for a bridge design is shown over the following
two pages.
Item description Quantity Price per unit Total
(Rands) (Rands)
Cement (80 kg bags) 50 90 10 000
Pine Planks (200 cm × 30 cm × 2 cm) 200
Bags of nails (10 × 3 cm) 10
Bricks 5 000
Steel I-beam (5 m × 6 cm) 20 1 000 20 000
What additional amount are you going to charge? Remember that you need to
make a profit. This amount has to be fair to you and to the authorities who will
award the contract. Total all the subtotals and then decide on a percentage for
the profit. You will then have the final total, which you will submit as the cost of
building your bridge.
Discuss and practise making your model (60 minutes) Design an evaluation instrument (60 minutes)
You will make a model of your structure. Discuss how you will do this in your In your team, make an assessment checklist (rubric) to see if your structure is a
group. good solution to the community’s problem. Use the specifications and your design
Think carefully about all the materials you will need to build your model. Do brief from Week 1 to help you make the checklist.
you need paper, glue, and/or corrugated cardboard? And what about tools? Do you
Here is an example of a few items that could be in a checklist for a project:
need scissors or glue-guns?
• Is the structure stable? YES/NO
Write a complete list of all the materials and tools necessary to build your
• Is the structure rigid? YES/NO
• Is the structure durable? YES/NO
You need a plan to help you stay organised. Ask yourselves questions such as: • Does the structure allow for more than one person to cross
• What should we do first? it at a time? YES/NO
• What materials do we need for each step?
Now add your own items to the checklist in order to finish it.
When you have decided what you will do, add it to your flow chart. Each member
of your team should draw up his/her own copy of the flow chart. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR CHECKLIST
The following activity will help you to make strong structures out of paper. You Structure:
can use these structures to help you build your model bridge. Are the banks of the river stable enough to hold the foundations?
Is the bridge strong enough to withstand floods?
Who will maintain the bridge and make sure it is in good condition and painted to prevent
Make a model of your bridge (60 minutes) Funding:
Who will fund the costs of the bridge?
Build one model for your team that looks like your working drawing. It should be
To who can the community submit the plans to ask for funding or a loan, if there isn’t any
built neatly, safely and to scale. You can use materials available to you such as
funding yet?
cardboard, string, wire, pieces of wood, drinking straws, plastic and clay. You can
If it takes longer to build than planned for, who will pay the additional costs?
also use glue and paint.
Who should pay to maintain the bridge, the community or the government?
Be aware of safety at all times, especially when working with blades and toxic
Local Employment:
glues. (Wood glue, Prestik and Pritt are fortunately not toxic.)
Who will make sure that people from the local community are hired to do the work?
Remember to follow the steps as shown in your flow chart. Everyone must be
Does the community have the resources to build the bridge (the machinery) or must it
involved with making the model. be brought in from another town?
[Total: 20] Plans and progress:
Has the community been part of the planning process?
Has the community accepted the bridge, its design and the possible costs?
Who will make sure that the plan the architect and engineers draw up meets the specifi-
Who will check that the builders follow the plans correctly?
Who will check costs while the bridge is being built?
When will the bridge be built: will bad weather affect the time it will take?
LB page 52
Week 6
Present your tender to the class (120 minutes)
It is time to present your tender to the class. You have to give a 5-minute
presentation to try convince the tender board that your tender is the best one.
Each member of your group needs to present a part of the tender to the class.
[Total: 10]
The tender should include the following information:
• sketches and orthographic plans
• a budget
• your model
• artistic impressions of your final plan, and
• an assessment checklist.
Plan which member of the team will present which part of the tender. Someone
needs to draw the artistic impression of your structure. This drawing should have
colour and detail to impress the tender board.
Hydraulics and
cereal boxes
equal weights, for example matchboxes filled with sand
pneumatics You are strongly advised to do the action research described on pages 78–80 (LB p.
59–61) and pages 81–83 (LB p. 62–64) yourself before starting with it in class.
LB page 53
This picture appears as Figure 7 on page 58 of the Learner Book. It shows a woman carrying a
heavy load to her house close by, and another woman carrying a small load for a much longer
Figure 1
Figure 2
The blue tin contains bundled straw, the red tin contains water
and the yellow tin contains sand.
Figure 4
Fill one syringe with air and the other with water. Press both while keeping a
Figure 5
5. When the plunger on the left is pressed in, the plunger on the right presses
Figure 7
against the hand. Will the pressure on the hand be the same with a pneumatic
system as with a hydraulic system? Explain your answer. 1. The woman carrying the big load only has to walk a short distance to her home.
The woman with the small load has to walk quite far to her home. Who will be
The pressure on the hand will be smaller with the pneumatic system, because more tired when she gets home? Explain your answer.
part of the work done to press the plunger is spent on compressing the air, and
No definite answer is possible without more information. The idea with the
is therefore not available at the output end.
question is to simply inspire learners to engage with the idea that the amount of
6. A pneumatic and a hydraulic system are shown below in Figure 6. In each case
the two syringes are exactly the same size. Two heavy objects of the same
‘work’ done when carrying a load depends on both the distance covered and the
weight are resting on plungers on the right in each case. weight carried. It would be good if a few learners suggest that the two women
do roughly the same amount of work, because that may support their thinking on
mechanical advantage in hydraulic systems.
Figure 8 below shows a two-syringe system with a smaller and a bigger syringe.
The system was filled with water until there were no air bubbles.
Figure 6
If the plunger on the left is pressed in by 2 cm in both systems, what will
happen to the blue objects? Explain your answer.
The system of syringes and pipe on the right is filled with oil or water. Both
syringes have the same diameter. When you press in the plunger on the left by
2 cm, the blue ob ect will be lifted by exactly 2 cm.
The system of syringes and pipe on the left is filled with air. Both syringes have
the same diameter. When you press in the plunger on the left by 2 cm, the blue Figure 8
ob ect will be lifted by less than 2 cm, because the air will compress.
Action research: Input and output cylinders LB p. 59 cardboard LB page 60
Attach your two-syringe system with tape to the cardboard sheet or box, as shown
in Figure 9 on the next page.
If you press the plunger on the left in, the plunger on the right will move out.
You will now do research to find out how far the output cylinder moves out when
the input cylinder is pushed in for a certain distance.
1. Draw water into the input cylinder so that is almost full, and the plunger is
right next to one of the marks on the ruler.
2. Make a small mark at the top of the plunger of the output cylinder.
3. Push the input cylinder plunger in by 1 cm.
4. Measure how far the output cylinder plunger has moved.
5. Draw up a table like the one below and enter your measurement.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4, but now push the input cylinder in by 2 cm.
7. Repeat all the steps from 1 to 4 for distances of 3 cm and 4 cm.
The ratio between the input cylinder distance and output cylinder distance should
be constant, but may slightly vary as the readings may not be precise.
The answer is given in the text, in the text following the question.
6. Did the plunger on the slave cylinder move the same distance as the plunger on
the master cylinder?
7. Was the force exerted by the boxes you placed on the master cylinder equal to
the upwards force exerted on the one box on top of the slave cylinder?
8. Think back to the two women who walked carrying bags to their homes, in the
story at the beginning of section 5.2. What does their story and this experiment
have in common? Think carefully before you write down your answer.
A large force that is exerted (acts) over a small distance does the same amount
When work is transferred from a wide cylinder to a narrow cylinder, the force
exerted by the narrow cylinder is smaller than the force that is applied to
the wide cylinder. That is why you had to put more than one box on the wide
cylinder before it could move the one box on the narrow cylinder upwards.
The pressure of the liquid is the same everywhere, on the input cylinder as well
as the output cylinder. But because the input cylinder is wider, the force on the
input cylinder is greater than the force on the output cylinder.
Next week
Figure 12 In the next chapter, you will learn how hydraulic systems are used to lift cars and
other heavy objects.
Hydraulic machines
The work for this week involves two quite challenging topics:
• calculations about hydraulic presses, and
• the working of a hydraulic car jack.
The diagram in Figure 13 on Learner Book page 72, may help learners to grasp the above
Figure 1 ideas.
Your learners may want to know why the pictures of hydraulic systems have rectangular
84 CHAPTER 6: HYDRAULIC PRES AND JACK cylinders. This is because it is easier to explain the concept of ‘area’ using a rectangle. Normally
hydraulic systems have round pistons.
If you press a plastic bottle down hard on a sheet of paper, you can make a
perfectly round mark on that paper.
Figure 5
You can also use a bottle like this to press cookies out of a sheet of dough. Flat
plastic or metal objects such as washers can be made in the same way, by pressing
them out of plastic or metal sheets. With metal, you have to press down very hard.
Figure 6
Instead of using a lever to exert a big enough force to cut the washers, a
hydraulic pushrod could be used, as shown in Figure 7.
A machine like this is called a hydraulic press.
The mechanical advantage gained by using an output cylinder that is
wider than the input cylinder is used in a hydraulic press.
Figure 8
If the output cylinder in a simple hydraulic Figure 10 the actual answer now. The explanation is given in the text and diagram below.
system is wider than the input cylinder, the
output distance is smaller than the input Look at Figure 12.
distance, but the output force is bigger than the • If the blue cylinder is pushed down through the green volume on the
input force. right, the red cylinder will move up through the green volume on the left.
• If the surface area of the base of the output cylinder is four times the
LB page 71
6.2 Calculations about hydraulic systems surface area of the base of the input cylinder, the output force will be
four times as big as the input force. The output distance will be a ¼ of the
A hydraulic system with rectangular cylinders is shown below. The surface area input distance.
of the red cylinder top is four times bigger than the surface area of the blue • In the system in Figures 11 and 12, the mechanical advantage is four, and
cylinder top. the distance advantage is ¼.
The volume of liquid that is pushed down on the right rises up on the left and
pushes the red cylinder upwards.
Figure 11 Figure 12
(b) What is the distance advantage of this system?
Figure 13
LB page 73
No, because the output cylinder will only rise a little for one push of
extra oil
the input cylinder. container
To lift the car up high enough, the output cylinder will have to be pushed up
quite a number of times. To do that, the input cylinder will have to be pulled
upwards each time, so that it can be ready for a next downward push. Think of
syringes to understand what will happen. You can even experiment with two
syringes of different sizes again.
Figure 20 Figure 21
Figure 24 Figure 25
• oil sucked into the input cylinder chamber 4. What materials are hydraulic car jacks made of?
Step 3: Mostly metal
the lever pressed down
5. What does a hydraulic car jack cost, more or less?
• the valve to the reservoir closed and the valve to the output chamber opened
About R400.
• the output cylinder raised higher than before
Step 4: 6. Is it worth paying that amount for a hydraulic car jack?
the lever pulled back up Most cars already have a ack in the boot, but if you wanted to buy one then
• the valve to the output chamber closed and the valve to the reservoir opened it would be worth that amount.
• oil sucked into the input cylinder chamber. 7. Is it necessary for a hydraulic car jack to look pretty?
Not really.
An important question
What safety precautions should people take when using car jacks? Next week
During this week, you learnt how valves can be used to control the movement of
oil and of the output cylinder of a car jack. Next week, you will learn about other
ways to control movement. You will also learn about pulleys and pulley systems.
The first part of this chapter is about mechanisms called pulley systems, and specifically:
• single-wheel fixed pulley systems
• single-wheel moveable pulley systems
LB page 79 • pulley-block systems (block and tackle)
7.1 Change direction with a string or rope .....................................................................106 The term pulley is a bit misleading, since the use of pulleys
have nothing to do with the ergonomic and mechanical
7.2 Different ways to use a pulley .................................................................................111
advantages in the various mechanisms. Pulleys only serve
7.3 Mechanical control systems ...................................................................................114 the purpose of reducing friction in these mechanisms, and
all the mechanisms can work well without pulleys.
The picture on the right, which is also in the Learner Book
on page 80, shows what may be called a “single-wheel fixed
pulley system” although there is no wheel or pulley. The key
aspect is a support around which the rope can be pulled in
a different direction than the direction in which the load is
Due to the mechanics of the human body, it is easier to
pull sideways and downwards on a rope to lift something
up, than to pull it up directly by pulling vertically upwards.
To achieve this, a rigid support is needed around which a
rope or chain can be pulled. A polished surface or a pulley
can be installed at the support which allows the change of
direction of pull, to reduce friction.
Note that the change of direction of pull that is made possible
by pulling round a corner (support) does not provide a
mechanical advantage in any way. The full force needed to
lift the load has to be applied at the input (pulling) end of the rope. A single-wheel fixed pulley
system provides no mechanical advantage, it just provides for a change of direction pull
and therefore a more convenient body position for the person who does the work.
When lifting a heavy object, a mechanical advantage can be achieved by allowing the object
to slide back while lifting it, so that it does not move as far as the end of the rope is pulled.
This technique can be easily demonstrated with a string and a cup or beaker with a handle as
shown in Figure 8 on Learner Book page 84.
Figure 1
7.1 Change direction with a string or rope When two surfaces rub against each other, there
are forces that act on the materials, and parts of
Different ways to lift something up LB p. 81 the materials may break. The forces that act when
materials rub against each other are called friction
The man in Figure 2A on the previous page wants to lift the sack with wet grain forces. On a cold day, you sometimes rub your
right up to the branch. He wants to fasten the sack to the branch, so that it can hands against each other to warm them up. The
hang there till the wind has dried the grain out. To get the sack up, he slung a rope warmth comes from the friction forces.
over the branch and fastened the one end of the rope to the sack. To prevent friction from harming a rope that is used
1. (a) Make a rough copy of Figure 2A on the previous page. Mark the direction in to change the direction of pulling an object, one
which the man pulls with an arrow. may let the rope run over a wheel that is called a
(b) Mark the direction in which the sack will move with an arrow too. pulley.
The system that the man in Figure 5 uses is called a single wheel, fixed
Figure 3: This rope has been rubbed against the edge of a brick. pulley system. Its purpose is to change the direction of pull, but it does
not give a mechanical advantage.
The man cannot lift the sack from the ground up to the branch with
If you pull heavy objects up many times with the same piece of rope or one pull. He needs to make a plan so that the sack will not drop down
string, the rope will wear out, as you can see in the photograph. It will again while he shifts his hands to get ready for another pull.
eventually break.
Figure 7: You can slide a pencil between your thumb and forefinger to feel how a cam cleat works.
3. Make a rough sketch to show where the man in Figure 5 can put a cam cleat to
make it easier to lift the sack up to the branch.
Figure 8 Yes
Is the cup raised by the same distance as you raised your right hand? Repeat the
experiment and observe the movements so that you can observe the distances (b) If the rope in Figure 10B is pulled up by 50 cm, will the load (the black object)
clearly. Try to explain your observation. also move up by 50 cm?
Learners will observe that the cup is not lifted by the same distance than the right No, the load will only move 25 cm up.
You will do the most work in Figure 10A, because you need to apply a larger
Or you can think of it in this way: If you pull the rope in Figure 10A 50 cm
downwards, the load will move 50 cm upwards. But if you pull the rope in
therefore do more work on the load in Figure 10A. a first-class lever where the fulcrum is closer to the load than to the effort.)
50 cm of rope 50 cm of rope
2. In what way do the moveable pulleys, shown in blue, help to make it easier to
lift the black object? If you have difficulty with this question, remember what
you experienced when you did the experiment with the string and the cup on
Learner Book page 84 (Teacher Guide page 110).
The moveable pulleys make it easier to lift the black ob ect (load) because the
ob ect is lifted by only half the distance than the hand. This is a tough
Figure 11: Single moveable-pulley system
conceptual question, and the expectation should not be that the learners can
Figure 14
Figure 12
Figure 15: An instrument like this is sometimes called a pair of callipers.
However, to be safe when you
ride a bicycle, you need to The handles could be bent like this:
be able to control the speed.
You need brakes. One type
of bicycle brake is shown in
the picture on the right. The
diagrams on the next page will
help you to understand this
photograph better.
Figure 13 Figure 16
1. Do the following:
(a) Copy the drawing of the calliper brake in Figure 17 above. On your drawing,
draw the part of the bicycle wheel that fits between the brake blocks. This is
the front view.
Figure 18: Disc brake on a car Figure 19: Disc brake on a motor cycle
output hydraulic oil
piston Figure 21
The device below is called a ratchet and pawl. The wheel with the teeth is the
ratchet, and the other object is the pawl.
brake pad
brake disc
Figure 20: The parts of a car disc brake Figure 22: A ratchet and pawl
A disc brake system consists of a brake disc, a caliper and brake pads.
When the brake pedal is pushed, it moves the input piston, which pushes
hydraulic oil into the output piston.
The output piston then squeezes the brake pad against the surface of the brake
disc. This contact causes friction, which forces the vehicle to slow down or stop.
Figure 23: The man wants to lift the sack right up to the branch.
Figure 24
Figure 25
Next week
Next week, you will learn more about different kinds of gears and gear systems.
Gears NB: As a reminder of how gear ratios are calculated, the section from the Grade 8 Chapter 5
Teacher Guide on gears is included at the end of these notes to the teacher. It is suggested you
read through this again before starting this section.
So, in everyday language a low gear means that the input rotational speed (of the engine or the
pedals) is fast compared to the output rotational speed (of the wheel). In other words, the output
rotational speed is slow compared to the input rotational speed. That means, if you divide the
output rotational speed by the input rotational speed, you will get a small answer.
Unfortunately, the scientists or engineers who decided on how to calculate gear ratios defined
gear ratios the other way round. They defined gear ratio as input rotational speed divided by
output rotational speed:
rotational speed of input axle
gear ratio:
rotational speed of output axle
The following table shows how the gear ratios of a motor car are shown in a motor car
Gear 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Gear ratio 4.1 2.2 1.5 1.1 0.9
Note that the highest gear (5th) has the smallest value of the gear ratio.
A useful way to think of the definition of gear ratio is to say that it is the number of times that a
car’s engine or a bicycle’s pedals have to rotate for the wheels to rotate once.
Figure 2
1. (a) How many teeth do each of these
gears have?
12 and 12
(d) Through which part of a full revolution 4. In the situation below, the red gear drives the blue gear and the blue gear then
did each gear turn? drives the grey gear. If the red gear is turned clockwise, in which direction will
the grey gear turn?
one quarter of a revolution
Figure 4
The two blue and black gears in the above
situation turn in opposite directions. This can
also be described by saying that the two gears
2. The dark blue gear on the left below is turned anti-clockwise through two
thirds of a full turn. Redraw Figure 5 and indicate with arrows where each of
the yellow dots will be afterwards.
Each dot moves by 8 teeth.
5. If the red gear in the above system makes one full turn, how many turns will
the blue gear make, and how many turns will the grey gear make?
The blue gear makes one and a half turns and the grey gear makes one full turn.
Figure 5
Suppose the red gear in Figure 8 drives the small grey Suppose the small gear in Figure 9 drives
gear. The red gear has 18 teeth and the grey gear has the big gear. The small gear has 20 teeth
6 teeth. For every 1 tooth in the grey gear, there are 3 and the big gear has 40 teeth.
teeth in the red gear.
1. If the small driver gear makes 12
When a gear has made a full turn, you can say it revolutions in one minute, how many
has made one full revolution. revolutions will the driven gear make
in the same time?
LB page 99
1. If the red driver gear makes one full revolution anti-clockwise, how many
revolutions will the grey driven gear make, and in which direction? Figure 9
2. If the small driver gear in Figure 9 makes 40 revolutions in one minute, how
The grey gear will make three revolutions clockwise. many revolutions will the driven gear make in the same time?
2. If the red driver gear makes 8 full revolutions, how many revolutions will the 40 2 20 revolutions of the driven gear
grey driven gear make?
If a gear makes 40 revolutions in one minute, we
24 revolutions say the gear turns at a speed of 40 revolutions per
minute. The abbreviation rpm is often used for
3. How many revolutions should the red gear make for the grey gear to make 12 “revolutions per minute”.
four revolutions 3. Look at the situation in Figure 9 again. If the driver gear with 20 teeth turns at
80 rpm, at what speed will the driven gear with 40 teeth turn?
4. In a different set of gears, the driver gear has 20 teeth and the driven gear has
80 teeth. How many full revolutions will the driven gear make if the driver gear 80 rpm 2 40 rpm
makes 20 full revolutions?
Number of times that a gear tooth of the driver gear passes the contact point
This is the same as the number of times that a gear tooth of the driven gear
4. If you want the driven gear in Figure 9 to turn at a speed of 120 rpm, how fast
passes the contact point between the two gears, so 400 80 × (number of should the driver gear be turned?
When a gear with few teeth drives a gear with many teeth, the driven gear turns
A road roller has a bigger engine than a sports car, but moves much slower.
slower, but with a bigger turning force than the driver gear.
To make a heavy road roller move, a large turning force needs to be applied to
the wheels. If the output rotational speed of the wheels is much slower than the Gear ratio is defined as follows:
input rotational speed of the engine, then the output rotational force will be much rotational speed of input axle turning force on output axle
bigger than the input rotational force. A road roller uses a set of gears that changes gear ratio = =
rotational speed of output axle turning force on input axle
the fast rotational speed of the engine into a very slow rotational speed of the
wheels, so that the rotational force at the wheels is strong enough to move the 1. Calculate the gear ratio of the set of gears in Gear ratio and speed ratio is
heavy road roller. Figure 12 the same thing. It can also be
With a sports car, a much smaller rotational force is needed at the wheels, called “velocity ratio”.
gear ratio (80 teeth) (20 teeth) 4
because the car is light. The set of gears used to start moving a sports car also You can write a gear ratio in
changes the fast rotational speed of the engine into a slower rotational speed of 4:1 different ways, for example “2
the wheels, but not as slow as with the road roller. So with a sports car, the wheels to 1”, “2:1” or simply “2”,
turn faster but with a smaller turning force than the road roller. 4 to 1 Turning force is also called
Increase or decrease in rotational force 2. In Figure 12, if the input axle is rotating at 120 rpm, at what speed is the output
axle rotating?
1. Look at the set of gears in Figure 12.
The driver gear has 20 teeth and the Re-arrange the formula:
driven gear has 80 teeth.
Is this gear system increasing the (rotational speed of output axle) (rotational speed of input axle) (gear ratio)
rotational force or decreasing it?
120 rpm 4 30 rpm
Explain your answer.
The big driven gear turns with a slower 3. In Figure 12, which axle will turn with the greatest force, the driver or the
driven axle?
rotational speed than the small driver
The driven axle, because the axle that turns the slowest turns with the
gear ( times as fast). Therefore the
rotational force of the driven gear will Figure 12 greatest force.
be bigger than the rotational force of the driver gear (4 times as big). That
means the gear system is increasing the rotational force.
3 kg × 2 6 kg
Figure 15
The 3 kg input weight in Figure 15 represents the turning force exerted on
the input axle. The output weight represents the turning force exerted by
the output axle. You will now check your answer to question 5 by using the
formulas for gear ratio:
rotational speed of input axle
gear ratio =
rotational speed of output axle
Figure 14
turning force on output axle
1. What is the gear ratio? =
turning force on input axle
gear ratio (18 teeth) (9 teeth) 2 2:1
number of teeth on output gear
2. For one full revolution of the input gear, how many revolutions will the output number of teeth on input gear
gear make?
You have already used the numbers of teeth on the input and output gears to
The output gear will make half a revolution. calculate that the gear ratio is 2:1. It can also be written simply as 2.
3. If you pull the input rope down by 2 cm, how far will the output rope be pulled If you re-arrange the blue part of the formulas, you can make the turning
up? Draw the vertical part of the output rope in the “position at the end” part of force on the output axle the subject of the formula:
Figure 14 to show where the output rope will be after you pulled the input rope (turning force on output axle) = (gear ratio) × (turning force on input axle)
down by 2 cm.
6. Use the formula above to check your answer to question 5.
The output rope is pulled up by half of the distance that the input rope is pulled
turning force on output axle 2 × 3 kg 6 kg
down: 2 cm 2 1cm. Learners have to indicate this on the Position at the end
in Figure 14.
gear ratio 18 6 3
output load 3 × 4 kg 12 kg
(b) In a certain system, the input gear has 12 teeth and the output gear has 30
teeth. If you want to lift a load of 75 kg on the output rope, with what force
in kilograms must you pull the input rope?
gear ratio 30 12 2
input force 5 kg 2 30 kg
(c) A certain person can only pull with a maximum force of 25 kg. That person
needs to hoist loads of up to 150 kg. Design a gear system that will allow
that person to hoist the heavy loads. In others words, how many teeth
should the input and the output gears have?
The output gear must have 6 times as many teeth as the input gear,
for example 10 teeth for the input gear and 60 teeth for the output gear.
Figure 16: Two spur gears with shafts parallel Figure 17: Two bevel gears with shafts at 90° to
to each other each other
The shafts of the two spur gears in Figure 16 on the left are parallel, but the shafts
of the two gears in Figure 17 on the right are at right angles to each other. The gears
in Figure 17 also have a different shape to ordinary spur gears to make them work
better at right angles to each other. They are called bevel gears.
12 × 8 96 teeth.
(Learners should look at the formula on page 124 again if they get confused.)
(b) How many revolutions will the driver gear make if the driven gear makes 60
60 × 8 96 5 revolutions.
(c) How fast should the driver gear turn to make the driven gear turn at 36 rpm?
Figure 18: A hand drill Figure 19: A food mixer
36 rpm × (1 twelfth) 36 rpm 12 3 rpm
Questions about bevel gears LB p. 105
4. Suppose you want to buy a food mixer to help you mix ingredients when you
1. Do you think bevel gears can also be used to change the speed of rotation?
bake a cake. Which food mixer would require the biggest force to turn when
Explain your answer and give examples.
you mix: the mixer with a ratio of 1:3 or a mixer with a gear ratio of 1:30?
Yes, if a gear system consists of two bevel gears with different number of Explain your answer.
teeth, the speed of rotation will be changed. For example, if the driver gear has The gear ratio is equal to: (turning force at the output axle) (turning force at
many more teeth than the driven gear, then the smaller driven gear will rotate the input axle). If the required output turning force is fixed, then a bigger gear
much faster. ratio will require a smaller input turning force. This is because the turning force
2. Why is fast rotation needed to beat eggs properly? is the denominator in the formula for gear ratio above. When the denominator
Slow rotation will not break up the yolk and mix it with the egg white, and will of a fraction is smaller, the value of the fraction is bigger.
not draw air into the mixture. You need a fast stirring action by the egg beater The gear ratio 1:3 is 1 third and the gear ratio 1:30 is 1 thirtieth. So 1:3 is the
to do this. bigger of the two gear ratios. Therefore the mixer with a gear ratio of 1:3 will
Figure 20: A rack-and-pinion gear in a security gate 3. Which part of a rack-and-pinion gear set rotates?
Questions about rack-and-pinion gears LB p. 106 The pinion
In Figure 20, you can see a shell structure that is bolted to the ground on the inside 4. Which part of a rack-and-pinion gear set moves in a straight line?
of the gate.
The rack
1. What do you think is inside the shell structure in Figure 20, and why is it there?
There is an electric motor inside the structure. The motor turns the spur gear 5. If the distance between two teeth on
the rack is 3 cm, and the pinion has
to open the gate. 18 teeth, how far will the rack move
if the pinion gear makes one full
2. In which direction will the gate move when the The gear wheel is called the
gear wheel is turned clockwise (as seen from inside pinion gear. The rack will move
the gate), in Figure 20? The straight bar with teeth is
18 × 3 cm 54 cm.
The gate will move to the right, as seen from called the rack gear.
A worm gear set consists of a worm and a worm wheel. The worm wheel is very
similar to a spur gear. When the worm turns, it slowly pushes the wheel round and
round. The worm is the driver gear, and the wheel is the driven gear.
LB page 109
Figure 24: A rack-and-pinion car-steering system
In Figure 26 below, you can see that the worm driver touches three of the wheel’s
The rack connects to the front wheels and turns them from side to side as you teeth. Only the red tooth on the right is actually pushed by the worm as it turns.
turn the steering wheel.
6. (a) How many teeth does the pinion gear of the steering system in Figure 24
8 teeth
(b) What difference will it make to the car driver if the pinion gear is replaced
with a bigger gear that has 27 teeth?
It will be harder to turn the wheel but the driver will not have to turn the
wheel as much.
Figure 26
Worm gear sets are normally designed so that the worm pushes against a different
tooth during each revolution. In other words, for each full revolution of the worm,
the worm wheel rotates by one tooth.
After five revolutions of the worm, the red tooth will be at the blue dot in Figure
26, and the yellow dot will be where the red tooth was at the start.
2. Does the toothed wheel turn faster or slower than the worm?
The elevator will stop going upwards, because the electric motor that powers the
slower driver gear will have stopped working. Then the weight of the elevator will make
the gear that is normally the driven gear turn in the opposite direction so that
3. If there are 18 teeth on the wheel, and the worm is turned at 6 rpm, how long
the elevator will go down. The elevator is heavy enough to turn the electric mo-
will it take for the toothed wheel to make one full revolution?
tor in the direction opposite to the direction in which it should turn to lift the
minutes elevator up. It is possible that the elevator can go down very fast and the people
in it can be in ured when the elevator hits the ground.
4. If there are 18 teeth on the wheel, how fast should the worm be turned to make
the wheel turn at 3 rpm?
The wheel has 18 teeth so if it makes one revolution then 18 teeth move past You learnt about hydraulic car jacks in Chapter 6. There are also other kinds of car jacks. Make a rough
sketch of how a rack-and-pinion system combined with a ratchet-and-pawl system can be used to make
the worm. So in 3 revolutions 54 teeth move past the worm a car jack.
Each turn of the worm moves 1 tooth of the wheel so it will take 54 turns of the
worm to make 3 revolutions of the wheel.
Learners’ own designs.
So the worm must turn at 54 rpm to make the wheel turn at 3 rpm.
Figure 2
1. Select any three of the tools listed here and evaluate them.
• can opener • secateurs
• egg beater • paper punch
• strap spanner for opening bottles • stapler
• vice grip • tweezers
• wire stripper • hammer
• ratchet spanner • garden fork
• nail scissors • pliers
Figure 3
• ladder • screwdriver
2. Describe three tools that people sometimes use that are not on the list above.
If the learners may have difficulty with this ask them to think of any tools that
are not on the list, as all tools will give a mechanical advantage to the user.
Figure 4
Some examples not listed are: crowbar, fire tongs, chisel, paint scraper, carving
The learners must complete three tables describing three tools. The most
important answer is to the question: How does it give a mechanical advantage?
Ensure that the learners understand the principle of mechanical advantage for
each tool they describe.
Example 1
Name of the tool Spade
Figure 5 Who will use it? ardener builder.
What can you do with the tool; what is It can be used to dig it can lift and
its purpose? carry loose material such as sand and
cement to another place. It can be
used to mix concrete.
How does it give you a mechanical It is a 3rd class lever.
Figure 6
What other materials could be used to Iron and strong plastic for the han-
make this tool? What material is it made of? Steel or aluminium and plastic.
What safety precautions should you take Hold it firmly don’t wind the handle
Example 2 when you use this tool? too fast watch what you are doing
wear an apron.
Name of the tool Egg beater
Who will use it? Cook, baker, a parent or learner
cooking at home.
What can you do with the tool; what is It stirs and mixes food quicker than
its purpose? you can with a spoon or fork.
Let the learners practise drawing the cube, following steps 1 to 4. Their cube
should look like one of the examples below.
Figure 9: Adding wood grain makes things look realistic.
You are sitting in your classroom. Look at the walls on each side of you, at the floor 1. Make your own drawing of your classroom. Don’t worry about the desks,
and at the ceiling. Look at how all the straight lines of the room seem to angle furniture or other learners, just concentrate on the construction: the walls, floor
towards each other the further away you are from them, even though you know and ceiling. It would help if you were sitting at the back of the room. If you are
they are actually parallel to each other. This is a bit like sitting inside a single not at the back, ask your teacher if you can stand there for a few minutes to get
vanishing point drawing! an idea of how the lines move toward a point opposite your eyes. Then return to
The vanishing point is level with your eyes, so all the construction lines point to your desk and draw the sketch in the box on the following page.
Because most of the learners will not be in the centre of the classroom, you can
show them that the single vanishing point can be opposite their point of view. The
above two illustrations show how this happens. If necessary, draw an example of
either of these two drawings on the board, and show how the vanishing point can
move from left to right depending on the angle of the viewer.
Figure 10: Shading helps to make drawings look more 3D.
LB page 122
2. Now evaluate your sketch. Compare it to Figure 12.
• Do you think that your sketch is accurate?
• If you continue the lines, would they meet at a vanishing point?
• If not, what do you think you did wrong? How would you correct the sketch?
3. Show your sketch to another learner, and also evaluate their sketch using the
same questions.
Figure 11: Making lines in front and on top darker Understanding vanishing points and
also helps to make a drawing look more 3D. perspective drawing is very important for
any drawing project. With a little practice,
you can improve your drawing skills and
you will find that it can help you in many
Next week
Next week, you will start with your practical assessment for this term. You will
build a model of a tipper truck.
control water container to fill the syringes; two AA cells; LED; beeper; electrical conduction wire;
springy material to make the normally-open switch; sand.
Tools: big strong scissors; cutting knives (optional); different size nails for making holes.
LB page 123
Week 1 Week 1
What is the problem? ..................................................................................................... 159 Learners start by individually answering questions on how to start if you dream of owning your
Week 2 own construction company one day. They are thinking about what they need to do to start
realising their dream.
Design your tip truck .................................................................................................... 169
After this, learners continue to work individually. They look carefully at photos of earth-moving
Week 3 equipment to see the use of hydraulic cylinders and pistons in the equipment.
Assemble the model tip truck .......................................................................................... 171 They write a design brief with specifications and constraints for building a model of a tip truck.
Their workbooks emphasise that safety is a major concern with tip trucks, so they should take
Assessment this into consideration when writing the design brief, specifications and constraints.
Investigate: Lastly, learners follow instructions to practise making the different parts of a model tip truck,
How to put a door on the load bed so that it swings open by itself when the load bed and answer design questions about these parts:
tilts up (questions 1, 2, 3 (b) & 4) ........................................................................... [10] • They follow instructions to build a load bed with an undercarriage/chassis that can tilt.
How to make wheels and a truck body (questions 1 & 2) .......................................... [5] • They have to pay special attention to hydraulics and how to choose the sizes of input and
Design: output cylinders in order to get a mechanical advantage. The teachers should remind them of
Design brief with specifications and constraints ....................................................... [4] what they learnt in Chapter 6 about hydraulics.
How to put a door on the load bed so that it swings open by itself when the load bed • They have to consider the position of the pivots (hinges) around which the back door swings,
tilts up (question 5) ................................................................................................ [5] so that the door will automatically open when the load bed tilts up, and it will stay shut when
Design all the parts of the tip truck (chosen sketch) ................................................. [6] the load bed is flat and fully laden with sand.
Make: • They design a normally closed switch to be used in the circuit for the warning beeper and
Get ready to make your parts ................................................................................. [6]
• They follow instructions to build wheels, axles and bearings.
Make your part or parts ......................................................................................... [12]
Assemble the model tip truck ................................................................................. [12]
Orthographic first-angle projection (working drawing) ............................................... [10] Week 2
[Total: 70] Learners work in teams of three or four.
Every team member makes design sketches of all the different parts of the model. They discuss
their designs with one another as they do this.
The team has a meeting to decide who will build what part of the truck. Each team member will
build only one part of the truck. LB page 126
Learners work individually to plan how to make the part that they decided to make. Then Week 1
they make those parts, and draw additional sketches if required. The team members keep
communicating about the different parts of the model they are building, to make sure that the What is the problem? (30 minutes)
different parts will fit together later on.
Maria has finished school and wants to learn about the construction industry.
Eventually, she wants to own her own construction company.
Week 3
Learners work together as a team to put all the different parts of the model tip truck together. Individual work
Then they prepare to present their projects. They draw artistic 3D drawings of their models from
two different directions, as well as an orthographic first angle projection drawing. Each member 1. Who can help Maria to get started? In other words, what type of people should
makes only one of these drawings. she meet to help her with her plans?
The team uses a checklist of questions to evaluate their model together.
Other people who have done many years of construction work companies or
LB pages 124–125 organisations that fund small businesses with start-up money
2. Which abilities and skills would Maria need to design and build houses?
Financial skills such as writing proposals and keeping good financial records.
Look at the photo of a tip truck on the next page. The door at the back opens by
itself when the load bed lifts up. It has no bolts or locks to open and close it.
Figure 2 • a load bed that has a door at the back that can open on its own to let
sand or gravel fall out,
It has a scoop in the front, which the driver pushes into a pile of sand. Then the
arms of the loader lift the load of sand into the air. • use a hydraulic system to raise the load bed, and
It uses diesel fuel in the engine as its source of energy. The engine turns a • have a beeper that sounds and a red LED light that goes on when
powerful pump that pumps hydraulic oil through hoses and pistons.
the load bed goes.
How does this mini-loader lift its arms? In other words, find the parts of this
system that make the arms go up. What are the names of these parts?
3. Write down the constraints. Remember that the constraints are the tools,
A hydraulic pump provides oil at high pressure. materials and time that you have available to make the model. [2]
The high pressure oil pushes the piston out of the hydraulic cylinder. I have two weeks to design and build the model of the tip truck.
I will use cardboard and other reusable waste materials. But I will also need
The piston is connected to the arm of the mini-loader. This forms a lever system.
tape or glue, and wire to make pivots and axles for the wheels.
Maria is going to need a big tip truck to deliver sand to different building sites. The
load must not fall off when the load back is horizontal. A big truck like that can be I will not use any special tools other than scissors. (Some students or schools
dangerous if it crashes into cars, it can flatten them! Also, the loads of rock, gravel
may have cutting knives and pliers available. In that case, learners can use those
or sand that tip trucks carry are usually very heavy, and when the load bed is
lifted, it can start pouring out very quickly. This load can injure a person standing tools as well, after the teacher advised them about how to work safety with
too close to it.
People should be trained to work safely around tip trucks. A tip truck needs to
those tools.)
have warning lights and beepers so that everyone will know when the load bed is 4. Form teams of four and compare your specifications.
being lifted.
[Total: 5]
Maria needs a model of a tip truck to train her staff on how to be safe when they
work around the truck.
Figure 5
• You need a strong box and a piece of stiff cardboard
as you see in the picture above. Use strong tape to
join the flat piece of cardboard to the box. Make the
small hole you see in the bottom of the wall of the
box. You need two syringes and some plastic tubing,
like you used in Chapter 5. The syringe where the
Figure 3 input force is applied will be called the driver piston.
The syringe where the output force will be obtained
How to attach the load bed to the body of the truck will be called the driven piston.
• Now, fill the driver syringe and the tube with water.
Sand is loaded in the load bed of the truck. The A Take care
Move the driven piston to the “down” position. Push
load bed and the body of the truck should be The cardboard must not get
the end of the tube through the back of the box and
joined in such a way that the load bed can lift, as wet, otherwise it will become
push it onto the driven piston. soft and weak.
in the photo above.
• The tube must go through the hole in the back of
You can make this out of two boxes. The the box, but the driven syringe must be loose, so
drawings on the right show different ways in that it can point up or down.
which this can be done.
• Look at Figure 6. Put a piece of Prestik under the
Join the top box to the bottom box with two cardboard sheet so that the slave piston can push
hinges, so that the box can lift at one end. Doors B against it.
and windows have hinges to allow them to open
and close.
Figure 4
contact wood
spring sponge spring
LED that pushes up metal strip
The sketches below show how to make wheels from plastic bottle tops, and how to Week 2
attach the wheels to the box that represents the truck body.
Design your tip truck (30 minutes)
You will work as a team of three or four to design and make different parts that
will fit exactly together to make a model tip truck that works. Each person will
make only one part.
Remind yourself why you are making this model, and look again at the
Figure 10 Figure 11
Design all the parts of the tip truck
Remember that the back of the truck body must have enough room for the
hydraulic syringe to move. The body should also have room for the hinge. Draw your designs on sheets of A4 paper. Give a title for each drawing, to show
what the drawing is about. Also use labels to show what the different parts of the
1. Look at the wheels of the truck in Figure 3. Trucks that carry heavy loads must drawing are.
have wheels that are strong, but also wide. Why do the tyres have to be wide?
Use your ruler and show measurements of the parts on your drawing. The
Wide tyres spread the weight of the truck over a larger area. The weight of measurements are important because the part or parts you make have to fit into
the truck is too heavy for narrow tyres. The tyres would burst or the wheels the parts that other people are making.
would bend. Wide tyres also help the truck to have better grip when driving on If you are making the warning circuit, draw a circuit diagram and also draw the
rough terrain. real circuit. You have to plan your circuit so that the switch will be underneath the
[2] load bed, and you have somewhere to hide the battery.
2. How can you make sure that the wheels can turn freely? If you get a better idea, don’t throw away the first sketches. Keep all your old
sketches and notes together. Your teacher will assess you on how much your ideas
The wheels must turn in bearings on the axle, or the axle must turn in bearings have improved.
on the body of the truck. A bearing is a surface that lets a shaft turn with [Total: 6]
little friction. For the model truck, plastic straws are good bearings, an
axle can be made of wire or of thin wooden dowels.
[3] Team design meeting (30 minutes)
[Total: 5]
You will work in teams of three or four. Each person will make only certain parts of
3. The truck should have enough room for the hydraulic syringe to move. It
the tip truck, and in the end all the parts have to fit together.
should also have room for the hinge. Make a sketch of the box you will use for
the truck body, and show the syringe and the hinges on this sketch. Divide the work amongst yourselves. For example, give each person one of the
following parts to make:
• the load bed and the truck body, the hinges between them, and the hydraulic system;
• the door of the load bed and the cabin of the truck; or
load bed • the switch for the warning beeper and light, and the truck wheels and axles.
hinge mask
of tape As a team, you need to check the designs of the different parts to see if everything
will fit together. Only then can you start making the different parts individually. If
the parts won’t fit, you will have to adapt the designs to make them fit.
box for
axle box for truck body axle
Front view
Figure 13
Look at the scissors in the figure. If you cut the box open, the sides will fall down
and lie flat on the table. Then you will have the orthographic first-angle projection. Side view Top view
Now you need to complete an orthographic first-angle projection of the truck.
The side view has been drawn for you. Use the red projection lines to complete
the top view of the truck. Then use the blue lines to complete the front view.
Finally add the labels for “front view”, “top view” and “side view” to your drawing.
[Total: 10]
When you evaluate a model, you ask questions about it. Most of the questions
relate to the specifications. Turn back and read the specifications again.
• Does the truck have four wheels that look wide enough to carry a heavy load?
• Does the truck have a cabin for the driver?
• Can the truck carry a tablespoon of sand?
• Does the load bed lift up with a hydraulic system? What is the highest angle it
can reach?
Figure 14
• Does the load slide out of a gate at the back of the load bed?
• Does a beeper sound or does an LED come on when the load bed goes up?
• Does the hydraulic system give you a mechanical advantage?
• In theory, what is the mechanical advantage of the system? The syringes have
a lot of friction in them and so the real mechanical advantage is less than the
theoretical advantage.
Component symbols and and draw simple circuit diagrams. They do not build and test circuits, but rely instead on
what they learned before. They compare circuits with cells in series and in parallel. They also
simple circuits
compare circuits with light bulbs in series and in parallel, and answer questions about the
voltage across and the current through the light bulbs. They complete truth tables for circuits
with switches in series and circuits with switches in parallel.
LB page 139 In these notes, the words “lamp”, “light bulb” and “bulb” all mean the same.
Cells in series
In this chapter, you will revise the work you did on electrical systems and control in Grade 8.
The easiest description of a series circuit is that there is only one path for the current.
You will revise simple circuits, circuit diagrams and connecting cells and light bulbs in series and
parallel. You will also revise switches in series and parallel. You will then do action research on
the effects of changing the voltage in a circuit. Cells in parallel
Learners may wonder what the advantage is of connecting cells in parallel since the
11.1 Revision 1: Component symbols ....................................................................... 178
arrangement does not increase the voltage and does not make the bulb brighter. However, in
11.2 Revision 2: Simple circuits ............................................................................... 186
some situations, cells in parallel will be able to produce a bigger current than the same number
11.3 Testing voltage and current in circuits ............................................................... 188 of cells in series. The reason is that the internal resistances of the cells in parallel are also
in parallel, giving a battery with a lower internal resistance. With cells in series, their internal
resistances are in series and add together.
Lamps in series
You may have to explain the term “voltage drop across the lamp”. It means the same as “the
voltage across the lamp” and the “potential difference across the lamp”.
The word “drop” is used because the flowing charges transfer (give away) some of their energy
to the lamp filament as they flow through. We know they give away energy because the filament
gets white-hot. Therefore, the charges have less energy on the other side of the lamp and we
say there has been a drop or decrease in the voltage across the lamp.
Lamps in parallel
Why can we say each lamp in parallel gets the same voltage drop across it? The answer is that
the positive terminal of the battery is connected to both lamps by copper wires, which are very
good conductors. These copper wires are the long straight lines in the diagram. Because the
conductors are so good, there is no voltage drop across those conductors. It is as if we have
connected each lamp straight onto the terminal of the battery and the wires were not there.
Figure 1: A torch
Question 5 (b) and Figure 9 might hold a surprise for learners. Usually, we give them the same Different ranges of measurement on a multimeter
kind of torch bulbs or lamps to work with. Therefore, they might expect that the current through You will have to teach learners how to read the multi-meters. The manufacturers do not consider
L1 and L2 should be the same. Prompt them with a question: “Do you think the lamps are of the learners when they print the face of the meter! On the DCV scale, “DCV” means “Direct Current,
same kind?” Volts”. 200m means 200 millivolts: on this range, you can measure up to 200 x 0.001 volts,
Now, some of them might think (and this is more of a worry for a teacher): “Oh well, I can’t that is to say, up to 0,2 volts. If the voltage you are trying to measure is greater than 0,2 volts,
understand this stuff, and there’s no way of telling what the currents are in each lamp. If the the display will put a 1 on the left-hand end. The “1” means, “the meter is working but you
book says the currents are different, that’s how it is”. You should therefore explain that the should select a higher range”.
currents can be different because lamps are made with different filaments. If you look closely at So, you need to switch to the 2000m range. “2000m” means 2 000 millivolts, which is 2 volts,
light bulbs/lamps, you may find some printing on the screw-contact. It might say “0.3W” or “6V and 2 volts is the biggest voltage it can measure. If you measure again and still see a 1 on the
3W” or “3.8V”. These numbers are the power rating in watts or the maximum voltage for which display, the voltage is greater than 2 volts, so switch to the range that is labelled 20. Of course,
the filament is designed. this means 20 volts. Now you might see a number such as 1,52 in the display. If you switch to
Some manufacturers colour-code their bulbs to show the rating. If you look inside the bulb, you the 200 range, you should still see 1,5 in the display. The last digit does not display because
may see a little plastic bead that holds the conducting wires apart. The bead may be white, the 200-volt range is not as accurate as the 20-volt range.
blue, green or yellow. The colour tells you the voltage that will make that bulb very bright. The
Eveready Company used to make torch bulbs with the colour codes as follows: white meant 1,1
You can buy multi-meters from hardware stores, and sometimes even from supermarkets. They
volts, blue meant 2,4 volts, and green meant 3,8 volts. (Remember that your bulbs might come
are relatively cheap.
from China and have other colour codes.)
An alternative to multi-meters is ammeters and voltmeters. Each meter does just one job: it
We usually put 1,5 volts across a bulb rated for 1,1 volts and it will be bright and not burn out.
shows voltage or it shows current. For school use, choose voltmeters that read up to 10 volts
Similarly, we can put 3 volts across a bulb rated for 2,4 volts and 4,5 volts across a bulb rated
and ammeters that read up to 3 amperes.
for 3,8 volts.
The red and black wires must be connected the correct way around on the terminals of the
meters: if you connect the wrong way around, the needle will try to move to the left.
Switches in series and parallel
The advantage of a multi-meter is that you can measure resistance directly. The multi-meter has
This recaps what you did in Grade 8 on logic gates, the bell system in the bus, and the alarm its own battery inside, and when you connect across a resistor, the multi-meter passes a small
system for Mr Abdullahi’s shop. current through the resistor, compares the voltage and the current, and displays the result as a
resistance value.
11.2 Revision 2: Simple circuits
The learners have to make circuits, following the instructions in their book. Each time they make
a circuit, they must also draw a circuit diagram of it.
LB page 140 LB page 141
11.1 Revision 1: Component symbols 2. Figure 3 below shows three cells connected in series in a circuit. Draw a circuit
diagram of the circuit.
Components are the parts that we connect in an electric circuit.
Do you remember the symbols for cells, lamps and switches?
Do you remember the difference between joining components in series and in
parallel? Let’s see what you can remember.
You have already learnt that an electric circuit is a closed path in which a
current flows.
Two or more cells can be connected in series to In series means the cells are
increase the voltage in the circuit. Figure 2 below connected end-to-end, and the
shows two cells connected in series in a circuit. The current flows through each cell
in turn. Figure 3: Three cells in series connected to a lamp
positive terminal of cell A is connected to the lamp.
The negative terminal of cell A is connected to the positive terminal of cell B, and
the negative terminal of cell B is connected to the other terminal of the lamp. When cells are connected in series, their total
voltage is the sum of the voltages of the three cells:
1. Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit in Figure 2.
1,5 V + 1,5 V + 1,5 V = 4,5 V
Two or more cells can also be connected in parallel. A parallel circuit has two or
more different paths for the current to travel along.
Figure 4 shows three cells connected in parallel in a circuit. The positive
terminals of all three cells are connected to one another and to the lamp. The
negative terminals of all three cells are connected to one another and to the other
terminal of the lamp.
1. Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit in Figure 4.
1. How does increasing the number of lamps in series change the current and
voltage in the circuit?
The overall voltage drop across the lamps remains the same, but the current
Figure 4: Three cells in parallel connected to a lamp decreases.
When cells are connected in parallel, the total If all the lamps have the same resistance, the
voltage of the cells is the same as that of a single voltage drop across each lamp will be equal to 1,5 V.
cell (1,5 volts). When the voltage drops of all the lamps are added,
the total battery voltage of 4,5 V is obtained.
Lamps in series LB p. 142 The current is the same through each lamp.
Two or more lamps can also be connected in series. The pictures below show Lamps in parallel LB p. 143
circuit diagrams of two and three lamps connected in series with the battery. The
positive terminal of the battery (B+) is connected to lamp 1, the other side of lamp Two or more lamps can also be connected to the battery in parallel, as shown in
1 is connected to lamp 2, the other side of lamp 2 is connected to the negative the pictures below. The positive terminal of the battery is directly connected to one
terminal (B–) of the battery, and so forth. side of each lamp and the negative terminal to the other side of each lamp.
In the circuit below, there are two switches in series. This gives us four different
switch combinations. They are:
• switch A and B both open,
• switch A open and B closed,
• switch A closed and B open, and
• both switches closed.
Figure 9
(b) The total current in the circuit is 10 A. If lamp 1 has a current of 4 A flowing
through it, what will the current be through lamp 2?
Figure 11: Circuit with two switches in series
10 A – 4 A = 6 A
Do you see that the current cannot flow through the circuit if either switch A or
switch B is open? Both of them must be closed for the lamp to glow.
1. In the table below, “0” means off or open, and “1” means on or closed. Copy and Input A Input B Output
complete the table to show all the different combinations possible in the circuit
in Figure 11. To help you, the first two rows of the table have already been 0 0 0
completed. Make sure you understand those two rows before you complete the 0 1 1
1 0 1
Input A Input B Output 1 1 1
0 0 0
The truth table shows that when switch A or switch B
0 1 0 is closed, the output will be 1 (the lamp will be on).
1 0 0 We call switches in parallel an OR function.
1 1 1
Questions for homework LB p. 146
The table showing these combinations is called a truth
table. Both switch A and switch B must be closed for the 1. Would the lamp glow in each of these circuits? Explain your answer.
circuit to be completed (an output of 1).
(a) Figure 13:
So we can see that switches connected in series give us an
AND function. Yes, because the lamp is part of a
complete circuit that includes the
Switches in parallel LB p. 145
battery (there is a continuous conducting
In the circuit below, there are two switches in parallel. This also gives us four loop including the lamp and the
different switch combinations.
Figure 13
Figure 14
2. A kettle must be switched on at the wall plug first and then at the kettle itself.
(a) Copy the truth table below. Fill it in to show all the possible combinations.
Figure 16
Wall plug switch Kettle switch Output
Set up this circuit and check that it works by closing the switch.
0 0 0 (a) Does the lamp glow?
0 1 0 Yes, it does glow.
1 0 0
1 1 1 When you have the circuit working correctly, move on to question 2.
(b) Is this an AND function or an OR function? Explain your answer. If you need to, you can troubleshoot your circuit by looking at the
It is an AND function. Both switches have to be closed for the kettle to
• If the lamp doesn’t light up, but the wires get hot, you may have a
work. If one is off, the kettle will not work. short circuit. This means that the lamp is not connected correctly
in the circuit, or that it is faulty. Check that the lamp is connected
LB page 147 correctly in the circuit.
11.2 Revision 2: Simple circuits • If the lamp still doesn’t light up, check each component and
connecting wire by replacing them, one by one. You can identify
In this lesson, you will set up simple circuits, revising what you learnt about which one is faulty this way.
setting up circuits in Grade 8. 2. Add another lamp to the circuit in series with the first one.
(a) Draw a circuit diagram for this circuit.
Set up circuits LB p. 147
Examples of correct circuit diagrams:
A voltmeter is always
connected in parallel with the
Figure 18: Multi-meter set and connected to measure current
part of the circuit for which it
measures the voltage between
Measuring current LB p. 149 two points. Very little current
flows through a voltmeter since
Identify the section labelled “DCA” on the multi-meter dial. it has a very high resistance.
• Connect the red test lead to the “V Ω mA” terminal and the black test lead to
the “COM” terminal. If the current to be measured is between 200 mA and 10 A,
Figure 21: Circuit with one cell, resistor, ammeter and voltmeter across resistor
connect the red test lead to the “10 A” terminal.
• Adjust the function selector to the “A” (ampere) region. If you are measuring an
unknown current, start from the highest range, then adjust to a proper lower Record the readings.
range for the best accuracy. V = 1,5 V or slightly less
• Connect the other ends of the test leads in series with the part of the circuit
I = 3,0 mA (milliamps) or slightly less
where the current is to be measured. (Disconnect the circuit and place the
meter in series.)
• Read the current value from the display.
Figure 22: Circuit with two cells in series, resistor, ammeter and voltmeter across resistor
Figure 24: Graph of the relationship between potential difference and current
12.1 Resistors and their identification codes ...............................................................197 12.2 Ohm’s Law
12.2 Ohm’s Law ........................................................................................................200
Learners meet the mathematical form of the relationship between voltage, current and
12.3 Calculations using Ohm’s Law .............................................................................202
resistance, V = I × R, and they practise changing the subject of that formula.
Note to the teacher:
If learners have coloured pencils, they should bring them to class for lesson 2.1 12.3 Calculations using Ohm’s Law
The learners follow example calculations using the Ohm’s Law relationship. They then calculate
currents, voltages and resistances for nine questions.
Figure 1: You can change the brightness of the light on some torches. The brighter the light you
choose, the faster the battery will run out.
LB page 154 LB page 155
12.1 Resistors and their identification codes
What is resistance?
Electricity flows far more easily through copper wire To resist something means
than through plastic wire, string or grass. Copper wire to try prevent it. If you sit in a
has a low resistance to electricity flow, whereas plastic tree and the wind blows hard,
wire has a high resistance. Because electricity flows you can resist falling down by
easily through copper wire, copper is a good conductor clinging to the branches.
of electricity. To conduct means to allow
something to pass through.
The resistance that an object, for example a piece of
wire, offers to the flow of electricity can be measured.
Figure 2: How to read the colour bands on a resistor to find out what its resistance is. (You will only work
with resistors with four-colour bands, such as the one at the top.)
What is a resistor? LB page 156 The resistance of resistors LB p. 157
A resistor is a specially designed component that is normally used in a circuit 1. Work out and write down the resistance of each of these resistors:
to limit the current. Resistors are made of materials with a high resistance to
(a) (b)
electricity flow, and come in the form of thin wires or films. Resistors also have
precise resistance values that don’t change much in different environmental
The most commonly used resistors look like tubes, with two wires to connect
it to the circuit. The symbol to show a resistor in a circuit diagram is an open
rectangle or a zigzag line.
Figure 5 Figure 6
00 1 00 k
(c) (d)
12.2 Ohm’s Law LB page 158
2. How will the current change if the voltage supplied by the battery of cells is
kept constant but the resistor is replaced by another resistor with a lower
There is a special relationship between the voltage, A variable is a quantity that
current, and resistance in any circuit. You can control can have different values, The current will increase.
any one of these three variables by changing the other for example the amount of
two variables. water in a tank. A constant
is a quantity that always has LB page 159
Ohm’s Law states that as voltage increases, the
the same value, for example
current increases if the resistance is constant. 3. How would you describe the relationship between the current and the voltage
gravitational acceleration.
Sometimes we call a quantity a in a circuit?
In the formula for Ohm’s Law:
• V is the potential or voltage difference measured constant because we decide to They are in direct proportion to each other: when one changes by a factor the
in volts, keep it constant.
other one changes by the same factor (for example, if one is increased to five
• I is current measured in amps, and
and a half times its value the other will also increase five and a half times. If
• R is resistance measured in ohms.
one is made a third of its value, the other will decrease to a third of its
Figure 11 shows this relationship in a formula
triangle. previous value).
When the voltage and current are known, the
4. Which of these changes will cause the current through an electrical circuit to
resistance can be calculated with:
V decrease? Write down all the letters of the statements that are correct.
R= (a) a decrease in the voltage
When the resistance and current are known, the (b) a decrease in the resistance
voltage can be calculated with: (c) an increase in the voltage
V=I×R (d) an increase in the resistance
When the resistance and voltage are known, the Figure 11 (a) and (d)
current can be calculated with:
V 5. An electrical circuit has three 1,5 V cells in series that is connected to a lamp
I= and a resistor in series. Which of the following things would cause the lamp to
shine less brightly? Write down all the letters of the statements that are correct.
(a) an increase in the voltage of the battery (add another cell)
Questions LB p. 158 (b) a decrease in the voltage of the battery (remove a cell)
R1 (c) a decrease in the resistance of the resistor
Consider the following circuit in Figure 12 (d) an increase in the resistance of the resistor
on the right:
(b) and (d)
12.3 Calculations using Ohm’s Law Example 3
Calculate the value of the current in the circuit below if the resistor has a value of
In the previous lesson, you learnt how Ohm’s Law can be used to predict what will 3 Ω and the voltage across the resistor is 12 V.
happen when you change one or two of the following variables: current, voltage V
I =
or resistance. You will now use the formulas of Ohm’s Law to make predictions. R
Remember to use the correct units in the formula! 12 V
Example 1 3Ω
Calculate the value of the resistance in the diagram below if the voltage across the =4A
resistor is 12 V and the current through the resistor is 2 A.
12 V
= Figure 15
Questions LB p. 160
1. What will the potential difference be if the current in a circuit is 10 A and the
total resistance is 1 000 Ω?
Figure 13
V = I × R, so V (10 A) × (1 000 ) 10 000
LB page 160
Example 2 2. Given V = 10 V and R = 1 kΩ, what will the value of the current be in a circuit?
Calculate the value of the voltage supply in the circuit below if the resistor has a V = I × R, so I = V ÷ R (10 ) (1 000 ) 0,010 A
value of 4 Ω and the current through the resistor is 2,5 A.
3. Given V = 20 V and R = 5 kΩ, solve for the current.
= 2,5 A × 4 Ω V = I × R, so I = V ÷ R (20 ) (5 000 ) 0,004 A
= 10 V 4. A tumble dryer in a laundry service uses a 220 V power source. The coils of
the heater provide an average resistance of 12 Ω. What is the current flowing
through the heating coils?
V = I × R, so I = V ÷ R (220 ) (12 ) 18,3 A
6. If the voltage across a circuit is increased four times, what would you expect to
happen to the current through the circuit?
It will increase four times as well.
LB page 161 LB page 162
7. (a) In the circuit below, calculate the resistance value of the resistor. 9. Look at the circuit below:
Figure 16
Figure 19
Figure 18
V = I × R, so V (0,5 A) × (12 ) 6
Chapter 13 13.1 Switches
Electronic components 1 The learners have to study circuit diagrams and explain how each circuit works. They have to
complete nine such tasks.
Figure 1: A few examples of electronic components that we will deal with in this chapter
A switch controls the electric current by closing or opening the circuit. There are Switches are named using the words “pole” and “throw”. Pole refers to the number
various types of switches that control the circuit in different ways. In this lesson, of circuits the switch controls, and throw refers to how many contacts the switch
you will learn about manual switches that a user can turn on or off. can make.
Single-pole, single-throw switches (SPST) control one input circuit and make one
List different switches LB p. 164 contact with the output circuit.
1. Think about different switches that you use daily and make a list of as many of
them as you can.
light switches
Figure 3: The symbol for an SPST switch
plug switches
An example of an SPST is a light switch. Below is a typical lighting circuit.
switches on appliances such as kettles, toasters, lamps and ovens
When the switch is closed, the current will flow from the positive terminal (+)
switches on electronic devices such as remote controls and cell phones of the battery through the switch, through the lamp and back to the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
Push button switch
Push button switches are often
used for doorbell circuits, as in
Figure 2. This simple doorbell
circuit consists of cells in series,
a push button and a buzzer, all
connected by conducting wire.
A person visiting the house
presses the button for a short
time and then releases it.
1. Draw the circuit diagram of the doorbell Single-pole, double-throw switches (SPDT)
circuit in Figure 2. Use the correct
circuit diagram symbols. Note that the Single-pole, double-throw switches control one circuit,
cells are in series. but they make two contacts so that they can control
two devices. They turn on device 1 in one position and
2. Explain in your own words how this circuit works. device 2 in the other position. There is no “off” position
for this switch.
When the push button is pressed in, the circuit is completed and the buzzer Figure 5: The symbol for
An example of an SPDT is a switch that turns on an SPDT switch
makes a sound. The buzzer makes a sound for as long as the push button is a red lamp in one position and a green lamp in the
pressed in. other position.
4. Look at the circuit diagram below. It shows how one light can be controlled by
two different switches.
Figure 6: A circuit with a battery, two lamps and an SPDT switch controlling two outputs
2. Think about how you can use an SPDT switch. You can make up an example, as (a) Will the lamp turn on if A connects to C and D connects to F? yes
long as it makes sense.
(b) Will the lamp turn on if A connects to C and D connects to E? no
A few examples could be:
green and red lights to show whether a door is open or closed, LB page 167
a heat-sensitive switch to show if a plate on a stove is hot or cold, (c) Will the lamp turn on if AB and ED are closed? yes
lights to show if the water level in a tank is low or high (switch connected to a (d) Will the lamp turn on if DF and AB are closed? no
floating lever device), (e) Explain why the type of circuit in Figure 7 is useful for controlling the lamp
to show if a train is arriving at a level crossing or not, and in a long passage.
a T that shows a green light when it’s on, a red light when it’s off but it is
If you want to walk down a long passage at night, you want to switch the lamp
supplied with electrical energy, and no light when it’s not being supplied with
on when you enter the passage on the one side, and switch it off when you
electrical energy (for instance if the plug is pulled out, or the wall switch is
exit the passage on the other side. If you could not switch off the lamp on
off, or there’s a power failure).
the other side, the lamp would remain on, and you would be wasting electrical
3. Look at Figure 6 again. An SPDT switch controls two possible outputs. They
cannot both be ON, nor can they both be OFF. Is this an example of OR logic or
AND logic? Explain your answer.
It is an example of OR logic since one throw is always 1 while the other is 0.
In other words, only the 1-0 and 0-1 inputs are possible with an SPDT switch.
Figure 8
A gate motor circuit LB p. 168
Consider an automatic car gate powered by an electric motor. To open the gate, the
motor should turn in one direction. To close the gate, the motor should turn in the 1. Explain in your own words how this circuit works.
opposite direction. How can the direction in which the motor turns be changed? Learners’ own formulation. The answer must mention that both terminals of
The way to do this is to change the direction of the current through the electric
motor. Double-pole, double-throw switches can be used to reverse the direction the motor are connected to the two poles of the battery at any time when the
of current through a circuit, so they are useful in applications such as automatic switch is in one of its two positions, and that flipping the switch only changes
car gates. The circuit diagram below shows how a DPDT switch can change the
which terminals are connected to which poles.
direction of current through an electric motor.
2. Explain the difference between an SPDT and a DPDT switch.
An SPDT switch has one pole which allows you to choose between two possible
output sides to which the circuit will be connected. A DPDT switch has two
poles, and each of these poles has two possible output sides.
Figure 9: A circuit where a DPDT switch controls the direction in which an electric motor turns
LB page 168
The motor shaft will rotate in one direction when the current passes through it
from terminal M1 to M2, but the motor shaft will rotate in the opposite direction
when the current passes through it from terminal M2 to M1.
When the ON/OFF switch is switched ON, with the DPDT switch in the position
indicated in the diagram above, the current will flow from the positive of the
battery, through the ON/OFF switch to 1, to 3, through the motor from M1, to M2, to
4, to 2 and back to the negative of the battery.
2. Explain how the different parts of the transistor are connected in this circuit.
The collector is connected to the LED, the emitter is connected to the resistor,
touch and the base is connected to the bottom one of the two horizontal wires that
form the touch switch.
6V transistor 3. Explain what you expect to see when the touch switch is activated.
battery e
The LED will light up (assuming its terminals are connected correctly to the
battery, and that the finger has sufficient moisture to conduct a small current.
R1 = 100 W
4. Touch the two terminals of the touch switch with one finger. Describe what
The LED lights up.
Figure 18: Circuit using a transistor as an electronic switch
1. The photograph below shows a circuit built according to the circuit diagram in
Next week
Figure 18. Look at the photograph and identify each component in the circuit.
Redraw the photograph and write labels for the different components and draw Next week, you will learn more about electronic systems and components in
arrows pointing from the labels to the components. electronic circuits. You will also learn about capacitors, and various kinds of input
devices such as sensors.
Electronic components 2
or courier. Delivery is not free, unless your order is quite large. However, you can put together
a large order by going through your district office, or organising it in your school cluster, or
by organising it with teachers from other schools at a meeting of a teacher association, such
as the SA Association of Science and Technology Educators (SAASTE). Contact details for
companies that sell electronic components, as well as for SAASTE, are given at the end of these
teacher notes.
The teacher should build the circuits in Figures 6, 9 and 12, so that learners can see how these
components work. Build them on a “breadboard” such as you see at the end of the teacher
notes to Chapter 15.
LB page 175
In this chapter, you will learn more about electronic systems and components in electronic 14.1 Light-dependent resistors (LDR)
circuits. You will learn about various kinds of sensors that act as input devices. A touch switch is
a sensor that works with the moisture on your skin. This is a very sensitive device that produces Learners read the information about an LDR and apply it to describe how a day-night switching
a small current. A transistor is required to make the current big enough to have an effect. This circuit operates.
week, you will learn about other kinds of sensors and how they are used in devices. Learners do not have to understand why the LDR is connected in the position where it is in the
You will also learn about capacitors. transistor circuit for a day/night light switch (Figure 6). And they do not have to understand
the purposes of the other resistors in this circuit. (They also do not have to understand how
14.1 Light-dependent resistors (LDR) ........................................................................ 224 the circuit of the fire alarm in the next section works.) That is quite difficult to understand. But
14.2 Thermistors (temperature-sensitive resistors) ..................................................... 226 learners should know the purpose of the circuit. And they should describe in words how the
14.3 Capacitors ...................................................................................................... 229 transistor and the LDR is connected in the circuit. To describe this, they will have to read the
circuit diagram carefully. Reading circuit diagrams is good exercise for when learners will later
build a transistor circuit, so that they will connect the different components in the correct way.
You can order components from the companies listed below. There are still more companies
that you can find if you search on Google, using the search phrase “electronic component
suppliers South Africa”.
When you get to a website, you will always find a tab called Contact us or Contact or Home or
About us. Click on one of those and you will find a telephone number or email address to use.
Hi-Q Electronics:
Mantech Electronics: (Johannesburg area)
DIY Electronics: (Durban area)
Electronics 1-2-3: (This company offers workshops in
electronics for adults and children. They are in the Pretoria area.)
Netram Technologies:
Mouser Electronics: (Cape Town area)
Yebo Electronics:
If there is an active school cluster or a SAASTE branch in your area, its members who teach Figure 2: Measuring the resistance of a Figure 3: Measuring the resistance of a
Grade 9 Technology could get together and place a bulk order for electronic components from thermistor at room temperature. thermistor while heating it with a hot object.
a company that sells such components. The order would have to be large enough for one of You can heat a metal thumb tack by pressing it
the suppliers to mail it to the address of one of the schools or the branch. Or someone goes to into an eraser, and then rubbing it hard against
fetch it. Costs would be shared between participating schools. a piece of wood or plastic for one minute.
Safety warning: The thumb tack can get very
When you have received the components, organise a cluster or branch workshop on Grade 9
hot and burn your skin, which can cause a
electronics for teachers, as most teachers will be unfamiliar with this topic. wound.
1. Write four examples of when it would be useful to have a device that detects
the amount of light, and does something in response to it.
A few examples:
Safety lights that switch on when the ambient light intensity drops below a
certain level.
Detect if something has moved past a point where a beam of light is shone on
a circuit with an LDR
Figure 4: A light-dependent resistor Figure 5: The circuit symbol for a light-dependent Car lights that automatically switch on when it get darks, and switch off when
it is light.
Circuit of a day/night switch LB p. 178 An alarm clock that wakes you up when the ambient light becomes higher than
Day/night switches are often used to turn on street and outside lights once it a certain intensity.
gets dark. It has an advantage above time switches, since the time settings can
go wrong, and the amount of daylight does not remain constant during different
weather conditions.
In this example, a light-dependent resistor (LDR) is the input device, an npn
transistor is the control device, and an LED is the output device.
A thermistor can be used in a heat-controlled switch for a fire alarm. When the The main function of a capacitor is to store electric charge. A capacitor consists
thermistor is heated up, its resistance is decreased and the transistor starts of two metal plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. The ability of a
conducting a current, switching on the LED. capacitor to store electric charge is called its capacitance.
Capacitance is measured in farad. The symbol “C” is used for capacitance.
Because the farad is such a large unit, practical values usually have the prefixes m
NTC thermistor
LED 10 kW (milli-), µ (micro-), n (nano-) or p (pico-).
6V R4 = 270 W R1 = 10 kW
c R3 = 1 kW
transistor b
R2 = 1,8 kW
3. Draw a simplified circuit diagram for an indicator light to show when a heater Charge and discharge of a capacitor
has dropped below a certain temperature and starts heating up again.
The charging and discharging of a capacitor can be observed by building the circuit
The same as Figure 9, but this time with a PTC thermistor instead of an in the diagram below. When the switch is switched to position A, the current will
flow from the + of the battery, through LED1, through the switch to one plate of
NTC thermistor.
the capacitor. The negative of the battery is connected to the other plate of the
The LED will switch off again when the temperature increases and the capacitor through the resistor R1. While the capacitor is charging, LED1 will be ON.
resistance of the PTC is high enough.
Figure 12: Capacitor charging and discharging circuit capacitor Stores electric
After the capacitor has been charged and the switch is switched to position B, a
current will now flow from the + plate of the capacitor through LED2, and through the
resistor R1 to the negative plate of the capacitor. While the capacitor is discharging,
LED2 will be ON.
Capacitors are often used in electronic devices that need a carefully controlled
time delay, such as timers and traffic lights. The exact kind of capacitor can be
chosen to get the exact time delay that is needed. Increasing the value of the
thermistor Changes its
capacitor increases the length of the time delay.
depending on the
Questions about components LB p. 183 temperature.
1. Copy the table on the next two pages, without the photographs. Name the
component in the picture and draw the correct circuit symbol next to the
name. Write a brief description of the main uses of the component.
Name of Picture Symbol Use
LED Ensures that
current can only electric motor Converts
flow in one electrical energy
direction, and into rotational
produces light movement (kinetic
from electrical energy).
transistor Acts as a switch
or amplifier that is Next week
electrically Next week, you will draw circuit diagrams and build simple circuits.
(npn type)
15.1 Simple electronic circuits ..................................................................................... 236 15.2 A control circuit and a time-delay circuit
15.2 A control circuit and a time-delay circuit ................................................................ 238
A fire alarm: A circuit with a sensor and a transistor
15.3 Build a fire-alarm circuit......................................................................................... 241
The learners read about the general properties of a simple control circuit. They identify the input
sensor and output device in a circuit diagram of the control circuit. They identify the input and
output parts of the circuit by using a system diagram.
They do not have to understand the purposes of the different resistors in the control circuit, as
that is too advanced for them.
They redraw the control circuit for a fire alarm that was given in Chapter 14 Figure 9, but with
few small changes:
• They change the output device from an LED to a buzzer.
• They change resistor 1 to a variable resistor. They will see the reason for that in the next
section, when they build and test the circuit.
• They draw the input part of the circuit on the left-hand side and the output part on the
right-hand side. This is the other way round from the way it is drawn in Chapter 14 Figure
9. The purpose of asking them to do it in this way, is for them to think about whether that
will change the way the circuit works, or whether the two circuit diagrams are electrically
equivalent. When they follow the paths of current (lines) for the different loops in the circuit
with their fingers, they will come to understand that the two ways of drawing the circuit are
indeed electrically equivalent – they merely look different. This visual thinking exercise is
good preparation for when they will build the circuit, because a real circuit usually looks very
different from its circuit diagram, and more messy! You need to follow the wires to check that
the circuit you build is electrically equivalent to the circuit diagram.
• They leave out the resistor that is in series with the output device (resistor 4). The reason for
Figure 1: A part of the circuit for a radio this is explained below.
Some output devices such as LED’s, have very small resistances, and they may be damaged by
too large a current. So for such output devices, a resistor needs to be added in series with the
output device, to prevent the current through the output device from becoming too large. That After learners built the circuit they will test it. It will probably not work at first, so they need to do
is the purpose of resistor 4 in the circuit in Chapter 14 Figure 9. But other devices do not need some troubleshooting.
a resistor in series. Then a resistor should not be added in series, because it will “use up” some They will need to adjust the variable resistor so that the alarm is activated at the correct
of the potential difference offered by the battery. In the case of the circuit for the fire alarm, a temperature, not too early (at too low a temperature) but also not too late (at too high a
buzzer rated for 3 V to 6 V should be used without a resistor in series with it. temperature).
LB page 186
15.3 Build a fire alarm circuit
Learners actually build the fire alarm circuit, applying the knowledge they have gained from the
previous section.
You cannot treat this as theory – the learners must have working circuits because they are
going to use the circuits to control the kettle switch that they must make for the mini-PAT in
Chapter 16.
The learners can make their circuits on “breadboards” if you have them. If you don’t have
breadboards, you can give the learners soft planks, screws and washers, as you see in the
figure on the opposite page.
slide switch
stiff wire screw and
large washer
join legs of R1
and LED here
The stiff wires at the top and bottom of the board press against the wood because the screws
hold them down. You can lift the wires just enough to push the lead of a battery, resistor or
other component underneath.
The circuit in the drawing above shows a connector for a 9 V battery, but learners will build a circuit
Figure 2: All of these appliances contain electronic circuits.
with a 6 V battery (four 1,5 V cells in series in a cell holder). This is because the buzzer of the fire
alarm is only rated for a maximum of 6 V. It may break if you apply a higher voltage across it.
LB page 187 A circuit with an LDR LB p. 188
15.1 Simple electronic circuits
Now you will build a circuit where an LDR regulates the current.
A circuit with an LED LB p. 187 You will need:
• an LDR,
In this lesson, you need to assemble a simple LED circuit. You will draw the circuit
• four 1,5 V cells in a
diagram on your own and then work in pairs to assemble it.
cell holder, and
You will need: • a buzzer.
• an LED,
• a 470 Ω resistor, The photograph on the right
• a switch, shows a circuit where an LDR
• four 1,5 V cells in series, or a 9 V battery, and regulates the current through
• electric conducting wire with crocodile clips for connections. the circuit.
LB page 189 LB page 190
15.2 A control circuit and a time-delay circuit It is easier to understand the circuit if you think about a systems diagram. Look at
Figure 6. The yellow part is the output side of the diagram.
A fire alarm: A circuit with a sensor and a transistor
In the next lesson, you will build the electronic circuit for a fire alarm. In the next
chapter, you will use the same circuit but for a different purpose, as part of an
automatic kettle switch. It is very important that you complete the circuit and that
it works, as you will use it in the Mini-PAT in the weeks that follow.
The type of circuit you will build is used very often to switch an output device on Figure 6: A systems diagram of a control circuit
and off without using a switch. Instead of a switch controlled by hand, this type of Figure 7 shows how
circuit uses an input sensor in combination with a transistor to switch the output the circuit in Figure 5 is
device on or off automatically, depending on the measurement of something by the the same as the systems
input sensor. diagram.
This type of circuit is
called a control circuit since
one circuit controls another
circuit. In the case where
a transistor is used with
a sensor such as an LDR,
the base-emitter current
controls the larger collector- Figure 7
emitter current.
Note that resistor 2 and Identify the different components and draw the circuit
the input sensor may have
to change places depending
LB p. 191
on the relationship between
The circuit for the fire alarm contains the following components:
the resistance of the input
Figure 5: The circuit diagram for the control circuit • a battery consisting of 4 cells in series,
sensor and the required
output: • an input sensor to measure the temperature,
• If a decrease in resistance of the input sensor should switch on the output • a variable resistor to set the temperature at which the alarm should go off,
device, then resistor 2 and the input sensor should be arranged as in Figure 5. • an output device to make noise when it gets too hot, and
Look back at the circuit for a heat-activated switch using a negative temperature • a transistor to switch the output device on when it gets too hot.
coefficient (NTC) thermistor, on page 180.
• If an increase in resistance of the input sensor should switch on the output 1. What type of electronic component will you use as the input sensor?
device, then resistor 2 and the input sensor should be arranged the other way a thermistor
around to Figure 5. Look back at the circuit for a day/night switch using a light-
dependent resistor (LDR), on page 178. 2. What type of device will you use as the output device?
a buzzer / beeper / speaker
4. Draw a circuit diagram for a fire alarm:
LB page 192
(a) Show the correct symbols for the components you will use as the input and
the output sensors.
15.3 Build a fire-alarm circuit
(b) Show the voltage of the battery.
Build a circuit and test it LB p. 192
(c) Show the emitter (“e”), base (“b”) and collector (“c”) of the transistor. Look
back on what you learnt about transistors in Chapter 13. Work in pairs to build the circuit.
You need the following materials to build the circuit:
• four 1,5 V cells in series, in a cell holder,
• conduction wires with crocodile clips,
• a 10 kΩ NTC thermistor,
• a 700 to 1 400 kΩ variable resistor,
• a 820 Ω and a 1 kΩ resistor,
• an npn transistor, and
• a buzzer, that is specified to be used with between 3 V and 6 V across it.
1. Now build the circuit. Set the variable resistor to its lowest resistance.
2. Once your circuit is complete, check that all your connections are good.
3. Then connect the battery to the circuit.
4. To test the fire alarm, warm up a thumb tack by pressing it into an eraser, and
rubbing it hard against a piece of wood or plastic for a minute. Then press it
against the thermistor.
A circuit diagram showing the different components in a fire alarm
The purpose of resistors 1 to 3 in the control circuit is hard to explain. It has to do
with the minimum current to the base of the transistor that is needed to allow If the fire alarm does not work, then:
current through from the collector to the emitter of the transistor. If you choose to • test whether the battery is flat or not,
study more electronics in FET or at university, you will learn about the purpose of • test all your connections again,
these resistors, and how to calculate their resistances. • follow the flow of the current on your board with your finger, to check whether
Someone has already done the calculations of the resistances of different you connected the components the right way, and
components that should be used for the fire alarm to work. These are called the • check that you connected the transistor the right way round.
specifications for the resistances of components.
• R1 = 700 to 1 400 kΩ (variable resistor) If the fire alarm makes a sound even when the thermistor is not heated, then
• R2 = 820 Ω increase the resistance of the variable resistor until the alarm stops making
• R3 = 1 kΩ a sound. Do not increase the resistance of the variable resistor more than is
• input sensor: 10 kΩ necessary, because then the fire alarm will not make a sound when it is heated.
If you have time: Build a time-delay circuit LB p. 193 Further reading: Boards on which more complicated circuits are built
If you try to build a more complicated circuit by Figure 9 below shows a simple LED circuit,
Capacitors are often used in time-delay circuits. connecting components using conducting wire such as the one you built in section 15.1, but
You will need: and crocodile clips, many wires will cross one here it is built on a strip board. Notice that
another and the circuit will be messy, looking there are no connecting wires used to build
• four 1,5 V cells in series, or a 9 V battery,
like a tangled bunch of ropes. this circuit! This is because at the bottom of
• two LEDs,
To make a complicated circuit in a neater and the strip board there are parallel copper strips
• a 470 Ω resistor, connecting the holes in each column. This
smaller way, most circuits are built on boards
• a 1 000 μF capacitor, and such as “bread boards”, “strip boards”, or makes it possible to construct a circuit without
• an SPDT switch. “printed circuit boards” (PCBs). using wire.
LB page 196
Next week
The next chapter is your Mini-PAT for this term. You will learn how an electronic
circuit can be used to control another circuit with a much bigger current. You will
build a device using both circuits and then test it.
With a breadboard it is not necessary to solder Almost all manufactured electronic devices
connections, since each hole in the breadboard use printed circuit boards, where the copper
has a spring that grips the wire tightly to make connections at the back can be made in
proper electrical contact. any pattern. This makes it possible to make
complicated circuits that are very small.
Chapter 16 Mini-PAT Tools required for this chapter:
Evaluate: Team meeting to choose best combination of design ideas large nails that fit inside the straws strong, hard cardboard boxes
Design: Improve your design as a team soft planks wood glue to use on cardboard
Plan to make: Orthographic and 3D drawings of the design screws stiff plastic such as the kind used for
margarine tubs
Week 3 ...................................................................................................................... 85
Make the switch
Connect the switch to the electronic circuit and test it Week 1
Week 4 ...................................................................................................................... 89 Situations where electronic circuits control electric circuits (30 minutes)
Communicate: Prepare a team presentation
Learners read information and perhaps handle real circuit breakers that are not connected to
Communicate: Give team presentation, and listen to other teams’ presentations
the mains.
Assessment The scenario for the mini-PAT is on page 203. The task requires learners to design a switch to
Situations where electronic systems control electric circuits (individual work) ..................... [5] turn off a kettle automatically when the water reaches a certain temperature.
Design brief and sketches (individual work) ...................................................................... [12] Go straight to page 203 and show the learners what the task will be. Discuss the problem
Evaluate and improve the design (team work) .................................................................. [8] without going into much detail – you will deal with details next week. Once they know why they
Final drawings of the design (individual work) ................................................................... [15] are investigating control circuits, then the investigations will make more sense to them.
Make the switch (individual work) .................................................................................... [25] Try to have a kettle with a temperature-controlled switch in the room, boil water in it, and show
how it switches itself off.
Presentation (team work) ............................................................................................... [5]
Then tell learners to go back to page 201, and answer questions 1 to 3 individually. Afterwards,
[Total: 70]
discuss the answers to these questions with them.
Week 2
Investigate: A circuit with an input sensor, control knob, transistor
and output device (15 minutes) Evaluate as a team: Learn from one another’s designs to make a
better design together (60 minutes)
Learners must end this section by giving appropriate examples of input, output and control
components. They must explain how each one works. For this teamwork, the following strategy helps for thinking creatively about how to solve a
Important concepts here are control device and sensor device. All sensor devices are control problem, and for considering many different ideas for a solution.
devices, but there are control devices (for examples switches) that are not sensors. In other 1. Generating new ideas:
words, there are many control devices but only some of them are sensors. • At the start, learners will have no ideas for how to solve the problem. So they should first
The circuit that will be used for the kettle switch is the same as the fire-alarm circuit that was create some ideas. People’s minds struggle to think creatively when they feel their ideas
built in Section 15.3, with one important difference: instead of a buzzer, the output device will are being judged, by themselves or by others. Therefore, as a first step, learners should
be an electromagnet. not judge any ideas negatively or “give up” on them too early.
• First “add some flesh” to the idea: make a sketch of it, make some notes, and tell others
about it, without judging the idea.
Design brief and initial sketches (75 minutes)
2. Refining designs ideas, and choosing one idea from many ideas:
Design brief Once a team has created and discussed many design ideas, they should now start to think
Spend some time on this, letting the learners put the brief into their own words. critically about these design ideas.
• How exactly will this design work?
Specifications, constraints, planning to make, and design sketches
• Is there something else that is needed to make it work?
Let the learners look at the picture of the kettle on page 203, as a stimulus for their ideas.
• Do you need to change something to the design to make it work?
Better still, give them a kettle to handle and look at. You may have to feed in the idea of an
electromagnet when question 5 is being done. • Can the design be simplified so that it will be easier and quicker to make it?
• What is the most useful idea or ideas in this design?
Consider an alternative sequence of activities if learners are struggling • Will it be useful to combine ideas from different team members’ individual designs, in
This activity might be very hard for many learners, and they might not produce useful answers order to make the final design?
and designs sketches working individually. If that is the case, you should consider sequencing • Only right at the end, the team may have to choose between different designs.
activities differently from the way it is sequenced in the learner book.
It is questions 4 to 10 on pages 204-205 that are hard. So if learners are struggling a lot with
these, you could ask learners to work on this in teams, as is shown in the learner book for
Make individually: 2D Working drawing and 3D drawings of your
Week 2: “Evaluate as a team”. It would then be useful to ask each team to give feedback to
design (60 minutes)
the whole class. Let learners come and draw their ideas on the board as a stimulus for other
It is unlikely that learners will draw a design and then make their product like in the drawing.
learners to come up with more ideas.
While they are working with real objects, they get new ideas. Their design evolves from their
If you change the sequence like this, each learner should still write down the answers to the
attempts to make the parts work together. In other words, the final product will not look like the
questions and make the design sketches. Those answers and sketches will be assessed for
drawings, and that is normal. However, drawings are important because they are tools that help
each learner individually.
you think, by visualising.
Learners may want to change their drawings or make new drawings after they have made
their models. Especially in this mini-PAT, they will need to make many changes to their designs
while they are building their models. It will actually be easier for them to make the drawings
afterwards, because they will then be able to see what they are drawing.
Consider an alternative sequence of activities How does a solenoid actuator work?
The activities to make the model in week 3 will be very time-consuming. It is important that In Grade 7 Chapter 16, learners made an electromagnet by
learners complete their model and test it, so that they get the satisfaction of experiencing winding insulated wire around an iron nail or bolt. When you
how their design solved the problem. You may therefore choose to postpone the making of 2D pass a current through the coil of wire, you set up a magnetic
working drawings and 3D drawings until after the models are completed. If you choose to do field inside the coil. This field magnetises the iron, and this
that, then the learners should start with the making of the models right now, in the remaining 60 makes the field even stronger.
minutes of week 2. Look at Figure A. What happens if you place the iron nail a
Homework: Planning to make and gathering materials little outside the solenoid? The solenoid induces (creates) a
Learners should start collecting materials in the first week of the mini-PAT, as soon as they have magnetic field inside itself, and it also induces a field inside Figure A: The electromagnet – also
a vague idea of what they are going to make. The list below is just some suggestions. Look at the iron. The two magnetic fields attract each other and the called a solenoid actuator
the pictures below to see where these will be used. iron nail is pulled into the solenoid. We say it is actuated – the
solenoid made it move.
• very thin insulated copper wire to wind around a straw, to make an electromagnet: at least If you search on YouTube
6 m per learner. (Get this wire from old chargers, transformers or ballast coils for neon This motion of the actuator will be the output from the electro-
for “solenoids relays
lights.) mechanical switch. It is called “electro-mechanical” because
ScienceOnline”, you will find
it consists of electrical parts and mechanical parts that work
• straws a 5-minute video that gives a
• large nails that fit inside the straws good explanation of solenoids
Figure B shows the parts of a possible design of the switch, and how to make them.
• cold drink cans (The material is tin-plated steel or aluminium. It is coated with a plastic layer –
as well as how it works. The switch is off. The kettle is not
sandpaper the plastic coating off the places that must conduct electricity.)
heating water.
• strong, hard cardboard boxes
return spring sliding
• soft planks latch-piece insulator
• screws solenoid material
• stiff plastic such as the kind used for margarine tubs nail
Question 3 on page 208 is the focus of the mini-PAT. If learners have made their electro-
mechanical switch for a kettle, they have succeeded. Using this switch together with an
electronic control circuit is not essential for completing this mini-PAT.
Figure B: The switch is off. The circuit is open. We will pretend that the light bulb is the heating
Ideally, the heat-sensitive control circuit will activate the An electromagnet used for element and that the cell is mains power to the kettle.
electromagnet when the water is hot enough. However, if the same kind of purpose moves back
Look at Figure C. Now you want to heat water,
learners do not have working electronic control circuits, than in the kettle switch, so you push down the lever on the top right. (This
they can instead activate the electromagnet by hand, by is also called a solenoid is the only part of the switch that you see on the
using a second battery that passes a current through the actuator. moves up
outside of the kettle.) When the lever is pressed
down on the right-hand side, then the left-hand
Figures B and C give you two ideas of how the automatic switch could work.
side of the lever moves up.
You should make one of the designs yourself, to understand the various adjustments that it
Figure C: The lever pushes the latch-piece
back against the spring.
Look at Figure D. The lever has a conducting surface. The latch-piece is also a conductor. They the solenoid won’t be able to pull strongly enough to move the latch-piece away.
are touching each other and passing current. So the heating element in the kettle gets hot. You can make the return spring from very thin wire, bent into a spiral, or you can make the
spring as you see in Figure G. The ends of the spring push outward: one end pushes against the
solenoid and the other end pushes against the head of the nail. The job of the return spring is to
return the latch-piece to its position when the solenoid is not pulling it.
nail plastic thin
Ideas for alternative designs Figure I: What happens There is no current through the
You need some ideas to suggest to the learners as they design alternative solutions to parts of when a hand presses the heating element (the bulb).
this system. switch down?
Figure H shows you an alternative design. In this design, friction is less, so the model could
work without the need for a power transistor or a relay.
Use the nail as one of the conductors. When the thermistor “tells” the solenoid to pull the nail
up, the head of the nail drops the metal strip and the circuit is broken. The circuit cannot be
switched on again until your hand moves the metal strip up and into contact with the nail. The
drawings and notes in Figure I explain this in more detail.
A hand pushes the switch down, and so
stiff copper wire the conducting strip pushes the nail up.
wrapped tightly
contact onto nail
conduct- like wood
ing strip
wires for
springy The conducting strip latches on the head
output from
control circuit of the nail. The circuit is complete.
current t
here curren
Figure H: A variation on the design idea in Figure B. Again, we pretend that the bulb is the The kettle temperature rises until the
heating element in the kettle. control circuit activates the solenoid
to break the circuit.
Below is an explanation of how the control circuit works to “switch on” the output device
(solenoid) when the temperature of the thermistor gets high enough. This is too advanced
for most learners to understand, but some of them may want to find out, and could even
understand it. Also, it will be interesting for you to understand this.
Look at the circuit diagram for the fire alarm on Week 1 LB page 200
page 191 (this answer drawing is only shown in
the Teacher Guide). This circuit diagram is printed Situations where electronic circuits control electric
again on the right. circuits (30 minutes)
The NTC thermistor’s resistance decreases as
it heats up, and so the potential difference across There are many household appliances that use An electronic circuit is
it decreases as well. As you know, the potential electronic circuits to control electric circuits with different from an electric circuit
differences across a chain of resistors in series bigger currents. because it only uses a very
add up to the potential difference across the ends The following two devices are used inside the small current, and because it
of the chain. So if the potential difference across electric switchboard (or distribution board) of every uses electronic control devices
the thermistor decreases, then the potential Figure J: A circuit diagram showing the building that is connected with electricity in a safe such as thermistors, LDRs,
differences across each of the other resistors different components in a fire alarm way. diodes and transistors.
in the chain, namely R1 and R2, increases.
• Ordinary circuit breakers:
The potential difference across R2 is the same as the Shuts off a circuit (for example, the circuit supplying all the lights in a house)
potential difference between the points “a” and “e” on when the current becomes too big (if the current is too big for the thickness of
the circuit diagram, because they are parallel parts of the circuit. So if the potential difference wire used, the wire will overheat).
across R2 increases, then the potential difference between “b” (the base of the transistor) and
“e” (the emitter of the transistor) also increases. That means that the current between “b” and • Residual-current circuit breakers:
“e” increases. When the current between “b” and “e” becomes larger than some critical value, Switches off the main power supply if it detects a leakage of power, such as
the resistance between the transistor’s collector (“c”) and emitter (“e”) suddenly decreases by when a person accidentally touches a “live” electrical wire or contact and the
a large amount. Then a strong enough current can flow through the output component – the electricity is then conducted through his or her body. This device has to cut
solenoid (in Figure J, the output device is a buzzer rather than a solenoid). the current very quickly, otherwise the person can die due to electric shock.
Therefore, it switches off the power even when it detects only a small amount
LB pages 198–199
of leakage of electrical current.
Figure 4: The control circuit that you built in Chapter 15 for a fire alarm
3. Name a device that uses a control knob to set the level of something.
A radio has a control knob to set the volume.
Yes. The switch lever will be moved down by the user to switch the kettle on,
Constraints LB page 205
but it will be moved up automatically by something inside the switch to switch 7. What property should the container of the device have, for safety reasons?
the kettle off when the water reaches the required temperature. Give the reason(s) as well.
The container should not allow water to come into the device, because that
4. How should the moving parts of your switch work? For example, what should
cause it to move one way, and what should cause it to move the other way? could cause a short circuit. A short circuit could damage the device and even
Use names for the different moving parts, as well as for the other parts that start a fire. (Learners have to identify this constraint, but they don’t have the
will make the moving parts move or stop them from moving. [2] time and materials to make a waterproof container.)
Note to the teacher: Learners will not be able to explain this easily. They
8. Make a time schedule showing how much time you have to design and make
actually need to finalise their design before they can explain it fully. All that the product. (½)
is necessary for this question is that they give names to the switch lever, the 2 hours to design and draw (Week 2)
spring, the latch, the electromagnet, and the electrical contact. But a full 2 hours to build and test (Week 3)
explanation is given below.
Full explanation: When you press the switch lever down, it will press the lever Planning to make
against a spring that tries to press it back up. But once you have pressed the 9. Make a list of all the materials you will need. [1]
lever down far enough, a latch catches the lever so that it cannot move up any a long wooden bar for the switch lever
more. When the lever is caught by the latch, an electrical contact is made so a nail to put through the middle of the switch lever as a pivot
that the circuit to the heating element of the kettle is closed, and the kettle is a springy metal plate for the spring, as well as a metal plate to be on one side
switched on. The latch works similarly to a door latch. of the electrical contact
When the water reaches the required temperature, the control circuit will a wooden or cardboard block in the shape of a latch
allow electrical current to flow through an electromagnet. The electromagnet thin metal plate (or thick strong foil) to cover the latch with, for the other
side of the electrical contact
will pull the metal latch back so that it doesn’t stop the lever from moving up.
a coil spring for the latch, or thin wire from which you can make a coil spring
The spring will then press the lever up again. When the lever is up, there will be
by wrapping it around a pen
no electrical contact to close the circuit containing the heating element, so
an electromagnet made from insulated copper wire wrapped around a thick iron nail
the kettle will be off.
• Once you have several ideas on the table, start Saying “Mary made a bad
thinking about how and whether the different design” or “Sipho’s is much
ideas will work or not. Don’t talk about “Mary’s better”, for example, will hurt
design” or “Sipho’s design”. Rather talk about someone’s feelings or make
“Design C” or “Design B”. Once someone has put others feel proud or arrogant.
a design on the table, you talk about the design. If someone says “Mary’s
You do not talk about the person. You evaluate design ...”, you should say
the designs. You do not evaluate yourself or “Red flag! We call that
someone else. Design C.”
[Total: 12]
They should make at least two rough sketches showing different aspects of
the design.
Learners’ own ideas.
The design sketches do not need to be final yet, so learners can make sketches
They should make at least two sketches to show different parts of the team’s
of design aspects that are still problematic, and change it later.
design, or to show the design viewed from different angles.
They should include labels and notes to explain their sketches.
These sketches should be neater than the rough sketches on the previous
page, to show the final design clearly.
They should also make notes and give names to different parts.
[Total: 8]
1. Make a 2D working drawing of your design in first- Look back at Chapter 1 page 7
angle orthographic projection. It should be drawn for an explanation of first-angle
to scale and show as much detail as possible. Show orthographic projections.
dimensions and the scale. Show all hidden details.
Make lists of the materials and tools you will need to build a model of your 5. You will probably find that your model does not work the first time you test it.
automatic kettle switch next week. You need to include the materials you will This is normal! Most new things that people design don’t work the first time
need to build the output device for the control circuit that you will later connect to they test it. Try to find out what’s wrong, and then go back and fix it before you
your model of the switch. (Look back at your answer to question 5 on page 204.) test it again.
LB page 209
If there are any materials on your list that are not available at school, gather
waste materials that you can use instead and bring it to school next week. If you do
not do this, you won’t be able to build a model of your design. Your teacher will give you marks for the following:
• You brought all the materials needed to make a model of your design. [2]
• You accurately made the model according to your design drawings. [8]
• You successfully built the electric output device. [2]
LB page 208 • You connected your model to the simple circuit with the output device,
Week 3 and used a good method to test it.
• After you tested your model for the first time, you made a list of all the
Make and test your prototype of the switch (120 minutes) possible reasons that your model is not working or why it is not
working well. [2]
You should work only individually in this section, with your own model. There • You used the list to fix or improve your model. [2]
is one exception, namely question 4.(a). For that question, you should work as a • You tested your model again, writing down the problems, and going back
team to test the control circuit before you connect it to your model. After that you and fixing or improving your model until it worked, at least one more time. [4]
should return to working individually.
• Your model worked, or you wrote a good explanation and made sketches of
1. Work alone to build a model of your design for Designers and engineers what you still need to change on your model to make it work. [4]
the switch. A model of a new design is called usually make many prototypes
a prototype. before the design is good [Total: 25]
2. Work alone to build the output device for the enough to start manufacturing
control circuit that you will later connect to and selling it. Each prototype You need to keep a record of all your testing and improvements on your model,
your switch. is an attempt to improve on otherwise you will not get marks for that work.
the previous one.
Figure 9
Figure 10
In this chapter, learners are introduced to three common ways of preventing the corrosion of
ferrous metals.
An additional way in which zinc protects ferrous metal (too advanced for learners)
Below is a simplified explanation of how zinc provides “galvanic cathodic protection” to ferrous
When zinc is in electrical contact with iron, it forms a weak electrochemical cell, similar to the
electrochemical cell learners made with a zinc-coated washer and a copper coin in Grade 8
Section 19.1. The zinc “donates” electrons to the iron. So it loses electrons itself, which is a
different way of saying that it oxidises. The iron receives the electrons. This prevents the iron
from oxidising itself, because oxidisation of a metal occurs when the metal loses electrons.
Sometimes ships have big blocks of zinc on them, which are connected to the steel of the ship
with conducting material to form a closed electrical circuit. Because the zinc-iron electrochemical
cell provides the iron with electrons, it is only after all the zinc have oxidised that the iron will start
to oxidise. People also say that the zinc blocks are “sacrificial anodes”.
17.3 Electroplating
Collect the Section 17.2 homework (“What have you learnt?”).
In the first half of this lesson, learners read about electroplating. They are only given a simple
explanation of how this works. For a more complete explanation of electroplating, as well
instructions on how to do a simple electroplating experiment, see the 1-minute video at This video shows how to coat a key with
copper, using copper sulfate solution, a copper plate, a cell, and connecting wires. The teacher
can do this experiment as a demonstration to the learners. If the teacher does this, care needs to
be taken in storing the copper sulfate, as it is poisonous.
In the second half of this lesson, the learners should be divided into groups (of two to four
learners). You should first explain the aim of the corrosion experiment they are going to do.
Each group must be given:
Figure 1: Examples of metal corrosion or rust
• a container in which to put the metal objects – the containers should preferably be plastic
bottles with lids; not glass because this is easily broken while in storage,
Although metals, as we usually perceive them, are generally very tough, they do
break down over time. Rust is one of the most common ways that metals can
deteriorate. Plants and animals die, become compost and return to the earth.
When metals rust, they break down into smaller particles and also return to the
earth. As you know by now, metals come from the earth originally and humans
extract metals by mining.
But what causes metals to rust? For many metals, a slow chemical reaction
spontaneously occurs between the surface of the metal and oxygen, when the
metal is in contact with water or with moisture in the air. This is called oxidisation
or corrosion. Corrosion can only occur if the metal is in contact with water or
moisture in the air. Ferrous metals are not resistant to corrosion. When a ferrous
metal corrodes, it is called rust.
Corrosion happens much faster when there are salts or acids dissolved in the
water or the moisture in the air. For example, close to the sea, metals corrode
much quicker than inland. Figure 3 shows an example of this.
However, there are ways of protecting metals against oxidisation. The cheapest
way of preserving ferrous metals is by painting the exposed surface.
2. Write a brief outline explaining why it is important to use a primer coat when
painting metals.
Applying a primer underneath the top coat of paint will protect the metal
better than a coat of paint alone. The final coat of paint will stick (adhere)
better to the primer than to the bare metal. The primer acts as a glue between
the bare metal and the final coat of paint. Without a primer, the paint could
Figure 4: Wire brush Figure 5: Sandpaper peel or flake off. If it is old metal that had previously rusted, application of a
special anti-rust primer is needed to prevent further rusting.
If it is a brand-new, smooth piece of metal that has never been painted before,
it is best to first roughen the surface a bit. It is difficult for paint to stick to a very 3. In your own words, briefly explain why boats and ships have to be painted on a
smooth surface. To roughen the surface, you can use wire brush such as the one regular basis.
shown in Figure 4 or sandpaper as shown in Figure 5. Make sure that there is no
Boats and ships are in contact with water most of the time, so corrosion can
dust on the surface. You can wipe it with a clean cloth to get rid of dust. Then you
must apply one, or preferably two, coats of primer. Primer protects the metal and occur all the time. Also, if they are in the sea, there are salts dissolved in sea
makes it easier for the top coat of paint to stick to the metal’s surface. Finally, you water, and this makes the corrosion happen much quicker. Regular painting will
can apply the top coat of paint.
slow down the corrosion, because it will prevent metal from being in contact
Painting a rusted piece of metal is a bit more difficult. First, you need to get rid of
as much rust as possible. If there is old, flaky paint, you must remove that as well. with water and air.
A wire brush and sandpaper work well for this. It is hard to get rid of all the rust,
therefore you need to apply a special primer to stop the oxidisation. If you don’t
There are two ways of galvanising metal. The one process is called “hot-dip
galvanisation”. The other process is called “electro-galvanisation”.
Hot-dip galvanisation means that the ferrous
metal gets dipped into a bath of molten zinc at Molten: when metal or rock is
a temperature of 460 °C. Water boils more or less in liquid form because of very
high temperature.
at 100 °C, so you can imagine how hot that zinc
is! Obviously, you need to do this with the right
equipment and safety measures.
Figure 7: The processes that are followed when hot-dip galvanising metal
Chapter 18 Learners should have read the content of this section before the lesson. You should ask learners
In the last chapter, you learnt about preserving metals by painting, galvanising and electroplating
18.2 Pickling
them. In this chapter, you will learn about different ways of preserving food, namely storing
grain, pickling, drying and salting. Learners begin by reading about pickling as a common method of preserving plant foods, fish,
and possibly some other forms of protein. What they are reading also gives a useful context
18.1 Storing grain ..................................................................................................... 295
within which to think about the process (sequence of steps) followed to take the food from
18.2 Pickling ............................................................................................................. 300
its natural state to its preserved state. On a household (domestic) level, this is often called
18.3 Drying and salting .............................................................................................. 302 “a recipe”, but on an industrial level, one finds similar sequences of steps used in the large-
scale preservation of food. For instance, in food processing plants (factories), one would find
sequential points on the factory floor where the food and other ingredients are:
Materials required for this chapter: • washed,
In section 18.3, learners will complete a practical task. On pages 234 and 236 there are lists of • prepared (cut, crushed, skinned etc.),
the equipment and consumables they will need to complete the task. • added to other ingredients,
This chapter introduces learners to some basic technological processes that are used to • heated or cooled,
preserve food. In their simplest form, many cultures, over thousands of years, have used these • sealed in containers,
processes to prevent the decay of food. Today, these (and related technologies) form the basis
• labelled, and
of some of the world’s biggest industries – all working to extend the useful shelf life of the food
• prepared for delivery.
products we eat.
Once you are sure that learners know what pickling is and understand that it is one of a number
Section 18.1 deals with the preservation of grains. Section 18.2 deals with the preservation
of food preservation technologies used in human societies, move on to the questions at the
of mainly vegetables and fish, and Section 18.3 deals with a process that preserves the useful
end of the section. Question 1 compels learners to consider the importance of sequence
shelf life of meat.
when processing food. Once a domestic sequence (a recipe) is understood, one can show the
similarity between it and its industrial counterparts.
18.1 Storing grain
The content of this lesson covers a traditional, as well as a modern, approach to preserving
grain. You should set the scene for this lesson by outlining briefly the:
• importance of the technologies used to preserve food,
• impact that these technologies have had on culture and the nature of human society, and
• the extent of human dependence on these technologies today.
LB page 226
18.3 Drying and salting
Learners do a practical task in this section. The practical task should ideally be completed
individually. However, if for some reason groups must be formed, then it should be groups of
only two learners per group.
Learners begin by reading a short introduction to drying, using meat as an example. It would
be useful to start by giving each learner a small piece of biltong to examine. In tasting it, they
will certainly recognise the taste of salt and possibly spices. The importance of these elements
in preserving food has made them extremely valuable during certain periods of history. The
European search for the source of certain spices was a major reason why the original European
settlers and many Malay people ended up at the Cape in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Use this initial discussion on meat preservation to introduce the practical activity described on
pages 235 and 236. It is important that each learner produce a sample of preserved spinach.
Your organisation of equipment should therefore allow all learners to wash, pre-dry and expose
their sample to sunlight. That means that each learner will need spinach, paper towels, access
to water, and some kind of grid on which to dry their “processed” spinach leaf.
It is vital that you, as teacher, complete this practical task yourself before you begin planning
this lesson. It is only by doing it yourself that you will know:
• how much space and access to equipment each learner will need,
• how many paper towels are needed to process each piece of spinach, Figure 1
• how much pressure to exert on the spinach when removing moisture, and
• what the effect of sunlight will be on the spinach after 1, 2 and 3 days of exposure.
You need a clear idea of what the optimum duration of exposure to sunlight is. It will be one of
the things learners will decide on at the end of the activity.
The aim of this activity should be for learners to establish what constitutes the most effective
process (recipe) for producing dried spinach. That means spinach that can be stored for some
time without spoiling. This will mean examining and comparing samples that have been exposed
to sunlight for between 1 and 3 days to see which degree of exposure has the best effect.
This means that your planning must include:
• the management of the practical task,
• the organisation and recording of the samples left outside for drying, and
• assisting learners with the analysis of their samples and the creation of a recipe for the
drying of spinach.
Figure 2
LB page 227 18.1 Storing grain LB page 228
Food begins to spoil the moment it is harvested. Food preservation has been part
of all cultures throughout history. Food preservation enabled ancient humans
to live in one place and form a community. The discovery of food preservation
methods meant that ancient humans no longer had to consume hunted animals
or harvested food immediately. They could preserve some of their food to eat at a
later time. So they did not have to travel all the time in search of fresh food.
It is interesting that different cultures preserved their local food sources using
the same basic methods of food preservation, for example heating, freezing,
pickling, canning, salting, fermenting, drying and refrigerating.
Food preservation is one of the oldest technologies. People ate what they grew
on the land and what they hunted. They had to take good care of their food to
prevent it from going off and making them ill. They also had to find ways of
preserving food so that they would be able to eat even when there were no crops
to harvest or when they could not hunt.
Grain is a staple food for most of the world. Different A staple food is a food that is
grains are eaten in different parts of the world, for eaten most often by a group of
example in China and Japan, rice is the staple grain people and forms the largest
that is eaten. part of their diet.
In South Africa, wheat and maize are the main
grains that are grown and eaten. Maize is also used
to make a fermented drink, a type of beer that some
people drink on special occasions.
Figure 3
LB page 229 LB page 230
The process of storing grain
A good storage container First, grains need to be
should: harvested. Small-scale or
• keep grain cool and dry, subsistence farmers do this
by hand. Figure 6 shows
• protect grain from insects,
and harvesting on a much
• protect grain from rats and
bigger, industrial scale with
mice. a combine harvester and a
Second, the seed, which is the
edible part of the grain, needs
to be loosened from the plant’s
casing that protects the seeds.
Figure 4: A traditional Zulu grain silo The casing is inedible
and it is called “chaff”. This Figure 6: Harvesting on an industrial scale with a combine
process is called threshing. harvester and a tractor
Figure 7 shows the seeds still in
their casing.
The third step is called “winnowing”. Winnowing is
the process whereby the loosened seed is separated
from the chaff. Figure 8 shows the separated, edible
seeds, and the inedible chaff in the bucket.
There are various traditional winnowing techniques.
Nowadays, people use combine harvesters to harvest,
thresh and winnow.
LB page 231 LB page 232
Fourth, the grain is dried to
There are all kinds of insects that damage grains, Larvae: the stage of an
prevent fungus and bacteria
such as weevils and mites. Mites are very small insects insect’s life after it’s hatched
from growing on the seeds.
that eat grains. Weevils are small insects that lay their from the egg, but before it has
The ideal moisture content for
eggs inside the grain. When the larvae hatch, they eat changed into a mature insect.
wheat is about 14%.
the seeds.
Nowadays, people use grain-
Rodents, such as rats and mice, can also cause great damage to grains. They eat
drying machines, but in the old
large amounts of grain if they’re not controlled. Besides that, they carry deadly
days, people dried grain with
diseases that can contaminate the grain and spread to humans if consumed.
the help of the sun. Figure 9
shows a modern grain-drying Now you can imagine that storing very large amounts of grain, for instance in
machine. a big, modern silo, is a complicated job, because air flow and temperature, insects
and rodents, bacteria and fungi need to be controlled. But luckily, storing small
Finally, the dried grain is
amounts of grain is relatively easy. You need to put the grain into a clean, dry,
stored. The humidity and
airtight container and keep it in a cool place that is dry, with no direct sunlight or
temperature of the air are the Figure 9: A modern grain-drying machine
two most important factors
Warm, moist air will encourage bacteria and mould to live on and destroy the
grain, even if the grain has been dried beforehand. Cool, dry air will help to keep
the grain intact for longer.
Figure 10: Schematic cross section of the air movement in a grain silo
18.2 Pickling Pickles have become very popular. There
are many pickling recipes available, and
Most food products deteriorate because of the presence of micro-organisms, such people often experiment with different
as bacteria, yeast or mould. Remember that not all bacteria is harmful. We need combinations of vegetables, herbs and spices.
good bacteria to perform certain functions in our bodies and to make certain food
products, such as yoghurt and cheese.
In the past, people had to store fresh food so that it was safe to eat long after it
was harvested. There were no fridges or freezers to stop food from going off. Fruit
and vegetables were dried, salted, pickled or made into jam so that they could be
eaten long after they were picked. Dried, pickled, salted foods and jams meant that
people had a bigger variety of food and nutrients in their diet for a longer time.
6. Heat and stir the brine on the stove until it is almost boiling do NOT bring LB page 235
to the boil. Successful preservation of food depends on
. Pour the liquid over the cucumbers until the ar is completely full. inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms such as
8. Put the lid on tightly. bacteria, and preventing access to insects.
2. Name and briefly discuss three advantages and three disadvantages of this Answer the following questions:
method of food preservation.
1. Explain what you understand about the purpose of food preservation.
1. The food can be kept for a long time without refrigerating it.
2. Many different types of food can be pickled. Normally fresh meat has to be eaten soon after it is obtained, or it will rot. The
3. Pickling adds to the taste and flavour of food, and many people eat pickles for this reason. settlers would slaughter a large animal, and have more meat than could be eaten
1. You need specific ingredients and materials to pickle food. quickly before rotting. They had no way of keeping food cool, so they had to
2. You need heat to pickle food. preserve the meat through other methods. This allowed them to use the meat
3. Some people do not like the taste of food that has been pickled. when they needed it for longer periods of time.
Dry your own food LB p. 235 Fresh spinach is dark green and keeps its leaf shape. When spinach is not fresh
anymore, its shape collapses (it becomes limp or wilted ) and its colour can be
When drying food, the key is to remove moisture as quickly as Before you touch any food, come lighter green.. Until it is washed it can be very gritty.
possible at a temperature that does not greatly affect the flavour, wash your hands thoroughly to
remove dirt and bacteria. 2. List all the steps you took and explain why you did them.
texture or colour of the food.
1. Cleaned the spinach repeatedly in a bowl with fresh water to remove grit and
dirt particles.
2. Placed spinach on a paper towel to remove moisture.
3. Carefully rolled spinach into sausage shapes to squeeze out more moisture.
4. Used more paper towel to carefully squeeze spinach sausages to remove
more moisture.
5. Put spinach rolls on a sieve, covered with paper towels, in the sun for a few
Figure 13 LB page 236 days.
You will need the following things for this activity: 6. When they were dry, stored the spinach rolls in a plastic container.
• spinach,
• cold water, 3. What was the effect of the weather conditions on your drying process?
• a knife, The warmer the day the quicker the spinach rolls dried out. If it rained, I
• a large bowl, and placed the rolls under shelter to prevent them from getting wet.
• paper towels.
4. Indicate whether the results of this experiment were a success or not. Motivate
Follow these steps: your answer.
• Find fresh spinach sold loose or in a bunch. Choose spinach that is crisp and
green. Each learner will have their own response to this question. Find out whose
• Fill a large bowl with cool water and add the spinach. methods worked and the results, and if any learner’s method failed. Ask them to
• Rinse the spinach in the water to remove any dust or dirt particles. share their experiences with the class.
• Remove the water from the bowl and refill it with fresh, cool water. Continue to
rinse out the spinach in fresh water until all of the gritty particles are gone.
• Lift the spinach from the water and place it on a paper towel. What have you learnt?
• Roll spinach into sausage shapes, cover it with another paper towel and gently
press on it to remove the moisture. You have learnt how people long ago thought innovatively to develop ways of
preserving food to extend its lifespan.
• Replace the paper towel and gently press on the rolled spinach with a dry towel
until all the water is removed. You have learnt how the principles of grain storage, pickling and drying of food
assist in increasing the lifespan of food.
• Place the prepared spinach rolls, covered with paper towel, on a sieve and leave
them in the sun to dry for a few days.
Next week
• Place the dried spinach in a plastic container for storage until you need to cook it.
Next week, you will learn more about reducing, re-using and recycling plastic to
Record your observations during this practical activity: reduce its negative impact on the environment.
1. Describe what the fresh spinach looked like.
Chapter 19 Materials required for this chapter:
Plastics This chapter requires learners to investigate plastics by handling and describing actual plastic
objects in the classroom.
It is critical that a sufficient number of different plastic product samples are collected and
brought to class. Collection should start at least a week before the start of this chapter. You
must monitor the type and number of products arriving so that you are able to make up for
shortages of any particular types of plastics.
The selection should include plastics with the following different properties:
LB page 237
1. How it looks:
In this chapter, you will learn about various types of plastic. You will also learn that plastic can • clear or transparent (you can see through it),
be recycled, and why this is important.
• translucent (lets light through, but you cannot see clearly through it), and
19.1 What are plastics, and what properties do they have? ............................................ 310
• opaque (does not let light through).
19.2 Types of plastic, recycling, and identification codes .............................................. 313
2. How it feels:
19.3 What have you learnt? ......................................................................................... 316
• hard,
Learners should bring plastic products and containers to school for this week’s activities. Figure
1 below suggests a few types of plastic products they can bring. • soft,
It is important that learners bring a wide variety of plastic products. They have to bring plastic • rubbery, and
products with recycling codes at the bottom to identify which type of plastic it is made of. • spongy.
The selection should include clear, translucent and opaque types of plastic, and hard and soft
Examples of things they can bring:
types of plastic. A few examples of what they can bring are cold drink bottles, milk bottles,
peanut butter jars, shampoo bottles, polystyrene cups, margarine tubs, plastic plates, plastic a piece of electric cord shampoo bottles margarine tubs
eating utensils, freezer bags, flip-flops (plastic sandals), combs, lunch boxes, and/or geometry cold drink bottles polystyrene cups plastic plates
milk bottles freezer bags combs
peanut butter jars plastic shopping bags lunch boxes
plastic eating utensils plastic sandals (“foam” or bubble wrap
“rubber” sandals are also
clear food containers plastic sponges (almost all
made from types of plastics)
sponges are made of plastic)
plastic pipes (including hose
fleecy blankets
switches pipes)
electric plugs
handles from pots rulers and/or geometry
triangles any clothes that are made of
plastic rope or fishing line
“polyester” (look on the labels
inside the clothes)
In Grade 8, learners studied the environmental impact of plastic bags and the need to reuse or
Figure 1: Bring plastic items such as these to school for this week’s lessons. recycle them. In this chapter, learners find out what plastics are, and they investigate various
types of plastics and their particular properties. This is important because the properties
of materials determine for which purposes those materials can be used, and for which not.
The aim of this lesson is to enable learners to physically investigate a variety of plastic products As the name suggests, thermosetting plastic can be moulded only once. This is because when
in order to find out more about what plastics are, and to discover the amazing and varied the plastic is being made, certain chemical reactions are used to cause cross-links to form
properties of different types of plastics. between different long-chain molecules, in so doing, causing the plastic to become harder.
Thermosetting plastics do not soften and change shape when they are heated, but they will burn
Learners should be organised into teams of three or four.
if they are heated enough. Thermosetting plastics include polyurethanes, polyester resins, epoxy
Introduction resins, and synthetic rubber. They are useful for manufacturing heat-resistant objects such as
One way of introducing this topic might be to give the teams five minutes to read page 238 and saucepan handles, kitchen work surfaces and light fittings.
the top of page 239. The learners search for about 6 key facts about plastics and record these Thermoplastic plastics become soft and pliable when they are heated, and harden when cooled.
using key phrases. They may also record any questions that arise from their reading. You then Examples include polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, nylon (polyamide) and acrylics.
allow teams to share these facts with the whole class, and you answer any questions that have
Thermoplastic plastics can be moulded repeatedly.
arisen. The learners can add to these facts as they proceed through the sections on plastics.
Mastering vocabulary relating to the properties of plastics
Why we have to recycle plastic
Twelve possible properties are listed on page 239. You could instruct each learner in a team
to learn the meanings of three or four of these words, for homework. The following day, they Learners read the text on page 241, so that they can answer the questions that follow on it.
should explain the meanings of the words to the rest of their team. In that way, the meanings of
all properties will be explained within a team.
Different types of plastic need different processes to recycle it
Learners are now ready to do the activity “Investigate properties of plastic objects”.
The table showing the codes for different types of plastics should be explained to the learners.
The plastic products that have been collected are used for this activity. Follow the directions This table will be used for the activity in section 19.3. The recycling code of a plastic product
given on the top of page 240. Make sure that each team has four different types of plastic can normally be found on the bottom of the product.
It is the type of plastic used to make the object, and not the object itself, that is being
investigated. So, you should ask each team to select two of their objects that have different 19.3 What have you learnt?
recycling codes, and describe their properties.
This section consists of five questions that enable learners to check what they have learnt, and
You should observe the objects of all the teams. In some cases, you should tell a team which enables you to assess the extent of their learning. The questions also require critical thinking:
two of their objects to select for their investigation. This is to make sure that the whole class learners have to recognise that choosing a type of plastic with properties that are suitable/fit for
investigate as many different types of plastic (with different recycling codes) as possible. the purpose of the product, is an important part of the design process of any plastic product.
Make sure that each learner is involved and that each learner records the answers in their Learners should work individually during this activity.
notebooks. Finally, check their work and correct any misconceptions.
Question 1 requires learners to complete a table. Each learner should complete the table for the
same four plastic objects that her or his team investigated in section 19.1.
In many of these cases, you cannot simply say the plastic has a specific property
or does not have a specific property. For example, you cannot simply say a type
Figure 3: A “fleece” blanket is of plastic is flexible. You need to say how flexible it is, for example very flexible or
made from fibres of a type of only slightly flexible.
plastic called polyester.
LB page 241
Why we have to recycle plastic
Waste plastic in the environment is a big problem. Most types of plastic will not
bio-degrade, but will last for hundreds of years.
Landfills are usually near cities so that garbage trucks don’t have to travel too far
to dump the waste. But that means people can never build houses on that land or
grow crops on it.
Any materials that go into a landfill
will never be used again. Instead,
people will need to extract more raw
materials such as oil, coal, steel, wood
or glass from the earth. Then they will
burn more coal to generate electricity
in order to process the raw materials.
Not all plastics go into landfills,
though. A lot of plastic just remains
where someone has tossed it, or is
dumped into rivers and then goes
into the ocean.
Figure 4: Plastic waste on a sea shore. This photo
was taken in Hawaii, which is why there is black
volcanic rock on the seashore.
Plastic litter can kill animals. large moulded resistant to car battery cases;
parts, for chemicals; tough; brooms and brushes;
Plastic litter lasts for hundreds of years. example car parts heat-resistant; bins; trays
Litter is ugly. barrier to moisture
protective can be rigid or plates for light
LB pages 242–243 packaging; foamed; low switches; rulers;
disposable melting point; in thermal insulation;
Different types of plastic need different processes to recycle it cups; bottles; foamed form it is foam packaging
Waste of different types of plastic need to be sorted so that each type of plastic polystyrene trays; thermal an excellent heat
can be recycled separately. Manufacturers have agreed on a set of codes to show insulation insulator
which type of plastic a product is made of. (especially in
Codes and Examples of Properties Recycled products depends on the type plastic planks
acrylic or perspex
names products of plastic; “ABS” has
sheets (can
cold drink bottles, clear; tough; fibres to make fabrics be used as a very good shock-
polyester fabric good barrier for for clothes, bags and replacement for absorbing properties
for clothes liquids and gases; carpets; food and other type glass windows);
heat-resistant drink containers of plastic, or “ABS” for making
polyester more than car bumpers
one type of
plastic used
in the same
4. Why do they not use the same type of plastic for everything that can be
Each type of plastic has different properties. To make a product, you want to
Object 2 choose a type of plastic that has properties that suit the purpose of the
Next week
Object 4
In the next chapter, you will learn how plastics are recycled to make new products.
Chapter 20 Materials required for this chapter:
Recycling and
Copies of page 247 for each learner to write and draw on (it can be black-and-white copies).
At least 10 plastic bottles with lids. Different sizes would be beneficial, for example, 500 ml,
1 litre and 2 litre cold drink bottles. Each learner needs to handle a bottle and investigate marks
manufacturing with on the bottle that were formed because of the injection moulding and blow moulding processes.
An example of a plastic chair will be useful.
recycled plastic In Grade 8 Chapter 8, learners focused on pollution in relation to plastic bags, and the need
to reuse or recycle them in order to protect our environment. In this term, they have so far
investigated various types of plastics and their properties. Learners are now also aware that
different types of plastics need to be recycled separately, and that recycling codes are put on
products to enable easy sorting.
LB page 245
Some of these plastics, for example the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) used to make
In this chapter, you will learn how plastic waste is recycled to make new products. plastic milk bottles, are processed into pellets. The pellets are then used as raw material and
processed into various new products. Diagrams and questioning are used to develop learners’
20.1 Moulding recycled plastic pellets into products .................................................... 321
understanding of these processes.
20.2 Recycling plastic to make new products .............................................................. 324
20.3 What have you learnt? ........................................................................................ 327
20.1 Moulding recycled plastic pellets into products
In this section, learners are introduced to two types of processes required for making plastic
bottles. The first process is injection moulding to make “preforms” from pellets. The second
process is blow moulding, which transforms the “preforms” into bottles.
It could be helpful and interesting for learners to do the following before they read the
explanation of injection moulding on page 246:
• Allow the learners to examine a plastic bottle and ask them to suggest how they think it has
been made. This will help to get them interested.
• Next, the learners could try to identify parts of the machine shown in Figure 2 on page 247.
You should supply the vocabulary for the parts: the hopper (input funnel); plastic pellets (the
raw material); the screw; the barrel; the heater (not shown on the drawing); the mould, the
cooler (not shown on the drawing).
• Ask the learners: “Is there heating or cooling at a stage, or at You can mention to learners
different stages, of the process? Why?” Give one or two that friction caused by the
minutes for learners to discuss this in pairs, and then ask screw causes heat, which
some learners to respond to this question to the whole class. contributes to melting the
• Next, the learners could try to work out the steps in the plastic pellets. It also mixes
the plastic and ensures that
process by studying Figure 2.
it is heated uniformly whilst
• Learners could then read page 246 to check their work. moving it forward into the
• They could also make a simple systems diagram of this mould.
process showing the input, the stages of the process and the
LB page 246
final product.
• Finally, they could answer the questions at the bottom of page 246.
20.1 Moulding recycled plastic pellets into products
A 2-litre milk bottle is an excellent example of blow moulding.
There are two steps to making plastic bottles, injection moulding and blow
When answering the question on page 248, learners can actually try the lids on the different moulding.
sized bottles to see for themselves that the openings are identical.
LB page 248
The two halves are oined together, so there will be a oining line on each side. Step 2: Blow moulding to shape preforms into bottles
LB page 247 Next, the preform goes to a blow-moulding machine. This machine blows hot air
under high pressure into the preform. This heats the lower part of the preform
so that it becomes soft and can change its shape. The high air pressure forces the
walls of the preform to expand into the mould, similar to blowing up a balloon.
The same type of preform can be made into different shapes of bottles, since it
can be blown into different moulds. But all the bottles will have the same screw-on
1. Why will all the different-shaped bottles fit the same cap?
Because the preforms were all the same shape.
5. Plastic bottles and other containers take up a lot of space. Why is this a problem?
LB page 249
The recyclers must build large storage areas and large bins to store the sorted
20.2 Recycling plastic to make new products
material. They need large trucks to transport the recyclable material. If people
In Chapter 19, you learnt why we should recycle plastic containers and other crush or flatten plastic containers (by standing on them) before disposing them,
products. In this chapter, you will learn how PET plastic can be recycled and made
then the waste plastic will take up much less space.
into a new raw material.
Figure 5 on the next page shows the plastic recycling process. 6. Name four things that need to be done to plastic waste before it will be suitable
Each type of plastic waste is pressed into bales that can easily be transported. to turn into new products.
At the recycling factory, the plastic waste is shredded into small pieces, to make it Sorting into different types of plastic pressing the material in containers into
easier to handle and wash.
bales (a large bundle of compressed material tied with rope or wire) for
Case study: The cyclical process of recycling plastic transporting to the recycling factory shredding the material into flakes
LB p. 249 washing and removing bits of labels and old contents melting the flakes into
pellets packaging and labelling the bags of pellets.
1. Why should plastics be separated into different types before it can be recycled?
Each type of plastic has different properties. If you want to make a product 7. Copy and complete the systems diagram in Figure 4 by giving descriptions of
from recycled plastic, you want to know that the properties of the recycled the different steps of the recycling process. Hint: When something is recycled, it
means that the output is also the input, since the process is a cycle or circular.
plastic will suit the product’s purpose. To know the properties of recycled
plastic, you need to know which type of plastic was recycled to make it. LB page 250
Different types of plastic have different melting points, and some types need
special treatment before they can be recycled.
2. How do the recycling codes on the plastic containers help to sort them?
The codes show the sorters which type of plastic each container is made of.
They can then place the containers into the correct bin.
3. The containers are not only plastic. If you look carefully at a container, what
other materials can you find? You can look at some of the containers your
classmates brought to class.
Containers have other materials added to them. Paper and thinner plastic labels
hard plastic caps made of a different type of plastic foam seals in the lids,
etc. Sometimes the containers still have left-over material inside, for instance
syrup, face cream, sour milk, etc.
4. Are all the plastic containers in the bin clean? Is this important?
Usually, the containers are not clean. This is a problem for recyclers. People are
always advised to clean their empty containers by emptying the last bits out and
rinsing them with warm water before putting them in the recycling bin. Figure 4: Systems diagram of the plastic bottle recycling process
LB page 251 LB page 252
20.3 What have you learnt?
1. What is the raw material for the bottles in this process?
pellets of PET from used bottles
2. How can consumers and house-owners make it easier for recyclers to process
plastic products to make new bottles?
Wash out the bottles and other containers remove the labels if possible
remove the hard caps crush or flatten the containers so they take up less
space take the plastic products to a recycling centre set up a
recycling centre at school.
3. A manufacturer can buy one type of preform and then make different-shaped
bottles. How can this be done?
The manufacturer can use different moulds during the blow-moulding stage.
Next week
Over the next three weeks, you will do your Mini-PAT for this term. You will reuse
old plastic bottles for a new purpose. The new purpose will be different from the
old purpose of storing liquid. You will first design the new product you want to
make. Then you will make the necessary changes to old plastic bottles in order to
make the new product.
Figure 5: The steps to turn waste plastic into new plastic products
Chapter 21 Mini-PAT Materials required for this chapter:
Make the plastic product you designed .................................................................. [25] Learners answer questions that make them think about the needs that can be met by re-using
waste plastic. It would be useful for you to give examples of such needs, such as:
Communicate: What have you learnt during this term? .............................................. [12]
• a need to store things,
[Total: 70]
• a need to protect things, or
• a need to contain things.
Design brief for the scenario that you chose (30 minutes)
Learners can choose one of the scenarios given in the previous section for the product that they Learners must record these issues by adding labels to their rough design sketches, and by
will design and make. making notes on the side where necessary.
Some creative learners could come up with innovative ideas that are very different from the four For homework, learners should draw more design sketches to:
given scenarios. If they do so, check that their ideas are simple enough for them to finish their • show different details of their design,
designs and models within the time constraints of this mini-PAT. If they can keep their innovative • show improvements to their initial design,
ideas simple, then allow them to go ahead with their own design ideas.
• give more clear specifications to resolve the “design issues”, and
You should instruct learners to keep a record of their ideas, as well as how their ideas develop.
• add dimensions to their design sketches.
This record should be clear but should also contain rough ideas and rough sketches. Learners
should also record “mistakes” that they made. By the end of the homework section, learners must have refined their designs to the point where
they think it will work.
By the end of the week, each learner should have:
Learners must keep all of the material produced for this homework in their record of the
• a record of her/his ideas, and
design’s development.
• a design brief. It may be added to later, but in its earliest form it should say something like
this: “Use waste plastic to make an exercise wheel for a pet mouse. The mouse must be Final orthographic drawing (30 minutes)
able to climb on and off the wheel on his own.” During this lesson, learners make working (orthographic) drawings based on their newest design
sketches. In most cases, learners will only need to draw a front and a top view.
The drawing needs to be to scale. That will make it possible to use the drawing to make
Week 2
decisions about how parts will fit together, and whether it is possible for a load (like the mouse)
Each learner now has a design brief to work towards. to be carried by the structure or machine.
Titles, dimensions and labels must be included.
Initial rough design sketches (30 minutes)
As learners begin with their working drawings, they will become aware of new problems faced
Drawing initial rough design sketches is a way for learners to identify all of the “design issues”
by their design. This is normal, and changes to the orthographic views will need to be made in
related to their design brief. They communicate their thoughts on the “design issues” through
such cases. However, this means that this section of the work may take longer to complete and
the rough design sketches they draw, and the labels and notes that add to these sketches.
may spill over into the next section.
In the case of the example of a design brief given earlier (an exercise wheel for a pet mouse),
This is an important phase in the design. You should move and interact with learners,
the design issues might include:
considering their work and getting them to think about their designs.
• How big a wheel will a mouse need?
NB: You must collect learners’ working drawings and give learners feedback on it, before the
• What waste plastic object could be used to make the exercise wheel? learners start making their products in week 3.
• What frame will the wheel turn on? What will the frame be made of?
• How will the mouse get on and off the wheel?
Practise marking out, cutting and making holes (60 minutes)
• How can we make sure that the wheel turns smoothly on the frame?
In this section, learners practise working with plastics and tools in a safe, accurate and neat
way. You need to supervise this carefully to ensure the safety of the learners.
While learners try to identify these issues, you should move around the class discussing them
At the end of this lesson, learners must make a list of the materials that they need to make their
with individual learners.
design. If there are any materials that they do not yet have, their homework for the next week is
to collect those materials and bring them to school.
If they do not do that, they will not be able to complete their models in the next week.
LB page 255
Week 3 Reduce, re-use, recycle
In Grade 8 Term 4, you learnt that the environment is damaged when more and more things are
Make the product you designed (90 minutes) made and thrown away. You learnt that waste is formed in order to make new products, and
that the products themselves become waste when they are thrown away. You can reduce the
Learners are now at the stage where they begin to make the solutions to their design brief. By
negative impact of this practice on the environment in different ways:
this stage, they will already have gathered the materials they need.
Firstly, you can buy fewer things, which is called reducing your consumption.
You, however, should ensure that all the necessary tools are available.
Secondly, you can use some things over
Learners immediately start with making their designs at the beginning of this week.
and over, so that you don’t have to buy
You must make provision for the labelling and safe storage of learners’ work between lessons. new things. This is called re-using things.
You should expect learners’ designs to change throughout this stage. Making the product has You can also re-use something for a
the effect of showing the designer flaws that were not previously obvious. Learners must record different purpose than it was originally
their original designs as well as the changes to it, so that the teacher can see the progress/ made for. For example, many people use
improvement of the design. old hot-water tanks (geysers), or oil tanks
Help learners to structure their work so that they do not run out of time. Insist that the last to make “braai-skottels” in which they can
10 minutes are used to finish off and clean workspaces. By the end of the 90 minutes, all make fire and barbeque food outside.
learners must have completed the making of their designs. But what if something you own gets
Inform learners that their record of work for the previous three weeks (their design “portfolio”) broken or you don’t have any use for
must be handed in to you at the start of the next lesson. This includes their made product. You it anymore? Then you have to throw it Figure 2: A “braai-skottel” made from an oil
will assess their work in the way that is shown on the bottom of page 253. away. Fortunately, there is a clever way of tank cut through the middle
throwing things away, by separating the
different types of waste.
What have you learnt during this term? (30 minutes) For example, if you and your family collect all your plastic
Learners answer questions that force them to reflect on everything that they learnt about during You learnt in the previous
waste separately, then someone can take that plastic to a
chapter how plastic pellets are
this term. recycling factory where new plastic is made from the old
moulded into new shapes.
LB page 254 plastic. At a recycling factory, the old plastic is washed and
shredded into very small pieces.
It is then melted and “moulded” in the shape of “pellets”. The pellets can then be used as the
Figure 1: Improving raw material to make new plastic products.
your environment
by picking up and
sorting waste
The parts made from plastic are labelled P in the drawing below.
Plastics in the classroom and at home (60 minutes)
1. Copy the table below. Look around you on your desk, at your clothes and in your
school bag. Make a list of all the things you can see that are made of plastic.
Also write down whether it is made of hard or soft plastic and thick or thin
2. The table below lists different things that you can see in a house. Copy the table
below and write “yes” or “no” next to each item to show whether it is made of
plastic or not.
floor tiles no
roof plates no
cushions yes
windows no
window frames no
paint yes
chair backs yes, except for wooden chairs
lights no
bottles for washing soap yes
sponges yes
the outside of a TV or radio yes, except if it has a metal cover
4. A long time ago, cars were heavy because most of their parts were made of Different scenarios for reusing plastic bottles (30 minutes)
steel, cast iron and even wood. Nowadays, cars are much lighter, and therefore
they use less petrol to travel each kilometre. One way that was used to make On the following pages, you are shown photos of four scenarios in which new
cars lighter is to use more plastic when building them, instead of using metal. products were made from old plastic bottles.
Look at the illustrations of the inside and outside of a car below. The arrows Each of the products solves a certain problem. In other words, it satisfies or
point to different parts, and labels are given to describe these different parts. addresses a certain need. Answer the questions for each scenario about the
List all the parts that are made of plastic. problem or need. Then choose one of these scenarios for the product that you will
design and make.
The parts made from plastic are labelled P in the drawing below.
Scenario A
Figure 4: Different parts of a motor car
Scenario B Scenario C
Figure 6 Figure 7
3. What is the purpose of the product? [½] 5. What is the purpose of the product? [½]
The product is used to store dry food such as rice so that it cannot get It traps flies so that there will be fewer flies around the house.
wet or be eaten by insects or other animals.
6. Can this product save you money or time? How? [½]
4. Can this product save you money? How? [½] Yes, you don’t have to buy poison to keep flies away, or you don’t have to
Yes, you don’t have to buy food containers. Your food won’t go bad. swat flies by hand.
Scenario D Design brief for the scenario that you chose (30 minutes)
Answer the following questions to identify the specifications and constraints for
the scenario that you chose.
1. Give a description of the product you are going to make. [1]
Learner’s own answer.
2. Answer the following questions to identify the specifications for your design:
(a) What is the purpose of your product? [½]
Learner’s own answer.
(b) Should your product keep some things inside (contain it) and keep other
things out? What should it keep in and what should it keep out? [½]
Learner’s own answer.
(c) Should your product be supported in some way to stay upright? How? [½]
Learner’s own answer.
(b) Make a list of all the tools that are available to you, and that you know how
to use, for working with the materials you have identified above. You will
design your product so that you will only need to use these tools to make it.
Figure 8
Learner’s own answer.
7. What is the purpose of these products? [½]
(c) Make a time schedule showing how much time you have available to design
It makes it possible to use less water to help plants grow. and make the product. You will design your product so that it is simple
enough that you can design and make it in the limited time available to you.
8. Can this product save you money or time? How? [½] [½]
Yes, you don’t have to water your plants every day, and you will pay less for water. Learner’s own answer.
[Total: 4]
[Total: 4]
LB page 261 Final orthographic drawing (30 minutes)
Week 2 Choose your final design from your rough sketches. Then draw your product to
scale using first angle orthographic projection. Show dimensions. [15]
Initial rough design sketches (30 minutes)
Make rough sketches of your design ideas for the Learners’ own design.
The word innovative comes
product that you want to make. You can make sketches
from the word “new”. An It is very hard to draw the shape of a plastic bottle accurately. Learners
for different ideas and later decide which one you are
innovative solution to a
going to make. can approximate the shape of a plastic bottle using rectangular and
problem is a solution that
Try to design and make a product that is slightly nobody else thought of before. triangular shapes with rounded corners. The dimensions of the plastic
different from the photos of the products on the
bottle should, however, be correct.
previous pages, to address the need. In other words,
try to make an innovative design. One or more of the views on the drawing should show the circular shape of
Show notes and labels on your sketches to help to explain your ideas. [10] the cross section of a bottle, and should also indicate the radius or
Learners’ own ideas.
They should sketch at least two different design ideas.
They should use labels and notes to explain their sketches.
Practise marking out, cutting and making holes in plastic Week 3 LB page 263
(60 minutes)
Make the product you designed (90 minutes)
You need the following materials for this activity:
• two or more old plastic bottles that have been cleaned, You can make more sketches if you realise that you need to change some things
• a marker pen or “koki” pen, about your design. [25]
• nails of different sizes to make holes in the plastic,
• a strong pair of scissors to cut the plastic, What have you learnt during this term? (30 minutes)
• sandpaper, and
• sticky tape to join different plastic parts together. 1. What metal is used on the surface of a sheet of corrugated iron to protect it
from corrosion? [1]
First make sure that the plastic bottles are clean and that all the labels and glue
have been removed. zinc
This is how to cut a plastic bottle: 2. Give some examples of steel products that have been galvanised. [1]
First make a small hole with a thin nail where you want to start cutting. Hint: corrugated roof plates car bodies bolts steel beams for construction
It will be easier to make the hole if you keep the cap of the bottle on and tightly
secured, because then the bottle will not collapse as you press the nail in. 3. Painting and galvanising are both methods to stop steel from corroding; each
Then make the hole bigger by moving a thick nail around in the hole to make method coats the steel with another substance. What is the difference between
it bigger, as shown in the photo below. You can also use a cutting knife to make a the two methods? [4]
short cut where you can then put the blade of the scissors in.
Painting covers the steel with a layer that cannot be penetrated by air or water.
Safety warnings If there is a crack or scratch in the layer, the steel will corrode there.
A pair of scissors should not be used like a
alvanising also covers the steel in a protective layer, namely with zinc. But this
knife. If you do that, it can slip and you can
cut yourself. layer of zinc corrodes to form zinc carbonate. Once all the zinc has corroded to
Do not try to cut the thick, hard parts of the form zinc carbonate, the steel itself will start to corrode. Therefore, galvanising
bottle. If you do that, the scissors can slip
and you can cut yourself. only delays the time at which which the steel itself will start to corrode.
Fortunately, if the zinc layer gets scratched, zinc carbonate will form in the
scratch, so the steel will not immediately start to corrode as in the case of a
scratch in paint.
4. How would you protect a steel bridge from rusting? Which of the three
Figure 9: Making a hole in the bottle
processes that you have learnt about in this term do you think would be most
appropriate for this task and why? [2]
Once the hole is big enough to insert one
blade of the pair of scissors, start cutting I would first galvanise the steel of the bridge, and then paint over it.
with the scissors, as shown the photo on That way I would get the advantages of both painting and galvanising.
the right.
I would not use electroplating because it is more expensive.
Use sandpaper to make the sharp edges
of the hole in the bottle smooth so that it 5. Give two examples of food that is preserved by the process of drying. [1]
Figure 10: Cutting the bottle
can’t cut you.
grains flour dried fruit nuts biltong Make a record of the term’s work
Put all the written work and drawings that you did in this term in a file, neatly and
6. Why do manufacturers print a symbol like the one in the correct order. Your teacher will evaluate your file.
in Figure 11 on the bottom of plastic products? [1] Make sure your work pages contain headings to show for which chapters and
sections the work was done.
The symbol shows what type of plastic the
Your file should contain the following:
product is made of, so that plastic waste • answers to the questions about painting, galvanising and electroplating,
can be separated into the different types • your notes about what you observed when you electroplated a metal object,
of plastic, and then recycled separately. • answers to the questions about storing grain, pickling food and drying food to
Figure 11 preserve it,
7. Why do designers prefer to use plastics instead of steel for certain parts of • your notes about how you dried some food to preserve it,
cars? Give four reasons. [2] • your records of the kinds of plastic that the class collected and sorted by the
codes on the containers,
Plastics are lighter than steel, they cannot corrode, they are soft to touch,
• a systems diagram for recycling plastic and producing pellets for
they insulate against heat or cold, and they can cheaply be made into re-manufacture,
complicated shapes. • the investigation of plastics in a car – notes you made,
• the investigation of plastics in a house – notes you made,
[Total: 12] • your sketches and notes of ideas for a product to be made from old plastic
bottles, and
• your orthographic drawing of the product.
Also hand in the product that you designed and made by reusing old plastic
bottles. You teacher will give this back to you after evaluating it.