AI Engineering Services Limited (Personnel Department, A-320 Avionics Complex, IGI Airport Terminal-II, New Delhi - 110037)

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AI Engineering Services Limited

(Personnel Department, A-320 Avionics Complex, IGI Airport Terminal-II, New Delhi – 110037)

Ref: AIESL/NR/HR/ Date: 06.03.2023

Sub : Walk-in-interview Aircraft Technicians in different trades on FTE basis

Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) is an Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Organization,
approved by DGCA (India) under CAR 145, to undertake MRO activities in India.

AIESL invites applications from Indian Nationals fulfilling the requirements as on 01st March 2023 for the post of
Aircraft Technicians in different Trades from the open market on Fixed Term Employment basis.

The selected candidates will be posted at Delhi base of AI Engineering Services Limited (AIESL, MRO) as required by the
Company. Selection and empanelment does not guarantee that the candidate will be appointed immediately. Vacancy Positions
are tentative and may increase/decrease, depending upon the company’s requirement. Release of candidates from the panel would
depend upon the requirement of AIESL and decision taken by the Company in this regard. Selected / Appointed Candidate may
transferred/ positioned to any other location /stations as per company requirement, during the course of employment.



S.N POST Eligibility Criteria Experience

1 Aircraft For all candidates other than Ex-servicemen: Candidates must have
Technician AME Diploma/Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering minimum One Year
(Maintenance / (02 Or 03 years) in Mechanical stream from Institutions Aviation experience in
Overhaul ) approved by DGCA under Rule 133B with 60% Aircraft Maintenance/
marks/equivalent grade (55% or equivalent grade for Overhaul Shops
SC/ST/OBC candidates). Or
Candidates from DGCA approved AME Training Institutes who Successful completion of
are eligible, as per current list. national apprenticeship in
OR the concerned trade in
Diploma in Engineering (3 years) in Mechanical Aircraft Maintenance.
/Aeronautical Engineering or equivalent recognized by (Minimum One Year
Central/State Government with 60% marks/equivalent grade duration)
(55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates). .
For Ex-servicemen
Successful completion of Group 1 and/or II in the relevant
trade or equivalent qualification of Diploma in Engineering in
Airframe / Engine trades conducted by the Indian Air Force,
which are acceptable as a qualification by DGCA for fulfilling
the eligibility requirement for BAMEL examination.
Successful Completion of 4 years course/Diploma in Aircraft
Training. or its equivalent trade Training conducted by Indian
Navy, which is acceptable as a qualification by DGCA for
fulfilling the eligibility requirement for BAMEL examination-
02 Aircraft For all candidates other than Ex-servicemen: Candidates must have
Technician AME Diploma/Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering minimum One Year
(Avionics ) (02 Or 03 years) in Avionics stream from Institutions approved
Aviation experience in
(Electrical/ by DGCA under Rule 133B with 60% marks/equivalent grade
Instrumental/ (55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates). Aircraft Maintenance/
Radio) (Candidates from DGCA approved AME Training Institutes Overhaul Shops
who are eligible, as per current list).
Diploma in Engineering (3 years) inElectrical/ Successful completion of
- Electronics/Telecommunication/Radio/ Instrumentation national apprenticeship in
Engineering or equivalent recognized by Central/State the concerned trade in
Government with 60% marks/equivalent grade (55% or
equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates). Aircraft Maintenance.
(Minimum One Year
For Ex-servicemen duration)
Successful completion of Group 1 and/or II in the relevant
trade or equivalent qualification of Diploma in
Engineering conducted by the Indian Air Force, which are
acceptable as a qualification by DGCA for fulfilling the
eligibility requirement for BAMEL examination.
Successful Completion of 4 years course/Diploma in Aircraft
Electrical Artificer / Air Electrical Radio Artificer or its
equivalent trade Training conducted by Indian Navy, which is
acceptable as a qualification by DGCA for fulfilling the
eligibility requirement for BAMEL

03 Technician ITI in concerned trade, recognized by Central/State Two Years in Relevant

-Fitter/Sheet Government or NCVT in applicable Trade Trade in the Industry
Metal (inclusive of experience
- Carpenter Prior to NCVT ) or
- Upholstery One Year experience in
- Painter Aviation (inclusive of
- Welder experience prior to
- Machinist NCVT)
04 Technician B.Sc. (Physics) OR Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Two years’ experience in
- X-Ray/NDT Electronic Engineering OR BE (B.Tech) in Mechanical/ NDT field or one year
Electrical/ OR Electronic Engineering experience in Aviation
NDT field.

NO. OF VACANCIES - 325 (Reservation as per Govt. Directives)


Interested candidates are required to appear for registration followed by TRADE/SKILL
TEST/PERSONAL INTERVIEW as per schedule and given below :.

For Aircraft Technician (A&C & Avionics) on Friday the 31st March 2023 at 0930 hours

Personnel Department, A-320 Avionics Complex,

(Near New Custom House) IGI Airport Terminal-II, New Delhi – 110037

For Aircraft Technician (-Fitter/Sheet Metal/ Carpenter/ Upholstery/Painter/Welder/Machinist/

X-Ray/NDT on Tuesday the 11 April 2023 at 0930 hours

Personnel Department, A-320 Avionics Complex,

(Near New Custom House) IGI Airport Terminal-II, New Delhi – 110037


i) Maximum Age Limit: (As on 01.03.2023) – General/EWS-35 Yrs., OBC-38 Yrs. and SC/ST-40 Yrs. Age relaxation to Ex-
SM will be permitted as per Govt. directives in this regard.
ii) Duration of Contract: Fixed Term Contract would be initially for a period of 05 (Five) years and extendable for
further period of 05 (Five) years depending upon requirement of the company and performance of the candidates.
iii) Emoluments: Rs.25,000/- per month at the time of joining as per the approved salary structure of AIESL.

Interested candidates meeting the eligibility criteria as on 01.03.2023, may attend the walk-in (Trade/Skill Test &
Interview) as per given schedule and venue mentioned above with Non-refundable application Fee of INR 1000/-
(Rupees One thousand only) by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “AI Engineering Services Limited”
payable at New Delhi. (SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of this Fee. Please mention
your full name, mobile number and the post applied for on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

Candidates are advised to go through the following instructions before Appearing for Interview:-

a) The candidates belonging to OBC categories, at the time of interview, must submit a self –attested photocopy of the Non-
Creamy Layer Certificate, recently issued by the Competent Authority in the format as prescribed by Govt. of India.
The Certificate, inter alia, must specifically state that the candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections
excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBC in civil posts and services under the Government of India. The
Certificate should also contain the “Non-Creamy Layer” Clause. The Certificate produced by the candidates of OBC
community should be as per the Central List published by the Government of India and not as per the State Lists.
b) Applicants ordinarily domiciled in Kashmir Division of J & K State during 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 who are eligible
for the upper age relaxation, must produce the Domicile Certificate to this effect at the time of Interview from the
District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division, with whose jurisdiction the applicant had ordinarily resided or any other
authority designated in this regard by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir.
c) The applicant should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria as on 1 March 2023. Other particulars furnished
should be correct in all respects. At any stage of the Selection Process, if the particulars provided by the candidates in the
application or testimonials supplied are found incorrect/false, or not meeting with the eligibility requirements
prescribed for the posts, the candidatures is liable to be rejected and, if engaged, services terminated, without giving
any notice or reasons therefore.
d) Self-attested clear copies of the supportive documents in respect of Educational Qualification, Relevant trade in the
Industry Experience etc. must be submitted along with the Application. Self –Attested photocopy of the Caste
Certificate should also be attached with the application, in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates and income and assets
certificate issued by competent authority for EWS candidates.
e) Original certificates are required to be brought, at the time of Walk-in (Trade Test/Skill Test), for verification
purpose only, but original should not be submitted/attached along with the Application. The Company is not
responsible for returning any original copies of certificates/testimonials if submitted with the application.
f) Applicants working in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings or autonomous bodies must bring
complete Application Form routed through proper channel or along with ‘No Objection Certificate” from their present
g) In case of large number of candidates reported for walk-in-interview, the candidate may have to stay in Delhi at their
own arrangement.


a) The vacancies put forth in this notification are indicative, which may decrease/ increase depending upon the work
requirements of the Company.

b) Management reserve all right to take any decision with regard to conduct of this exercise including
interpretation of eligibility, deferment/cancellation of this exercise and/or delete/alter any of the condition of this
exercise, if so necessitated.

c) The selected candidates will be posted at Delhi , based on the requirements of the Company. Selection and
empanelment does not guarantee that the candidate will be appointed. Release of candidate for appointment from the
select list would depend upon the decision of the Co. and its business requirements at the material point of time,
which decision would be final and binding.

However, the candidates may be transferred at any location of AIESL Network based on the requirement of the

d) Candidates found suitable and shortlisted will be engaged on fixed-terms contract basis for a period of 05 years. The
contract may be terminated at the discretion of the Management during the tenure of the contract and / or in the event of
unsatisfactory performance.

e) The contract is extendable for further term of 5 years depending upon satisfactory performance of the candidate
and requirement of the company.

f) After completion of training, candidates engaged on fixed-terms contract basis will be entitled for Provident Fund,
Gratuity, and medical policy, if applicable, as per policy of the company.

g) The candidates will have to make their own arrangement for housing accommodation at the place of posting.

h) The Company, at its discretion, may assign additional duties, as and when required.

i) SC/ST candidates who reporting for Interview and residing beyond 80 the from the venue of the test and not
employed in any Government, Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, will be
reimbursed second class to & fro rail/ bus fare by the shortest route as per rules, on production of document of travel.
Candidates are also advised to submit self-Account cancelled cheque / copy of self- account cheque along with fare
reimbursement form.
j) Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the laid down procedure eligibility criteria, prescribed for the post before
reporting for Interview.

k) At any stage of the selection process, if it is found that the particulars furnished by the candidate in the
Application Form or testimonials are incorrect/false or the candidate does not meet the Eligibility Criteria
Prescribed for the post, or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her application shall be summarily rejected without
making any further reference.

l) Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing in any outside influence with regard to further the selection
of the candidate shall be considered as a DISQUALIFICATION.
To be filled in by the candidate

Paste recent

AI Engineering Service Limited Colour

Photograph and


Sign across

(Write in Capital letters)

1. Full Name (in Block letters):

First Middle Surname

2. Father's Name :
3. Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) :
4. Place and State of Birth:
5. Religion :
6. Gender : Male / Female
7. Nationality :
8. a) Mailing Address

City : State : Pin Code:

b) Telephone No:(Residence with STD Code) : Mobile:

c) Email :

d) DGCA Computer Number:

9. a) Whether SC/ST/OBC/ Unreserved:

SC ST OBC Unreserved

(Indicate category to which you belong by marking "X" in the appropriate box .)

i) If SC/ST – attach copy of the caste certificate as per Central Govt. Format.

ii) If OBC, furnish current certificate including the "Non-Creamy Layer Clause". OBC
Community should be as per the Central List of OBCs published by the Govt. of

b) Whether Ex-Servicemen : YES / NO

(If yes, furnish details of service, position held, date of release, details of experience after release
(attach copies of relevant documents.)

c) Whether working in any Govt./Semi-Govt. / Public Sector Undertaking or

autonomous body.(If "YES" enclose "No Objection Certificate") YES / NO

10. Educational Qualification: (Matriculation / SSC onwards) :

Examination(s) Name of the University / Date, Duration Percentage

passed (Specify Institution Month of Marks
Degree / and year (Class /
Diploma of Division)
/Course) passing
10th (SSC)
12th (HSC or
pre- degree)
Diploma / Degree in

Specify Branch
Aircraft Maintenance
Engineering Training
Course approved by
the DGCA,
Government of
India/ EASA approved
training School
Licence details (copy of
CAR 66 Lic. and copy of
pre-CAR 66 AME Lic.).
[Attach separate sheet,
if required).

Copy of Authorization
(both –
initial & current)
Log book duly filled
and certified by the
Quality Manager

Any other (specify)

11. Fluency in Languages: Tick (√) appropriate column

Languages Read Speak Write Remarks

a) English

b) Hindi

c) Local (Specify)

d) Mother Tongue (Specify)

e) Others(Specify)
12. Work Experience:

Name of Post held Salary Drawn Period TOTAL EXP IN Nature of

the YEAR(S) job
Company MONTH(S)
From To

13. Particulars of Demand Draft (in favour of AI Engineering Services Ltd. payable at Delhi) [NON-

Name & Address of the Date of issue Demand Draft No. Amount
issuing bank and

Declaration: I hereby certify that the foresaid information is correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I have not suppressed any material fact or factual information in the above
statement. I am aware that in case I have given wrong information or suppressed any
material fact or factual information, or I do not fulfill the eligibility criteria according to
the advertisement, then my candidature will be rejected / services terminated at any
time without giving any notice or reason therefor.

Place :

Date : (Signature of the applicant)

List of documents to be submitted only at the time of Interview:

{Originals( along with the a set of photocopy) to be brought for verification only}

Please tick “√”

1 Application Fee, wherever applicable

2 03 additional recent passport-size photographs
3 School leaving Certificate
4 HSC (12 Std)
5 Matriculation Mark-sheet and SSC Passing Certificate
6 Diploma/Degree Mark-sheet and Passing Certificate (with
copies of Mark-sheets of all Semesters), if applicable
7 Licence copies with certifying date duly signed and stamped
by the appropriate authority
8 Caste Certificate in case of OBC (Anneure-1)


9 Experience Certificate(s), wherever applicable
10 Domicile Certificate, wherever applicable
11 Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Serviceman

12 Copy of Licence with endorsement/ Authorization Letter

13 Income and asset certificate by EWS candidates in
the attached format (Annexure-2)
(Eligible SC/ST candidates to get this form filled at the time of Personal Interview)

Sub: Reimbursement of Fare to eligible SC/Candidates-Personal Interview for .

Eligible SC/ST candidates, if not employed in Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector

Undertaking/Autonomous Body, and residing more than 80 kms away from the test canter are
eligible to get reimbursement of 2nd class to & fro rail/bus fare by the shortest route on
production of photocopy of fare,caste certificate, cheque leaf of bank account .Such SC/ST
candidates may fill in this form before handover and attach copy of, caste certificate, cheque
leaf. The candidate should attach this form with their application in the prescribed format to
effect payment to them, if eligible for payment, in due course of time through ECS/ Money order.
Incomplete application or applications not attached with copy off are, caste certificate cheque
leaf shall not be considered for reimbursement.

1. Name:
2. Application No. /Registration No.
3. Category- SC/ST

4. Address:

5. Name of bank
6. Bank account no.
7. Bank IFSC No.
8. WhetherworkinginGovt./SemiGovt./PublicSectorUndertaking/AutonomousBody-- Yes/No
9. Distance from Residence to the Centre and back (In Km.)-

10. 2nd Class to &fro fare by shortest route by rail (in INR),Pl give the details if travelled by

11. 2nd Class to &fro fare by shortest route by Bus (in INR),give the details if travelled by bus-

I state that the above information is true and correct.

Place: Name & Signature of the candidate


Form of certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes applying for
appointment to posts under the Government of India.

This is to certify that

…………………………………………………………………………………………………Son of ............ of
Village…………………………………….District/Division…………….…………………in the………
………………………… State ........................................................ Belong to the
Community which is recognized as a Backward Class under the Government of

India,Ministry of Welfare ResolutionNo.12011/68/93- BCC(C),dated 10thSeptember1993

published in the Gazette of India Extra- Ordinary PartI, SectionI, dated 13thSeptember

1930. Shri and/or his family ordinarily reside(s)

in the

…………………………………………………………………………………………………District / Division of the State.

This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the person/sections(CreamyLayer)mentioned in

column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training

O.M.No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT), dated 8.9.93.

Seal District Magistrate Deputy Commissioner etc.

N.B. (a) The term ‘ordinarily’ used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of
the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
Where, the certificates are issued by Gazetted Officers of the union Government or State
Governments, they should be in the same form but countersigned by the District . Magistrate of
Deputy Commissioner (Certificate issued by Gazetted Officers and attested by District
Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner are not sufficient).
Government . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ..
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)


Certificate No Date:


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari son/daughter/wife of

permanent resident of Village/Street,
Post Office District in the State/Union Territory
Pin Code whose photograph is attested
below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual
income* of his/her family:** is below
Rs. 8 Lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year________. His/ her
family does not own or possess any of the following assets***:
I. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
I. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
I. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
IV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in. areas other than the notified municipalities.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari belongs to the caste which is

not recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward
Classes (Central List)

Signature with seal of Office


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