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N6 Mechanotechnics

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Implementation: January 2021

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6


1. General Aims 3

2. Specific Aims 3

3. Pre-requisite 3

4. Duration 3

5. Evaluation 3

6. Learning content 5

7. Mark Allocation 5

8. Module 1: Clutches 6

9. Module 2: Brakes 7

10. Module 3: Line Shafts 8

11. Module 4: Fly Wheels 9

12. Module 5: Reduction gear box 10

13. Module 6: Rail traction and vehicle dynamics 11

14. Module 7: Static and dynamic balancing 12

15. Module 8: Kinematics 13

16. Didactic guidelines 14

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

1. General aims
To create opportunities for lifelong learning in the mechanical engineering
profession which will result in a meaningful educational experience enabling the
student to take up his or her place in the Mechanical Engineering field

2. Specific aims
2.1 To equip artisans, mechanical engineering supervisors, designers of projects
and equipment, engineers with the necessary mechanical engineering
knowledge to implement well defined mechanical projects.
3. Prerequisite
A student must have passed at least at least the National Certificate N5
Engineering with Mechanotechnics N5 as a subject.

4. Duration
Full-time: 7.5 hours per week for one semester. This instructional offering may
also be offered part-time.

5. Evaluation
5.1 Evaluation is conducted continuously by means of class test. An Internal
Continuous Assessment (1CASS) mark of at least 40% as well as a minimum
examination mark of 40% is required to pass the instructional offering. The ICASS
mark and the examination mark will be calculated together in a ratio of 40:60 to
derive the promotion mark.
5.2 The examination in Mechanotechnics N6 (Engineering Studies - Report 191) will
be conducted as follows:

5.2.1. ONE PAPER will be written.

5.2.2. PAPER 1: Modules 1 to 9 MARKS: 100


5.2.4 WEIGHTING: Recall, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and

evaluation of learning content are important aspects in determining a
student’s knowledge and understanding of the learning content of the
instructional offering.

The following weights are consequently awarded to each category:

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

Knowledge and Applying Analysing/Synthesis and

Understanding Evaluation
10-25 30-40 20-35

6. Learning content


It is essential that this section should be illustrated and evaluated within the
context of practical workshop situation.

7. Mark allocation in the examination as an indication of the weighting of the

different modules

1. Clutches 10

2. Brakes 10
3. Line shafts 10

4. Flywheels 10
5. Reduction gearboxes 10

6. Rail traction and Vehicle dynamics 15

7. Static and Dynamic Balancing 15

8. Kinematics 20


Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

MODULE 1: Clutches
General aims
1.1 Identify primary functions of clutches, theories of plate and cone clutches and do
advance calculations from basic principles.

The student must be able to:
1. Functions  Draw and label a multi-plate clutch.
 Explain the uniform wear theory and the
uniform pressure theory.
2. Advance calculations from .
basic principles  Calculate the force required to press the plate
3. Theory of plain and cone together, the number of contact pairs
clutches required in a plate clutch to apply the
4. Plate clutches required pressure, the combined speed
between the engine and shafts at the
moment no slip occurs, total time of slip, total
time of shaft to reach certain speed.
 Calculate torque, retardation torque of
engine or shaft and combined speed

5. Conical Clutches  Define conical clutches and explain their

 Calculate torque, frictional force, axial force
to transmit given torque, total axial to engage
the clutch, moment of inertia, angular
velocity, angular acceleration, time, maximum
Pressure at outer diameters.
6. Centrifugal Clutches  Describe and explain the application of
centrifugal clutches.
 Calculate centrifugal force, force on spring
and frictional force
 Calculate torque, angular velocity, mass of
shoe, power.
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

MODULE 2: Brakes

2.1 Identify primary functions of brakes, types and do advanced calculations from basic

The student must be able to:
1. General introduction  Explain the basic principles of brakes.
 List the elements that are applied in brakes

2. Band brakes  List and explain two types of band brakes

 Draw a labelled diagram which shows the
theory applicable to flat belt drives and
centrifugal force.
 Calculate tension ratio, torque, moments,
power, vertical components, number of
revolution, time, angular velocity, work
done and minimum co-efficient of friction.
3. Block brakes  Define and explain the application of block
 Calculate co-efficient of friction, force,
normal reaction force, power, diameter of
disc, torque, time, number of revolution,
drum diameter, number of turns and
maximum braking torque.
4. Block and Band brakes  Describe band and block brakes.
 Explain the structure of a flexible steel band
with the aid of a labelled diagram.
 Calculate tight side band tension and slack
side band tension.
 Calculate normal reaction force of a brake
drum on the block, frictional force
tangential to the friction circle of the drum
and the semi-angle subtended at the drum
centre by each brake block.
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

 Calculate Minimum force, moments,

power, distance, time, resolve forces of the
brake lever.

MODULE 3: Line Shafts


3.1 Identify primary functions of line shafts, types and do advanced calculations from
basic principles.

The student must be able to:
1. General introduction  List the basic principles and functions of line
 List the factors that should be considered
when selecting line shafts for specific

 Calculate torque, power, principal stress,

2. Line Shaft Calculations
shaft diameter and shaft speed.
 Calculate Reactions on the horizontal and
vertical plane, tight side and slack side belt
 Draw diagrams to illustrate the
3. Gear drives calculations
 List types of gears and applications.
 List the forces that must be considered
when two gears mesh.
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

 Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the

direction of forces when gears mesh.
 Draw a diagram and explain the pressure
angle between two gears in mesh.
 Calculate vertical and horizontal reactions
in bearings; torque transmitted, power
transmitted, and tangential force between
gears, radial force and belt tension.

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

Module 4: Flywheels


4.1 Identify primary functions of Flywheels types and do advanced calculations from
basic principles

The student must be able to:
1. General introduction  List the basic principles and functions of

2. Flywheel Calculations  Calculate the moments of inertia, mass,
radius of gyration, angular acceleration, linear
acceleration, number of revolution, pulley or
flywheel diameter, time, pulley radius, kinetic
energy, potential energy, displacement, linear
velocity, tangential acceleration, centripetal
acceleration, Angle, average angular
deceleration, friction torque, power, mass
percentage of error, rotational speed and loss
in kinetic energy.
 Calculate mass moment of inertia of a
compound system
 Calculate the percentage of error in mass
moment of inertia if only the ream is
 Calculate coefficient of speed calculation.

MODULE 5: Reduction gearboxes


5.1 Identify primary functions of Reduction gearboxes types and do advanced

calculations from basic principles.

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

The student must be able to:
1. General introductions  List the basic principles and functions of
reduction gearboxes

 Draw a diagram to illustrate wheel and

pinion in a gear trains.

2. Gear trains  Define the term gear train and give

 Simple gear train examples of gear train and give
 Compound gear train applications.

 Calculate torque required for acceleration,

efficiency of gears, equivalent moment of
a) Acceleration of gear
inertia, input and output torque, resisting
torque, total kinetic energy.
 Simple gear trains
 Compound gear trains
 Explain the working principle of worm
gear drive.

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

b) Worm gear drives  Draw diagrams to show

single start worm and
double threated worm

 List the formulas,

quantities, symbols and
basic SI units for units of
measurements used on
c) Worm gear drives worm gear drives
calculations calculations

 Calculate worm helix

angle, angle of friction,
efficiency of worm
drive, power, output,
and input.
 Calculate pitch circle
diameter, peripheral
velocity, end thrust, and
number of teeth on
worm wheel, gear ratio,
centre distance,
reduction gear efficiency
and frictional torque.
 Calculate number of
thread on worm, effort,
distance moved and
velocity ratio.

MODULE 6: Rail Traction and Vehicle Dynamics


6.1 Identify primary functions of rail traction and vehicle dynamics, types and do
advanced calculations from basic principles
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

The student must be able to:

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

1. Rail traction  List the basic principles and functions of

rail traction and vehicle dynamics
 Explain the effect of centrifugal forces on
vehicle travel around curve.

2. Rail resistance terms  Explain the meaning of the following

>rolling resistance, inclined resistance,
acceleration force,

3. Locomotive tractive effort  Define locomotive tractive effort,

drawbar pull.

 Calculate speed on level tracks,

4. Rail traction calculations. acceleration, deceleration, upward
movement and downward movement-
constant acceleration and deceleration,
total locomotive force, wheel speed,
locomotive tractive effort, locomotive
power, tractive resistance, acceleration
force, time, average power developed,
drawbar pulley, grade resistance,
distance, braking force, energy
dissipation, retarding force, axle torque,
velocity ratio, number of drives axles,
mass, transmission losses and maximum

5. Skidding and overturning on  List the formulas quantities, symbols and

curved tracks basic SI units for units of measurements
used on skidding and overturning on
curve calculations
 Define the following terms:
a) Unbanked and banked tracks
b) Unbanked curves and banked
 Calculate maximum speed without
skidding and overturning, co-efficient of
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

friction, moments, super-elevation,

maximum speed, side thrust, minimum
radius of unbanked curves, banking
 Calculate mass, centrifugal force centre
of gravity, height of centre of gravity
above the track and frictional resistance.

6. Vehicle Dynamics  List the basic principles and functions of

vehicle dynamics
 List three opposing forces that affect
tractive effort at constant speed.
 List the quantities, symbols and basic SI
units for units of measurements used on
vehicle dynamics
 Define the following terms power,
tractive effort, engine toque
 Calculate the following:
a) Input and output power
b) Axle torque, tractive effort.
c) Engine torque
d) Gear ratio
e) Transmission efficiency
f) Braking torque
g) Deceleration
h) Initial angular velocity
i) Engine power on level road
j) Engine power on inclined
k) Angular and linear acceleration
l) Angular velocity
m) Angular retardation
n) Magnitude of the balancing couple
o) Load transfer
p) Normal reactions
q) Weight
r) Front real axle reactions
s) Load transfer
t) Minimum distance before stopping
u) Maximum possible acceleration

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

MODULE 7: Static and dynamic balancing

7.1 Identify primary functions of static and dynamic balancing types and do advanced
calculations from basic principles

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

The student must be able to:

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

1. Balancing a single rotating  Explain the concept of balancing of a single

mass rotating mass with the aid of a labelled
 Calculate the centripetal acceleration
 Calculate Thrust on front bearings
 Calculate Centrifugal force
 Calculate Balancing of mass

 With the aid of diagrams explain the

2. Balancing of several masses concepts of balancing of several masses
rotating in the same plane rotating in the same plane
 Explain the difference between static and
dynamic balance.

3. Balancing of rotating
coplanar masses  With the aid of diagrams explain the
concepts of balancing of
4. Balancing of masses rotating Rotating coplanar masses
in different planes (Dalby’s
Method)  Explain the concepts of balancing of
several masses rotating in the same plane

 With the aid of diagrams explain the

concepts of dynamic forces at bearings

5. Dynamic forces at bearings

 Calculate axial distance between planes of
revolution, angles and mass
 Construct couple polygons and force
.  Calculate the value of couple, dynamical
loads on bearings, relative angular
position, distance, value of unbalanced
couple, and magnitude of bearing
reactions, direction of reactions, minimum
and maximum vertical forces.

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

MODULE 8: Kinematics

8.1 Identify primary functions of static and Kinematics types and do advanced
calculations from basic principles

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

The student must be able to:

Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

1. Motion  Define the concept of relevant motion

 Explain with aid of diagrams the difference
between linear motion and angular motion
Define the following terms with aid of
a) Machine,
b) Constrained, kinematics pairs,
c) kinematic chain,
d) mechanism,
e) four bar chain,
f) inversion,
g) The slider crank chain,
h) relative velocity,
i) acceleration.

2. Relative velocity and

 Calculate velocity, add and subtract
 Draw velocity diagrams for points on a
link and Instantaneous centre of a link.
3. Centripetal and triangular
 Define the terms Centripetal and angular
 Draw diagrams and show the calculations
for Centripetal and angular acceleration
 Calculate tangential acceleration
 Calculate centripetal and tangential

4. Acceleration links
 Define the concept of acceleration of

 Draw acceleration of diagrams.

 Calculate velocity, angular velocity and

angular acceleration and indicate
direction of rotation.

 Calculate linear velocity and linear

acceleration using diagrams.
Syllabus: Mechanotechnics N6

 Draw a fully labelled space diagrams

according to scale and find the
instantaneous centre.

 Draw velocity and acceleration diagrams

and show the angular acceleration of
links and linear acceleration of slider.

Didactic guidelines

1. Theoretical principles should be applied to practical real-life situations.

2. Discussion and evaluations should be done on the basis of real practical

workshop situations.

3. Although the art of effective listening could be formally introduced and refined
in oral work, it should be practised continually and become part of the student’s
way of life.

4. Excursions, videos and interviews could all contribute to an understanding and

evaluation of the Mechanotechnics.


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