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DOI: 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2018.11.009

Regenerator Design Optimization: Results from REGEN 3.3

J.M. Pfotenhauer , R.Z. Wang , F.K. Miller
1 2 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


The results from an extensive parametric study using the most recent version of the regenerator
design software tool, REGEN3.3, are presented. By compiling the results from more than
10,000 applications of REGEN3.3 for three different temperatures (35 K, 60 K and 80 K), a wide
range of frequencies (30 Hz – 300 Hz), and a variety of regenerator length, inverse mass flux,
and cold end phase angles, a group of performance maps have been generated that will enable
regenerator optimization without having to learn REGEN3.3. Optimum results, defined by
maximum COP values, are also provided in the form of a convenient correlation whereby the
COP can be calculated directly from chosen values of cold end temperature, frequency, inverse
mass flux, length, and cold end phase angle. One of the more interesting results revealed by this
study is that the optimum value of COP is very broad. That is, changes by as much as 15% to
20% in the length, inverse mass flux, or cold end phase away from their optimized values
degrade the COP by only 2%.

Keywords: regenerator design, regenerative cryocoolers, REGEN 3.3

1. Introduction

Among the various software tools that are available for designing regenerative cryocoolers,
REGEN, especially in its present form as REGEN 3.3, has been used extensively and
successfully to optimize the geometry and operating parameters of the regenerative heat
exchanger component of cryocoolers in order to provide a desired amount of cooling power at a
specified cold end temperature [1-4]. The predicted performance of regenerative coolers that
have been designed using REGEN have also been experimentally validated [3].

Built upon one-dimensional equations of mass, momentum, and energy balance, REGEN 3.3
enables one to relate a variety of design parameters such as average and dynamic pressure, cold
and warm end temperatures, frequency, length, and mass flux and phase angle between the
pressure and flow oscillations to the performance parameters of cold end cooling power, input
acoustic power, and the thermodynamic coefficient of performance, or COP defined by the ratio
of the cold end cooling power to the input acoustic power. In fact, REGEN 3.3 accommodates
over 60 input variables that can be freely defined by users, not to mention that it allows user
definitions for heat transfer correlations and fluid properties. Even with the default variable
settings, there are still at least 12 variables that must be defined from user input. The freedom in
choice makes the numerical model more powerful and robust, as an almost infinite number of
possibilities can be explored. However, for users without a deep understanding of regenerators,
or for those lacking the experience in numerical modeling, the freedom presents a serious

This manuscript has been authored by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics.
In an effort to mitigate the significant learning curve presented by REGEN, and in order to
provide convenient design maps for those designing regenerative coolers, we have conducted a
systematic parametric study using REGEN 3.3, and present herein a set of graphics and
correlations that can be easily used for optimizing the regenerator COP. By optimizing the COP
over the set of variables including the cold end phase angle, regenerator length, and mass flux for
fixed values of cold end temperature, operating frequency, dynamic pressure amplitude, and
average pressure, a set of optimized parameters are obtained at temperatures of 80 K, 60 K, and
35 K and with frequencies from 30 Hz to 300 Hz. Furthermore, the results allow approximate
optimized designs for temperatures and frequencies intermediate to those studied here via
interpolation. In addition, changes in design as a function of cooling power at any of the fixed
temperature and frequency points are enabled by a simple scaling relationship. As a check of the
model results, we compare two specific operating conditions thoroughly defined in reports from
experimental measurements with the calculations via REGEN 3.3 for the same conditions. The
two independent methods agree well and provide confidence that the graphs and correlations can
be used reliably as design tools.

One of the more surprising results of this study is the relatively insensitivity of the maximum
COP on the key design parameters of length, inverse mass flux, and phase angle. In other words,
although the specific parameters that provide the optimum value of COP can be clearly
identified, the maximum is quite broad. For example, changes away from the optimum set of
values for length, phase angle, and inverse mass flux by as much as 50% reduce the COP by only
2% from its optimum value.

The present study is a follow up to a previous parametric study by Shi et al [5]. Although
pursuing the same goal, the previous study did not include sufficient convergence conditions to
ensure reliable results. A more recent parametric study using REGEN3.2 by Wang et.al [6]
provides a detailed examination of the various losses that degrade the regenerator performance as
a function of its geometry and enables instructive comparisons between the various loss
mechanisms. The same publication also carries out a systematic and parametric optimization of
the regenerator COP as a function of cold end temperature (35 K, 60 K and 80 K), frequency (30
– 300 Hz), charge pressure (2-4 MPa), screen mesh size (250-650), length (30-100 mm) and
inverse mass flux (0.02-0.12 m s/kg). Unfortunately, the study was restricted in its use of a

single cold end phase angle of -30˚ between the pressure and flow oscillations. Nevertheless, the
study provides optimum values of length, inverse mass flux, charge pressure mesh number, and
frequency as well as the associated COP values for the -30˚ phase angle. More recently, Kumar
and Kuzhiveli [7] conducted a parametric study using REGEN 3.3 to optimize the design of a
multi-mesh regenerator operating between 300 K and 80 K with an average pressure of 1.6 MPa
and a pressure ratio of 1.8. However, their optimization is only reported over the single variable
of the phase angle.

Subsequent sections of this report begin by discussing the criteria necessary for REGEN 3.3 to
converge upon reliable solutions. In certain regions of the explored parameters, it is difficult for
REGEN 3.3 to converge on a solution, and in these cases, the necessary adjustments are also
identified. The systematic process defining the parametric study is then described and the
results of the parametric optimization are presented in a variety of 2D and 3D graphs that can be
used for design purposes. Finally, a multi-parameter fit is provided that defines the optimum
COP as a function of cold end temperature, frequency, length, phase angle, and inverse mass

2. Convergence criteria

REGEN 3.3 uses a 1-D finite difference approach to simultaneously solve the equations for the
conservation of mass, momentum, and energy of the gas flow through the regenerator as well as
the conservation of energy for the regenerator matrix. Various options for the boundary
conditions are provided and these define the sinusoidal pressure and flow oscillations at one (or
other) of the ends of the regenerator as well as the phase between them and the temperature of
the inflowing gas. The solution determines the parameters of temperature, pressure, density, and
velocity at all locations along the regenerator and for each time step. Since the flow is
sinusoidal, one of the key convergence criteria is a cyclic steady state condition.

As with most numerical models, convergence requires an adequate number of mesh points
(spatial discretization), a sufficiently small time step (temporal discretization), and initial guess
values for the key parameters of interest. For the cyclic steady state condition, convergence is
also dependent on a minimum number of cycles.

2.1 Cyclic steady state

Figure 1 displays an example of the convergence studies used in this report. Here the coefficient
of performance (COP) for a specific set of user defined parameters (average pressure, pressure
amplitude, cold and warm end temperatures, frequency, matrix, phase angle, length and mass
flux) is shown as a function of the number of cycles, mesh density, and the initial guess for the
mid-point temperature [8]. The selected number of time steps per cycle is also based on a similar
evaluation as discussed below. For the specific set of user defined parameters, one can conclude
that 30,000 cycles are sufficient to define a cyclic stead state. Throughout the parameter space
investigated in this study, and as long as the cycle frequency remains below 100 Hz, 30,000
cycles are sufficient for cyclic steady state conditions. Required conditions for frequencies
above 100 Hz are presented below.
Figure 1. Convergence study as a function of mid-point temperature, mesh number, and number of cycles.
(from Ray Radebaugh)

2.2 Midpoint temperature

The initial guess value for the midpoint temperature ratio is the normalized initial temperature at
the midpoint of the regenerator, and is used to set the initial temperature profile for the matrix
and gas. The normalized midpoint temperature is calculated from the difference between the
initial temperature at the midpoint of the regenerator and the inflow temperature at the cold end,
divided by the difference between the inlet temperatures at the hot and cold end of the
regenerator. If the chosen midpoint temperature ratio is 0.5, then the initial temperature is a
linear function of distance along the regenerator. Otherwise a quadratic polynomial is fit through
the temperature at the ends and the midpoint to determine the initial temperature as a function of
distance along the regenerator.

A good choice for midpoint temperature can speed up the convergence to a periodic state if the
final temperature profile is not linear [9]. The final value of the midpoint temperature,
determined at the final cycle number, can be used to update the midpoint temperature guess for
subsequent calculations.

For the three cases with the same number of mesh points shown in Figure 1, the converged COP
depends noticeably on the initial midpoint temperature guess. Here, the midpoint temperature
guess of 0.46 provides the best value as it converges with the fewest cycles. Furthermore, the
final COP for the other two guesses approaches the same value of COP as with the mid-point
guess value of 0.46. A careful choice of the initial midpoint temperature is necessary and can be
accomplished by sweeping the interval of interest with fewer mesh points and time steps. The
resulting value at the final cycle can then be used for the input midpoint temperature, and more
accurate solutions can be achieved. For this study, each case was initially run with 41 mesh
points, 200 time steps per cycle, and 30000 cycles to provide an updated guess value for the mid
point temperature. The same cases were then run again with the updated value for the mid point
temperature with a finer mesh (81 points) and 300 time steps. If the results from the two runs
were quite different, one could conclude that they were either grid, or mid-point temperature
dependent. However, such a condition did not occur for even a single case.

2.3 Mesh density

Figure 2 displays a mesh study carried out with three different sets of conditions. In all three
cases the cold end temperature is 35 K, the length is 0.02m, the phase angle is -20 degree, the
number of cycles is 30,000, the number of time steps per cycle is 300, and the midpoint
temperature ratio is 0.5. Case 1 and 3 differ in frequency (ƒ1 = 300 Hz, ƒ3 = 30 Hz) while case 1
and 2 differ in mass flow ( m ! = 1.38E-3 kg/s, m ! = 1.48E-3 kg/s). Otherwise case 2 and case 3
1 2
use the same input parameters as case 1. The composite data from all three cases reveals that
using a higher number of mesh points such as 161 or even 221 offers no clear advantage for
convergence. Rather, using a higher number of mesh points introduces a numerical instability
that is reflected as a large variation in the final COP for all three cases.



3.50E-02 case 1
case 2
case 3


1 41 81 121 161 201 241
Number of mesh points
Figure 2. Dependence of COP on mesh number for T =35K, L=0.02m, q=-20˚,

Ncycl =30,000, time steps per cyle=300, and Tmid = 0.5.


Case 1: ƒ=300 Hz, m

! c = 1.38 g/s, Case 2: ƒ=300 Hz, m
! c =1.48 g/s, Case 3: ƒ=30 Hz, m
! c =1.38 g/s.

At higher frequencies (>200Hz) or with a large temperature difference between the warm and
cold ends, i.e. between 300K and 35K, REGEN3.3 experiences difficulties converging on a
solution with 41 or more mesh points and 300 or more time steps per cycle. A larger number of
mesh points may cause an increased scatter in the results because such a condition magnifies the
conditions at the cold end of the regenerator where the regenerator loss is determined. Fewer
mesh points may lead to some averaging over a larger distance and cause less scatter.

The increased scatter originates from the method used to calculate the cold end cooling power in
REGEN3.3. The cooling power at cold end of the regenerator is calculated by assuming an
isothermal expansion of the gas. Since the information for the gas at the cold end comes from the
very last node at the cold end, and if that information is inaccurate, the inaccuracies can
significantly impact the solution (or lack thereof). Round-off errors can also contribute to the
problem due to the fact that the enthalpy flows in each direction come very close to cancelling
each other as the flow changes direction. The remainder, or average enthalpy flow, may then
have round-off errors as large as a few percent. Such errors can be minimized by a careful
selection of the midpoint temperature guess value. If the final midpoint temperature is
significantly different (more than about 0.03) than the initial value, additional round-off errors
develop and convergence becomes more difficult [8].

These convergence problems can be avoided either by more accurately predicting the mid-point
temperature ratio or by reducing the mesh number. Accurate predictions for the mid-point
temperature ratio may be obtained by using a smaller mesh number and a smaller number of final
cycles to yield an initial value. The updated mid-temperature ratio can then be used as input for
a subsequent run with a larger mesh number and number of cycles.

A smaller number of mesh points can also enable convergence. In most cases a mesh of 41 nodes
allows REGEN 3.3 to converge. However, when convergence difficulties arise for high
frequency or larger temperature span conditions, a courser mesh with fewer than 41 nodes must
be used.

2.4 Number of time steps per cycle

The second discretization variable that influences the numerical results is the number of time
steps per cycle. The period of a cycle divided by the number of time steps defines the discrete
time step. Figure 3 displays the influence of the number of time steps on the objective calculation
of the COP. Noting that the variation in the COP between 240 time steps and 320 time steps is
less than 0.5%, a value of 300 time steps per cycle is chosen to define the temporal discretization
for most of the runs.




60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
Number of Time Steps per Cycle
Figure 3. Dependence of COP on the number of time steps per cycle

When convergence problems arise for the larger frequency or larger temperature span conditions,
using 100 or 200 time steps per cycle mitigates the problem. At 80K, the convergence problems
often occur for frequencies greater than 150Hz; at 60K, they frequently occur above 100 Hz; at
35K, they are often encountered at frequencies higher than 60Hz.
In view of the more accurate result obtained with 300 time steps/cycle compared to that obtained
with a smaller number of steps, an iterative approach may also be used with the time step
parameter. By saving the solution calculated with a smaller number of time steps, subsequent
calculations can load the solution and use it as a starting point for a calculation with a greater
number of time steps. Typically, less than three iterations are required to obtain a converged
solution with 300 time steps. However, some limits should be considered with this approach. It
only works when the boundary condition inputs are the exactly the same, and the mesh number is
held constant. For example, if the saved file is based on a 41-node mesh and 100 time steps, the
subsequent input must use a 41-node mesh, but with a higher number of time steps, i.e. 300

3. Parametric study

Figure 4 displays the nested loop of parameters included in the present study along with the
range or fixed values of the parameters. The average pressure and pressure ratio are fixed at the
relatively common values of 2 MPa and 1.2 respectively. Additional fixed values include the
warm end temperature of 300 K, the inner diameter of 15 mm, and a 400-mesh stainless steel
screen matrix. This screen size corresponds to a hydraulic diameter of 4.14x10-5m and a
porosity of 0.686.

The results from Wang et al[6] suggest that for operating frequencies larger than 60 Hz,
optimum values of COP are associated with 600-mesh screen matrix, and charge pressures as
high as 4 MPa. Although the present study is not limited by the phase angle constraint inherent
in the study by Wang et al, one should nevertheless be aware that even larger COP values may
be possible than reported here by increasing the screen mesh to 600 and utilizing a charge
pressure above 2 MPa (but less than 4 MPa). Furthermore, all the results assume that the
impedance of the compressor is matched to that of the rest of the system at the warm end of the

Figure 4: Parametric study loop incorporating the average pressure, Po, pressure ratio, cold end temperature, Tc,
frequency, ƒ, length L, cold-end phase angle qc, and cold-end mass flow rate, mc.
The explored intervals for length, phase angle and mass flow rate were subject to change due to
the shift of their optimal intervals. Furthermore, although the mass flow rate is varied during the
calculation, the actual variable of interest is the mass-specific cross sectional area (Ag/mc), where
the gas flow area, Ag is determined from the total cross-sectional area times the porosity and mc
is the mass flow rate at the cold end of the regenerator. In fact, the COP varies with the ratio of
Ag/mc but does not depend separately on Ag or mc. Varying the ratio of Ag/mc can be
accomplished by fixing the value of either Ag or mc while changing the other. For the calculations
presented below, the cross-sectional area is fixed at a value of 1.767E-5 m" . The thermal
conduction through the tube containing the regenerator matrix is set to zero for all the results
presented herein. Since the wall thickness can vary from one application to the other, the results
presented here are more generally applicable and can be easily adjusted to include the thermal
loss associated with conduction down the length of the wall.

Figure 5 displays an example of the optimum COP data resultant from a scan of the inner two
loops for the case where P0 = 2 MPa, Pd =1.2, Tc = 80 K, ƒ = 40 Hz, and L = 40 mm. In this case
the optimal COP of 0.1318 is obtained with Ag/mc = 0.164 m s/kg and qc = -35˚.

Figure 5. COP values as a function of inverse mass flux (A /m ) and cold end phase angle (q ).
g c c

Generating the same set of data over the same range of inverse mass flux and cold-end phase
angle, but for various values of the regenerator length produces the graph shown in Figure 6. As
with the data in Figure 5, it is still the case that P0 = 2 MPa, Pd =1.2, Tc = 80 K, and ƒ = 40 Hz.
Figure 6. Optimal COP values as a function of regenerator length for P0 = 2 MPa, Pd =1.2, Tc = 80 K, and ƒ = 40 Hz.

From the data displayed in Figure 6, one may conclude that using a length of 48 mm will
optimize the COP at a value of 0.1332. It is also clear that the optimum is very broad; deviations
of + 10% away from the optimum length result in less than a 0.3% degradation of the COP.

3.1 Performance Maps

Repeating the above procedure at several different frequencies enables one to determine the
optimal variables for a regenerator operating at a fixed cold end temperature. This overall
procedure has been carried out for three different cold end temperatures, 35 K, 60 K and 80 K.
The optimum COP values as a function of frequency are shown in Figure 7a. As shown in
Figures 8a and 8b, optimal values of COP at the higher frequencies come with smaller values of
length. The observation leads to an investigation of the optimum COP/length vs. frequency as
shown in Figure 7b. For a cold end temperature of 35 K, the optimal COP decreases as the
frequency increases, but the COP/L is not significantly different over the whole range from 30

Hz to 150 Hz. For the warmer cold end temperatures of 60 K and 80 K, the optimal frequency is
respectively 130 Hz and greater than 300 Hz

Figure 7. Frequency dependence of a) optimal COP and b) optimal COP/volume, both at 80 K, 60 K and 35 K

The length, inverse mass flux at the cold end, and cold end phase angle values associated with
the optimum COP values shown in Figure 7 are presented in Figures 8a-c. The length and
inverse mass flux values are similar to those presented by Wang et. al [6]. The present study
also displays the optimum cold end phase angles. Larger phase angles are required at the higher
frequencies and lower cold-end temperatures in order to obtain the optimum COP performance.

a) b)

Figure 8 Values of a) length, b) inverse cold-end mass flux, and c) cold end phase angle associated with the
optimized COP values displayed in figure 7.

Another parameter of interest is the cooling power per cross sectional area. Such values are
shown in Figure 9 at the optimal COP conditions as a function of frequency and cold-end
temperature. For fixed conditions of frequency and cold-end temperature, and at the optimal
value of the COP with its associated length, phase angle, and inverse mass flux, the cooling
power is found to vary linearly with the cross sectional area of the regenerator. Thus, as long as
one maintains the constant value of inverse mass flux, the cooling power can be changed in
direct proportion to the change of cross sectional area.
Figure 9. Optimum cooling power per cross sectional area as a function of cold-end temperature and frequency.

3.2 Optimal COP Shell

As reflected in the data displayed in figures 5 and 6, the dependence of the COP on the cold-end
phase angle, regenerator length, and cross sectional area presents a very broad maximum. Figure
10 shows the same feature for the case P0 = 2 MPa, Pr = 1.2, Tc = 80 K and ƒ = 40 Hz by
presenting surfaces in the three dimensional space of regenerator length, cross sectional area, and
phase angle where the COP is decreased by only 2% (inner egg-shaped surface) and 5% (outer
surface) compared to its optimum value for the same values of P0, Pr, Tc, and ƒ. Note that
although the shape of the complete outer surface is the same as the inner surface, it is only
partially shown so as not to occlude the view of the inner surface.

Figure 10. 3D surfaces defined by 98% (inner surface) and 95% (outer surface) of the optimal COP for P = 2 MPa,

P = 1.2, T = 80 K and ƒ = 40 Hz.

r c

An example of the same information presented in a 2D representation appears in Figure 11 for

the surface representing a 2% decrease in COP from its optimum value. Here each ring
represents a different regenerator length.


0.055 m
Ag/mc [m^2-s/kg]
0.05 m
0.045 m
0.06 m
0.04 m



-55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20
Figure 11. Lines of constant regenerator length for the condition where the COP = 98% of the optimal COP for P = 0

2 MPa, P = 1.2, T = 80 K and ƒ = 40 Hz.

r c

Figure 12 displays the 2D representation of the optimal COP point as well as the 98% and 95%
of optimal COP lines for the fixed inverse mass flux of 0.141 m -s/kg. Notice the significant 2

spread of both regenerator length (> + 20%) and phase angle (> + 15˚) that is encompassed by
the line representing 98% of the optimal COP, and the even larger spread encompassed by the
line representing 95% of the optimal COP. Thus, the regenerator may vary significantly from
the optimal conditions and still produce very strong performance.


98% of optimal COP

95% of optimal COP
Length [m]


optimal COP point


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Phase angle
Figure 12. Conditions with A /m = 0.141 m -s/kg providing the optimal COP (COP ). For the region inside the inner
g c

circle, COP > 98% COP . For the region inside the outer circle, COP > 95% COPopt.

3.3 Multi-parameter correlation

A single multi-parameter fit of the optimum COP as a function of Tc, ƒ, L, Ag/mc, and phase angle
(q) has been generated that summarizes the many cases explored and described above. The fit is
provided in the form:
5 3 4 5 2 2
COP = a0 + ∑∑ai , j Pri j + ∑ ∑ ∑∑bk ,l ,m,n Prkm Prln (1)
i=1 j=1 k=1 l=k+1 m=1 n=1

Where the sequential properties, Pri, are: Pr1 = Tc, Pr2 = ƒ, Pr3 = Ag/mc, Pr4 = L, and Pr5 = q. The
coefficients of the fit are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Coefficients to COP, Property Fit given in eq. (1)

a0 1.23970280E+02 a3,2 -9.90820748E+00 b1,2,1,1 -5.19642079E-06 b1,4,1,1 4.29746439E-02
a1,1 -7.18757276E+00 a3,3 1.24580658E+01 b1,2,1,2 3.30600388E-08 b1,4,1,2 -3.84109126E-01
a1,2 1.29693036E-01 a4,1 2.08710943E+01 b1,2,2,1 7.68615136E-08 b1,4,2,1 -4.83312627E-04
a1,3 -7.41055480E-04 a4,2 -2.75551010E+02 b1,2,2,2 -3.86305968E-10 b1,4,2,2 4.09054319E-03
a2,1 3.26846344E-03 a4,3 1.16781491E+03 b1,3,1,1 2.41430363E-02 b1,5,1,1 3.24198122E-05
a2,2 -1.25217679E-05 a5,1 8.71052204E-04 b1,3,1,2 -8.61562254E-02 b1,5,1,2 2.75795663E-07
a2,3 1.45707816E-08 a5,2 3.55329386E-06 b1,3,2,1 -1.10144645E-04 b1,5,2,1 -1.73844674E-07
a3,1 2.45220342E+00 a5,3 2.85104062E-07 b1,3,2,2 5.21349306E-04 b1,5,2,2 -8.58438216E-10

b2,3,1,1 -1.08986468E-02 b2,5,1,1 -2.50070461E-05 b3,5,1,1 -2.31567586E-02

b2,3,1,2 4.11551993E-02 b2,5,1,2 -1.26658689E-07 b3,5,1,2 -2.64856313E-04
b2,3,2,1 5.40676338E-05 b2,5,2,1 5.47009135E-08 b3,5,2,1 5.41335150E-02
b2,3,2,2 -4.52071888E-04 b2,5,2,2 3.20184342E-10 b3,5,2,2 5.17846603E-04
b2,4,1,1 -8.88911092E-02 b3,4,1,1 -8.07379688E+01 b4,5,1,1 3.02790756E-02
b2,4,1,2 5.47629162E-01 b3,4,1,2 6.28249985E+02 b4,5,1,2 9.08427256E-04
b2,4,2,1 1.32503493E-04 b3,4,2,1 2.01020159E+02 b4,5,2,1 -2.64856825E-01
b2,4,2,2 -3.00641109E-04 b3,4,2,2 -1.44485083E+03 b4,5,2,2 -5.64844604E-03

For a desired cooling power at a desired cold-end temperature between 35 K and 80 K, the
product of the desired cooling power and COP determines the required acoustic power at the
inlet of the regenerator, from which the necessary compressor power can be determined. The
maximum possible values of the COP, for a charge pressure of 2 MPa, dynamic pressure of 1.2,
and using a 400-mesh stainless steel screen are shown in Figure 7 as a function of the operating
frequency. The corresponding values of the regenerator length, cold end inverse mass flux, and
cold end phase angle may then be extracted from Figure 8. Finally, the values of the cooling
power per cross sectional area of gas flow may be obtained from Figure 9.

As an alternative to extracting values from the graphs in Figures 7 - 9, especially for

temperatures somewhere between the three displayed lines, the correlation defined by equation
(1) will enable one to calculate the optimum COP. However, use of equation (1) requires
knowledge of the five associated properties appearing in the right hand side of that equation. The
appropriate values of the regenerator length, cold end inverse mass flux, and cold end phase
angle corresponding to the optimal COP may be obtained from equations (2) – (4):

L = c0 + c1ƒd1 + c2Tcd2 + c3ƒd1Tcd2 (2)

Ag/mc = c4 + c5ƒd3 + c6Tcd4 + c7ƒd3Tcd4 (3)

f = c8 + c9Tc + c10Tc2 + c11ƒ + c12ƒ2 + c13 ƒ Tc (4)

Table 2. Coefficients and exponents for eqs. (2) - (5)

c0 -0.47428 c8 -54.67919 c16 0.0694463471
c1 1.55544 c9 0.20799 c17 12.595977
c2 0.58846 c10 0.00020329 c18 -0.108053778
c3 -1.6149 c11 -0.1515 c19 0.617245389
c4 -0.02026 c12 0.000283156 d1 -0.44767
c5 -1.369 c13 0.00000168093 d2 -0.04788
c6 0.00542 c14 -1367.83069 d3 -0.50594
c7 0.75589 c15 183.803351 d4 0.2566

Finally, the associated values of cooling power per gas flow cross sectional area may be obtained
from equation (5):
q/Ag = c14 + c15Tc + c16Tc2 + c17ƒ + c18ƒ2 + c19 ƒ Tc (5)

The design steps for a system operating with a charge pressure of 2 MPa, a dynamic pressure
ratio of 1.2 and using a 400-mesh screen then proceed in the following sequence:
1. Select the desired cold end temperature between 35 K and 80 K, and the desired
frequency of the regenerative system. The frequency may be chosen, for example, based
on the selected compressor, and for impedance matching between the compressor and
the cold head.
2. Use figure 8, or the correlations provided in equations (2) – (4), to obtain values for the
optimal length, inverse mass flux, and cold end phase angle.
3. Use figure 7, or equation (1) to determine the optimal COP.
4. Use figure 9, or equation (5) to determine the cooling power per gas flow area. If a
larger or smaller cooling power is desired, linearly scale the cross sectional area of the

Although it is outside the scope of this study, note that one must provide a phase shifting
mechanism to produce the optimal cold end phase angle, and an appropriate compressor to
produce the optimal cold end mass flux.

4. Summary

A careful survey of the output by REGEN 3.3 using over 10,000 cases of input combinations of
regenerator length, mass-flux specific cross sectional area, cold end phase angle, frequency, and
cold end temperature has generated broadly applicable regenerator performance maps. The maps
define the optimum COP that can be attained for regenerators operating with an the typical
average (charge) pressure of 2 MPa, and a dynamic pressure ratio of 1.2, as well as the
associated values of regenerator length, mass-flux specific cross sectional area, and cold end
phase angle. The graphs display the optimum parameters as a function of temperature and
frequency, so that desired values of these parameters may be determined at any cold end
temperature between 35 K and 80 K and for any frequency between 30 Hz and 150 Hz. In the
case where Tc = 80 K results may be obtained for frequency values up to 300 Hz.

The most striking feature of the maps is that the performance of the regenerator displays a very
broad optimum. That is, even though the conditions of length, mass-flux specific cross sectional
area, and cold end phase angle necessary to produce the largest value of the COP can be defined
with significant precision (more here), variations as large as 25% away from those optimum
values reduce the COP by only 5%. The implications for regenerator design and fabrication are
notable, and suggest that near optimum performance can be obtained without precisely
constructing an optimum system.

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