8624 Suraj Malap Synopsis PDF
8624 Suraj Malap Synopsis PDF
8624 Suraj Malap Synopsis PDF
Submitted to,
Yours faithfully,
Suraj Malap
Suraj Malap
Gantt chart
Use Case
Sequence diagram
3.6 Class diagram
Digital complaint-box is the website that handles complaints, manages complaints, responds
to the complaints, and reports customer grievances. The user can easily register their
complaint and view the complaints that are previously registered. The user can process
through the website and follow the instructions. after the registration, the user will be able to
choose the categories for the complaints, user can select multiple categories like ( breaking
traffic signals, etc.) and can write complaints in brief and can submit them to the government.
Users can also register their complaints via social media, emails, and web forms and also post
images along with the descriptions. A user can also update it later by visiting his/her profile
where the complaints have been saved. When a user submits a complaint, it needs to be
routed to the right department or person or an area police station. While this process can be
done automatically, it increases the risk of delays. While on the other hand Admin can
change the features and update the new features. his system which could enhance the day-to-
day activities of the business with efficiency and correctness. Admin can also view the
complaints that are registered by the user. “Digital Complaint-Box website” helps to
overcome people's problems.
The existing Digital Complaint-Box website, In the Existing System users of the
Organization, has to Visit the Organization Whenever they have any Complaints regarding
the Products of the Organization, This wastes a lot Of time Whenever a customer of the bank
requires service from the bank he required moving to the bank and then he required to submit
the complaint to the specified officer. The problem is written on paper and will be submitted
to the bank. Then the manager will look after it and then he will take care of the customer’s
problems. After that the manager will enquire and allocate the problem to the specified
person in that department. The person will enquire about the problem and then rectifies it.
1) Complaints are directly sent to the government without any third-party involvement.
2) User can make their own profile and see for registered complaints.
3) Users will get notifications after the successful registration of complaints.
4) Users can Give Complaints about any region or state anytime.
5) After the Complaint is get resolved, the user can send feedback
6) This Website will Provide High security on the database.
7) Data security is maintained to a relatively high level by implementing it at the Database
level to ensure that only authorized admin have access to confidential complaints about user
8) Users can also Register their Complaints by uploading or clicking pictures.
9) If the Registered complaint is not get resolved, the user can again register the same
complaint again.
10) Admin can have all the authorization to check Registered complaints by the user.
11) To provide company with an effective tool to identify and target problem areas, monitor
complaints handling performance.
12) Controlling redundancy in storing the same data multiple times.
Digital complaint-box provides an online way of solving the problems faced by the public by
saving time and eradicate corruption , And The ability of providing many of the reports on
the system , and add to Facilitate the process of submitting a complaints .
Digital complaint-boxis used to record resolve and respond to customer complaints, requests
as well as facilitate any other feedback.
Fact-finding is the process of collection of data and information based on techniques that
contain a sampling of existing documents, research, observation, questionnaires, interviews,
prototyping, and joint requirements planning
In this, we actually collect the actual data from surveys of the project. There are different
types of surveys.
1. Questionnaires.
2. Interviews.
● Questionnaires.
Questionnaires are also one useful fact-finding technique to collect information from a large
number of users. People can fill out the forms and give answers freely to the analyst. This
technique is inexpensive.
● Interviews.
The interview is the most commonly used technique to collect information from face-to-face
1) How you will use the gathered information for your project implementation?
2) How you are seeking more information for your project?
3) Is your App or Website effective?
4) Is your App or Website User Friendly?
5) Did all the registered Complaints get Resolved?
6) Is there any involvement of the third-party app?
Feasibility analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea, such as ensuring a project is
legally and technically feasible as well as economically justified. It tells us whether a project
is worth the investment in some cases, a project may not be doable. There can be many
reasons for this, including requiring too many resources, which not only prevents those
resources from performing other tasks but also may cost more than an organization would
earn back by taking on a project that isn’t profitable.
There are different types of the feasibility study are as follows:
1) Technical feasibility:
It is an evaluation of hardware and software and how it meets the need of the proposed
It is possible to develop the system by using NetBeans IDE using HTML as FrontEnd Tool
and MySql as backend tool it will be helpful for the Computer Institute. Admin, Customers,
and Employees can use it without any specific training.
2) Economical feasibility:
It deals with the analysis of a project’s costs and revenues in an effort to determine whether
or not it is logical and possible to complete. The Website will help in automating the offline
manual processes leading to profits and gains for the Private Business organizations. With
this Website, the machine and manpower utilization are expected to go down. This will save
time. It will benefit the private Business Organization
3) Financial feasibility:
It is an analysis of the marketplace to determine if the is economically practical and desirable
to develop a particular project. The total cost of the project is estimated. It is financially
feasible for a fully-fledged Private Business organization to afford the software.
4) Operational feasibility:
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well the proposed system solves the problems
and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during the scope definition.
1.User model :
The user model is the model in which the local user and new user can Register and login into
the Website and make their account, they can add the details in the profile and edit it
afterward Users can register any complaints of any type by giving images and doing many
2. Admin model :
the Admin model has all the rights to make the changes in the website, he can see the
feedback and post many more categories on the website, also update the details, and track all
the details of the user’s Complaint.
Admin Model -
User Model –
Login :
Home Page:
View Comaplaints:
Admin login page:
Sr.no Field_name Datatype constrain
1 Admin_id Int Primary key
2 Admin_name Varchar(50) Not null
3 Admin_email Varchar(50) Not null
4 Admin_password Varchar(50) Not null
5 Dep_id Varchar(50) Not null
Sr.no Field_name Datatype constrain
1 Complaint_id Int Primary key
2 Complaint_date Varchar(50) Not null
3 User_id Int Not null
4 Dept_code Int Not null
5 Complaint_topic Varchar(50) Not null
6 Complaint_des Varchar(50) Not null
7 Image_path Varchar(50) Not null
8 Complaint_ack Varchar(50) Not null
9 Compalint_status Varchar(50) Not null
Sr.no Field_name Datatype constrain
1 Dept_id Int Primary key
2 Dept_name Varchar(50) Not null
3 Dept_discription Varchar(50) Not null
Sr.no Field_name Datatype constrain
1 image_id Int Primary key
2 Complaint_id int Not null
3 Image_path Varchar(50) Not null
Sr.no Field_name Datatype constrain
1 Master_id Int Primary key
2 Master_name Varchar(50) Not null
3 Master_email Varchar(50) Not null
4 Master_password Varchar(50) Not null