Speaking Questions
Speaking Questions
Speaking Questions
What do you do in the mornings? Do you work or are you are student?
Do you get up early? What is your ideal job?
What do you normally eat from breakfast? Where do you want to work?
Do you have a shower every day? What jobs do you dislike? (Why?)
Do you have brothers or sisters? What are your plans for the future?
Is your family big? Where do you want to live in the future?
Who do you see more, your friends or your family? What job do you want to do?
Did you like going on holiday with your family when Will you live in your hometown in the future?
you were a child?
About sports
About People
About Free time
Are you fond of watching TV in your spare time?
Are you keen on doing sport to stay healthy in your free Are you eager to improve your English at the moment?
time? Would you be interested in studying a degree in
Do you normally spend your free time with friends or languages?
alone? Do you have an interesting job or is it boring?
Where do you like to relax in your free time? Do you ever cry about things that you hate doing?
Do you ever listen to music while you are relaxing?
How often do you meet friends to go out at weekends?
About Health
Do you recycle plastic at home? Why (not)? Have you ever eaten a really disgusting food while you
What are some types of pollution in your country? were on holiday?
Name some ways that you can reduce pollution in this Are you keen on eating seafood or do you prefer meat?
country? How often do you eat chocolate and sweets?
What can we do to help prevent pollution in our country? Did you use to eat lots of sweets as a child or did you
What could you do to make this world a better and prefer fruit?
cleaner place to live in? What is your favourite drink to order when you go to a
Do you drink and drive?
Are you fond of buying gadgets? Have you ever committed a crime?
Tell us about the best invention of recent Do you know anyone who has been
times. mugged or robbed?
Have you ever tried to design something Do you know someone who has been a
technological? victim of a violent crime?
Are you into playing computer games? Are there any parts of this country that
Do you use the internet much? are more dangerous than others? Why?
Is the internet a useful tool for studying? Are there any places you are afraid to
What do you use the internet for? visit because of the high crime rate? If
Do you ever listen to the radio or is it so, where?
now obsolete? Would you ever take illegal drugs?
What do you think is the worst invention Are there problems with drugs where
of recent times? you live?
Should people who take illegal drugs be
put in jail?
Are there any crimes that should not be