This document provides rubrics for evaluating report presentations and individual report presentations. For report presentations, it evaluates content and development, grammar/punctuation/spelling, organization and structure, and format. For individual report presentations, it evaluates subject knowledge, organization, use of graphics/visual aids, mechanics and length, and voice/presentation skills. The rubrics provide criteria for excellent, good, fair and poor performance in each area on a scale of 2 to 5 points.
This document provides rubrics for evaluating report presentations and individual report presentations. For report presentations, it evaluates content and development, grammar/punctuation/spelling, organization and structure, and format. For individual report presentations, it evaluates subject knowledge, organization, use of graphics/visual aids, mechanics and length, and voice/presentation skills. The rubrics provide criteria for excellent, good, fair and poor performance in each area on a scale of 2 to 5 points.
This document provides rubrics for evaluating report presentations and individual report presentations. For report presentations, it evaluates content and development, grammar/punctuation/spelling, organization and structure, and format. For individual report presentations, it evaluates subject knowledge, organization, use of graphics/visual aids, mechanics and length, and voice/presentation skills. The rubrics provide criteria for excellent, good, fair and poor performance in each area on a scale of 2 to 5 points.
This document provides rubrics for evaluating report presentations and individual report presentations. For report presentations, it evaluates content and development, grammar/punctuation/spelling, organization and structure, and format. For individual report presentations, it evaluates subject knowledge, organization, use of graphics/visual aids, mechanics and length, and voice/presentation skills. The rubrics provide criteria for excellent, good, fair and poor performance in each area on a scale of 2 to 5 points.
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Excellent Good Fair Poor
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts
Content & Excellent Good Fair Poor
Development 5 pts - Content is comprehensive and - Content is not comprehensive -Content is offered but support - Content is incomplete. accurate. and /or persuasive. for subject is unclear or not - Major points are not clear - Major points are stated clearly - Major points are addressed and stated. and /or persuasive. and are well supported. well supported. - Major points are addressed, -Knowledge is grossly - Knowledge is adequate, and - Knowledge seems only but not well supported. inadequate or does not concepts clearly discussed relatively adequate or does not -Knowledge is inadequate or completely address concepts. - Purpose clearly stated completely address concepts. does not completely address - Purpose not clearly stated - Purpose clearly stated concepts. - Purpose not clearly stated
Grammar, Excellent Good Fair Poor
Punctuation Spelling - Rules of grammar, usage, and - Paper contains no more that 3 Paragraph contains no more than - Paper contains numerous 5 pts punctuation are followed; spelling grammatical, punctuation and 4 grammatical errors grammatical, punctuation, is correct. spelling errors. and spelling errors. - Language is clear and precise; - Language lacks clarity or - Language uses jargon or sentences display consistently includes the use of some jargon conversational tone. strong, varied structure. or conversational tone.
Organization Excellent Good Fair Poor
& Structure 5 pts - Illustration is clear and easy to - Illustration is not easy to follow. Illustration is not easy to follow - Organization and structure follow. At least 3 points of - Transitions need improvement. and transitions needs to be detract from the message of support offered for the subject. At least 2 points of support for written with more supportive the writer. each topic statements to the topic. - Statement is disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.
Format Excellent Good Fair Poor
5 pts - Illustration follows designated - Illustration follows most Illustration does not follow - Illustration lacks many guidelines. guidelines. guideline and is under word elements of correct length. formatting. - Description is the appropriate - Description is over word length. length as described for the - Description is inadequate assignment. RUBRICS FOR INDIVIDUAL REPORT PRESENTATION NAME: GROUP
Excellent Good Fair Poor
10 pts 8pts 7 pts 5pts
Subject Excellent Good Fair Poor
Knowledge Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with expected Student is uncomfortable with Student does not have grasp of information; knowledge (more than required) answers to all questions, but fails to information and is able to answer student cannot answer questions about by answering all class questions elaborate. only rudimentary questions. subject. with explanations and elaboration.
Organization Excellent Good Fair Poor
Student presents information in Student presents information in Audience has difficulty following Audience cannot understand presentation logical, interesting sequence logical sequence which audience can presentation because student because there is no sequence of information. which audience can follow. follow. jumps around.
Graphics/ Excellent Good Fair Poor
Visual Aids Student's graphics explain and Student's graphics relate to text and Student occasionally uses graphics Student uses superfluous graphics or no reinforce screen text and presentation. that rarely support text and graphics presentation. presentation.
Mechanics & Excellent Good Fair Poor
Length Presentation has no misspellings Presentation has no more than two Presentation has three misspellings Student's presentation has four or more or grammatical errors. misspellings and/or grammatical and/or grammatical errors. spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. Presentation was within specified errors. Presentation was 1-2 minutes Presentation was 3-4 minutes over Presentation was 5 minutes over specified length over or under specified length. or under specified length. length.
Voice/ Excellent Good Fair Poor
Presentation Student's voice was loud and Voice is good with minimal gaps in Voice is acceptable - many gaps in Students did not speak in a tone that could be clear. Information was easy to flow of information flow of information or times voice heard by all students - too soft. Information understand could not be understood by all. too hard to understand.