Animal Classification, Phylogeny
Animal Classification, Phylogeny
Animal Classification, Phylogeny
- This method is based on the amount of
the distance or the dissimilarity between the
two aligned sequnces.
- It is the fundamental tool to derive
their most-useful evidence from the fields of
anatomy, embryology, paleontology and
molecular genetics.
- Used in the search for a new species.
- Used to study evolutionary histories.
- To study how the species were spread
CLASSIFICATION, WE ARE ABLE TO: - To study the common ancestors of
extinct species.
1. Understand the evolution of organisms.
2. Classify organisms based on their Other significances of the Phylogenetic
features. tree:
3. Study different kind of organisms both
present and extinct. - It is used to identify the most recent
4. Describe the inter-relationship among the common ancestors and to recognize how
various organisms, closely related species are.
5. Discover how animals, plants and other - To relate the milestones of the
living species are related and are useful for evolution of the major forms to the tree of
human welfare. life.
- To represent evolutionary relationships Sea anemones do not have distinct head and
between organisms that are believed to have tail ends. One end of the animal possesses
common ancestry. mouth. It is called oral end. The opposite
- With the help of phylogenetic tree, the end of the mouth is called aboral.
infectious microbes can be traced along with
their evolutionary histories.
- The arrangement of parts of an animal
around a point or an axis. Arrangements in the Radial Symmetry of
- The concept of symmetry is, animals:
fundamental for understanding animal
organization. A. BIRADIAL SYMMETRY
- The paired arrangement of some
1. ASSYMETRY structures in radially symmentrical animals.
- The absence of a central point or axis
around which body parts are equally
- The example of assymetry is Sponges.
- Assymmertical organisms do not
develop complex communication, sensory,
orlocomotory functions.
- The arrangement of structures in fives
around a radial animals.
- The arrangements of body parts in
which plane passing through the central
oral-aboral axis divides the animal into
mirror images.
- The example of radial symmetry is Sea
- The sensory and feeding structures are
uniformly distributed around its body.
- The arrangements of body parts in
which a single plane passing between the 1. ABORAL
upper and lower surfaces and through the - The end opposite of the mouth.
longitudinal axis of an animal divides the 2. ORAL
animal into right and left mirror images. - The end containing the mouth.
- Characteristics of active, crawling, or 3. ANTERIOR
swimming animals. - The head end; usually the end of a
bilateral animal that meets its environment.
- The tail end
- Towards the tail
- Towards the head
- Away from the point of attachment on
a structure on the body.
- Towards the point of attachment of a
structure on the body.
Two ends in the animals with bilateral 9. DORSAL
symmetry: - The back of an animal; usually the
upper surface: synonymous with posterior
A. ANTERIOR END WITH HEAD for animals that walk upright.
- The bilateral animals move primarily 10. VENTRAL
in one direction. Therefore, one end of the - The belly of an animal; usually the
animal is continually encountering the lower surface: synonymous with anterior for
environment. animals that walk upright.
- The anterior end has complex sensory, 11. INFERIOR
nervous and feeding structures. - Below a point of reference
- The formation of head and 12. SUPERIOR
concentration of sensory organs is called - Above a point of reference
- Away from the plane that divides a
B. POSTERIOR OR TAIL END bilateral animals into mirror images.
- The end opposite to the anterior end. 14. MEDIAL
- The posterior end has animal’s tail end. - Near the plane that divides a bilateral
animals into mirror images.
- Formulates the second important
ANIMAL TAXONOMY HIERARCHY feature of Animal Taxonomy Hierarchy
- Is the scientific process used for the whcih provides a useful hand for the
proper identification as well as for the classification of organisms.
classification of all animals on the earth. - This feature leads in the division of
- The famous Swedish scientist species in different broad categories.
CARLOUS LINNAEUS was the developer - There are total seven different
of this renowned system in the 18th century categories namely the Kingdom, the Phylum,
era. the Class, the Order, the Family, the Genus
- The group of the organisms which lie and the last one being the Species and some
at the top of the Animal Taxonomy other categories further contain sub groups.
Hierarchy contains larger number of the
organism as compared to the organisms
which lie at the lower levels.
- Consist of two prime features that play
a crucial reason behind the successful usage
of Animal Taxonomy Hierarchy for the
naming, classification and grouping of the
- The largest as well as the first category
is the animal kingdom. The five kingdoms
are Plantae which consists of plants, Animal
which comprise of animals, Protista which
comprises protists, Fungi which consists of
mold, mushroom, yeast, etc. And last
Monera which consists of three types of
1. BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE - There can be many phyla within the
- Scientific name of an organism consist kingdom. The phyla is the responsible for
of a unique combination of just two terms, the recognition of animals into further more
not more than that whereas the second small recognizable groups. Different phyla
feature corresponds to the ordering of all are Artropoda, Chordata, Annelida and
animals in broad divisions. Mollusca, etc.
Example: CLASS
- Phyla further can be divided into small
We can demonstrate the scientific name for groups referred as the Class namely Reptile,
Humans in Taxonomy which will be Homo Aves, Mammalia, Amphibia and many
sapiens where Homo reperesents the Genus more.
name whereas the Sapiens refers to species.
ORDER believing that animals may be polyphyletic.
- After class, the next category is the This idea is followed by a few scientist.
Order. Each class comprises of one or more
Orders namely Primates, Chiropetra, TAXONOMIC OUTLINE OF ANIMALS
Rodentia, Artiodactyla, Proboscidea and
many more. Many zoologists recognize three major
groups within the animal kingdom. These
FAMILIES groups are called branches. These groups
- The next category is Families. Ordes are:
can be further categorized as the families
like Felidae, Ursidae, Hyaenidae, 1. MESOZOA
Mustelidate, Canidae and many more. - It includes Phylum Mesozoa, the
- After families comes the next category 2. PARAZOA
the Genus namely Panthera, Neofelis, Felis - It includes Phylum Porifera(Sponges).
and Acinonyx.
SPECIES - It includes all other Phyla. The
- The lowest and the last category of the Eumetazoa are further divided into different
Animal Taxonomy Hierarchy in Species groups. This grouping is based on body
which is result of further breaking down the symmetry and embryological characterisitcs
Genus. Genus name is always placced in
front of the Species name. A. Classification based on symmetry
- Eumatezoans are divided into two
HIGHER ANIMAL TAXONOMY groups on the basis of symmetry. These are
Radiata and Bilateria.
These are following views about Animal
Taxonomy: B. Classification based on embryology
- In this system, the bilaterally
1. MONOPHYLETIC symmetrical animals are divided into two
- Animalia have impressive similarities large groups. This groups is based on
in animal cellular organization. Therefore, similarities and differences in the early
they are considered as monophyletic. It is a development of the animals. The
traditional approach. embryological cv ems may be similar
- It is followed by most of the scientists. because of shared ancestry. However, the
However, there is an exception for embryologists must sort homologous
sponges(Phylum Porifera). developmental sequences from analogous
development sequences. Animals are
2. POLYPHYLETIC divided in two groups on the basis of
- An evolutionary explosion occured embryological development statics.
about 0.6 billion years ago at the beginning
of the Cambrian period. It resulted in the I. PROTOSTOMES
origin of all modern Phyla. This rapid origin - The animals in which blastopore
and diversification of animals is called the forms mouth and anus us formed separated
Cambrian Explosion. It occured over a openings.
relatively brief one hundred million-year
period. This rapid divergence of many kinds II. DEUTEROSTOMES
of animals from a single ancestor seem - The animals in which blastopore
unlikely. Therefore, some scientist started forms mouth arises as a separate openings.