Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies
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G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX, USA
of Food Science, Southwest University, Tiansheng Road Beibei District, Chongqing, 400715, P.R. China
3Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Central State University, P.O. Box 1004 Wilberforce, OH 45384-1004, USA
Environment study deals with the processes in water, air, land, soil, and organisms which cause pollution or
degradation of the environment. It is an interdisciplinary approach and its components include biology,
geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, sociology, health sciences, anthropology, economics, statistics, and
philosophy. It examines the creation, change, and success of environmental policies. The time-sensitive and
urgent nature of the environmental changes have created a demand for individuals who possess the skill set
for addressing environmental issues. This paper provides an introduction into environmental studies.
The environment sustains life. Man needs to know the solutions to them, and find ways to prevent its
importance of environment and help keep the degradation. They will become environmental problem
environment as healthy and productive as much as solver prepared for careers in ecological restoration,
possible. Environmentalists around the world are pollution control, renewable energy systems, and
constantly seeking sustainable solutions to restore a environmental education, etc. Figure 2 shows some
sustainable environment. The environmental crisis is environmental students at work [3].
one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. For this
reason, environmental problems are now much- TYPES OF ENVIRONMENT
discussed around the globe. Environment refers to surroundings in which living
beings live and non-living things exist. Environment
Environmental problems include [1]: (1) Climate change, belongs to all the living beings. It plays a major role in the
which is a change in earth’s climate; (2) Rapid healthy living of human beings. As shown in Figure 3,
urbanization and industrialization have destroyed a environment includes air, water, land, living organisms,
substantial part of natural vegetation and forced many and materials surrounding us [4].
wild animals on the verge of extinction; (3) Since environment is a combination of physical and
overconsumption which encourages the acquisition of biological factors, it contains both living and non-living
goods in ever increasing amounts; (4) Ozone depletion is components. Everyone may be affected by
the wearing out or reduction of the amount of ozone in environmental issues like global warming, ozone layer
the stratosphere; (5) Deforestation is the cutting down of depletion, energy resources, acid rain, nuclear accidents,
trees and the destruction of natural vegetation; (6) loss of global biodiversity, etc.
Desertification is land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and
dry-sub-humid areas. Physical or Living Environment: Environment can be
divided into physical or abiotic and living or biotic
Environmental studies refer to a systematic study of environment. Physical environment consists of solid,
human interaction with natural and built environment. liquid, and gas. These three elements signify lithosphere,
It helps us to use natural resources more efficiently and hydrosphere, and atmosphere respectively. Living
embrace a sustainable way of living. It is a environment consists of plants (flora) and animals
multidisciplinary approach, meaning that it crosses over (fauna) including human beings. The physical elements
boundaries of academic disciplines such as biology, of the planet earth, such as terrain, soil, water, climate,
geology, politics policy studies, law, geology, religion, flora and fauna formed man’s environment.
engineering, chemistry, and economics to determine
humanity’s effects on the natural world. Figure 1 Man-made environment: This is when the natural
illustrates the multidisciplinary nature of environmental environment is deliberately controlled and converted
studies [2]. by mankind. Example include aquariums, cities,
community parks, and laboratories.
Environmental studies is one of the most exciting and
fastest growing fields. The purpose of teaching Green environment: This refers to the concerns for
environment studies is to sensitize students towards environmental conservation. This is demonstrated in
environmental issues. Students of environmental studies supporting practices such as conservation practices,
seek to understand environmental problems, offer investment in renewable energy, and taking actions to
stop climate change, and reduce carbon footprint. Renewable energy (such as hydropower, solar, wind, and
Being environmentally friendly will affect corporate geothermal) uses resources that are constantly replaced
policy and individual behavior. Many individuals and are usually less polluting. Non-renewable energy
cultivate personal gardens and such activity can have (such as fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural
direct health benefits. Together, we can leave a gas) cannot be replenished after their depletion.
greener footprint on the earth for the benefit of the
next generation [5]. Biodiversity: This is also known as “biological
diversity.” It refers to the existence of number of
Smart environment: The word “smart” means different species of plants and animals in an
intelligent, while the word “environment” means our environment. Biodiversity is the existence of variability
surrounding. The term “smart environment” is used among living organisms on the earth. In view of the
differently to refer to smart cities, smart houses, smart degree of threat to biodiversity around the world, there
classrooms, smart offices, smart factories, smart is an urgent need to conserve biodiversity in the world.
workplaces, smart rooms, smart health care, and
smart laboratories. A smart environment is a physical Pollution: This refers to undesirable changes
space where different kinds of smart devices are occurring in the physical, chemical, and biological
working together to make inhabitants live more composition of natural environment consisting of air,
comfortable. It is realized with sensors, actuators, and water, and soil. It is regarded as “an unfavorable
computational elements, embedded into everyday alteration” in the sustaining and carrying capacity of
objects and connected through a network. A smart the natural environment. Pollution also means the
environment must be able to determine and predict presence of harmful pollutants in an environment that
the location of an individual [6]. makes this environment unhealthy to live in. There are
different types of pollution: air pollution, water
COMPONENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES pollution, noise pollution, soil or land pollution,
Environmental studies are a field with wide scope. It is marine pollution, thermal pollution, toxic pollution,
concerned with the issues of sanitation, health, pollution carcinogenic pollution, and nuclear hazards.
control, biodiversity conservation, solid waste disposal,
and conservation of natural resources [1]. Solid Waste Management: This refers to collecting,
treating, and disposing of solid material that is
Ecosystem: This is a part of natural environment discarded or is no longer useful. The task of solid waste
consisting of a community of living beings and the management presents complex technical challenges.
physical environment. It is the interaction between The major sources of solid waste are households,
the living community (plants, animals, and organisms) agricultural fields, industries and mining, hotels and
and the non-living community (soil, air, and water). As catering, roads and railways, hospitals and
shown in Figure 4, the environment consists of the educational institutions, cultural centers and places of
following four segments [1]. recreation and tourism, etc. Plastic waste is also a solid
waste. Solid wastes can be classified as municipal
Atmosphere: This refers to the protective blanket of waste, hospital waste, and hazardous waste. The
gases, surrounding the earth. It forms a distinctive hazardous waste can cause danger to health and
protective layer about 100 km thick around the environment.
Hydrosphere: This comprises all water resources Environmental studies discipline has multiple scopes
such as ocean, seas, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and which can be summarized as follows [2]:
ground water.
1. The study creates awareness among the people to
Lithosphere: This is the outer mantle of the solid know about various renewable and non-renewable
earth. It contains minerals occurring in the earth’s resources of the region.
crust and the soil.
2. It provides the knowledge about ecological systems
Biosphere: This constitutes the realm of living and cause and effect relationships.
organisms and their interactions with the
environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, and 3. It provides necessary information about biodiversity
lithosphere). richness and the potential dangers to the species of
plants, animals, and microorganisms in the environment.
Natural Resources: These are the resources we obtain
from nature or earth. They occur naturally and 4. The study enables one to understand the causes and
humans cannot make them. Natural resources can be consequences due to natural and human induced
classified based on their origin, level of development disasters (flood, earthquake, landslide, cyclones etc.,)
and uses, stock or deposits, and their distribution. and pollutions and measures to minimize the effects.
Natural resources can be classified as renewable or
non-renewable. We also have water resources, 5. It enables one to evaluate alternative responses to
mineral resources, land resources, food resources, environmental issues before deciding an alternative
energy resources, and forest resources. course of action.
Energy Resources: Energy is simply the capacity to do 6. The study enables environmentally literate citizens to
work. Energy appears in several forms. The sun is our make appropriate judgments and decisions for the
primary source of energy. Other sources of energy protection and improvement of the earth.
include water, fossil fuels, petroleum products, and
nuclear power plants. Modern lifestyle, industrialization, 7. The study exposes the problems of over population,
urbanization, and increase in population have increase health, hygiene, etc. and the role of arts, science and
global energy requirement. There are two types of technology in eliminating or minimizing the evils from
energy: renewable energy or non-renewable energy. the society.
8. The study tries to identify and develop appropriate biodiversity which provides different kinds of
and indigenous eco-friendly skills and technologies to resources for the people. It forms the basis for
various environmental issues. biotechnological development.
9. It teaches the citizens the need for sustainable Australia: Australia has been experiencing an
utilization of resources as these resources are inherited increasingly high level of recreation and tourism use
from our ancestors to the younger generating without in its environments. Compared with some overseas
deteriorating their quality. countries such as the United Kingdom and the United
States, Australia lags behind in undertaking research
10. The study enables theoretical knowledge into practice in this area. Some studies indicate that the most
and the multiple uses of environment. common recreational and tourist activities (such as
bush walking, camping, horse-riding) can, if not well
GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES managed, adversely affect the values of Australian
Environmentalists around the world are constantly natural resources. Physical effects include damage to
searching for a sustainable solution to restore a vegetation, track formation, soil loss, and an increase
sustainable environment. Environmental studies are in fire frequency. Littering and water pollution are
offered worldwide through colleges of liberal arts, life also seen as impacts associated with bush walking and
science, social science or agriculture. We consider how camping [8].
environmental studies are conducted in some nations.
United States: Interest in the environment has surged Kosovo: This nation, with approximately 2 million
over the past decade. Programs in environmental people, has undergone severe social and economic
studies are offered through colleges of liberal arts, life disruption. More than 10 years of political crisis and
science, or social science. Students in environmental warfare have caused environmental disruption, mass
studies gain the intellectual tools they need in order to population displacements, and a breakdown of
understand and address the crucial environmental sanitation and hygiene. In January 2000, the Kosovo
issues of our time. Several associations have been Institute of Public Health (IPH) in Pristina
established to promote research and teaching activities implemented a new surveillance system for 20
in areas related to environmental studies in US. These communicable disease syndromes. There are several
include [7]: tularemia syndromes in human, mostly depending on
the portal of infection. The outbreak highlighted the
Air & Waste Management Association need for policies that would lead to improved
community water sources and waste management
American Water Resources Association throughout Kosovo. Due of laboratories in Kosovo
equipped to work with tularemia, an emergency
Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences laboratory was set up to deal with the outbreak
(AESS) samples [9].
[4] “Environment,” Unknown Source [19] M. Ruth (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods and
Applications in Environmental Studies. Edward Elgar
[5] M. N. O. Sadiku, O. D. Olaleye, and S. M. Musa,” Green
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January 2019, pp. 25-26.
[22] A. Kaushik, Perspectives in Environmental Studies.
[7] “Career and post-graduate development,” Unknown New Age International Publishers, 2014.
[23] R. W. Li (ed.), Metagenomics and Its Applications in
[8] D. Sun and D. Walsh, “Review of studies on Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environmental Studies.
environmental impacts of recreation and tourism in Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
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to Cure. Oxford University Press; 3rd edition, 2016.
[9] R. Reintjes, “Tularemia outbreak investigation in
Kosovo: Case control and environmental studies,” ABOUT AUTHORS
Emerging Infectious Diseases, vol. 8, no. 1, January 2002, Matthew N.O. Sadiku is a professor emeritus in the
pp. 69–73. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas. He is the
[10] G. Ibarra-Berastegi, C.A. Brebbia, and P. Zannetti author of several books and papers. His areas of research
interests include computational electromagnetics and
(eds.), Development and Application of Computer
computer networks. He is a fellow of IEEE.
Techniques to Environmental Studies VIII. WIT Press,
2000. Tolulope J. Ashaolu works at Southwest University,
P.R.C. He is the author of several papers and a book. His
[11] M. Basu and X. Savarimuthu, Fundamentals of research interests include functional foods and food
Environmental Studies. Cambridge University Press, microbiology.
Abayomi Ajayi-Majebi is a professor in the Department
[12] D. A. Kopec, Environmental Psychology for Design. of Manufacturing Engineering at Central State University
in Wilberforce, Ohio. In 2015 he was honored by the
New York, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.
White House as a Champion of Change for his significant
contributions to the engineering education of minority
[13] R. W. Casteel, Fish Remains in Archaeology and
students. He is a senior member of both the Society of
Paleo-Environmental Studies. Manufacturing Engineers and the American Society for
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: Academic Press,
1976. Sarhan M. Musa is a professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Prairie View A&M
[14] N. Castree, M. Hulme, and J. D. Proctor (eds.), University, Prairie View, Texas. He has been the director of
Companion to Environmental Studies. Rouledge, 2018. Prairie View Networking Academy, Texas, since 2004. He is
an LTD Sprint and Boeing Welliver Fellow. His areas of
[15] W. W. Wang, J. W. Gorsuch, and J. S. Hughes (eds.), research interests include computational electromagnetics
Plants for Environmental Studies. Boca Raton, FL: CRC and computer networks.
Press, 2020.