Sop PT
Sop PT
Sop PT
1. Scope
This Test method covers procedures for penetrant examination of butt and fillet weld with
the associated Heat Effected Zone (HAZ) on the parent metal and components. They are non-
destructive testing methods for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface such as
cracks, porosity and lack of fusion by liquid penetrant testing conducted in accordance with
the requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to explain the method of applying the liquid penetration
non-destructive test.
3. References
3.1 ASME Code Section V -applicable edition/addenda.
3.2 ASME Code Section VIII, Div1-applicable edition/addenda.
3.3 ASTM-E165-Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination.
3.4 Clients specification requirements for acceptance criteria.
3.5 NDT Company’s Written Practice
Note: In case of conflict between Code requirements and Client’s specifications, Code
requirements shall prevail.
4. Definitions
PT: Penetrant Examination
5. Responsibilities
The NDT Inspector shall be responsible for conducting and reporting the results of inspection
in accordance with project contract.
6. Personnel Qualifications
6.1 All personnel involved in Penetrant Examinations shall be qualified in accordance with
the Requirements of Company’s NDT Written Practice for NDE Personnel
6.2 When the written practice is revised, the certification of NDE personnel remains valid to
the requirements of the previous revision until the expiry date of the personnel
qualification certificate; then, recertification to the requirements of the new revision is
6.3 The certification of personnel shall be checked by the QA/QC Manager prior to work
7. Procedure
This procedure shall be demonstrated prior to use in accordance with the requirements of T-
150, ASME Code Sec. V. The procedure qualification record shall be attached to this
7.1 Equipment:
7.1.1 Solvent Removable Visible Dye Penetrant materials consist of:
a)Penetrant. b) Penetrant remover/cleaner. c) Developer. d) Lint free cloth. e) Light
meter capable of measuring visible light intensity in lux / foot candles (f.c.). The light
meter shall meet the calibration requirement of T-660 of ASME Code Section V
7.2 Materials:
7.2.1 Only materials of a recognized commercial quality shall be used as identified by
the manufacturer’s name Magnaflux or as specified by the client.
7.2.2 Penetrant materials of the same family group shall be used, mix between family
groups is prohibited.
7.2.3 Certification of contaminant content shall be provided by manufacturers for all
liquid penetrant materials used on nickel base alloys, austenitic or duplex stainless
steels, and titanium. These certifications shall include the penetrant manufacturers'
batch numbers and the test results obtained in accordance with Mandatory
Appendix II of Article 6, ASME Code Sec. V. These records shall be maintained
as required by the referencing Code Section.
7.3 Surface Condition:
7.3.1 Generally satisfactory results may be obtained when the surface of the part is in the
as-welded, as- rolled, as-cast, or as forged condition. Surface preparation by
grinding, machining, or other methods may be necessary where surface
irregularities could mask indications of unacceptable discontinuities. Precautions
shall be made with the mechanical cleaning not to close the discontinuities open to
the surface. Etching of the cleaned surfaces may be necessary to open the
7.3.2 Prior to all liquid penetrant inspections, the surface to be examined and all adjacent
areas within at least 25mm (1”) shall be dry and free of dirt, grease, lint, scale,
welding flux, weld spatter, oil and other extraneous matters that could obscure
surface openings or otherwise interfere with the examination.
7.3.3 Typical cleaning agents that may be used are detergents, organic solvents,
descaling solutions and paint removers. Degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning
methods may also be used.
7.4 Method:
7.4.1 Surface Cleaning process:
a) Solvent cleaning method: On removal of any rust, scale, welding flux, spatter,
and in general, inorganic soils, the surfaces to be inspected shall be cleaned, with
solvent cleaner and then finally with a dry lint free cloth.
7.4.2 Drying Process:
a) The drying process shall be accomplished by normal evaporation. Minimum
time allowed for drying is 1 minute to ensure that the cleaning solution has been
evaporated prior to application of the penetrant.
7.4.3 Application of penetrant:
a) After the area has been cleaned, dried and the temperature of the surface and
penetrant are within the range of 40° F (5° C) to 125° F (52° C), the penetrant
shall be sprayed directly to the surface to be inspected by means of aerosol
container, so that the entire area under inspection is completely covered.
b) After application, excess penetrant shall be allowed to drain (care being taken to
prevent pools of penetrant forming on the test area) while allowing for
minimum penetration (dwell) time stated in accordance with (ASME V,
Article24, SE165) unless otherwise specified by the client in a more restrictive
c) The length of time the penetrant must remain on the part to allow proper
penetration should be as recommended by the penetrant manufacturer (dwell
time shall not exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer).
7.4.4 Excess Penetrant removal:
a) After the specified dwell time has been elapsed, any penetrant remaining on the
surface shall be removed with a dry or slightly moistened cloth of solvent
cleaner, taking care to minimize removal of penetrant from possible
b) Flushing the surface with solvent cleaner, following the application of the
penetrant and prior to developing is prohibited.
7.4.5 Drying after removal of excess penetrant:
a) The drying process shall be accomplished by normal evaporation. Drying time
shall only be that necessary to adequately dry the part.
7.4.6 Application of the developer:
a) Apply the non-aqueous wet developer directly to the area being inspected, by
spraying from the aerosol container.
b) The non-aqueous developer evaporates rapidly at room temperature and
therefore does not require the use of a dryer.
c) Areas being inspected shall be sprayed in such a manner so as to assure
complete coverage with a thin, even film of developer.
d) Dipping or flooding parts with non-aqueous developer is prohibited.
e) Developing dwell time shall not be less than 10 min., The maximum permitted
developing time is 1 h for nonaqueous developers as stated in accordance with
(ASME-V, Article24, SE-165) unless otherwise specified by the client, in a
more restrictive manner.
7.5 Examination:
7.5.1 Inspection shall be carried out after the applicable developer dwell time to allow for
bleed out of penetrant from discontinuities into the developer coating. It is good
practice to observe the bleed out while applying the developer as an aid in interpreting
and evaluating indications.
7.5.2 Visible penetrant indications can be inspected in natural or artificial white light. A
minimum intensity at the inspection surface of 100 foot candles (1000 Lux) is
7.5.3 The light source, technique used, and light level verification is required to be
demonstrated, one time, documented, and maintained on file.
7.6 Evaluation of indications:
7.6.1 All indications shall be evaluated in accordance with the referencing code or
7.6.2 Relevant indications are those that result from mechanical discontinuities:
a) Linear indications are those indications in which the length is more than three
times the width.
b) Rounded indication or indications which are circular or elliptical with lengths less
than three times the width.
c) Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be re-tested to verify whether or not
actual defects are present.
d) Localized surface imperfections may occur, such as machine marks, surface
conditions, or incomplete bond between base metal and cladding, may produce
similar indications which are not relevant to the detection of unacceptable
7.7 Acceptance Criteria:
7.7.1 Acceptance criteria for specific Codes are listed as below.
Indications > 1/16" (1.5 mm) shall be considered as relevant
The following indications shall be rejectable:
1. Relevant linear indication >1/16" (1.5mm)
2. Relevant rounded indications > 3/16" (5 mm)
3. Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by
1/16" or less (edge to edge).
7.8.1 Uponcompletion of the test, in cases where residual penetrant or developer could
interfere with subsequent processing or with service requirements, a suitable technique,
such as a water rinse or solvent soak for cleaning may be employed.
7.9 Documentation:
7.9.1 Non-rejectable indications shall be recorded as specified by the referencing Code
7.9.2 Rejectable indications shall be recorded. As a minimum, the type of indications (linear
or rounded), location and extent (length or diameter or aligned) shall be recorded.
8. Records
Liquid Penetrant Examination shall be documented on Liquid Penetrant Examination Report
9. Attachments:
Liquid Penetrant Examination