Rowing Ebook: 8 Week Program
Rowing Ebook: 8 Week Program
Rowing Ebook: 8 Week Program
3 Welcome
10 Warm-Up Ideas
11 Program
19 Connect With Me
Thanks for purchasing our PRVN Fitness Rowing E-book.
We hope you guys are as excited as we are.
We know to well that rowing can be one of the most dreaded exercises for people to
take interest in. So we wanted to create a Program / Information E-Book that would
give you guys the opportunity to one, improve your performance on the rowing
machine and two, educate yourself on how to be more efficient on the machine to
make those miserable rowing workouts a whole lot better and enjoyable.
Within this E-Book comes an extensive breakdown of the points of performance for
the rowing machine, a breakdown of the monitor screen so you can understand how
to work it for programming intervals and pacing during workouts. Also this program
will entail rowing warm-up and practice drills that will help you master the points of
performance, in return will improve your efficiency and performance on the rowing
Tia’s Experience with Rowing
Wait! As I know most of you will jump straight to the workouts, lets explain how the program is structured.
The program will begin with two tests, you will be required to row a 2km and a 5km on different days. As you
know, the whole program is built around the two distances. For each session you are required to warm up before
commencing the workouts, there are general warm ups in the pages to follow.
Each week there are three workouts, two specifically for rowing and one session between the rowing days for
strength training. This is designed so that we can produce quality time on the rower rather than submerging you
with workouts and causing two factors that we want to avoid, injury and burnout. Mantra: Approach each
workout as though it was your last (training session ever).
Lastly, this program can be utilized along side your current training regime or on entirely on its own. If you
decide to utilize this along side your current training plan, I suggest for you to implement this program towards
the start of your training session. Intensity and commitment will be the difference when we retest in eight weeks
from now.
The points of performance for
each position of the stroke
CATCH – This is the most important position of all as this
position sets you up for success on each stroke if done
01 correctly
02 1.
Brace midline
Push through legs
3. When knees extend, swing the hips back
4. Snap the arms and pull the handle to the sternum
03 1. When the arms snap in, they release and relax straight away (push the
handle away from you)
Additional Information
This page will breakdown additional key components or further help you understand the external factors to
complement your rowing.
Damper setting refers to how much air is allowed in the flywheel housing. You need give the different body parts the same amount of recovery on the
The higher the damper setting the more air allowed in, the lower the way in:
damper the less amount of air. It will feel heavy with the high damper and
lighter with the lower damper. 10% of Recovery to the Arms
30% of Recovery to the Hips
We use a damper setting to determine the best possible setting for the 60% of Recovery to the Legs
particular athlete to ensure they can be the most efficient on the rower. A
basic concept for you to better understand; damper setting is similar to Therefore that 1:2 ratio is so important to maintain that consistent power
bicycle gearing: it affects how rowing feels but does not directly affect the output.
resistance. A lower damper setting on the indoor rower is comparable to
easier gears on a bike.
What damper do i use?
This information is straight from the website of Concept 2:
With a little experimentation, you will find the damper setting and drag
factor that work best for you. We recommend starting out on a damper
setting of 3–5. Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may
find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results.
Resist setting the damper lever too high; this can exhaust your muscles
before you reap the full cardiovascular benefit rowing provides.
The Monitor Screen
Understanding the Concept 2 Monitor Screen
On the right hand side is the ‘All Data’ display screen. This
is the screen that will serve as the most useful screen to
you as it displays:
The purpose of Week One is to provide a baseline so that you can observe your
progress over time: If we don’t test, we will never know if we’ve made progress –
something that is essential to both motivation and drive performance.
not whether
you get knocked DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3
down; it's 1 x 750m Row @ 2km + Deadlifts 1 x 1000m Row @ 5km
whether you get 2-3 seconds 7 x 2 @ 80-85% of 1 rep
pace + 5-6 seconds
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