1 PB
1 PB
1 PB
Abstract—Dynamic modeling and control of high-speed platform [10][11], the four-limb robots, whose mobile
parallel manipulators are of importance due to their industrial platform consist of two sub-platforms, can realize more large
applications deployed in production lines. However, there are range of rotation motion, thanks to well-configuration of sub-
still a number of open problems, such as the development of a platforms. Moreover, some pick-and-place tasks of those
precise dynamic model to be used in the model-based control
design. This paper presents a four-limb parallel manipulator
objects with irregular shapes require full-circle rotation.
with Schönflies motion and its simplified dynamic modeling Rotational motion can be realized by the relative movement
process. Then, in order to fix the issue that computed torque in parallel between the two sub-platforms of the robot, such
method control (CTC) will spend a lot of time to calculate as H4, Quattro and Par4. As usual, pulley-belt mechanism [4],
dynamic parameters in real-time, offline torque feedforward- rack-pinion mechanism [5], gears and screw mechanism [12]
based PD (TFPD) control law is adopted in the control system. can be adopted to enhance the rotational capability of
At the same time, fuzzy logic is also used to tune the gains of PD manipulator. For this article, helix joint is employed to
controller to adapt to the variation of external disturbance and
enhance the rotational capability of end effector.
compensate the un-modeled uncertainty. Additionally, bottom
widths of membership functions of fuzzy controller are To apply the manipulator into manufacture, designing a
optimized by bat algorithm. Finally, three controllers of CTC, control system, with high tracking accuracy and well effected
TFPD and bat algorithm-based torque feedforwad fuzzy PD error compensation, will be a crucial work. For this goal, a
controller (BA-TFFPD) are compared in trajectory tracking
number of control laws are designed by researchers. Model-
simulation. Fro the result, compared with TFPD and CTC, BA-
TFFPD can lead faster transient response and lower tracking free control technique is usually employed in trajectory
error, which prove the validity of BA-TFFPD. tracking task. PID as a classical model-free controller is used
widely in industrial manufacturing thanks its simple structure.
Keywords—High-Speed parallel manipulator; Dynamic In fact, conventional PID cannot adapt to variation of external
model; Torque feedforward; PD control; Bat algorithm; Fuzzy disturbance and un-modeled uncertainty. So other type of
logic PID controllers, such as fractional-order PID [13]-[18], is
investigated. W. A. Shutnan and T. Y. Abdalla [19]
presented the fractional-order PID controller for path tracking
DELTA robot and SCARA robots dedicate to pick-and- task of robot manipulator to obtain better performance than
place tasks in the industrial production line [1]. On the one classical PID controller. J. Viola and L. Angel [20] used
hand, the translational DELTA robot, whose mobile platform fractional-order PID controller with the feedback
can only realize translations in three directions, is difficult to linearization technique to design the tracking system of
meet more complex task with object realignment. DELTA parallel manipulator, which get better tracking performance
robot with an additional actuator on the end-effector or the than integer order PID. On the other hand, combining other
fourth RPUR(R, P and U stand for revolute, prismatic and algorithm also can enhance the tracking performance of PID
universal joints, respectively) limb to connect the centers of controller [21]-[23]. V. Nguyen et al. [24] proposed radial
the base and mobile platform still has some drawbacks as basic function neural networks based PID (APID-RBFNs),
revealed in [2]. On the other hand, the serial SCARA robots which is used in tracking task of two degree of freedom
cannot work in high speed due to its large dynamic inertia, parallel manipulator. P. C. Sau [25] compared fuzzy
though it can produce three independent translations and one fractional-order PID (FFOPID) controller and fractional-
rotation around an axis of fixed direction, namely, Schönflies order PID (FOPID) for the control system of three-arm
motion. Thanks to its high speed, low inertia and high manipulator. And the better tracking performance can be
accuracy, parallel Schönflies motion manipulator very obtained by FFOPID.
popular in industrial applications.
Differ from model-free control technique, model-based
Up to date, many types of Schönflies motion generators control technique needs dynamic model of manipulator to
have been proposed, such as H4 [3], I4 [4], Par4 [5]. And design the controller. As a classical method, computed torque
amongst others [6]-[9], the Adept Quattro robot and the control (CTC) is widely employed in industrial robot and
Veloce. Robot are famous for their commercial application. parallel manipulator [26]. But classical CTC has many
Compared to the parallel manipulators with only single
drawbacks, such as higher computational cost and the to segment A1A2 that is the line between actuated joint 1 and
difficulty of getting precise dynamic model [27][28]. For 2. The moving coordinate frame (X, Y, Z) is located at
those reason, many modified algorithms. J. Viola and L. geometric center of the lower platform and the Z-axis and X-
Angel [29] based computed torque control strategy design a axis are also parallel to z and x-axis, respectively. Moreover,
fraction-order PID controller for two degree of freedom i, j and k are the unit vectors of x, y and z-axis, respectively.
manipulator to reduce the error generated during tracking task.
The ith limb, depicted in Fig. 2, consists of inner arm and
M. Alhaddad et al. [30] presented an adaptive LQ-based
outer arm. Ai stand for the center of actuated joint. Bi and Ci
computed torque controller (LQ-CTC), which can improve
represent the center of two spherical joints at two ends. In
the accuracy of robotic manipulator carrying unknown load.
addition, length of inner and outer arms can be written in b
An excellent controller needs well parameter tuning. And and l respectively. The axis of rotation of the ith actuated joint
a lot of metaheuristic parameter searching algorithm, such as is parallel to unit vector ui = Ri k, where Ri stands for the
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm [31], bat rotation matrix from global coordinate frame to ith actuated
algorithm (BA) [32], grey wolf optimization algorithm joint.
(GWO) [34], genetic algorithms (GA) [35][36] and cuckoo
search (CS) algorithm [37] are adopted in optimization of
parameter of controller for its powerful performance for
tough optimization problems. T. M. Ahmed et al. [16] used
PSO to optimize the parameters of fractional-order PID
controller. Liu et al. [38] designed fuzzy controller, whose
bottom width of membership functions were tuning by
improved PSO, to adjust PID gains. And the result of its
simulation can significantly reduce tracking error and contour
error of the three-axis machine tool. F. Liu et al. [39] use bat
algorithm to optimize the center and width vectors of
membership functions of fuzzy control system adopted in
autonomous mobile robots and lead a better tracking
performance. (a)
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) ISSN: 2715-5072 529
,up up ,1 up ,2
A. Kinematic Jacobian T (9)
T h
jup ,i = ( ci − bi ) − mod(i + 1, 2) ( ci − bi )
The closed-form solution [9] of the robot geometry has 2
been extensively studied in the literature, which will be
skipped in this paper. For each limb, depicted in Fig. 2, (10)
geometric constraints as below must be satisfied. J T
, low =
jlow,1 jlow,2 jlow,3 jlow,4
ci − bi = l 2, i = 1, ,4 (1) T h
T (10)
jlow,i = ( ci − bi ) mod(i, 2) ( ci − bi )
where, ci and bi are the position vectors in the global
coordinate frame oxyz.
Sequentially, the kinematic Jacobian matrices of the two
Differentiating (1) with respect to time yields sub-platforms are obtained as
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
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,up / low = [ x y z ]T represent virtual displacement of and without any simplification, the difference between
simplified model and complete model can be observed for
actuated joints and sub-platforms, respectively. Moreover,
M b = ( mb + ml ) gb I 4 cos 1 cos 2 cos4 (14)
cos3 For the simulation, as shown in Fig. 4, the trajectory with
horizontal displacement of 305 mm, vertical displacement of
M p ,up / low = 0 0 − ( mp ,up / low + 2ml ) g 0
T 25mm and rotational motion of 360 degree is adopted. Then,
4-5-6-7 polynomial is used in trajectory design. Fig. 5 depicts
the displacement, velocity and acceleration of x, y, z-axis and
Fb = I b ;I b = ( mb b 2 + ml b 2 ) I 4 (16) rotational motion. The comparison between the torque of
3 analytical model (solid line) and simulation model (dotted
line) is shown in Fig. 6, from which it can be seen that the
Fp ,up / low = M p ,up / low computation accuracy of the simplified model is very close to
M p ,up / low = ( m p ,up / low + 2ml ) diag (1 1 1 0) that of the complete model, despite the acceptable errors.
From Fig. 7, which show the absolute torque error of two
for which the mass properties can be listed in TABLE I. models, it can be seem that the max error of 0.8 N*m for joint
1, 1.7 N*m for joint 2, 0.9 N*m for joint 3 and 2.3 N*m for
TABLE I. THE MASS PROPERTIES OF THE ROBOT IN (14)-(17) joint 4. And due to the inertia of the rods are ignored, those
Symbol Description Value
max errors occur at the point of max acceleration of each joint.
mb Mass of inner arm 0.073 (kg)
ml Mass of rod 0.421 (kg)
Mp,up Mass of upper platform 0.955 (kg)
Mp,low Mass of lower platform 1.180 (kg)
I4 4x4 identity matrix diag([1 1 1 1])
= M ( ) + C ( , ) + G ( ) (22)
M ( ) = J low
M p ,low J low +J up M p ,up J up +I b (23)
( )
C , = J low
M p ,low J low +J up M p ,up J up (24)
G ( ) = − J low
M p ,low g − J up
M p ,up g − M b g (25)
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
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K p = diag ([k p1 k p 2 k p 3 k p 4 ])
K d = diag ([kd 1 kd 2 kd 3 kd 4 ])
where Kp and Kd are the proportional and derivative gains
matrices, respectively.
Introduce the torque calculated offline, the control law
can be summarized as
= d − u
Fig. 6. Actuated torque of each joint ( )
d = M ( d ) d + C d , d d + G ( d )
The tracking error can be defined as During trajectory tracking task, gains of PD controller
should be adjusted in real-time to adapt to different situations.
e = − d (27) The strategy of parameters adjustment can be summarize as
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) ISSN: 2715-5072 532
gains are composite gains K p and K d , which can be adjusted Case 1 (point A): when ei is big and ei is in the direction
in real-time with tracking error changes. Generally, four close to zero, we should increase k pi and decrease k di to
fuzzy controllers are needed to tune the parameter of PD enforce tracking error close to zero in a short time.
controller for each joint. In fact, because of symmetry of the
manipulator, only two fuzzy controllers need to design for Case 2 (point B): when ei is small and ei is in the
four joints: a fuzzy controller for joint 1 and 3 and another direction close to zero, decrease k pi and increase k di to
controller for joint 2 and 4. Then we will introduce the design
enforce tracking error close to zero in a slow speed.
process of one among them in this part.
For fuzzy controller, as shown in Fig. 8, it can be Case 3 (point C): when ei is small and ei is in the
summarizing as 4 parts: input fuzzification, fuzzy rule base, direction away from zero, increase k pi and decrease k di to
inference engine and output defuzzification. And the design enforce tracking error return to zero in a short time.
process can be summarized as follow:
Case 4 (point D): when ei is big and ei is in the direction
First of all, for each joint, it needs a fuzzy controller to
away from zero, increase k pi and decrease k di to enforce
tuning both adjustable gains k pi and kdi in real-time.
tracking error return to zero in a short time.
Tracking error ei and its differential signal ei can be
considered as inputs of the fuzzy controller, because they can Based on above tuning law, fuzzy rule of the fuzzy
reflect the tracking performance. Then, adjustable gain k pi controllers, whose output are k pi and kdi , can be obtain
and kdi are outputs of fuzzy controller. as TABLE II. What’s more, every rule can be written as “IF-
THEN” expression. For instance,
The fuzzy set of input and output variables are defined as
IF ei is Aj & ei is B j
A = B = D = NB NM NS Z PS PM PB (35) THEN k pi is C j & kdi is D j
C = {Z PS PM PB} (36)
Where, A j , B j , C j and D j are subsets of fuzzy set A ,
Where A , B are the fuzzy sets of input variables e and B , C and D .
e , respectively. C , D are the fuzzy sets of output variables
The last step is that according to the fuzzy rules to infer
k p and k d . And NB: negative big; NM: negative medium;
and defuzzification the output variables k pi and kdi .
NS: negative small; Z: zero; PB: positive big; PM: positive
medium; PS: positive small; Then, for outputs, according to centroid method, it can be
Then, before the inference engine, inputs of the controller, expressed as
which have crisp value, need to transform to membership m
0 , x q + q h i
D Di (kdi )
x − q + q kdi = i =1
, q − q x q i
D (kdi )
( x) = (37) i =1
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) ISSN: 2715-5072 533
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Degree of membership of fuzzy controller: (a) ei , ei and kdi . (b) k pi .
(Δk pi , Δk di ) ei
Z (Z,PB) (Z,PM) (Z,PS) (Z,Z) (Z,NS) (Z,NM) (Z,NB)
C. Bat algorithm based optimal parameters of fuzzy maximum and minimum of the frequency, respectively, and
controller [0,1] is a random vector.
Bat algorithm (BA), was presented by Yang [40], and was For local search, a new solution for each bat can updated
usually used for parameters optimization thanks to that it by
combines the advantages of existing algorithms.
x new = xold + An (44)
For BA based optimization of parameters, the update
rules of characteristic of virtual bats can be denoted as Where [−1,1] is a random number, while
fi = f min + ( f max − f min ) A = A is the average loudness of all bats at n step. Then
n n
(41) i
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
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Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
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And according to characteristics of normal pick-and- 15 and Fig. 5, the larger torque error between simplified
place trajectory, as shown in Fig. 5, and (50), the un-modeled model and real model of manipulator will lead the larger
uncertainty can be displayed in Fig. 13. tracking error. Obviously, in the case of that the precise
mathematical model cannot be obtained, tracking
About the setting of the PD controller, base gains
performance under the effort of BA-TFFPD is better than
and K d = diag ([2 2 2 2]) 102 .
K p = diag ([2 2 2 2]) 104
Then, the range of adjustable gains set as k pi [−4000,4000]
On the other hand, with the help of fuzzy logic, gains of
and kdi [−40,40] . In order to obtain a good optimization PD controller can be tuned in real-time to adapt to different
result, the parameters of bat algorithm can be set referenced rang of tracking error and external disturbance. In fact, as
to [32][33][40], i.e. use i = 20 bats, = =0.9 , Ai = 0.25 and show in Fig. 14 and Fig. 15, faster transient response can be
ri0 = 0.5 . The rang of frequency set as [ f min , f max ] = [0, 2] . obtained by using BA-TFFPD rather than TFPD and CTC.
Such as the convergence time of BA-TFFPD of joint 2 is
Sampling time set at 10-4s. then, set initial condition of the approximately t = 0.0056s, but it will increase to 0.0089s and
manipulator model as (0) = d(0) − e , (0) = 0 and (0) = 0 , 0.0147 for CTC and TFPD.
which e = 0.2 is initial position error.
Z. Lin, Dynamic Modeling and Torque Feedforward based Optimal Fuzzy PD control of a High-Speed Parallel Manipulator
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 14. Tracking performance of TFPD and BA-TFFPD: (a) Joint 1; (b) Joint 2; (c) Joint 3; (d) Joint 4.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 15. Tracking error of each joints: (a) Joint 1; (b) Joint 2; (c) Joint 3; (d) Joint 4.
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