Gas Networks - Technical Overview

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One\ LPG physical and chemical properties
Two \ LPG System components
LP gas Tanks
- Codes of Design & Manufacturing , ASME versus EN
- 1st Stage & 2nd Stage regulators.
- Direct Fire
- Electrical
Safety Equipment
Three \ Design Elements of LP-Gas System
Introduction to the international standards and codes regarding the use of gas. ( NFPA
58 \ NFPA 54 \ Gas Transmission pipe lines) in term of:
- Container Locations & preparations.
- Cylinder & Tank Manifolding
- Pipe Selection
- Pipe Sizing
- Regulator selection
- 2 Stage Regulation
- Safety Precautions and measures including safety equipment and accessories.(
anti seismic valves, excess flow , fused , solenoid valves, gas leakage detectors,
change over panels, gas meters, relief valves)
- Testing methods
Four \ Natural Gas Vs. LPG , applications and characteristics
- NG \ SNG \ LPG & the wobbe Index
- Shaving systems & LPG - Air mixers
- Cost analysis for several types of fuel ( Diesel , LPG, NG & SNG)
Five \ Designing complete LPG \ SNG \ NG system – Case Study & site visit
Part one

PHYSICAL & Chemical Properties
Processing & Refining LP-Gases
commercial Propane & Butane?
Ideally products referred to as
"propane" and "butane" consist very
largely of these saturated
hydrocarbons; but during the process
of extraction/production certain
allowable unsaturated hydrocarbons
like ethylene, propylene, butylenes
etc. may be included in the mixture
along with pure propane and butane.
The presence of these in moderate
amounts would not affect LPG in terms
of combustion but may affect other
properties slightly (such as
corrosiveness or gum formation).

Kilojoules = 0.9478 BTU

Kcal = 3.968 BTU
Watt = 3.414 BTU
KW / Kg 13.86 13.64
-Similar Properties
-Do not react with each other
-Propane is volatile and boils
at -42deg C while Butane is
less volatile and boils at 0.6
deg C.
- Both can be stored and
transported at moderate
-Calorific value are almost
-Both are mixed together to
attain the vapor pressure
that is required.
Odorization :
LP- Gases should be odorized prior to delivery to the bulk plant.
The warding added agent should be detected down to a concentration in air of
one-fifth the lower flammability limit LFL or LEL
The most common is : Ethyl Mercaptan.

Complete Combustion Incomplete Combustion
- Water Vapor - Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Carbon Dioxide - Excessive Water Vapor
- Aldehydes
- Soot
Concentration of Physical Effect
CO in Air
9 ppm (0.0009%) The Maximum allowable concentration for a short term
35 ppm (0.0035%) The Maximum allowable concentration for continuous
exposure for in any 8-hour period
200 ppm (0.02%) Slight headache, tiredness, dizziness, nausea after 2-3H
400 ppm (0.04%) Frontal Headache within 1-2 Hrs, Life threatening after 3Hrs
800 ppm (0.08 %) Dizziness, nausea, and convulsions within 45minuts,
Unconsciousness within 2 hours, Death within 1 hour
1600 ppm (0.16%) Headache, dizziness and nausea within 20 minutes, Death
within 1Hr
3200ppm (0.32%) Headache, dizziness and nausea within 5-10 minutes, Death
within 30 minutes.
6400 ppm (0.64%) Headache, dizziness and nausea within 1-2 minutes, Death
within 10-15 minutes
12800 ppm (1.28%) Death within 1-3 minutes

10000 ppm = 1% by volume

Part Two

LPG System Components

- LPG Tank / Cylinder
- Vaporizer
- 1st Stage Regulator
- LPG Feeding Pipe
- 2nd Stage Regulator
- Appliance
- Safety Equipment
- Excess Flow Valves.
- Relief Valves.
- Anti- Seismic Valves.
- Gas Leakage Detectors & Solenoid Valves.
LPG Tank - Codes of Design & Manufacturing , ASME
versus EN
European Directive 97/23/EC Federal Law
Member State Law State Law
(e.g. UK, Germany, France etc.) Pressure
Equipment Regulations.
European harmonised Standards - Norms Codes recognised by Law
Give presumption of conformity for Essential e.g. ASME Section I
Safety Requirements (ESR) of PED Annex I ASME Section VIII/1
(e.g. EN 12952 - Water Tube Boilers
EN 13445 - Unfired Pressure Vessels)
Other Standards may be adopted provided that it
is demonstrated that the PED ESRs are met.
Notified Bodies or Recognized Third Parties Manufacturers Approve Welders
Certify Welding Procedures and Welders
Notified Bodies Code Inspection Agencies
Performs Design Examinations Perform Inspections
Performs Inspections for production under the Endorse Manufacturers Certification
inspection conformity assessment routes.
Issues Certificates of Conformity
Manufactures apply CE Marking and Notified Body unique Manufacturer applies Code Stamp
identification (Moody International = 1277) number
following issue of Notified Body certification of conformity.
Manufacturer draws up a Declaration of Manufacturers Draws up Certification


Main Design Elements are:

- Total Heat Load Required.

- Determination of Tank Size and quantity required.
- Vaporization capacity of the tanks/cylinders chosen.
- International and Local Standards and Codes obtained.
Determining Total Heat Load

Total Load = Σ appliances heat load in BTU

The best way to determine BTU input is from the appliance

nameplate or from the manufacturer’s catalog. Add the input of all
the appliances for the total load.

Figuring the total load accurately is most important because

of the size of the pipe and tubing, the tank (or the number
of cylinders), and the regulator will be based on the capacity
of the system to be served.
Table 3 Gas required for common Appliances
Vaporization Rate
Q [m3)h] ; k [kcal/h ºC m2] ; Ta =ambient Temperature
Ts= Temperature correspondent to the vaporization pressure inside the vessel
Cv= Latent heat for the liquid to the temperature inside the vessel
A= Wet Area

Dependent upon the temperature of the liquid and the

amount of “wetted surface” area of the container.

Withdrawal of gas from one or two containers can lower the container pressure
substantially due to the refrigeration of the vaporization gas
Regulator capacity is then reduced because of the lower inlet pressure.

Multiple cylinders or tanks may be manifolded to give the required vaporization

Vaporizers is to be used
Ruff Estimation of vaporization capacities :
A number of assumptions were made
1) The tank is one-half full.
2) Relative humidity is 70%.
3) The tank is under intermittent loading.

the Table can still serve as a good

rule-of-thumb in estimating what a particular
tank size will provide under various temperatures.

UNDER Continuous loading the withdrawal rates in the Table should be

multiplied by 0.25

* Tank frosting acts as an insulator, reducing the vaporization rate.

Vaporization Rates for 100 Pound
DOT Cylinders

For continuous draws, where temperatures

may reach 0°F, -17 ˚C , assume the
vaporization rate of a 100 lb. cylinder to be
approximately 50,000 BTU/HR Therefore :
Number of cylinders per side = total load
in BTU/HR / 50,000
If a total load requirement of 200,000
BTU/HR is to be supplied from 100 pound
DOT cylinders and winter temperatures
may drop to 0°F, then how many cylinders
are needed per side?
Number of cylinders per side =
200,000/50,000 = 4
1 - Standards & Codes
NFPA codes & standards used in the LPG Industry
Title Document Application
Cutting , welding & allied processes 51 Standards covering the use of fuel gases and fuel /
and cutting & welding process 51B oxygen systems in cutting , brazing and welding
National Fuel Gas Code # 54 Standards covering Installation of gas piping and
appliance in residential and commercial areas
LP-Gas Code # 58 Standards covering the storage, handling and
transportation of LPG
Liquefied Petroleum Gases at utility # 59 Standards covering construction and operation of LPG
gas plants equipment at plants owned by Natural gas utilities.
National Electric Code # 70 Standards covering the installation of electrical wiring,
motors ,electrical controls including hazardous &
classified areas
Pleasure & Commercial motor craft # 302 Standards covering fire protection for boats including
LPG systems within
Manufactured Housing # 501 Standards covering manufactured homes
# 501 A
Recreational Vehicles # 1192 Standards covering installation of gas piping in RV’s &
Recreational Vehicle Parks # 1194 Rv’s campgrounds
Industrial trucks # 505 Standards covering type designation, areas of use,
maintenance and operation of LPG powered industrial
2- Choosing the Proper Size and Quantity of Tanks

Controlling Elements :

a) Total Load
b) Vaporization Rate required.
c) Location of facility and refilling time interval required.
d). Physical Place Available.
Container Locations & preparations
1- General Conditions / NFPA 58
Located outside of buildings
Separation Distances between containers, Important buildings and 6.3.1
other properties / Table 6.3.1* Distance is measured from the relieve
valve / filling connection
Distance from point of discharge of the relief valve of a container or 6.3.9
vents or container filling connection, to any openings, or source of 6.3.10
ignition to be as table 6.3.9
The horizontal distance between any portion of the building that 6.3.12
overhangs out of the building wall (balcony) and the underneath Gas
Tank bigger than 473Liter shall be 50% of the distances given in table
6.3.1 conditioned that it is less than 15m above the tank and extend
more than 1.5m from the building
No loose or piled combustible material and weeds and long dry grass
within 3m distance.
LPG containers to have minimum 3m separation distance from wall of
diked areas containing flammable or combustible liquids
Separation between LPG tanks and tanks containing flammable or
combustible liquids if either is above ground while the other is
No structures around the LPG tanks other than a fence for security 6.4.7
against tampering

Point of transfer of containers located in stationary installations if it is 6.5.3

NOT located at the container, it shall be located in accordance with
table 6.5.3

Protection from damage from vehicles.

All operating appurtenances of the container are accessible

Where high flood waters that may result of tank floatation is possible ,
tanks to be securely anchored.
Container Locations & preparations
2- Above Ground Tanks
Single installation of Above Ground Containers > 0.5m³ but less than 6.2.1
4.5 m³ have a reduced distance of 3 meter from an important building
For Buildings devoted to gas distribution/ manufacturing and made of 6.3.1
other than wood-frame, distance shall be reduced to 3 meters
regardless size of tank.
For multi-container installation less than 500 Liters that are manifolded 6.3.9
together ; exceeding 1900 Liters hall be considered with the aggregated 6.3.10
water capacity for the distances from important building . No separation
among the aggregated tanks is required.
Above ground multi-container installation composed of several 45m³ or 6.3.12
more shall have limited No. of tanks per group with separation
distances between groups a per table 6.4.2 unless provisions 6.24.3
and 6.24.4 are met then distance is reduced to 50% of that mentioned
in table 6.4.2
Minimum horizontal distance separate above ground LPG tanks from
above ground flammable tank storage material with flash point of les
than 93.4ºC other than LPG hall be 6m.
Any Part of Above Ground LPG tank shall not be located within 1.8m of
a vertical plane beneath overhead electrical power line over 600 V.
Horizontal Containers Structural Support

Interconnected Tanks to have same level of elevation

Horizontal permanent containers attached with the same support must
comply to table
The part of he container in contact with the foundation shall be coated
or protected to minimize corrosion.

Where snow accumulation anticipated is more than the height of the
container, excluding the dome, then a take or other marking to be
present and container to be fixed preventing it movement resulting from
snow accumulation.
Container Locations & preparations
3- Underground
Containers of 7.6m3 to 114 m3 water capacity satisfies all provisions of 6.3.4
section 6.24 shall have a reduced distance of 3 meters only from
important buildings.
No part of the underground tank is less than 3 meters from a building or
line of adjoining property that can be built upon ( another future building
if to be existed within the adjoining property)
For Mounded containers, No part that I installed above grade shall be
less than 1.5 meter from a building.
Containers to be located outside of any building
Buildings shall not be constructed over any underground or mounded
The sides of adjacent containers shall be separated in accordance with
Table 6.3.1 but not les than 1 meter
No limited number of containers for one group if it is installed parallel
with ends in line.
Where more than one raw of containers is installed the adjacent ends
of the containers in each row shall be separated by not less than 3

Installation of underground containers in accordance with the following;

- In areas with no vehicle traffic; minimum 15 cm below grade.
- In areas where traffic is expected; either a minimum of 46cm below
grade or protection from damage from vehicles.
- Protection shall include fitting and tank connections against vehicular
- Protection to be done if traffic is expected within 3 meters from the
- Vents and relief pipes to be above highest probable water level.
- Container is set leveled and surrounded by earth or sand firmly
tamped in place.
Mounded containers to be mounded by earth or sand or other non
combustible material and covered of at least 30 cm .
Container valves and appurtenances to be accessible.
If mounded container bottom is 76cm or more above the surrounding
grade; access to bottom connections if any to be provided and this
connection to be considered as part of the container with all code
applies on it.

**Distance for all underground and mounded containers shall be measured from
the pressure relief valve and filling connection. ( Article // Page 58-27).
Tank Preparation
Water in LP-Gas cylinders and tanks can contaminate the gas, causing
regulator freezeups and erratic appliance performance.
Adding anhydrous methanol (99.85% pure) will neutralize any moisture
within the container.
This will minimize freeze-up problems for normal amounts
of water in a container.
Air in the LP-Gas can cause appliance pilot lights to be extinguished easily.
It can also lead to excessive container pressure, making the safety relief valve
1) Bleed the air to atmosphere by opening the multi-purpose valve or the
service valve for several minutes until air pressure is exhausted. Close the

2) Attach the truck vapor equalizing hose to the multipurpose valve’s vapor
equalizing valve or the separate vapor-equalizing valve.

4) Slowly open the shutoff valve on the end of the hose so that the truck excess
flow check valve does not slam shut.

5) Closely watch the pressure, and when the gauge reaches 15 psig, close the
shutoff valve.

6) Open the vapor service valve on the multi-purpose valve or the separate service valve,
Allow all pressure to be exhausted before closing the multi-purpose valve or the
service valve.

7) Repeat steps 4 through 6 at least three more times to make certain air has been purged from the
Pipe Selection
- Essential for efficient operation.
- Deigned for Maximum gas demand + Future expansion.

Factors affects the selection of type of pipe to be used:

- Location ; indoor or out door.
- State of Gas : Liquid or Vapor.
- Pressure .
- Risk of mechanical damages.

Type of Pipe :-

- Wrought iron/ Steel Pipe; Installed as per ASME B31.3, welded as per ASME V111,

- Copper ; Seamless tube/ pipe, Type K or L

- PE; high density pipe. ( out door + under ground + Pressure< 30 psig )
Four different areas of sizing requirements must be

1) Sizing between First-Stage and Second-Stage Regulators

2) Sizing between Second-Stage Regulator and Appliance

3) Sizing between 2 PSI Service and Line Pressure Regulators

4) Sizing between Line Pressure Regulator and Appliance

Type of Metallic Joints in LP-Gas

Service Schedule 40 Schedule 80

Liquid Welded Threaded or Welded
Vapor ≤125 psig Threaded or Welded Threaded or Welded
Vapor > 125 psig Welded Threaded or Welded
Directions for Sizing between First-Stage
and Second-Stage Regulators
(Based on NFPA 54 Hybrid Pressure Method)

1) Measure the required length of pipe or tubing from the outlet of the first-
stage regulator to the inlet of the second-stage regulator.

2) Determine the maximum gas demand requirements of the system by adding

the BTU/HR inputs from the nameplates of all the appliances or by referring
to Table 3 on page 5.

3) Select the pipe or tubing required from Tables 7a, b,and c on pages 23-25.
Directions for Sizing Between Second-
Stage Regulator and Appliance
(Based on NFPA 54 Longest Length Method)

1) Measure the length of pipe or tubing from the outlet of the second-
stage regulator to the most remote appliance.
(Note: This is the only length needed to size the second-stage
2) For each outlet and section of pipe, determine the specific gas
demand requirements by adding the BTU/ HR inputs from the
nameplates of each appliance or by referring to Table 3 on page 5.
3) Select the pipe or tubing required for each section from Table 8a
or 8b on pages 26 and 27.
Determine the sizes of pipe or tubing required for this two-stage
LP-Gas installation.
A private home is to be supplied with a LP-Gas system serving a
central furnace, range and water heater. The gas demand and
piping lengths are shown on the sketch below.
For First-Stage:

1 ) Length of first-stage piping = 25 feet (round up to 30 ft. for use in Table 7a,
b, c.).

2) Total gas demand = 40,000 + 75,000 + 120,000 = 235,000 BTU/HR.

3) From Tables 7a, b, and c, use 1/2” iron pipe; or 1/4” Type L or ¾” CR copper
tubing or 1/2” plastic tubing. (Assume a 10 psig first-stage regulator setting
and a 1 psig pressure drop.)
For Second-Stage:
1) Total second-stage piping length = 30 + 10 + 15 = 55 feet (round up to 60 ft. for
use in Table 8a and 8b).
2) Gas demand requirements and pipe selection from Table 8a and 8b (Assume a
11” w.c. setting and 1/2” w.c. pressure drop):

For Outlet A, demand = 40,000 BUT/HR, use 1/2” iron pipe or 3/8”
Type L or 5/8" ACR copper tubing.

For Outlet B, demand = 75,000 BUT/HR, use 1/2” iron pipe or 1/2”
Type L or 5/8” ACR copper tubing.

For Outlet C, demand = 120,000 BUT/HR, use 3/4” iron pipe or

5/8” Type L or 3/4” ACR copper tubing.

For Section 1, demand = 40,000 + 75,000 = 115,000 BTU/HR, use

3/4” iron pipe or 5/8” Type L or 3/4” ACR copper tubing.

For Section 2, demand = 40,000 + 75,000 + 120,000 = 235,000

BTU/HR, use 1” iron pipe.
Pipe Selection Tables

Effective elements:

1- Total Load Requirement.

2- Inlet Pressure
3- Outlet Pressure
4- Regulator performance curves
5- Type of Gas used
6- Pipe Size
The figure above shows a performance curve which demonstrating the
capacity of a regulator at different inlet pressures, given the factory setting for
outlet pressure.

Advantages of Two-Stage Regulation

Uniform Appliance Pressure - Two-staging lets the first stage regulator supply a nearly constant inlet
pressure tothe second-stage regulator at the house. This means the second-stage regulator has an
easier time of maintaining appliance pressure at 11” w.c., thus improving the system efficiency.

Lower Installation Costs - Smaller pipe or tubing can be used between the first and second-stage
regulators due to the higher pressure, thus reducing installation and piping material costs.

Freezeups - Two-stage systems reduce problems due to regulator freezeups caused by excessive
water in gas. Larger orifices make it more difficult for ice to form and block the passage area. The
expansion of gas at two different orifices in a two-stage system greatly reduces the “refrigeration effect”
that causes freezeups.

Flexibility of Installation - A high pressure regulator can feed a number of low pressure regulators,
thus enabling the addition of appliances in the future to the same pressure line without affecting their
individual performance.

Fewer Trouble Calls - With two-stage regulation, you can expect fewer trouble calls due to pilot outage
or burner adjustment. This means higher appliance efficiency, lower service costs and better customer
Regulator Vents

Outdoor Installations
A regulator installed outdoors without a
protective hood must have its vent pointed
vertically down, as shown in the drawing.

-The regulator should be at least 18 inches above ground.

-Do not install the regulator where there can be excessive water accumulation or
ice formation, such as directly beneath a downspout, gutter or roofline.

- All vent openings must be at least three horizontal feet from any building opening
and no less than five feet in any direction from any source of ignition, openings
into direct vent appliances or mechanical ventilation intakes.

- Horizontally mounted regulators, such as on single cylinder installations, must be

installed underneath a protective cover. On ASME tank installations with the
regulator installed under the tank dome, the regulator vent should slope slightly
down enough to allow any condensation to drain from the spring case. The
regulator vent should be positioned far enough back from the tank dome slot so
that it is protected from the weather. The hood should be kept closed.
Indoor Installations
In a fixed pipe system, regulators installed indoors require a vent line to the
outside air.
A screened vent assembly must be used at the end of the vent line. The vent
assembly position and location precautions are the same as for regulator
vents. The vent line must be the same size as the regulator vent and
adequately supported. See Figure below.
Underground Tanks
A vent tube is required on these installations to prevent water from entering the
regulator’s spring case. The vent tube connects to the regulator vent and
terminates above any possible water level, see Figure below. Be sure that the
ground slopes away from the tank dome as illustrated. See Figure below.
Part Four

Natural Gas
NG Propane Butane

Chemical formula CH4 C3H8 C4H10

Boiling point of liquid at atmospheric pressure - 162 °C -42 °C 0 °C

Specific Gravity of vapor (Air = 1) 0.6 1.53 2.0
Specific Gravity of liquid (Water = 1) 0.6 0.51 0.58
Calorific value @ 60 °F (15°C) BTU/CFT 1012 2516 3280 3127

BTU/ m³ 35901 88906 115901 110495

Kcal / m³ 9047 22,404 29,270 27845

Latent heat of vaporization Kcal/Kg 785 808

Liquid weight Kg / Liter 0.508 0.576
Vapor volume from 1 liter of liquid at 15 °C m³ 0.272 0.234
Vapor volume from 1 kg of liquid at 15 °C m³ 0.534 0.406

Combustible limits % of gas in Air 5 - 15 2.4 - 9.6 1.9 - 8.6

Amount of air required to burn 1 m3 of gas m³ 9.53 23.86 31.02

Ignition temperature in air °C 650 490 - 550 480 - 540

Maximum flame temperature in air °C 1964 1980 1991
Octane Number 100 Over 100 92

All data is approximate. For actual properties of any particular batch, contact your fuel supplier.
NG Propane Butane

Chemical formula CH4 C3H8 C4H10

Boiling point of liquid at atmospheric pressure - 162 °C -42 °C 0 °C

Specific Gravity of vapor (Air = 1) 0.6 1.53 2.0
Specific Gravity of liquid (Water = 1) 0.6 0.51 0.58
Calorific value @ 60 °F (15°C) BTU/CFT 1012 2516 3280
Kcal / m³ 9005 22,390 29,190
Latent heat of vaporization Kcal/Kg 785 808
Liquid weight Kg / Liter 0.508 0.576
Vapor volume from 1 liter of liquid at 15 °C m³ 0.272 0.234
Vapor volume from 1 kg of liquid at 15 °C m³ 0.534 0.406

Combustible limits % of gas in Air 5 - 15 2.4 - 9.6 1.9 - 8.6

Amount of air required to burn 1 m3 of gas m³ 9.53 23.86 31.02

Ignition temperature in air °C 650 490 - 550 480 - 540

Maximum flame temperature in air °C 1964 1980 1991
Octane Number 100 Over 100 92

All data is approximate. For actual properties of any particular batch, contact your fuel supplier.
Several characteristics affect Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a
replacement fuel.

These include :

1 - Flame Velocity and Color

2 - Specific Gravity
3 - Calorific Value
4 - BTU Measurement (Wobbe Index )
1 - Flame Velocity and Color

Because of the different number of carbon atoms in propane,

propane-air mixtures produce a flame that is more yellow in color
than that of natural gas. However, the yellow tips are not of any
consequence and do not affect burner operation or efficiency. Flame
velocities of LPG are near equal to that of natural gas. Therefore,
there is no significant flame lift difference between natural gas and
propane-air mixtures.

2 - Specific Gravity

The density of gas, relative to air, is called specific gravity. The

specific gravity of air is defined as 1. Since propane gas has a
specific gravity of 1.5, propane-air mixtures have a specific gravity of
greater than 1.
3 - The Wobbe Index, a critical factor when analyzing LPG-Air plant
requirements, is a function of gas quality and allows matching one
gas (in this case, natural gas) to a replacement gas (in this case,
LPG-Air). If the two different gases have an identical Wobbe Index,
they will produce an equal amount of heat and combustion products
and will require the same amount of combustion air. Burners,
adjusted for a specific calorific value and fitted with a replacement
orifice to match a lower Wobbe Index, result in minor combustion
changes. Substituting a gas for one with a higher Wobbe Index,
generally allows a narrow acceptance range. Flame characteristics
determine the acceptance range for the replacement gas.
Wobbe Index
Goffredo Wobbe , Physicist , Bologna, Italy, 1927

1. The heat output of a burner at constant gas pressure at constant orifice size
is proportional to the flow volume per time.
(The longer you run the burner, the more heat is being put out.)

2. The flow velocity through a given orifice size at constant pressure

is proportional to the specific gravity (SG) of a gas.
(The lighter a gas molecule is, the more molecules can pass through a
fixed-size orifice.)

3. The calorific value (CV) of a gas is proportional to its specific gravity (SG).
NG 1000 BTU/ft3 SG=0.61 à 1640
C3 2516 BTU/ft3 SG=1.53 à 1644
C4 3280 BTU/ft3 SG=2.00 à 1640
Combining the three ideas , we can come up with a formula that allows us to
compare the flow characteristics of two gasses.

If we know their CVs or SGs, we can determine whether they produce similar
heat outputs when used with the same orifice.

Mr. Wobbe’s Formula

He decided to keep the number dimension –less to avoid confusion with CV.
Wobbe Index

Wobbe Index Explanation (from American Gas Association Bulletin No. 36)

The Wobbe number, or Wobbe index, of a fuel gas is found by dividing the high
heating value of the gas in Btu per standard cubic foot by the square root of its
specific gravity with respect to air. The higher a gases' Wobbe number, the
greater the heating value of the quantity of gas that will flow though a hole of a
given size in a given amount of time. It is customary to give a Wobbe number
without units–even though it has the dimensions Btu per scf–because to do so
would lead to confusion with the volumetric heating value of the gas.

In almost all gas appliances, the flow of gas is regulated by making it pass
through a hole or orifice. The usefulness of the Wobbe number is that for
any given orifice, all gas mixtures that have the same Wobbe number will
deliver the same amount of heat. Pure methane has a Wobbe number of
1363; natural gas as piped to homes in the United States typically has a Wobbe
number between 1310 and 1390.
Typical Mixed Gas Settings

SG ( SNG ) = 1.28 to 1.32 , Specific Gravity

CV (SNG ) = 1292 BTU/cuft @ 1.28 , Calorific Value

to 1476 BTU/cuft @ 1.32

Ratio (SNG) = 51/49 Vapor/Air @ 1.28

to 58/42 Vapor/Air @ 1.32

SNG = Synthetic Natural Gas

Wobbe Index changes :

Natural Gas changes due to : Seasonal Changes or the Source may change

LPG Mixture due to : Propane / Butane Composition

How much Wobbe Change

is Acceptable
• Less than 5% deviation is desired
• Depending on how much SNG you have in your PANG*, the WobbeSNG
should be maintained at better than +/- 10%

*PANG = Propane Air Natural Gas

Typical max. LP/Air is 50% of total to maintain the SGPANG lighter than Air.
Create LP/Air Mixture (Synthetic Natural Gas) to replace Natural Gas
Conditioning of Natural Gas to obtain consistent Calorific Values
PeakShaving System Components
Natural Gas to SNG Tie-In Detail


- LPG kit is 30 – 40 % cheaper than CNG.

- No significant power loss as in CNG.
- LPG tank is very light as compared to CNG.
- Filling time of LPG is up to 40 liters / minute , CNG takes a long time
to fill.
- LPG can easily be available in almost every patrol station
- Distance covered after filling tank once is almost double in LPG than
Part 5

Case Study // Design of a complete LPG

system with LPG / SNG / NG distribution
0-A 37 343 0.0245 1047 0.1122 740 0.1213 A5-4` 7 64 0.0027 198 0.0096 140 0.0108 B-C 15 139 0.0019 420 0.0083 300 0.0094
A-A1 37 343 0.0035 1047 0.0064 740 0.0073 A6-5 7 64 0.0027 198 0.0096 140 0.0108 C-C1 6 56 0.0011 170 0.005 120 0.0053
A1-A2 34 316 0.0038 983 0.0186 680 0.0194 A6-5` 7 64 0.0047 198 0.0188 140 0.0209 C1-10 3 28 0.0012 85 0.0025 60 0.0031
A2-A3 31 288 0.0029 878 0.0134 620 0.0146 0-B 27 251 0.0178 765 0.0821 540 0.0874 C1-11 3 28 0.001 85 0.0036 60 0.0039
A3-A4 28 260 0.0005 793 0.0025 560 0.0027 B-B1 12 112 0.0153 340 0.071 240 0.085 C-D 9 84 0.0004 255 0.0017 180 0.0024
A4-A5 21 195 0.0004 595 0.0018 420 0.002 B1-6 3 28 0.0022 85 0.0069 60 0.0078 D-D1 9 84 0.02 255 0.0878 180 0.0958
A5-A6 14 130 0.0003 397 0.0013 280 0.0014 B1-7 3 28 0.0017 85 0.0046 60 0.0053 D1-12 3 28 0..0016 85 0.0043 60 0.005
A1-1 3 28 0.0021 85 0.0064 60 0.0073 B1-B2 6 56 0.004 170 0.0186 120 0.0201 D1-D2 6 56 0.0035 170 0.0132 120 0.0147
A2-2 3 28 0.0021 85 0.0064 60 0.0073 B2-8 3 28 0.0010 85 0.0017 60 0.0022 D2-13 3 28 0.0012 85 0.0025 60 0.0031
A3-3 3 28 0.0011 85 0.0022 60 0.0028 B2-9 3 28 0.0018 85 0.0054 60 0.0061 D2-14 3 28 0.0015 85 0.0036 60 0.0039
A4-4 7 64 0.0027 198 0.0096 140 0.0108

Point Presure Drop(bar) Point Presure Drop(bar)

0-1 0.0301 0.1250 0.1359 0-7 0.0348 0.1577 0.1783
0-2 0.0339 0.1279 0.1553 0-8 0.0381 0.1734 0.1923
0-3 0.0358 0.1298 0.1654 0-9 0.0389 0.1771 0.1955
0-4 0.0379 0.1319 0.1761 0-10 0.0220 0.0980 0.1058
0-4` 0.0383 0.1323 0.1781 0-11 0.0218 0.1000 0.1066
0-5 0.0386 0.1326 0.1795 0-12 0.0417 0.1842 0.2006
0-5` 0.0408 0.1346 0.1896 0-13 0.0449 0.1956 0.2134
0-6 0.0353 0.1600 0.1808 0-14 0.0452 0.1967 0.2143

Safety Valve Level Indicator Liquid Withdrawl Valve Filler Valve Multi Purpose Valve
Section-AA Section-BB Section-CC Section-DD Section-EE

1 LPG Pump (If Needed)

2 Flexible Connetion
3 Strainer
4 Ball Valve
5 Flanges
6 Blined Flange
7 LPG Tank 6400 Liters
8 LPG Tank 5000 Liters
9 4'', Seamless Pipe sch80
10 Elec. Vaporizer XP160
b y Alga-SdI / USA
of capacity of 320 kg/h
Main Feeding Line Burried under ground Total capacity of
vaporizers =1280 kg/h
= 150.6 % of max load
given by burners supplier
"Proffesional Engineers"

11 First Stage Regulator

Fisher 99-903p with
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 total capacity 44.2 MBTU
= 110.7 % of max load


given by burners supplier
"Proffesional Engineers"

12 One Way Valve

13 2" Seamless Pipe sch40
D 14 1" seamlless Pipe sch40
B 15 4" Seamless Pipe sch40

16 4" PE Pipe 80 or 100

17 Safety Valve
13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 18 Pressure Gauge
19 Solenoid Valve
20 Emerg. Push Button
LPG Pump (If Needed)


9 15

4 5
13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14



Located at
various locations 10
within the building 7 8 8 8 8 8 8

Stand by Connection
LPG - Air Blender

20 6
220 V , 1 phase




To Connection points at 4" Black steel Stand by Connection

Entrance of the 16 Seamless Pipe For Natural Gas
building Rizing above the ground

PE 4" pipe under ground

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