UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
Social Group
- Is a collection of individuals who have relations with one another that make them
interdependent to some significant degree.
- A mere collection of people within a particular place and time and do not necessarily
influence our social actions
- It is what enables its members to pursue shared goals or promote common values and
Primary Groups
- Is a small, intimate, and less specialized group whose members engage in face to face
and emotion – based interactions over an extended period of time
a. Family
b. Close Friends
c. Related peers
d. Classmates
e. Church Groups
Secondary Groups
- Are larger, less intimate and more specialized groups where members engage in an
impersonal and objective – oriented relationship for a limited time
a. Employee treat their colleagues
b. Lawyers to clients
c. Teachers to Students
In-Group - Is a group to which one belongs and which one feels a sense of identity
a. Family
b. Barkada
Out-Group – is a group to which one does not belong and to which he or she may feel a sense of
competitiveness or hostility
a. Rival Basketball Team
Reference Groups- is a group to which an individual compares himself or herself. This group
strongly influence an individual’s behavior and attitudes
Networks - Refers to the structure of relationships between social actors or groups. These are
interconnections, ties and linkages between people, their groups and the larger social
institutions to which they all belong.
Social Institutions - These are interconnections, ties and linkages between people, their groups
and the larger social institutions to which they all belong.
Elements of Social Institutions
1. Institutional Approach – tells us that social institutions are ordered sets of rules,
norms, beliefs, or values that organize human behavior.
2. Relational Approach – Focus on social relations rather than rules, norms, beliefs,
or values.