Aircraft Performance Monitoring
Aircraft Performance Monitoring
Aircraft Performance Monitoring
Flight Data Monitoring expect. Comparing your performance with the POH
will enable you to develop accurate performance
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) has been around predictions and reasonable performance
since before the jet age and commercial airplanes expectations.
make extensive use of the technology. Systems
comprised of sensors, computer hardware, and Many data monitoring operations involve no
software acquire and archive flight data for use in automation at all. Basic instrumentation such as
trend analysis and investigations of accidents and airspeed indicators, attitude indicators, angle of
incidents. While it’s true that most general aviation attack indicators, manifold pressure, RPM, and G
(GA) aircraft don’t have dedicated automatic flight indicators give immediate feedback as to whether
data recording devices now, we will be able to enjoy design limitations have or are about to be exceeded.
the benefits of equipage in the future. In the Pilots can track engine power, fuel flow, oil
meantime, it’s often surprising to see what we temperature and pressure. Panel mounted GPS
already have. systems and
many hand
Tools You Can Use Now held units
are already
Changes in aircraft performance can be a sign of capable of
developing mechanical issues. Your Pilots Operating
Handbook (POH) will help you to predict your
aircraft’s performance, but only by monitoring your
personal performance can you know what to speed, and
Some engine
monitors have recording capability and many aircraft
owners participate in oil analysis programs — a tool
for gauging engine health and heading off expensive
or, in some cases, disastrous problems.
Continued on Next Page
Image from NGAFID that allows users to view flight data. • National General Aviation Flight
Information Database and
The NGAFID allows GA pilots to analyze and share GAARD™ App
their flight data in two ways. First, operators
equipped with avionics capable of recording flight
data can upload flight and engine data anonymously • FAA Safety Briefing Sep/Oct
2020, “The Missing Link
Contributing to the Future by
Examining Your Past,” p. 13