Hydrogen For Power Gen Gea34805
Hydrogen For Power Gen Gea34805
Hydrogen For Power Gen Gea34805
power generation
Experience, requirements, and
implications for use in gas turbines
In order to combat man-made climate change, there is
a global need for decarbonization,* and all sectors that
produce carbon dioxide (CO2) must play a role.
In 2019, global CO2 emissions from fossil Based on our extensive analysis
fuels amounted to 33 gigatons, with 41 Energy Trilemma and experience across the breadth
percent of that coming from the power
ELECTRICITY GENERATION, of the global power industry, GE
generation sector, and the remainder from
the transportation and industrial sectors. DELIVERY & CONSUMPTION believes that the accelerated
There is a lot of work to be done and time and strategic deployment of
is against us. According to the IPCC’s 2018 renewables and gas power
special report “Global Warming of 1.5 °C,”
we had 580 gigatons of CO2 in our remaining can change the near-term
carbon budget if the globe were to have a trajectory for climate change,
50–50 chance of keeping global warming to enabling substantive reductions
1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels. Bring AFFORDABLE
in emissions quickly, while in
that forward from 2018 to 2020, and if we
continue on our current path of emissions, we parallel continuing to advance the
have only 15 years left before the budget runs technologies for near zero-carbon
out. The good news is that there are solutions power generation.
available today to enable the power sector’s RELIABLE SUSTAINABLE
rapid reduction in carbon intensity and allow *Decarbonization in this paper is intended to mean the reduction
of carbon emissions on a kilogram per megawatt hour basis.
the world to buy more time.
F I G U R E 1 : The energy trilemma
The power sector’s journey to is the challenge of providing affordable,
lower carbon, often referred reliable and sustainable energy.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
500 100%
Carbon emission intensity (g/kWh)
450 90%
Carbon Reduction in
400 80%
intensity CO2 emissions
% Reduction in CO2
350 70%
300 60%
250 50%
EIB CO2 emission intensity standard
200 40%
150 30%
100 20%
50 10%
0 0%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Hydrogen (volume %)
hydrogen concentrations from 30% (by applications with the MNQC combustor
volume) up to 85% (by volume). or single nozzle combustor.*
NEXT GENERATION HIGH H2 During this program, multiple pre-mixing DLN 2.6e combustion system was evaluated.
COMBUSTION SYSTEM configurations were tested at GE’s Global Results of preliminary testing indicated that
Research Center in a single nozzle test facility this combustion system has entitlement to
As part of the US Department of Energy’s as well as at GE’s Gas Turbine Technology Lab operate on fuels containing up to 50% (by
Advanced IGCC/Hydrogen Gas Turbine in Greenville, South Carolina. (Information volume) hydrogen.
program which ran from 2005–2015, GE on the Greenville combustion facility is
developed a low NOx hydrogen combustion available in Reference15). Figure 10B shows a This combustion technology is now available
system.* This new combustion system was combustor chamber with multi-tube mixers on GE’s 9HA.01, 9HA.02, and 7HA.03 gas
based on the operating principle of small- operating on a H2/N2 fuel blend. turbines. The first turbine configured with
scale jet-in-crossflow mixing of the fuel this combustion system is a 9HA.02 that
and air streams. 14 The miniaturized tubes Due to the advanced premixing capability entered commercial operation in early 2021.
(see Figure 10A) function as “fast” mixers of this technology, it became an element of
*This effort was sponsored by the US Department of Energy under
enabling premixed combustion for gaseous GE’s DLN 2.6e combustion system.16 Based Cooperative Agreement DE-FC26-05NT42564.
fuels with higher reactivity (ethane, propane, on interest in low-carbon power for future
hydrogen, etc.) power plants, the hydrogen capability of the
1x7F 1x7F 1x6B IGCC 2x6F 2x6F Syngas 1xGE10 High H2 2x7F Syngas Coal 2x9E Refinery 1x7HA
IGCC (USA) IGCC (USA) (Europe) Refinery (USA) Refinery (Asia) (Europe) IGCC (USA) (India) H2 blend (US)*
1x7E 1x6B Refinery 1x6B Refinery 1xGT13E2 3x9E Refinery 2xGT11N2 Steel 2xLM2500 Steel 1x7F Syngas 2x9HA
IGCC (USA) (Europe) (S. Korea) Refinery (Europe) Mill (Brazil) Mill (China) IGCC (Korea) H2 blend
(Europe) (China)**
Using fuels with higher flame speeds Typically, combustion systems are configured Operating on a fuel with increased levels
increases the risk that the flame could to operate on a set of fuels that have a of hydrogen could also impact combustion
propagate upstream into the premixer. If defined range of flame speeds. Due to the system operability, including combustion
the flame enters the premixer, is not able significant difference in the flame speeds of dynamics (also known as combustion
to stabilize, and then is pushed back into methane and hydrogen, combustion systems acoustics). Therefore, there could be
the main combustion zone, this is known configured for operating on methane (or changes in gas turbine controls, start-up
as flashback. Flame holding occurs when natural gas) may not be suitable for operating and shutdown sequences.
the flame is able to anchor itself and stays on a high hydrogen fuel. Therefore, there
within the premixer. Both situations can lead are defined ranges for hydrogen on DLN and
to combustion hardware distress and even DLE combustion systems to avoid this issue.
fuel nozzle damage. Figure 18 illustrates an Mitigating this risk may require upgrading
example of damage caused by a flame holding to a combustor specifically configured for
event on a dry low NOx (DLN) fuel nozzle. operation on hydrogen and similar more
reactive fuels.
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DLN Dry low NOx 13
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H2 Hydrogen
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H2O Water 15
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kg Kilogram 16
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kWh Kilowatt hour 17
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lb Pound (mass) 18
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LHV Lower heating value 19
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m³ Cubic meters 20
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MJ Megajoule 21
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MW Megawatt 24
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O2 Oxygen 25
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psi pounds per square inch 26
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SMR Steam methane reforming 28
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© GE, 2022
GEA34805 (03/22)
Note: This paper was updated to reflect GE H2 statistics as of September 2021 – inclusive of both heavy-duty and aero-derivative gas turbines.