Effectiveness of Computer-Based Nursing Documentation in Nursing Care in Hospital - A Literature Review
Effectiveness of Computer-Based Nursing Documentation in Nursing Care in Hospital - A Literature Review
Effectiveness of Computer-Based Nursing Documentation in Nursing Care in Hospital - A Literature Review
2, APRIL-JUNI 2021
Brajakson Siokal
Bagian Keperawatan FKM Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Email: brajaksonsiokal1@gmail.com
Background: Nurse Population in hospitals has a greater proportion than other health workers.
Nearly 60-70% of the total human resources available, occupied by nurses. In fact, 90% of the
health services provided are a form of nursing service. Therefore, nursing service is a form of
professional service that is the biggest indicator in realizing the quality of hospital services. One
of the duties of nurses in providing nursing services in accordance with standards is to document
all nursing care provided. Objective: To review journals about documenting computer-based
nursing care in hospitals for the effectiveness of the preparation of nursing care. Methods:
Quantitative, mixed-methods, and qualitative reviews that aim to evaluate the influence of
computerized nursing documentation (eg, management, computerized decision support systems
and information systems) on nursing care were included. We used the nursing care performance
framework as an extraction grid and analytical tool. This model illustrates how the interplay
between nursing resources and nursing services can produce changes in patient conditions. The
primary outcomes included nurses' practice environment, nursing processes, professional
satisfaction, and nursing-sensitive outcomes. The secondary outcomes included satisfaction or
dissatisfaction with computerized nursing documentation according to nurses 'and patients'
perspectives. Reviews published in English, French, or Spanish from January 1, 2000 to
December 15, 2019, were considered. Results: A total of 5515 titles or abstracts were assessed
for eligibility and full-text papers of 72 articles were retrieved for detailed evaluation. It was
found that 22 reviews published between 2002 and 2015 met the eligibility criteria. Many nursing
care themes (ie, indicators) were influenced by the use of computerized nursing documentation,
including time management; time spent on patient care; documentation time; information quality
and access; quality of documentation; knowledge updating and utilization; nurse autonomy; intra
and interprofessional collaboration; nurses' competencies and skills; nurse-patient relationship;
assessment, care planning, and evaluation; teaching of patients and families; communication and
care coordination; perspectives of the quality of care provided; nurses and patients satisfaction or
dissatisfaction with computerized nursing documentation; patient comfort and quality of life
related to care; empowerment; and functional status.
Keywords: Nursing Documentation, Computerized Nursing Documentation, Effectiveness of
Nursing Care Documentation
documentation using a computer is outcomes, an organizational model was
expected to help improve quality nursing used. The nursing care performance
documentation (3). The world of nursing framework represents a synthesis of the
in Indonesia continues to grow, along most recent developments in the field
with the increasing strata of nursing and is part of leading initiatives aiming
education in Indonesia, in addition to to conceptualize nursing care
very fast access to information performance . Conceptualization of
throughout the world (18). It has an effect nursing care performance is based on a
on significant progress in nursing, system perspective that builds on system
including in the documentation of the theory, Donabedian’s earlier works on
nursing process. From the previous health care organization, and Parsons’
manual, shifted towards computerization theory of social action. 1) This model,
. Even in its development, computers illustrated is composed of 14 dimensions
not only help in the documentation of and 51 indicators and shows how the
the nursing process, but their use reaches interplay of three nursing subsystems
the interests of hospital management, (resources, processes or services, and
where treatment activities can be patients’ outcomes) can operate to
monitored in a hospital database (5). achieve three key functions: acquiring,
Thus, the use of nursing care deploying, and maintaining nursing
information systems for the resources; 2) transforming nursing
implementation of nursing care is an resources into nursing services; and 3)
innovative method of documentation that producing changes in patients’
is able to provide time efficiency and conditions in response to the nursing
improve the quality of nursing care services provided (“nursing-sensitive
documentation (2).
The first function refers to the human
and material resources needed to provide
effective nursing care, such as nursing
We conducted an overview of systematic
staff supply, working conditions, staff
reviews to systematically summarize the
maintenance, and economic
evidence that comes from qualitative,
sustainability. The second function
quantitative, and mixed-method
encompasses nurses’ practice
systematic reviews regarding the effects
environments (eg, nurse autonomy;
of computerized nursing documentation
collaboration), nursing processes (eg,
on nursing care.
assessment, care planning, and
evaluation; problems and symptom
Nursing Care Performance Framework
management), nurses’ professional
satisfaction, and patient experience. The
In order to illustrate how computerized
desirable end result of the interactions
nursing documentation interventions
between nursing staff and nursing
influence nursing care and impact health
processes is to improve patients’ evaluate the influence of computerized
conditions. The third function is then nursing documentation used by nurses
described as the positive changes that on nursing care were eligible. The
can be detected among patients (also inclusion of reviews using multiple
called “nursing-sensitive outcomes”). methodological approaches is justified
by the possibility of broadening the
Methods understanding of the impact of
Overview and Eligibility Criteria computerized nursing documentation on
nursing care. The interventions targeted
Quantitative, mixed-methods, and were the use of computerized nursing
qualitative reviews that aim to evaluate documentation by Mair et al: (1)
the influence of computerized nursing management systems; (2)
documentation (eg, management, communication systems; (3) CDSSs; and
computerized decision support systems (4) information systems. The following
and information systems) on nursing ICTs were excluded: (1) nurse
care were included. We used the nursing management systems, which are purely
care performance framework as an administrative and designed for the
extraction grid and analytical tool. This management of human resources and
model illustrates how the interplay working conditions (eg, scheduling) and
between nursing resources and nursing nursing staff maintenance (such as
services can produce changes in patient retention); (2) educational systems,for
conditions. The primary outcomes example, e-learning initiatives used for
included nurses' practice environment, the training of nursing students, unless
nursing processes, professional they are applied to direct patient care;
satisfaction, and nursing-sensitive and (3) telephone systems, because
outcomes. The secondary outcomes according to most definitions of ICTs,
included satisfaction or dissatisfaction they are not digital technologies and
with computerized nursing cannot support the electronic capture,
documentation according to nurses 'and storage, processing, and exchange of
patients' perspectives. Reviews information. Further details of the
published in English, French, or Spanish inclusion criteria for the selection of
from January 1, 2000 to December 15, systematic reviews are described in:
2019, were considered.
Criteria Description of inclusion criteria
(eg, a software program).
Search Strategy
A medical librarian developed and 2014); PubMed (until December 8,
conducted the search strategies, drawing 2014); Embase (until January 7, 2015);
on other reviews of similar topics and Web of Science (until January 9, 2015);
using well-established search filters and Cumulative Index to Nursing and
where appropriate. We searched Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
publications in English, French, or (until December 14, 2019). The
Spanish in the following electronic preferred reporting items for systematic
databases from January 1, 2000: reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA)
Cochrane Database of Systematic study flow diagram. ICT: information
Reviews (until January 15, 2015); and communication technology
Epistemonikos (until December 25,
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achievement of nursing performance can 3. Bennett, P., & Hardiker, N. R. (2017).
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Medical Informatics Association, 24(3),
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