Geojit On Power Mech
Geojit On Power Mech
Geojit On Power Mech
Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL). The management counts on the FGD project
Consolidated (cr) FY22A FY23E FY24E
to contribute to the top line by Q4FY23 and a total of Rs.400cr to be added to
the year from the project. The MDO order from Coal India is anticipated to Sales 2,710 3,766 5,378
begin from Q4FY24. The company has currently received Rs.774cr worth or- Growth (%) 43.9 38.9 42.8
EBITDA 286 428 628
ders this quarter and has a projection of adding Rs.300cr worth of orders
EBITDA Margin (%) 10.6 11.4 11.7
over the coming quarters. Strong order inflow is expected in erection, O&M PAT Adj. 138 234 384
and civil segments. Furthermore, the company is taking efforts to improve Growth (%) - 69.2 0.1
the Electrical business segment. The current order book stands at Adj.EPS 94 159 261
Rs.24,076cr (including MDO order of Rs.9,294cr). Growth (%) - 69.2 63.8
Margins to improve P/E 21.3 12.6 7.7
P/B 2.8 2.3 1.8
The EBITDA margin was 11.2%, up 51 bps YoY, and the PAT was Rs. 43 crore,
EV/EBITDA 10.7 7.1 4.9
up 58% YoY. Given the expectation of improved execution in the coming ROE (%) 14.2 20.2 26.2
quarters, the company expects the margins to improve further. We upgrade D/E 0.7 0.4 0.3
our margin estimates to 11.4%/11.7% in FY23/FY24.
Valuation and Outlook
With a robust order pipeline, strong execution across most of the verticals,
and efforts to enhance the Electrical business segment, we anticipate that the
company’s margin to improve. Therefore, we remain optimistic on the stock
and value Power Mech Projects Ltd. (POWM) at a P/E of 10x FY24E and reit-
erate our Buy rating with a revised target price to Rs. 2,609.
Quarterly Financials (Consolidated)
Change in Estimates
Consolidated Financials
27th December 2018
Nov-19 May-20 Nov-20 May-21 Nov-21 May-22 Nov-22
Buy: Acquire at Current Market Price (CMP), with the target mentioned in the research note.
Accumulate: Partial buying or to accumulate as CMP dips in the future.
Hold: Hold the stock with the expected target mentioned in the note.
Reduce: Reduce your exposure to the stock due to limited upside.
Sell: Exit from the stock.
Not rated/Neutral : The analyst has no investment opinion on the stock.
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27th December 2018
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Date: 2022.11.28 11:03:43
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