File No. AI 22
File No. AI 22
File No. AI 22
AI 22-_____________
Respondent William Patrick Bazan, before the Court of Appeal, as soon as the
motion can be heard, by way of appeal from the final order of the
Honourable Ms. Justice Keyser of the Court of Queen's Bench, Winnipeg Centre,
pronounced on the 21st day of January 2022 and filed on the 27th day of January
2. Dismissed the Notice of Motion filed November 30, 2021, by the Appellant,
3. Ordered that the Registrar of the Land Titles District of Winnipeg shall
4. Ordered that the Appellant, shall, on or before January 28, 2022 deliver to the
applicant vacant possession of the lands and premises commonly known as 5820
5. Ordered that a writ of possession issue for the property in favour of Monica
6. Ordered that the Appellant pay costs to the applicant in the amount of $4,951.00
On the appeal, this Court will be asked to set aside the said Order of the
Honourable Ms. Justice Keyser and direct, together with granting costs to the
Bench, and that such hearing be held in the normal course of proceedings (and not
3. The Learned Application Judge made findings not supported by, and
In Particular:
1. The Learned Application Judge erred in not making an Interim Order, other than
a Final Order, which would have achieved the same objectives but with allowing
2. The Learned Application Judge erred when not giving the Appellant any
opportunity to cross examine on the affidavit materials and exhibits filed by the
4. The Learned Application Judge erred in not staying the Applicant’s application.
5. The Learned Application Judge erred in signing a bill of costs submitted by the
Guardian and Trustee of Manitoba has already been awarded costs on this matter
6. The Learned Application Judge erred in discharging the caveat filed by the
Appellant and ordering that I leave the property without consideration that the
Applicant had provided direct and implied consent to the lease agreement;
7. The Learned Application Judge erred in considering that Patricia Bazan could
have filed a Deed of Trust, as she did in Arizona, as Manitoba has different laws as
8. The Learned Application Judge did not give weight or failed to consider that no
9. Such other grounds as the Appellant may advise and this Honourable Court may
A transcript of the evidence with respect to the Order appealed from has been
Has a court order or legislation imposed a publication ban in relation to the trial or
Has access to the court file been restricted by court order or legislation? NO
William Patrick Bazan
(Rule 112)
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Manitoba Court of Appeal
Room 205 Law Courts Building
408 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0P9