Sika & Tricosal Waterstops
Sika & Tricosal Waterstops
Sika & Tricosal Waterstops
• Injection technology 10 – 13
SikaFuko® VT injection hose
SikaFuko® Eco 1 injection hose
Injection materials
• Sika® Waterbars 18 – 39
Sika® Waterbars – Overview 20 – 23
Calculation diagram acc. to DIN 18195 24 – 25
PCV Waterbars 26 – 27
Tricomer® Waterbars 28 – 29
Elastomer Waterbars 30 – 31
Special Waterbars in hydraulic structures 32
Special Waterbars in bridge structures 33
Special Waterbars in tunnel construction 33
• Sika® Waterbars for flanging constructions 34 – 39
Connections from new to existing structures
Waterproofing of existing joints
• Waterbar specification 54 – 55
• Waterbar handling guidelines 56
• Waterbar installation guidelines 57 – 59
• Sika Waterproofing Products 60
Additional information
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Sika® Tricoflex® bonded
sealing system
Easy joint sealing and detailing solutions
4 5
Sika® Tricoflex® bonded sealing system
Easy sealing and detailing solutions
Advantages of the Sika® Tricoflex® system
Sika® Tricoflex® TPE Total Membrane Roll Adhesive
• Ideal solution for watertight sealing between pre-cast sealing strips membrane thickness length requirement
elements, double wall joints, light wells and joints sepa- width [kg/m]*
rate structures, transitions between different materials For Expansion joints
e.g. reinforced concrete to concrete blocks, plus for many
Tricoflex® 200/2 200 2 20 2,0
types of joint and crack repairs etc. Tricoflex® 250/2 250 2 20 2,4
• The specially developed, solvent-free, epoxy resin based, Tricoflex® 300/2 300 2 20 2,8
system adhesive is also suitable for use on damp substrates. For Construction joints
• The system adhesive has excellent bond to concrete, steel, Tricoflex® 150/1 150 1 20 1,6
brick, wood, various plastics and most other commonly • 1. Mixing the Sika® Tricoflex® FU 60 system adhesive Tricoflex® 200/1 200 1 20 2,0
Tricoflex® 250/1 250 1 20 2,4
used construction materials.
• A completely homogeneous joint sealing and waterproo- • The Sika® Tricoflex® TPE membrane is available in widths from 100 mm to 2000 mm on request.
fing system using highly flexible, next generation Thermo- * Typical values
plastic Polyolefin Elastomer (TPE) membrane that combines
the best performance characteristics of thermo-plastics
(e.g. PVC) and elastomers (e.g. EPDM), resulting in an Sika® Tricoflex® Total Width of Membrane Profile Number Adhesive
DFT 330/3 sealing profiles width expansion thickness height anchoring ribs require-
elongation at break > 400% For bonding to or casting part ment
in to seal joints in and [kg/m]*
between elements
Installation DFT 330/3 KF
The Sika® Tricoflex® bonded sealing system is extremely easy DFT 330/3 330 104 4 30 6
to use. The substrate must be clean, sound with no loose or fri- DFT 330/3 KF 330 104 4 30 3 3,5
• System adhesive - Sika® Tricoflex® FU 60
• 3. Positioning the membrane strip Ancillary materials and equipment as required
• Sika® Thinner C / Sika® Colma® Cleaner
• Membrane strip welding cord
• Suitable heat welding equipment and accessories
• The complete top surface layer of Sika® Tricoflex® FU 60 adhesive can be omitted and only the
end anchoring parts must be covered
6 7
Sika® Tricoflex® bonded sealing system
Typical applications and uses
Precast basement elements – connection joint waterproofing Connecting a new building to an existing structure
Requirement: Requirement:
Watertight sealing of the base joints, connection joints and service penetrations against water under This new building structure had to be connected at the foundations with a watertight joint to the
hydrostatic pressure adjacent existing structure
Method: Method:
• For the base floor/wall joints • Sika® Tricoflex® DFT 330/3 KF waterstop profiles were prefabricated into DFT 330/3 KI angle
Installation of Tricoflex® 150/1 sealing membrane strips directly on and over the angle sections and bonded with the adhesive in a watertight connection to the existing structure. The free,
• For the vertical wall/wall joints profiled leg of the waterstopping profile was then cast into the new concrete.
Installation of Tricoflex® 130/1 directly on the units over the joints
• Detailing and sealing
- Filling the tie-rod holes with adhesive and over-banding where necessary
- Sealing around pipe penetrations with pre-formed collar strips
Precast concrete bridge elements – connection joint waterproofing Joint repairs inside a secondary clarifier treatment tank
Requirement: Requirement:
The foundations were a reinforced concrete raft and base slab cast insitu. The vertical sides were To replace the deteriorated existing joint sealant, with limited access and angled joint runs, with a
then produced using precast concrete sections and the joints between them had to be made durably system to withstand exposure to aggressive wastewater under hydrostatic pressure and additional
watertight mechanical loading from the treatment process
Method: Method:
• All of the joints between the precast wall sections were easily and simply made watertight with • Installation of Sika® Tricoflex® LFT 240 profiles, which are designed for use against higher water
the Sika® Tricoflex® bonded sealing system pressures and mechanical loading
• The sealed joints were then protected from accidental mechanical damage with a sliding cover
plate (fixed one-side)
Sports stadium terrace deck – wide joint waterproofing Expansion joint waterproofing in a shaft
Requirement: Requirement:
Waterproofing of joints in the stadium terraces with movement capabilities of up to 5 cm, plus com- Post-construction waterproofing of the expansion joints in the difficult access and working condi-
plex joint configurations and difficult runs (e.g. large numbers of edges in different planes) tions with restricted space
Method: Method:
• Installation of the Sika® Tricoflex® membrane strip with a pre-formed central loop into the joints • Prefabrication of Sika® Tricoflex® LFT 330 waterstop profile to suit the structure, then simple
(giving the security of additional movement capability in addition to the 400% elongation at butt welding in the shaft to form a reliable watertight seal
break performance of the membrane)
• Covering of the joints in trafficked areas with a sliding cover plate (fixed one-side only)
Expansion joint waterproofing on an insitu poured concrete structure Waterproofing for typical detailing solutions
Requirement: Requirement:
Very rough concrete surfaces and joints with large movement capabilities of up to 4 cm Secure watertight detailing solutions around pipe penetrations (e.g. for utility pipe entries and ser-
vice ducts etc.), plus around clamped seals in flanged waterstops etc.
• Installation of the Sika® Tricoflex® membrane with a top layer of adhesive only on the bonded Method:
edges of the strip, not in the central expansion area, so the system can easily accommodate the • Easy detailing and sealing with Sika® Tricoflex pipe collars and profile systems
anticipated movement and more
8 9
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Injection technology
Approved injection systems, proven for many years
10 11
Injection technology
Injection hoses and injection materials
Injection technology Injection materials
SikaFuko® VT Ø Hose PUR- EP- Acrylate- Cement - Cement-
Watertight joint and crack sealing by injection is based on Acrylate resins injection hose diameter resin resin* resin* suspension* paste*
approved, tested and well proven technologies. The basis for • Miscible with water, therefore usable for repeat grouting Re-injectable
any successful injection project is to select the right injecti- with suitable injection hoses SikaFuko® VT 1 6 x x –
on material and equipment, then to carry out the injection • Can be used and react at low temperatures (>5oC) SikaFuko® VT 2 10 x x
process professionally. The technical suitability and economic • Can have additional swelling ability for additional security, x For single injection For repeat injection (vacuumable) – Not recommended
advantages of the alternative materials, whether polyuret- e.g. in crack movement
hane, acrylate resins or mineral-based injection products, all • The reaction time is adjustable to suit the specific problem
have to be assessed for each individual project. and project requirements
Injection technology generally works on the principle known
as grouting and is now an indispensable part of both structu- Polyurethane resins
ral repair works and planned structural waterproofing. • Provide excellent edge adhesion on dry, damp and even Packaging:
With the aid of injection packers (ports) and hoses, any voids • Combi-pack – various combined packaging units with all fixing and installation accessories included
wet surfaces • Rolls on disposable reels
and other defects in the concrete can be effectively and
• Suitable for grouting water-bearing cracks in combination
efficiently grouted, filled and sealed with a wide variety of
with waterstopping PU foam
methods and materials.
• Cures to a shrinkage-free, permanently elastic, durable SikaFuko® Eco 1 Ø Tube PUR- EP- Acrylat- Cement - Cement -
injection hose diameter resin resin* resin* suspension* paste*
SikaFuko® VT injection hoses – when secure watertightness Re-injectable
• Suitable for flexible filling and watertight grouting of con-
is required SikaFuko® Eco 1 6 x x –
crete voids, cracks, defects and construction joints through
This unique design with an integral valve system guarantees
injection packers and pre-installed hoses x For single injection For repeat injection (vacuumable) – Not recommended
maximum security. In the concreting process the neoprene
strips seal the future outlets securely and prevent cement
paste entering the hose. In the grouting process these Cement suspensions
neoprene strips are compressed and the injection material • Economic injection materials that are ideal for projects
can escape through the preformed slots along the length of with high volume material demands
the hose. With the right injection material, vacuum pressure • Miscible with water, therefore usable for repeat grouting
cleaning allows grouting to be repeated in the event of future with suitable injection hoses Packaging:
leaks or damage. • Special additive components give improved grout flow and • Combi-pack – various combined packaging units with all fixing and installation accessories included
• Rolls on disposable reels
pressure stability properties
SikaFuko® Eco injection hoses – a cost effective solution
An extremely cost effective standard injection hose system
Accessories for injection hoses
that has been approved and widely used for many years. It is
most suitable for single and repeat grouting with polyuret- • Assembly
• Installation and Fixing
hane resins, cement suspensions and acrylate gels. • Injection Grouting
Acrylate resin/gel
Polyurethane resin/foam
Sika® Tricodur® SI 2 60 x x
Sika® Tricodur® 1 60 x
12 13
x x
SikaSwell® swelling
Active joint waterproofing systems
14 15
SikaSwell® swelling products
Profiles, adhesive sealants and combination systems
SikaSwell® swelling products
SikaSwell Profile Profile Swelling in Fixing method
Swelling products are also known as active waterproofing swelling profiles height width water MK adhesive Clips/
systems because they swell and develop pressure in contact wt.% mesh
with water, which blocks the path and prevents water pene- Acrylate based
tration through the joint. The advantages of these products
SikaSwell® A 2010 10 20 ca. 200 x
are their ease of handling and economy. Swelling products SikaSwell® A 2015 15 20 ca. 200 x
SikaSwell® A 2025 25 20 ca. 200 x
are suitable for sealing construction joints and many types of
detailing, plus for secondary or back-up sealing systems e.g.
in combination with injection hoses and waterbars. • Swelling details are guide values and may vary due to site conditions
• Easy and secure fixing with SikaBond AT-Universal or SikaSwell-S2 adhesive
• Packaging units
• For construction joints, wall penetrations, connections
between different materials Typ 2010, 20 mm x 10 mm, 1 box = 60 m / 6 rolls
Typ 2015, 20 mm x 15 mm, 1 box = 56 m / 8 rolls
• Reliable, reversible swelling capabilities Typ 2025, 20 mm x 25 mm, 1 box = 30 m / 6 rolls
• Outstanding chemical resistance
• Easy and fast installation
• Extremely high long term durability SikaSwell No. of Packaging Swelling in Curing
adhesive sealant components water time
Polyurethane based
SikaSwell® swelling
paste Type E 1 Cartridge ca. 250 24 h
Combination products Combinations of injection Secure construction joints
Combination construction Sika swelling plug 23 Fibre cement ducts
(see page 52) hoses / waterbars and and shrinkage / crack indu-
joint waterstops (KAB) SikaSwell® 23 Plastic pipes
swelling materials cing joint systems swelling plug KS
16 17
x x
Sika® Waterbars
System solutions for watertight sealing of
expansion and construction joints
18 19
Sika® Waterbars Sika® Waterbars
System solutions for watertight sealing of expansion and Material descriptions and approvals
construction joints
PVC-P Elastomer
– plasticized polyvinyl chloride for Sika PVC-p waterbars For Sika® Elastomer waterbars
Joint waterproofing has been successfully achieved in water- Sika PVC-P Waterbars are manufactured to Sika’s own in- The advantages of this material are its suitability for the Elastomers are open-pored, cross-linked polymers which
tight concrete structures by using engineered waterbars as house standards and also meet the form and material requi- waterstopping system in many applications; it can be easily become an elastic material by the process of vulcanization.
waterstops for very many years. In fact these waterbars are rements of the DIBt (German institute for Civil Engineering) heat welded and is relatively low cost. Its tensile strength is Therefore these profiles must also be joined together by
now often widely known as ‘waterstops’ in many places. Since with an abP Certificate for use in construction projects. 8 MPa minimum and its elongation at break is 275% min. The vulcanizing. Elastomers are extremely ductile (elongation at
the early 1950’s building basements and civil engineering products are “Not compatible with bitumen” (PVC/NB). They break ≥ 380%) with outstanding elastic recovery. For this
structures have used such waterstops for secure waterproo- The planning and design, joint formation, handling and have proved effective over many decades. The waterstops reason elastomer waterstops are mainly used for larger joints
fing systems for structural joints exposed to high stress. installation of regulated Tricomer and Elastomer waterbars are thoroughly tested and have an individual DIBt Approval and joints with larger movement requirements such as with
are governed by DIN 18197: Sealing of joints in concrete with Certificate (abP). frequent load changes, low temperatures and/or high water
Today these waterbars are available based on different ma- waterbars. The National Technical Approval for Sika PVC-P • Approval/Compliance: pressures.
terials and in a wide variety of profiles and cross-sections for waterbars also relates to this application standard as regards abP Approval Certificate • Approval/Compliance:
the equal diversity of watertight sealing and waterstopping the products manufacture, design and use, including modifi- Meets Standards DIN 7865 and DIN 18197
functions that are required. In different types of structure cations. German standards and guidelines also exist and apply
there are different types of exposure and stress, with special to specific engineered joint waterproofing applications e.g. for PVC-P + Q Thermoplastic polyolefin (FPO) for Sika® Eco waterbars
waterbars also produced for specific exposure requirements, use in bridges, tunnels, locks and dams. – PVC-P waterbars with a swelling section for Sika® combi- This FPO material is fully tested in accordance with German
such as extremely high water pressures or where the water- nation (KAB) waterbars DVGW criteria in worksheet W 270 and the German KTW
stopping system itself must also be in contact with aggressi- Waterstop solutions produced with all of the above types of The material used for KAB construction joint waterbars is a recommendations and is approved as meeting all of the requi-
ve substances. waterbar now represent the most proven system solutions special PVC-P with high Shore hardness, which gives it very rements for plastics to be used in contact with drinking water
for the waterproofing of expansion and construction joints in good positional stability that is combined with high elongati- (potable) or foodstuffs.
In Germany such waterstop systems are divided into DIN- watertight concrete structures. These solutions also have the on capability. This FPO material also has outstanding physical properties,
regulated and unregulated types. Since 1982 Elastomer longest track record and are covered by detailed instructions These waterbars are completed by integrated swelling sec- including ≥ 350% elongation at break and ≥ 10 MPa tensile
waterbars have been covered by DIN standard 7865, part 1: for their manufacture, design and installation to established tions to give dual-action waterproofing functions with a very strength, plus the waterbars can be jointed by heat welding.
Shapes and dimensions, and part 2: Material requirements standards and guidelines. The use of these prefabricated high sealing effect. This means the material is very suitable for the manufacture
and testing. A new edition of the standard came into force waterstop systems with factory welded joints that minimize • Approval/Compliance: of waterbars. The light blue colour of this waterbar product
in February 2008. Tricomer and PVC-P/NBR waterbars are the need for site joints, also gives the highest level of water- abP – Approval Certificate range easily distinguishes it from all other materials.
covered by DIN 18541, part 1: Concepts, shapes, dimensions, tight joint security and reliability. WU Guidelines for Watertight Structures (DafStb) • Approval/Compliance:
marking, and part 2: Material requirements, testing and ins- Drinking water approval in accordance with KTW and
pection, first edition 1992 and new edition 2006. PVC/NBR DVGW worksheet W 270
– PVC-P/NBR polymer, bitumen resistant, for Sika® Trico-
mer® waterbars PE – Polyethylene
This special polymer was developed in our own laboratories For Sika® Westec® waterbars
and consists of very high quality base materials which exceed This range is approved for use as joint waterstopping mate-
the requirements of the standards in many aspects. Tricomer® rials in structures and areas designed for the storage, filling
has permanent elasticity similar to elastomer, plus outstan- and handling of substances hazardous to water (LAU in Ger-
ding chemical and ageing resistance. Its elongation at break many); plus installations for the production, processing and
is over 350% and its tensile strength min. 10 MPa. Tricomer® use of water-pollutant substances (HBV in Germany). This is
waterbars are also produced in a “Bitumen compatible” (BV) due to its very high chemical resistance and in particular, the
quality. They can be heat welded and are well proven. material is resistant to many hydrocarbons (e.g. fuels and sol-
• Approval/Compliance: vents). Its elongation at break is approx. 900% and its tensile
Meets Standards DIN 18541 and DIN 18197, plus abP strength approx. 28 MPa. The waterbars made from it are
Certified for clamped flanged seals comparatively hard and therefore their handling and installa-
tion varies considerably from the usual waterstop standards.
• Approval/Compliance:
Approval ETA-04/0044 in accordance with German Water
Management Act (WHG) for use in LAU facilities (storage,
filling and handling of substances hazardous to water)
Special polymer
For Sika SP waterbars
This material is also approved for use in LAU and HBV facili-
ties, due to its high chemical resistance; however it is a more
flexible material that can therefore accommodate larger mo-
vement. These have an elongation at break of approx. 360%
and a tensile strength of approx. 12.6 N/mm2.
• Approval/Compliance:
WHG approval abZ Z-74-5-98
20 21
Sika® Waterbars Sika® Waterbars
Profiles, shapes and materials Design specifications according to DIN 18197
General information DIN 18197 covers the planning principles, installation, jointing and design of the waterbars,
Material Expansion joint waterbars Construction joint waterbars Capping joint waterbars allowing for all the principles defined in that DIN.
External Embedment
depth t
Waterbar width a
(DIN 18541) Component thickness Component thickness
22 23
Sika® Waterbars Tricomer® acc. to DIN 18541 Sika® Waterbars Elastomer acc. to DIN 7865
Calculation diagram acc. to DIN 18195 Calculation diagram acc. to DIN 18195
For higher water pressure > 14 m head, e.g. for use in dams, references and experience with
D waterbars with an even more robust design are available.
Internal expansion joint waterbars Internal expansion joint waterbars
External expansion joint waterbars External expansion joint waterbars
DA 500/35
Water pressure [m head]
DA 320/25
DA 240/25
FA 130/30/35
mm waterstops FM 250 250 F 200
FM 300 300 F 200
D 240 ≥ 250 A 240 FM 350 350 F 250
AA D 320
D 500
D 250/6~/9
≥ 300
≥ 500
≥ 250
A 320
A 500
A 240
Internal construction joint waterbars
with lateral steel plates
FM 400
FM 500
F 250
F 300
External construction joint waterbars FMS 350 350 FS 310
D 320/6~/9 ≥ 300 A 320 FMS 400 400 FS 310
DA 240
DA 320
AA 240
AA 320
A FMS 500
AM 250
FS 310
A 250
DA 500 * AA 500 External construction joint waterbars AM 350 * A 350
AM 500 * A 500
* Free choice * frei wählbar
24 25
Sika® Waterbars PVC-P for expansion joints Sika® Waterbars PVC-P for construction joints
Acc. to Sika in-house standards with abP Approval Acc. to Sika in-house standards with abP Approval
Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of
In-house standards width expansion expansion sealing anchoring In-house standards width expansion expansion sealing anchoring
part part part ribs part part part rib
a b c s f a b c s f
Reinforced expansion joint waterbars with fixing loop Reinforced construction joint waterbars
ISA/F 19 187 72 4 58 12
ISA/F 24 237 88 4 75 12
ISA/F 32 316 106 4 105 14
Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness Profile Number Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness Profile Number
In-house standard width expansion height anchoring ribs In-house standards width expansion height anchoring ribs
part part
a b c f N a b c f N
DF 24 240 90 4 20 4 AF 24 240 90 4 20 4
DF 32 330 104 4 20 6 AF 32 330 104 4 20 6
DF 50 500 124 4 20 8
Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness Profile Number Sika® PVC-P Total Width of Thickness Profile Number
In-house standard width expansion height anchoring ribs In-house standards width expansion height anchoring ribs
part part
a1/a2 b1/b2 c f N a1/a2 b1/b2 c f N
A = Anchoring ribs external, W = Anchoring ribs either way A = Anchoring ribs external, W = Anchoring ribs either way
Sika® PVC-P Total Loop height Exposed Joint Profile Number Installation aids Joint Exposed Chamfer Width of Length
In-house standard width width width height anchoring ribs For capping joint width width height trapezoidal
a l b k f N waterbars strip
k b e g
FF 5/3 50 35 30 20 25 2
FF 10/3 95 35 30 20 25 4 TFL 20 10 20 15 50 1000
TFL 30 20 30 15 60 1000
TFL 40 30 40 15 70 1000
TFL 50 40 50 15 80 1000
• The installation aid is coordinated with the exposed width of the capping joint waterbars.
26 27
Sika® Waterbars Tricomer® for expansion joints Sika® Waterbars Tricomer® for construction joints
Acc. to DIN 18541 Acc. to DIN 18541
Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of
DIN 18541 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring DIN 18541 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring
part part part ribs part part part rib
a b c s f a b c s f
Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Profile Number Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Profile Number
DIN 18541 width expansion height anchoring ribs DIN 18541 width expansion height anchoring ribs
part part
a b c f N a b c f N
Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Profile Number Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Profile Number
DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion height anchoring ribs DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion height anchoring ribs
part part
a1/a2 b1/b2 c f N a1/a2 b1/b2 c f N
DA 240 angle A 130/111 55/36 4,5 20 4 AA 240 edge A 120/120 45/45 4,5 20 4
DA 240 angle W 130/111 55/36 4,5 20 4
AA 320 edge A 165/165 52/52 4,5 20 6
DA 320 angle A 176/156 63/43 4,5 20 6
DA 320 angle W 176/156 63/43 4,5 20 6
A = Anchoring ribs external, W = Anchoring ribs either side A = Anchoring ribs external, W = Anchoring ribs either side
Sika® Tricomer® Total Loop Exposed Joint Profile Number Sika® Tricomer® waterbar welding
DIN 18541 width height width width height anchoring ribs
a l b k f N The welded joint connections in the waterstop are made at angles for T-joints, intersections and
transitions by factory welded joints. On site, only longitudinal connections in the waterstopping
FA 50/20/25 50 35 30 20 25 2 system are made by site welded butt joints. The welding equipment used must enable simulta-
FA 50/20/35 50 35 30 20 35 2 neous heating, melting and jointing to be carried out across the whole area of the connection. The
FA 70/20/45 70 50 30 20 45 2 profile ends must be compressed immediately after heating/melting at an evenly applied jointing
FA 90/20/25 95 35 30 20 25 4 Any joints formed on site must be made only by the waterbar manufacturer’s technical personnel
FA 90/20/35 95 35 30 20 35 4 or by jointing technicians specifically trained by the manufacturer.
FA 130/30/35 ** 140 40 40 30 35 4
FA 130/50/35 ** 140 40 60 50 35 4
FA 130/20/25 140 35 30 20 25 6
FA 130/20/35 140 35 30 20 35 6
28 29
Sika® Waterbars Elastomer for expansion joints Sika® Waterbars Elastomer for construction joints
Acc. to DIN 7865 Acc. to DIN 7865
Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of
DIN 7865 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring DIN 7865 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring
part part part ribs part part part rib
a b c s f a b c s f
Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of
DIN 7865 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring DIN 7865 width expansion expansion sealing anchoring
part part part* ribs part part part rib
a b c s f a b c s f
Expansion joint waterbar with lateral steel plates Construction joint waterbars with lateral steel plates
Expansion joint waterbar with lateral steel plates and central hose sheeting
Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness Profile Number Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness Profile Number
DIN 7865 width expansion height anchoring ribs DIN 7865 width expansion height Anchoring ribs
part part
a b c f N a b c f N
Sika® Elastomer Total Loop Exosed Joint Profile Number Sika® Waterbars Elastomer vulcanization
DIN 7865: Type FAE width height width width height anchoring ribs
DIN 7865 part 2: The only jointing method approved for Sika® Elastomer waterbars is vulcanization. Raw material is
Type FFK a l b k f N added and the joint is formed by the combined action of heat and pressure.
A heated vulcanizing machine with a matrix matching the shape of the waterbar is used.
FAE 50 55 35 30 20 30 2 Any joints formed on site must be made only by the waterbar manufacturer’s technical personnel
FAE 100 105 35 30 20 30 4 or by jointing technicians specifically trained by the manufacturer.
FAE 150 155 35 30 20 30 6
FFK 5/2 55 35 20 10 35 2
FFK 7/3 70 50 30 20 45 2
FFK 7/4 70 50 40 30 45 2
FFK 7/5 70 50 50 40 45 2
FFK 10/3 100 35 30 20 45 4
30 31
Construction Joint Waterstops – External
Special Types
Special Sika® waterbars Sika® Special Waterbars
In hydraulic structures In bridge construction
Special Sika® waterbars in hydraulic structures Sika® Special Waterstops for bridge construction
The joint waterproofing systems in hydraulic structures are generally exposed to high stress due Detailed specifications for the use of waterbars in bridge construction are given in German Civil
to combinations of high water pressure, large movement and in some cases they are also to open Engineering Guidelines ZTV-ING and RIZ-ING, and in German Railways (DB) Guideline 804.6101.
weathering. For Elastomer waterbars in accordance with DIN 7865, external monitoring must be used for quality
For this reason suitably large sized Special Sika Tricomer or Elastomer waterbars are normally control of the joint waterproofing.
used for such complex structures. Specific material types and custom waterstop systems may be The longitudinal joint for bascule bridge superstructures is covered around the abutment by a
required for these demanding applications. These can also require specific testing approvals and clamped flanged seal with a flat profile as shown in drawing FUG 6. For retractable bridge super-
inspection at all stages of their design, production and installation, meaning there can necessarily structures the abutment joint is covered by a clamped elastomer apron.
be a considerable time lag before their final approval for use. Special waterbars are used for joints in bascule superstructures and for waterproofing terminations
under the edge capping.
Typical uses
• Flood barriers
• Connecting joints in sewers
• Locks
• Dams
• Floating tunnel segments
D 260 TS 260 125 9* 20 24 Tricosal® AA 320 edge A Tricomer® 176061 181/165 68/52 4.5 30 6
D 400/11 400 195 11* 20 29 Tricosal® AA 320 edge W Tricomer® 176062 181/165 68/52 4.5 30 6
Sika® Construction joint waterbar, very robust type
A = external anchors
a2 c W = internal/external anchors
A 320/10 320 165 10 -- 26
• Waterproofing of block joints in dams • According to DB AG – DS 804.6101 “Railway bridges and other civil engineering structures”,
• Waterstops of this design with drinking water approval are also available on request figure 1, and the BMV guide ZTV-ING with drawings RIZ-ING
*Thickness in expansion part, measured at the central hose • Waterproofing terminations under the edge capping
Sika® Elastomer Total Width of Thickness of Width of Height of TPOTPO SAP Width Total
Total Width of
of Web Profile Number Web Sealing ribs
width expansion expansion bulb anchoring width thickness
Art. Nr. expansion
width expansion
height thickness
anchoring ribs
part part rib part part Height Number
a b c1/c2 k f a b c f N
a b c f N
Sika® Omega profiles for post-waterproofing of joints Sika® Waterbar WT AF 130/30 130 - 4 30 3
Sika Sika® WTWT
Waterbar AF AF
210/30 110765
210 45 130 4 – 30 4 3 30 3
OKB 16 160 70 8 31 42
OKB 24 240 130 8 96 68 Sika®Sika® Waterbar WT AF 240/30
Waterbar WT AF 210/30
Sika® Waterbar WT AF 310/30
210 4
45 30
4 4
30 3
OKB 30 300 184 8 156 78 Waterbar
Sika®Sika® WTWT
Waterbar AF AF
400/30 176233
400 110 240 4 110 30 4 6 30 4
OKB 35 350 230 9 200 100 Sika®Sika® Waterbar
Waterbar WTWTAF AF 500/30
310/30 500
176234 170 310 4,5 110 30 4 6 30 4
OKB Vario 200 - 1000 Variable 9 Variable Variable Sika® Waterbar WT AF 600/34 Inject* 600 215 4 34 6
Sika Waterbar WT AF 400/30
176236 400 110 4 30 6
Sika® Waterbar WT AF 500/30 406576 500 170 4,5 30 6
Sika® Waterbar WT AF 600/34 Inject* 113624 600 215 4 34 6
• Waterstops
Waterstops in combination
in combination with with membrane
membrane system:
system: thereisisaa full
there full compatibility
compatibilityguaranty through
guaranty through equal
equal material base of waterstop and membrane.
material base of waterstop
* with injection channels and membrane.
* with injection channels
32 33
Sika® Waterbars for
flanging constructions
For connections, transitions and the water-
proofing of existing jointsbestehender Fugen
34 35
Sika® Waterbars for flanging constructions Sika® Waterbars for flanging constructions
For connection joints and post-construction waterproofing of joints Characteristics and types
Sika® Tricomer® flanging profiles Sika® Omega flanging profile
Standards of flanging constructions, • Flanging with Sika® Tricomer® thermoplastic • Flanging with fabric-reinforced Elastomer Omega waterbar
fields of applications waterbar, DIN 18541-2 • Robust cross-sections with high permanent elasticity
acc. to DIN • Certification to abP and elastic recovery
• Flanging profiles with permanent elasticity and • For waterproofing movement joints up to a water pressure
appropriate elastic recovery of 3.0 bar (30 m head) and more with appropriate design;
• For waterproofing movement and construction joints movement capability dependent on profile and location etc.
Sika® Tricomer® Sika® Elastomer Sika® Omega profiles and joints not allowing expansion, up to a maximum • Must only be installed by trained and qualified personnel
- Up to 10 mm movement - Up to 20 mm movement - Up to 50 mm movement water pressure of 0.6 bar (6 m head) and resulting • Typical uses: waterproofing movement joints with
- Up to 6 m head of water - Up to 15 m head of water - Up to 30 m head of water movement vr of 10 mm originally designed and existing Omega fixed flanges,
• Must only be installed by trained and qualified personnel or for joint transitions according to DIN 18195-9
• Typical uses: connections of new structures to existing,
plus waterproofing existing joints Technical support
For waterproofing and joint waterstop specifications with
Waterproofing of Sika® Elastomer flanging profiles high demands or special requirements, please contact us for
Unreinforced • Flanging with Sika® Elastomer waterbar, DIN 7865-2 advice – take advantage and benefit from our 30-year experi-
with nylon fabric
• Robust flanging profiles with high permanent elasticity ence. Sika provides:
Connections of new to old Existing joints and elastic recovery • Design assistance and support
structures (flanged on one leg) (flanged on both legs) • For waterproofing of movement, construction and • CAD documentation
Waterproofing of
connection joints up to a maximum water pressure of • Complete factory-produced waterstop systems
Existing joints 1.5 bar (15 m head) and resulting movement vr of 20 mm
(flanged on both legs) • Must only be installed by trained and qualified personnel
Type of seal • Typical uses: connections of new structures to existing;
Type of seal waterproofing of existing joints; transitions / changes in
the waterproofing / waterstopping system
Loose flanged seal Loose/fixed flange seal Tilt flanged seal
36 37
Sika® Flanging profiles Sika® Flanging profiles
Connections from new to existing structures Waterproofing of existing joints
Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Width of Width of Height of Sika® Tricomer® Total Thickness
DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion sealing bulb anchoring DIN 18541 part 2 width
part part ribs a b
a1/a2 b c s k f
FP 300* 300 5
D 320 K 179/170 95 5 80 22 23
D 350 K TS 220/267 100 11 167 35 28 Sika® Elastomer (Fug 6)
Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Width of Height of Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Width of Height of
DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion bulb anchoring DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion loop loop
part ribs part
a1/a2 b c k f a b c k f
Sika® Elastomer Total Thickness Width of Width of Height of Sika® Tricomer® Total Width of Thickness Width of Height of
DIN 7865 part 2 width sealing bulb anchoring DIN 18541 part 2 width expansion loop loop
part ribs part
a c s k f a b c k f
• Clamping profiles ZW 360, O 380 and OG 380 can be used for loose flange or loose/fixed flange
Sika® Tricomer® Total Thickness Width of Height of Sika® Omega profiles Total Width of Thickness Width of Height of
DIN 18541 part 2 width bulb anchoring rib non fabric reinforced width expansion loop loop
a c k f part
a b c k f
DA 320/35 KF 320 5 20 35
OK 24 240 130 8 96 68
Sika® Elastomer DIN 7865 part 2 OK 30 300 184 8 156 78
* Excluding the central hose • Tilt flanged seal, clamped without piercing the profiles.
38 39
Sika® KAB combination
The dual action system for secure waterproofing
40 41
Sika® KAB combination construction joint waterbars
Waterstops with integrated swelling profiles
Sika® KAB combination construction joint waterbars – the Uses
Sika® PVC-P Total Thickness Min. swelling Swelling of
dual action system for secure waterproofing of construction • Floor/wall construction joints with Sika® KAB 125 KAB waterbars width part embed- membrane insert
and crack induced joints Sika® KAB 125 waterbars have a swelling profile in the base for floor/wall joints ment depth
a c t wt.- %
The three profile types KAB 125, KAB 175 S and KAB 175 SR which is therefore protected from rain on site and it is fixed
are designed specifically to suit their individual applications to the bottom reinforcement with links. There is no need for KAB 125 125 5 25 > 400
and therefore combine ease of use on site with the highest a break in the reinforcement or a concrete kicker, unlike with KAB 150 150 5 25 > 400
Clips Included in the accessories for KAB 125 and KAB 150
levels of watertight protection. traditional waterbars or metal sheet waterstops. The base
Clamping plates KS KS 12 for KAB 125 and KS 15 for KAB 150
These dual action waterbars that incorporate swelling is cast in by approximately 4 cm and the profiled leg is fully
SikaBond Q 300 for connections
profiles therefore work with a combination of two sealing embedded when the wall is concreted.
principles in one product – the labyrinth principle extending
the water path, plus contact pressure sealing. One speci- • Wall/wall construction joints with Sika® KAB 175 S
fic additional advantage is that comparable waterproofing Sika® KAB 175 S waterbars have a swelling profile on both legs
• Sika® KAB accessories:
effects can be achieved with much narrower profiles. and are installed centrally in the face formwork of the wall. 25 m KAB waterstop with 50 clips in the box (clip spacing approx. 50 cm)
The KAB waterbars have a rigid inner core and integrated The high stability of the profile makes secure positional fixing
eyelets for fixing, making them easy and secure to install very easy and in general the free profile leg does not need to
and giving them high stability for wall joint waterproofing. be fixed again after striking the first section formwork. Sika® PVC-P Total Thickness Installation Swelling
The waterstop jointing method is also by welding, bonding KAB waterbars for width wt.- %
wall/wall joints a c
or clamping options, plus as they are supplied in longer 25 m • Crack induced joints formed in site-placed concrete with
KAB 175 S 175 5 central > 400
rolls, fewer joints are actually required to be made on site. Sika® KAB 175 SR
SikaBond Q 300
Vertical angles can also be formed easily by simply bending Sika® KAB 175 SR waterbars have all the advantages of the
the waterbar and fixing it in position. KAB 175 S type, with an additional integrated clip-on strip
for the crack inducing elements. These are selected to match
the respective wall thickness and are simply clipped on. Sika®
KAB 175 SR waterbars are supplied as ready-cut lengths in
KAB 125, floor/wall construction joint standard building storey heights. They are fastened with
special mounting brackets or fixed to the wall reinforcement • With fixing eyelets
• With swelling membrane strips on both legs
with tie wire. • Moisture protection packaging
• More rigid inner core for stability
KAB 175 S, wall/wall construction joint • Crack induced joints in triple wall structures with Sika®
KAB 175 SR
Sika® PVC-P Total Thickness Installation Swelling
The Sika® KAB 175 SR waterbars are installed in a similar way KAB waterbars for width wt.- %
to the site-placed concrete method above. However, a very crack inducing joints a c
KAB 175 SR, crack induced joint
useful alternative option is to install the fixing cage between KAB 175 SR 175 5 central > 400
the two forms at the precast plant, then the Sika® KAB 175 Crack inducer SE 45 45 mm long
SR only needs to be adjusted and fixed on site. Here again Mounting brackets For KAB 175 SR
the high rigidity of the waterbar has the great advantage of it SikaBond Q 300
being highly stable yet only needs to be fixed on one side.
• Sika® KAB 175 SR has fixing eyelets and swelling membranes like the KAB 175 S – it also has
integral clips to accommodate the crack inducer strips SE 45
• The crack inducer strips can be extended on one side, or on both, dependent on the required
cross-section reduction / weakening.
• The cross-section weakening of a wall should be at least 1/3 of the total wall thickness in order
that the controlled cracking can occur in the intended position
KAB 175 SR, for crack induced joints Internal waterproofing of precast basements with the Sika® KAB range
The Sika® KAB waterproofing system was developed partly for precast concrete basements pro-
KAB 125, for floor/ duced according to the German WU guidelines. The KAB construction joint waterbar (KAB) has
wall joints massive advantages over traditional waterstop systems for this application, because as the water-
bar is combined with an integrated swelling membrane, the profiles can be very narrow, which also
makes them very suitable for use in filigree structures such as triple walls.
Sika® KAB profiles are reinforced and are extremely stable. They provide significant installation and
concreting advantages and can be jointed by welding, bonding or clamping options.
Connection of
KAB 125 to KAB 175 SR
42 43
Sika® Crack inducing tubes SR Sika® Metalsheet FBV
Waterproofing and cross-section weakening for crack Waterproofing by bonding to fresh concrete
induced joints
Bonding to fresh concrete Advantages
This unique technology is based on a coating material which • Weatherproof material
Installation information fully bonds with fresh concrete. For both surface and joint Suitable for use in cold, hot, wet and dry conditions, it is
The crack inducing tube is cut on the underside and pulled waterproofing, this technology provides many options for the robust and ideal for site works
over the FIX or KAB construction joint waterstop. Clearance reliable and cost effective sealing of concrete structures. • Easy to use
from the floor/ceiling concrete approx. 5 cm. No accidental sticking to other surfaces during installation
At the top of the wall the crack inducing tube is fixed to the Uses • Not a dirt trap
formwork with a shear connector (parallel triangular fillets). In joint waterproofing the metal sheets are coated with an Does not absorb dirt when the protective foil is removed
The shrinkage crack then passes through and between the FBV membrane and can be used for waterproofing horizon- • Secure butt joints
triangular fillets on both sides of the concrete walls. tal and vertical construction joints. Its outstanding sealing Secure due to the adhesive strength and joint clips
The bottom of the crack inducing tube must be filled during efficiency has been verified by extensive testing and this is • Lightweight
concreting. Complete filling is essential in some types of also documented in the German abP Approval Certificate. The No heavy materials or high-volume coatings
structure. Sika® Metalsheet FBV system also has genuine installation
ca. 5 cm
Sika® PVC-P Total Diameter Thickness of Height of Sika® Width Thickness Length
with rigid PVC width outer tube anchoring ribs Metalsheet FBV mm mm m
inner tube a d c f with special coating
• SR 6 : For precast section walls and thin site-placed concrete walls * 50 in a stable wooden box
• SR 9: For wall thicknesses from ca. 200 mm to ca. 350 mm ** 15 m rolls in cardboard boxes; 36 boxes on pallet
• SR 18: For wall thicknesses from 350 mm to ca. 600 mm (also available as a set with the fixing clips in the box)
44 45
Sika® compression seals Sika® Maro pipe waterproofing system
UV and weather resistant Pipe collars for joint bridging
Functional description
Sika® Tricomer®*/** Joint Profile Profile Thickness
Grey width width height The Sika® Maro pipe collar is manufactured on the basis of the
K B H C specified outside diameter of the pipe. It is fitted by pressing it
KA 22/21 13-17 20 22 2 over the ends of the pipe and fixing it with the banded clamps.
KA 30/28 20-25 30 30 3 The anchoring ribs are cast in and take over the sealing function
KA 40/40 30-35 40 40 4
on the labyrinth path principle (like external waterstops). The
Sika® Elastomer Black
pipe is therefore effectively broken around the expansion joint
MKN 10 8-13 15 22 6 and this is then bridged and made watertight by the expansion
MKN 15 13-20 25 25 2 4
MKN 20 20-25 31 25 2 part of the waterstop collar.
MKN 25 25-32 37 30 2 Variable movement in adjacent components can be absorbed by
MKN 30 30-38 43 35 3
MKN 40 37-42 52 40 3 the expansion part of the collar.
MKN 50 43-52 62 50 4
MKN 60 50-60 75 60 4
Waterstop pipe collar:
1 Anchoring rib
Sika® Elastomer Joint Profile Profile Thickness 2 Expanding hose
Black width width height
3 Banded clamp
FN 20 15-25 39 38 8
FN 30 25-35 55 40 16 5 Pipe collar
FN 40 35-45 66 43 24 6
* Special types and colours on request Sika® Tricomer® Inside Ø Collar Max. anchoring
** Dependent on requirement: Installation with depth stop or side bonding with Sika MK waterstop up to ...* width ribs height
adhesive or SikaSwell-S2 pipe collars d a f
*** With wide top plate, covers the joint including the chamfers (15 mm each)
Typ 200 299 330 20
**** Multi-cavity base
Typ 300 399 330 20
Typ 400 499 330 35
Typ 500 599 330 35
Typ 600 699 330 35
Typ 700 799 500 35
Typ 800 899 500 35
Typ 900 999 500 35
Typ 1000 1099 500 35
46 47
Prefabricated Standard Junctions Prefabricated Waterbar Systems
For Sika® Waterbars
1 2 3 4 Standard Junctions 0,540 0
3,7 2,7
Elastomer Available Types: 1 – 11
5 6 7 8
Symmetric corner, type 12 – on request 3,7
6, 6
Angle corner, type 13 – on request 3,7
0 0
PE Available Types: 1, 2, 3, 5 130°
0,176 0
6 3,7
9 10 11 12 6,4
1 . flat cross 5 . vertical edge 9. vertical edge 13. angle corner 0
2. flat T 6. vertical cross 10. flat edge external 1,70
3. flat edge 7. vertical cross 11. flat edge internal 3,7
4. vertical T 8. vertical T 12. symmetric corner 6, 6
Composite Junctions 1,0
The types shown (14 – 19) are only a selection of the possible composite types 64°
5 1,00
17 18 19 64°
0 50
48 49
Equipment, Tools and Accessories
For the Welding of Thermoplastic Waterbars
Semi-Automatic Tools
Welding Accessories
Welding foil
Welding strip
Special knife
Special tongue for waterstop clips
Joints between thermoplastic waterbars
are made with a heat welding process.
This process is reversible. The principle of
welding consists of softening the mating
Preparation of overlapping Overlapping joint with hotair Strengthening with welding foil Strengthening with welding strip
blower using hot air gun using welding tip
50 51
Equipment, Tools and Accessories
For the Vulcanizing of Sika® Waterbars Elastomer
Vulcanizing Accessories
Vulcanizing Solvent
Adhesion foil
Strip type 0
Strip type 1
Bonding agent for steel/rubber
connections, including primer
Special knife
Taping Rod
Joints of Sika® waterbars Elastomer (rub-
ber) are made in a vulcanizing process.This
process is irreversible, i.e. it can be carried
out only once and therefore requires care-
Vulcanizing of Sika® Waterbars Elastomer
ful, consistent and complete execution of
all of the working steps.
Standard junctions, e.g. flat cross, vertical
T, flat edges etc. are all prefabricated in
our factory using specialist equipment i.e
autoclaves. Therefore only the butt joints
should be made on site.
Measuring, marking, cutting Grinding of the rubber surface Applying the vulcanizing Plugging of the centre bulb with a
solution to the rubber surface cellular foam plug and inserting a
raw rubber plug
Applying the adhesion strip Jointing the waterstop, tighte- Application of cover strips; pres- Powdering of waterstop and
ning with the fixing Clamps sing home of both cover strips inserting into the vulcanizing
52 53
Waterbar Specification
20 mm
depth t
50 x Stop anchor depth f
r f = 30 mm 1,50 m) z
Bending radius r
Minimum Joint Width
For the joints in service, under their intended deformation, the joint width at a nominal width of
(Example: a = 70 mm r 2,10 m) x Wnom = 20 mm must not be less than 15 mm and at a nominal width of Wnom = 30 mm, not less
Otherwise z than 20 mm. Otherwise a deformation void must be created by forming an encased centre bulb
(e.g. waterbar type Tricosal® FMS 500 HS Elastomer – see Contraction Joint above).
Mitred angled joint (factory made joint)
20 mm
54 55
Waterbar Handling Guidelines Waterbar Installation Guidelines
Storage Installation and Fixing
≥20 mm
≥20 mm
≥20 mm
56 57
Waterbar Installation Guidelines on Site Waterstop Installation Guidelines
During the Waterbar Installation During the Concreting Works
≥20 mm
58 59
Sika® Waterproofing Products – Additional information Notes
Quality, support and service
Quality monitoring Disclaimer
All Sika waterproofing products are produced under ISO moni- All the information in this brochure, and, in particular, the
toring standards during production. suggestions and examples relating to the application and
Our waterbars also undergo regular external monitoring in end-use of the products, are given in good faith based on
accordance with DIN Standard requirements in Germany by our current knowledge and experience of the products when
North Rhine Westphalia Materials Testing Institute (MPA properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions
NRW). in accordance with our recommendations. In practice, the
differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions
Dimensions/tolerances are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of
Sika waterstop products are subject to the dimensional and fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of
tolerance requirements of the relevant German Standards, any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from
e.g. DIN 18541 and DIN 7865. this information, or from any written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered. The user of the product must
Certification test the product’s suitability for the intended application and
Test certificates with the materials physical and chemical purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of
properties can be supplied by agreement. its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be
observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms
Support and service of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most
With Sika’s extensive expertise and experience in the deve- recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
lopment, production and practical installation of waterproo- concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
fing systems and products, Sika personnel are well qualified
to provide advice and assistance to owners and their pro- Technical information and details
fessional design and construction teams on the selection of The drawings and details in this brochure are schematic and
the most suitable waterproofing systems, engineered joint may vary according to the actual installation situation. The
designs and configuration. illustrations of the waterstops themselves are intended as
Sika provides design guidelines and tools, together with graphic representations of the profiles mentioned.
all necessary specifications, technical information, tender
documents and on-site support so that the systems used to Dimensional information
waterproof your project will perform as required and do their The dimensions in the tables are in mm (unless otherwise
job reliably for the long term. stated) and given as a guide.
Subcontract services
Sika Deutschland GmbH is a product manufacturer and does
not provide installation services on site. However, this service
is provided by specialist contractor partners that are speci-
fically trained in each of the systems by Sika. For detailed
information please contact your local Sika Company.
60 61
62 63