Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
Only so long as the sovereign could protect 8. The sovereign has judicial power in all
his subjects were they bound by the social controversies, civil and intellectual
contract 9. The sovereign may make war and peace with
other commonwealths;
GOVERNMENT 10. The sovereign has the powers of reward and
- Stability and peace, NOT individual freedom punishment
11. The sovereign may make all civil
appointments, including that of the militia.
1. Acquisition (force)
Anyone who does not resist the acquisition
and depose the sovereign, must consent to his
A sovereign instituted by force is as much a
part of the social contract as a sovereign
instituted by agreement. Both have the same
function--to protect society and secure
peace--and both have the same rights relative
to their subjects.
2. Institution ((agreement)
how natural man raises himself out of the
state of nature (through establishment of
1661 – Louis XIV begins his personal rule of France
- Opposed absolutism and embodies absolutism in the phrase “I am the
John Locke was born into a middle-class family on 1689 – The English Bill of Rights secures the rights
August 28, 1634, in Somerset, England. of Parliament and elections free from royal
interference and also the Two Treatises of
His father worked as an attorney and in local Government was published
government, and he owned properties that produced
a modest income; fought on the Parliamentarian side PURPOSE OF THE GOVERNMENT
to preserve its citizen’s rights to freedom,
during the English Civil Wars of the 1640s.
life and property, to pursue the public good
Career Path: and to punish people who violated the rights
of others. Lawmaking was therefore the
supreme function of government.
Locke took a position at Christ Church College,
Oxford in 1663 where he focused on the standard
curriculum of logic, metaphysics, and classics.
that they expect the government to regulate
disagreements in a neutral manner.
studied medicine at Oxford. Assistant in
laboratory of chemist Robert Boyle, Robert
He was introduced to Lord Anton Ashley
Cooper (1st Earl of Shaftsbury) and became
his aide and personal physician.
natural rights, where these rights are not 3. FEDERAL - consists of the right to act
subject to any kind of government. -state internationally according to the law of
originated due to a social contract nature
NATURAL RIGHTS OF MAN: LIFE, Countries must follow the dictates of natural
LIBERTY, AND PROPERTY law and punish one another for violations in
NATURAL LAW: PRESERVATION OF order to protect the rights of their citizens
MANKIND; individuals have both right and duty to
preserve their own lives “Revolution is not only a right but an obligation
in some circumstances”
3 Features of State of Nature:
1. Rational, social, and sympathetic people RELIGIOUS TOLERATION
2. State of nature was peaceful 17th century was a struggle of
3. Freedom and equality within the limits of religion( Religious turmoil) -Locke was a
reason protestant -Thought that bible was in
Human nature is inherently selfish, but agreement with human reason -Against
characterized by reason and tolerance enforcing religion and coercing uniformity
3 Shortcomings according to Locke: AGAINST ATHEISM
1. The law of nature was not clearly defined the denial of God’s existence would
2. There was no executive to enforce decisions undermine the social order and lead to chaos
3. There was no judiciary to settle the disputes
between different individuals and groups. ON EDUCATION
Being judge to their own case would be Locke’s epistemological positions in the
against to the natural law. Essay Concerning Human Understanding
lead him to take education to be extremely
STATE OF NATURE IS UNSTABLE (full of fear important for his political philosophy. His
and continuous dangers) attack on innate ideas increases the
Individuals are at risk from physical harm importance of giving children the right sort
(this means that they are unable to pursue of education to help them get the right sorts
any goals requiring stability or cooperation of ideas.
with others how children might be raised in such a way
that they will be the sorts of citizens who
IN SUCH CONDITIONS, GOVERNMENT function well in a liberal society.
government officials need to represent the "Cherish curiosity, gently rub away innocence,
rights of the people. spare the rod, secure attention, provide
humans are born into a state of nature, which recreation, treat children as rational, and explain
involves absolute freedom and equality. the purpose of instruction."
From this state, humans would agree to enter
into a society to secure their rights against
the contingencies of life
Why is he called the father of Liberalism?
GOVERNMENT) Locke so well encapsulated the
1. EXECUTIVE - ultimate authority over Enlightenment mind because he passionately
"how the force for the commonwealth shall pursued all knowledge that could be used to
be employed". enhance human life and happiness. As a
2. LEGISLATIVE - enforcing the law friend of his said, what Locke “chiefly
loved” were “truths that were useful, and
with such fed his mind.”
the state prior to the social contract and the
establishment of government-is thus not a
pre-political state of war. It is a state of self-
government in which people already have
natural rights corresponding to the natural
law provided by God and discoverable by
The reason why people agree to form a
social contract and establish an
institutionalized government is thus not their
inability to rule themselves or to live
together in peace. Locke argues that as the