Technique To Keep in Centric Relation
Technique To Keep in Centric Relation
Technique To Keep in Centric Relation
Review Article
Search strategy
PubMed - (“Centric Relation technique”) (MeSH terms) [Table/Fig-2]: PRISMA flow chart for article selection.
AND/OR (Retruded mandibular position”) (MeSH terms)
Search terms Cochrane Library - “Centric Relation techniques” These nine studies were then methodically checked to avoid any
Google Scholar - “Centric Relation techniques OR
Retruded mandibular position” probability of discrepancies creeping up at a later stage in the review
Data search electronic
MEDLINE (PubMed), Cochrane Library, Google Scholar
database use Once all and any uncertainties and doubts were laid to rest the actual
Time frame January 1998 September 2019. systematic review was undertaken. Eligibility of the relevant articles
Selection inclusion criteria to be included in the systematic review was verified independently
by two authors of this study. Any disagreement was resolved over
Articles in English Language
Studies on clinical methods of retruding the mandible. discussion with the third reviewer. The screening of the titles and
Comparative clinical studies done on healthy abstracts were done to clarify whether or not the articles were fit for
dentulous, partially edentulous, completely edentulous
Inclusion criteria patients. further reading. At the end, a thorough hand search of the selected
Comparative studies on patients with no clinical signs articles was conducted and the articles which were missed out
of TMD’s
Comparative studies on patients with no clinical signs were added. Within each included study, the following items; name
of Orofacial abnormalities of the author/s, publication date, sample size, mandibular guiding
Selection exclusion criteria techniques compared were recorded.
Non English Language articles Risk of bias assessment: Cochrane collaboration tool was used to
Surveys assess the risk of bias for the RCT’s and MINOR index for non RCT’s
Animal studies
In-vitro studies [29,30]. A statistical comparison of results and a meta-analysis was
Ex-vivo studies beyond the scope of this systematic review due to the diversity of
Radiographic studies
Exclusion criteria
Electro-myographical studies the study population, sample size, study settings. The quality and
Orthodontic studies strength of the existing evidence was appraised by both the authors
Centric Relation (CR) studies related to dental implant
CR studies on patients with clinical evidence of TMD’s
through GRADE system [31].
CR studies on patients with clinical evidence of
Orofacial abnormalities RESULTS
[Table/Fig-1]: Systematic search strategy. The selected number of articles which finally fit into the parameters
TMD: Temporomandibular diseases
of the focal question were nine [Table/Fig-3]. which describes the
Further down in the process, 285 articles were excluded based on exhaustive rundown of the selected nine articles [12,14-18,23,27,28].
the exclusion criteria. The PRISMA flow diagram for shortlisting the [Table/Fig-4] shows the risk of bias in the studies using Cochrane
articles have been shown in [Table/Fig-2]. collaboration tool [12,14-18,23,27,28].
2 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jul, Vol-15(7): ZE01-ZE07 Sushma Ramaswamy et al., Techniques to Guide the Mandible to Centric Relation
1. T
here was no statistically
significant difference among Both bimanual
the methods for recording manipulation
lateral displacement. Concluded that technique
• Compared swallowing technique 2. S
wallowing method differed swallowing method and chin point
Total 10 patients aged 25 to
Alvarez MC et with chin point guidance method. significantly from other produced smaller guidance
39 years were recruited for the
al., [23] (2009) • Compared swallowing technique methods for anteroposterior mandibular posterior technique
with Bimanual manipulation (AP) displacement; however, displacements than the place the
there was no difference other methods. mandible
between chin point guidance accurately in
and bimanual manipulation CR position.
in the AP direction.
• Supine position is
better for recording
• CR recorded by
Total number of patients: 26. Both in Group A and B, the
unguided Gothic
Group A (N=16) had maxillary LGTP were distributed 0.2 to 0 Bimanual
arch tracing matches
edentulous ridges and lower mm anterior and 0.02 mm manipulation
• Active (Unguided) Gothic arch the CR recorded by
partially edentulous arches. lateral to the bilateral technique
tracing in upright and supine position bimanual manipulation
Group B (N= 10) had both manipulation. A variation range primarily
Watanabe Y • Light Guide Tapping Position (LGTP) in supine position.
maxillary and mandibular of 0 to 0.6 mm was found in in supine
[27] (1999) in upright and supine position. • Although LGPT in
edentulous arches. both the bilateral manipulation position gave
• Bimanual manipulation in upright upright position
Tracers attached to the lower and LGPT. Approximately 60- better results
and supine position. showed variable
arches had sensors attached 80% of the variation was within than other
results; in supine
to it and the readings were 0.2mm in the anteroposterior techniques.
position it matched
recorded real time in computer. and lateral direction.
closely with that of
bimanual manipulation
and gothic arch
to CR position. Nine articles included for this review were all original
studies, done in a clinical setup, comparing two or more techniques
to guide the mandible to CR position.
The patients recruited in all the studies were healthy individuals,
without any TMJ disorders or deformities in oral and maxillofacial
region. Of the nine selected articles, four articles studied edentulous
patients while the other five articles did examination on dentulous
patients. A total of 222 subjects had participated in these nine
studies, of which 115 patients were entirely edentulous and 16 were
partially edentulous; while remaining 91 were dentulous.
Watanabe Y loaded the horizontal position data on a personal
computer with the help of sensors attached to the gothic arch
tracing. CR position obtained with excursive mandibular movements
and recorded with gothic arch tracing, bimanual manipulation
and chin point guidance in both supine and upright positions.
From this comparison, it was inferred that bimanual manipulation
technique in supine position gave reliable and repeatable results
[27]. Comparable results were obtained in the study done by
Keshvad A and Winstanley R where bimanual manipulation, chin
point guidance with a jig and gothic arch tracing were compared.
Bimanual manipulation was found to be a superior technique when
[Table/Fig-4]: Risk of bias assessment. used along with anterior jig in all three axis, while gothic arch tracing
was the least repeatable [14].
DISCUSSION The anterior deprogrammer is a flat plane occlusal splint with an
The present systematic review was designed to identify published anterior acrylic block designed to disocclude the posterior teeth. It
articles comparing the diverse techniques for guiding the mandible eliminates the patient’s neuromuscular avoidance mechanism and
4 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jul, Vol-15(7): ZE01-ZE07 Sushma Ramaswamy et al., Techniques to Guide the Mandible to Centric Relation
helps him/her to acquire CR position without assistance. The use the tongue to posterior most orientation wax ball and close on the
of the deprogrammer and the action of the elevator muscles allow occlusal rims thus guiding the mandible to CR. The two techniques
seating of the condyles in an anterior-superior position [32]. An were compared based on timings required to record CR accuracy.
anterior programming device helps separation of the posterior teeth It was found that both techniques recorded CR accurately with
immediately prior to CR record fabrication which helps in the patient insignificant difference between the two techniques. Also, the wax
“forgetting” the established protective reflexes. Cotton rolls, plastic ball orientation technique required significantly lesser time than the
leaf gauge, oral small device made of autopolymerising acrylic resin bimanual manipulation technique to record CR [18].
placed between the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth can be Bimanual manipulation technique: Among the nine studies included
used as an anterior deprogramming device [33]. This results in an in this systematic review, 8 studies compared bimanual manipulation
anterior stop that acts as a fulcrum which directs the force provided technique with one or two other techniques. This passive technique
by the elevator muscles to seat the condyles in CR position. This of recording CR was described by Long JH and then modified and
coupled with the Dawson’s bilateral mandibular manipulation popularized by Peter Dawson [36,37]. Bimanual manipulation is
technique has shown to result in a greater mandibular displacement considered as an accurate and reliable method for placing condyle in
from the intercuspal position than with a CR record alone. It turns glenoid fossa in CR position by many researchers [15,18,19]. Further,
the rigid muscles of a ‘clencher’ to butter [33-35]. some studies observed that this technique gave the most reproducible
In the study done by Millet C et al., swallowing technique was used and repeatable results [8,14,23]. The results of six studies reported
as a technique to record both vertical and horizontal jaw relation in this systematic review concluded that bimanual manipulation
and was compared to bimanual manipulation technique. It was technique was better than the other compared techniques.
noted that swallowing provides an occlusal zone and not merely a In this technique, the dental chair is reclined and the patient’s head
single position and hence cannot be used as a reference position in is cradled by the examiner. With the help of both thumbs on the chin
sagittal plane to record the CR position [28]. and the fingers resting firmly on the inferior border of the mandible,
In his study, McKee JR compared the position of condyles achieved downward pressure is exerted by the examiners thumb and upwards
by Dawson’s bimanual manipulation and masticatory muscle pressure on the fingers thereby manipulating the condyle-disk
contraction against an anterior deprogrammer with the help of assembly in their fully seated positions in the mandibular fossae,
condylar position indicating device. Condylar position achieved by after which the mandible is carefully hinged along the arc of terminal
both the techniques against an anterior deprogrammer was the hinge closure [37]. Dawson claims bilateral manipulation is the only
same, when there were no influences from occluding teeth [15]. appropriate method to position the mandible in CR. In one of his
Another study included in this systematic review compared inter- studies, it was established that more than 3000 dentists preferred
maxillary relationships with manual (chin point guidance), swallowing bilateral manipulation technique [38].
and bimanual methods by Alvarez MC et al., [23]. There was no This technique positions the mandible posteriorly while concurrently
significant difference found between chin point guidance and directing force supero-anteriorly on the condyles providing:
bimanual manipulation. However; there was a significant inference
• A swift corroboration of correctness of the position.
that, when used in combination with anterior jig or leaf gauge, all
methods guide the mandibular condyles to the CR position. Among • Alignment of condyle-disk assembly.
the three techniques evaluated, it was found that swallowing • Integrity of articular surfaces, all the while being quick and
technique was dependent on patient and could cause inaccurate straightforward.
position in presence of occlusal interference. Celar A et al., studied This goes on to show the pre eminence of this technique over
guided and unguided mandibular positions in asymptomatic the other jaw manipulation methods. Once the correct skills are
patients. Bimanual manipulation was compared to unguided jaw acquired, the CR position can typically be located and verified within
closure with reference to spatial relationship of condyle positions, a few seconds, all the while giving the operator excellent control
repeatability over time and operator influence. The Non Manipulated over jaw movement [37,38].
(NM) technique placed condyle about 0.6 mm (average) anterior
Chin point guidance is a passive method of recording CR described
and inferior to the position obtained by bimanual manipulation. The
by Ramfjord and Ashand, Ash and Ramfjord, and first reported in
differences in position were within tolerance of biological system.
literature by McCollum BB [39]. Previously, it was also called as “3
Proper exercise and guidance to the patient prior to recording the
Finger” method as the thumb, index finger and middle finger were all
centric position resulted in almost similar reproducibility in both the
placed on the chin and the mandible was pushed as far posterior as
techniques [16].
possible. The method was then modified with the thumb placed on
Kandasamy S et al., assessed condylar position by Magnetic
the middle of chin and the other two fingers supporting the mandible
Resonance Imaging (MRI) after common bite registrations; centric
inferiorly [14]. According to Keshavd A and Winstanley RB, Alvarez
occlusion, retruded CR and roth-power CR. The study failed to
MC et al., Watanabe Y, chin point guidance technique could be used
sustain the claim that certain bite registrations could accurately
for recording CR with almost similar accuracy as that of bimanual
position the condyles in specific position in glenoid fossa [12]. Kazanji
method [14,23,27].
M et al., at checking reproducibility of three different techniques:
bimanual manipulation, swallowing and chin point guidance. All the Swallowing is an active method of guiding the mandible to CR
three techniques gave acceptable results however; the bimanual [40]. Niswonger mentioned that during swallowing mandible travels
manipulation technique gave the most repeatable and reproducible from rest position to CR and back to the rest position [6]. Kurth LE
result [17]. used the swallowing reflex in determining CR [22]. Swallowing or
Sushma R et al., in a recent study compared bimanual manipulation free closure technique was advocated by Shanhan TEJ [41]. While
technique with a new copyrighted technique (wax ball orientation some authors advocate the swallowing technique for recording
technique). The technique involved a modification of the record CR, few others state that CR differs from a swallowing position
base wherein three orientation wax balls were fabricated on the [6,41-43]. Numerous studies conclude that while swallowing the
record base; one behind the incisive papilla, the second one in line mandible never moves back to the terminal hinge position but
with the premolar region and the last one at the posterior border remain slightly anterior to it [23,31,44,45]. Conversely, a minority
of the record base near the posterior palatal seal region in line with of studies question the applicability of the swallowing technique
the second molars. Patients were trained initially and once they for guiding the mandible to CR principally because of the various
were comfortable with the technique, were asked to touch the tip of results it produces [3,23,28].
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jul, Vol-15(7): ZE01-ZE07 5
Sushma Ramaswamy et al., Techniques to Guide the Mandible to Centric Relation
Gothic arch technique: Gothic arch technique was used in two of the best method to guide the mandible to CR. This review addresses
the studies done by Keshavd A and Winstanley RB and Watanabe that question using the PICO format. The data extraction was
Y [14,27]. Arrow point tracing or needle-point tracing or gothic arch charted out clearly and performed independently by two authors
tracing is an active method of guiding mandible to CR and was first and any discrepancy found was resolved by consulting the third
introduced and popularised by Gysi [6]. Gysi developed this method author. Though the general consensus seems to direct the choice
as an extraoral tracing technique which was later modified by Gerber of technique on numerous factors such as clinician’s judgement,
et al., to an intraoral technique both having their own advantages and expertise, experience and patient related factors, this review points
disadvantages. In this technique, the CR registration was not considered at one particular evidence-based technique being far more superior
correct until the apex of the tracing was sharp and thin [40]. to others considering the repeatability, reliability and outcome.
Power centric bite registration by Roth RH otherwise known as the
Roth power technique is “a two-piece wax registration method”. It Limitation(s)
is understood to place the condyle in the optimal anterior superior Firstly, the time frame selected for this systematic review was
CR position. In this technique patient’s own musculature is utilised pretty long i.e. 20 years while only 9 articles could be selected
to guide the mandible into CR when resistance is applied in the for the review after the application of all the required criteria.The
anterior region [46]. It is recorded with a 2- piece wax registration other limitation of the study was that a meta-analysis could not be
consisting of anterior and posterior sections. The anterior section conducted because of variations in the study population, sample
is first constructed at a vertical vis-à-vis the posterior teeth, at least size, study settings. Also, the number of patients allocated in each
2 mm apart. This piece of wax is frozen and allowed to harden. study was less for application on a large population. Hence, there is
a scope to study the different technique to prove the superiority on
The wax is then placed back into the mouth after which a softened
a large population.
posterior section is positioned, and the patient is instructed to bite.
The mandibular anterior teeth are guided into the toughened anterior
section of wax without a slide in the indentations. As the patient CONCLUSION(S)
closes onto the hardened anterior section, he or she is instructed to The primary outcome of this systematic review is that Dawson’s
“close firmly and clutch.” When the posterior section which is chilled bimanual manipulation technique is better than other techniques
with air hardens sufficiently to prevent distortion, both wax sections especially when carried out in supine position. Irrespective of the
are then removed and chilled [47]. technique used to guide the mandible to CR, clinicians should prefer
supine position over an upright position. Muscle deprogramming
Active vs Passive techniques [Table/Fig-5]: According to some with anterior jig or leaf gauge before guiding the mandible to CR gives
researchers, active (unguided) method of guiding mandible to CR superior results. At the bleeding edge of technology, the science
is superior to passive (guided) method. However; the supporters of dentistry is being shaped and reshaped at a break neck speed
of passive method agree that pressure for guiding the mandible and Prosthodontics is no exception. Innovations in diagnostics,
should not be heavy as it causes discomfort to the patients resulting advances in material sciences, and sophistication in biomedical
in muscular activity for self-protection leading to protrusion of lower engineering has ushered in a new dawn in the field of dentistry.
jaw [6,20,21]. On the contrary, the articles reviewed in this systematic The nascent stages of some of these advancements also bring in
review observed that the most repeatable technique to record CR is the burden of elevated costs for both clinicians and patients. Some
bimanual manipulation which is a passive method. developments stay prohibitively expensive for a long time for them
to be accepted as a part of main stream treatment methodology,
especially so in the developing and under developed countries.
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1. Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
2. Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
3. Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
4. Professor, Department of Physiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, KIMSDU, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
5. Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, New Horizon Dental College and Research Institute, Bilaspur, Madhya Pradesh, India.
6. Postgraduate Student, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Karad, Maharashtra, India.
Anand Joshi, • Plagiarism X-checker: Apr 09, 2021
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Author declaration:
• Financial or Other Competing Interests: None Date of Submission: Apr 07, 2021
• Was Ethics Committee Approval obtained for this study? NA Date of Peer Review: May 04, 2021
• Was informed consent obtained from the subjects involved in the study? NA Date of Acceptance: May 27, 2021
• For any images presented appropriate consent has been obtained from the subjects. NA Date of Publishing: Jul 01, 2021